شو اللي بصير في شقتي؟
what|that|happens|in|my apartment
What is happening in my apartment?
مرحبا اسمي بسمة وهاي سلمى.
Hello|my name|Basma||Salma
Hello, my name is Basma and this is Salma.
We are honored
Öröm volt
Nice to meet you.
شو بتعملوا بشقتي؟
what|do you (plural)|in my apartment
||a lakásomban
What are you doing in my apartment?
أنا أخت جميل وهاي سلمى صاحبتي.
I|sister|Jamal||Salma|my friend
I am Jamal's sister and this is my friend Salma.
ما بهمني مين إنتو.
not|matters to me|who|you (plural)
|||ti vagytok
I don't care who you are.
شو بتعملوا هون؟ مين دخلكم؟
what|do you all|here|who|invited you all
What are you doing here? Who let you in?
ما في داعي تعصبي.
there is not|in|reason|for you to get angry
|||ne légy ideges
There's no need to get angry.
في النهاية انا اخت جميل.
in|the end|I|sister|Jamal
In the end, I am Jamal's sister.
أنا مش حدا غريب.
I|am not|someone|stranger
I am not a stranger.
ليش سلمى لابسة بيجاما وليش نايمة على التخت؟
why|Salma|wearing|pajamas|and why|sleeping|on|the bed
Why is Salma wearing pajamas and why is she sleeping on the bed?
بقدر أشرحلك.
I can|explain to you
|elmagyarázom neked
I can explain to you.
سلمى كانت تعبانة.
Salma was tired.
كيف دخلتوا الشقة؟
How|did you (plural) enter|the apartment
How did you get into the apartment?
الزلمة اللي في الطابق اللي تحت دخلنا عشان أنا طلبت منه.
the guy|who|in|floor|that|below|we entered|because|I|asked|him
a fickó||||||||||
The guy in the apartment below let us in because I asked him.
هو عنجد زلمة لطيف.
He is really a nice guy.
هو دخلكم؟ بأي حق دخلكم هون؟
He|your entry|by what|right|your entry|here
Is he your friend? By what right is he here?
احكيلي لو سمحتي ليش صاحبتك سلمى في التخت بالبيجاما بعد الظهر؟
tell me|if|you allow|why|your friend|Salma|in|bed|in pajamas|after|noon
Tell me please why your friend Salma is in bed in her pajamas in the afternoon?
هيني بلشت أحكيلك.
here I am|started|to talk to you
Here I started to tell you.
هي تعبانة وبدها تنام قبل ما جميل يرجع عالبيت.
She|is tired|and wants|to sleep|before|when|Jameel|returns|home
||és szüksége van||||||a házba
She is tired and wants to sleep before Jamil comes back home.
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