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Spotlight_podcasts_2, The Asian University for Women

The Asian University for Women

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Ryan Geertsma.

Voice 2

And I'm Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Chogyel Wangmo and Bayan Hisham Salaymeh are two very different young women. Wangmo is from the country of Bhutan. Salaymeh is from the Palestinian territories. As children, they lived in different cultures and spoke different languages. But now, Wangmo and Salaymeh have something in common. They attend the same all-women's, English language university. It is called the Asian University for Women, or AUW.

Voice 2

AUW is in Chittagong, Bangladesh. However, its students come from all over Asia. This diversity is one thing many students like about AUW. Salaymeh told the New York Times newspaper,

Voice 3

“I had never been in a place with so much diversity before.”

Voice 1

Diversity is important to AUW. So is a quality education. AUW's goal is to help young, Asian women achieve a strong education that will help them better serve their home countries. But this has not been easy. Since AUW opened in 2008, it has experienced both success and failure. Today's Spotlight is on the Asian University for Women.

Voice 2

The Asian University for women was started by Kamal Ahmad. Ahmad was born in Bangladesh. He went to university in the United States. And he worked for many years as a court official or lawyer.

Voice 1

In 2000, Ahmad began working with the World Bank and the United Nation's cultural organization, UNESCO. He was part of their Task Force on Higher Education and Society. Ahmad worked to educate people about the importance of higher education in developing societies.

Voice 2

Through his work, Ahmad decided to start a university in his home country of Bangladesh. Ahmad saw a need for higher education, particularly among women. In the last 30 years, more and more Asian women have been attending university. However, the numbers are still low. UNESCO reports that in 2009 only 28% of women in Asia attended university. Ahmed wanted to change this. He told the Boston Globe news organization,

Voice 4

"Women's education is the most effective way to bring about social and economic change." Voice 1

Ahmad knew that many women wanted to attend university. But he recognized that a lack of money often kept them from achieving an education. So, in 2006, Ahmad stopped working as a lawyer. He began raising money to start the Asian University for Women.

Voice 2

By 2008, Ahmad had raised enough money to open AUW and provide free education for over 100 students. He had found expert teachers from around the world. And AUW began accepting students. Ahmad told the New York Times newspaper how the university chooses students:

Voice 4

“We look for a light in their eyes. We look for courage and for a sense of anger at injustice. We look for mercy and a sense that they are moved by the problems of other people.”

Voice 1

AUW hopes students will return to their home countries after they finish their studies. They want students to work for social change within their own communities.

Voice 2

The story of AUW's beginning is amazing. Ahmad had a huge dream. And he worked hard to achieve his dream. However, AUW has had many struggles in its first four years. Ahmad had very little experience managing a university. Many of the new AUW teachers left after only a few months at the school. And since AUW opened, the university has had three different “vice chancellors” - or leaders. After the third vice chancellor left, Ahmad led the school himself.

Voice 1

In early 2012, Paul Coleman, a former employee at the university, told New Age newspaper,

Voice 5

“Mr. Ahmad has a lot of dreams as the founder of the university. But he lacks the management skills and moral sense to run the liberal arts college.”

Voice 2

After these public comments, AUW admitted that they made mistakes. Jack Meyer is the former president of the organization that raises money for AUW. In a letter to AUW supporters, he wrote:

Voice 6

“Starting a good quality university for women in Bangladesh is not an easy thing to do. Mistakes were made. I made mistakes. Kamal Ahmad made mistakes.”

Voice 1

Ahmad wrote a letter to the New Age newspaper. He said,

Voice 4

“Looking back, I wish I had been more patient and more careful in my communications. I apologize for these failings. But, these human failings should not decrease either the promise of AUW or my devotion to its success.”

Voice 2

After apologizing, AUW also made major changes. The university formed a board of trustees - a group of people that helps make decisions about the university. In April of 2012, the board also announced that Dr. Fahima Aziz would be AUW's new vice chancellor.

Voice 1

Even through its struggles, AUW has experienced success. AUW now has over 500 students. And in May 2013, it will celebrate the graduation of their first class of students.

Voice 2

After graduation, many students will continue studying at other universities to receive higher degrees. This is Sumpa Sarkar's hope. Sarkar is an AUW student from Bangladesh. After she graduates from AUW, she wants to get her doctorate degree. She hopes to use this degree to teach political science. She told the New York Times,

Voice 7

“I want to share my knowledge with other people.”

Voice 1

Other students hope to return to their home countries after they graduate. They hope to get jobs and begin working. Salaymeh, from the beginning of this program, plans to return to the Palestinian territories. She told the New York Times:

Voice 3

“I cannot think of another place on earth that needs my help as much as my home country.”

Voice 2

Past AUW teachers and workers have also decided to start another women's university in South Asia. This university will be called the Asian University of Leadership for Women or AULW. AULW will be in Malaysia. And it will have an even more specific goal than the AUW. It will train women to become leaders. These women will work in government, politics and for organizations in their home countries.

Voice 1

The future of AULW will likely be difficult. Like AUW, it will probably experience both struggles and successes. However, together universities like AUW and AULW hope to improve economies and countries all over Asia. They believe, like Kamal Ahmad, in the power of women to change the world.

Voice 2

The writer of this program was Dianna Anderson. The producer was Michio Ozaki. The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet athttp://www.radioenglish.net This .program is called, “The Asian University For Women.”

Voice 1

We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.

The Asian University for Women Die Asiatische Universität für Frauen La Universidad Asiática para Mujeres L'Université asiatique pour les femmes アジア女子大学 아시아 여성 대학 Universidade Asiática para Mulheres Азиатский университет для женщин Kadınlar için Asya Üniversitesi 亚洲女子大学

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I’m Ryan Geertsma.

Voice 2

And I’m Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. Spotlightは、英語の特別な放送方法を使用しています。 It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Chogyel Wangmo and Bayan Hisham Salaymeh are two very different young women. ChogyelWangmoとBayanHisham Salaymehは、まったく異なる2人の若い女性です。 Wangmo is from the country of Bhutan. ワンモはブータンの国出身です。 Salaymeh is from the Palestinian territories. Salaymehはパレスチナの領土出身です。 As children, they lived in different cultures and spoke different languages. 子供の頃、彼らは異なる文化に住み、異なる言語を話しました。 But now, Wangmo and Salaymeh have something in common. しかし今、WangmoとSalaymehには共通点があります。 They attend the same all-women’s, English language university. 彼らは同じすべての女性の英語の大学に通っています。 It is called the Asian University for Women, or AUW. それは女性のためのアジア大学、またはAUWと呼ばれています。

Voice 2

AUW is in Chittagong, Bangladesh. AUWはバングラデシュのチッタゴンにあります。 However, its students come from all over Asia. しかし、その学生はアジア中から来ています。 This diversity is one thing many students like about AUW. この多様性は、多くの学生がAUWについて気に入っていることの1つです。 Salaymeh told the New York Times newspaper, Salaymehはニューヨークタイムズ紙に語った、

Voice 3

“I had never been in a place with so much diversity before.” 「これほど多様性のある場所に行ったことはありませんでした。」

Voice 1

Diversity is important to AUW. So is a quality education. 質の高い教育もそうです。 AUW’s goal is to help young, Asian women achieve a strong education that will help them better serve their home countries. AUWの目標は、若いアジアの女性が母国により良いサービスを提供するのに役立つ強力な教育を達成できるよう支援することです。 But this has not been easy. しかし、これは簡単ではありませんでした。 Since AUW opened in 2008, it has experienced both success and failure. Od otevření AUW v roce 2008 zažila úspěch i neúspěch. AUWは2008年にオープンして以来、成功と失敗の両方を経験してきました。 Today’s Spotlight is on the Asian University for Women.

Voice 2

The Asian University for women was started by Kamal Ahmad. アジア女性大学はカマル・アフマドによって設立されました。 Ahmad was born in Bangladesh. He went to university in the United States. And he worked for many years as a court official or lawyer. そして彼は長年裁判所の役人または弁護士として働いていました。

Voice 1

In 2000, Ahmad began working with the World Bank and the United Nation’s cultural organization, UNESCO. 2000年、アフマドは世界銀行と国連の文化機関であるユネスコとの協力を開始しました。 He was part of their Task Force on Higher Education and Society. 彼は高等教育と社会に関する彼らのタスクフォースの一部でした。 Ahmad worked to educate people about the importance of higher education in developing societies. Ahmad se snažil vzdělávat lidi o důležitosti vysokoškolského vzdělání v rozvojových společnostech. アフマドは、発展途上の社会における高等教育の重要性について人々を教育するために働きました。

Voice 2

Through his work, Ahmad decided to start a university in his home country of Bangladesh. アフマドは仕事を通じて、母国バングラデシュで大学を始めることを決心しました。 Ahmad saw a need for higher education, particularly among women. Ahmad viděl potřebu vyššího vzdělání, zejména mezi ženami. In the last 30 years, more and more Asian women have been attending university. However, the numbers are still low. Čísla jsou však stále nízká. UNESCO reports that in 2009 only 28% of women in Asia attended university. Ahmed wanted to change this. He told the Boston Globe news organization,

Voice 4

"Women’s education is the most effective way to bring about social and economic change." Voice 1

Ahmad knew that many women wanted to attend university. But he recognized that a lack of money often kept them from achieving an education. So, in 2006, Ahmad stopped working as a lawyer. He began raising money to start the Asian University for Women.

Voice 2

By 2008, Ahmad had raised enough money to open AUW and provide free education for over 100 students. He had found expert teachers from around the world. And AUW began accepting students. Ahmad told the New York Times newspaper how the university chooses students:

Voice 4

“We look for a light in their eyes. "Hledáme světlo v jejich očích." We look for courage  and for a sense of anger at injustice. We look for mercy and a sense that they are moved by the problems of other people.” Hledáme milosrdenství a pocit, že jsou dojati problémy jiných lidí.“

Voice 1

AUW hopes students will return to their home countries after they finish their studies. They want students to work for social change within their own communities. Chtějí, aby studenti pracovali na sociálních změnách ve svých vlastních komunitách.

Voice 2

The story of AUW’s beginning is amazing. Ahmad had a huge dream. And he worked hard to achieve his dream. However, AUW has had many struggles in its first four years. Ahmad had very little experience managing a university. Many of the new AUW teachers left after only a few months at the school. Mnoho z nových učitelů AUW odešlo po pouhých několika měsících ve škole. And since AUW opened, the university has had three different “vice chancellors” - or leaders. A od otevření AUW měla univerzita tři různé „vicekancléře“ – neboli vůdce. After the third vice chancellor left, Ahmad led the school himself.

Voice 1

In early 2012, Paul Coleman, a former employee at the university, told New Age newspaper,

Voice 5

“Mr. Ahmad has a lot of dreams as the founder of the university. アフマドは大学の創設者として多くの夢を持っています。 But he lacks the management skills and moral sense to run the liberal arts college.” Ale chybí mu manažerské schopnosti a morální smysl, aby vedl vysokou školu svobodných umění.“ しかし、彼はリベラルアーツカレッジを運営するための管理スキルと道徳的感覚を欠いています。」

Voice 2

After these public comments, AUW admitted that they made mistakes. Po těchto veřejných komentářích AUW připustil, že udělali chyby. これらのパブリックコメントの後、AUWは彼らが間違いを犯したことを認めました。 Jack Meyer is the former president of the organization that raises money for AUW. Jack Meyerは、AUWのために資金を調達する組織の前会長です。 In a letter to AUW supporters, he wrote: AUWの支持者への手紙の中で、彼は次のように書いています。

Voice 6

“Starting a good quality university for women in Bangladesh is not an easy thing to do. 「バングラデシュで女性のための質の高い大学を始めるのは簡単なことではありません。 Mistakes were made. Dělaly se chyby. 間違いがありました。 I made mistakes. Dělal jsem chyby. 間違えました。 Kamal Ahmad made mistakes.” カマル・アフマドは間違いを犯しました。」

Voice 1

Ahmad wrote a letter to the New Age newspaper. アフマドはニューエイジ新聞に手紙を書いた。 He said,

Voice 4

“Looking back, I wish I had been more patient and more careful in my communications. "Když se ohlédnu zpět, přál bych si, abych byl při komunikaci trpělivější a opatrnější." 「振り返ってみると、コミュニケーションにもっと忍耐強く、もっと注意を払っていたらよかったのにと思います。 I apologize for these failings. Omlouvám se za tyto nedostatky. But, these human failings should not decrease either the promise of AUW or my devotion to its success.” Ale tato lidská selhání by neměla snížit ani příslib AUW, ani mou oddanost jejímu úspěchu." しかし、これらの人間の失敗は、AUWの約束またはその成功への私の献身のいずれかを減少させるべきではありません。」

Voice 2

After apologizing, AUW also made major changes. Po omluvě provedla AUW také velké změny. The university formed a board of trustees - a group of people that helps make decisions about the university. Univerzita vytvořila správní radu – skupinu lidí, která pomáhá při rozhodování o univerzitě. 大学は、大学に関する決定を下すのを助ける人々のグループである評議員会を結成しました。 In April of 2012, the board also announced that Dr. Fahima Aziz would be AUW’s new vice chancellor. V dubnu 2012 představenstvo také oznámilo, že Dr. Fahima Aziz bude novým vicekancléřem AUW. 2012年4月、理事会はまた、ファヒマ・アジズ博士がAUWの新しい副首相になることを発表しました。

Voice 1

Even through its struggles, AUW has experienced success. I přes své boje zaznamenala AUW úspěch. AUW now has over 500 students. And in May 2013, it will celebrate the graduation of their first class of students.

Voice 2

After graduation, many students will continue studying at other universities to receive higher degrees. Po ukončení studia bude mnoho studentů pokračovat ve studiu na jiných univerzitách, aby získali vyšší tituly. This is Sumpa Sarkar’s hope. Sarkar is an AUW student from Bangladesh. After she graduates from AUW, she wants to get her doctorate degree. She hopes to use this degree to teach political science. She told the New York Times,

Voice 7

“I want to share my knowledge with other people.”

Voice 1

Other students hope to return to their home countries after they graduate. They hope to get jobs and begin working. Doufají, že najdou práci a začnou pracovat. Salaymeh, from the beginning of this program, plans to return to the Palestinian territories. She told the New York Times:

Voice 3

“I cannot think of another place on earth that needs my help as much as my home country.” "Nedokážu si představit jiné místo na zemi, které by potřebovalo mou pomoc tolik jako moje rodná země." 「母国ほど助けが必要な地球上の別の場所を考えることはできません。」

Voice 2

Past AUW teachers and workers have also decided to start another women’s university in South Asia. Předchozí učitelky a pracovnice AUW se také rozhodly založit další ženskou univerzitu v jižní Asii. This university will be called the Asian University of Leadership for Women or AULW. Tato univerzita se bude jmenovat Asian University of Leadership for Women neboli AULW. AULW will be in Malaysia. And it will have an even more specific goal than the AUW. It will train women to become leaders. Vyškolí ženy, aby se staly vedoucími. These women will work in government, politics and for organizations in their home countries.

Voice 1

The future of AULW will likely be difficult. Budoucnost AULW bude pravděpodobně obtížná. Like AUW, it will probably experience both struggles and successes. Stejně jako AUW pravděpodobně zažije jak boje, tak úspěchy. However, together universities like AUW and AULW hope to improve economies and countries all over Asia. They believe, like Kamal Ahmad, in the power of women to change the world.

Voice 2

The writer of this program was Dianna Anderson. The producer was Michio Ozaki. The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet athttp://www.radioenglish.net This .program is called, “The Asian University For Women.”

Voice 1

We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.