Aiuto sulla Comunità

Centro di Aiuto

Come possiamo aiutarti?

Come faccio a pubblicare sul forum?

The LingQ forum is a great place to ask questions, get lesson ideas and meet friends.

To post on the forum first click "All Forums" to see where your question or comment fits best. After clicking on the forum you will post on, click the "New Thread" button in the top left. Here you can add a title and type your comment. The Forum is very active, so you can expect a response from another member or a member of the LingQ team.

Remember to be respectful of other members when posting in any forum on LingQ.

Come funziona lo Scambio?

The Exchange page is where you can submit writing to be checked by a LingQ member.

Click the "+Submit Writing" button at the top of the page to get started. Next select the language you will write in, add a title and start typing. There is a 200 word limit. When you are done you can click "Check Spelling" and correct any errors. If everything looks good, click "Submit" and your writing will be posted on the Exchange where LingQ members can correct it for you. You can then import the corrected text as a lesson.

To correct a member's writing simply click the "Correct Writing" button and type your corrections. Try to make the finished writing sound natural. It should read as if a native speaker could have written it.

Cosa posso vedere nel Mio Profilo?

Clicking the My Profile tab on the Community page to see your learning statistics. You can see metrics on all progress on LingQ: how many known words you know, the hours of listening and reading you have done, the lessons you have completed and lots more.

You can change the language, learning metric and time frame by clicking the dropdowns under the My Profile text.

Cosa significa l'icona della mela?
The Activity Apple measures your activity on the site in the last 30 days. Your apple changes colour the more you do on LingQ. You can see how many LingQs you need to make to meet your daily LingQs goal in the big apple in your My Profile tab.

Perché il mio punteggio delle attività sta diminuendo?

Il tuo Punteggio Attività misura la tua attività negli ultimi 30 giorni. Tutte le attività precedenti non vengono più calcolate.

Come stabilisco i miei obiettivi e i miei traguardi?
I tuoi obiettivi sono fissati automaticamente dal sistema, in base al tuo totale di parole conosciute. Con l'aumentare delle parole che conosci, il tuo livello salirà e i tuoi obiettivi cambieranno di conseguenza.
Posso registrare le mie attività di apprendimento esterne a LingQ?
Tutte le tue attività su LingQ sono registrate automaticamente ma puoi immettere manualmente altre attività. Per farlo, vai al Riassunto dei Progressi presente sul tuo profilo e clicca sul simbolo "+" accando all'attività che vuoi registrare. Queste statistiche saranno aggiunte ai tuoi totali. Per sottrarre dai totali, puoi inserire numeri negativi.
Come faccio a trovare amici da seguire?

There are a number of reasons to Follow someone on LingQ. You might follow members studying the same language as you to compare progress, or members who study or create interesting lessons for example.

Following a member is easy. Just click their username and you will be take to their profile. There you will see a "Follow" button next to the member’s username. One click and you are following.

You can also find members to follow if you know their username. Simply enter the username in the "Search Users" text field in the top right of the Forum tab, enter the username and click “Follow” when you get to their profile.

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