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William Nolan, Chapter three (1)

Chapter three (1)

Logan's Run "Your brother's dead but we're alive. And if we want to stay alive, we'll have to keep moving. " Logan got back to his room late, showered, and changed. He pressed "meal search," and dinner and a drink arrived. He sat with his drink and looked at his palm. It was changing from red to black, black to red... Last Day. Twenty-four hours to live.

He picked up the key. Doyle key. Did this key take a man to Sanctuary? Was there really a Sanctuary, a place where runners could escape death? If this is true, thought Logan, I must try to find it. I must destroy it. Then I can be proud of my life.

He walked to the communideck, put the key in, and turned it. The screen lit up and a girl's face looked at Logan. She was about sixteen, with dead eyes.

"Call back later," she said. "I'm going out. " "I'm calling now," answered Logan. "Have you got a name? " "Yes. " "Are you going to give it to me?" Her eyes began to show some interest.

"Sanctuary" Logan said the word. "Who gave you my key?" she asked.

"A friend. " "I'm going out. " "You said that. " "To a party. " "I can meet you there," said Logan. She studied him for a minute.

"Halstead, West End. Apartment 2582. I really shouldn't invite strangers. If you aren't strong enough, I'll be in trouble. " "I'm strong enough," Logan answered. She said one last thing before the screen went black. "I'm Lilith. I think you'll find me.." helpful. The party in 2582 was crazy when Logan arrived. A man in an orange suit answered the door. He was drunk.

"Come in! Enjoy! " Logan walked past him and looked around the crowded, smoke-filled room. No Lilith.

"Here. Have one of these." A tall dark-haired girl was standing in front of him, holding a large glass with something pink in it. " "No, thanks. " "You men are all the same. Afraid of anything new. " "Maybe you need a boy," Logan said. "Very funny. I'm fifteen. I'm a woman and I need a man. How old are you? " "Old enough," answered Logan. He kept his right hand closed. He could feel the heat of the flower in his palm.

"You're unhappy," she said. "I like that. Do you want to spend some time together? " "No. No, thanks." Her voice went cold. "Loser. " She turned and walked away.

Where was Lilith? The door opened and a fat man with a big smile came in. His arms were full of brightly colored clothes.

"The stuff's here! Time for fun, everybody!" he shouted.

"Did you think I wasn't coming?" Suddenly Lilith was standing in front of Logan, dressed in a tight silver dress and high boots.

"Let's talk," said Logan. "You know why I'm here. " The fat man ran toward them and pushed purple bodysuits into their arms.

"Get dressed and let's spy!" he shouted.

"We'll work together," said Lilith. Logan went into the changing room and took off his clothes. His gun was a problem. He couldn't wear it under the skintight bodysuit. He hid it at the back of the closet.

When he came out, Lilith was waiting for him with a large drink.

"Thanks. I need this," Logan said, and drank it quickly. The fat man gave everyone cameras.

"Happy spying!" he shouted.

Lilith and Logan climbed higher and higher inside the building. They looked down into the Glasshouses, filming the people in them. Logan had to be careful. Spying was illegal and he didn't want the police to stop him. The police never questioned a Sandman but he couldn't show the police his gun. He didn't want Lilith to know that he was a Sandman. "Here, hold my feet. I'm going down," she said. Logan held her feet. Lilith hung upside down outside a window, filming the lovers inside. She was a long way above the ground. Below her was only black emptiness. Did she really know anything about Sanctuary or did she just love danger?

When she finished filming, he pulled her up.

"Can't we talk now?" he asked.

"You're doing well," she laughed, and started climbing again. Logan followed until they got to the roof. "Jump!" Lilith shouted.

She jumped off the roof and down onto another building. Logan followed her.

"Here's a good one!" she said.

"You film this me. ' Logan filmed the people inside.

'Threat!' said Lilith.

"Now we talk!" said Logan.

"OK. What do you know about Sanctuary?" she asked.

"I know that I want to go there. " "Where did you get my key?" She watched him carefully.

"I... I..." Logan's mouth felt strange. He couldn't stop smiling. "Form the same place that all runners get theirs." Нe started laughing and couldn't stop. What was happening to him? He lifted off the ground. He was in Space... flying in Space..

"Answer the question." Lilith was close, speaking quietly into his ear.

Logan was singing a children's song. He was in Space, looking down at himself. He watched Lilith hit his face and pull his head back.

"The key! Where did you get the key? " Logan's neck hurt. He stood up. Lilith was holding onto him. The world was suddenly filled with orange light that hurt his eyes.

"Did you kill Doyle? " Lilith was still there, shouting now.

The orange light was warm. He wanted to sleep...

"Doyle 10. Cubs... Cubs killed him," he said quietly. He was lying on the roof of the building now. His body ached. Then he realized. A truth drug - in his drink!

"What now? " he asked her.

"Now you see Doc" she said. "Doc who?" he asked.

"You'll find him in Arcade. Look for The New You. That's his place. That was a great lift, eh?" She was smiling.

"Yes, a great lift. " A short time later, Logan left the walkway at Beverly station and moved through the crowds in Arcade.

Arcade was a crazy place, always busy, always filled with people. You could find everything there: sex, drugs, Re-Live stores. Strange sounds and smells were everywhere.

Logan walked slowly looking for Doc's. Then he saw the sign.





Logan went into the store. The waiting room was empty. A bored-looking girl was sitting behind a desk.

"You want Doc?' she asked, in a tired voice.

"I want Sanctuary," answered Logan. The girl took his hand, turned it over, and looked at his palm.

"Follow me," she said, sounding bored. "Follow me for the new you. " She took him to a large white room. In the middle of the room was a metal bed. Hanging above the bed was a huge machine. Table!

"There's not a better one between here and Alaska," said a hard voice. Logan turned and saw a sixteen-year-old boy in a long white doctor's coat. So this was Doc.

"You're a little nervous, aren't you?" Doc laughed.

"That's OK. Runners are nervous people. You've come to me early. That's smart. Usually people wait until the Sandman's chasing them. It's so difficult to do good work then. So, what do you want? New face? Body too? What do you think? " "Just the face," Logan answered. "Not much time, eh? Runners never have time. I won't ask your name. Don want to know. You've got the key. That's good enough for me. Ballard knows who to give the keys to. " Ballard! The world's oldest man. The man who - the stories said - started Sanctuary.

"Holly will get you ready," Doc said. "Don't worry about the Table. They call me Doc but I'm good with machines too - all kinds of machines. I can make anything out of anything. Believe me! " While Doc was talking, Holly started to take Logan's shirt off. His gun was inside his shirt.

"Do I have to take my clothes off?" he asked.

"No," the girl answered. "But empty your pockets. " She then took him to the metal bed. The heavy machine hung above it, with its knives, lights, and switches. Logan was terrified but he got on. Holly tied his hands and feet to the bed

"Ask him to give you dark hair," she said quietly into his ear. "I like it' "Anything special?' asked Doc. "I can give you almost anything. " "You decide. Just do it," Logan answered angrily. "Keep calm." Doc said. "You runners are always in a hurry. Always pushing me. But you won't go anywhere without Doc. Understand? You can't use the key until 9:30. We have time. Plenty of time for the new you! " He started pulling switches and the machine began to move down, nearer to Logan. An alarm suddenly sounded and the machine stopped.

"Did you empty your pockets? "He did," Holly answered. "Well, something - wrong," said Doc. Before Logan could speak, Doc pulled open his shut.

"A gun! We have a Sandman! Lock the door, Holly!" he shouted.

"You've seen my hand!" said Logan.

"I'm on Last Dap. How can I be a Sandman if I'm running? " "You have a gun," said Doc. "Only Sandmen have guns. "OK, but I'm not the first Sandman to run!" shouted Logan.

"Why should I believe you?" answered Doc. "You're going to get more than a new face! " He pulled a large red switch and the Table came to life. Sharp knives lowered from the machine. Logan tried to free his hands but he couldn't. One of the knives caught his knee. Another cut his right shoulder. Down it came again, cutting the tie around Logan's right hand. Logan reached for his gun, and Doc and the girl ran out of the room. Logan quickly freed his other hand and his feet and jumped off the Table. The machine was now attacking the metal bed, metal against metal, screaming.

Logan tried to plan his next move. He needed a second key from Doc to continue his run. He had to get him. He kicked open the door and ran through the dark building.

Something flew out of the shadows and hit his arm. He dropped his gun. His arm felt like ice. A popsickle! Doc was coming toward him now, holding the shining police ice stick. One hit on your chest froze your body in seconds Death.

Logan waited. When he could see Doc clearly, he kicked him in the stomach. Doc fell to his knees, screaming. Logan gave another strong kick to Doc's head. The boy fell silently to the ground.

Logan quickly searched the boy's pockets. No key. Then he heard a noise from the next room. He moved carefully to the door and opened it slowly. Holly was standing against the wall, holding a knife to her heart. She was terrified. Logan lifted his gun to shoot. She pushed the knife into her chest and the world ended for Holly 13.

"Doyle? Doyle? Is that you?" A drugged voice came from the darkness.

Logan walked farther into the room. A dark-haired young woman was getting up from a bed. Her eyes were sleepy.

"It's me - Jessica." Her fingers carefully felt her new face.

A runner, thought Logan. Her hand is changing color. But why does she think I'm Doyle? And did she get the -

"Key. Do you have the key?" he asked.

"Doyle... You don't look like my brother now. You don't even sound the same. They've changed us both. " So, she was Doyle's sister. "Listen," said Logan. "Do you have the next key? " She was completely awake now. He saw her take something silver out of her pocket. A key. Logan took it from her.

"Did Doc give you any information? Do you know what to do? " "Yes, he told us to use a tunnel under Arcade. I know where it is.

"All right. Let's go." He followed her to an elevator.

Chapter three (1) Kapitel drei (1) Capítulo tres (1) Trečias skyrius (1) Глава третья (1) Розділ третій (1) 第三章(1) 第三章(1)

Logan's Run "Your brother's dead but we're alive. And if we want to stay alive, we'll have to keep moving. " Logan got back to his room late, showered, and changed. He pressed "meal search," and dinner and a drink arrived. He sat with his drink and looked at his palm. It was changing from red to black, black to red... Last Day. Twenty-four hours to live.

He picked up the key. Doyle key. Did this key take a man to Sanctuary? Was there really a Sanctuary, a place where runners could escape death? Существует ли на самом деле Убежище, место, где бегуны могут избежать смерти? If this is true, thought Logan, I must try to find it. I must destroy it. Then I can be proud of my life.

He walked to the communideck, put the key in, and turned it. The screen lit up and a girl's face looked at Logan. She was about sixteen, with dead eyes.

"Call back later," she said. "I'm going out. " "I'm calling now," answered Logan. "Have you got a name? " "Yes. " "Are you going to give it to me?" Her eyes began to show some interest.

"Sanctuary" Logan said the word. "Who gave you my key?" she asked.

"A friend. " "I'm going out. " "You said that. " "To a party. " "I can meet you there," said Logan. She studied him for a minute.

"Halstead, West End. Apartment 2582. I really shouldn't invite strangers. Мне действительно не стоит приглашать незнакомцев. If you aren't strong enough, I'll be in trouble. " Если ты не достаточно силен, у меня будут проблемы. " "I'm strong enough," Logan answered. She said one last thing before the screen went black. Она сказала последнее слово, прежде чем экран стал черным. "I'm Lilith. I think you'll find me.." helpful. The party in 2582 was crazy when Logan arrived. A man in an orange suit answered the door. He was drunk.

"Come in! Enjoy! " Logan walked past him and looked around the crowded, smoke-filled room. No Lilith.

"Here. Have one of these." A tall dark-haired girl was standing in front of him, holding a large glass with something pink in it. " "No, thanks. " "You men are all the same. Afraid of anything new. " "Maybe you need a boy," Logan said. "Very funny. I'm fifteen. I'm a woman and I need a man. How old are you? " "Old enough," answered Logan. He kept his right hand closed. He could feel the heat of the flower in his palm.

"You're unhappy," she said. "I like that. Do you want to spend some time together? " "No. No, thanks." Her voice went cold. "Loser. " She turned and walked away.

Where was Lilith? The door opened and a fat man with a big smile came in. His arms were full of brightly colored clothes.

"The stuff's here! Time for fun, everybody!" he shouted.

"Did you think I wasn't coming?" Suddenly Lilith was standing in front of Logan, dressed in a tight silver dress and high boots.

"Let's talk," said Logan. "You know why I'm here. " The fat man ran toward them and pushed purple bodysuits into their arms.

"Get dressed and let's spy!" he shouted.

"We'll work together," said Lilith. Logan went into the changing room and took off his clothes. His gun was a problem. He couldn't wear it under the skintight bodysuit. Он не мог надеть его под облегающий комбинезон. He hid it at the back of the closet. Он спрятал его в глубине шкафа.

When he came out, Lilith was waiting for him with a large drink.

"Thanks. I need this," Logan said, and drank it quickly. The fat man gave everyone cameras.

"Happy spying!" he shouted.

Lilith and Logan climbed higher and higher inside the building. They looked down into the Glasshouses, filming the people in them. Logan had to be careful. Spying was illegal and he didn't want the police to stop him. The police never questioned a Sandman but he couldn't show the police his gun. He didn't want Lilith to know that he was a Sandman. "Here, hold my feet. "Держите меня за ноги. I'm going down," she said. Logan held her feet. Lilith hung upside down outside a window, filming the lovers inside. She was a long way above the ground. Она находилась далеко над землей. Below her was only black emptiness. Did she really know anything about Sanctuary or did she just love danger?

When she finished filming, he pulled her up.

"Can't we talk now?" he asked.

"You're doing well," she laughed, and started climbing again. Logan followed until they got to the roof. "Jump!" Lilith shouted.

She jumped off the roof and down onto another building. Logan followed her.

"Here's a good one!" she said.

"You film this me. ' Logan filmed the people inside.

'Threat!' said Lilith.

"Now we talk!" said Logan.

"OK. What do you know about Sanctuary?" she asked.

"I know that I want to go there. " "Where did you get my key?" She watched him carefully.

"I... I..." Logan's mouth felt strange. He couldn't stop smiling. "Form the same place that all runners get theirs." "Формируются там же, где и все бегуны". Нe started laughing and couldn't stop. What was happening to him? He lifted off the ground. He was in Space... flying in Space..

"Answer the question." Lilith was close, speaking quietly into his ear.

Logan was singing a children's song. He was in Space, looking down at himself. He watched Lilith hit his face and pull his head back. Он увидел, как Лилит ударила его по лицу и откинула голову назад.

"The key! Where did you get the key? " Logan's neck hurt. He stood up. Lilith was holding onto him. The world was suddenly filled with orange light that hurt his eyes. Мир внезапно наполнился оранжевым светом, от которого болели глаза.

"Did you kill Doyle? " Lilith was still there, shouting now.

The orange light was warm. He wanted to sleep...

"Doyle 10. Cubs... Cubs killed him," he said quietly. He was lying on the roof of the building now. His body ached. Then he realized. A truth drug - in his drink!

"What now? " he asked her.

"Now you see Doc" she said. "Doc who?" he asked.

"You'll find him in Arcade. Look for The New You. Ищите "Нового себя". That's his place. Это его место. That was a great lift, eh?" Это был отличный подъем, да?" She was smiling. Она улыбалась.

"Yes, a great lift. " A short time later, Logan left the walkway at Beverly station and moved through the crowds in Arcade.

Arcade was a crazy place, always busy, always filled with people. You could find everything there: sex, drugs, Re-Live stores. Strange sounds and smells were everywhere.

Logan walked slowly looking for Doc's. Then he saw the sign.





Logan went into the store. The waiting room was empty. A bored-looking girl was sitting behind a desk.

"You want Doc?' she asked, in a tired voice.

"I want Sanctuary," answered Logan. The girl took his hand, turned it over, and looked at his palm. Девушка взяла его руку, перевернула и посмотрела на ладонь.

"Follow me," she said, sounding bored. "Follow me for the new you. " She took him to a large white room. In the middle of the room was a metal bed. Hanging above the bed was a huge machine. Table!

"There's not a better one between here and Alaska," said a hard voice. "Лучшего между этим местом и Аляской не найти", - сказал жесткий голос. Logan turned and saw a sixteen-year-old boy in a long white doctor's coat. So this was Doc.

"You're a little nervous, aren't you?" Doc laughed.

"That's OK. Runners are nervous people. You've come to me early. That's smart. Usually people wait until the Sandman's chasing them. It's so difficult to do good work then. So, what do you want? New face? Body too? What do you think? " "Just the face," Logan answered. "Not much time, eh? Runners never have time. I won't ask your name. Don want to know. You've got the key. That's good enough for me. Ballard knows who to give the keys to. " Ballard! The world's oldest man. The man who - the stories said - started Sanctuary.

"Holly will get you ready," Doc said. "Don't worry about the Table. They call me Doc but I'm good with machines too - all kinds of machines. I can make anything out of anything. Believe me! " While Doc was talking, Holly started to take Logan's shirt off. His gun was inside his shirt.

"Do I have to take my clothes off?" "Мне нужно раздеться?" he asked.

"No," the girl answered. "But empty your pockets. " She then took him to the metal bed. The heavy machine hung above it, with its knives, lights, and switches. Logan was terrified but he got on. Holly tied his hands and feet to the bed

"Ask him to give you dark hair," she said quietly into his ear. "Попроси его дать тебе темные волосы", - тихо сказала она ему на ухо. "I like it' "Anything special?' asked Doc. "I can give you almost anything. " "You decide. Just do it," Logan answered angrily. "Keep calm." Doc said. "You runners are always in a hurry. Always pushing me. But you won't go anywhere without Doc. Understand? You can't use the key until 9:30. We have time. Plenty of time for the new you! " He started pulling switches and the machine began to move down, nearer to Logan. An alarm suddenly sounded and the machine stopped.

"Did you empty your pockets? "He did," Holly answered. "Well, something - wrong," said Doc. Before Logan could speak, Doc pulled open his shut.

"A gun! We have a Sandman! Lock the door, Holly!" he shouted.

"You've seen my hand!" said Logan.

"I'm on Last Dap. How can I be a Sandman if I'm running? " "You have a gun," said Doc. "Only Sandmen have guns. "OK, but I'm not the first Sandman to run!" shouted Logan.

"Why should I believe you?" answered Doc. "You're going to get more than a new face! " "Вы получите не только новое лицо! " He pulled a large red switch and the Table came to life. Он потянул за большой красный переключатель, и стол ожил. Sharp knives lowered from the machine. Logan tried to free his hands but he couldn't. One of the knives caught his knee. Another cut his right shoulder. Down it came again, cutting the tie around Logan's right hand. Logan reached for his gun, and Doc and the girl ran out of the room. Logan quickly freed his other hand and his feet and jumped off the Table. The machine was now attacking the metal bed, metal against metal, screaming.

Logan tried to plan his next move. Логан пытался спланировать свой следующий шаг. He needed a second key from Doc to continue his run. He had to get him. He kicked open the door and ran through the dark building.

Something flew out of the shadows and hit his arm. He dropped his gun. His arm felt like ice. A popsickle! Doc was coming toward him now, holding the shining police ice stick. One hit on your chest froze your body in seconds Death.

Logan waited. When he could see Doc clearly, he kicked him in the stomach. Doc fell to his knees, screaming. Logan gave another strong kick to Doc's head. The boy fell silently to the ground.

Logan quickly searched the boy's pockets. No key. Then he heard a noise from the next room. He moved carefully to the door and opened it slowly. Holly was standing against the wall, holding a knife to her heart. She was terrified. Logan lifted his gun to shoot. She pushed the knife into her chest and the world ended for Holly 13.

"Doyle? Doyle? Is that you?" A drugged voice came from the darkness.

Logan walked farther into the room. A dark-haired young woman was getting up from a bed. Her eyes were sleepy.

"It's me - Jessica." Her fingers carefully felt her new face.

A runner, thought Logan. Her hand is changing color. But why does she think I'm Doyle? And did she get the -

"Key. Do you have the key?" he asked.

"Doyle... You don't look like my brother now. You don't even sound the same. They've changed us both. " So, she was Doyle's sister. "Listen," said Logan. "Do you have the next key? " She was completely awake now. He saw her take something silver out of her pocket. A key. Logan took it from her.

"Did Doc give you any information? Do you know what to do? " "Yes, he told us to use a tunnel under Arcade. I know where it is.

"All right. Let's go." He followed her to an elevator.