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collins listening, 2- 12

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Man: Internet safety is a big concern nowadays and to protect your children and teenagers online, it's a good idea to monitor the sites they visit. Obviously, this is easier to do when they are a younger age. As they get older and become more independent, they are increasingly on their own online. Don't be put off from letting your kids use the Internet, though; it can be really invaluable for their education and help them make friends too!

Now, let me tell you a bit about some sites we have found for children. Kids can start using the Internet from a very early age. You can get them to play on computers from when they are only four years old! Of course, there is a limited number of sites for the very young, but we would suggest one called Playtime Online. It's designed for children from four to six years old. It's really colourful and helps children learn skills for games. Children love it and we believe it helps them when they begin school. Then, from say five until about ten years of age, there is a really useful website called Moving Up. This takes Playtime Online a step further and enhances the maths and language skills of the child. Teachers speak very highly of this site for child development.

When children get into their teens, the Internet can be a more dangerous place. Net Aware, for the twelve to sixteen-year age group. makes young people more aware of online dangers. It's a good site for your child to look at before they start surfing on their own.

Now, all teenagers love chatting, and Chat Electric is a site designed especially for teens from thirteen to sixteen to make friends online with people their own age.

The last site is invaluable for teens studying for exams. The sixteen- to eighteen-year-olds love Test Doctors, which is a site designed to help students revise for their exams and is full of handy hints and tips. The site is run by subject specialists, so it is packed full of information.

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Man: Internet safety is a big concern nowadays and to protect your children and teenagers online, it's a good idea to monitor the sites they visit. Mann: Die Internetsicherheit ist heutzutage ein großes Anliegen, und um Ihre Kinder und Jugendlichen online zu schützen, ist es eine gute Idee, die von ihnen besuchten Websites zu überwachen. Мужчина: В настоящее время безопасность в Интернете является большой проблемой, и для защиты ваших детей и подростков в Интернете рекомендуется отслеживать сайты, которые они посещают. 男:互联网安全是当今的一个大问题,为了保护您的儿童和青少年上网,监控他们访问的网站是个好主意。 男士:當今網路安全是一個大問題,為了保護您的兒童和青少年的上網安全,監控他們造訪的網站是個好主意。 Obviously, this is easier to do when they are a younger age. 显然,这在他们年轻的时候更容易做到。 顯然,當他們年輕時,這更容易做到。 As they get older and become more independent, they are increasingly on their own online. À medida que envelhecem e se tornam mais independentes, eles estão cada vez mais sozinhos online. 随着年龄的增长和变得更加独立,他们越来越多地独自上网。 隨著年齡的增長和變得更加獨立,他們在網路上越來越依賴自己。 Don't be put off from letting your kids use the Internet, though; it can be really invaluable for their education and help them make friends too! Lassen Sie sich jedoch nicht davon abhalten, Ihre Kinder das Internet nutzen zu lassen; es kann für ihre Bildung von unschätzbarem Wert sein und ihnen auch helfen, Freunde zu finden! インターネットは子供たちの教育にも役立つし、友達作りにも役立つ! No entanto, não deixe seus filhos usarem a Internet; pode ser realmente inestimável para a educação deles e ajudá-los a fazer amigos também! 不过,不要推迟让您的孩子使用互联网;这对于他们的教育和帮助他们结交朋友来说真的是非常宝贵的! 不過,不要猶豫讓您的孩子使用網路;這對他們的教育來說確實非常寶貴,也可以幫助他們結交朋友!

Now, let me tell you a bit about some sites we have found for children. 现在,让我告诉您一些我们为儿童找到的网站。 Kids can start using the Internet from a very early age. 孩子们可以从很小的时候就开始使用互联网。 You can get them to play on computers from when they are only four years old! 从他们只有四岁起,您就可以让他们玩电脑! 你可以讓他們從四歲就開始玩電腦! Of course, there is a limited number of sites for the very young, but we would suggest one called Playtime Online. 当然,适合年轻人的网站数量有限,但我们推荐一个名为 Playtime Online 的网站。 當然,適合幼兒的網站數量有限,但我們建議您選擇一個名為「Playtime Online」的網站。 It's designed for children from four to six years old. It's really colourful and helps children learn skills for games. 它真的很豐富多彩,可以幫助孩子學習遊戲技能。 Children love it and we believe it helps them when they begin school. 孩子們喜歡它,我們相信這對他們開始上學時有幫助。 Then, from say five until about ten years of age, there is a really useful website called Moving Up. Dann, etwa ab dem fünften bis zehnten Lebensjahr, gibt es eine wirklich nützliche Website namens Moving Up. 然后,从 5 岁到大约 10 岁,有一个非常有用的网站叫做 Moving Up。 然後,從五歲到十歲左右,有一個非常有用的網站,名為「Moving Up」。 This takes Playtime Online a step further and enhances the maths and language skills of the child. Damit geht Playtime Online noch einen Schritt weiter und fördert die mathematischen und sprachlichen Fähigkeiten des Kindes. 这使 Playtime Online 更进一步,并提高了孩子的数学和语言技能。 這使得 Playtime Online 更進一步,提升了孩子的數學和語言技能。 Teachers speak very highly of this site for child development. 老师们对这个网站的儿童发展评价很高。

When children get into their teens, the Internet can be a more dangerous place. 當孩子進入青少年時期時,網路可能會成為一個更危險的地方。 Net Aware, for the twelve to sixteen-year age group. Net Aware,適合十二至十六歲年齡層。 makes young people more aware of online dangers. 让年轻人更加意识到网络危险。 讓年輕人更加意識到網路危險。 It's a good site for your child to look at before they start surfing on their own. 这是一个很好的网站,供您的孩子在开始自己上网之前查看。 這是您的孩子在開始自己衝浪之前先瀏覽一下的好網站。

Now, all teenagers love chatting, and Chat Electric is a site designed especially for teens from thirteen to sixteen to make friends online with people their own age. 现在,所有的青少年都喜欢聊天,Chat Electric 是一个专门为 13 到 16 岁的青少年设计的网站,可以让他们在网上与同龄人交朋友。 現在,所有的青少年都喜歡聊天,而 Chat Electric 是一個專門為 13 歲到 16 歲的青少年設計的網站,可以與同齡的人在網路上交朋友。

The last site is invaluable for teens studying for exams. 最后一个站点对于准备考试的青少年来说非常宝贵。 最後一個網站對於準備考試的青少年來說非常有價值。 The sixteen- to eighteen-year-olds love Test Doctors, which is a site designed to help students revise for their exams and is full of handy hints and tips. 16 到 18 岁的孩子喜欢 Test Doctors,这是一个旨在帮助学生复习考试的网站,其中充满了实用的提示和技巧。 The site is run by subject specialists, so it is packed full of information. Die Website wird von Fachleuten betrieben und ist daher vollgepackt mit Informationen. 该网站由学科专家运营,因此信息丰富。 該網站由學科專家運營,因此資訊豐富。