Nanã (Moacir Santos), O ARRANJO #18 (English subtitles)
Nanã (Moacir Santos), O ARRANJO #18 (subtítulos en inglés)
Nanã (Moacir Santos), THE ARRANGEMENT #18 (English subtitles)
O Maestro Moarcir Santos foi professor de música de mais da metade dos músicos fundadores da Bossa Nova:
The|Maestro|Moarcir|Santos|was|teacher|of|music|of|more|than|half|of the|musicians|founding|of the|Bossa|Nova
Maestro Moacir Santos was the music teacher of more than half of the founding musicians of Bossa Nova:
João Donato, Carlos Lyra, Roberto Menescal, Oscar Castro Neves, Sérgio Mendes e Baden Powell
João Donato, Carlos Lyra, Roberto Menescal, Oscar Castro Neves, Sérgio Mendes, and Baden Powell
Baden resolveu gravar duas músicas do seu professor e perguntou ao mestre como se chamavam os temas,
Baden|decided|to record|two|songs|of|his|teacher|and|asked|to the|master|how|they|were called|the|themes
Baden decided to record two songs by his teacher and asked the master what the themes were called,
mas eles não tinham nome
but they didn't have names.
Muito ligado na música erudita, o maestro pensou nas composições clássicas
Very|into|in|music|classical|the|conductor|thought|in the|compositions|classical
Very connected to classical music, the conductor thought about the classical compositions
que se chamam Opus número tal, de tal compositor
that|themselves|are called|Opus|number|such|by|such|composer
that are called Opus number such and such, by such composer
"Mas quem sou eu pra fazer um Opus?
"But who am I to make an Opus?
3 não sei o que... Aí perguntaram o nome dessa: isso é uma coisa"
not|I know|what|that|Then|they asked|the|name|of this|this|is|a|thing
3 I don't know what... Then they asked the name of this: that's a thing"
Coisa é tudo que pode existir, e Moacir numerou dez delas
Thing|is|everything|that|can|exist|and|Moacir|numbered|ten|of them
Thing is everything that can exist, and Moacir numbered ten of them
e lançou num disco antológico em 1965, chamado de... Coisas
and|released|in an|album|anthology|in|called|of|Things
and released on an anthology album in 1965, called... Things
Segundo o pesquisador Zuza Homem de Mello, as "Coisas" que Moacir compôs eram muito vanguardistas para a época,
According to|the|researcher|Zuza|Homem|of|Mello|the|Things|that|Moacir|composed|were|very|avant-garde|for|the|time
According to researcher Zuza Homem de Mello, the "Things" that Moacir composed were very avant-garde for the time,
foram um tanto incompreendidas naquele momento
were|a|bit|misunderstood|in that|moment
they were somewhat misunderstood at that moment
Zuza dizia que na obra do maestro Moacir Santos, o primitivo encontra o futuro; O ontem, o amanhã
Zuza said that in the work of maestro Moacir Santos, the primitive meets the future; Yesterday, tomorrow
Eu sou Flávio Mendes, músico e arranjador, esse é O ARRANJO, seja bem-vindo
I am Flávio Mendes, musician and arranger, this is THE ARRANGEMENT, welcome
Se você está gostando de assistir aos episódios, pense na possibilidade de apoiar a série O ARRANJO
If|you|is|enjoying|of|watching|the|episodes|think|about the|possibility|of|supporting|the|series|The|ARRANGEMENT
If you are enjoying watching the episodes, consider the possibility of supporting the series THE ARRANGEMENT
e, assim, colaborar pra eu manter o programa. A partir de apenas 10 reais!
and|thus|to collaborate|para (to)|I|maintain|the|program|From|starting|from|only|reais
and thus help me keep the program going. Starting from just 10 reais!
A coisa mais famosa é a número 5, conhecida como Nanã, que vem a ser Nanã Buruku,
The most famous one is number 5, known as Nanã, who is Nanã Buruku,
a orixá das águas paradas e considerada o orixá mais antigo do mundo
the|orisha|of the|waters|stagnant|and|considered|the|orisha|most|ancient|of the|world
the orisha of still waters and considered the oldest orisha in the world.
Moacir conta que teve a ideia da composição olhando as águas paradas do lago do Parque Guinle,
Moacir|tells|that|had|the|idea|of the|composition|looking|the|waters|stagnant|of the|lake|of the|Park|Guinle
Moacir says that he got the idea for the composition while looking at the still waters of the lake in Parque Guinle,
em Laranjeiras, Rio de Janeiro, onde morava Vinícius de Moraes
in Laranjeiras, Rio de Janeiro, where Vinícius de Moraes lived.
Aproveitou a composição quando foi convidado para fazer a trilha do filme Ganga Zumba,
Took advantage of|the|score|when|was|invited|to|do|the|soundtrack|of|movie|Ganga|Zumba
He took advantage of the composition when he was invited to create the soundtrack for the film Ganga Zumba,
de Cacá Diegues, em 1963
by Cacá Diegues, in 1963.
Era a música da abertura do filme, cantada em vocalise por Nara Leão
It was|the|song|of|opening|of|movie|sung|in|vocalise|by|Nara|Leão
It was the opening song of the film, sung in vocalise by Nara Leão.
A música era muito original
The music was very original
e foi logo incorporada ao repertório de uma novidade que estava nascendo nas boates de Copacabana,
and|was|soon|incorporated|to the|repertoire|of|a|novelty|that|was|being born|in the|nightclubs|of|Copacabana
and was soon incorporated into the repertoire of a novelty that was emerging in the clubs of Copacabana,
especialmente no Beco das Garrafas: O samba Jazz
especially in the Beco das Garrafas: The samba Jazz
Um dos expoentes desse novo grupo era um pianista de Niterói, Sergio Mendes,
One|of|exponents|of this|new|group|was|a|pianist|from|Niterói|Sergio|Mendes
One of the exponents of this new group was a pianist from Niterói, Sergio Mendes,
que dentre as suas muitas qualidades estava a de só chamar grandes músicos pra tocar ao seu lado
that|among|his||many|qualities|was|the|of|only|to call|great|musicians|to|play|at|his|side
who among his many qualities had the ability to only call great musicians to play by his side
Logo depois de voltar do famoso concerto da Bossa Nova no Carnegie Hall, no fim de 1962,
Shortly after returning from the famous Bossa Nova concert at Carnegie Hall at the end of 1962,
Sergio forma um sexteto que pode ser chamado de dream team dos músicos da época: o Bossa Rio
Sergio|forms|a|sextet|that|can|be|called|of|dream|team|of the|musicians|of the|time|the|Bossa|Rio
Sergio forms a sextet that can be called the dream team of musicians of the time: Bossa Rio.
Com eles, Sergio Mendes grava um disco antológico com um nome sui generis: Você ainda não ouviu nada!
With them, Sergio Mendes records an iconic album with a unique name: You Haven't Heard Anything Yet!
Nesse disco eles gravam Nanã, de Moacir Santos, com arranjo do próprio compositor,
In this|album|they|record|Nanã|by|Moacir|Santos|with|arrangement|of|the same|composer
In this album, they record Nanã, by Moacir Santos, with an arrangement by the composer himself,
e é essa gravação que eu vou analisar nesse vídeo
and|is|this|recording|that|I|will|analyze|in this|video
and it is this recording that I will analyze in this video.
Moacir Santos nasceu numa data incerta de 1926 na cidade de Bom Nome, no interior do estado de Pernambuco
Moacir|Santos|was born|on a|date|uncertain|in|in|city|of|Good|Name|in the|countryside|of|state|of|Pernambuco
Moacir Santos was born on an uncertain date in 1926 in the city of Bom Nome, in the interior of the state of Pernambuco.
na verdade até o ano de nascimento é incerto
In fact, even the year of birth is uncertain.
Era o caçula de cinco irmãos que ficaram órfãos de mãe quando Moacir aparentemente tinha 3 anos,
It was|the|youngest|of|five|siblings|who|became|orphans|of|mother|when|Moacir|apparently|was|years
He was the youngest of five siblings who became orphans of their mother when Moacir was apparently 3 years old,
e o pai já tinha abandonado a família logo que Moacir nasceu, para aderir a uma volante,
and|the|father|already|had|abandoned|the|family|soon|when|Moacir|was born|to|join|a|a|volante
and the father had already abandoned the family as soon as Moacir was born, to join a militia.
uma força policial que caçava o cangaceiro Lampião
a police force that hunted the bandit Lampião
Os irmãos foram separados e divididos entre famílias cidade de Flores do Pajeú
The brothers were separated and divided among families in the city of Flores do Pajeú
A família que criou Moacir deu acesso a boa formação escolar e musical, e com 10 anos, autodidata,
The family that raised Moacir provided access to a good education and musical training, and by the age of 10, self-taught,
já se aventurava na trompa, sax, clarineta, violão, banjo e bandolim
already|himself|ventured|on the|horn|saxophone|clarinet|acoustic guitar|banjo|and|mandolin
he was already experimenting with the horn, saxophone, clarinet, guitar, banjo, and mandolin
Mas Moacir era obrigado a diversas tarefas pesadas, como buscar água no rio,
But|Moacir|was|forced|to|various|tasks|heavy|like|to fetch|water|from the|river
But Moacir was forced to perform various heavy tasks, such as fetching water from the river,
trabalhar no roçado, tratar dos porcos da família e cortar lenha
work|in|field|take care of|of the|pigs|of the|family|and|cut|firewood
work in the fields, take care of the family pigs, and chop wood
Era ainda um resquício escravocrata, e aos 14 anos ele foge de casa
It was|still|a|remnant|slaveholding|and|at|years|he|escapes|from|home
It was still a remnant of slavery, and at 14 years old he ran away from home
Peregrinou pelo interior do nordeste, passou necessidades,
He wandered through the interior of the northeast, faced hardships,
encontrou mestres na música que lhe ensinaram muito, foram anos intensos
found|masters|in|music|who|to him|taught|a lot|were|years|intense
met masters in music who taught him a lot, it was an intense few years
Com presumíveis 18 anos entra no exército em João Pessoa, Paraíba, e se torna músico da banda marcial
With|presumed|years|he enters|the|army|in|João|Pessoa|Paraíba|and|he|becomes|musician|of the|band|martial
At approximately 18 years old, he joined the army in João Pessoa, Paraíba, and became a musician in the marching band
Logo que sai do serviço militar é convidado para ocupar o posto de saxofonista na Rádio Tabajara da Paraíba,
As soon as|he|leaves|from|military|service|is|invited|to|occupy|the|position|of|saxophonist|at|Radio|Tabajara|of|Paraíba
As soon as he leaves the military service, he is invited to take the position of saxophonist at Rádio Tabajara in Paraíba,
que tinha ficado vago porque Severino Araújo, futuro maestro da famosa Orquestra Tabajara do Rio de Janeiro,
that|had|remained|vacant|because|Severino|Araújo|future|conductor|of the|famous|Orchestra|Tabajara|of the|Rio|of|Janeiro
which had become vacant because Severino Araújo, the future conductor of the famous Orquestra Tabajara in Rio de Janeiro,
tinha se mudado pra então capital federal
had moved to what was then the federal capital.
Moacir, já casado com a sua companheira da vida inteira, Cleonice, faz o mesmo caminho no ano seguinte
Moacir|already|married|with|the|his|partner|of|life|whole|Cleonice|takes|the|same|path|in the|year|following
Moacir, already married to his lifelong partner, Cleonice, follows the same path the following year.
Com alguns contatos na política paraibana
With some contacts in Paraíba's politics.
é indicado para ser saxofonista da Rádio Nacional, então a principal rádio do Brasil
is|recommended|to|be|saxophonist|of the|Radio|National|so|the|main|radio|of|Brazil
he is recommended to be the saxophonist for Rádio Nacional, then the main radio station in Brazil
O diretor da rádio, um pouco incomodado pela indicação política,
The|director|of|radio|a|little|bothered|by the|political|political
The director of the radio, a bit annoyed by the political recommendation,
pergunta a um dos maestros da rádio, Chiquinho, como foi o teste do jovem pernambucano
asks|to|one|of the|conductors|of the|radio|Chiquinho|how|was|the|audition|of the|young|from Pernambuco
asks one of the conductors of the radio, Chiquinho, how the audition of the young man from Pernambuco went
Ele responde: "O teste foi pra nós.
He replies: "The audition was for us.
Colocamos algumas partituras e ele tocou tudo, ele colocou umas músicas pra nós e nós não tocamos"
We put|some|sheet music|and|he|played|everything|he|put|some|songs|for|us|and|we|not|played
We put some sheet music and he played everything, he played some songs for us and we didn't play"
Ele se tornou o único maestro e arranjador negro da Rádio Nacional
He|himself|became|the|only|conductor|and|arranger|black|of the|Radio|National
He became the only black conductor and arranger at Rádio Nacional.
Mas Moacir sabia que precisava estudar mais para chegar onde ele almejava,
But|Moacir|knew|that|needed|to study|more|to|reach|where|he|aspired
But Moacir knew he needed to study more to reach where he aspired,
e estudou com os melhores professores possíveis:
and he studied with the best possible teachers:
Guerra Peixe, Radamés Gnatalli, Cláudio Santoro e o alemão Hans-Joachim Koellreutter,
Guerra Peixe, Radamés Gnatalli, Cláudio Santoro, and the German Hans-Joachim Koellreutter,
o precursor do dodecafonismo no Brasil, que também tinha sido professor de Tom Jobim e Guerra Peixe
the|precursor|of|twelve-tone music|in|Brazil|who|also|had|been|teacher|of|Tom|Jobim|and|Guerra|Peixe
the precursor of dodecaphonism in Brazil, who had also been a teacher of Tom Jobim and Guerra Peixe.
Quando lançou o revolucionário LP Coisas, em 1965,
When he released the revolutionary LP Coisas in 1965,
surpreendentemente começou a ver o mercado de trabalho para ele ficar mais restrito
surprisingly|started|to|see|the|market|of|work|for|him|to become|more|restricted
he surprisingly began to see the job market for him becoming more restricted.
Seguia dando aulas e fazendo trilha pra filmes,
He continued teaching and composing soundtracks for films,
e em 1967 foi convidado para o lançamento de um desses filmes na Califórnia
and|in|was|invited|to|the|premiere|of|one|of those|films|in the|California
and in 1967 he was invited to the premiere of one of those films in California.
ele foi e nunca mais voltou
He went and never came back.
Porque será que ele ficou nos Estados Unidos?
Why|will be|that|he|stayed|in the|States|United
Why did he stay in the United States?
"Foi não querer voltar ao Brasil.
It was|not|wanting|to return|to the|Brazil
"It was not wanting to return to Brazil.
A outra coisa foi que eu pensei que já havia feito quase tudo que eu tinha a explorar no Brasil,
The other thing was that I thought I had already done almost everything I had to explore in Brazil,
não foi, mas eu pensava, eu pensava que já havia feito tudo"
I hadn't, but I thought, I thought I had done everything"
Moacir ficou afastado do Brasil por muitos anos, vindo esporadicamente fazer shows em festivais de jazz
Moacir|stayed|away|from|Brazil|for|many|years|coming|sporadically|to do|shows|in|festivals|of|jazz
Moacir stayed away from Brazil for many years, coming sporadically to perform at jazz festivals.
O reencontro definitivo com o Brasil veio em 2000,
The definitive reunion with Brazil came in 2000,
quando os músicos Mario Adnet e Zé Nogueira gravaram o disco Ouro Negro, só com composições de Moacir Santos
when musicians Mario Adnet and Zé Nogueira recorded the album Ouro Negro, featuring only compositions by Moacir Santos.
Mario Adnet me contou que a ida de Moacir para os Estados Unidos foi um movimento natural
Mario Adnet told me that Moacir's move to the United States was a natural progression
de um artista que estava sempre buscando se aprofundar, ir adiante, não se deixar estagnar
of|an|artist|who|was|always|seeking|himself|to deepen|to go|forward|not|himself|to let|stagnate
for an artist who was always seeking to deepen his knowledge, move forward, and not let himself stagnate.
"Como ele sempre foi muito nômade, desde criança, com 13 anos, sei lá, ele fugiu de casa
As|he|always|was|very|nomadic|since|childhood|at|years|I don't|know|he|ran away|from|home
"Since he was always very nomadic, from a young age, at 13 years old, I don't know, he ran away from home.
e era sempre abraçado por um maestro de bandas de cidadezinhas,
and|was|always|embraced|by|a|conductor|of|bands|of|small towns
and was always embraced by a band conductor from small towns,
toda cidadezinha tinha uma banda com um maestro
every|small town|had|a|band|with|a|conductor
every small town had a band with a conductor
Esse maestro geralmente arrumava um emprego pra ele num comércio, que nunca dava certo
This|conductor|usually|arranged|a|job|for him|he|in a|business|that|never|worked|out
This conductor usually found him a job in a store, which never worked out
E começa a trocar de cidade porque não dá certo os empregos, o aprendizado,
And he starts moving from town to town because the jobs, the learning, don't work out,
ele quer ir mais longe, pra ele se esgotou e então ele vai pra outro lugar, e assim ele foi.
he|wants|to go|further|away|for|he|himself|exhausted|and|then|he|goes|to|another|place|and|thus|he|went
he wants to go further, for him it has run its course and so he goes to another place, and that's how he went.
E não foi diferente quando ele veio pro Rio, de João Pessoa,
And|not|was|different|when|he|came|para o (to the)|Rio de Janeiro|from|João|Pessoa
And it was no different when he came to Rio from João Pessoa,
ele vem de João Pessoa porque João Pessoa se esgotou, não dá, não tem mais pra onde ir.
he|comes|from|João|Pessoa|because|||reflexive pronoun|exhausted|not|gives|not|has|more|para (to)|where|go
he comes from João Pessoa because João Pessoa has run out, there's nowhere else to go.
Então vem pro Rio, vira músico da orquestra, aí agora músico não, tem que ser maestro,
So he comes to Rio, becomes a musician in the orchestra, now not just a musician, he has to be a conductor,
tem que ir sempre um passo à frente"
he has to always be one step ahead.
A cantora Muiza Adnet participou do disco Ouro Negro e do show de lançamento do disco,
The singer Muiza Adnet participated in the album Ouro Negro and the launch show of the album,
no Teatro João Caetano, no centro do Rio de Janeiro, lotado
at the João Caetano Theater, in downtown Rio de Janeiro, packed
"Era um momento em que todos os artistas que participaram,
It was|a|moment|in|that|all|the|artists|that|participated
"It was a moment when all the artists who participated,
todos em pé no palco e eu cantando com Moacir Bodas de Prata Dourada
everyone|on|feet|in the|stage|and|I|singing|with|Moacir|Wedding|of|Silver|Golden
all standing on stage and I singing with Moacir Bodas de Prata Dourada
com aquele público de pé, também.
with that audience standing as well.
Eu achei que a recepção do público foi incrível.
I thought the audience's reception was incredible.
Ele tava numa alegria profunda, ele tava em êxtase, parecia que tinha completado o ciclo dele, sabe? "
He|was|in a|joy|deep|he|was|in|ecstasy|seemed|that|had|completed|the|cycle|his|you know
He was in a deep joy, he was in ecstasy, it seemed like he had completed his cycle, you know?
Muiza gravou um disco só com músicas de Moacir Santos, e com a participação dele
Muiza recorded an album only with songs by Moacir Santos, and with his participation.
Foi o último registro do maestro: depois das gravações ele voltou para a Califórnia e morreu dois meses depois
It was|the|last|recording|of|conductor|after|the|recordings|he|returned|to|the|California|and|died|two|months|later
It was the maestro's last recording: after the recordings, he returned to California and died two months later.
Não se sabe ao certo quando a melodia de Nanã foi composta,
It is not|reflexive pronoun|knows|for sure|certain|when|the|melody|of|Nanã|was|composed
It is not known exactly when the melody of Nanã was composed,
mas especula-se entre fins da década de 1950 e início da década de 60
but it is speculated between the late 1950s and early 60s
Sobre a canção ser inspirada na orixá Nanã Buruku, Mario Adnet comenta:
About|the|song|being|inspired|by the|orisha|Nanã|Buruku|Mario|Adnet|comments
About the song being inspired by the orixá Nanã Buruku, Mario Adnet comments:
"Toda essa coisa que atribuem a ele de África, de religião africana e tal,
"All this thing they attribute to him about Africa, about African religion and such,
ele não entendia, ele não sabia nada disso não, ele sabia pouco disso.
he|not|understood|he|not|knew|anything|of this|not|he|knew|little|of this
he didn't understand, he didn't know anything about it, he knew little about it.
Ele morou no Engenho Novo e morava do lado de um centro de candomblé.
He lived in Engenho Novo and lived next to a candomblé center.
E ele ouvia aqueles tambores toda hora.
And he heard those drums all the time.
Aquilo ali é que entrou nele, mais do que o conhecimento dos orixás e tudo mais"
That|there|is|that|entered|in him|more|of|than|the|knowledge|of the|orishas|and|everything|else
That right there is what got into him, more than the knowledge of the orixás and everything else.
O compasso em que Nanã foi gravada no disco Coisas, em 1965,
The|tempo|in|that|Nanã|was|recorded|in the|album|Coisas|in
The rhythm in which Nanã was recorded on the album Coisas, in 1965,
é diferente de todas as gravações anteriores da música, desde a gravação da Nara para o filme Ganga Zumba,
is different from all the previous recordings of the song, since Nara's recording for the film Ganga Zumba,
passando pela gravação de Wilson Simonal e do Bossa Rio, todas anteriores ao disco Coisas
passing|through|recording|of|Wilson|Simonal|and|of|Bossa|Rio|all|prior|to the|album|Coisas
through Wilson Simonal's recording and Bossa Rio, all prior to the album Coisas.
No disco Coisas a música está em 6 por 8
In the album Coisas, the song is in 6/8.
E nas outras versões está em 2 por 4, o compasso do samba
And|in the|other|versions|is|in|by|the|rhythm|of|samba
And in the other versions, it is in 2/4, the samba time signature.
Moacir escreveu no encarte do disco Ouro Negro que a gravação de Nanã no disco Coisas,
Moacir wrote in the booklet of the album Ouro Negro that the recording of Nanã in the album Coisas,
reproduzida no Ouro Negro, é do jeito com que ele compôs a música, como uma procissão negra
reproduced in Ouro Negro, is the way he composed the song, like a black procession.
"A propósito dessa Nanã, eu vi uma procissão, uma visão, de uma procissão de negros
The|purpose|of that|Nanã|I|saw|a|procession|a|vision|of|a|procession|of|black people
"Regarding this Nanã, I saw a procession, a vision, of a procession of black people.
Uma procissão de negros"
A|procession|of|black people
A procession of black people
O poeta Vinícius de Moraes estava compondo com Moacir nessa época e chegou a fazer uma letra para Nanã,
The|poet|Vinícius|of|Moraes|was|composing|with|Moacir|at that|time|and|managed|to|write|a|lyrics|for|Nanã
The poet Vinícius de Moraes was composing with Moacir at that time and even wrote lyrics for Nanã,
mas que foi rejeitada pro Moacir por sensualizar demais a orixá Nanã
but|that|was|rejected|by|Moacir|for|sensualizing|too much|the|orisha|Nanã
but it was rejected by Moacir for being too sensual towards the orixá Nanã
A parceria entre os dois acabou, mas não o respeito e a amizade,
The partnership between the two ended, but not the respect and friendship,
tanto que Vinícius incluiu o maestro na sua lista de homenageados na canção Samba da Benção
so much|that|Vinícius|included|the|conductor|in the|his|list|of|honorees|in the|song|Samba|of the|Blessing
so much so that Vinícius included the maestro in his list of honorees in the song Samba da Benção
"À benção maestro Moacir Santos, que não és um só, mas tantos,
To|blessing|maestro|Moacir|Santos|who|not|are|one|alone|but|so many
"To the blessing maestro Moacir Santos, who is not just one, but many,
tantos como o meu Brasil de todos os santos,
as many|as|my|my|Brazil|of|all|the|saints
many like my Brazil of all saints,
inclusive o meu São Sebastião, saravá!"
including|the|my|Saint|Sebastian|a greeting or blessing
including my Saint Sebastian, saravá!"
Quem acabou fazendo a letra foi o irmão da cantora Sylvia Telles, o músico Mario Telles,
Who|ended up|writing|the|lyrics|was|the|brother|of|singer|Sylvia|Telles|the|musician|Mario|Telles
The lyrics were ultimately written by the brother of singer Sylvia Telles, musician Mario Telles,
que fez a primeira gravação de Nanã, em 1962,
who made the first recording of Nanã in 1962,
dois anos antes da gravação do Bossa Rio e 3 anos antes da gravação do LP Coisas
two|years|before|of the|recording|of|Bossa|Rio|and|years|before|of|recording|of|LP|Things
two years before the recording of Bossa Rio and 3 years before the recording of the LP Coisas
O dream team formado pro Sérgio Mendes para o Bossa Rio era formado por:
The dream team formed by Sérgio Mendes for Bossa Rio consisted of:
Nos trombones, Edson Maciel e Raul de Souza. No sax tenor, Hector Costita.
On trombones, Edson Maciel and Raul de Souza. On tenor sax, Hector Costita.
No baixo, Tião Neto. Na bateria Edson Machado. E no piano, o próprio Sérgio Mendes.
On bass, Tião Neto. On drums, Edson Machado. And on piano, Sérgio Mendes himself.
Edson Maciel era o irmão de Edmundo Maciel, também trombonista.
Edson Maciel was the brother of Edmundo Maciel, also a trombonist.
Edson Maciel também era conhecido como Maciel Maluco, pra diferenciar do irmão, o Maciel Bom
Edson Maciel was also known as Maciel Maluco, to differentiate from his brother, Maciel Bom.
Raul de Souza tocava trombone de válvulas, ao contrário de Maciel, que tocava trombone de vara.
Raul de Souza played valve trombone, unlike Maciel, who played slide trombone.
Chegou a inventar um trombone, chamado de Souzafone, que tinha uma válvula a mais
He/She/It managed|to|invent|a|trombone|called|of|Souzafone|that|had|one|valve|an|more
He even invented a trombone, called Souzafone, which had one more valve.
Tião Neto era de Niterói, como Sergio Mendes.
Tião Neto was from Niterói, like Sergio Mendes.
Fundou o Bossa 3, com Luiz Carlos Vinhas e Edson Machado, e gravou o antológico Getz Gilberto em 64.
Founded|the|Bossa 3|with|Luiz|Carlos|Vinhas|and|Edson|Machado|and|recorded|the|legendary|Getz|Gilberto|in
He founded Bossa 3, with Luiz Carlos Vinhas and Edson Machado, and recorded the iconic Getz Gilberto in 64.
Edison Machado é considerado um dos inventores da batida de Bossa Nova na bateria.
Edison|Machado|is|considered|one|of the|inventors|of the|rhythm|of|Bossa|Nova|on the|drums
Edison Machado is considered one of the inventors of the Bossa Nova beat on the drums.
Gravou em 1963 o disco referência para todos os bateristas brasileiros, o "Edison Machado é Samba Novo"
He recorded in 1963 the reference album for all Brazilian drummers, "Edison Machado is Samba Novo".
Hector Costita é argentino e passou pelo Brasil em turnê em 1958 com o pianista Roberto Inglez
Hector Costita is Argentine and toured Brazil in 1958 with pianist Roberto Inglez.
e conheceu João Donato e o baixista Shu Viana, que deram uma canja no show do Inglez
and|met|John|Donato|and|the|bassist|Shu|Viana|who|gave|a|performance|at the|show|of|Inglez
and met João Donato and bassist Shu Viana, who performed a guest appearance at Inglez's show.
Eu falei com o grande Hector Costita sobre este momento
I spoke with the great Hector Costita about this moment.
"Quando terminamos a canja o contrabaixista Shu Viana devia começar em São Paulo a tocar com um trio
When|we finished|the|chicken soup|the|bassist|Shu|Viana|was supposed to|start|in|Saint|Paul|to|play|with|a|trio
"When we finished the soup, the bassist Shu Viana was supposed to start playing with a trio in São Paulo.
numa casa que seguramente você ouviu falar, que se chamava Baiúca, Baiúca Roosevelt.
in a|house|that|surely|you|heard|of|that|itself|was called|Baiúca|Baiúca|Roosevelt
In a place that you surely heard of, called Baiúca, Baiúca Roosevelt.
Ele deveria começar com um trio, e como ele se encantou comigo, falou:
He|should|start|with|a|trio|and|as|he|himself|became enchanted|with me|spoke
He was supposed to start with a trio, and since he was enchanted by me, he said:
você não ficaria no Brasil? E eu falei, porque não?"
you|not|would stay|in|Brazil|And|I|said|why|not
wouldn't you stay in Brazil? And I said, why not?"
Alguns anos depois Costita estava trabalhando numa boate do hotel Danúbio,
A few|years|later|Costita|was|working|in a|nightclub|of|hotel|Danube
A few years later, Costita was working in a nightclub at the Danúbio hotel,
na Brigadeiro Luiz Antônio, em São Paulo,
on Brigadeiro Luiz Antônio, in São Paulo,
quando no intervalo da apresentação da orquestra
when during the orchestra's performance break
vieram lhe chamar dizendo que tinham dois músicos que queriam falar com ele
they came|to him|call|saying|that|they had|two|musicians|who|wanted|to talk|with|him
they came to call him saying that there were two musicians who wanted to speak with him
Eram Sérgio Mendes e Raul de Souza
They were|Sérgio|Mendes|and|Raul|of|Souza
They were Sérgio Mendes and Raul de Souza.
"Eles me propuseram de fazer parte do Bossa Rio,
"They proposed that I be part of Bossa Rio,
e quando me nomearam os músicos que iriam fazer parte eu falei: isso vai dar coisa boa!"
and when they named the musicians who would be part of it, I said: this is going to be something good!"
No disco "Você ainda não ouviu nada!" o sexteto Bossa Rio alcança um equilíbrio muito interessante,
On the album "You Haven't Heard Anything Yet!" the sextet Bossa Rio achieves a very interesting balance,
entre uma música instrumental de mais fácil assimilação, mais popular,
between more easily assimilated instrumental music, more popular,
e o jazz mais improvisado, é sem dúvida um dos motivos do êxito, do sucesso do disco
and|the|jazz|more|improvised|is|without|doubt|one|of the|reasons|of the|success|of the|success|of the|album
and the more improvised jazz is undoubtedly one of the reasons for the success of the album.
Parece ser o caminho que conduziu Sergio Mendes ao estrelato, pouco anos depois:
Seems|to be|the|path|that|led|Sergio|Mendes|to the|stardom|few|years|later
It seems to be the path that led Sergio Mendes to stardom, a few years later:
uma música de alto nível, muito bem executada, com elementos do jazz,
a high-level song, very well executed, with elements of jazz,
mas que agradava também a o ouvinte que não se interessava tanto por longos solos jazzísticos
but|that|pleased|also|to|the|listener|who|not|himself|was interested|so much|in|long|solos|jazz
but which also pleased the listener who was not so interested in long jazz solos.
Segundo Costita, esse, digamos, jazz mais comportado,
According to|Costita|this|let's say|jazz|more|restrained
According to Costita, this, let's say, more restrained jazz,
criou atritos entre Sergio Mendes e o baterista Edison Machado
created friction between Sergio Mendes and the drummer Edison Machado
Machado era muito fã do baterista norte-americano Elvin Jones,
Machado was a big fan of the American drummer Elvin Jones,
que tocou muito tempo com John Coltrane
who|played|a lot|time|with||
who played for a long time with John Coltrane
"Ele queria tocar no Bossa Rio no estilo do Elvin Jones, então às vezes tinha uns atritos com o Sergio,
He|wanted|to play|in|Bossa|Rio|in|style|of|Elvin|Jones|so|sometimes|times|had|some|conflicts|with|the|Sergio
"He wanted to play in Bossa Rio in the style of Elvin Jones, so sometimes there were some frictions with Sergio,
porque o Sergio queria que fosse mais discreto, mais rítmico"
because Sergio wanted it to be more subtle, more rhythmic"
Costita comenta, também, que Edison Machado foi o primeiro baterista de bossa nova a tocar no prato de condução,
Costita also comments that Edison Machado was the first bossa nova drummer to play on the ride cymbal,
como fazem os bateristas de jazz, criando assim a bateria do samba jazz
as jazz drummers do, thus creating the samba jazz drum set.
"O Edison Machado foi o criador do Samba Jazz, porque antes dele tinha o Milton Banana,
The|Edison|Machado|was|the|creator|of|Samba|Jazz|because|before|him|there was|the|Milton|Banana
"Edison Machado was the creator of Samba Jazz, because before him there was Milton Banana,
mas o Milton tocava tudo fechadinho.
but Milton played everything tightly.
Aí veio o Edison Machado, e foi porque ele gostava muito do Elvin Jones,
Then came Edison Machado, and it was because he really liked Elvin Jones,
ele abriu o samba no prato, o prato aberto"
he|opened|the|samba|in the|plate||plate|open
he opened the samba on the plate, the plate open
O arranjo de Nanã começa com uma linha de baixo em uníssono com o piano, bem jazzístico
Nanã's arrangement begins with a bass line in unison with the piano, very jazzy
A bateria marca no contratempo e faz um levíssimo ritmo nos tambores
The|drums|marks|on|offbeat|and|creates|a|very light|rhythm|on the|drums
The drums mark on the offbeat and create a very light rhythm on the drums
O primeiro acorde dos sopros é em quartas,
The|first|chord|of the|woodwinds|is|in|fourths
The first chord of the brass is in fourths,
e seguem em linhas descendentes
and follows in descending lines
Um trombone começa a melodia com acompanhamento rítmico do outro trombone e do sax
A trombone starts the melody with rhythmic accompaniment from the other trombone and the saxophone.
E a bateria tocando no prato, aberto
And the drums are playing on the open cymbal.
Um trombone na melodia da parte B e os outros sopros fazem a cama harmônica
A|trombone|in|melody|of|part|B|and|the|other|brass instruments|create|the|harmonic bed|harmonic
One trombone plays the melody of part B and the other brass instruments create the harmonic bed.
No refrão a melodia está no sax
In the chorus, the melody is on the saxophone.
Quando repete, o sax sobe uma oitava e um trombone toca a oitava de baixo da melodia
When it repeats, the saxophone goes up an octave and one trombone plays the lower octave of the melody.
Dois compassos como na introdução
Two|measures|like|in the|introduction
Two measures like in the introduction
E o improviso do primeiro trombone
And the improvisation of the first trombone
O contrabaixo faz uma levada mais latina, não toca a levada do samba
The|double bass|has|a|groove|more|Latin|not|plays|the|groove|of|samba
The double bass has a more Latin groove, it doesn't play the samba groove
O segundo trombone também improvisa
The second trombone also improvises
Na parte B uma melodia nos sopros, com o sax tocando uma oitava acima dos trombones, e a bateria fechada
In|part|B|a|melody|in the|woodwinds|with|the|saxophone|playing|an|octave|above|of the|trombones|and|the|drums|closed
In part B, a melody in the brass, with the sax playing an octave above the trombones, and the drums tight
Agora a bateria vai tocar junto com os sopros a convenção rítmica,
Now the drums will play along with the horns the rhythmic convention,
a caixa da bateria tocando junto com os ataques dos sopros, como no jazz
the|snare drum|of|drum|playing|together|with|the|hits|of|brass|like|in|jazz
the snare drum playing along with the attacks of the horns, like in jazz
Cai a dinâmica, todos tocam suave
The dynamics drop, everyone plays softly
E o baixo sai da levada, faz umas frases, quase um solo
And the bass steps out of the groove, makes some phrases, almost a solo
E uma convenção para acabar, todos tocando forte
And a convention to finish, everyone playing loudly
Bom, esse foi o aranjo, se você gostou dá um like, se inscreve no canal,
Good|this|was|the|arrangement|if|you|liked|give|a|like|||to the|channel
Well, that was the arrangement, if you liked it give a like, subscribe to the channel,
e pense na possibilidade de ser um apoiador do programa a part ir de 10 reais,
and consider the possibility of being a supporter of the program starting from 10 reais,
no Muito obrigado, até uma próxima
at||||Thank you very|much|until|a|next
at Thank you very much, see you next time.
"Vocês me causaram uma grande satisfação, imensa mesmo.
"You have caused me great satisfaction, immense really.
Principalmente porque essa reportagem vai ser mostrada em todo o meu Brasil,
Especially because this report will be shown all over my Brazil,
e eu estou lá, meu coração está lá
and I am there, my heart is there
E quem estiver me vendo está me trazendo também as suas vibrações para Moacir Santos aqui nos Estados Unidos
And|whoever|is|me|seeing|is|me|bringing|also|the|your|vibrations|for|Moacir|Santos|here|in the|United|States
And whoever is watching me is also bringing their vibrations to Moacir Santos here in the United States
E eu acho que não tinha mais nada pra dizer, Deus abençoe a vocês todos, muito obrigado"
And|I|think|that|not|had|more|anything|to|say|God|bless|to|you|all|very|thank you
And I think there was nothing more to say, God bless you all, thank you very much"
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