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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), Are GMOs Good or Bad? Genetic Engineering & Our Food

Are GMOs Good or Bad? Genetic Engineering & Our Food

GMOs are one of the most controversial areas of science.

Genetic engineering is used in many fields, but even though medical applications like GM insulin are widely accepted,

The debate heats up when it comes to food and agriculture.

Why is that?

Why is the same thing treated so differently?

Let's try to get to the bottom of this and explore the facts, the fears, and the future of GMOs.

Humans have been genetically modifing plants and animals for thousands of years.

Maybe a few of your crops had very good yields.

Maybe one of your wolves was especially loyal.

So you did the smart thing, and bred the plants and animals that had traits beneficial to you.

Traits suggest an expression of genes.

So with each generation, those genes got more pronounced.

After thousands of years, almost every single plant and animal around us is vastly different from its pre-domesticated state.

If humans have been changing genes for millennia, what makes a so called "Genetically Modified Organism", or GMO, different?

Selective breeding is basically hoping for lucky hits.

Genetic engineering eliminates this factor. We can choose the traits we want.

Make fruit grow bigger,

immune to pests, and so on.

So, why are people concerned about them ?

Let's start with one of the most common objections to GMOs.

Gene flow, meaning GM crops could mix with traditional crops and introduce unwanted new characteristics into them.

There is a method that might guarantee complete prevention, but is a big anti-GMO argument by itself.

Terminator seeds.

The idea is that they could produce sterile plants, requiring farmers to buy new seeds every year.

The very concept of this, however, caused a public outcry, stopping the technology being put to use.

This brings us back to the unintentional spreading of engineered DNA.

There have been cases of GMOs growing where they weren't planted, and traces of modified genes found in foreign crops.

But GM plants can't run wild entirely.

Many crops pollinate themselves, and all crops have to be related to mingle.

There are also cultural methods like buffer zones, to keep unintentional crossing at a minimum.

But if it's possible in principle that a GMO could unintentionally cross with a non-GMO,

there's actually a more important question.

Is food that comes from GM crops different to food from non-GM crops?

This question has been a major concern from the very beginning.

GM plants that are destined to be eaten are checked for possible dangers, and the results are evaluated by multiple agencies.

After more than 30 years and thousands of studies, the science is in.

Eating GMO plants is no more risky than their non-GMO equivalent.

But don't just take it our word for it, the sources for this and other claims are in the video description.

But what about plants that have been engineered to be toxic?

For example, BT crops.

A gene borrowed from the bacterium Bacillus Thuringiensis, lets engineered plants produce a protein that destroys the digestive system of specific insect pests.

The plant makes its own pesticide.

Insects that eat it die.

That sounds alarming!

Pesticide sprays could be washed off.

While the poison in BT crops is inside the plant.

But actually, it's not a big deal.

Poison is really just a question of different perspectives.

What's harmless to one species, might kill another.

Coffee, for example, is a poison that kills insects but is harmless to us.

Or take chocolate, it's dangerous for dogs but a pleasure for humans.

BT crops produce a protein that is tailored to the specific design of the digestive tract of certain insects; it's completely harmless for us.

There's also the opposite approach.

Plants that are engineered to be resistant to certain weed killers.

This way, farmers can use them widely, killing the other plants competing for resources without harming the crop.

Here, we get to the dark underbelly of GMOs.

For the pesticide industry, they are big business.

Over 90% of all cash crops in the US are herbicide resistant, mostly to glyphosate.

As a result, the use of glyphosate has increased greatly.

That isn't only bad, glyphosate is much less harmful to humans than many other herbicides.

Still, this means famers have a strong incentive to rely on this one method only, casting more balanced ways of managing weeds aside.

That's one of the most fundamental problems with the GMO debate.

Much of the criticism of this technology is actually criticism of modern agriculture and a business practice of the huge corporations that control our food supply.

This criticism is not only valid, it's also important.

We need to change agriculture to a more sustainable model.

GMOs as a technology are actually an ally and not a enemy in that fight, helping to save and protect nature and minimize our impact on the environment.

Let's look at some positive examples.

Eggplant is an important crop in Bangladesh but often, whole harvests are destroyed by pests.

Farmers had to rely heavily on pesticides.

Not only was this very expensive,

Farmers also frequently got sick.

The introduction of a new GM eggplant in 2013 stopped this.

The same BT protein we talked about before, an effective killer of insects but harmless to humans, was engineered into them.

This reduced insecticide use on eggplants by more than 80%. The health of farmers improved, and their income rose dramatically.

And sometimes, the GM approach is the only option.

In the 1990s, the papaya industry in Hawaii was under attack from the ringspot virus which threatened to wipe out Hawaiian papaya.

The solution was a papaya genetically modified to be vaccinated against the virus. Without it, the state's papaya industry would have collapsed.

All these stories show a very narrow application. 99% of all GMOs we use right now produce pesticides, or are resistant against them.

There is so much more we could do. The scientists are working on GMOs that could improve our diet.

Plants that produce more or different nutrients, like fruit with higher antioxidant levels that help to fight diseases

or rice with additional vitamins.

On a larger scale, we're trying to engineer plants more resilient to climate change,

plants that can better adapt to erratic weather and adverse soil conditions,

making them resistant to droughts or floods.

GMOs could also not only reduce agriculture's impact on the environment, but actively help to protect it.

Scientists are working on crops that can draw nitrogen from the air, like microbes.

Nitrogen is a common fertilizer, but its build-up pollutes the ground water and speeds up climate change.

Plants that collect their own nitrogen could fix two problems at once.

The over use of fertilizers in the developed world, as well as the shortage of it in developing countries.

We could even modify plants to become super-effective carbon collectors, like the American chestnut tree, to mitigate and actually reverse climate change. With the tools we have today, our imagination is the limit.

The world eats 11 million pounds of food every day.

A UN estimate suggests we'll need 70% more by 2050.

We could grow that food by clearing more and more forests to create fields and pastures and by using more pesticides.

Or we find a way to do it on the land we've got right now, with more effective methods like GM crops.

Intensifying farming instead of expanding it means GMOs could become the new organic.

In a nutshell, GMOs have the potential to not only drastically change agriculture but to also dampen the effects of our own irresponsible behavior.

GMOs could be our most powerful weapon to save our biosphere.

This video took more than 600 hours to make, which would be impossible without viewer support on Patreon.com.

If you'd like to support carefully researched content made with love, it's really very helpful!

And you can get your own bird as a reward.

If you want to learn more about genetic modification, we have more videos explaining the opportunities and risks of the technology and how it could impact our future.

Caption credits are in the description.

Are GMOs Good or Bad? Genetic Engineering & Our Food Sind GVOs gut oder schlecht? Gentechnologie und unsere Lebensmittel ¿Son buenos o malos los OMG? La ingeniería genética y nuestra alimentación 遺伝子組み換え作物は善か悪か?遺伝子組み換えと私たちの食 GMO는 좋은가요 나쁜가요? 유전공학과 우리 먹거리 Czy GMO są dobre czy złe? Inżynieria genetyczna i nasza żywność Os OGM são bons ou maus? Engenharia genética e a nossa alimentação ГМО - это хорошо или плохо? Генная инженерия и наша пища GDO'lar İyi mi Kötü mü? Genetik Mühendisliği ve Gıdalarımız ГМО - це добре чи погано? Генна інженерія та наші продукти харчування 转基因生物是好是坏?基因工程与我们的食物

GMOs are one of the most controversial areas of science.

Genetic engineering is used in many fields, but even though medical applications like GM insulin are widely accepted, A engenharia genética é usada em muitos campos, mas mesmo que aplicações médicas como a insulina GM sejam amplamente aceitas,

The debate heats up when it comes to food and agriculture. Debata na temat żywności i rolnictwa rozgrzewa się do czerwoności. O debate esquenta quando se trata de alimentos e agricultura.

Why is that?

Why is the same thing treated so differently? Dlaczego ta sama rzecz jest traktowana w tak różny sposób?

Let's try to get to the bottom of this and explore the facts, the fears, and the future of GMOs. Vamos tentar chegar ao fundo disso e explorar os fatos, os medos e o futuro dos OGMs.

Humans have been genetically modifing plants and animals for thousands of years.

Maybe a few of your crops had very good yields. Talvez algumas de suas colheitas tenham tido rendimentos muito bons.

Maybe one of your wolves was especially loyal. Może jeden z twoich wilków był szczególnie lojalny. Talvez um de seus lobos fosse especialmente leal.

So you did the smart thing, and bred the plants and animals that had traits beneficial to you. Así que hiciste lo más inteligente, y criaste las plantas y animales que tenían rasgos beneficiosos para ti. Zrobiłeś więc mądrą rzecz i wyhodowałeś rośliny i zwierzęta, które miały korzystne dla ciebie cechy. Então você fez a coisa inteligente e criou as plantas e animais que tinham características benéficas para você.

Traits suggest an expression of genes. Los rasgos sugieren una expresión de genes. Os traços sugerem uma expressão de genes.

So with each generation, those genes got more pronounced. Tak więc z każdym pokoleniem geny te stawały się coraz bardziej wyraźne. Assim, a cada geração, esses genes ficaram mais pronunciados.

After thousands of years, almost every single plant and animal around us is vastly different from its pre-domesticated state. Po tysiącach lat prawie każda roślina i zwierzę wokół nas znacznie różni się od stanu sprzed udomowienia. Depois de milhares de anos, quase todas as plantas e animais ao nosso redor são muito diferentes de seu estado pré-domesticado.

If humans have been changing genes for millennia, what makes a so called "Genetically Modified Organism", or GMO, different? Si el ser humano lleva milenios modificando genes, ¿qué diferencia a los llamados "organismos modificados genéticamente" (OMG)? Se os humanos vêm mudando os genes há milênios, o que torna o chamado "Organismo Geneticamente Modificado", ou OGM, diferente?

Selective breeding is basically hoping for lucky hits. La cría selectiva es básicamente esperar tener suerte. A criação seletiva basicamente espera por acertos de sorte.

Genetic engineering eliminates this factor. We can choose the traits we want. La ingeniería genética elimina este factor. Podemos elegir los rasgos que queremos.

Make fruit grow bigger,

immune to pests, and so on.

So, why are people concerned about them ? Entonces, ¿por qué la gente se preocupa por ellos? Então, por que as pessoas estão preocupadas com eles?

Let's start with one of the most common objections to GMOs.

Gene flow, meaning GM crops could mix with traditional crops and introduce unwanted new characteristics into them. Flujo de genes, lo que significa que los cultivos modificados genéticamente podrían mezclarse con los cultivos tradicionales e introducir en ellos nuevas características no deseadas. Przepływ genów, co oznacza, że uprawy zmodyfikowane genetycznie mogą mieszać się z tradycyjnymi uprawami i wprowadzać do nich niepożądane nowe cechy. O fluxo gênico, o que significa que as culturas GM podem se misturar com as culturas tradicionais e introduzir novas características indesejadas nelas.

There is a method that might guarantee complete prevention, but is a big anti-GMO argument by itself.

Terminator seeds. Sementes de exterminador.

The idea is that they could produce sterile plants, requiring farmers to buy new seeds every year. A ideia é que pudessem produzir plantas estéreis, obrigando os agricultores a comprar novas sementes todos os anos.

The very concept of this, however, caused a public outcry, stopping the technology being put to use. Sin embargo, el mero concepto de esta tecnología provocó una protesta pública que impidió su aplicación. O próprio conceito disso, no entanto, causou um clamor público, impedindo que a tecnologia fosse colocada em uso.

This brings us back to the unintentional spreading of engineered DNA. Esto nos lleva de nuevo a la propagación involuntaria del ADN manipulado. To prowadzi nas z powrotem do niezamierzonego rozprzestrzeniania się zmodyfikowanego DNA. Isso nos traz de volta à disseminação não intencional de DNA manipulado.

There have been cases of GMOs growing where they weren't planted, and traces of modified genes found in foreign crops. Ha habido casos de OMG que han crecido donde no estaban plantados, y rastros de genes modificados encontrados en cultivos foráneos. Houve casos de OGMs crescendo onde não foram plantados e traços de genes modificados encontrados em culturas estrangeiras.

But GM plants can't run wild entirely. Mas as plantas GM não podem correr soltas inteiramente.

Many crops pollinate themselves, and all crops have to be related to mingle. Muchos cultivos se polinizan solos, y todos tienen que estar relacionados para mezclarse. Wiele roślin zapyla się samoczynnie, a wszystkie rośliny muszą być ze sobą spokrewnione. Muitas culturas se autopolinizam, e todas as culturas devem estar relacionadas à mistura.

There are also cultural methods like buffer zones, to keep unintentional crossing at a minimum. También existen métodos culturales, como las zonas tampón, para reducir al mínimo los cruces involuntarios. Istnieją również metody kulturowe, takie jak strefy buforowe, aby ograniczyć niezamierzone przekraczanie granic do minimum. Existem também métodos culturais, como zonas de amortecimento, para reduzir ao mínimo as travessias não intencionais.

But if it's possible in principle that a GMO could unintentionally cross with a non-GMO,

there's actually a more important question. há realmente uma pergunta mais importante.

Is food that comes from GM crops different to food from non-GM crops?

This question has been a major concern from the very beginning. Esta questão tem sido uma grande preocupação desde o início.

GM plants that are destined to be eaten are checked for possible dangers, and the results are evaluated by multiple agencies. As plantas GM destinadas ao consumo são verificadas quanto a possíveis perigos, e os resultados são avaliados por várias agências.

After more than 30 years and thousands of studies, the science is in.

Eating GMO plants is no more risky than their non-GMO equivalent. Comer plantas OGM não é mais arriscado do que o seu equivalente não OGM.

But don't just take it our word for it, the sources for this and other claims are in the video description. Pero no te fíes sólo de nuestra palabra, las fuentes de esta y otras afirmaciones están en la descripción del vídeo. Mas não acredite apenas em nossa palavra, as fontes para esta e outras reivindicações estão na descrição do vídeo.

But what about plants that have been engineered to be toxic? Mas e as plantas que foram projetadas para serem tóxicas?

For example, BT crops. Por exemplo, culturas BT.

A gene borrowed from the bacterium Bacillus Thuringiensis, lets engineered plants produce a protein that destroys the digestive system of specific insect pests. Een gen dat is geleend van de bacterie Bacillus Thuringiensis, laat gemanipuleerde planten een eiwit produceren dat het spijsverteringsstelsel van specifieke insectenplagen vernietigt. Gen zapożyczony od bakterii Bacillus Thuringiensis pozwala zmodyfikowanym roślinom wytwarzać białko, które niszczy układ trawienny określonych szkodników owadzich. Um gene emprestado da bactéria Bacillus Thuringiensis permite que plantas modificadas produzam uma proteína que destrói o sistema digestivo de pragas específicas de insetos.

The plant makes its own pesticide. Roślina wytwarza własny pestycyd. A planta produz seu próprio pesticida.

Insects that eat it die.

That sounds alarming! Isso soa alarmante!

Pesticide sprays could be washed off. Sprays de pesticidas podem ser lavados.

While the poison in BT crops is inside the plant. Enquanto o veneno nas culturas BT está dentro da planta.

But actually, it's not a big deal. Mas, na verdade, não é grande coisa.

Poison is really just a question of different perspectives.

What's harmless to one species, might kill another. To, co jest nieszkodliwe dla jednego gatunku, może zabić inny. O que é inofensivo para uma espécie pode matar outra.

Coffee, for example, is a poison that kills insects but is harmless to us.

Or take chocolate, it's dangerous for dogs but a pleasure for humans.

BT crops produce a protein that is tailored to the specific design of the digestive tract of certain insects; it's completely harmless for us. Uprawy BT wytwarzają białko, które jest dostosowane do specyficznej budowy przewodu pokarmowego niektórych owadów; jest ono całkowicie nieszkodliwe dla nas.

There's also the opposite approach. Há também a abordagem oposta.

Plants that are engineered to be resistant to certain weed killers. Rośliny, które zostały zaprojektowane tak, aby były odporne na niektóre środki chwastobójcze. Plantas que são projetadas para serem resistentes a certos herbicidas.

This way, farmers can use them widely, killing the other plants competing for resources without harming the crop. Dessa forma, os agricultores podem usá-los amplamente, matando as outras plantas que competem por recursos sem prejudicar a lavoura.

Here, we get to the dark underbelly of GMOs. Tutaj dochodzimy do mrocznego podbrzusza GMO. Aqui, chegamos ao ponto fraco dos OGMs.

For the pesticide industry, they are big business.

Over 90% of all cash crops in the US are herbicide resistant, mostly to glyphosate. Meer dan 90% van alle marktgewassen in de VS is resistent tegen herbiciden, meestal tegen glyfosaat. Ponad 90% wszystkich upraw w USA jest odpornych na herbicydy, głównie na glifosat. Mais de 90% de todas as culturas comerciais nos EUA são resistentes a herbicidas, principalmente ao glifosato.

As a result, the use of glyphosate has increased greatly. Como resultado, o uso de glifosato aumentou muito.

That isn't only bad, glyphosate is much less harmful to humans than many other herbicides.

Still, this means famers have a strong incentive to rely on this one method only, casting more balanced ways of managing weeds aside. Sin embargo, esto significa que los agricultores tienen un fuerte incentivo para confiar en este único método, dejando de lado formas más equilibradas de gestionar las malas hierbas. Oznacza to jednak, że rolnicy mają silną motywację do polegania tylko na tej jednej metodzie, odrzucając na bok bardziej zrównoważone sposoby radzenia sobie z chwastami. Ainda assim, isso significa que os agricultores têm um forte incentivo para confiar apenas nesse método, deixando de lado formas mais equilibradas de manejo de ervas daninhas.

That's one of the most fundamental problems with the GMO debate.

Much of the criticism of this technology is actually criticism of modern agriculture and a business practice of the huge corporations that control our food supply. Muitas das críticas a essa tecnologia são, na verdade, críticas à agricultura moderna e uma prática comercial das grandes corporações que controlam nosso suprimento de alimentos.

This criticism is not only valid, it's also important. Essa crítica não é apenas válida, é também importante.

We need to change agriculture to a more sustainable model. Musimy zmienić rolnictwo na bardziej zrównoważony model.

GMOs as a technology are actually an ally and not a enemy in that fight, helping to save and protect nature and minimize our impact on the environment. GMO jako technologia jest w rzeczywistości sprzymierzeńcem, a nie wrogiem w tej walce, pomagając ratować i chronić przyrodę oraz minimalizować nasz wpływ na środowisko.

Let's look at some positive examples. Vejamos alguns exemplos positivos.

Eggplant is an important crop in Bangladesh but often, whole harvests are destroyed by pests. Bakłażan jest ważną rośliną uprawną w Bangladeszu, ale często całe zbiory są niszczone przez szkodniki. A berinjela é uma cultura importante em Bangladesh, mas muitas vezes colheitas inteiras são destruídas por pragas.

Farmers had to rely heavily on pesticides. Os agricultores tiveram que depender fortemente de pesticidas.

Not only was this very expensive, Não só era muito caro,

Farmers also frequently got sick. Os agricultores também adoeciam com frequência.

The introduction of a new GM eggplant in 2013 stopped this.

The same BT protein we talked about before, an effective killer of insects but harmless to humans, was engineered into them.

This reduced insecticide use on eggplants by more than 80%. The health of farmers improved, and their income rose dramatically. Zmniejszyło to zużycie insektycydów na bakłażany o ponad 80%. Zdrowie rolników poprawiło się, a ich dochody dramatycznie wzrosły. Isso reduziu o uso de inseticidas em berinjelas em mais de 80%. A saúde dos agricultores melhorou e sua renda aumentou dramaticamente.

And sometimes, the GM approach is the only option.

In the 1990s, the papaya industry in Hawaii was under attack from the ringspot virus which threatened to wipe out Hawaiian papaya. In de jaren negentig werd de papaja-industrie op Hawaï aangevallen door het ringspotvirus dat de Hawaïaanse papaja dreigde uit te roeien. Na década de 1990, a indústria do mamão no Havaí estava sob ataque do vírus da mancha anelar que ameaçava acabar com o mamão havaiano.

The solution was a papaya genetically modified to be vaccinated against the virus. Without it, the state's papaya industry would have collapsed.

All these stories show a very narrow application. 99% of all GMOs we use right now produce pesticides, or are resistant against them. Todas essas histórias mostram uma aplicação muito restrita. 99% de todos os OGMs que usamos atualmente produzem pesticidas ou são resistentes a eles.

There is so much more we could do. The scientists are working on GMOs that could improve our diet. Há muito mais que poderíamos fazer. Os cientistas estão trabalhando em OGMs que podem melhorar nossa dieta.

Plants that produce more or different nutrients, like fruit with higher antioxidant levels that help to fight diseases Plantas que produzem mais ou diferentes nutrientes, como frutas com níveis mais altos de antioxidantes que ajudam a combater doenças

or rice with additional vitamins. ou arroz com vitaminas adicionais.

On a larger scale, we're trying to engineer plants more resilient to climate change, Na większą skalę staramy się projektować rośliny bardziej odporne na zmiany klimatu, Em uma escala maior, estamos tentando projetar plantas mais resistentes às mudanças climáticas,

plants that can better adapt to erratic weather and adverse soil conditions, rośliny, które mogą lepiej przystosować się do zmiennej pogody i niekorzystnych warunków glebowych, plantas que podem se adaptar melhor ao clima errático e condições adversas do solo,

making them resistant to droughts or floods. dzięki czemu są odporne na susze i powodzie.

GMOs could also not only reduce agriculture's impact on the environment, but actively help to protect it.

Scientists are working on crops that can draw nitrogen from the air, like microbes. Os cientistas estão trabalhando em culturas que podem extrair nitrogênio do ar, como micróbios.

Nitrogen is a common fertilizer, but its build-up pollutes the ground water and speeds up climate change. El nitrógeno es un fertilizante habitual, pero su acumulación contamina las aguas subterráneas y acelera el cambio climático. Azot jest powszechnie stosowanym nawozem, ale jego nagromadzenie zanieczyszcza wody gruntowe i przyspiesza zmiany klimatyczne. O nitrogênio é um fertilizante comum, mas seu acúmulo polui as águas subterrâneas e acelera as mudanças climáticas.

Plants that collect their own nitrogen could fix two problems at once. Plantas que coletam seu próprio nitrogênio podem resolver dois problemas ao mesmo tempo.

The over use of fertilizers in the developed world, as well as the shortage of it in developing countries. Nadmierne stosowanie nawozów w krajach rozwiniętych, a także ich niedobór w krajach rozwijających się. O uso excessivo de fertilizantes no mundo desenvolvido, bem como a escassez dele nos países em desenvolvimento.

We could even modify plants to become super-effective carbon collectors, like the American chestnut tree, to mitigate and actually reverse climate change. Moglibyśmy nawet zmodyfikować rośliny, aby stały się super-skutecznymi kolektorami dwutlenku węgla, takimi jak kasztanowiec amerykański, w celu złagodzenia i odwrócenia zmian klimatycznych. Poderíamos até modificar as plantas para se tornarem coletoras de carbono supereficazes, como a castanheira americana, para mitigar e realmente reverter as mudanças climáticas. With the tools we have today, our imagination is the limit.

The world eats 11 million pounds of food every day. O mundo come 11 milhões de quilos de comida todos os dias.

A UN estimate suggests we'll need 70% more by 2050. Una estimación de la ONU sugiere que necesitaremos un 70% más en 2050.

We could grow that food by clearing more and more forests to create fields and pastures and by using more pesticides. Poderíamos cultivar esse alimento desmatando cada vez mais florestas para criar campos e pastagens e usando mais pesticidas.

Or we find a way to do it on the land we've got right now, with more effective methods like GM crops. Ou encontramos uma maneira de fazer isso na terra que temos agora, com métodos mais eficazes, como cultivos GM.

Intensifying farming instead of expanding it means GMOs could become the new organic. Intensificar a agricultura em vez de expandi-la significa que os OGMs podem se tornar o novo orgânico.

In a nutshell, GMOs have the potential to not only drastically change agriculture but to also dampen the effects of our own irresponsible behavior. Krótko mówiąc, GMO mogą nie tylko drastycznie zmienić rolnictwo, ale także złagodzić skutki naszego nieodpowiedzialnego zachowania.

GMOs could be our most powerful weapon to save our biosphere.

This video took more than 600 hours to make, which would be impossible without viewer support on Patreon.com.

If you'd like to support carefully researched content made with love, it's really very helpful! Se você gostaria de apoiar conteúdo cuidadosamente pesquisado feito com amor, é realmente muito útil!

And you can get your own bird as a reward. W nagrodę możesz otrzymać własnego ptaka. E você pode obter seu próprio pássaro como recompensa.

If you want to learn more about genetic modification, we have more videos explaining the opportunities and risks of the technology and how it could impact our future.

Caption credits are in the description. Os créditos das legendas estão na descrição.