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Ali Abdaal, I WAS WRONG - The Real Secret of Productivity (1)

I WAS WRONG - The Real Secret of Productivity (1)

- All right,

so, the truth about productivity

is that it's not really about the apps,

it's not really about having a perfect system

or about being disciplined

or motivated more than anyone else.

Those things do help

but what I've realized over the last few months

is that there is actually a hidden secret

to productivity and fulfillment.

So grab a cup of tea and we can talk about it.

As you may or may not know

I am in the middle of writing a book

and it's a book about productivity.

And so I've been thinking a lot over the last few months

about like, what does productivity actually mean to me?

And the main insight that I've realized

is that productivity, to be honest

isn't really about getting more things done,

it's mostly about learning joy the journey

because when we're having fun,

we're doing the things that we're doing

then productivity kind of just takes care of itself.

And this is kind of obvious, right?

Like, you know, when we're doing stuff that we enjoy

when we're hanging out with friends or watching Netflix

or playing video games,

we're never worried about our productivity,

we're never worried about motivation.

We never say

I need to be motivated to watch this next episode

of Netflix or to play "War Zone" with the boys.

We only really need motivation

in inverted commas for the things

that are like short-term painful for long-term gain.

And we as humans, we are absolutely terrible

at motivating ourselves to do things

in service to our future selves

because we're all obsessed with instant gratification.

And so the conundrum that we're dealing with

is how do we make ourselves do things

that are short-term painful in service to our future selves?

How do we make ourselves?

How do we motivate ourselves to be productive,

to sit down and learn to code,

or to do our homework assignment

or to work on that side project

after we've come home from a hard day of work

because we know we wanna be entrepreneurs

at the end of the day?

And there's broadly two ways of answering this question:

The first one is something that I call

the Muhammad Ali method.

This is called the Muhammad Ali method

because Muhammad Ali famous boxer,

has this famous quote where he said something like,

"I hated every minute of training,

"but I said don't quit.

"Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion."

And my middle is amazing

everyone loves him and all that stuff obviously.

But I think this approach

to work as like work equals suffering

that's an approach that I'm not really a fan of

and maybe that's what you need

if you wanna become like, you know,

world heavyweight boxing champion

or if you wanna win gold at the Olympics.

But you know, if I think about what I want from my life

it's not to be the best in the world at anything,

it's not to win a gold medal

or a Nobel prize or to be a boxing champion,

the thing that I want from my life,

which I think is true for a lot of us

is that I wanna live a nice balanced life

where I'm having fun,

working on things that I enjoy,

doing things that contribute a bit to the world

and not really being overly concerned

with like trying to be the best

or trying to compete with other people.

And so I think the problem

with this Muhammad Ali approach to life

i.e this work equals suffering approach to life

is that it kind of glorifies the hustle

and glorifies the grind that you need to suffer,

this needs to be painful and if it's painful,

it's because you're doing it right

and if you're not doing it

it's because you can't stand the pain.

And obviously that's a huge oversimplification

and I'm sure his stance on this is actually more nuanced.

But when I think of like my own life over the last 15 years

and how I do things like YouTube channel, entrepreneurship,

medical school, being a doctor podcast,

all this stuff that people messaged me about

none of it feels like suffering.

None of it feels like a grind.

None of it feels like work.

None if it feels like a hustle.

And so one of my housemates says,

"It's 11 o'clock at night,

"like, why are you still working?"

It's always a bit surprising

'cause it really doesn't like,

genuinely doesn't feel like work because it's actually fun.

And that begs the question that well, okay,

how do we actually enjoy the things that we're doing?

I'm glad you asked because

there's, again, two broad ways of tackling this.

The first one is the one that like

books and stuff will tell you,

which is that find your passion

and do the things that you enjoy.

That's like one way of doing it.

The problem with that type of thinking

the whole find your passion and do what you enjoy

is that a lots of us don't know what our passion is.

It's like, you know, I don't know what my passion is.

What am I passionate about

who knows?

Secondly, the things I'm passionate about,

like I dunno playing "World of Warcraft"

and trying to play songs on the guitar.

I'm never gonna be able to make a living

at playing "World of Warcraft"

or playing all the songs on the guitar.

And if I tried, I'd be like, you know what?

I'm gonna become one of those 0.01%

of single song writers who make it big in the world.

You know, the deck is stacked against me,

the odds are stacked against me.

And the third problem with this whole narrative

of find your passion and do what you love

and all that kind of crap is that it doesn't recognize

that we do often have to do things that we don't wanna do.

Like unless you're born with a silver spoon up your behind

you probably don't have the freedom to just quit your job

and follow your passion.

Your put your passion is art, great.

Don't worry about working

just become an artist full time.

Most of us don't have that level of privilege

where we can just quit our jobs and follow our passion.

And so when we're trying to answer this question

of how do we enjoy the journey,

how do we have fun?

That approach of like pick the fun things to work on,

I don't think that works for most people.

I think there is a second approach

and that's the one that I've been using

most of my life.

The second approach is actually instead of

doing the things you enjoy

learning to enjoy the things that you're doing,

and this approach is great

because it doesn't rely on any level of privilege,

it doesn't rely on your external circumstances.

All it relies on

is like using a few mindset shifts

and using a few like environmental tricks

and using a few tips and techniques and hacks

to make ourselves or rather to encourage ourselves

to enjoy more of the things that we're doing.

And so genuinely, that's the true secret of productivity

if you can learn to enjoy the journey,

if you can learn to have fun journey before destination

then productivity takes care of itself.

And so I wanna share five or so techniques

that I found really helpful in my life

over the last 10 years

that helped me enjoy the journey a little bit more.

Tip number one, and I've just spilled some tea,

so as I wipe the tea, take tip number one

is a mindset shift.

And that's just having the mindset

that the thing that we're doing or the work

or whatever you wanna call it is gonna be fun.

This is like absolutely game-changing;

anytime I've had a situation in my life

where I felt stressed or I felt unmotivated

or I felt like, ugh, I'm not being productive enough,

usually it's because I forgot to have fun.

And there's a great phrase

that the philosopher Alan Watts used

which is about approaching things sincerely

versus approaching things seriously.

And I often find myself approaching things too seriously,

like, you know, it's no fun playing a game

with someone who's taking it too seriously.

And so when I remember to have fun

I switched to approaching things sincerely

like I'm still gonna give it my all

but I'm gonna recognize that this is a game

and I'm gonna try and enjoy myself while I'm doing it.

In fact, I even have a post-it note

attached to my computer monitor at all times

that says this is going to be fun.

And anytime I find my, you know,

I just, I'm looking around and I catch a glimpse

of that post-it note, this is gonna be fun.

I just remind myself, oh yeah, this is gonna be fun.

This is fine.

This is all good.

I don't need to feel that work is suffering,

I can just treat it as a game and have fun along the way.

Tip number two is all about turning things into a game.

Now, this used to be a very popular

like corporate speak thing back in the day

I think about 10 years ago,

gamification, is all about gamification.

And if you gamified you workplace

then the employees would be more motivated

and more productive.

And so the word gamification,

a lot of people now like vom a little bit in their mouth

when they hear it

because it just sounds so, you know,

it harks back to that era.

But I think gamification

is actually like absolutely game changing.

So for example, when I was going through medical school

in my first year of med school, I really, really struggled

because I had the mindset of this is supposed to be hard.

And I just didn't have the thought

like I could treat this as a game,

but in my second year of medical school

I started treating things more as a game.

And so when I would make my revision timetables

I'd kind of write down all the subjects I need just to know

and then I would color code them

based on how well I knew them.

And so they would all start off as red

and then as I got better at them, they'd go yellow,

and then they go green.

And just that kind of color coding

helped me think of it more as a game.

And so when I'd be studying,

I'd be looking forward to testing myself with active recall

and then I'd be looking forward

to that box on my Google sheet turning green,

and just that added element of a game of finding the process

made it so much more fun to study

and it also helped me get a first class degree

in my second year exams,

which I hadn't done in my first year

when I thought things were gonna be really, really hard.

Tip number three for making stuff more fun

is to bring others on board,

is to do things with your friends.

Again, I've got a story for med school about this.

So in my fifth year of med school,

I had a project that I was doing

that involves analyzing data from like 2000 patient records

and manually going through them

on the electronic patient record system

in order to like tease out some things around,

you know what medication they were on

and what their results of an ultrasound scan were,

the details are kind of irrelevant.

The point is this was a lot of mind numbingly,

boring dull grunt work, having to go through a spreadsheet.

And it didn't really require any like special knowledge

I WAS WRONG - The Real Secret of Productivity (1) I WAS WRONG - Das wahre Geheimnis der Produktivität (1) I WAS WRONG - The Real Secret of Productivity (1) ESTABA EQUIVOCADO - El verdadero secreto de la productividad (1) J'AVAIS TORT - Le vrai secret de la productivité (1) I WAS WRONG - Het echte geheim van productiviteit (1) Myliłem się - prawdziwy sekret produktywności (1) Eu estava errado - O verdadeiro segredo da produtividade (1) Я БЫЛ НЕПРАВ - Настоящий секрет продуктивности (1) I WAS WRONG - Produktivitetens verkliga hemlighet (1) 我错了——提高生产力的真正秘密(1)

- All right,

so, the truth about productivity

is that it's not really about the apps,

it's not really about having a perfect system

or about being disciplined

or motivated more than anyone else.

Those things do help

but what I've realized over the last few months

is that there is actually a hidden secret

to productivity and fulfillment.

So grab a cup of tea and we can talk about it.

As you may or may not know

I am in the middle of writing a book

and it's a book about productivity.

And so I've been thinking a lot over the last few months

about like, what does productivity actually mean to me?

And the main insight that I've realized

is that productivity, to be honest

isn't really about getting more things done,

it's mostly about learning joy the journey

because when we're having fun,

we're doing the things that we're doing

then productivity kind of just takes care of itself.

And this is kind of obvious, right?

Like, you know, when we're doing stuff that we enjoy

when we're hanging out with friends or watching Netflix

or playing video games,

we're never worried about our productivity,

we're never worried about motivation.

We never say

I need to be motivated to watch this next episode

of Netflix or to play "War Zone" with the boys.

We only really need motivation

in inverted commas for the things

that are like short-term painful for long-term gain.

And we as humans, we are absolutely terrible

at motivating ourselves to do things

in service to our future selves

because we're all obsessed with instant gratification.

And so the conundrum that we're dealing with

is how do we make ourselves do things

that are short-term painful in service to our future selves?

How do we make ourselves?

How do we motivate ourselves to be productive,

to sit down and learn to code,

or to do our homework assignment

or to work on that side project

after we've come home from a hard day of work

because we know we wanna be entrepreneurs

at the end of the day?

And there's broadly two ways of answering this question:

The first one is something that I call

the Muhammad Ali method.

This is called the Muhammad Ali method

because Muhammad Ali famous boxer,

has this famous quote where he said something like,

"I hated every minute of training,

"but I said don't quit.

"Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion."

And my middle is amazing

everyone loves him and all that stuff obviously.

But I think this approach

to work as like work equals suffering

that's an approach that I'm not really a fan of

and maybe that's what you need

if you wanna become like, you know,

world heavyweight boxing champion

or if you wanna win gold at the Olympics.

But you know, if I think about what I want from my life

it's not to be the best in the world at anything,

it's not to win a gold medal

or a Nobel prize or to be a boxing champion,

the thing that I want from my life,

which I think is true for a lot of us

is that I wanna live a nice balanced life

where I'm having fun,

working on things that I enjoy,

doing things that contribute a bit to the world

and not really being overly concerned

with like trying to be the best

or trying to compete with other people.

And so I think the problem

with this Muhammad Ali approach to life

i.e this work equals suffering approach to life

is that it kind of glorifies the hustle

and glorifies the grind that you need to suffer,

this needs to be painful and if it's painful,

it's because you're doing it right

and if you're not doing it

it's because you can't stand the pain.

And obviously that's a huge oversimplification

and I'm sure his stance on this is actually more nuanced.

But when I think of like my own life over the last 15 years

and how I do things like YouTube channel, entrepreneurship,

medical school, being a doctor podcast,

all this stuff that people messaged me about

none of it feels like suffering.

None of it feels like a grind.

None of it feels like work.

None if it feels like a hustle.

And so one of my housemates says,

"It's 11 o'clock at night,

"like, why are you still working?"

It's always a bit surprising

'cause it really doesn't like,

genuinely doesn't feel like work because it's actually fun.

And that begs the question that well, okay,

how do we actually enjoy the things that we're doing?

I'm glad you asked because

there's, again, two broad ways of tackling this.

The first one is the one that like

books and stuff will tell you,

which is that find your passion

and do the things that you enjoy.

That's like one way of doing it.

The problem with that type of thinking

the whole find your passion and do what you enjoy

is that a lots of us don't know what our passion is.

It's like, you know, I don't know what my passion is.

What am I passionate about

who knows?

Secondly, the things I'm passionate about,

like I dunno playing "World of Warcraft"

and trying to play songs on the guitar.

I'm never gonna be able to make a living

at playing "World of Warcraft"

or playing all the songs on the guitar.

And if I tried, I'd be like, you know what?

I'm gonna become one of those 0.01%

of single song writers who make it big in the world.

You know, the deck is stacked against me,

the odds are stacked against me.

And the third problem with this whole narrative

of find your passion and do what you love

and all that kind of crap is that it doesn't recognize

that we do often have to do things that we don't wanna do.

Like unless you're born with a silver spoon up your behind

you probably don't have the freedom to just quit your job

and follow your passion.

Your put your passion is art, great.

Don't worry about working

just become an artist full time.

Most of us don't have that level of privilege

where we can just quit our jobs and follow our passion.

And so when we're trying to answer this question

of how do we enjoy the journey,

how do we have fun?

That approach of like pick the fun things to work on,

I don't think that works for most people.

I think there is a second approach

and that's the one that I've been using

most of my life.

The second approach is actually instead of

doing the things you enjoy

learning to enjoy the things that you're doing,

and this approach is great

because it doesn't rely on any level of privilege,

it doesn't rely on your external circumstances.

All it relies on

is like using a few mindset shifts

and using a few like environmental tricks

and using a few tips and techniques and hacks

to make ourselves or rather to encourage ourselves

to enjoy more of the things that we're doing.

And so genuinely, that's the true secret of productivity

if you can learn to enjoy the journey,

if you can learn to have fun journey before destination

then productivity takes care of itself.

And so I wanna share five or so techniques

that I found really helpful in my life

over the last 10 years

that helped me enjoy the journey a little bit more.

Tip number one, and I've just spilled some tea,

so as I wipe the tea, take tip number one

is a mindset shift.

And that's just having the mindset

that the thing that we're doing or the work

or whatever you wanna call it is gonna be fun.

This is like absolutely game-changing;

anytime I've had a situation in my life

where I felt stressed or I felt unmotivated

or I felt like, ugh, I'm not being productive enough,

usually it's because I forgot to have fun.

And there's a great phrase

that the philosopher Alan Watts used

which is about approaching things sincerely

versus approaching things seriously.

And I often find myself approaching things too seriously,

like, you know, it's no fun playing a game

with someone who's taking it too seriously.

And so when I remember to have fun

I switched to approaching things sincerely

like I'm still gonna give it my all

but I'm gonna recognize that this is a game

and I'm gonna try and enjoy myself while I'm doing it.

In fact, I even have a post-it note

attached to my computer monitor at all times

that says this is going to be fun.

And anytime I find my, you know,

I just, I'm looking around and I catch a glimpse

of that post-it note, this is gonna be fun.

I just remind myself, oh yeah, this is gonna be fun.

This is fine.

This is all good.

I don't need to feel that work is suffering,

I can just treat it as a game and have fun along the way.

Tip number two is all about turning things into a game.

Now, this used to be a very popular

like corporate speak thing back in the day

I think about 10 years ago,

gamification, is all about gamification.

And if you gamified you workplace

then the employees would be more motivated

and more productive.

And so the word gamification,

a lot of people now like vom a little bit in their mouth

when they hear it

because it just sounds so, you know,

it harks back to that era.

But I think gamification

is actually like absolutely game changing.

So for example, when I was going through medical school

in my first year of med school, I really, really struggled

because I had the mindset of this is supposed to be hard.

And I just didn't have the thought

like I could treat this as a game,

but in my second year of medical school

I started treating things more as a game.

And so when I would make my revision timetables

I'd kind of write down all the subjects I need just to know

and then I would color code them

based on how well I knew them.

And so they would all start off as red

and then as I got better at them, they'd go yellow,

and then they go green.

And just that kind of color coding

helped me think of it more as a game.

And so when I'd be studying,

I'd be looking forward to testing myself with active recall

and then I'd be looking forward

to that box on my Google sheet turning green,

and just that added element of a game of finding the process

made it so much more fun to study

and it also helped me get a first class degree

in my second year exams,

which I hadn't done in my first year

when I thought things were gonna be really, really hard.

Tip number three for making stuff more fun

is to bring others on board,

is to do things with your friends.

Again, I've got a story for med school about this.

So in my fifth year of med school,

I had a project that I was doing

that involves analyzing data from like 2000 patient records

and manually going through them

on the electronic patient record system

in order to like tease out some things around,

you know what medication they were on

and what their results of an ultrasound scan were,

the details are kind of irrelevant.

The point is this was a lot of mind numbingly,

boring dull grunt work, having to go through a spreadsheet.

And it didn't really require any like special knowledge