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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), What Is Intelligence? Where Does it Begin?

What Is Intelligence? Where Does it Begin?

Humans are proud of a lot of things, from particle accelerators to poetry to Pokemon.

All of them made possible because of something humans value extremely highly:


We think of intelligence as a trait like height or strength,

but when we try to define it, things get fuzzy.

In a nutshell, intelligence is a mechanism to solve problems.

Especially the problem of staying alive, which involves finding food and shelter,

fighting sexual competitors, or fleeing from predators.

Intelligence is not a single thing;

it includes the ability to gather knowledge, to learn, be creative, form strategies, or engage in critical thinking.

It manifests itself in a huge variety of behaviors.

From hardwired or instinct like reactions to different degrees of learning, to some sort of awareness.

But not all scientists agree where it begins or what even should count as intelligence.

To make this even more complicated,

intelligence is also connected to consciousness since awareness is helpful for problem-solving.

But we're exploring consciousness in other videos, so today we'll leave it aside.


Intelligence isn't exactly clear-cut, so maybe we can think of it as more like a flexible set of skills:

A toolbox.

Basic tools.

The most basic tools in the intelligence toolbox are the ability to gather information, to save it, and to use it to learn.

Information about the world is gathered through senses such as vision, sound, smell, touch or taste,

and helps us navigate and react to the external world appropriately.

But living things also need to keep track of the state of their own bodies,

monitoring things like hunger and fatigue.

Information is the basis of action for all living things,

and without it, you're at the mercy of your surroundings, unable to react appropriately, or flexibly.

Information is much more powerful if we can keep and save it, so the second tool is memory.

Memory is the ability to save and recall information,

so a living being doesn't have to start from scratch every time it perceives something relevant.

Memories can be about events, places, and associations, but also behaviors like hunting or foraging methods.

Some of these, like flying, have to be repeated over and over until they're mastered.

This is what we call learning, the process of putting together a sequence of thoughts or actions.

Basically a string of repeatable behaviors that can be varied and adapted.

These three tools enable seemingly stupid creatures to act in surprisingly intelligent ways.

The acellular slime mold, which is basically just a single huge slimy cell,

shows behavior similar to an animal with a simple brain.

When put in a maze with food at one end,

the slime mold explores its surroundings, and marks its path with slime trails,

sort of, smearing memories on the ground.

As it continues exploring, it avoids the marked pathways and finds its way to the food.

Instead of blindly getting stuck in dead-ends, the slime mold adapts its behavior to save time and effort.

This behavior is hardwired, and scientists can't agree if that's intelligent,

although it does give the slime mold a certain advantage.

Bees are an example of more adaptive smart behavior.

Scientists trained bumblebees to move a colored ball into a goal post for a sugar reward.

Not only were the bees very skillful at this behaviour, which isn't natural to them,

they got more efficient over time.

When several balls were available, bees chose the ball that lay closest to the goal,

even if it was a different color than the ball they were trained with.

For more challenging problems, we need even more flexibility:

Fancier tools.

Building on the basic tools, more complex animals have a wider range of problems they can solve.

They can memorize all kinds of associations, connections, and mechanical tricks.

We'll call this tool “The Library of Knowledge”.

Take raccoons. Their favorite kind of food is human food.

Their approach to getting hold of such treats depends upon an assortment of theoretical and practical skills,

that makes them master burglars, able to open windows or pick locks.

In a study, raccoons were given boxes secured with different kinds of locks,

like latches, bolts, plugs, or push bars.

They needed less than 10 attempts to figure out how to open each box.

Even when different locks were put together into increasingly difficult combinations that had to be solved in the right order,

and with different amounts of strength.

A year later, the raccoons still remembered how to open the boxes,

and were as fast as when they had first solved the puzzle.

Beyond our library of associations and skills, the most impressive tool in our box is creativity,

a sort of mental duct tape.

Being creative means producing something new and valuable from apparently unrelated things.

In the context of intelligence this means making new and unusual connections.

Pairing input with memories and skills, to come up with a unique solution to a problem.

In another raccoon study, researchers showed the animals that by dropping pebbles into a water tank,

they could raise the water level enough to reach a marshmallow floating at the top.

One raccoon came up with a much better solution: it tipped the tub over.

Another facet of creativity is applying a new resource to a task:

Physical tools.

Like primates that use sticks to fish for termites in trees, or some octopuses,

which assemble collected coconut shells around themselves as a sort of portable armor to hide from enemies.

Collecting materials for later use is connected to an even more advanced dimension of problem-solving:


Planning means considering the activities required for a desired goal and putting them together in a plan.

When unforeseen circumstances and new possibilities present themselves,

they need to be assessed according to whether they match the plan or not.

An example of this intelligent behavior is hoarding food to eat it later.

This is an instinctive behavior in squirrels.

But even though hiding food comes instinctively to them,

they still need to use advanced thinking skills to make the best decisions.

Squirrels examine every nut and weigh the time and effort it would take to hide it,

against the benefits they would get from each one.

Damaged or low-fat nuts are eaten right away,

while nuts that still need to ripen go on the stockpile.

Squirrels also pretend to bury nuts when they feel watched.

These empty caches distract rivals from their real treasure.

This is pretty advanced strategizing because to make a plan to distract someone else,

you first have to be aware that there are others like you that want the same things.

The more complex the problem, the more tools are needed in combination to solve it.

So the more tools there are, the more flexibility a being has to solve the challenges life throws at them.

But even for complex problems, each animal's individual situation is what counts.

Squirrels are omnivores that defend their territories fiercely.

For them, it makes sense to remember where there's food in different locations

and trick their enemies to improve their chances of survival.

Sheep don't have any such refined tricks up their sleeve, but they don't need to.

They are grazers and live in flocks.

The skills relevant to them are social.

They recognize and remember many different sheep, and even humans for years; a completely different skill.

Evolving and retaining a complex set of mental abilities they might never use would be a waste of resources for them.

Humans went the opposite way and invested in an unusually diverse intelligence toolkit.

While this was helpful, by accident we added another set of tools on top:


No single person could ever build a space rocket or particle accelerator.

But thanks to our ability to work together and to share knowledge across generations,

we can overcome challenges beyond any single individual's ability.

This allowed us to shape the planet to our liking.

We also created new problems in the process: sudoku, tax forms, string theory.

But also rapid climate change and antibiotic resistance.

To solve these, we'll need to look past short-term survival and think about the distant future.

We have the toolbox, we just need to use it.

Speaking of tools for learning, we've heard from many teachers that are using our infographic posters in class.

So we asked what would help them the most and made an education edition for teachers, students, and everyone else.

They're slightly larger posters about various things that we'll expand over time.

From a periodic table, to a world map or the human body.

You can get them in our shop and support us if you want.

And let us know which poster topics you want for your room or classroom.

This video was part two of a three-part video series relating to big questions of life and the universe,

made possible thanks to a grant from the Templeton World charity foundation.

You'll find our sources and further reading in the video description.

(Breezy outro music)

What Is Intelligence? Where Does it Begin? Was ist Intelligenz? Wo fängt sie an? What Is Intelligence? Where Does it Begin? ¿Qué es la inteligencia? ¿Dónde empieza? Qu'est-ce que l'intelligence ? Où commence-t-elle ? 知性とは何か?どこから始まるのか? 인텔리전스란 무엇인가요? 인텔리전스는 어디서 시작될까요? Czym jest inteligencja? Gdzie się zaczyna? O que é inteligência? Onde começa? Что такое интеллект? С чего он начинается? Zeka Nedir? Nerede Başlar? Що таке розвідка? З чого він починається? 什么是智力?从哪里开始?

Humans are proud of a lot of things, from particle accelerators to poetry to Pokemon. Humans are proud of a lot of things, from particle accelerators to poetry to Pokemon. Los humanos estamos orgullosos de muchas cosas, desde los aceleradores de partículas hasta la poesía, pasando por Pokemon. Les humains sont fiers de beaucoup de choses, des accélérateurs de particules à la poésie en passant par Pokemon. 粒子加速器から詩、ポケモンまで、人間は多くのものを誇りにしている。 Os humanos se orgulham de muitas coisas, de aceleradores de partículas a poesia e Pokémon. Люди гордятся множеством вещей, от ускорителей элементарных частиц до поэзии и покемонов.

All of them made possible because of something humans value extremely highly: Tous rendus possibles grâce à quelque chose que les humains apprécient extrêmement : それらはすべて、人間が極めて高く評価するもののおかげで可能になった: Все они стали возможными благодаря тому, что люди чрезвычайно ценят: 所有这些之所以成为可能,都是因为人类极其重视某些东西:

Intelligence. インテリジェンス。 Интеллект.

We think of intelligence as a trait like height or strength, Nous considérons l'intelligence comme un trait de caractère au même titre que la taille ou la force, Мы считаем интеллект таким же признаком, как рост или сила, Zekayı boy ya da güç gibi bir özellik olarak düşünürüz, 我们认为智力就像身高或力量一样是一种特征,

but when we try to define it, things get fuzzy. mais quand on essaie de le définir, les choses deviennent floues. Ancak tanımlamaya çalıştığımızda işler bulanıklaşıyor.

In a nutshell, intelligence is a mechanism to solve problems. Özetle, zeka sorunları çözmek için bir mekanizmadır. 简而言之,智能是一种解决问题的机制。

Especially the problem of staying alive, which involves finding food and shelter, Surtout le problème de rester en vie, qui implique de trouver de la nourriture et un abri, Especialmente o problema de permanecer vivo, que envolve encontrar comida e abrigo, Özellikle de yiyecek ve barınak bulmayı içeren hayatta kalma sorunu,

fighting sexual competitors, or fleeing from predators. combattre des concurrents sexuels ou fuir des prédateurs. lutando contra competidores sexuais ou fugindo de predadores. Cinsel rakiplerle savaşmak ya da yırtıcılardan kaçmak.

Intelligence is not a single thing; A inteligência não é uma coisa única;

it includes the ability to gather knowledge, to learn, be creative, form strategies, or engage in critical thinking. il comprend la capacité à rassembler des connaissances, à apprendre, à être créatif, à élaborer des stratégies ou à s'engager dans une réflexion critique. inclui a capacidade de reunir conhecimento, aprender, ser criativo, formar estratégias ou engajar-se no pensamento crítico. он включает в себя способность собирать знания, учиться, проявлять творческий подход, формировать стратегии или участвовать в критическом мышлении.

It manifests itself in a huge variety of behaviors. Het manifesteert zich in een grote verscheidenheid aan gedragingen.

From hardwired or instinct like reactions to different degrees of learning, to some sort of awareness. Des réactions héréditaires ou instinctives aux différents degrés d'apprentissage, en passant par une certaine forme de prise de conscience. Desde reações instintivas ou instintivas a diferentes graus de aprendizado, até algum tipo de consciência. 从硬连线或本能的反应到不同程度的学习,再到某种意识。

But not all scientists agree where it begins or what even should count as intelligence. Mais tous les scientifiques ne sont pas d'accord sur l'endroit où cela commence ou sur ce qui devrait même être considéré comme de l'intelligence. Mas nem todos os cientistas concordam onde começa ou o que deveria contar como inteligência.

To make this even more complicated, Pour rendre cela encore plus compliqué, 让事情变得更加复杂的是,

intelligence is also connected to consciousness since awareness is helpful for problem-solving. La inteligencia también está relacionada con la conciencia, ya que ésta ayuda a resolver problemas. l'intelligence est également liée à la conscience puisque la conscience est utile pour la résolution de problèmes. a inteligência também está ligada à consciência, uma vez que a consciência é útil para a resolução de problemas. интеллект также связан с сознанием, поскольку осознание помогает решать проблемы.

But we're exploring consciousness in other videos, so today we'll leave it aside. Mas estamos explorando a consciência em outros vídeos, então hoje vamos deixar isso de lado.


Intelligence isn't exactly clear-cut, so maybe we can think of it as more like a flexible set of skills: L'intelligence n'est pas exactement définie, et nous pouvons peut-être la considérer comme un ensemble flexible de compétences : A inteligência não é exatamente clara, então talvez possamos pensar nela mais como um conjunto flexível de habilidades:

A toolbox. Uma caixa de ferramentas. Ящик для инструментов. 一个工具箱。

Basic tools. Outils de base. Основные инструменты.

The most basic tools in the intelligence toolbox are the ability to gather information, to save it, and to use it to learn. Les outils les plus élémentaires de la boîte à outils du renseignement sont la capacité de recueillir des informations, de les enregistrer et de les utiliser pour apprendre.

Information about the world is gathered through senses such as vision, sound, smell, touch or taste, Les informations sur le monde sont recueillies par les sens tels que la vision, l'ouïe, l'odorat, le toucher ou le goût, Dünya hakkındaki bilgiler görme, ses, koku, dokunma veya tat alma gibi duyular aracılığıyla toplanır,

and helps us navigate and react to the external world appropriately. et nous aide à naviguer et à réagir de manière appropriée au monde extérieur. ve dış dünyaya uygun şekilde yönelmemize ve tepki vermemize yardımcı olur.

But living things also need to keep track of the state of their own bodies, Mais les êtres vivants ont aussi besoin de garder une trace de l'état de leur propre corps, Mas os seres vivos também precisam acompanhar o estado de seus próprios corpos, Ancak canlıların kendi vücutlarının durumunu da takip etmeleri gerekir,

monitoring things like hunger and fatigue. surveiller des choses comme la faim et la fatigue. monitorando coisas como fome e fadiga. Açlık ve yorgunluk gibi şeylerin izlenmesi.

Information is the basis of action for all living things, Bilgi, tüm canlılar için eylemin temelidir, 信息是一切生物行动的基础,

and without it, you're at the mercy of your surroundings, unable to react appropriately, or flexibly. et sans cela, vous êtes à la merci de votre environnement, incapable de réagir de manière appropriée ou flexible. e sem ele, você fica à mercê de seu entorno, incapaz de reagir de forma adequada ou flexível. а без него вы во власти своего окружения, неспособны реагировать должным образом или гибко. Ve bu olmadan çevrenizin merhametine kalır, uygun ya da esnek bir şekilde tepki veremezsiniz.

Information is much more powerful if we can keep and save it, so the second tool is memory.

Memory is the ability to save and recall information, Hafıza, bilgiyi kaydetme ve geri çağırma yeteneğidir,

so a living being doesn't have to start from scratch every time it perceives something relevant. assim, um ser vivo não precisa começar do zero toda vez que percebe algo relevante. Böylece yaşayan bir varlık, ilgili bir şeyi her algıladığında sıfırdan başlamak zorunda kalmaz. 因此,生物体不必在每次感知相关事物时都从头开始。

Memories can be about events, places, and associations, but also behaviors like hunting or foraging methods. Les souvenirs peuvent concerner des événements, des lieux et des associations, mais aussi des comportements tels que les méthodes de chasse ou de recherche de nourriture. As memórias podem ser sobre eventos, lugares e associações, mas também comportamentos como métodos de caça ou forrageamento. Anılar olaylar, yerler ve çağrışımların yanı sıra avlanma veya yiyecek arama yöntemleri gibi davranışlarla da ilgili olabilir.

Some of these, like flying, have to be repeated over and over until they're mastered. Algumas delas, como voar, precisam ser repetidas várias vezes até serem dominadas. Bunlardan bazıları, uçmak gibi, ustalaşana kadar defalarca tekrarlanmalıdır.

This is what we call learning, the process of putting together a sequence of thoughts or actions. C'est ce que nous appelons l'apprentissage, le processus de mise en place d'une séquence de pensées ou d'actions. Isso é o que chamamos de aprendizado, o processo de montar uma sequência de pensamentos ou ações. Öğrenme dediğimiz şey, bir dizi düşünce veya eylemi bir araya getirme sürecidir. 这就是我们所说的学习,将一系列的想法或行动整合在一起的过程。

Basically a string of repeatable behaviors that can be varied and adapted. Basicamente uma série de comportamentos repetíveis que podem ser variados e adaptados. Temel olarak, çeşitlendirilebilen ve uyarlanabilen bir dizi tekrarlanabilir davranış.

These three tools enable seemingly stupid creatures to act in surprisingly intelligent ways. Ces trois outils permettent à des créatures apparemment stupides d'agir de manière étonnamment intelligente. Essas três ferramentas permitem que criaturas aparentemente estúpidas ajam de maneiras surpreendentemente inteligentes. Bu üç araç, görünüşte aptal olan canlıların şaşırtıcı derecede zeki şekillerde hareket etmesini sağlar.

The acellular slime mold, which is basically just a single huge slimy cell, El moho de limo acelular, que es básicamente una enorme célula viscosa, La moisissure visqueuse acellulaire, qui n'est fondamentalement qu'une seule énorme cellule visqueuse, O bolor viscoso acelular, que é basicamente uma única célula viscosa enorme, Aselüler sümüksü küf, temelde sadece tek bir büyük sümüksü hücredir, 无细胞黏菌,基本上就是一个巨大的黏液细胞,

shows behavior similar to an animal with a simple brain. Basit bir beyne sahip bir hayvana benzer davranışlar gösterir.

When put in a maze with food at one end, Quando colocado em um labirinto com comida em uma extremidade, Bir ucunda yiyecek olan bir labirente konulduğunda, 当被放进一个迷宫,一端有食物时,

the slime mold explores its surroundings, and marks its path with slime trails, la moisissure visqueuse explore son environnement et marque son chemin de traînées visqueuses, o mofo limoso explora seus arredores e marca seu caminho com trilhas de lodo, balçık küfü çevresini araştırır ve yolunu balçık izleriyle işaretler,

sort of, smearing memories on the ground. en quelque sorte, en étalant des souvenirs sur le sol. meio que, espalhando memórias no chão. Bir nevi, anıları yere bulaştırmak.

As it continues exploring, it avoids the marked pathways and finds its way to the food. En poursuivant son exploration, il évite les sentiers balisés et trouve le chemin de la nourriture. À medida que continua explorando, evita os caminhos marcados e encontra o caminho para a comida. Keşfetmeye devam ettikçe, işaretli yollardan kaçınır ve yiyeceğe giden yolu bulur.

Instead of blindly getting stuck in dead-ends, the slime mold adapts its behavior to save time and effort. En lugar de meterse ciegamente en callejones sin salida, el moho del limo adapta su comportamiento para ahorrar tiempo y esfuerzo. In plaats van blindelings vast te lopen in doodlopende wegen, past de slijmzwam zijn gedrag aan om tijd en moeite te besparen. Em vez de ficar cegamente preso em becos sem saída, o molde de limo adapta seu comportamento para economizar tempo e esforço. Körü körüne çıkmaz sokaklara saplanmak yerine, balçık küfü davranışını zaman ve emekten tasarruf edecek şekilde uyarlar. 黏菌不会盲目地陷入死胡同,而是调整自己的行为以节省时间和精力。

This behavior is hardwired, and scientists can't agree if that's intelligent, Ce comportement est programmé, et les scientifiques ne parviennent pas à s'accorder sur son caractère intelligent, Esse comportamento é programado, e os cientistas não podem concordar se isso é inteligente, Bu davranış kalıtsaldır ve bilim insanları bunun akıllıca olup olmadığı konusunda hemfikir değildir,

although it does give the slime mold a certain advantage. embora dê ao molde de limo uma certa vantagem. Yine de balçık küfüne belli bir avantaj sağlıyor.

Bees are an example of more adaptive smart behavior. As abelhas são um exemplo de comportamento inteligente mais adaptativo. Arılar daha uyumlu akıllı davranışlara bir örnektir.

Scientists trained bumblebees to move a colored ball into a goal post for a sugar reward. Les scientifiques ont entraîné des bourdons à déplacer une balle colorée vers un poteau de but en échange d'une récompense en sucre. Cientistas treinaram abelhas para mover uma bola colorida em um poste de gol para uma recompensa de açúcar. Bilim insanları bombus arılarını şeker ödülü için renkli bir topu bir kale direğine doğru hareket ettirmeleri konusunda eğitti.

Not only were the bees very skillful at this behaviour, which isn't natural to them, Non seulement les abeilles étaient très habiles dans ce comportement, qui n'est pas naturel pour elles, Não só as abelhas eram muito hábeis nesse comportamento, o que não é natural para elas, Arılar, kendileri için doğal olmayan bu davranışta çok becerikli olmakla kalmadılar, 蜜蜂不仅非常擅长这种对它们来说并不自然的行为,

they got more efficient over time. zamanla daha verimli hale geldiler.

When several balls were available, bees chose the ball that lay closest to the goal, Lorsque plusieurs balles étaient disponibles, les abeilles choisissaient la balle la plus proche du but, Quando várias bolas estavam disponíveis, as abelhas escolhiam a bola que estava mais próxima do gol, Birkaç top mevcut olduğunda, arılar kaleye en yakın olan topu seçtiler,

even if it was a different color than the ball they were trained with. même si elle est d'une couleur différente de celle de la balle avec laquelle ils ont été entraînés. Eğitildikleri toptan farklı renkte olsa bile.

For more challenging problems, we need even more flexibility: Daha zorlu problemler için daha da fazla esnekliğe ihtiyacımız var:

Fancier tools. Ferramentas mais sofisticadas. Daha iyi aletler.

Building on the basic tools, more complex animals have a wider range of problems they can solve. Com base nas ferramentas básicas, os animais mais complexos têm uma gama maior de problemas que podem resolver. Temel araçlar üzerine inşa edilen daha karmaşık hayvanlar, çözebilecekleri daha geniş bir sorun yelpazesine sahiptir.

They can memorize all kinds of associations, connections, and mechanical tricks. Her türlü çağrışımı, bağlantıyı ve mekanik hileyi ezberleyebilirler.

We'll call this tool “The Library of Knowledge”. Chamaremos esta ferramenta de “A Biblioteca do Conhecimento”. Bu araca "Bilgi Kütüphanesi" adını vereceğiz.

Take raccoons. Their favorite kind of food is human food. 以浣熊为例,它们最喜欢的食物是人类的食物。

Their approach to getting hold of such treats depends upon an assortment of theoretical and practical skills, Leur approche de l'obtention de ces friandises dépend d'un ensemble de compétences théoriques et pratiques, Sua abordagem para obter tais guloseimas depende de uma variedade de habilidades teóricas e práticas, Bu tür ikramları ele geçirme yaklaşımları, bir dizi teorik ve pratik beceriye bağlıdır,

that makes them master burglars, able to open windows or pick locks. qui font d'eux des cambrioleurs hors pair, capables d'ouvrir des fenêtres ou de crocheter des serrures. que os torna mestres em ladrões, capazes de abrir janelas ou arrombar fechaduras. Bu da onları pencereleri açabilen ya da kilitleri açabilen usta hırsızlar yapar.

In a study, raccoons were given boxes secured with different kinds of locks, In een onderzoek kregen wasberen dozen die waren beveiligd met verschillende soorten sloten, Em um estudo, os guaxinins receberam caixas protegidas com diferentes tipos de fechaduras, Yapılan bir çalışmada rakunlara farklı türde kilitlerle sabitlenmiş kutular verilmiştir, 在一项研究中,浣熊被放置了装有不同锁的盒子,

like latches, bolts, plugs, or push bars. como travas, parafusos, plugues ou barras de pressão. mandallar, cıvatalar, tapalar veya itme çubukları gibi. 如门闩、螺栓、插头或推杆。

They needed less than 10 attempts to figure out how to open each box. Her bir kutuyu nasıl açacaklarını bulmak için 10 denemeden daha azına ihtiyaçları vardı.

Even when different locks were put together into increasingly difficult combinations that had to be solved in the right order, Même lorsque différentes serrures étaient assemblées pour former des combinaisons de plus en plus difficiles à résoudre dans le bon ordre, Mesmo quando diferentes fechaduras eram reunidas em combinações cada vez mais difíceis que precisavam ser resolvidas na ordem certa,

and with different amounts of strength. e com diferentes quantidades de força.

A year later, the raccoons still remembered how to open the boxes, Um ano depois, os guaxinins ainda se lembravam de como abrir as caixas, 一年后,浣熊仍然记得如何打开盒子,

and were as fast as when they had first solved the puzzle. e foram tão rápidos quanto quando resolveram o quebra-cabeça.

Beyond our library of associations and skills, the most impressive tool in our box is creativity, Além de nossa biblioteca de associações e habilidades, a ferramenta mais impressionante em nossa caixa é a criatividade,

a sort of mental duct tape. une sorte de ruban adhésif mental. uma espécie de fita adesiva mental.

Being creative means producing something new and valuable from apparently unrelated things.

In the context of intelligence this means making new and unusual connections. 从情报的角度来看,这意味着建立新的和不寻常的联系。

Pairing input with memories and skills, to come up with a unique solution to a problem. Combinando informações com memórias e habilidades, para encontrar uma solução única para um problema.

In another raccoon study, researchers showed the animals that by dropping pebbles into a water tank, Dans une autre étude sur les ratons laveurs, les chercheurs ont montré aux animaux qu'il était possible de faire tomber des cailloux dans un réservoir d'eau,

they could raise the water level enough to reach a marshmallow floating at the top. eles poderiam elevar o nível da água o suficiente para alcançar um marshmallow flutuando no topo. 他们可以将水位升高到足以接触到浮在水面上的棉花糖。

One raccoon came up with a much better solution: it tipped the tub over. Un raton laveur a trouvé une bien meilleure solution : il a renversé la baignoire. Um guaxinim apresentou uma solução muito melhor: derrubou a banheira. 一只浣熊想出了一个更好的解决办法:它把浴缸掀翻了。

Another facet of creativity is applying a new resource to a task: Een ander facet van creativiteit is het toepassen van een nieuwe bron op een taak: Outra faceta da criatividade é aplicar um novo recurso a uma tarefa:

Physical tools. Ferramentas físicas.

Like primates that use sticks to fish for termites in trees, or some octopuses, Como os primatas que usam paus para pescar cupins nas árvores, ou alguns polvos,

which assemble collected coconut shells around themselves as a sort of portable armor to hide from enemies. qui assemblent autour d'eux des coquilles de noix de coco pour en faire une sorte d'armure portative qui leur permet de se cacher des ennemis. die verzamelde kokosnootschalen om zich heen verzamelen als een soort draagbaar pantser om zich voor vijanden te verbergen. que montam cascas de coco coletadas em torno de si como uma espécie de armadura portátil para se esconder dos inimigos.

Collecting materials for later use is connected to an even more advanced dimension of problem-solving: A coleta de materiais para uso posterior está ligada a uma dimensão ainda mais avançada de resolução de problemas: 收集材料以供日后使用与解决问题的更高级维度相关:


Planning means considering the activities required for a desired goal and putting them together in a plan. Planejar significa considerar as atividades necessárias para um objetivo desejado e reuni-las em um plano.

When unforeseen circumstances and new possibilities present themselves, Lorsque des circonstances imprévues et de nouvelles possibilités se présentent, Quando circunstâncias imprevistas e novas possibilidades se apresentam,

they need to be assessed according to whether they match the plan or not. Hay que evaluar si se ajustan al plan o no. ils doivent être évalués en fonction de leur adéquation avec le plan. eles precisam ser avaliados de acordo com se eles correspondem ao plano ou não.

An example of this intelligent behavior is hoarding food to eat it later. Un ejemplo de este comportamiento inteligente es acaparar comida para comerla más tarde. Um exemplo desse comportamento inteligente é acumular comida para comer depois. 这种智能行为的一个例子就是储存食物以便以后再吃。

This is an instinctive behavior in squirrels.

But even though hiding food comes instinctively to them, Mas mesmo que esconder comida venha instintivamente para eles,

they still need to use advanced thinking skills to make the best decisions. eles ainda precisam usar habilidades avançadas de pensamento para tomar as melhores decisões.

Squirrels examine every nut and weigh the time and effort it would take to hide it, Os esquilos examinam cada noz e pesam o tempo e o esforço que seriam necessários para escondê-la,

against the benefits they would get from each one. par rapport aux avantages qu'ils tireraient de chacun d'entre eux. contra os benefícios que obteriam de cada um.

Damaged or low-fat nuts are eaten right away, Nozes danificadas ou com baixo teor de gordura são consumidas imediatamente,

while nuts that still need to ripen go on the stockpile. tandis que les noix qui doivent encore mûrir sont mises en réserve. enquanto as nozes que ainda precisam amadurecer vão para o estoque.

Squirrels also pretend to bury nuts when they feel watched. Les écureuils font également semblant d'enterrer des noix lorsqu'ils se sentent observés. Os esquilos também fingem enterrar nozes quando se sentem vigiados.

These empty caches distract rivals from their real treasure. Deze lege caches leiden rivalen af van hun echte schat. Esses caches vazios distraem os rivais de seu verdadeiro tesouro.

This is pretty advanced strategizing because to make a plan to distract someone else,

you first have to be aware that there are others like you that want the same things. il faut d'abord savoir qu'il y a d'autres personnes comme vous qui veulent la même chose.

The more complex the problem, the more tools are needed in combination to solve it. Quanto mais complexo o problema, mais ferramentas são necessárias em combinação para resolvê-lo.

So the more tools there are, the more flexibility a being has to solve the challenges life throws at them. Ainsi, plus il y a d'outils, plus l'être a de flexibilité pour résoudre les défis que la vie lui lance. Portanto, quanto mais ferramentas houver, mais flexibilidade um ser terá para resolver os desafios que a vida lhe lança.

But even for complex problems, each animal's individual situation is what counts. Mais même pour les problèmes complexes, c'est la situation individuelle de chaque animal qui compte.

Squirrels are omnivores that defend their territories fiercely. Eekhoorns zijn alleseters die hun territorium fel verdedigen.

For them, it makes sense to remember where there's food in different locations Para eles, faz sentido lembrar onde há comida em diferentes locais

and trick their enemies to improve their chances of survival. e enganar seus inimigos para melhorar suas chances de sobrevivência.

Sheep don't have any such refined tricks up their sleeve, but they don't need to. Les moutons n'ont pas de tours aussi raffinés dans leur sac, mais ils n'en ont pas besoin. As ovelhas não têm esses truques refinados na manga, mas não precisam.

They are grazers and live in flocks. Het zijn grazers en leven in kuddes. Eles são pastores e vivem em bandos.

The skills relevant to them are social.

They recognize and remember many different sheep, and even humans for years; a completely different skill. Eles reconhecem e se lembram de muitas ovelhas diferentes, e até mesmo humanos por anos; uma habilidade completamente diferente.

Evolving and retaining a complex set of mental abilities they might never use would be a waste of resources for them. L'évolution et la conservation d'un ensemble complexe de capacités mentales qu'ils n'utiliseront peut-être jamais constitueraient pour eux un gaspillage de ressources. Evoluir e reter um conjunto complexo de habilidades mentais que eles nunca usariam seria um desperdício de recursos para eles.

Humans went the opposite way and invested in an unusually diverse intelligence toolkit. Mensen gingen de andere kant op en investeerden in een ongebruikelijk diverse toolkit voor inlichtingen. Os humanos seguiram o caminho oposto e investiram em um conjunto de ferramentas de inteligência incomumente diversificado.

While this was helpful, by accident we added another set of tools on top: Bien que cela ait été utile, nous avons accidentellement ajouté une autre série d'outils : Embora isso tenha sido útil, por acidente adicionamos outro conjunto de ferramentas no topo:


No single person could ever build a space rocket or particle accelerator. Nenhuma pessoa jamais poderia construir um foguete espacial ou acelerador de partículas.

But thanks to our ability to work together and to share knowledge across generations,

we can overcome challenges beyond any single individual's ability.

This allowed us to shape the planet to our liking. Isso nos permitiu moldar o planeta ao nosso gosto.

We also created new problems in the process: sudoku, tax forms, string theory. Também criamos novos problemas no processo: sudoku, formulários de impostos, teoria das cordas.

But also rapid climate change and antibiotic resistance. Mas também mudanças climáticas rápidas e resistência a antibióticos.

To solve these, we'll need to look past short-term survival and think about the distant future. Pour les résoudre, nous devrons dépasser le stade de la survie à court terme et penser à l'avenir lointain. Para resolvê-los, precisaremos olhar além da sobrevivência de curto prazo e pensar no futuro distante.

We have the toolbox, we just need to use it.

Speaking of tools for learning, we've heard from many teachers that are using our infographic posters in class. En parlant d'outils d'apprentissage, de nombreux enseignants nous ont dit qu'ils utilisaient nos affiches infographiques en classe. Falando em ferramentas para aprender, ouvimos muitos professores que estão usando nossos pôsteres de infográfico em sala de aula.

So we asked what would help them the most and made an education edition for teachers, students, and everyone else. Nous avons donc demandé ce qui les aiderait le plus et nous avons créé une édition éducative pour les enseignants, les étudiants et tous les autres. Então perguntamos o que mais os ajudaria e fizemos uma edição educacional para professores, alunos e todos os outros.

They're slightly larger posters about various things that we'll expand over time. São pôsteres um pouco maiores sobre várias coisas que expandiremos com o tempo.

From a periodic table, to a world map or the human body. Du tableau périodique à la carte du monde en passant par le corps humain.

You can get them in our shop and support us if you want.

And let us know which poster topics you want for your room or classroom. E deixe-nos saber quais tópicos de pôster você deseja para sua sala ou sala de aula.

This video was part two of a three-part video series relating to big questions of life and the universe,

made possible thanks to a grant from the Templeton World charity foundation.

You'll find our sources and further reading in the video description.

(Breezy outro music) (Música Breezy Outro)