Quand nous fûmes arrivés sur les frontières, j'écrivis à mon père.
when|we|we were|arrived|on|the|borders|I wrote|to|my|father
When we arrived at the borders, I wrote to my father.
Ma lettre fut respectueuse, mais il y avait un fond d'amertume.
my|letter|was|respectful|but|there|there|there was|a|background|of bitterness
My letter was respectful, but there was an undertone of bitterness.
Je lui savais mauvais gré d'avoir resserré mes liens en prétendant les rompre.
I|to him/her|I knew|bad|grievance|for having|tightened|my|ties|by|pretending|them|to break
I held it against him for having tightened my bonds while pretending to break them.
Je lui annonçais que je ne quitterais Ellénore que lorsque, convenablement fixée, elle n'aurait plus besoin de moi.
I|to her|I was announcing|that|I|not|I would leave|Ellénore|that|when|properly|settled|she|she would not have|anymore|need|of|me
I informed him that I would not leave Ellénore until, properly settled, she would no longer need me.
Je le suppliais de ne pas me forcer, en s'acharnant sur elle, à lui rester toujours attaché.
I|him|I was begging|to|not|not|me|to force|by|insisting|on|her|to|him|to stay|always|attached
I begged him not to force me, by insisting on her, to remain always attached to her.
J'attendis sa réponse pour prendre une détermination sur notre établissement.
I waited|his|response|to|to take|a|determination|on|our|establishment
I waited for his response to make a decision about our establishment.
« Vous avez vingt-quatre ans, me répondit-il : je n'exercerai pas contre vous une autorité qui touche à son terme, et dont je n'ai jamais fait usage ; je cacherai même, autant que je pourrai votre étrange démarche ; je répandrai le bruit que vous êtes parti par mes ordres et pour mes affaires.
you|you have|||years|to me|||I|I will not exercise|not|against|you|an|authority|which|it touches|to|its|term|and|of which|I|I have not|ever|made|use|I|I will hide|even|as much|as|I|I can|your|strange|step|I|I will spread|the|rumor|that|you|you are|left|by|my|orders|and|for|my|affairs
"You are twenty-four years old," he replied to me: "I will not exercise against you an authority that is coming to an end, and which I have never used; I will even hide, as much as I can, your strange action; I will spread the rumor that you left by my orders and for my business."
Je subviendrai libéralement à vos dépenses.
|позабочусь о||||
I|I will provide|generously|to|your|expenses
I will generously cover your expenses.
Vous sentirez vous-même bientôt que la vie que vous menez n'est pas celle qui vous convenait.
you|you will feel|you|||||||you|||||||suited
You will soon feel yourself that the life you are leading is not the one that suited you.
Votre naissance, vos talents, votre fortune, vous assignaient dans le monde une autre place que celle de compagnon d'une femme sans patrie et sans aveu.
|||||||определяли вам|||||||||||||||||признание
your|birth|your|talents|your|fortune|you|they assigned|in|the|world|a|another|place|than|that|of|companion|of a|woman|without|homeland|and|without|acknowledgment
Your birth, your talents, your fortune, assigned you a different place in the world than that of a companion of a woman without a homeland and without acknowledgment.
Votre lettre me prouve déjà que vous n'êtes pas content de vous.
your|letter|me|it proves|already|that|you|you are not|not|happy|with|you
Your letter already proves to me that you are not happy with yourself.
Songez que l'on ne gagne rien à prolonger une situation dont on rougit.
think|that|we|not|we gain|anything|to|prolong|a|situation|of which|we|we blush
Consider that nothing is gained by prolonging a situation that makes one blush.
Vous consumez inutilement les plus belles années de votre jeunesse, et cette perte est irréparable.
you|you consume|unnecessarily|the|more|beautiful|years|of|your|youth|and|this|loss|is|irreparable
You are wasting the most beautiful years of your youth unnecessarily, and that loss is irreparable.
La lettre de mon père me perça de mille coups de poignard.
the|letter|of|my|father|me|pierced|of|a thousand|blows|of|dagger
My father's letter pierced me with a thousand stabs.
Je m'étais dit cent fois ce qu'il me disait ; j'avais eu cent fois honte de ma vie s'écoulant dans l'obscurité et dans l'inaction.
I|I had told myself|said|a hundred|times|what|that he|to me|he was saying|I had|had|a hundred|times|shame|of|my|life|flowing|in|the darkness|and|in|the inaction
I had told myself a hundred times what he was saying to me; I had felt ashamed a hundred times of my life passing in darkness and inaction.
J'aurais mieux aimé des reproches, des menaces ; j'aurais mis quelque gloire à résister, et j'aurais senti la nécessité de rassembler mes forces pour défendre Ellénore des périls qui l'auraient assaillie.
I would have|better|liked|some|reproaches|some|threats|I would have|put|some|glory|to|resist|and|I would have|felt|the|necessity|to|gather|my|forces|to|defend|Ellénore|from|perils|that|they would have|assailed
I would have preferred reproaches, threats; I would have taken some pride in resisting, and I would have felt the need to gather my strength to defend Ellénore from the dangers that would have assailed her.
Mais il n'y avait point de périls : on me laissait parfaitement libre ; et cette liberté ne me servait qu'à porter plus impatiemment le joug que j'avais l'air de choisir.
but|it|there was not|there was|no|of|perils|they|me|they left|perfectly|free|and|this|freedom|not|me|it served|but to|to bear|more|impatiently|the|yoke|that|I had|the appearance|to|to choose
But there were no dangers: I was left perfectly free; and this freedom only served to make me bear the yoke I seemed to choose with more impatience.
Nous nous fixâmes à Cadan, petite ville de la Bohême.
we|us|we fixed|at|Cadan|small|town|of|the|Bohemia
We settled in Cadan, a small town in Bohemia.
Je me répétai que puisque j'avais pris la responsabilité du sort d'Ellénore, il ne fallait pas la faire souffrir.
I|myself|I repeated|that|since|I had|taken|the|responsibility|of the|fate|of Ellénore|it|not|it was necessary|not|her|to make|to suffer
I kept telling myself that since I had taken on the responsibility for Ellénore's fate, I should not make her suffer.
Je parvins à me contraindre ; je renfermai dans mon sein jusqu'aux moindres signes de mécontentement, et toutes les ressources de mon esprit furent employées à me créer une gaieté factice qui pût voiler ma profonde tristesse.
|добился|||сдерживать себя||||||||знаки||||||ресурсы|||||||||||||||||
I|I managed|to|myself|to constrain|I|I locked away|in|my|breast|until the|slightest|signs|of|discontent|and|all|the|resources|of|my|mind|they were|employed|to|to me|to create|a|gaiety|artificial|that|could|to veil|my|deep|sadness
I managed to constrain myself; I kept even the slightest signs of discontent hidden within me, and all the resources of my mind were employed to create a false cheerfulness that could mask my deep sadness.
Ce travail eut sur moi-même un effet inespéré.
this|work|it had|on|||a|effect|unexpected
This work had an unexpected effect on me.
Nous sommes des créatures tellement mobiles, que les sentiments que nous feignons, nous finissons par les éprouver.
we|we are|some|creatures|so|mobile|that|the|feelings|that|we|we feign|we|we end up|by|them|to experience
We are such mobile creatures that the feelings we pretend to have, we end up experiencing.
Les chagrins que je cachais, je les oubliais en partie.
the|sorrows|that|I|I was hiding|I|them|I was forgetting|in|part
The sorrows I hid, I partially forgot.
Mes plaisanteries perpétuelles dissipaient ma propre mélancolie ; et les assurances de tendresse dont j'entretenais Ellénore répandaient dans mon cœur une émotion douce qui ressemblait presque à l'amour.
my|jokes|perpetual|they dissipated|my|own|melancholy|and|the|assurances|of|tenderness|with which|I maintained|Ellénore||in|my||a|emotion|sweet|which|it resembled|almost|to|love
My perpetual jokes dispelled my own melancholy; and the assurances of tenderness that I offered Ellénore spread a sweet emotion in my heart that almost resembled love.
De temps en temps des souvenirs importuns venaient m'assiéger.
||||||неуместные||осаждать меня
from|time|in|time|some|memories|unwelcome|they came|to besiege me
From time to time, unwelcome memories would come to besiege me.
Je me livrais, quand j'étais seul, à des accès d'inquiétude ; je formais mille plans bizarres pour m'élancer tout à coup hors de la sphère dans laquelle j'étais déplacé.
I|myself|I was giving myself up|when|I was|alone|to|some|accesses|of anxiety|I|I was forming|a thousand|plans|bizarre|to|to launch myself|all|at|once|out of|of|the|sphere|in|which|I was|displaced
I would indulge, when I was alone, in fits of anxiety; I would come up with a thousand bizarre plans to suddenly launch myself out of the sphere in which I was displaced.
Mais je repoussais ces impressions comme de mauvais rêves, Ellénore paraissait heureuse ; pouvais-je troubler son bonheur ?
but|I|I was pushing away|those|impressions|like|of|bad|dreams|Ellénore|she seemed|happy|||to disturb|her|happiness
But I pushed these feelings away like bad dreams; Ellénore seemed happy; could I disturb her happiness?
Près de cinq mois se passèrent de la sorte.
near|of|five|months|they|they passed|in|the|such
Nearly five months passed in this way.
Un jour, je vis Ellénore agitée et cherchant à me taire une idée qui l'occupait.
a|day|I|I saw|Ellénore|agitated|and|searching|to|me|to silence|a|idea|that|
One day, I saw Ellénore agitated and trying to silence a thought that occupied her.
Après de longues sollicitations, elle me fit promettre que je ne combattrais point la résolution qu'elle avait prise, et m'avoua que M. de P*** lui avait écrit : son procès était gagné ; il se rappelait avec reconnaissance les services qu'elle lui avait rendus, et leur liaison de dix années.
after|of|long|solicitations|she|me|she made|to promise|that|I|not|I would fight|at all|the|resolution|that she|she had|taken|and|she confessed to me|that|Mr|of|P|to her|he had|written|his|trial|it was|won|he|he|he remembered|with|gratitude|the|services|that she|to him|she had|rendered|and|their|relationship|of|ten|years
After long solicitations, she made me promise that I would not oppose the decision she had made, and confessed to me that Mr. de P* had written to her: his case was won; he remembered with gratitude the services she had rendered him, and their ten-year relationship.
Il lui offrait la moitié de sa fortune, non pour se réunir avec elle, ce qui n'était plus possible, mais à condition qu'elle quitterait l'homme ingrat et perfide qui les avait séparés.
he|to her|he offered|the|half|of|his|fortune|not|to|to|reunite|with|her|which|who|it was not|anymore|possible|but|on|condition|that she|she would leave|the man|ungrateful|and|treacherous|who|them|he had|separated
He offered her half of his fortune, not to reunite with her, which was no longer possible, but on the condition that she would leave the ungrateful and treacherous man who had separated them.
J'ai répondu, me dit-elle, et vous devinez bien que j'ai refusé.
I have|answered|to me|||and|you|you guess|well|that|I have|refused
I replied, she told me, and you can guess that I refused.
Je ne le devinais que trop.
I|not|it|I guessed|that|too much
I could guess all too well.
J'étais touché, mais au désespoir du nouveau sacrifice que me faisait Ellénore.
I was|touched|but|at|despair|of the|new|sacrifice|that|me|she was making|Ellénore
I was touched, but in despair over the new sacrifice that Ellénore was making for me.
Je n'osais toutefois lui rien objecter : mes tentatives en ce sens avaient toujours été tellement infructueuses !
I|I did not dare|however|to him|nothing|to object|my|attempts|in|this|sense|they had|always|been|so|unsuccessful
However, I did not dare to object to her: my attempts in that direction had always been so fruitless!
Je m'éloignai pour réfléchir au parti que j'avais à prendre.
I|I distanced myself|to|think|on the|side|that|I had|to|take
I stepped back to think about the decision I had to make.
Il m'était clair que nos liens devaient se rompre.
it|it was to me|clear|that|our|links|they had to|themselves|to break
It was clear to me that our ties had to be severed.
Ils étaient douloureux pour moi, ils lui devenaient nuisibles ; j'étais le seul obstacle à ce qu'elle retrouvât un état convenable, et la considération qui, dans le monde, suit tôt ou tard l'opulence ; j'étais la seule barrière entre elle et ses enfants : je n'avais plus d'excuse à mes propres yeux.
||||||||вредные|||||||||||подобающий состоянию|||уважение|||||||||роскошь|||||||||||||||||
they|they were|painful|for|me|they|to her|they were becoming|harmful|I was|the|only|obstacle|to|that|she|she found|a|state|suitable|and|the|consideration|which|in|the|world|it follows|soon|or|late|the opulence|I was|the|only|barrier|between|her|and|her|children|I|I had not|more|excuse|to|my|own|eyes
They were painful for me, they were becoming harmful to her; I was the only obstacle to her regaining a suitable state, and the consideration that, in the world, follows wealth sooner or later; I was the only barrier between her and her children: I had no more excuses in my own eyes.
Lui céder dans cette circonstance n'était plus de la générosité, mais une coupable faiblesse.
him|to yield|in|this|circumstance|it was not|more|of|the|generosity|but|a|culpable|weakness
Yielding to her in this circumstance was no longer generosity, but a culpable weakness.
J'avais promis à mon père de redevenir libre aussitôt que je ne serais plus nécessaire à Ellénore.
I had|promised|to|my|father|to|to become again|free|as soon as|that|I|not|I would be|more|necessary|to|Ellénore
I had promised my father to become free again as soon as I was no longer needed by Ellénore.
Il était temps enfin d'entrer dans une carrière, de commencer une vie active, d'acquérir quelques titres à l'estime des hommes, de faire un noble usage de mes facultés.
it|it was|time|finally|to enter|in|a|career|to|to start|a|life|active|to acquire|some|titles|in|the esteem|of|men|to|to make|a|noble|use|of|my|faculties
It was finally time to enter a career, to start an active life, to acquire some titles in the esteem of men, to make noble use of my abilities.
Je retournai chez Ellénore, me croyant inébranlable dans le dessein de la forcer à ne pas rejeter les offres du comte de P*** et pour lui déclarer, s'il le fallait, que je n'avais plus d'amour pour elle.
I|I returned|to|Ellénore|myself|believing|unshakeable|in|the|intention|to|her|to force|to|not|to|to reject|the|offers|of|count|of|P|and|to|her|to declare|if it|it|it was necessary|that|I|I had|no more|of love|for|her
I returned to Ellénore, believing myself unshakeable in my intention to force her not to reject the offers of Count P* and to declare to her, if necessary, that I no longer had love for her.
Chère amie, lui dis-je, on lutte quelque temps contre sa destinée, mais on finit toujours par céder.
dear|friend|to her|||we|we struggle|some|time|against|her|destiny|but|we|we end|always|by|to yield
Dear friend, I said to her, one struggles for a while against one's destiny, but one always ends up yielding.
Les lois de la société sont plus fortes que les volontés des hommes ; les sentiments les plus impérieux se brisent contre la fatalité des circonstances.
the|laws|of|the|society|they are|more|strong|than|the|wills|of|men|the|feelings|the|most|imperious|they|they break|against|the|fatality|of|circumstances
The laws of society are stronger than the wills of men; the most imperious feelings break against the fatality of circumstances.
En vain l'on s'obstine à ne consulter que son cœur ; on est condamné tôt ou tard à écouter la raison.
in|vain|one|one insists|to|not|to consult|only|his||one|one is|condemned|soon|or|late|to|to listen|the|reason
In vain does one persist in consulting only one's heart; one is condemned sooner or later to listen to reason.
Je ne puis vous retenir plus longtemps dans une position également indigne de vous et de moi ; je ne le puis ni pour vous ni pour moi-même.
I|not|I can|you|to hold|more|long|in|a|position|equally|unworthy|of|you|and|of|me|I|not|it|I can|nor|for|you|nor|for||
I can no longer keep you in a position equally unworthy of you and of me; I cannot do it for you or for myself.
À mesure que je parlais sans regarder Ellénore, je sentais mes idées devenir plus vagues et ma résolution faiblir.
as|measure|that|I|I was speaking|without|to look at|Ellénore|I|I felt|my|ideas|to become|more|vague|and|my|resolution|to weaken
As I spoke without looking at Ellénore, I felt my thoughts becoming more vague and my resolve weakening.
Je voulus ressaisir mes forces, et je continuai d'une voix précipitée : Je serai toujours votre ami ; j'aurai toujours pour vous l'affection la plus profonde.
I|I wanted|to regain|my|strengths|and|I|I continued|in a|voice|hurried|I|I will be|always|your|friend|I will have|always|for|you|the affection|the|most|deep
I wanted to regain my strength, and I continued in a hurried voice: I will always be your friend; I will always have the deepest affection for you.
Les deux années de notre liaison ne s'effaceront pas de ma mémoire ; elles seront à jamais l'époque la plus belle de ma vie.
the|two|years|of|our|relationship|not|they will fade away|not|from|my|memory|they|they will be|at|forever|the time|the|most|beautiful|of|my|life
The two years of our relationship will not fade from my memory; they will forever be the most beautiful time of my life.
Mais l'amour, ce transport des sens, cette ivresse involontaire, cet oubli de tous les intérêts, de tous les devoirs, Ellénore, je ne l'ai plus.
but|love|this|transport|of|senses|this|intoxication|involuntary|this|forgetting|of|all|the|interests|of|all|the|duties|Ellénore|I|not|I have it|anymore
But love, that transport of the senses, that involuntary intoxication, that forgetfulness of all interests, of all duties, Ellénore, I no longer have it.
J'attendis longtemps sa réponse sans lever les yeux sur elle.
I waited|a long time|her|response|without|to raise|the|eyes|on|her
I waited a long time for her response without looking up at her.
Lorsque enfin je la regardai, elle était immobile ; elle contemplait tous les objets comme si elle n'en eût reconnu aucun, je pris sa main ; je la trouvai froide.
when|finally|I|her|I looked|she|she was|motionless|she|she was contemplating|all|the|objects|as|if|she|she had not|she had|recognized|any|I|I took|her|hand|I|I|I found|cold
When I finally looked at her, she was motionless; she was gazing at all the objects as if she recognized none of them, I took her hand; I found it cold.
Elle me repoussa.
she|me|she pushed away
She pushed me away.
Que me voulez-vous ?
What do you want from me?
me dit-elle ; ne suis-je pas seule, seule dans l'univers, seule sans un être qui m'entende ?
me|||not|||not|alone|alone|in|the universe|alone|without|a|being|who|hears me
she said to me; am I not alone, alone in the universe, alone without a being who hears me?
Qu'avez-vous encore à me dire ?
||still|to|me|to say
What else do you have to tell me?
ne m'avez-vous pas tout dit ?
not|you have me|you|not|all|said
Did you not tell me everything?
tout n'est-il pas fini, fini sans retour ?
all|it is not|it|not|finished|finished|without|return
Isn't everything over, over without return?
laissez-moi, quittez-moi ; n'est-ce pas là ce que vous désirez ?
|||||that||||what|you|you desire
Leave me, abandon me; isn't that what you desire?
Elle voulut s'éloigner, elle chancela ; j'essayai de la retenir, elle tomba sans connaissance à mes pieds ; je la relevai, je l'embrassai, je rappelai ses sens.
she|she wanted|to move away|she|she stumbled|I tried|to|her|to hold|she|she fell|without|consciousness|at|my|feet|I|her|I lifted|I|I kissed her|I|I brought back|her|senses
She wanted to move away, she staggered; I tried to hold her back, she fell unconscious at my feet; I lifted her up, I kissed her, I brought her senses back.
Ellénore, m'écriai-je, revenez à vous, revenez à moi ; je vous aime d'amour, de l'amour le plus tendre.
Ellénore||I|||you||||||I love|of love|of|the love|the|most|tender
Ellénore, I exclaimed, come back to yourself, come back to me; I love you with love, with the most tender love.
Je vous avais trompée pour que vous fussiez plus libre dans votre choix.
I|you|I had|deceived|for|that|you|you were|more|free|in|your|choice
I had deceived you so that you would be freer in your choice.
— Crédulités du cœur, vous êtes inexplicables !
credulities|of||you|you are|inexplicable
— Credulities of the heart, you are inexplicable!
Ces simples paroles, démenties par tant de paroles précédentes, rendirent Ellénore à la vie et à la confiance ; elle me les fit répéter plusieurs fois : elle semblait respirer avec avidité.
these|simple|words|denied|by|so many|of|words|previous|they made|Ellénore|to|the|life|and|to|the|trust|she|to me|them|she made|to repeat|several|times|she|she seemed|to breathe|with|eagerness
These simple words, contradicted by so many previous words, brought Ellénore back to life and to trust; she made me repeat them several times: she seemed to breathe with eagerness.
Elle me crut : elle s'enivra de son amour, qu'elle prenait pour le nôtre ; elle confirma sa réponse au comte de P***, et je me vis plus engagé que jamais.
she|me|she believed|she|she got drunk|on|her|love|which she|she took|for|the|ours|she|she confirmed|her|response|to the|count|of|P|and|I|me|I saw|more|engaged|than|ever
She believed me: she intoxicated herself with her love, which she took for ours; she confirmed her answer to Count P*, and I found myself more committed than ever.
Trois mois après, une nouvelle possibilité de changement s'annonça dans la situation d'Ellénore.
three|months|after|a|new|possibility|of|change|it was announced|in|the|situation|of Ellénore
Three months later, a new possibility of change appeared in Ellénore's situation.
Une de ces vicissitudes communes dans les républiques que des factions agitent rappela son père en Pologne, et le rétablit dans ses biens.
one|of|these|vicissitudes|common|in|the|republics|that|some|factions|they agitate|he recalled|his|father|in|Poland|and|him|he restored|in|his|propertys
One of those common vicissitudes in republics stirred by factions reminded him of his father in Poland, and restored him to his possessions.
Quoiqu'il ne connût qu'à peine sa fille, que sa mère avait emmenée en France à l'âge de trois ans, il désira la fixer auprès de lui.
although he|not|he knew|only|barely|his|daughter|that|her|mother|she had|taken|to|France|at|the age|of|three|years|he|he wished|her|to settle|with|him|
Although he barely knew his daughter, whom her mother had taken to France at the age of three, he wished to have her stay with him.
Le bruit des aventures d'Ellénore ne lui était parvenu que vaguement en Russie, où, pendant son exil, il avait toujours habité.
the|noise|of|adventures|of Ellénore|not|to him|it was|reached|only|vaguely|in|Russia|where|during|his|exile|he|he had|always|lived
The news of Ellénore's adventures had only reached him vaguely in Russia, where he had always lived during his exile.
Ellénore était son enfant unique : il avait peur de l'isolement, il voulait être soigné : il ne chercha qu'à découvrir la demeure de sa fille, et, dès qu'il l'eut apprise, il l'invita vivement à venir le rejoindre.
Ellénore|was|his|child|only|he|he had|fear|of|isolation|he|he wanted|to be|cared for|he|not|he sought|only to|discover|the|home|of|his|daughter|and|as soon as|that he|he had|learned|he|he invited|warmly|to|to come|him|to join
Ellénore was his only child: he feared isolation, he wanted to be cared for: he only sought to discover his daughter's residence, and as soon as he learned it, he warmly invited her to come join him.
Elle ne pouvait avoir d'attachement réel pour un père qu'elle ne se souvenait pas d'avoir vu.
she|not|she could|to have|attachment|real|for|a|father|that she|not|herself|she remembered|not|to have|seen
She could not have any real attachment to a father she did not remember having seen.
Elle sentait néanmoins qu'il était de son devoir d'obéir ; elle assurait de la sorte à ses enfants une grande fortune, et remontait elle-même au rang que lui avaient ravi ses malheurs et sa conduite ; mais elle me déclara positivement qu'elle n'irait en Pologne que si je l'accompagnais.
||тем не менее|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
she|she felt|nevertheless|that it|he was|of|her|duty|to obey|she|she ensured|of|the|way|to|her|children|a|great|fortune|and|she rose|she||||only|||||||||||||||||||if|I|I accompanied her
Nevertheless, she felt it was her duty to obey; in doing so, she ensured her children a great fortune and restored herself to the rank that misfortunes and her conduct had taken from her; but she told me outright that she would only go to Poland if I accompanied her.
Je ne suis plus, me dit-elle, dans l'âge où l'âme s'ouvre à des impressions nouvelles.
I|not|I am|more|to me|she says|her|in|the age|where|the soul|it opens|to|some|impressions|new
I am no longer, she told me, at the age when the soul opens to new impressions.
Mon père est un inconnu pour moi.
My father is a stranger to me.
Si je reste ici, d'autres l'entoureront avec empressement ; il en sera tout aussi heureux.
if|I|I stay|here|others|they will surround him|with|eagerness|he|it|he will be|just|as|happy
If I stay here, others will eagerly surround him; he will be just as happy.
Mes enfants auront la fortune de M. de P***.
my|children|they will have|the|fortune|of|Mr|of|P
My children will have the fortune of Mr. P*.
Je sais bien que je serai généralement blâmée, je passerai pour une fille ingrate et pour une mère peu sensible : mais j'ai trop souffert ; je ne suis plus assez jeune pour que l'opinion du monde ait une grande puissance sur moi.
I|I know|well|that|I|I will be|generally|blamed|I|I will be|for|a|girl|ungrateful|and|for|a|mother|little|sensitive|but|I have|too much|suffered|I|not|I am|anymore|enough|young|for|that|the opinion|of the|world|it has|a|great|power|on|me
I know well that I will generally be blamed, I will be seen as an ungrateful girl and a mother lacking sensitivity: but I have suffered too much; I am no longer young enough for the opinion of the world to have great power over me.
S'il y a dans ma résolution quelque chose de dur, c'est à vous, Adolphe, que vous devez vous en prendre.
if there is|there|there is|in|my|resolution|something|something|of|hard|it is|to|you|Adolphe|that|you|you must|you|it|to take
If there is something harsh in my resolution, it is to you, Adolphe, that you must take it.
Si je pouvais me faire illusion sur vous, je consentirais peut-être à une absence, dont l'amertume serait diminuée par la perspective d'une réunion douce et durable ; mais vous ne demanderiez pas mieux que de me supposer à deux cents lieues de vous, contente et tranquille, au sein de ma famille et de l'opulence.
if|I|I could|myself|to make|illusion|on|you|I|I would consent|||to|a|absence|whose|the bitterness|it would be|diminished|by|the|perspective|of a|reunion|sweet|and|lasting|but|you|not|you would ask|not|better|than|to|me|to suppose|at|two|hundred|leagues|from|you|happy|and|calm|in the|midst|of|my|family|and|of|the opulence
If I could delude myself about you, I might consent to an absence, the bitterness of which would be diminished by the prospect of a sweet and lasting reunion; but you would prefer to imagine me two hundred leagues away from you, content and at peace, in the midst of my family and wealth.
Vous m'écririez là-dessus des lettres raisonnables que je vois d'avance : elles déchireraient mon cœur ; je ne veux pas m'y exposer.
you|you would write to me|||some|letters|reasonable|that|I|I see|in advance|they|would tear|my||I|not|I want|not|to expose myself|to expose
You would write me reasonable letters about it that I can see in advance: they would tear my heart apart; I do not want to expose myself to that.
Je n'ai pas la consolation de me dire que, par le sacrifice de toute ma vie, je sois parvenue à vous inspirer le sentiment que je méritais ; mais enfin vous l'avez accepté ce sacrifice.
I|I have not|not|the|consolation|of|to me|to say|that|by|the|sacrifice|of|all|my|life|I|I may be|reached|to|you|to inspire|the|feeling|that|I|I deserved|but|finally|you|you have accepted|accepted|this|sacrifice
I do not have the consolation of telling myself that, by sacrificing my whole life, I have managed to inspire you with the feeling that I deserved; but finally, you accepted that sacrifice.
Je souffre déjà suffisamment par l'aridité de vos manières et la sécheresse de nos rapports ; je subis ces souffrances que vous m'infligez ; je ne veux pas en braver de volontaires.
|||||сухость||||||||||||||||вы мне причиняете||||||противостоять||
I|I suffer|already|sufficiently|by|the aridity|of|your|manners|and|the|dryness|of|our|relations|I|I endure|these|sufferings|that|you|you inflict on me|I|not|I want|not|in|to brave|of|voluntary
I already suffer enough from the aridity of your manners and the dryness of our relationship; I endure the suffering that you inflict on me; I do not want to brave any voluntary ones.
Il y avait dans la voix et dans le ton d'Ellénore je ne sais quoi d'âpre et de violent qui annonçait plutôt une détermination ferme qu'une émotion profonde ou touchante.
there|there|there was|in|the|voice|and|in|the|tone|of Ellénore|I|not|I know|what|of harsh|and|of|violent|which|it announced|rather|a|determination|firm|than a|emotion|deep|or|touching
There was in Ellénore's voice and tone something harsh and violent that announced rather a firm determination than a deep or touching emotion.
Depuis quelque temps elle s'irritait d'avance lorsqu'elle me demandait quelque chose, comme si je le lui avais déjà refusé.
since|some|time|she|she was getting irritated|in advance|when she|me|she was asking|something|thing|as|if|I|it|to her|I had|already|refused
For some time, she had been getting irritated in advance when she asked me for something, as if I had already refused it to her.
Elle disposait de mes actions, mais elle savait que mon jugement les démentait.
she|she had|of|my|shares|but|she|she knew|that|my|judgment|them|it contradicted
She had control over my actions, but she knew that my judgment contradicted them.
Elle aurait voulu pénétrer dans le sanctuaire intime de ma pensée, pour y briser une opposition sourde qui la révoltait contre moi.
she|she would have|wanted|to penetrate|in|the|sanctuary|intimate|of|my|thought|to|there|to break|a|opposition|deaf|which|her|it revolted|against|me
She would have liked to penetrate the intimate sanctuary of my thoughts, to break a dull opposition that revolted her against me.
Je lui parlai de ma situation, du vœu de mon père, de mon propre désir ; je priai, je m'emportai.
I|to him/her|I spoke|about|my|situation|of the|wish|of|my|father|of|my|own|desire|I|I prayed|I|I got carried away
I spoke to her about my situation, my father's wish, my own desire; I prayed, I lost my temper.
Ellénore fut inébranlable.
Ellénore was unyielding.
Je voulus réveiller sa générosité, comme si l'amour n'était pas de tous les sentiments le plus égoïste, et, par conséquent, lorsqu'il est blessé, le moins généreux.
I|I wanted|to awaken|his|generosity|as|if|love|it was not|not|of|all|the|feelings|the|most|selfish|and|therefore|consequently|when it|is|hurt|the|least|generous
I wanted to awaken her generosity, as if love were not the most selfish of all feelings, and therefore, when it is hurt, the least generous.
Je tâchai par un effort bizarre de l'attendrir sur le malheur que j'éprouvais en restant près d'elle ; je ne parvins qu'à l'exaspérer.
I|I tried|by|a|effort|bizarre|to|to soften her|on|the|misfortune|that|I felt|by|staying|near|her|I|not|I succeeded|but to|to exasperate her
I tried in a bizarre effort to move her about the misfortune I felt in staying close to her; I only succeeded in exasperating her.
Je lui promis d'aller la voir en Pologne ; mais elle ne vit dans mes promesses, sans épanchement et sans abandon, que l'impatience de la quitter.
||||||||||||||||déclaration émotionnelle||||||||
I|to her|I promised|to go|her|to see|in|Poland|but|she|not|she saw|in|my|promises|without|outpouring|and|without|abandonment|that|the impatience|to|her|to leave
I promised her I would go see her in Poland; but she saw in my promises, without outpouring and without abandonment, only the impatience to leave her.
La première année de notre séjour à Caden avait atteint son terme, sans que rien changeât dans notre situation.
the|first|year|of|our|stay|in|Caden|had|reached|its|term|without|that|nothing|it changed|in|our|situation
The first year of our stay in Caden had come to an end, without anything changing in our situation.
Quand Ellénore me trouvait sombre ou abattu, elle s'affligeait d'abord, se blessait ensuite, et m'arrachait par ses reproches l'aveu de la fatigue que j'aurais voulu déguiser.
when|Ellénore|me|she found|dark|or|downcast|she|she was saddened|at first|she|she hurt|then|and|she tore from me|by|her|reproaches|the admission|of|the|fatigue|that|I would have|wanted|to disguise
When Ellénore found me gloomy or downcast, she would first feel sad, then get hurt, and would extract from me, through her reproaches, the admission of the fatigue I would have liked to disguise.
De mon côté, quand Ellénore paraissait contente, je m'irritais de la voir jouir d'une situation qui me coûtait mon bonheur, et je la troublais dans cette courte jouissance par des insinuations qui l'éclairaient sur ce que j'éprouvais intérieurement.
from|my|side|when|Ellénore|she seemed|happy|I|I got irritated|to|her|to see|to enjoy|of a|situation|that|my|it cost|my|happiness|and|I|her|I disturbed|in|this|short|enjoyment|by|some|insinuations|that|they enlightened her|on|what|that|I felt|internally
On my part, when Ellénore seemed happy, I would get irritated to see her enjoying a situation that cost me my happiness, and I would disturb her in that brief enjoyment with insinuations that enlightened her about what I was feeling inside.
Nous nous attaquions donc tour à tour par des phrases indirectes, pour reculer ensuite dans des protestations générales et de vagues justifications, et pour regagner le silence.
we|we|we were attacking|therefore|turn|at|turn|by|some|phrases|indirect|to|to retreat|then|in|some|protests|general|and|of|vague|justifications|and|to|to regain|the|silence
Thus, we would take turns attacking each other with indirect phrases, only to retreat into general protests and vague justifications, and to regain silence.
Car nous savions si bien mutuellement tout ce que nous allions nous dire que nous nous taisions pour ne pas l'entendre.
for|we|we knew|so|well|mutually|everything|that|that|we|we were going to|we|to say|that|we|we|we were silent|to|not|to|to hear it
For we knew so well mutually everything we were going to say to each other that we remained silent to avoid hearing it.
Quelquefois l'un de nous était prêt à céder, mais nous manquions le moment favorable pour nous rapprocher.
sometimes|one of us|of|us|was|ready|to|to yield|but|we|we missed|the|moment|favorable|to|us|to get closer
Sometimes one of us was ready to give in, but we missed the right moment to get closer.
Nos cœurs défiants et blessés ne se rencontraient plus.
our||defiant|and|wounded|not|themselves|they met|anymore
Our distrustful and wounded hearts no longer met.
Je me demandais souvent pourquoi je restais dans un état si pénible : je me répondais que, si je m'éloignais d'Ellénore, elle me suivrait, et que j'aurais provoqué un nouveau sacrifice.
I|me|I was wondering|often|why|I|I was staying|in|a|state|so|painful|I|I|I was answering|that|if|I|I distanced myself|from Ellénore|she|she|she would follow|and|that|I would have|provoked|a|new|sacrifice
I often wondered why I remained in such a painful state: I answered myself that if I distanced myself from Ellénore, she would follow me, and I would have provoked a new sacrifice.
Je me dis enfin qu'il fallait la satisfaire une dernière fois, et qu'elle ne pourrait plus rien exiger quand je l'aurais replacée au milieu de sa famille.
I|myself|I say|finally|that it|it was necessary|her|to satisfy|a|last|time|and|that she|not|she could|more|anything|to demand|when|I|I would have|replaced|in the|middle|of|her|family
I finally told myself that I had to satisfy her one last time, and that she would no longer be able to demand anything when I had placed her back in the midst of her family.
J'allais lui proposer de la suivre en Pologne, quand elle reçut la nouvelle que son père était mort subitement.
I was going to|to her|to propose|to|her|to follow|in|Poland|when|she|she received|the|news|that|her|father|he was|dead|suddenly
I was going to suggest that she follow her to Poland when she received the news that her father had died suddenly.
Il l'avait instituée son unique héritière, mais son testament était contredit par des lettres postérieures, que des parents éloignés menaçaient de faire valoir.
he|he had|instituted|his|unique|heiress|but|his|will|it was|contradicted|by|some|letters|later|that|some|relatives|distant|they threatened|to|to|assert
He had made her his sole heir, but his will was contradicted by later letters that distant relatives threatened to enforce.
Ellénore, malgré le peu de relations qui subsistaient entre elle et son père, fut douloureusement affectée de cette mort : elle se reprocha de l'avoir abandonné.
Ellénore|despite|the|little|of|relations|that||between|her|and|her|father|she was|painfully|affected|by|this|death|she|herself|she reproached|for|having|abandoned
Ellénore, despite the few relations that remained between her and her father, was painfully affected by this death: she reproached herself for having abandoned him.
Bientôt elle m'accusa de sa faute.
soon|she|she accused me|of|her|fault
Soon she accused me of her fault.
Vous m'avez fait manquer, me dit-elle, à un devoir sacré.
you|you have made me|made|to miss|to me|||to|a|duty|sacred
You made me fail, she said to me, in a sacred duty.
Maintenant il ne s'agit que de ma fortune : je vous l'immolerai plus facilement encore.
now|it|not|it is about|only|of|my|fortune|I|you|I will sacrifice it|more|easily|even
Now it is only about my fortune: I will sacrifice it even more easily.
Mais, certes, je n'irai pas seule dans un pays où je n'ai que des ennemis à rencontrer.
but|certainly|I|I will not go|not|alone|in|a|country|where|I|I have not|only|some|enemies|to|to meet
But, certainly, I will not go alone to a country where I have only enemies to meet.
Je n'ai voulu, lui répondis-je, vous faire manquer à aucun devoir ; j'aurais désiré, je l'avoue, que vous daignassiez réfléchir que moi aussi je trouvais pénible de manquer aux miens ; je n'ai pu obtenir de vous cette justice.
I|I have not|wanted|to him||I|you||to miss||||||I|||you|deign||||||found||||||||||||this|justice
I did not want, I replied, to make you neglect any duty; I would have wished, I admit, that you would deign to reflect that I too found it painful to neglect mine; I could not obtain this justice from you.
Je me rends, Ellénore ; votre intérêt l'emporte sur toute autre considération.
I|myself|I give up|Ellénore|your|interest|it outweighs|on|any|other|consideration
I give in, Ellénore; your interest outweighs all other considerations.
Nous partirons ensemble quand vous le voudrez.
we|we will leave|together|when|you|it|you will want
We will leave together whenever you wish.
Nous nous mîmes effectivement en route.
||мы отправились|||
we|us|we set|indeed|in|way
We indeed set off.
Les distractions du voyage, la nouveauté des objets, les efforts que nous faisions sur nous-mêmes, ramenaient de temps en temps entre nous quelques restes d'intimité.
the|distractions|of|travel|the|novelty|some|objects|the|efforts|that|we|we were making|on|us|||||||||some|remnants|of intimacy
The distractions of the journey, the novelty of the objects, the efforts we made on ourselves, occasionally brought back some remnants of intimacy between us.
La longue habitude que nous avions l'un de l'autre, les circonstances variées que nous avions parcourues ensemble, avaient attaché à chaque parole, presque à chaque geste, des souvenirs qui nous replaçaient tout à coup dans le passé, et nous remplissaient d'un attendrissement involontaire, comme les éclairs traversent la nuit sans la dissiper.
the|long|habit|that|we|we had|one another|of|the other|the|circumstances|varied|that|we|we had|gone through|together|they had|attached|to|each|word|almost|to|each|gesture|some|memories|that|we|they placed us back|all|in|suddenly|in|the|past|and|we|they filled us|with a|tenderness|involuntary|as|the|lightning|they cross|the|night|without|it|to dissipate
The long habit we had of each other, the varied circumstances we had gone through together, had attached to each word, almost to each gesture, memories that suddenly placed us back in the past, filling us with an involuntary tenderness, like flashes of lightning crossing the night without dispelling it.
Nous vivions, pour ainsi dire, d'une espèce de mémoire du cœur, assez puissante pour que l'idée de nous séparer nous fût douloureuse, trop faible pour que nous trouvassions du bonheur à être unis.
we|we lived|for|thus|to say|of a|kind|of|memory|of the||quite|powerful|for|that|the idea|of|us|to separate|us|it was|painful|too|weak|for|that|we|we found|some|happiness|to|to be|united
We lived, so to speak, on a kind of memory of the heart, strong enough that the idea of separating was painful, yet too weak for us to find happiness in being united.
Je me livrais à ces émotions, pour me reposer de ma contrainte habituelle.
I|myself|I was indulging|in|these|emotions|to|myself|to rest|from|my|constraint|usual
I indulged in these emotions to rest from my usual constraint.
J'aurais voulu donner à Ellénore des témoignages de tendresse qui la contentassent ; je reprenais quelquefois avec elle le langage de l'amour ; mais ces émotions et ce langage ressemblaient à ces feuilles pâles et décolorées qui, par un reste de végétation funèbre, croissent languissamment sur les branches d'un arbre déraciné.
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||вялым образом||||||
I would have|wanted|to give|to|Ellénore|some|testimonies|of|tenderness|that|her|they would please her|I|I would take back|sometimes|with|her|the|language|of|love|but|these|emotions|and|this|language|they resembled|to|those|leaves|pale|and|discolored|which|by|a|remnant|of|vegetation|funereal|they grow|languidly|on|the|branches|of a|tree|uprooted
I would have liked to give Ellénore expressions of tenderness that would satisfy her; I sometimes resumed with her the language of love; but these emotions and this language resembled those pale and faded leaves that, by a remnant of funereal vegetation, grow languidly on the branches of an uprooted tree.
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