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Healthcare Org 1, 4.06 (V) [FUN] Video - Topic 2. TechTime - Designing Conference Posters in Power

4.06 (V) [FUN] Video - Topic 2. TechTime - Designing Conference Posters in Power

Video unavailable

The video is a YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV6o5cuJM9A) produced by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM). The video provides an overview of design strategies for professional looking posters. It is long - you may want to view the whole video or only parts of it.

4.06 (V) [FUN] Video - Topic 2. TechTime - Designing Conference Posters in Power 4.06 (V) [EĞLENCE] Video - Konu 2. TechTime - Power'da Konferans Posterleri Tasarlama

Video unavailable

The video is a YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV6o5cuJM9A) produced by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM). The video provides an overview of design strategies for professional looking posters. It is long - you may want to view the whole video or only parts of it.