
French adverbs, like their English counterparts, are used to modify adjectives, other adverbs, and verbs or clauses. They are not inflected - That means that they don't change their spelling according to gender or quantity.


In French, as in English, most adverbs are derived from adjectives. In most cases, this is done by adding the suffix -ment to the adjective's feminine singular form. For example, the feminine singular form of lent ("slow") is lente, so the corresponding adverb is lentement ("slowly"); similarly, heureuxheureusement ("happy" → "happily").

As in English, however, the adjective stem is sometimes modified:

  • If the adjective ends in an i, then -ment is added to the masculine singular (default) form, rather than to the feminine singular form:

    • vraivraiment ("real" → "really")

    • poli → poliment ("polite" → "politely")

  • If the adjective ends in -ant or -ent, then the-nt is stripped and -mment is added:

    • constantconstamment ("constant" → "constantly")

    • récentrécemment ("recent" → "recently") (-emment and -amment have the same pronunciation → /amã/)

  • Some adjectives make other changes:

    • précisprécisément ("precise" → "precisely")

    • gentilgentiment ("nice" → "nicely")

Some adverbs are derived from adjectives in completely irregular fashions, not even using the suffix -ment:

  • bonbien ("good" → "well")

  • mauvaismal ("bad" → "badly")

  • meilleurmieux (the adjective "better" → the adverb "better")

  • traditionally, pirepis (the adjective "worse" → the adverb "worse")

  • more commonly, pirepire (the adjective "worse" → the adverb "worse")

And, as in English, many common adverbs are not derived from adjectives at all:

  • ainsi ("böylece" veya "bu şekilde")

  • vite("hızlıca")


Fransızca zarfların yerleşimi İngilizce zarfların yerleşimi ile hemen hemen aynıdır.

Bir sıfatı veya zarfı değiştiren bir zarf, o sıfat veya zarftan önce gelir:

  • complètement vrai ("tamamen gerçek")

  • pas possible ("mümkün değil")

  • trop bien cuit ("çok iyi pişmiş" veya "aşırı pişmiş")

Bir mastarı değiştiren bir zarf genellikle mastardan sonra gelir:

  • marcher lentement ("yavaşça yürümek")

But negative adverbs, such as pas ("not"), plus ("not any more"), and jamais, come before the infinitive:

  • ne pas marcher ("not to walk")

Bir ana fiili ya da yan cümleyi değiştiren zarf ya fiilden sonra ya da yan cümleden önce gelir:

  • Lentement il commença à marcher or Il commença lentement à marcher ("Yavaşça yürümeye başladı" veya "Yürümeye başladı yavaşça ")