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Matt's Today in History, Jack the Ripper Kills His First Victim, August 31, 1888

Jack the Ripper Kills His First Victim, August 31, 1888

On August 31st, 1888, the murderer who would become known as Jack the Ripper murdered his first victim in the Whitechapel area of London. Possibly the most famous serial murderer of all time, Jack the Ripper's legend has grown over the past century to the point where it is now difficult to separate fiction from the facts of the case.

Whitechapel is a section of the East End of London, a part of the city then well-known for its poverty and roughness. It contained many narrow, dark streets where prostitutes plied their trade with little concern of arrest or harassment from the local police. With this laxity also came the knowledge that these ladies of the evening had little to rely on in the way of protection from abuse, murder and rape. When discussing Jack the Ripper, it is important to remember that his crimes did not become famous strictly because they were serial murders; they became infamous because of their brutality. Violence towards prostitutes and even murder were not uncommon in the East End during the 19th century, so were it not for a few important distinctions it is possible that Jack the Ripper's crimes would have been considered run-of-the-mill crimes of passion.

Although we will never know for sure, it is theorized that Jack the Ripper killed five women, all of them prostitutes or alleged to be so. However, there are at least 12 additional women who may have fallen prey to his brutality. Little was known about the habits of serial killers in the 19th century and many forensics techniques that are common today were unknown then. Jack the Ripper's methods, though perverse enough to not be described in detail here, were not mechanically crude. It has been theorized that the murderer may have worked as a surgeon or butcher.

In September, 1888, police were searching the area of a recent murder when they found a bloodstained piece of clothing in an alleyway. Written nearby in white chalk was a message that appeared to have come from someone who was only semi-literate. The message seemed to be anti-Semitic in nature, although it is unclear how this had any bearing on the victims. Did Jack the Ripper leave a clue? We will never know, although it is possible that the scrap of cloth and the graffiti have no connection other than coincidental placement.

During Jack the Ripper's killing spree, local papers and police received a flood of letters from people who had leads or who claimed to be the killer. Three letters received serious attention, although the first one is the most believable. It was sent to the Central News Agency on September 25, 1888 and introduced the name "Jack the Ripper" to the world. Police published the letter on October 1st in the hope that someone would recognize writing style or handwriting. While nothing substantial came to light, subsequent letters copied the original's style and penmanship, making it difficult to know if more authentic letters were received.

Murders of the style of Jack the Ripper became scarce after 1889, so it is assumed that around that time the murderer moved on, died, or quit before the investigation pointed in his direction. Several men who either lived in or frequented the Whitechapel area were brought in for questioning, but all had alibis for their location during the first five murders. Modern investigators have generated more suspects, but since all of them (and any potential witnesses) have been dead for many years, conclusive proof is impossible to find.

An industry has sprung up around several conspiracy theories involving the British royal family, including one that Prince Albert Victor, grandson of Queen Victoria, was Jack the Ripper. These theories all suffer from lapses of a factual nature. As intriguing as this case remains, it is fairly certain that the identity of Jack the Ripper will never be known.

Jack the Ripper Kills His First Victim, August 31, 1888 Jack the Ripper tötet sein erstes Opfer, 31. August 1888 Jack the Ripper Kills His First Victim, August 31, 1888 Jack el Destripador mata a su primera víctima, 31 de agosto de 1888 切り裂きジャックが最初の犠牲者を殺害、1888年8月31日 잭 더 리퍼, 첫 희생자 살해, 1888년 8월 31일 Jack, o Estripador, mata a sua primeira vítima, 31 de agosto de 1888 Джек Потрошитель убивает свою первую жертву, 31 августа 1888 года Karındeşen Jack İlk Kurbanını Öldürdü, 31 Ağustos 1888 开膛手杰克杀死了他的第一个受害者,1888 年 8 月 31 日 開膛手傑克殺死了他的第一個受害者,1888 年 8 月 31 日

On August 31st, 1888, the murderer who would become known as Jack the Ripper murdered his first victim in the Whitechapel area of London. Op 31 augustus 1888 vermoordde de moordenaar die bekend zou worden als Jack the Ripper zijn eerste slachtoffer in de wijk Whitechapel in Londen. Possibly the most famous serial murderer of all time, Jack the Ripper’s legend has grown over the past century to the point where it is now difficult to separate fiction from the facts of the case.

Whitechapel is a section of the East End of London, a part of the city then well-known for its poverty and roughness. It contained many narrow, dark streets where prostitutes plied their trade with little concern of arrest or harassment from the local police. Fahişelerin tutuklanma ya da yerel polisin tacizine uğrama endişesi olmadan ticaret yaptıkları birçok dar ve karanlık sokak içeriyordu. With this laxity also came the knowledge that these ladies of the evening had little to rely on in the way of protection from abuse, murder and rape. Bu gevşeklikle birlikte, gecenin bu hanımlarının taciz, cinayet ve tecavüzden korunmak için güvenebilecekleri çok az şey olduğu bilgisi de geldi. When discussing Jack the Ripper, it is important to remember that his crimes did not become famous strictly because they were serial murders; they became infamous because of their brutality. Karındeşen Jack'i tartışırken, işlediği suçların sadece seri cinayetler olduğu için meşhur olmadığını, vahşilikleri nedeniyle kötü şöhrete sahip olduklarını hatırlamak önemlidir. Violence towards prostitutes and even murder were not uncommon in the East End during the 19th century, so were it not for a few important distinctions it is possible that Jack the Ripper’s crimes would have been considered run-of-the-mill crimes of passion. Przemoc wobec prostytutek, a nawet morderstwo nie były rzadkością w East End w XIX wieku, więc gdyby nie kilka ważnych rozróżnień, możliwe jest, że zbrodnie Jacka Rozpruwacza zostałyby uznane za zbrodnie namiętności. Fahişelere yönelik şiddet ve hatta cinayet 19. yüzyılda East End'de nadir görülen olaylar değildi, dolayısıyla birkaç önemli ayrım olmasaydı Karındeşen Jack'in işlediği suçların sıradan tutku suçları olarak görülmesi mümkündü.

Although we will never know for sure, it is theorized that Jack the Ripper killed five women, all of them prostitutes or alleged to be so. Hiçbir zaman kesin olarak bilemeyecek olsak da, Karındeşen Jack'in hepsi fahişe olan ya da öyle olduğu iddia edilen beş kadını öldürdüğü tahmin edilmektedir. However, there are at least 12 additional women who may have fallen prey to his brutality. Little was known about the habits of serial killers in the 19th century and many forensics techniques that are common today were unknown then. Jack the Ripper’s methods, though perverse enough to not be described in detail here, were not mechanically crude. Karındeşen Jack'in yöntemleri, burada ayrıntılı olarak anlatılmayacak kadar sapkın olsa da, mekanik olarak kaba değildi. It has been theorized that the murderer may have worked as a surgeon or butcher.

In September, 1888, police were searching the area of a recent murder when they found a bloodstained piece of clothing in an alleyway. Eylül 1888'de polis, bir ara sokakta kanlı bir giysi parçası bulduğunda yeni işlenmiş bir cinayetin işlendiği bölgeyi araştırıyordu. Written nearby in white chalk was a message that appeared to have come from someone who was only semi-literate. Yanında beyaz tebeşirle yazılmış, yarı okur-yazar birinden geldiği anlaşılan bir mesaj vardı. The message seemed to be anti-Semitic in nature, although it is unclear how this had any bearing on the victims. Mesajın anti-Semitik nitelikte olduğu görülmekle birlikte, bunun kurbanlar üzerinde nasıl bir etkisi olduğu açık değildir. Did Jack the Ripper leave a clue? We will never know, although it is possible that the scrap of cloth and the graffiti have no connection other than coincidental placement. Bunu asla bilemeyeceğiz, ancak kumaş parçası ile grafitinin tesadüfi yerleştirme dışında bir bağlantısı olmaması da mümkün.

During Jack the Ripper’s killing spree, local papers and police received a flood of letters from people who had leads or who claimed to be the killer. Karındeşen Jack'in cinayetleri sırasında yerel gazeteler ve polis, elinde ipucu olan ya da katil olduğunu iddia eden kişilerden mektup yağmuru aldı. Three letters received serious attention, although the first one is the most believable. It was sent to the Central News Agency on September 25, 1888 and introduced the name "Jack the Ripper" to the world. Police published the letter on October 1st in the hope that someone would recognize writing style or handwriting. While nothing substantial came to light, subsequent letters copied the original’s style and penmanship, making it difficult to know if more authentic letters were received. Podczas gdy nic znaczącego nie wyszło na jaw, kolejne listy skopiowały styl oryginału i pismo, co utrudniało określenie, czy otrzymano więcej autentycznych listów. Önemli bir şey ortaya çıkmasa da, sonraki mektuplar orijinalinin üslubunu ve el yazısını kopyalamış, bu da daha gerçek mektupların alınıp alınmadığını bilmeyi zorlaştırmıştır.

Murders of the style of Jack the Ripper became scarce after 1889, so it is assumed that around that time the murderer moved on, died, or quit before the investigation pointed in his direction. Karındeşen Jack tarzı cinayetler 1889'dan sonra seyrekleşti, bu nedenle katilin o tarihlerde yoluna devam ettiği, öldüğü ya da soruşturma kendisine yönelmeden önce işi bıraktığı varsayılıyor. Several men who either lived in or frequented the Whitechapel area were brought in for questioning, but all had alibis for their location during the first five murders. Modern investigators have generated more suspects, but since all of them (and any potential witnesses) have been dead for many years, conclusive proof is impossible to find. Modern araştırmacılar daha fazla şüpheli üretmiştir, ancak hepsi (ve olası tanıklar) uzun yıllar önce öldüğü için kesin kanıt bulmak imkansızdır.

An industry has sprung up around several conspiracy theories involving the British royal family, including one that Prince Albert Victor, grandson of Queen Victoria, was Jack the Ripper. An industry has sprung up around several conspiracy theories involving the British royal family, including one that Prince Albert Victor, grandson of Queen Victoria, was Jack the Ripper. Przemysł rozwinął się wokół kilku teorii spiskowych dotyczących brytyjskiej rodziny królewskiej, w tym jednej, którą książę Albert Victor, wnuk królowej Wiktorii, był Jack the Ripper. These theories all suffer from lapses of a factual nature. Te teorie cierpią z powodu błędów natury faktycznej. Bu teorilerin hepsi olgusal nitelikteki eksikliklerden muzdariptir. As intriguing as this case remains, it is fairly certain that the identity of Jack the Ripper will never be known. Tak intrygująca, jak ta sprawa pozostaje, jest całkiem pewne, że tożsamość Kuba Rozpruwacza nigdy nie będzie znana. Bu dava her ne kadar ilgi çekici olsa da, Karındeşen Jack'in kimliğinin hiçbir zaman bilinemeyeceği kesindir.