Centro di Aiuto

Come possiamo aiutarti?

Come posso pagare senza una carta di credito (Visa/MC)?
We do also accept payment through PayPal, which lets you pay directly from your bank account, or by debit card, check or credit card (MC, Visa, Amex, Diners).
Cos'è il limite di LingQs?
Every time you save a word or phrase you are creating a LingQ. Free accounts can only create 20 LingQs. Once you hit this limit you must upgrade your account in order to create more. Premium members may create an unlimited number of LingQs.
Per che cosa mi servono i punti?
I punti vengono utilizzati per i servizi di tutoraggio come correzione di testi e conversazioni in tempo reale e per acquistare lezioni premium. Puoi acquistare punti o ottenerli tramite tutoraggio, presentando amici e condividendo lezioni nella Libreria.
I punti scadono?
I punti LingQ scadono se non utilizzati per un periodo di un anno. Se sei attivo, ottieni punti, acquisti punti o spendi punti, i tuoi punti non scadranno.
Come posso sapere quando scadranno i miei punti?
You have 90 days from the day you receive points until they expire. If you spend all the points you received in the following 90 day period, you will not lose any points. To figure out how many points you have spent go to the Points page where you can find all your points related transactions. Look for a transaction where you received points. Add up your point expenditures since that point. If you have spent the same amount or more points since the day you received the points, you will not lose any points.
Come faccio ad aggiornare, declassare o cancellare il mio conto?
To upgrade or downgrade, go to the Account page and select your new membership level. Changes to your account after your initial upgrade will occur on your next billing date. To cancel, click on the "Cancel your account" link on the Account page. Cancelled accounts are immediately deleted from the system and will not be charged again.
Come guadagno punti invitando i miei amici?
Refer friends and follow your referrals on the Referrals page. You will receive 200 points each month for any of your referred friends who upgrade to Premium or Premium Plus. You continue to receive this monthly bonus for as long as your referred friend remains a Premium member.

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