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1,500+ ESL/EFL English Conversations, Restaurant 1. Choosing a Good Restaurant

Restaurant 1. Choosing a Good Restaurant

A: Devi, have you thought about where would you like to go to dinner on Friday for your birthday?

B: I am not sure. I don't know that many restaurants around here.

A: You know, we could look online at the local Internet sites.

B: Good. Let's take a look!

A: What kind of food would you like for your birthday?

B: I enjoy Thai or Japanese the best.

A: This one, Shogun, looks good.

B: Oh yes, I've heard of that one. Everyone I've spoken with says that it is great!

A: Would you like to go there then?

B: I think that that would be a really good choice! Let's call and make a reservation.

Restaurant 1. Choosing a Good Restaurant Restaurant 1. Auswahl eines guten Restaurants Restaurant 1. Choosing a Good Restaurant Restaurante 1. Elegir un buen restaurante Restaurant 1. Choisir un bon restaurant Ristorante 1. Scegliere un buon ristorante レストラン1.良いレストランを選ぶ 레스토랑 1. 좋은 레스토랑 선택하기 Restaurant 1. Een goed restaurant kiezen Restauracja 1. Wybór dobrej restauracji Restaurante 1. Escolher um bom restaurante Ресторан 1. Выбор хорошего ресторана Restoran 1. İyi Bir Restoran Seçmek 餐厅 1. 选择一家好的餐厅

A: Devi, have you thought about where would you like to go to dinner on Friday for your birthday? A: Devi, hast du dir überlegt, wo du am Freitag zu deinem Geburtstag zum Essen gehen möchtest? A : Devi, as-tu pensé à l'endroit où tu aimerais aller dîner vendredi pour ton anniversaire ? A:デビ、金曜日の誕生日にどこで夕食に行きたいか考えたことはありますか? A: Devi, você já pensou em onde você gostaria de ir jantar na sexta-feira para o seu aniversário?

B: I am not sure. I don't know that many restaurants around here. この辺りにたくさんのレストランがあるのかわかりません。

A: You know, we could look online at the local Internet sites. A: Weißt du, wir könnten online auf den lokalen Internetseiten nachsehen. A:ご存知のとおり、ローカルのインターネットサイトをオンラインで見ることができます。

B: Good. Let's take a look! 見てみましょう!

A: What kind of food would you like for your birthday? A: What kind of food would you like for your birthday? A:誕生日にはどんな食べ物が欲しいですか?

B: I enjoy Thai or Japanese the best. B: Ich mag Thai oder Japanisch am liebsten. B:私はタイ語か日本語が一番好きです。

A: This one, Shogun, looks good. A:これ、将軍、よさそうです。

B: Oh yes, I've heard of that one. B: Oh ja, davon habe ich gehört. B:そうそう、聞いたことがある。 Everyone I've spoken with says that it is great! 私が話をした誰もがそれは素晴らしいと言っています! Все, с кем я говорил, говорят, что это здорово!

A: Would you like to go there then? A:じゃあそこに行きませんか?

B: I think that that would be a really good choice! B: Ich denke, das wäre eine wirklich gute Wahl! B:それは本当に良い選択だと思います! Let's call and make a reservation. 電話して予約しましょう。