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Listen to know everything, Unit 141 Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide

Unit 141 Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide

B : Hello there, Terry.

How are you doing? G : Not too well.

I'm really having trouble figuring out this arithmetic assignment. I can add and subtract pretty well, but without a calculator it's difficult for me to multiply and divide. Hey, Olaf, I heard that you're excellent in math. B : My technique is that I try to imagine pictures in my mind, so the numbers aren't just figures on a page, but something I can apply to real life.

One way I do this is to imagine the numbers as if they were money. For example, if the equation is 753 minus 236, I think about seven dollars and 53 cents minus two dollars and 36 cents. It's five dollars and 17 cents, or 517. Easy! G : Wow, that does seem easier, for adding and subtracting.

But how do you apply this technique to multiplying and dividing? B : OK, suppose the equation is 200 times 30.

30 is three groups of 10. So, first I imagine 10 groups of people standing in a large field. Next to each group is a sign with the number 200 on it. At the front of the field is a huge sign with the number 2,000 on it, because 200 times 10 equals 2,000, right? But the problem requires 200 times 10 three times, so, I just add two more fields of people to my picture, with two more signs that say 2,000. Now I have 2,000 times three. The answer is 6,000!

Unit 141 Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide Einheit 141 Addieren, Subtrahieren, Multiplizieren und Dividieren Unidad 141 Sumar, restar, multiplicar y dividir Unità 141 Aggiungere, sottrarre, moltiplicare e dividere ユニット 141 加える、引く、掛ける、割る Jednostka 141 Dodawanie, odejmowanie, mnożenie i dzielenie Unidade 141 Adicionar, subtrair, multiplicar e dividir 单元 141 加、减、乘、除

B : Hello there, Terry.

How are you doing? G : Not too well. Ж: Не слишком хорошо.

I’m really having trouble figuring out this arithmetic assignment. Estou realmente tendo problemas para descobrir essa tarefa aritmética. I can add and subtract pretty well, but without a calculator it’s difficult for me to multiply and divide. Posso somar e subtrair muito bem, mas sem uma calculadora é difícil para mim multiplicar e dividir. Я умею неплохо складывать и вычитать, но без калькулятора мне сложно умножать и делить. Hey, Olaf, I heard that you’re excellent in math. B : My technique is that I try to imagine pictures in my mind, so the numbers aren’t just figures on a page, but something I can apply to real life. В: Моя техника заключается в том, что я пытаюсь представить себе картины в своем воображении, так что числа - это не просто цифры на странице, а что-то, что я могу применить в реальной жизни.

One way I do this is to imagine the numbers as if they were money. For example, if the equation is 753 minus 236, I think about seven dollars and 53 cents minus two dollars and 36 cents. It’s five dollars and 17 cents, or 517. Easy! G : Wow, that does seem easier, for adding and subtracting. G: Вау, это кажется проще, для сложения и вычитания.

But how do you apply this technique to multiplying and dividing? B : OK, suppose the equation is 200 times 30. В: Хорошо, предположим, что уравнение равно 200 умножить на 30.

30 is three groups of 10. So, first I imagine 10 groups of people standing in a large field. Итак, сначала я представляю себе 10 групп людей, стоящих на большом поле. Next to each group is a sign with the number 200 on it. At the front of the field is a huge sign with the number 2,000 on it, because 200 times 10 equals 2,000, right? Перед полем стоит огромный знак с цифрой 2 000, ведь 200 умножить на 10 равно 2 000, верно? But the problem requires 200 times 10 three times, so, I just add two more fields of people to my picture, with two more signs that say 2,000. Но задача требует 200 умножить на 10 три раза, поэтому я просто добавляю еще два поля людей к моей картинке, с еще двумя табличками, на которых написано 2 000. Ama sorun 200 kez 10'u üç kez gerektiriyor, bu yüzden resmime iki kişi daha ekliyorum, 2.000 diyen iki işaret daha. Now I have 2,000 times three. The answer is 6,000!