
형용사는 목적어의 특징을 나타내고 какой? (어떤 것?) чей? (누구의 것?) 이라는 질문에 답하는 독립 품사이다.

러시아어에는 다음과 같은 세 가지 유형의 형용사가 있다:

веселый (веселее, самый веселый)

мамин, заячий


The difference between qualitative and relative adjectives is in the row of features. For instance, unlike the relative adjectives, qualitative ones have the comparison degrees (быстрый - быстрее) and short forms (добрый - добр); they can combine with adverbs (необыкновенно быстрый), form complex adjectives (быстрый-пребыстрый), form adjectives with the prefix -не (небыстрый); they can have antonyms (быстрый - медленный) and synonyms (быстрый, молниеносный, немедленный), diminutive forms (быстренький), and form adverbs with the endings -о, -е (быстро).

Comparison degrees

Qualitative adjectives have three comparison degrees: positive, comparative and superlative.

Positive - веселый (merry)
Comparative - веселее, более веселый (merrier)
Superlative - самый/наиболее веселый (the merriest)

As you can see, in the positive degree, the adjective is just as it’s given in the dictionary. To form the comparative degree, add the ending -ей, -ее, -е или -ше (быстрый - быстрее, сильный - сильней, высокий - выше, тихий - тише). Or you can add the word более/менее to the positive degree.

To form the superlative degree, add the word самый or наиболее/наименее to the positive degree.