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Ali Abdaal, How I Manage My Time - 10 Time Management Tips (2)

How I Manage My Time - 10 Time Management Tips (2)

people imagine that,

"Oh, well I can't afford to delegate something.

I don't have enough money to delegate to hire someone."

And sure, that's probably true

but the way that I think of it,

even when the YouTube channel wasn't successful

was like, what is actually the dollar value of my time?

How much is my time actually worth?

And when it came to running my business,

I decided that, okay, my time is worth 20 pounds an hour

or $25 an hour.

And that means that anything I'm doing

that I don't enjoy, that I can outsource to someone,

that I can delegate for less than $25 an hour

I absolutely should do that.

And that principle of delegation

has encouraged me to get a cleaner

which has been great because now we have someone

who comes in to clean the house every other week

which means I don't have to do it myself.

And back in the day when I was building my businesses

from the ground up,

and there was lots of things that needed to be done,

like data entry or things like that.

I was able to delegate those to freelancers

in like the Philippines or in Bangladesh or in India

through upwork.com or fiverr.com

and like paying them like $7 an hour

is an amazing like wage for someone,

for work in the Philippines.

But it was fantastic for me because it freed up my time

to do things that were adding more value to the business

and to my life than doing data entry, for example.

And so whatever your circumstances are,

I'd encourage you to think about

what is the dollar value of your time.

And potentially if you want,

can you delegate stuff that's cheaper than that

to other people potentially.

Tip number nine for time management

is to try and automate scheduling as much as possible.

Now that we're in the world of like Zoom calls

and like chatting to people over the internet

basically every day, I found I was wasting a lot of time

in scheduling back and forth where it'd be like,

"Hey, I wanna talk to you,

but like, are you free this time,

Pacific time, this time, Eastern time

this time, British Standard time," all this kind of stuff.

And we'd go back and forth with emails

for like a solid 10 days before anything would get done.

But then I discovered an app called Calendly,

and Calendly is great.

It's free for like the free version.

I pay for the pro version these days.

It's not sponsoring this video

or anything like that unfortunately.

Calendly if watching this, let me know.

But the idea behind Calendly

is you conditionally send someone a link

and it has like all of your availability

and they can just book a slot in your calendar.

Now this feels a little bit weird to do.

Initially, it feels like a bit of a power move that,

"Hey, book a slot on my calendar."

But anytime I get the Calendly link from someone I'm like,

"Oh my God, I'm so grateful."

Because this has literally saved me 20 minutes of my life ,

time that I'm never gonna get back

and not having to worry about scheduling

back and forth emails.

Even sometimes these days when it comes to

like catching up with friends,

I just send them a calendar link

and I'm like, "Look, so hey man, I'm really sorry.

But like here's the Calendly link.

I know we're never gonna talk

because the schedules are never gonna align.

But if there's a time that works for you

click on this link."

And he books a time and we have cool.

And it's nice.

'Cause I've caught up with so many more friends

in the last few months through using Calendly links

than I did in the last like three years

of having to schedule back and forth with WhatsApp messages.

And finally, principle number 10 for time management.

And this is something I've only recently

started to appreciate, which is that like

when you're like a productivity nerd

and you're interested in like efficiency

and getting more done.

It's very easy for us to get to the end of the day

and to just feel chronically dissatisfied

with what we've accomplished.

Like at the end of the day, it's like,

"Oh, well, I filmed one video today

but I could have filmed five videos.

What's wrong with me? Such a waste man."

And kind of internally beating ourselves up about this.

But one thing I've started to kind of tell myself recently

is that I can choose to be satisfied at the end of the day.

At the end of this day, I'll have filmed this video.

I was planning to film three more videos,

but I didn't get around to doing those.

That's fine. I filmed one.

I can choose to be satisfied

with what I've done and that's all good.

And like, it doesn't change how much work I've done

by me beating myself up about it.

It just makes me feel bad.

And therefore, I can choose to feel good

with how I've managed my time.

If you're interested in more strategies

on how to manage your time,

I actually have three whole online courses

themed around productivity and time management

that are hosted on Skillshare.

No, they're not sponsoring this video,

but if you hit the link in the video description,

there'll be a link that gives you a free trial to Skillshare

where you can check out my three classes on productivity.

One of them is about the fundamentals of productivity.

One of them is about the productivity equation

which is my personal mental model for productivity.

And the third one is one that I've released very recently

like last week around productivity for creators

and how we manage our time doing this

like creative high side hustle entrepreneur type stuff.

So check that out with the links in the video description.

And if you want more tips for time management

and general productivity,

you should check out my book review

and summary of the book "Make Time"

which is one of my favorite productivity books of all time.

And that will be linked right over there.

So thank you so much for watching.

Have a great day and I'll see you in the next video.

Bye, bye

How I Manage My Time - 10 Time Management Tips (2) Wie ich meine Zeit verwalte - 10 Zeitmanagement-Tipps (2) Cómo gestiono mi tiempo - 10 consejos para gestionar el tiempo (2) Comment je gère mon temps - 10 conseils de gestion du temps (2) Come gestisco il mio tempo - 10 consigli per la gestione del tempo (2) 私はどのように時間を管理するか - 10の時間管理のヒント (2) Kaip aš valdau savo laiką - 10 laiko valdymo patarimų (2) Jak zarządzam swoim czasem - 10 wskazówek dotyczących zarządzania czasem (2) Como faço a gestão do meu tempo - 10 dicas de gestão do tempo (2) Как я распоряжаюсь своим временем - 10 советов по тайм-менеджменту (2) Hur jag hanterar min tid - 10 tips om tidshantering (2) Zamanımı Nasıl Yönetiyorum - 10 Zaman Yönetimi İpucu (2) Як я керую своїм часом - 10 порад з тайм-менеджменту (2) 我如何管理时间 - 10 个时间管理技巧 (2) 我如何管理我的時間 - 10 個時間管理技巧 (2)

people imagine that,

"Oh, well I can't afford to delegate something.

I don't have enough money to delegate to hire someone." Tôi không có đủ tiền để ủy thác thuê ai đó."

And sure, that's probably true

but the way that I think of it,

even when the YouTube channel wasn't successful

was like, what is actually the dollar value of my time?

How much is my time actually worth?

And when it came to running my business,

I decided that, okay, my time is worth 20 pounds an hour

or $25 an hour.

And that means that anything I'm doing

that I don't enjoy, that I can outsource to someone,

that I can delegate for less than $25 an hour

I absolutely should do that.

And that principle of delegation Và nguyên tắc ủy quyền đó

has encouraged me to get a cleaner

which has been great because now we have someone

who comes in to clean the house every other week

which means I don't have to do it myself.

And back in the day when I was building my businesses

from the ground up,

and there was lots of things that needed to be done,

like data entry or things like that.

I was able to delegate those to freelancers

in like the Philippines or in Bangladesh or in India

through upwork.com or fiverr.com

and like paying them like $7 an hour

is an amazing like wage for someone,

for work in the Philippines.

But it was fantastic for me because it freed up my time

to do things that were adding more value to the business

and to my life than doing data entry, for example.

And so whatever your circumstances are,

I'd encourage you to think about

what is the dollar value of your time.

And potentially if you want,

can you delegate stuff that's cheaper than that

to other people potentially.

Tip number nine for time management

is to try and automate scheduling as much as possible.

Now that we're in the world of like Zoom calls

and like chatting to people over the internet

basically every day, I found I was wasting a lot of time

in scheduling back and forth where it'd be like,

"Hey, I wanna talk to you,

but like, are you free this time,

Pacific time, this time, Eastern time

this time, British Standard time," all this kind of stuff.

And we'd go back and forth with emails

for like a solid 10 days before anything would get done.

But then I discovered an app called Calendly,

and Calendly is great.

It's free for like the free version.

I pay for the pro version these days.

It's not sponsoring this video

or anything like that unfortunately.

Calendly if watching this, let me know.

But the idea behind Calendly

is you conditionally send someone a link

and it has like all of your availability

and they can just book a slot in your calendar.

Now this feels a little bit weird to do.

Initially, it feels like a bit of a power move that,

"Hey, book a slot on my calendar."

But anytime I get the Calendly link from someone I'm like,

"Oh my God, I'm so grateful."

Because this has literally saved me 20 minutes of my life ,

time that I'm never gonna get back

and not having to worry about scheduling

back and forth emails.

Even sometimes these days when it comes to

like catching up with friends,

I just send them a calendar link

and I'm like, "Look, so hey man, I'm really sorry.

But like here's the Calendly link.

I know we're never gonna talk

because the schedules are never gonna align.

But if there's a time that works for you

click on this link."

And he books a time and we have cool.

And it's nice.

'Cause I've caught up with so many more friends

in the last few months through using Calendly links

than I did in the last like three years

of having to schedule back and forth with WhatsApp messages.

And finally, principle number 10 for time management.

And this is something I've only recently

started to appreciate, which is that like

when you're like a productivity nerd

and you're interested in like efficiency

and getting more done.

It's very easy for us to get to the end of the day

and to just feel chronically dissatisfied

with what we've accomplished.

Like at the end of the day, it's like,

"Oh, well, I filmed one video today

but I could have filmed five videos.

What's wrong with me? Such a waste man."

And kind of internally beating ourselves up about this.

But one thing I've started to kind of tell myself recently

is that I can choose to be satisfied at the end of the day.

At the end of this day, I'll have filmed this video.

I was planning to film three more videos,

but I didn't get around to doing those.

That's fine. I filmed one.

I can choose to be satisfied

with what I've done and that's all good.

And like, it doesn't change how much work I've done

by me beating myself up about it.

It just makes me feel bad.

And therefore, I can choose to feel good

with how I've managed my time.

If you're interested in more strategies

on how to manage your time,

I actually have three whole online courses

themed around productivity and time management

that are hosted on Skillshare.

No, they're not sponsoring this video,

but if you hit the link in the video description,

there'll be a link that gives you a free trial to Skillshare

where you can check out my three classes on productivity.

One of them is about the fundamentals of productivity.

One of them is about the productivity equation

which is my personal mental model for productivity.

And the third one is one that I've released very recently

like last week around productivity for creators

and how we manage our time doing this

like creative high side hustle entrepreneur type stuff.

So check that out with the links in the video description.

And if you want more tips for time management

and general productivity,

you should check out my book review

and summary of the book "Make Time"

which is one of my favorite productivity books of all time.

And that will be linked right over there.

So thank you so much for watching.

Have a great day and I'll see you in the next video.

Bye, bye