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Children's Stories, The Three Bears

The Three Bears

Little Goldilocks was a pretty girl who lived once upon a time in a far-off country.

One day she was sitting on the hearthrug playing with her two kittens, and you would have thought she was as happy as a queen, and quite contented to stay where she was instead of wanting to run about the world meddling with other people's property. But it happened that she was rather a mischievous little maid, and could not resist teasing her pets, so one of them scratched her, and then she would play with them no longer.

She got up and trotted away into the wood behind her mother's house, and it was such a warm, pleasant day that she wandered on and on until she came into a part of the wood where she had never been before.

Now, in this wood there lived a family of three Bears. The first was a GREAT BIG BEAR, the second was a MIDDLING-SIZED BEAR, and the third was a little teeny tiny bear, and they all lived together in a funny little house, and very happy they were.

Goldilocks stopped when she came to the Bears' house, and began to wonder who lived there. "I'll just look in and see," she said, and so she did; but there was no one there, for the Bears had all gone out for a morning walk, whilst the soup they were going to have for dinner cooled upon the table. Goldilocks was rather hungry after her walk, and the soup smelt so good that she began to wish the people of the house would come home and invite her to have some. But although she looked everywhere, under the table and into the cupboards, she could find no one, and at last she could resist no longer, but made up her mind to take just a little sip to see how the soup tasted. The soup had been put into three bowls—a Great Big Bowl for the Great Big Bear, a Middling-sized Bowl for the Middling-sized Bear, and a Teeny Tiny Bowl for the Teeny Tiny Bear; beside each bowl lay a spoon, and Goldilocks took one and helped herself to a spoonful of soup from the Great Big Bowl.

Ugh! how it burnt her mouth; it was so hot with pepper that she did not like it at all; still, she was very hungry, so she thought she would try again.

This time she took a sip of the Middling-sized Bear's soup, but she liked that no better, for it was too salt. But when she tasted the Teeny Tiny Bear's soup it was just as she liked it; so she ate it up every drop, without thinking twice about it.

When she had finished her dinner she noticed three chairs standing by the wall. One was a Great Big Chair, and she climbed upon that and sat down. Oh, dear! how hard it was! She was sure she could not sit there for long, so she climbed up on the next, which was only a Middling-sized Chair, but that was too soft for her taste; so she went on to the last, which was a Teeny Tiny Chair and suited her exactly.

It was so comfortable that she sat on and on until, if you'll believe it, she actually sat the bottom out. Then, of course, she was comfortable no longer, so she got up and began to wonder what she should do next.

There was a staircase in the Bears' house, and Goldilocks thought she would go up it and see where it led to. So up she went, and when she reached the top she laughed outright, for the Bears' bedroom was the funniest she had ever seen. In the middle of the room stood a Great Big Bed, on one side of it there was a Middling-sized Bed, and on the other side there was a Teeny Tiny Bed.

Goldilocks was sleepy, so she thought she would lie down and have a little nap. First she got upon the Great Big Bed, but it was just as hard as the Great Big Chair had been; so she jumped off and tried the Middling-sized Bed, but it was so soft that she sank right down into the feather cushions and was nearly smothered.

"I will try the Teeny Tiny Bed," she said, and so she did, and it was so comfortable that she soon fell fast asleep. Who Has Been Tasting My Soup?

Who Has Been Tasting My Soup?

Whilst she lay there, dreaming of all sorts of pleasant things, the three Bears came home from their walk very hungry and quite ready for their dinners.

But, oh! dear me! how cross the Great Big Bear looked when he saw his spoon had been used and thrown under the table.

"WHO HAS BEEN TASTING MY SOUP?" he cried, in a Great Big Voice.

"AND WHO HAS BEEN TASTING MINE?" cried the Middling-sized Bear, in a Middling-sized Voice.

"but who has been tasting mine and tasted it all up?" cried the poor little Teeny Tiny Bear in a Teeny Tiny Voice, with the tears running down his Teeny Tiny Face.

When the Great Big Bear went to sit down in his Great Big Chair, he cried out in his Great Big Voice:

"WHO HAS BEEN SITTING ON MY CHAIR?" And the Middling-sized Bear cried, in a Middling-sized Voice:

"WHO HAS BEEN SITTING ON MY CHAIR?" But the Teeny Tiny Bear cried out in a Teeny Tiny Voice of anger:

"who has been sitting on my chair, and sat the bottom out?" By this time the Bears were sure that someone had been in their house quite lately; so they looked about to see if someone were not there still.

There was certainly no one downstairs, so they went up the staircase to their bedroom.

As soon as the Great Big Bear looked at his bed, he cried out, in his Great Big Voice:

"WHO HAS BEEN LYING ON MY BED?" And the Middling-sized Bear, seeing that the coverlet was all rumpled, cried out, in a Middling-sized Voice:

"WHO HAS BEEN LYING ON MY BED?" But the Teeny Tiny Bear cried out, in a Teeny Tiny Voice of astonishment:

"who has been lying on my bed and lies there still?" Now, when the Great Big Bear began to speak, Goldilocks dreamt that there was a bee buzzing in the room, and when the Middling-sized Bear began to speak, she dreamt that it was flying out of the window; but when the Teeny Tiny Bear began to speak, she dreamt that the bee had come back and stung her on the ear, and up she jumped. Oh! how frightened she was when she saw the three Bears standing beside her.

She hopped out of bed and in a second was out through the open window. Never stopping to wonder if the fall had hurt her, she got up and ran and ran and ran until she could go no farther, always thinking that the Bears were close behind her. And when at length she fell down in a heap on the ground, because she was too tired to run any more, it was her own mother who picked her up, because in her fright she had run straight home without knowing it.

The Three Bears Die drei Bären Los tres osos Les trois ours 三匹のくまさん 곰 세 마리 Trzy niedźwiedzie Üç Ayı 三只熊 三隻熊

Little Goldilocks was a pretty girl who lived once upon a time in a far-off country. La pequeña Ricitos de Oro era una bonita niña que vivía en un país lejano. リトルゴルディロックスは、昔、遠い国に住んでいたかわいらしい女の子でした。 A pequena Cachinhos Dourados era uma menina bonita que viveu em um país distante. Маленькая Златовласка была красивой девочкой, которая жила когда-то в далекой стране. Küçük Goldilocks, bir zamanlar uzak bir ülkede yaşayan güzel bir kızdı.

One day she was sitting on the hearthrug playing with her two kittens, and you would have thought she was as happy as a queen, and quite contented to stay where she was instead of wanting to run about the world meddling with other people’s property. ある日、彼女は2匹の子猫と一緒に遊んでいる炉端敷物に座っていました。女王のように幸せで、他の人の財産と干渉して世界を走り回るのではなく、彼女がいるところに留まることにかなり満足しているでしょう。 Um dia ela estava sentada na lareira brincando com seus dois gatinhos, e você pensaria que ela estava feliz como uma rainha, e bastante satisfeita em ficar onde estava, em vez de querer correr pelo mundo se intrometendo na propriedade de outras pessoas. Однажды она сидела на сердечке, играя со своими двумя котятами, и вы бы подумали, что она счастлива, как королева, и вполне довольна остаться там, где была, вместо того, чтобы бегать по миру, вмешиваясь в чужую собственность. Bir gün ocağın üzerinde oturmuş iki kedisiyle oynuyordu ve onun bir kraliçe kadar mutlu olduğunu ve dünyayı başka insanların malına karışmak için koşturmak yerine olduğu yerde kalmaktan oldukça memnun olduğunu düşünürdünüz. But it happened that she was rather a mischievous little maid, and could not resist teasing her pets, so one of them scratched her, and then she would play with them no longer. しかし、たまたま彼女はいたずら好きな小さなメイドで、ペットをからかうことに抵抗することができなかったので、そのうちの一人が彼女を引っ掻き、それから彼女はもう遊んではいませんでした。 Но случилось так, что она была довольно озорной маленькой горничной и не могла устоять перед дразнить своих питомцев, поэтому один из них поцарапал ее, и тогда она больше не играла с ними. Ama o daha çok yaramaz küçük bir hizmetçiydi ve evcil hayvanlarıyla alay etmekten kendini alamadı, bu yüzden içlerinden biri onu tırmaladı ve sonra artık onlarla oynamayacaktı.

She got up and trotted away into the wood behind her mother’s house, and it was such a warm, pleasant day that she wandered on and on until she came into a part of the wood where she had never been before. 彼女は立ち上がって母親の家の後ろの森に足を踏み入れました。とても暖かくて気持ちの良い一日でした。 Ela se levantou e trotou para o bosque atrás da casa de sua mãe, e era um dia tão quente e agradável que ela vagou sem parar até chegar a uma parte do bosque onde nunca havia estado antes. Она встала и побежала в лес за домом своей матери, и был такой теплый, приятный день, что она брела все дальше и дальше, пока не наткнулась на ту часть леса, где никогда раньше не была. Ayağa kalktı ve annesinin evinin arkasındaki ormana koştu ve o kadar sıcak, hoş bir gündü ki, ormanın daha önce hiç bulunmadığı bir yere gelene kadar dolaştı.

Now, in this wood there lived a family of three Bears. Ahora bien, en este bosque vivía una familia de tres osos. さて、この森には3匹のクマの家族が住んでいました。 Şimdi, bu ormanda üç Ayıdan oluşan bir aile yaşıyordu. The first was a GREAT BIG BEAR, the second was a MIDDLING-SIZED BEAR, and the third was a little teeny tiny bear, and they all lived together in a funny little house, and very happy they were. 1つ目はすごいビッグベア、2つ目は中型サイズのクマ、3つ目は小さな小さなクマで、みんなおかしな小さな家に住んでいて、とても幸せでした。

Goldilocks stopped when she came to the Bears' house, and began to wonder who lived there. Cachinhos Dourados parou quando ela chegou à casa dos Bears e começou a se perguntar quem morava lá. "I’ll just look in and see," she said, and so she did; but there was no one there, for the Bears had all gone out for a morning walk, whilst the soup they were going to have for dinner cooled upon the table. "Vou apenas olhar para dentro e ver", disse ela, e assim o fez; mas não havia ninguém ali, pois os Bears haviam saído todos para uma caminhada matinal, enquanto a sopa que iriam comer no jantar esfriava sobre a mesa. Goldilocks was rather hungry after her walk, and the soup smelt so good that she began to wish the people of the house would come home and invite her to have some. Cachinhos Dourados estava com bastante fome depois de sua caminhada, e a sopa cheirava tão bem que ela começou a desejar que as pessoas da casa voltassem e a convidassem para comer. Goldilocks yürüyüşünden sonra oldukça acıkmıştı ve çorba o kadar güzel kokuyordu ki ev halkının eve gelmesini ve onu biraz içmeye davet etmesini dilemeye başladı. But although she looked everywhere, under the table and into the cupboards, she could find no one, and at last she could resist no longer, but made up her mind to take just a little sip to see how the soup tasted. しかし、彼女はどこでも、テーブルの下と食器棚の中を見ましたが、誰も見つけることができず、やっと抵抗できなくなりました。 Но хотя она глядела повсюду, под стол и в шкафы, она никого не могла найти, и, наконец, она больше не могла сопротивляться, но решила сделать небольшой глоток, чтобы посмотреть, как на вкус был суп. 可她虽然找遍了桌子底下、柜子里,都没有找到,终于忍不住了,下定决心喝一小口,看看汤的味道。 The soup had been put into three bowls—a Great Big Bowl for the Great Big Bear, a Middling-sized Bowl for the Middling-sized Bear, and a Teeny Tiny Bowl for the Teeny Tiny Bear; beside each bowl lay a spoon, and Goldilocks took one and helped herself to a spoonful of soup from the Great Big Bowl. スープは3つのボウルに入れられました。グレートビッグベアのグレートビッグボウル、ミドルリングサイズのクマのミドルリングサイズのボウル、ティーニータイニーベアのティーニータイニーボウルです。各ボウルの横にスプーンを置き、Goldilocksがスプーン1杯を取り、グレートビッグボウルからスプーン1杯のスープを手に入れました。

Ugh! ECA! how it burnt her mouth; it was so hot with pepper that she did not like it at all; still, she was very hungry, so she thought she would try again. どのように彼女の口を焼いたかコショウでとても暑かったので、彼女はそれをまったく気に入らなかった。それでも、彼女はとてもお腹が減っていたので、もう一度やり直そうと思いました。 como queimou sua boca; estava tão quente de pimenta que ela não gostou nada; ainda assim, ela estava com muita fome, então pensou em tentar novamente. как это жгло ей рот; с перцем было так жарко, что ей это совсем не нравилось; тем не менее, она была очень голодна, поэтому она подумала, что попробует еще раз.

This time she took a sip of the Middling-sized Bear’s soup, but she liked that no better, for it was too salt. Desta vez, ela tomou um gole da sopa do Urso de Tamanho Médio, mas não gostou disso, pois estava muito salgada. На этот раз она сделала глоток супа медвежонка среднего размера, но ей это понравилось не лучше, потому что он был слишком соленым. But when she tasted the Teeny Tiny Bear’s soup it was just as she liked it; so she ate it up every drop, without thinking twice about it. Mas quando ela provou a sopa do Ursinho Pequeno, foi exatamente como ela gostou; então ela devorou cada gota, sem pensar duas vezes sobre isso. Но когда она попробовала суп «Крошка Медведя», это было так, как ей понравилось; поэтому она съела его каждую каплю, не задумываясь об этом.

When she had finished her dinner she noticed three chairs standing by the wall. Quando ela terminou o jantar, ela notou três cadeiras perto da parede. One was a Great Big Chair, and she climbed upon that and sat down. Uma era uma cadeira grande, e ela subiu nela e sentou-se. Oh, dear! Oh céus! how hard it was! 大変でした! como foi difícil! She was sure she could not sit there for long, so she climbed up on the next, which was only a Middling-sized Chair, but that was too soft for her taste; so she went on to the last, which was a Teeny Tiny Chair and suited her exactly. 彼女は長い間そこに座ることができないと確信していたので、次は中くらいの大きさの椅子でしたが、それは彼女の好みには柔らかすぎました。彼女は最後に進みました。これは小さなタイニーチェアで、彼女にぴったりでした。 Ela tinha certeza de que não conseguiria ficar sentada ali por muito tempo, então subiu na próxima, que era apenas uma cadeira de tamanho médio, mas era macia demais para seu gosto; então ela foi para a última, que era uma cadeirinha pequenininha e combinava perfeitamente com ela. Она была уверена, что не сможет долго сидеть, поэтому взобралась на следующий стул, который был всего лишь среднего размера, но слишком мягким для ее вкуса; так что она перешла к последнему, который был крошечным стулом Тини, и точно подходил ей.

It was so comfortable that she sat on and on until, if you’ll believe it, she actually sat the bottom out. とても快適だったので、信じられないかもしれませんが、実際には底が見えました。 Era tão confortável que ela se sentou indefinidamente até que, se você acredita, ela realmente se sentou no fundo do poço. Это было так удобно, что она сидела и держалась до тех пор, пока, если верить этому, она фактически не опустилась на дно. Then, of course, she was comfortable no longer, so she got up and began to wonder what she should do next. Então, é claro, ela não se sentia mais confortável, então se levantou e começou a se perguntar o que fazer a seguir. Тогда, конечно, ей уже было не по себе, поэтому она встала и начала думать, что ей делать дальше.

There was a staircase in the Bears' house, and Goldilocks thought she would go up it and see where it led to. Havia uma escada na casa dos Bears, e Cachinhos Dourados pensou que ela iria subir e ver aonde levava. В доме Медведей была лестница, и Златовласка подумала, что она поднимется по ней и посмотрит, к чему это приведет. So up she went, and when she reached the top she laughed outright, for the Bears' bedroom was the funniest she had ever seen. それで彼女は上に行って、そして頂上に着いたとき、彼女は完全に笑いました、なぜならベアーズの寝室は彼女が今まで見た中で最もおかしなものだったからです。 Ela subiu e, quando chegou ao topo, riu abertamente, pois o quarto dos Bears era o mais engraçado que ela já vira. Так она поднялась, и когда она достигла вершины, она рассмеялась, потому что спальня Медведей была самой забавной, которую она когда-либо видела. In the middle of the room stood a Great Big Bed, on one side of it there was a Middling-sized Bed, and on the other side there was a Teeny Tiny Bed. В середине комнаты стояла Большая Большая Кровать, на одной стороне которой была Кровать среднего размера, а на другой - Крошечная Крошечная Кровать.

Goldilocks was sleepy, so she thought she would lie down and have a little nap. Златовласка была сонной, поэтому она подумала, что будет лежать и немного вздремнуть. First she got upon the Great Big Bed, but it was just as hard as the Great Big Chair had been; so she jumped off and tried the Middling-sized Bed, but it was so soft that she sank right down into the feather cushions and was nearly smothered. Сначала она встала на Большой Большой Кровать, но это было так же трудно, как на Большой Большой Стул; поэтому она спрыгнула и попробовала кровать среднего размера, но она была настолько мягкой, что она опустилась прямо в пуховые подушки и была почти задушена.

"I will try the Teeny Tiny Bed," she said, and so she did, and it was so comfortable that she soon fell fast asleep. Who Has Been Tasting My Soup?

Who Has Been Tasting My Soup?

Whilst she lay there, dreaming of all sorts of pleasant things, the three Bears came home from their walk very hungry and quite ready for their dinners. Пока она лежала там, мечтая о всяких приятных вещах, три медведя пришли домой с прогулки очень голодными и совершенно готовыми к обедам.

But, oh! dear me! how cross the Great Big Bear looked when he saw his spoon had been used and thrown under the table. как выглядел крест Большой Большой Медведь, когда увидел, что его ложку использовали и бросили под стол.

"WHO HAS BEEN TASTING MY SOUP?" he cried, in a Great Big Voice.

"AND WHO HAS BEEN TASTING MINE?" cried the Middling-sized Bear, in a Middling-sized Voice.

"but who has been tasting mine and tasted it all up?" "но кто дегустировал мой и попробовал все это?" cried the poor little Teeny Tiny Bear in a Teeny Tiny Voice, with the tears running down his Teeny Tiny Face. крикнул бедный маленький Крошечный Медведь Крошечным голосом, со слезами текли по его крошечному личику.

When the Great Big Bear went to sit down in his Great Big Chair, he cried out in his Great Big Voice:

"WHO HAS BEEN SITTING ON MY CHAIR?" And the Middling-sized Bear cried, in a Middling-sized Voice:

"WHO HAS BEEN SITTING ON MY CHAIR?" But the Teeny Tiny Bear cried out in a Teeny Tiny Voice of anger:

"who has been sitting on my chair, and sat the bottom out?" "Кто сидел на моем стуле и сидел на дне?" By this time the Bears were sure that someone had been in their house quite lately; so they looked about to see if someone were not there still. К этому времени Медведи были уверены, что кто-то был в их доме совсем недавно; поэтому они посмотрели, не увидит ли там кого-нибудь еще.

There was certainly no one downstairs, so they went up the staircase to their bedroom.

As soon as the Great Big Bear looked at his bed, he cried out, in his Great Big Voice:

"WHO HAS BEEN LYING ON MY BED?" And the Middling-sized Bear, seeing that the coverlet was all rumpled, cried out, in a Middling-sized Voice:

"WHO HAS BEEN LYING ON MY BED?" But the Teeny Tiny Bear cried out, in a Teeny Tiny Voice of astonishment:

"who has been lying on my bed and lies there still?" Now, when the Great Big Bear began to speak, Goldilocks dreamt that there was a bee buzzing in the room, and when the Middling-sized Bear began to speak, she dreamt that it was flying out of the window; but when the Teeny Tiny Bear began to speak, she dreamt that the bee had come back and stung her on the ear, and up she jumped. さて、グレートビッグベアが話し始めたとき、ゴルディロックスは部屋で蜂が鳴り響くのを夢見ていた。ティーニータイニーベアが話し始めると、ミツバチが戻ってきて耳に刺さったことを夢見て、飛び上がった。 Теперь, когда Большой Большой Медведь заговорил, Златовласка приснилось, что в комнате гудит пчела, и когда Медведь средних размеров начал говорить, ей снилось, что она летит из окна; но когда крошечный медвежонок начал говорить, ей снилось, что пчела вернулась и ударила ее по уху, и она подпрыгнула. Oh! how frightened she was when she saw the three Bears standing beside her.

She hopped out of bed and in a second was out through the open window. Она вскочила с кровати и через секунду выскочила в открытое окно. Never stopping to wonder if the fall had hurt her, she got up and ran and ran and ran until she could go no farther, always thinking that the Bears were close behind her. 秋が彼女を傷つけたかどうか疑問に思わずに立ち止まることなく、彼女は立ち上がって走り、逃げることができなくなるまで走り続け、いつもクマは彼女の後ろにいると思っていました。 Никогда не переставая задаваться вопросом, не повредило ли ей падение, она встала и побежала, и побежала, и побежала, пока не могла идти дальше, всегда думая, что Медведи были близко позади нее. And when at length she fell down in a heap on the ground, because she was too tired to run any more, it was her own mother who picked her up, because in her fright she had run straight home without knowing it. そして、やがて彼女は地面の山に倒れました。疲れすぎてもう走ることができなかったので、自分の母が彼女を迎えに行きました。 그리고 마침내 더 이상 달릴 수 없을 정도로 지쳐 바닥에 쓰러졌을 때, 겁에 질려 자신도 모르게 집으로 곧장 달려간 그녀를 일으켜 세운 것은 바로 그녀의 어머니였습니다. И когда она, наконец, упала в кучу на землю, потому что она слишком устала, чтобы больше бежать, ее подобрала ее собственная мать, потому что в испуге она побежала прямо домой, не зная этого.