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TED-Ed, What causes heartburn? - Rusha Modi

What causes heartburn? - Rusha Modi

Just between your chest and abdomen

is where you'll find one of the most important muscles

you probably didn't know you had:

the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES.

When functioning properly,

this ring of tissue plays a crucial role in helping us eat.

But when the LES malfunctions,

it becomes the main player in heartburn

--a searing, sometimes sour-tasting chest-spasm

that many people will experience at some point in their lives.

We know that humans have been battling heartburn

for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

But recently the incidence has risen,

making it a common stomach complaint worldwide.

When the symptoms of heartburn become more more regular and intense

—such as twice a week or more--

it's diagnosed as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD.

But what causes this problem,

and how can it be stopped?

Heartburn starts in an area called

the gastroesophageal junction, where the LES resides.

This smooth, muscular ring of the LES

is moderated by an intricate tree of nerve roots

that connect to the brain, the heart, and the lungs.

After food enters the stomach from the esophagus,

the muscle's task is to stop it

from surging back up again.

The LES contracts, squeezing the stomach entrance

and creating a high pressure zone

that prevents digestive acids from seeping out.

But if the LES relaxes at the wrong moment or gradually weakens,

it becomes like a faulty, ill-fitting lid,

causing the area to depressurize.

That allows burning stomach acid--

and even chunks of food--to spurt into the

esophagus, sometimes going as far up as the mouth.

The cause of all this internal drama

has long been put down to diet.

Foods like caffeine and peppermint contain

ingredients that may have a relaxing affect on the LES,

which makes it incapable of doing its job.

Other acidic foods, like citrus and tomatoes,

can worsen irritation of the esophagus

when they leach out with stomach acid.

Carbonated beverages can similarly

bubble up in the stomach,

forcing open the valve.

But researchers have discovered that food isn't the only trigger.

Smoking poses a risk, because the nicotine in cigarettes relaxes the LES.

Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol

may have a similar effect.

Pregnant women often experience more heartburn

due to the pressure of a growing baby on their stomachs.

and the levels of certain hormones in their bodies.

Obesity can cause hernias that disrupt

the anti-reflux barrier of the gastroesophageal junction

that normally protects against heartburn.

Numerous medications, including those for asthma,

high blood pressure, birth control, and depression

can also have unintended effects on the LES.

An occasional bout of heartburn isn't

necessarily something to worry about.

But, if heartburn starts happening regularly,

it can weaken the LES muscle over time,

letting more and more acid escape.

And if it goes untreated,

this can cause bigger problems.

Over time, constant acid leakage from heartburn

may form scar tissue which narrows the

esophageal tube, making it harder to swallow food.

Ongoing reflux can also damage the cells

lining the esophagus--a rare condition called

Barrett's esophagus, which can elevate

the risk of esophageal cancer.

Luckily, heartburn is often treatable with

a range of medicines that can help

neutralize or reduce stomach acid.

In extreme cases, some people have surgery

to tighten the LES to minimize their distress.

But we can often stop heartburn

before it reaches that point.

Reducing the consumption of certain foods,

not smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight

can all dramatically reduce reflux.

With proper care we can help our LES's keep

the chemical fountain of our stomachs in proper order

and avoid having to feel the burn.

What causes heartburn? - Rusha Modi Was verursacht Sodbrennen? - Rusha Modi Τι προκαλεί καούρα; - Rusha Modi ¿Qué causa la acidez estomacal? - Rusha Modi Quali sono le cause del bruciore di stomaco? - Rusha Modi Kas sukelia rėmenį? - Rusha Modi O que causa a azia? - Rusha Modi Что вызывает изжогу? - Руша Моди Mide yanmasına ne sebep olur? - Rusha Modi Що викликає печію? - Руша Моді 胃灼熱是什麼原因引起的? ——魯莎·莫迪

Just between your chest and abdomen Mesmo entre o peito e o abdómen Тільки між грудьми і животом

is where you'll find one of the most important muscles é onde se encontra um dos músculos mais importantes

you probably didn't know you had: que provavelmente não sabia que tinha:

the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES. o esfíncter esofágico inferior, ou LES. нижній стравохідний сфінктер, або LES.

When functioning properly, Quando funciona corretamente,

this ring of tissue plays a crucial role in helping us eat. це кільце тканини відіграє вирішальну роль, допомагаючи нам харчуватися.

But when the LES malfunctions, Але коли LES виходить з ладу,

it becomes the main player in heartburn

--a searing, sometimes sour-tasting chest-spasm пекучий, іноді кислий спазм у грудях

that many people will experience at some point in their lives.

We know that humans have been battling heartburn

for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

But recently the incidence has risen,

making it a common stomach complaint worldwide.

When the symptoms of heartburn become more more regular and intense

—such as twice a week or more--

it's diagnosed as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD. це діагностовано як гастроезофагеальна рефлюксна хвороба або ГЕРХ.

But what causes this problem,

and how can it be stopped?

Heartburn starts in an area called

the gastroesophageal junction, where the LES resides. шлунково-стравохідний перехід, де знаходиться LES.

This smooth, muscular ring of the LES

is moderated by an intricate tree of nerve roots модерується складним деревом нервових корінців

that connect to the brain, the heart, and the lungs.

After food enters the stomach from the esophagus,

the muscle's task is to stop it

from surging back up again. від підйому знову.

The LES contracts, squeezing the stomach entrance LES скорочується, здавлюючи вхід у шлунок

and creating a high pressure zone

that prevents digestive acids from seeping out. що перешкоджає витоку травної кислоти.

But if the LES relaxes at the wrong moment or gradually weakens, Але якщо LES розслаблюється в невідповідний момент або поступово слабшає,

it becomes like a faulty, ill-fitting lid, він стає схожим на несправну, погано підігнану кришку,

causing the area to depressurize. викликаючи розгерметизацію зони.

That allows burning stomach acid--

and even chunks of food--to spurt into the і навіть шматки їжі - щоб кинути в

esophagus, sometimes going as far up as the mouth.

The cause of all this internal drama

has long been put down to diet.

Foods like caffeine and peppermint contain Такі продукти, як кофеїн і перцева м’ята, містять

ingredients that may have a relaxing affect on the LES,

which makes it incapable of doing its job.

Other acidic foods, like citrus and tomatoes, Інші кислі продукти, такі як цитрусові та помідори,

can worsen irritation of the esophagus може посилити подразнення стравоходу

when they leach out with stomach acid.

Carbonated beverages can similarly Газовані напої можуть аналогічно

bubble up in the stomach, пузир у животі,

forcing open the valve.

But researchers have discovered that food isn't the only trigger.

Smoking poses a risk, because the nicotine in cigarettes relaxes the LES. Куріння становить ризик, оскільки нікотин у сигаретах послаблює LES.

Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol Вживання надмірної кількості алкоголю

may have a similar effect.

Pregnant women often experience more heartburn

due to the pressure of a growing baby on their stomachs.

and the levels of certain hormones in their bodies.

Obesity can cause hernias that disrupt Ожиріння може стати причиною грижі, яка порушує

the anti-reflux barrier of the gastroesophageal junction антирефлюксний бар'єр гастроезофагеального переходу

that normally protects against heartburn.

Numerous medications, including those for asthma,

high blood pressure, birth control, and depression

can also have unintended effects on the LES. також може мати небажаний вплив на LES.

An occasional bout of heartburn isn't Часовий напад печії – це не так

necessarily something to worry about.

But, if heartburn starts happening regularly,

it can weaken the LES muscle over time,

letting more and more acid escape.

And if it goes untreated, І якщо його не лікувати,

this can cause bigger problems.

Over time, constant acid leakage from heartburn

may form scar tissue which narrows the може утворювати рубцеву тканину, яка звужує

esophageal tube, making it harder to swallow food. стравохідної трубки, що ускладнює ковтання їжі.

Ongoing reflux can also damage the cells

lining the esophagus--a rare condition called

Barrett's esophagus, which can elevate Стравохід Барретта, який може підніматися

the risk of esophageal cancer.

Luckily, heartburn is often treatable with На щастя, печію часто можна вилікувати

a range of medicines that can help

neutralize or reduce stomach acid.

In extreme cases, some people have surgery

to tighten the LES to minimize their distress. затягнути LES, щоб мінімізувати їхні страждання.

But we can often stop heartburn

before it reaches that point.

Reducing the consumption of certain foods,

not smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight

can all dramatically reduce reflux.

With proper care we can help our LES's keep

the chemical fountain of our stomachs in proper order

and avoid having to feel the burn.