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02.Story by Cris, THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( short 08/50 )


Just laugh in his face, its the only way to deal with this. Clearly he is making it up.

And if it were true?

You mean this total spass leaving Montana before us?

Would it be so bad to be a celebrity sister? This total dork, invited to New York ... for an interview?

You're full crap.

I told her I can't come,cause' classes are again monday, but she was insisting.

What did I do to god for hate me? It's like"Here, Gracie, I found you a family full of nutjobs, And you are gonna live in no worse in Montana and your brother, who is a total spat is going to New York!"

I told you I am not going I've got a school.

News fash crazy New Yorkers loves spatters Its kind of a new trend!.

Too late. Any chance you've got she wallowed in the role of the misunderstood actress

She landed the lead in a retro anti establishment theater piece.

But that night, I was busy working on a challenge set by Discover magazine "How to drop an egg from the top of the Empire State Building without breaking it. "


make up

He made up some excuse about his daughter being sick.

I told the kids a story, making it up as I went along.

busy (doing sth)

James is busy practising for the school concert.

Let's get busy with the clearing up.

insist on / upon sth

We insisted on a refund of the full amount.


He's just landed a starring role in Spielberg's next movie.

She's just landed herself a company directorship.

trend (towards / in sth)

economic / social / political trends

There is a growing trend towards earlier retirement.

THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( short 08/50 ) THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( corto 08/50 ) IL GIOVANE E PRODIGIOSO T.S. SPIVET( corto 08/50 ) 若き天才T.S.スピヴェット( 08/50の短編)

Just laugh in his face, its the only way to deal with this. Clearly he is making it up. 狠狠嘲笑他,只能这么反应 他明显是在编故事 Просто посмійтеся йому в обличчя, це єдиний спосіб впоратися з цим. Очевидно, що він вигадує.

And if it were true? 可要是是真的呢?

You mean this total spass leaving Montana before us? 你是说这个真·宅男要比我们先走出蒙大拿么? Ви маєте на увазі, що цей загальний спас, що залишив Монтану раніше за нас?

Would it be so bad to be a celebrity sister? This total dork, invited to New York ... for an interview? 做个名人的姐姐也不错么? 这个笨呆子...要去纽约了...去接受采访? Було б так погано бути сестрою знаменитості? Цей повний дурень, запрошений до Нью-Йорка... на співбесіду?

You're full crap. 你满嘴胡话 Ти повна хрень.

I told her I can't come,cause' classes are again monday, but she was insisting. 我跟她讲了我去不了,因为星期一开学 但她坚持要我去

What did I do to god for hate me? 我做了什么孽老天这么玩我... Що я зробив Богові за ненависть до мене? It's like"Here, Gracie, I found you a family full of nutjobs, And you are gonna live in no worse in Montana and your brother, who is a total spat is going to New York!" 就好像对我说... “看,格雷西,我给你安了个家,家里人都是怪人,你要住在蒙大拿的山旮旯 而你弟弟,那个超级宅男要去纽约了!” Це як "Ось, Грейсі, я знайшов тобі сім'ю, повну божевільних, і ти будеш жити не гірше в Монтані, а твій брат, який є повним негідником, їде до Нью-Йорка!"

I told you I am not going I've got a school. 都给你说了我要上学不去了 Я сказав тобі, що я не піду, у мене є школа.

News fash crazy New Yorkers loves spatters Its kind of a new trend!. 大新闻,格雷西,纽约爱宅男 宅男引领新潮流! Новини модні божевільні жителі Нью-Йорка люблять бризки. Це якась нова тенденція!.

Too late. Any chance you've got she wallowed in the role of the misunderstood actress 一切都晚了 只要一有机会 她就会走上误解的道路无法自拔

She landed the lead in a retro anti establishment theater piece. 格雷西是怀旧反保守剧团的领舞 Вона зіграла головну роль у ретро-театральній виставі проти істеблішменту.

But that night, I was busy working on a challenge set by Discover magazine "How to drop an egg from the top of the Empire State Building without breaking it. " 但那晚 我正忙着完成《发现》杂志发起的挑战:“如何从帝国大厦顶部扔下一只蛋而不打碎它”


make up 编造(故事、谎言等):

He made up some excuse about his daughter being sick. 他编造了一些托辞,说他的女儿病倒了。 Він вигадав якесь виправдання, що його дочка хвора.

I told the kids a story, making it up as I went along. 我给孩子们讲了个故事,是现编的。

busy (doing sth) 忙于(做某事):

James is busy practising for the school concert. 詹姆斯正忙着为学校音乐会排练。

Let's get busy with the clearing up. 我们开始清理吧。

insist on / upon sth 坚决要求:

We insisted on a refund of the full amount. 我们坚决要求全额退款。

land 成功得到,赢得,捞到(尤指许多人想得到的工作):

He's just landed a starring role in Spielberg's next movie. 他刚得到一个机会,在斯皮尔伯格执导的下一部电影里担任主角。

She's just landed herself a company directorship. 她刚在一家公司谋到一个主管的职位。

trend (towards / in sth) 趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向:

economic / social / political trends 经济/社会/政治趋势

There is a growing trend towards earlier retirement. 提早退休者有增加的趋势。