Aiuto sulle lezioni

Centro di Aiuto

Come possiamo aiutarti?

Come faccio ad ascoltare e scaricare audio?

Listen by clicking play in the top left of the page, above the menu icon. The button next to the play/pause button rewinds five seconds, the 0.5x button plays the audio at half speed and the last button plays the audio continuously. To download the audio, click the download icon attached to the left of the play icon.

Cosa sono le Parole Conosciute?

Known Words are words you have learned. There are three ways to make words known on LingQ.

  1. Click the I know this word button on the blue pane which shows when you click on a blue word.
  2. Cambia lo stato di una parola sul pannello giallo in 4 (Imparata - Rivedi in 30 giorni) o ✔ (Conosciuta - Rivedi mai). Fallo quando leggi un articolo e trova le parole che conosci in giallo o quando effettui una revisione usando le attività vocabolario.
  3. As you page your lessons all blue words remaining on each page become known. (Note: This function can be turned off in the lesson settings.)
Che cosa sono i LingQ?

A LingQ is a word you are learning. Creating LingQs is key to the LingQ system. The more LingQs you create, the more words you will learn and the quicker you will progress in your target language.

When you open a lesson you will see all words that are new to you highlighted in blue. Your goal is to make those words white (you know them) or yellow (you are learning them). When you make the blue words yellow, you are turning them into LingQs and they will be yellow in all future lessons until you have learned them.

How do I make LingQs?

For every new word highlighted in blue you can see community translations that have been used most by other LingQ members. Choose one of these translations and the LingQ is saved.

If you’re not happy with any of the community translations, you can use one of the many online dictionaries to create your own. Simply click on a dictionary then copy and paste the translation into the translation field.

Come rendo "LingQ" una parola con più di un significato?

Start by adding the meaning that shows first and add the other meanings as you come across them. You can either edit your existing translation or click + to add a separate one.

Come registro i miei ascolti e le mie letture?

Listening and reading times are tracked automatically by the LingQ system. When you reduce your new words to zero for a lesson, you are credited with having read the lesson one time. When you have listened to the audio all the way through for a lesson, you are credited with having listened to the lesson one time.

You can manually change the times you have read and listened by clicking to view the menu panel inside a lesson.

Your words of reading and hours of listening will also be added to your overall statistics, which can be found on your profile page, and can also be manually adjusted there.

Esiste un'app LingQ per mobile?

Yes, you can find the iOS app here and the Android app here.

Come faccio a riottenere le parole blu?

Non puoi riottenere le parole blu, ma non preoccuparti, puoi aggiungere a LingQ o ignorare ogni termine precedentemente indicato come conosciuto. Seleziona una parola e verrà mostrato un popup blu. Ogni parola aggiunta come LingQ o ignorata verrà rimossa dalle Parole Conosciute e le statistiche verranno aggiornate di conseguenza. Le parole blu indicano le parole nuove in modo da identificarle facilmente. Ogni volta che vedi una parola blu puoi decidere se aggiungerla a LingQ, renderla conosciuta o ignorarla e proseguire.

I principianti possono usare LingQ?

Assolutamente! Assicurati di selezionare il livello corretto quando scegli un corso dal popup Nuovo Corso sulla pagina Impara. Abbiamo anche una raccolta di corsi guidati per i principianti in tutte le lingue supportate.

Can I learn more than one language at a time

Yes, you can. Choose as many languages as you like from the list next to your username in the top right corner of the site.

Come affrontate la grammatica su LingQ?

I nostri tutor identificheranno i problemi grammaticali che affronti nello scritto e nel parlato e ti spiegheranno, nelle relazioni che riceverai, tutti i concetti grammaticali rilevanti. Inoltre sei libero di porre al tuo tutor qualsiasi quesito grammaticale sia sul forum sia quando comunichi con lui.

While we do not stress grammar instruction here at LingQ, we recognize that people are curious about the structure of the language they are learning. One solution is to buy a small grammar book and read it from time to time. Try to avoid relying on grammar rules as some kind of filter that you have to pass all of your thoughts through before you can say anything.

Come trovare e gestire dizionari esterni nel Lettore?

The LingQ Reader is integrated with many third party dictionaries and resources. To find them click the All Dictionaries link on the blue or yellow panel when looking at a word. * Make sure to disable your popup blocker on the web for the dictionaries to open. On the mobile apps, these dictionaries are embedded.

Add dictionaries from the Available Resources. The dictionaries with the red x are the ones you have added to your Selected Resources. Change the dictionary language to see available resources for different languages and add as many as you like. Selected Resources appear in your blue panel when you click on a blue word. If you click the x beside any of your selected resources, they are returned to the “available” list below.

Come funzionano le monete? Cosa significano?

LingQ rewards you for learning and knowing words. When you create a LingQ or make a word known you earn coins. The number of coins you earn depends on the value of the word. The most common words are considered more valuable and are worth four coins. The less common a word is, the fewer coins you will earn. The number of coins each word is worth is shown on the blue and yellow widgets.

If you make a word known, you earn 5X its value. Creating a LingQ earns you 1X the word’s value. Increasing the status of a word earns you 1X coins per status increase until a word becomes known (✔). That means you can earn a maximum of 20 coins for the most valuable words and 5 coins for 1 coin words!

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