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The War of the Worlds, The War of the Worlds: Chapter 17 (2)

The War of the Worlds: Chapter 17 (2)

He sprang to his feet and saw to starboard, and not a hundred yards from their heeling, pitching boat, a vast iron bulk like the blade of a plough tearing through the water, tossing it on either side in huge waves of foam that leaped towards the steamer, flinging her paddles helplessly in the air, and then sucking her deck down almost to the waterline.

A douche of spray blinded my brother for a moment. When his eyes were clear again he saw the monster had passed and was rushing landward. Big iron upperworks rose out of this headlong structure, and from that twin funnels projected and spat a smoking blast shot with fire. It was the torpedo ram, Thunder Child, steaming headlong, coming to the rescue of the threatened shipping.

Keeping his footing on the heaving deck by clutching the bulwarks, my brother looked past this charging leviathan at the Martians again, and he saw the three of them now close together, and standing so far out to sea that their tripod supports were almost entirely submerged. Thus sunken, and seen in remote perspective, they appeared far less formidable than the huge iron bulk in whose wake the steamer was pitching so helplessly. It would seem they were regarding this new antagonist with astonishment. To their intelligence, it may be, the giant was even such another as themselves. The Thunder Child fired no gun, but simply drove full speed towards them. It was probably her not firing that enabled her to get so near the enemy as she did. They did not know what to make of her. One shell, and they would have sent her to the bottom forthwith with the Heat-Ray.

She was steaming at such a pace that in a minute she seemed halfway between the steamboat and the Martians—a diminishing black bulk against the receding horizontal expanse of the Essex coast.

Suddenly the foremost Martian lowered his tube and discharged a canister of the black gas at the ironclad. It hit her larboard side and glanced off in an inky jet that rolled away to seaward, an unfolding torrent of Black Smoke, from which the ironclad drove clear. To the watchers from the steamer, low in the water and with the sun in their eyes, it seemed as though she were already among the Martians.

They saw the gaunt figures separating and rising out of the water as they retreated shoreward, and one of them raised the camera-like generator of the Heat-Ray. He held it pointing obliquely downward, and a bank of steam sprang from the water at its touch. It must have driven through the iron of the ship's side like a white-hot iron rod through paper. A flicker of flame went up through the rising steam, and then the Martian reeled and staggered. In another moment he was cut down, and a great body of water and steam shot high in the air. The guns of the Thunder Child sounded through the reek, going off one after the other, and one shot splashed the water high close by the steamer, ricocheted towards the other flying ships to the north, and smashed a smack to matchwood.

But no one heeded that very much. At the sight of the Martian's collapse the captain on the bridge yelled inarticulately, and all the crowding passengers on the steamer's stern shouted together. And then they yelled again. For, surging out beyond the white tumult, drove something long and black, the flames streaming from its middle parts, its ventilators and funnels spouting fire.

She was alive still; the steering gear, it seems, was intact and her engines working. She headed straight for a second Martian, and was within a hundred yards of him when the Heat-Ray came to bear. Then with a violent thud, a blinding flash, her decks, her funnels, leaped upward. The Martian staggered with the violence of her explosion, and in another moment the flaming wreckage, still driving forward with the impetus of its pace, had struck him and crumpled him up like a thing of cardboard. My brother shouted involuntarily. A boiling tumult of steam hid everything again.

“Two!,” yelled the captain.

Everyone was shouting. The whole steamer from end to end rang with frantic cheering that was taken up first by one and then by all in the crowding multitude of ships and boats that was driving out to sea.

The steam hung upon the water for many minutes, hiding the third Martian and the coast altogether. And all this time the boat was paddling steadily out to sea and away from the fight; and when at last the confusion cleared, the drifting bank of black vapour intervened, and nothing of the Thunder Child could be made out, nor could the third Martian be seen. But the ironclads to seaward were now quite close and standing in towards shore past the steamboat.

The little vessel continued to beat its way seaward, and the ironclads receded slowly towards the coast, which was hidden still by a marbled bank of vapour, part steam, part black gas, eddying and combining in the strangest way. The fleet of refugees was scattering to the northeast; several smacks were sailing between the ironclads and the steamboat. After a time, and before they reached the sinking cloud bank, the warships turned northward, and then abruptly went about and passed into the thickening haze of evening southward. The coast grew faint, and at last indistinguishable amid the low banks of clouds that were gathering about the sinking sun.

Then suddenly out of the golden haze of the sunset came the vibration of guns, and a form of black shadows moving. Everyone struggled to the rail of the steamer and peered into the blinding furnace of the west, but nothing was to be distinguished clearly. A mass of smoke rose slanting and barred the face of the sun. The steamboat throbbed on its way through an interminable suspense.

The sun sank into grey clouds, the sky flushed and darkened, the evening star trembled into sight. It was deep twilight when the captain cried out and pointed. My brother strained his eyes. Something rushed up into the sky out of the greyness—rushed slantingly upward and very swiftly into the luminous clearness above the clouds in the western sky; something flat and broad, and very large, that swept round in a vast curve, grew smaller, sank slowly, and vanished again into the grey mystery of the night. And as it flew it rained down darkness upon the land.

The War of the Worlds: Chapter 17 (2) Der Krieg der Welten: Kapitel 17 (2) La guerra de los mundos: capítulo 17 (2) La guerra dei mondi: capitolo 17 (2)

He sprang to his feet and saw to starboard, and not a hundred yards from their heeling, pitching boat, a vast iron bulk like the blade of a plough tearing through the water, tossing it on either side in huge waves of foam that leaped towards the steamer, flinging her paddles helplessly in the air, and then sucking her deck down almost to the waterline. Он вскочил на ноги и увидел по правому борту, а менее чем в сотне ярдов от их кренящейся, качающейся лодки громадную железную громаду, похожую на лезвие плуга, пронзающую воду, швыряющую ее в обе стороны огромными волнами пены, которые прыгали навстречу. пароход, беспомощно взмахивая веслами в воздухе, а затем засасывая палубу почти до ватерлинии.

A douche of spray blinded my brother for a moment. When his eyes were clear again he saw the monster had passed and was rushing landward. Big iron upperworks rose out of this headlong structure, and from that twin funnels projected and spat a smoking blast shot with fire. Огромные железные верхние части возвышались над этой головокружительной конструкцией, а из этих двойных воронок выбрасывался дымящийся взрыв огня. It was the torpedo ram, Thunder Child, steaming headlong, coming to the rescue of the threatened shipping. Это был торпедный таран «Дитя грома», стремглав несшийся на помощь судну, которому угрожала опасность.

Keeping his footing on the heaving deck by clutching the bulwarks, my brother looked past this charging leviathan at the Martians again, and he saw the three of them now close together, and standing so far out to sea that their tripod supports were almost entirely submerged. Удерживаясь на вздымающейся палубе, схватившись за фальшборт, мой брат снова посмотрел мимо этого атакующего левиафана на марсиан, и он увидел их троих, теперь сближающихся и стоящих так далеко в море, что опоры их треножников были почти полностью погружены в воду. . Thus sunken, and seen in remote perspective, they appeared far less formidable than the huge iron bulk in whose wake the steamer was pitching so helplessly. Таким образом затонувшие, и если смотреть издалека, они казались гораздо менее грозными, чем огромная железная громада, за которой так беспомощно качался пароход. It would seem they were regarding this new antagonist with astonishment. To their intelligence, it may be, the giant was even such another as themselves. Для их разума, может быть, великан был даже таким же, как они сами. The Thunder Child fired no gun, but simply drove full speed towards them. Дитя Грома не стреляло, а просто мчалось к ним на полной скорости. It was probably her not firing that enabled her to get so near the enemy as she did. They did not know what to make of her. Они не знали, что с ней делать. One shell, and they would have sent her to the bottom forthwith with the Heat-Ray. Один снаряд, и ее тут же отправили бы на дно тепловым лучом.

She was steaming at such a pace that in a minute she seemed halfway between the steamboat and the Martians—a diminishing black bulk against the receding horizontal expanse of the Essex coast.

Suddenly the foremost Martian lowered his tube and discharged a canister of the black gas at the ironclad. It hit her larboard side and glanced off in an inky jet that rolled away to seaward, an unfolding torrent of Black Smoke, from which the ironclad drove clear. Он ударился о ее левый борт и отскочил чернильной струей, которая покатилась в сторону моря, раскинувшимся потоком черного дыма, из которого улетел броненосец. To the watchers from the steamer, low in the water and with the sun in their eyes, it seemed as though she were already among the Martians.

They saw the gaunt figures separating and rising out of the water as they retreated shoreward, and one of them raised the camera-like generator of the Heat-Ray. Они видели, как изможденные фигуры отделялись и поднимались из воды, когда они отступали к берегу, и один из них поднял похожий на камеру генератор теплового луча. He held it pointing obliquely downward, and a bank of steam sprang from the water at its touch. It must have driven through the iron of the ship’s side like a white-hot iron rod through paper. Должно быть, он прошел сквозь железо борта корабля, как раскаленный добела железный стержень сквозь бумагу. A flicker of flame went up through the rising steam, and then the Martian reeled and staggered. Сквозь поднимающийся пар поднялась вспышка пламени, а затем марсианин покачнулся и пошатнулся. In another moment he was cut down, and a great body of water and steam shot high in the air. The guns of the Thunder Child sounded through the reek, going off one after the other, and one shot splashed the water high close by the steamer, ricocheted towards the other flying ships to the north, and smashed a smack to matchwood. サンダー・チャイルド号の銃声が悪臭に響き渡り、次々と発砲し、一発が蒸気船の近くで高く水しぶきを上げ、北の他の飛行船に向かって跳ね返り、マッチウッドに叩きつけられました。 Орудия «Дитя грома» прогремели сквозь смрад, выстрелив один за другим, и один выстрел расплескал воду высоко рядом с пароходом, срикошетил в сторону других летающих кораблей на севере и разбился вдребезги.

But no one heeded that very much. Но на это особо никто не обращал внимания. At the sight of the Martian’s collapse the captain on the bridge yelled inarticulately, and all the crowding passengers on the steamer’s stern shouted together. При виде крушения марсианина капитан на мостике невнятно завопил, и все пассажиры, столпившиеся на корме парохода, закричали дружно. And then they yelled again. For, surging out beyond the white tumult, drove something long and black, the flames streaming from its middle parts, its ventilators and funnels spouting fire. Ибо, вырвавшись из-за белого беспорядка, гнало что-то длинное и черное, пламя вырывалось из его средних частей, его вентиляторы и воронки изрыгали огонь.

She was alive still; the steering gear, it seems, was intact and her engines working. She headed straight for a second Martian, and was within a hundred yards of him when the Heat-Ray came to bear. Then with a violent thud, a blinding flash, her decks, her funnels, leaped upward. Затем с сильным ударом, ослепительной вспышкой ее палубы, ее трубы взмыли вверх. The Martian staggered with the violence of her explosion, and in another moment the flaming wreckage, still driving forward with the impetus of its pace, had struck him and crumpled him up like a thing of cardboard. Марсианин пошатнулся от силы ее взрыва, а еще через мгновение пылающие обломки, все еще несущиеся вперед с порывом своего шага, ударили его и скомкали, как кусок картона. My brother shouted involuntarily. A boiling tumult of steam hid everything again.

“Two!,” yelled the captain.

Everyone was shouting. The whole steamer from end to end rang with frantic cheering that was taken up first by one and then by all in the crowding multitude of ships and boats that was driving out to sea. Весь пароход от края до края оглашался бешеными аплодисментами, которые подхватывались сначала одним, а затем всеми в тесноте множества кораблей и лодок, уходивших в море.

The steam hung upon the water for many minutes, hiding the third Martian and the coast altogether. 蒸気は何分間も水面にとどまり、第 3 の火星と海岸を完全に隠しました。 And all this time the boat was paddling steadily out to sea and away from the fight; and when at last the confusion cleared, the drifting bank of black vapour intervened, and nothing of the Thunder Child could be made out, nor could the third Martian be seen. But the ironclads to seaward were now quite close and standing in towards shore past the steamboat. Но броненосцы со стороны моря были теперь совсем близко и стояли к берегу мимо парохода.

The little vessel continued to beat its way seaward, and the ironclads receded slowly towards the coast, which was hidden still by a marbled bank of vapour, part steam, part black gas, eddying and combining in the strangest way. Маленькое судно продолжало двигаться в сторону моря, а броненосцы медленно отступали к берегу, который все еще был скрыт мраморной грядой пара, частично пара, частично черного газа, кружившегося и смешивавшегося самым странным образом. The fleet of refugees was scattering to the northeast; several smacks were sailing between the ironclads and the steamboat. Флот беженцев рассыпался на северо-восток; между броненосцами и пароходом плыло несколько шмаков. After a time, and before they reached the sinking cloud bank, the warships turned northward, and then abruptly went about and passed into the thickening haze of evening southward. The coast grew faint, and at last indistinguishable amid the low banks of clouds that were gathering about the sinking sun.

Then suddenly out of the golden haze of the sunset came the vibration of guns, and a form of black shadows moving. Внезапно из золотой дымки заката донеслась вибрация орудий и движение черных теней. Everyone struggled to the rail of the steamer and peered into the blinding furnace of the west, but nothing was to be distinguished clearly. A mass of smoke rose slanting and barred the face of the sun. The steamboat throbbed on its way through an interminable suspense.

The sun sank into grey clouds, the sky flushed and darkened, the evening star trembled into sight. It was deep twilight when the captain cried out and pointed. My brother strained his eyes. Something rushed up into the sky out of the greyness—rushed slantingly upward and very swiftly into the luminous clearness above the clouds in the western sky; something flat and broad, and very large, that swept round in a vast curve, grew smaller, sank slowly, and vanished again into the grey mystery of the night. Что-то рванулось в небо из серости — рванулось косо вверх и очень быстро в светящуюся ясность над облаками западного неба; что-то плоское, широкое и очень большое, что закружилось широкой дугой, уменьшилось, медленно пошло ко дну и снова исчезло в серой тайне ночи. And as it flew it rained down darkness upon the land.