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Zen Habits, Simple Living Manifesto: 72 Ideas to Simplify Your Life

Simple Living Manifesto: 72 Ideas to Simplify Your Life “Simplicity is the peak of civilization.” – Jessie Sampter

Post written by Leo Babauta.

A simple life has a different meaning and a different value for every person.

For me, it means eliminating all but the essential, eschewing chaos for peace, and spending your time doing what's important to you. It means getting rid of many of the things you do so you can spend time with people you love and do the things you love.

It means getting rid of the clutter so you are left with only that which gives you value. However, getting to simplicity isn't always a simple process.

It's a journey, not a destination, and it can often be a journey of two steps forward, and one backward. If you're interested in simplifying your life, this is a great starter's guide (if you're not interested, move on).

The Short List For the cynics who say that the list below is too long, there are really only two steps to simplifying: Identify what's most important to you. Eliminate everything else. Of course, that's not terribly useful unless you can see how to apply that to different areas of your life, so I present to you the Long List.

The Long List There can be no step-by-step guide to simplifying your life, but I've compiled an incomplete list of ideas that should help anyone trying to find the simple life. Not every tip will work for you — choose the ones that appeal and apply to your life. One important note : this list will be criticized for being too complicated, especially as it provides a bunch of links.

Don't stress out about all of that. Just choose one at a time, and focus on that. When you're done with that, focus on the next thing. Make a list of your top 4-5 important things . What's most important to you? What do you value most? What 4-5 things do you most want to do in your life? Simplifying starts with these priorities, as you are trying to make room in your life so you have more time for these things. Evaluate your commitments . Look at everything you've got going on in your life. Everything, from work to home to civic to kids' activities to hobbies to side businesses to other projects. Think about which of these really gives you value, which ones you love doing. Which of these are in line with the 4-5 most important things you listed above? Drop those that aren't in line with those things. Evaluate your time . How do you spend your day? What things do you do, from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep? Make a list, and evaluate whether they're in line with your priorities. If not, eliminate the things that aren't, and focus on what's important. Redesign your day. Simplify work tasks . Our work day is made up of an endless list of work tasks. If you simply try to knock off all the tasks on your to-do list, you'll never get everything done, and worse yet, you'll never get the important stuff done. Focus on the essential tasks and eliminate the rest. Simplify home tasks . In that vein, think about all the stuff you do at home. Sometimes our home task list is just as long as our work list. And we'll never get that done either. So focus on the most important, and try to find ways to eliminate the other tasks (automate, eliminate, delegate, or hire help). Learn to say no . This is actually one of the key habits for those trying to simplify their lives. If you can't say no, you will take on too much. Limit your communications . Our lives these days are filled with a vast flow of communications: email, IM, cell phones, paper mail, Skype, Twitter, forums, and more. It can take up your whole day if you let it. Instead, put a limit on your communications: only do email at certain times of the day, for a certain number of minutes (I recommend twice a day, but do what works for you). Only do IM once a day, for a limited amount of time. Limit phone calls to certain times too. Same with any other communications. Set a schedule and stick to it. Limit your media consumption . This tip won't be for everyone, so if media consumption is important to you, please skip it (as with any of the other tips). However, I believe that the media in our lives — TV, radio, Internet, magazines, etc. — can come to dominate our lives. Don't let it. Simplify your life and your information consumption by limiting it. Try a media fast. Purge your stuff . If you can devote a weekend to purging the stuff you don't want, it feels seriously terrific. Get boxes and trash bags for the stuff you want to donate or toss. Here's my guide on decluttering. Here's a post on starting small. More on purging below. Get rid of the big items . There's tons of little clutter in our lives, but if you start with the big items, you'll simplify your life quickly and in a big way. Edit your rooms . One room at a time, go around the room and eliminate the unnecessary. Act as a newspaper editor, trying to leave only the minimum, and deleting everything else. Edit closets and drawers . Once you've gone through the main parts of your rooms, tackle the closets and drawers, one drawer or shelf at a time. Simplify your wardrobe . Is your closet bursting full? Are your drawers so stuffed they can't close (I'm talking about dresser drawers here, not underwear). Simplify your wardrobe by getting rid of anything you don't actually wear. Try creating a minimal wardrobe by focusing on simple styles and a few solid colors that all match each other. Simplify your computing life . If you have trouble with too many files and too much disorganization, consider online computing. It can simplify things greatly. Declutter your digital packrattery . If you are a digital packrat, and cannot seem to control your digital clutter, there is still hope for you. Read this guide to curing yourself of this clutter. Create a simplicity statement . What do you want your simple life to look like? Write it out. Limit your buying habits . If you are a slave to materialism and consumerism, there are ways to escape it. I was there, and although I haven't escaped these things entirely, I feel much freer of it all. If you can escape materialism, you can get into the habit of buying less. And that will mean less stuff, less spending, less freneticism. Free up time . Find ways to free up time for the important stuff. That means eliminating the stuff you don't like, cutting back on time wasters, and making room for what you want to do. Do what you love . Once you've freed up some time, be sure to spend that extra time doing things you love. Go back to your list of 4-5 important things. Do those, and nothing else. Spend time with people you love . Again, the list of 4-5 important things probably contains some of the people you love (if not, you may want to re-evaluate). Whether those people are a spouse, a partner, children, parents, other family, best friends, or whoever, find time to do things with them, talk to them, be intimate with them (not necessarily in sexual ways). Spend time alone . See this list of ways to free up time for yourself — to spend in solitude. Alone time is good for you, although some people aren't comfortable with it. It could take practice getting used to the quiet, and making room for your inner voice. It sounds new-agey, I know, but it's extremely calming. And this quiet is necessary for finding out what's important to you. Eat slowly . If you cram your food down your throat, you are not only missing out on the great taste of the food, you are not eating healthy. Slow down to lose weight, improve digestion, and enjoy life more. Drive slowly . Most people rush through traffic, honking and getting angry and frustrated and stressed out. And endangering themselves and others in the meantime. Driving slower is not only safer, but it is better on your fuel bill, and can be incredibly peaceful. Give it a try. Be present . These two words can make a huge difference in simplifying your life. Living here and now, in the moment, keeps you aware of life, of what is going on around you and within you. It does wonders for your sanity. Streamline your life . Many times we live with unplanned, complex systems in our lives because we haven't given them much thought. Instead, focus on one system at a time (your laundry system, your errands system, your paperwork system, your email system, etc.) and try to make it simplified, efficient, and written. Then stick to it. Create a simple mail & paperwork system . If you don't have a system, this stuff will pile up. But a simple system will keep everything in order. Create a simple system for house work . Another example of a simple system is clean-as-you-go with a burst. Clear your desk . If you have a cluttered desk, it can be distracting and disorganized and stressful. A clear desk, however, is only a couple of simple habits away. Establish routines . The key to keeping your life simple is to create simple routines. Keep your email inbox empty . Is your email inbox overflowing with new and read messages? Do the messages just keep piling up? If so, you're normal — but you could be more efficient and your email life could be simplified with a few simple steps. Learn to live frugally . Living frugally means buying less, wanting less, and leaving less of a footprint on the earth. It's directly related to simplicity. Make your house minimalist . A minimalist house has what is necessary, and not much else. It's also extremely peaceful (not to mention easy to clean). Find other ways to be minimalist . There are tons. You can find ways to be minimalist in every area of your life. Here are a few I do, to spur your own ideas. Consider a smaller home . If you rid your home of stuff, you might find you don't need so much space. I'm not saying you should live on a boat (although I know some people who happily do so), but if you can be comfortable in a smaller home, it will not only be less expensive, but easier to maintain, and greatly simplify your life. Consider a smaller car . This is a big move, but if you have a large car or SUV, you may not really need something that big. It's more expensive, uses more gas, harder to maintain, harder to park. Simplify your life with less car. You don't need to go tiny, especially if you have a family, but try to find as small a car as can fit you or your family comfortably. Maybe not something you're going to do today, but something to think about over the long term. Learn what “enough” is . Our materialistic society today is about getting more and more, with no end in sight. Sure, you can get the latest gadget, and more clothes and shoes. More stuff. But when will you have enough? Most people don't know, and thus they keep buying more. It's a neverending cycle. Get off the cycle by figuring out how much is enough. And then stop when you get there. Create a simple weekly dinner menu . If figuring out what's for dinner is a nightly stressor for you or your family, consider creating a weekly menu. Decide on a week's worth of simple dinners, set a specific dinner for each night of the week, go grocery shopping for the ingredients. Now you know what's for dinner each night, and you have all the ingredients necessary. No need for difficult recipes — find ones that can be done in 10-15 minutes (or less). Eat healthy . It might not be obvious how eating healthy relates to simplicity, but think about the opposite: if you eat fatty, greasy, salty, sugary, fried foods all the time, you are sure to have higher medical needs over the long term. We could be talking years from now, but imagine frequent doctor visits, hospitalization, going to the pharmacist, getting therapy, having surgery, taking insulin shots … you get the idea. Being unhealthy is complicated. Eating healthy simplifies all of that greatly, over the long term. Exercise . This goes along the same lines as eating healthy, as it simplifies your life in the long run, but it goes even further: exercise helps burn off stress and makes you feel better. It's great. Declutter before organizing . Many people make the mistake of taking a cluttered desk or filing cabinet or closet or drawer, and trying to organize it. Unfortunately, that's not only hard to do, it keeps things complicated. Simplify the process by getting rid of as much of the junk as possible, and then organizing. If you declutter enough, you won't need to organize at all. Have a place for everything . Age-old advice, but it's the best advice on keeping things organized. After you declutter. Find inner simplicity . I'm not much of a spiritual person, but I have found that spending a little time with my inner self creates a peaceful simplicity rather than a chaotic confusion. This could be time praying or communing with God, or time spent meditating or journaling or getting to know yourself, or time spent in nature. However you do it, working on your inner self is worth the time. Learn to decompress from stress . Every life is filled with stress — no matter how much you simplify your life, you'll still have stress (except in the case of the ultimate simplifier, death). So after you go through stress, find ways to decompress. Try living without a car . OK, this isn't something I've done, but many others have. It's something I would do if I didn't have kids. Walk, bike, or take public transportation. It reduces expenses and gives you time to think. A car is also very complicating, needing not only car payments, but insurance, registration, safety inspections, maintenance, repairs, gas and more. Find a creative outlet for self-expression . Whether that's writing, poetry, painting, drawing, creating movies, designing websites, dance, skateboarding, whatever. We have a need for self-expression, and finding a way to do that makes your life much more fulfilling. Allow this to replace much of the busy-work you're eliminating from your life. Simplify your goals . Instead of having half a dozen goals or more, simplify it to one goal. Not only will this make you less stressed, it will make you more successful. You'll be able to focus on that One Goal, and give it all of your energy. That gives you much better chances for success. Single-task . Multi-tasking is more complicated, more stressful, and generally less productive. Instead, do one task at a time. Simplify your filing system . Stacking a bunch of papers just doesn't work. But a filing system doesn't have to be complicated to be useful. Create a simple system. Develop equanimity . If every little thing that happens to you sends you into anger or stress, your life might never be simple. Learn to detach yourself, and be more at peace. Reduce your consumption of advertising . Advertising makes us want things. That's what it's designed to do, and it works. Find ways to reduce your exposure of advertising, whether that's in print, online, broadcast, or elsewhere. You'll want much less. Live life more deliberately . Do every task slowly, with ease, paying full attention to what you're doing. For more, see Peaceful Simplicity: How to Live a Life of Contentment. Make a Most Important Tasks (MITs) list each day . Set just 3 very important things you want to accomplish each day. Don't start with a long list of things you probably won't get done by the end of the day. A simple list of 3 things, ones that would make you feel like you accomplished something. Create morning and evening routines . A great way to simplify your life is to create routines at the start and end of your day. Create a morning writing ritual . If you enjoy writing, like I do, make it a peaceful, productive ritual. Learn to do nothing . Doing nothing can be an art form, and it should be a part of every life. Read the Art of Doing Nothing. Read Walden, by Thoreau . The quintessential text on simplifying. Available on Wikisources for free. Go for quality, not quantity . Try not to have a ton of stuff in your life … instead, have just a few possessions, but ones that you really love, and that will last for a long time. Read Simplify Your Life, by Elaine St. James . One of my favorite all-time authors on simplicity. Fill your day with simple pleasures . Make a list of your favorite simple pleasures, and sprinkle them throughout your day. Simplify your RSS feeds . If you've got dozens of feeds, or more than a hundred (as I once did), you probably have a lot of stress in trying to keep up with them all. Simplify your feed reading. But subscribe to Unclutterer . Probably the best blog on simplifying your stuff and routines (along with Zen Habits, of course! Create an easy-to-maintain yard . If you spend too much time on your yard, here are some good tips. Carry less stuff . Are your pockets bulging. Consider carrying only the essentials. Simplify your online life . If you have too much going on online, here are a few ways to simplify it all. Strive to automate your income . This isn't the easiest task, but it can (and has) been done. I've been working towards it myself. Simplify your budget . Many people skip budgeting (which is very important) because it's too hard or too complicated. Simplify your financial life . Learn to pack light . Who wants to lug a bunch of luggage around on a trip? Use a minimalist productivity system . The minimal Zen To Done is all you need. Everything else is icing. Leave space around things in your day . Whether they're appointments, or things you need to do, don't stack them back-to-back. Leave a little space between things you need to do, so you will have room for contingencies, and you'll go through your day much more relaxed. Live closer to work . This might mean getting a job closer to your home, or moving to a home closer to your work. Either will do much to simplify your life. Always ask: Will this simplify my life? If the answer is no, reconsider. ----

Want more?

Just open a collection. Enjoy these life-changing articles right now! This is an article from zenhabits.net.

You can find it here zenhabits.net/simple-living-manifesto-72-ideas-to-simplify-your-life/

Simple Living Manifesto: 72 Ideas to Simplify Your Life シンプルな生活宣言:あなたの人生をシンプルにするための72のアイデア Basit Yaşam Manifestosu: Hayatınızı Kolaylaştıracak 72 Fikir Tuyên ngôn sống đơn giản: 72 ý tưởng đơn giản hóa cuộc sống của bạn “Simplicity is the peak of civilization.” – Jessie Sampter “Sadelik, medeniyetin zirvesidir.” - Jessie Sampter

Post written by Leo Babauta.

A simple life has a different meaning and a different value for every person.

For me, it means eliminating all but the essential, eschewing chaos for peace, and spending your time doing what’s important to you. 私にとって、それは平和のために不可欠な、混乱を避けるための混乱以外のすべてを排除し、あなたにとって重要なことをするためにあなたの時間を費やすことを意味します。 Dla mnie oznacza to wyeliminowanie wszystkiego oprócz tego, co najważniejsze, wystrzeganie się chaosu dla spokoju i spędzanie czasu na robieniu tego, co jest dla Ciebie ważne. Đối với tôi, điều đó có nghĩa là loại bỏ tất cả trừ những điều thiết yếu, tránh xa sự hỗn loạn để có được hòa bình và dành thời gian làm những việc quan trọng đối với bạn. It means getting rid of many of the things you do so you can spend time with people you love and do the things you love. Nó có nghĩa là bạn phải loại bỏ nhiều việc bạn làm để có thể dành thời gian cho những người bạn yêu thương và làm những việc bạn yêu thích.

It means getting rid of the clutter so you are left with only that which gives you value. それは混乱を取り除くことを意味するので、あなたはあなたに価値を与えるものだけを残されます。 Nó có nghĩa là loại bỏ sự lộn xộn để bạn chỉ còn lại những gì mang lại giá trị cho bạn. However, getting to simplicity isn’t always a simple process. Tuy nhiên, để có được sự đơn giản không phải lúc nào cũng là một quá trình đơn giản.

It’s a journey, not a destination, and it can often be a journey of two steps forward, and one backward. To podróż, a nie cel i często może to być podróż dwóch kroków do przodu i jednego do tyłu. Đó là một cuộc hành trình, không phải là đích đến và nó thường có thể là một hành trình gồm hai bước tiến và một bước lùi. If you’re interested in simplifying your life, this is a great starter’s guide (if you’re not interested, move on). あなたの人生を単純化することに興味があるなら、これは素晴らしいスターターガイドです(興味がないなら、先に進んでください)。

The Short List For the cynics who say that the list below is too long, there are really only two steps to simplifying: 短いリスト以下のリストが長すぎると言う皮肉屋にとって、単純化するには2つのステップしかありません。 Danh sách ngắn Đối với những người hoài nghi cho rằng danh sách dưới đây quá dài, thực sự chỉ có hai bước để đơn giản hóa: Identify what’s most important to you. Eliminate everything else. 他のすべてを排除します。 消除一切。 Of course, that’s not terribly useful unless you can see how to apply that to different areas of your life, so I present to you the Long List. もちろん、それを自分の人生のさまざまな分野に適用する方法がわからない限り、それはあまり便利ではありません。そこで、私はあなたにロングリストを提示します。 Tất nhiên, điều đó không thực sự hữu ích trừ khi bạn có thể biết cách áp dụng nó vào các lĩnh vực khác nhau trong cuộc sống của mình, vì vậy tôi xin giới thiệu với bạn Danh sách dài.

The Long List There can be no step-by-step guide to simplifying your life, but I’ve compiled an incomplete list of ideas that should help anyone trying to find the simple life. 長いリストあなたの人生を単純化するためのステップバイステップガイドはあり得ませんが、私は誰もが単純な人生を見つけようとするのを助けるべきであるアイデアの不完全なリストをまとめました。 Długa lista Nie może być przewodnika krok po kroku, jak uprościć swoje życie, ale stworzyłem niepełną listę pomysłów, które powinny pomóc każdemu, kto próbuje znaleźć proste życie. Not every tip will work for you — choose the ones that appeal and apply to your life. すべてのヒントが役立つとは限りません。魅力的で人生に当てはまるヒントを選択してください。 One important note : this list will be criticized for being too complicated, especially as it provides a bunch of links. 1つの重要な注意:このリストは、特にそれがたくさんのリンクを提供するときには、あまりにも複雑であると批判されるでしょう。 Uma observação importante: esta lista será criticada por ser muito complicada, especialmente porque fornece um monte de links.

Don’t stress out about all of that. そのすべてについて強調しないでください。 Just choose one at a time, and focus on that. 一度に1つだけ選択して、それに集中します。 When you’re done with that, focus on the next thing. Make a list of your top 4-5 important things . What’s most important to you? What do you value most? What 4-5 things do you most want to do in your life? Simplifying starts with these priorities, as you are trying to make room in your life so you have more time for these things. Evaluate your commitments . Oceń swoje zobowiązania. Look at everything you’ve got going on in your life. あなたがあなたの人生で起こってきたすべてを見てください。 Spójrz na wszystko, co dzieje się w Twoim życiu. Hãy nhìn vào mọi thứ bạn đang diễn ra trong cuộc sống của bạn. Everything, from work to home to civic to kids' activities to hobbies to side businesses to other projects. 職場から家庭、市民活動、子供の活動、趣味、副業、その他のプロジェクトまで、すべて。 Все, от работы до дома и общественных мероприятий, детских мероприятий и хобби, от бизнеса до других проектов. Tất cả mọi thứ, từ nơi làm việc đến nhà ở, công dân, hoạt động của trẻ em, sở thích, công việc kinh doanh phụ và các dự án khác. Think about which of these really gives you value, which ones you love doing. これらのうちどれが本当にあなたに価値を与えるか、どれがあなたが好きかについて考えてください。 Which of these are in line with the 4-5 most important things you listed above? Które z nich są zgodne z 4-5 najważniejszymi rzeczami, które wymieniłeś powyżej? 其中哪些符合您上面列出的 4-5 项最重要的事项? Drop those that aren’t in line with those things. それらと一致しないものを削除します。 Evaluate your time . Đánh giá thời gian của bạn. How do you spend your day? What things do you do, from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep? Make a list, and evaluate whether they’re in line with your priorities. リストを作成し、それらがあなたの優先事項と一致しているかどうかを評価します。 Lập danh sách và đánh giá xem chúng có phù hợp với ưu tiên của bạn hay không. If not, eliminate the things that aren’t, and focus on what’s important. そうでない場合は、そうでないものを排除し、重要なことに焦点を当てます。 Redesign your day. Simplify work tasks . 作業タスクを簡素化します。 Our work day is made up of an endless list of work tasks. Ngày làm việc của chúng ta được tạo thành từ một danh sách vô tận các nhiệm vụ công việc. If you simply try to knock off all the tasks on your to-do list, you’ll never get everything done, and worse yet, you’ll never get the important stuff done. to-doリストのすべてのタスクを単純に打ち消そうとすると、すべてが完了することはありません。さらに悪いことに、重要なことは行われません。 Если вы просто попытаетесь выбросить все задачи из своего списка дел, вы никогда не сделаете все, и, что еще хуже, вы никогда не сделаете важные дела. Focus on the essential tasks and eliminate the rest. 重要なタスクに集中し、残りを排除します。 Tập trung vào các nhiệm vụ thiết yếu và loại bỏ phần còn lại. Simplify home tasks . ホームタスクを簡素化します。 In that vein, think about all the stuff you do at home. その意味で、自宅で行うすべてのことを考えてください。 Sometimes our home task list is just as long as our work list. ときどき、ホームタスクリストがワークリストと同じ長さになることがあります。 And we’ll never get that done either. そして、それを実現することも決してないでしょう。 И мы никогда этого не сделаем. So focus on the most important, and try to find ways to eliminate the other tasks (automate, eliminate, delegate, or hire help). したがって、最も重要なことに焦点を当て、他のタスクを排除する方法を見つけてください(自動化、排除、委任、またはヘルプの採用)。 Learn to say no . This is actually one of the key habits for those trying to simplify their lives. If you can’t say no, you will take on too much. Limit your communications . Our lives these days are filled with a vast flow of communications: email, IM, cell phones, paper mail, Skype, Twitter, forums, and more. It can take up your whole day if you let it. Nó có thể mất cả ngày của bạn nếu bạn để nó. Instead, put a limit on your communications: only do email at certain times of the day, for a certain number of minutes (I recommend twice a day, but do what works for you). 代わりに、通信に制限を設けてください。メールは1日の特定の時間に、特定の分数だけ送信してください(1日2回をお勧めしますが、自分に合った方法で実行してください)。 Only do IM once a day, for a limited amount of time. Limit phone calls to certain times too. 電話も特定の時間に制限します。 Same with any other communications. Set a schedule and stick to it. スケジュールを設定し、それに固執する。 Limit your media consumption . This tip won’t be for everyone, so if media consumption is important to you, please skip it (as with any of the other tips). このヒントはすべての人に当てはまるわけではないため、メディアの消費が重要な場合は、スキップしてください(他のヒントと同様)。 Этот совет не для всех, поэтому, если вам важно потребление мультимедиа, пропустите его (как и любой другой совет). Mẹo này không dành cho tất cả mọi người, vì vậy nếu việc sử dụng phương tiện truyền thông là quan trọng đối với bạn, vui lòng bỏ qua nó (cũng như bất kỳ mẹo nào khác). However, I believe that the media in our lives — TV, radio, Internet, magazines, etc. — can come to dominate our lives. - 私たちの生活を支配するようになることができます。 Don’t let it. それをさせてはいけない。 Simplify your life and your information consumption by limiting it. Try a media fast. 早くメディアを試してみてください。 Purge your stuff . If you can devote a weekend to purging the stuff you don’t want, it feels seriously terrific. 不要なものをパージすることに週末を費やすことができるなら、それは真剣に素晴らしいと感じます。 Если вы можете посвятить выходные очищению от вещей, которые вам не нужны, это действительно потрясающе. Get boxes and trash bags for the stuff you want to donate or toss. あなたが寄付したり、投げたりしたいもののための箱とゴミ袋を入手してください。 Nhận hộp và túi đựng rác để đựng những thứ bạn muốn quyên góp hoặc vứt đi. Here’s my guide on decluttering. 整理するためのガイドは次のとおりです。 Here’s a post on starting small. これは小さいことを始めることに関する投稿です。 More on purging below. 下記のパージの詳細 Thông tin thêm về thanh lọc dưới đây. Get rid of the big items . There’s tons of little clutter in our lives, but if you start with the big items, you’ll simplify your life quickly and in a big way. 私たちの生活には小さな混乱がたくさんありますが、大きなアイテムから始めれば、生活をすばやく、大幅に簡素化できます。 Edit your rooms . One room at a time, go around the room and eliminate the unnecessary. Uma sala de cada vez, circule pela sala e elimine o desnecessário. Act as a newspaper editor, trying to leave only the minimum, and deleting everything else. Edit closets and drawers . Edite armários e gavetas. Chỉnh sửa tủ quần áo và ngăn kéo. Once you’ve gone through the main parts of your rooms, tackle the closets and drawers, one drawer or shelf at a time. 部屋の主要部分を通過したら、クローゼットと引き出しに一度に1つずつ引き出します。 Khi bạn đã xem qua các phần chính của căn phòng, hãy xử lý tủ quần áo và ngăn kéo, từng ngăn kéo hoặc kệ. Simplify your wardrobe . Đơn giản hóa tủ quần áo của bạn. Is your closet bursting full? Seu armário está lotado? Tủ quần áo của bạn đang đầy ắp? Are your drawers so stuffed they can’t close (I’m talking about dresser drawers here, not underwear). Suas gavetas estão tão cheias que não podem fechar (estou falando de gavetas de cômodas aqui, não de roupas íntimas). Simplify your wardrobe by getting rid of anything you don’t actually wear. Simplifique seu guarda-roupa, livrando-se de tudo o que você realmente não usa. Try creating a minimal wardrobe by focusing on simple styles and a few solid colors that all match each other. Tente criar um guarda-roupa mínimo, concentrando-se em estilos simples e algumas cores sólidas que combinam entre si. Simplify your computing life . コンピューティングライフを簡素化します。 Simplifique sua vida de computação. Đơn giản hóa cuộc sống sử dụng máy tính của bạn. If you have trouble with too many files and too much disorganization, consider online computing. あまりにも多くのファイルとあまりにも多くの混乱に問題がある場合は、オンラインコンピューティングを検討してください。 Se você tiver problemas com muitos arquivos e desorganização, considere a computação online. Nếu bạn gặp rắc rối với quá nhiều tập tin và quá nhiều sự lộn xộn, hãy xem xét việc sử dụng máy tính trực tuyến. It can simplify things greatly. Pode simplificar muito as coisas. Declutter your digital packrattery . Organize seu packrattery digital. If you are a digital packrat, and cannot seem to control your digital clutter, there is still hope for you. Если вы цифровая крыса и не можете управлять своим цифровым беспорядком, у вас все еще есть надежда. Read this guide to curing yourself of this clutter. Leia este guia para se curar dessa desordem. Create a simplicity statement . 単純化ステートメントを作成します。 Crie uma declaração de simplicidade. What do you want your simple life to look like? Como você quer que seja sua vida simples? Write it out. Escreva. Limit your buying habits . 購買習慣を制限します。 Limite seus hábitos de compra. If you are a slave to materialism and consumerism, there are ways to escape it. Se você é um escravo do materialismo e do consumismo, existem maneiras de escapar disso. I was there, and although I haven’t escaped these things entirely, I feel much freer of it all. 私はそこにいました、そして、私はこれらのものを完全に逃れたわけではありませんが、私はそれのすべてからはるかに自由に感じます。 Eu estava lá e, embora não tenha escapado totalmente dessas coisas, me sinto muito mais livre de tudo isso. If you can escape materialism, you can get into the habit of buying less. あなたが唯物論を免れることができるなら、あなたはより少ない購入の習慣に入ることができます。 And that will mean less stuff, less spending, less freneticism. そしてそれはより少ないもの、より少ない支出、より少ない熱狂主義を意味するでしょう。 Và điều đó sẽ có nghĩa là ít đồ đạc hơn, ít chi tiêu hơn, ít điên cuồng hơn. Free up time . 時間を解放します。 Libere tempo. Find ways to free up time for the important stuff. That means eliminating the stuff you don’t like, cutting back on time wasters, and making room for what you want to do. つまり、気に入らないものを排除し、時間の浪費を減らし、やりたいことのための余地を作ることです。 Isso significa eliminar o que você não gosta, reduzir a perda de tempo e abrir espaço para o que você deseja fazer. Do what you love . 好きなことをしてください。 Faça o que você ama . Once you’ve freed up some time, be sure to spend that extra time doing things you love. 少し時間を空けたら、好きなことに時間を費やしてください。 Go back to your list of 4-5 important things. Volte para sua lista de 4-5 coisas importantes. Do those, and nothing else. Faça isso e nada mais. Spend time with people you love . Passe algum tempo com as pessoas que você ama. Again, the list of 4-5 important things probably contains some of the people you love (if not, you may want to re-evaluate). Опять же, список из 4-5 важных вещей, вероятно, содержит некоторых из людей, которых вы любите (если нет, вы можете переоценить). Whether those people are a spouse, a partner, children, parents, other family, best friends, or whoever, find time to do things with them, talk to them, be intimate with them (not necessarily in sexual ways). それらの人々が配偶者、パートナー、子供、両親、他の家族、親友、または誰であれ、彼らと何かをする時間を見つけ、彼らと話し、彼らと親密になります(必ずしも性的な方法ではありません)。 Cho dù những người đó là vợ/chồng, bạn đời, con cái, cha mẹ, gia đình khác, bạn thân hay bất cứ ai, hãy tìm thời gian để làm mọi việc với họ, nói chuyện với họ, thân mật với họ (không nhất thiết phải theo cách tình dục). Spend time alone . 一人で時間を過ごす。 See this list of ways to free up time for yourself — to spend in solitude. Veja esta lista de maneiras de liberar tempo para você - para passar na solidão. Hãy xem danh sách các cách để giải phóng thời gian cho bản thân - dành thời gian ở một mình. Alone time is good for you, although some people aren’t comfortable with it. 一人で時間を過ごすのは良いことですが、慣れていない人もいます。 O tempo sozinho é bom para você, embora algumas pessoas não se sintam confortáveis com isso. It could take practice getting used to the quiet, and making room for your inner voice. Pode ser necessário praticar para se acostumar com o silêncio e abrir espaço para sua voz interior. It sounds new-agey, I know, but it’s extremely calming. 昔のように聞こえますが、とても落ち着いています。 Parece new age, eu sei, mas é extremamente calmante. Я знаю, это звучит по-новому, но это очень успокаивает. Tôi biết nó nghe có vẻ mới mẻ, nhưng nó cực kỳ êm dịu. And this quiet is necessary for finding out what’s important to you. Eat slowly . Coma devagar . If you cram your food down your throat, you are not only missing out on the great taste of the food, you are not eating healthy. Se você enfiar a comida na garganta, não estará apenas perdendo o sabor delicioso da comida, mas também não estará se alimentando de maneira saudável. Slow down to lose weight, improve digestion, and enjoy life more. Diminua o ritmo para perder peso, melhorar a digestão e aproveitar mais a vida. Drive slowly . Most people rush through traffic, honking and getting angry and frustrated and stressed out. A maioria das pessoas corre no trânsito, buzinando, ficando com raiva, frustrada e estressada. And endangering themselves and others in the meantime. E colocando-se em perigo e a outros enquanto isso Driving slower is not only safer, but it is better on your fuel bill, and can be incredibly peaceful. Dirigir mais devagar não é apenas mais seguro, mas é melhor na conta do combustível e pode ser incrivelmente tranquilo. Give it a try. 試してみる。 De uma chance. Be present . 出席する。 Estar presente . Присутствовать . These two words can make a huge difference in simplifying your life. Essas duas palavras podem fazer uma grande diferença para simplificar sua vida. Living here and now, in the moment, keeps you aware of life, of what is going on around you and within you. 今ここに住んでいると、今、自分の周りや自分の中で何が起こっているのか、人生を知ることができます。 It does wonders for your sanity. それはあなたの正気のために不思議です。 Isso faz maravilhas pela sua sanidade. Streamline your life . Simplifique sua vida. Many times we live with unplanned, complex systems in our lives because we haven’t given them much thought. 多くの場合、私たちは彼らのことをあまり考えていなかったため、計画外の複雑なシステムで生活しています。 Muitas vezes vivemos com sistemas complexos e não planejados em nossas vidas porque não pensamos muito neles. Instead, focus on one system at a time (your laundry system, your errands system, your paperwork system, your email system, etc.) Em vez disso, concentre-se em um sistema de cada vez (seu sistema de lavanderia, seu sistema de recados, seu sistema de papelada, seu sistema de e-mail, etc.) and try to make it simplified, efficient, and written. そして、それを簡素化し、効率的で、書面にするようにしてください。 e tente torná-lo simplificado, eficiente e escrito. Then stick to it. その後、それに固執します。 Em seguida, mantenha-se firme. Create a simple mail & paperwork system . Crie um sistema simples de correio e papelada. If you don’t have a system, this stuff will pile up. あなたがシステムを持っていない場合、このようなものが積み重なるでしょう。 But a simple system will keep everything in order. しかし、シンプルなシステムはすべてを整然と保ちます。 Create a simple system for house work . Another example of a simple system is clean-as-you-go with a burst. 単純なシステムのもう1つの例は、バーストを伴うあなたが行ったとおりの動作です。 Outro exemplo de sistema simples é a limpeza conforme o uso com uma explosão. Clear your desk . Limpe sua mesa. If you have a cluttered desk, it can be distracting and disorganized and stressful. デスクが雑然としていると、気が散ったり、まとまりがなくストレスになったりします。 Se você tem uma mesa bagunçada, pode ser perturbador, desorganizado e estressante. A clear desk, however, is only a couple of simple habits away. しかし、明確な机はほんの2、3の単純な習慣です。 Uma mesa limpa, no entanto, está a apenas alguns hábitos simples de distância. Establish routines . ルーチンを確立します。 Estabeleça rotinas. The key to keeping your life simple is to create simple routines. Keep your email inbox empty . Mantenha sua caixa de entrada de e-mail vazia. Is your email inbox overflowing with new and read messages? メールの受信トレイが新しいメッセージや既読メッセージであふれていますか? Sua caixa de entrada de e-mail está transbordando de mensagens novas e lidas? Do the messages just keep piling up? As mensagens continuam se acumulando? If so, you’re normal — but you could be more efficient and your email life could be simplified with a few simple steps. Learn to live frugally . Aprenda a viver com frugalidade. Living frugally means buying less, wanting less, and leaving less of a footprint on the earth. 質素に生きるということは、より少ないものを購入し、より少なく欲しがり、そして地球上の占有面積をより少なくすることを意味する。 Viver frugalmente significa comprar menos, querer menos e deixar menos pegada na terra. It’s directly related to simplicity. それは単純さに直接関係しています。 Está diretamente relacionado à simplicidade. Make your house minimalist . あなたの家をミニマリストにします。 Faça sua casa minimalista. A minimalist house has what is necessary, and not much else. ミニマリストの家には必要なものがありますが、他にはありません。 It’s also extremely peaceful (not to mention easy to clean). それはまた非常に平和です(言うまでもなく簡単に掃除できます)。 Find other ways to be minimalist . Encontre outras maneiras de ser minimalista. There are tons. Existem toneladas. You can find ways to be minimalist in every area of your life. あなたの人生のあらゆる分野でミニマリストになる方法を見つけることができます。 Here are a few I do, to spur your own ideas. あなた自身のアイデアを刺激するために、ここに私がすることがいくつかあります。 Aqui estão alguns que eu faço, para estimular suas próprias idéias. Consider a smaller home . 小さな家を考えてみましょう。 Considere uma casa menor. Рассмотрим дом меньшего размера. If you rid your home of stuff, you might find you don’t need so much space. Se você livrar sua casa de tudo, poderá descobrir que não precisa de tanto espaço. I’m not saying you should live on a boat (although I know some people who happily do so), but if you can be comfortable in a smaller home, it will not only be less expensive, but easier to maintain, and greatly simplify your life. 私はあなたがボートに住むべきだと言っているわけではありませんが(喜んでそうする人もいますが)小さな家で快適に過ごせるなら、費用がかさむだけでなく、メンテナンスも簡単になり、大幅に簡素化されますあなたの人生。 Não estou dizendo que você deve morar em um barco (embora eu conheça algumas pessoas que felizmente o fazem), mas se você puder se sentir confortável em uma casa menor, não só será mais barato, mas mais fácil de manter e muito simplificado sua vida. Consider a smaller car . This is a big move, but if you have a large car or SUV, you may not really need something that big. これは大きな動きですが、大きな車やSUVを持っている場合は、それほど大きなものは必要ないかもしれません。 Esta é uma grande mudança, mas se você tiver um carro ou SUV grande, pode não precisar de algo tão grande. It’s more expensive, uses more gas, harder to maintain, harder to park. Simplify your life with less car. Simplifique sua vida com menos carro. You don’t need to go tiny, especially if you have a family, but try to find as small a car as can fit you or your family comfortably. 特に家族がいる場合は、小さくする必要はありませんが、あなたやあなたの家族が快適に乗れるだけの小さい車を探すようにしてください。 Você não precisa ir minúsculo, especialmente se você tiver uma família, mas tente encontrar um carro tão pequeno quanto possa caber você ou sua família confortavelmente. Maybe not something you’re going to do today, but something to think about over the long term. 今日やろうとしていることではなく、長期的に考えるべきことかもしれません。 Talvez não seja algo que você vá fazer hoje, mas algo em que pensar a longo prazo. Learn what “enough” is . Aprenda o que é “suficiente”. Our materialistic society today is about getting more and more, with no end in sight. 私たちの唯物論的社会は今日、目の前に終わりがなく、ますます多くなることについてです。 Nossa sociedade materialista hoje é para obter mais e mais, sem fim à vista. Sure, you can get the latest gadget, and more clothes and shoes. もちろん、最新のガジェット、さらに多くの服や靴を入手できます。 Claro, você pode obter o gadget mais recente e mais roupas e sapatos. More stuff. その他のもの。 Mais coisas. But when will you have enough? しかし、いつ十分になりますか? Mas quando você terá o suficiente? Most people don’t know, and thus they keep buying more. It’s a neverending cycle. それは終わりのないサイクルです。 Get off the cycle by figuring out how much is enough. どれだけの量が十分であるかを把握することにより、サイクルから抜け出します。 And then stop when you get there. Create a simple weekly dinner menu . If figuring out what’s for dinner is a nightly stressor for you or your family, consider creating a weekly menu. 夕食の目的を理解することがあなたやあなたの家族にとって毎晩のストレス要因である場合は、毎週のメニューを作成することを検討してください。 Decide on a week’s worth of simple dinners, set a specific dinner for each night of the week, go grocery shopping for the ingredients. 1週間分のシンプルなディナーを決め、毎晩特定のディナーを設定し、食材を買い物に行きます。 Decida sobre jantares simples para uma semana, defina um jantar específico para cada noite da semana, vá fazer compras para os ingredientes. Now you know what’s for dinner each night, and you have all the ingredients necessary. これで、毎晩の夕食の内容がわかり、必要なすべての材料が揃いました。 No need for difficult recipes — find ones that can be done in 10-15 minutes (or less). 難しいレシピは必要ありません— 10〜15分(またはそれ以下)で実行できるレシピを見つけてください。 Eat healthy . Comer saudável . It might not be obvious how eating healthy relates to simplicity, but think about the opposite: if you eat fatty, greasy, salty, sugary, fried foods all the time, you are sure to have higher medical needs over the long term. 健康的な食事とシンプルさの関係は明らかではないかもしれませんが、反対のことを考えてください。脂肪の多い、脂っこい、塩辛い、砂糖の入った、揚げ物を常に食べると、長期的にはより高い医療ニーズがあります。 Pode não ser óbvio como uma alimentação saudável se relaciona com a simplicidade, mas pense no oposto: se você comer alimentos gordurosos, gordurosos, salgados, açucarados e fritos o tempo todo, com certeza terá maiores necessidades médicas a longo prazo. We could be talking years from now, but imagine frequent doctor visits, hospitalization, going to the pharmacist, getting therapy, having surgery, taking insulin shots … you get the idea. 私たちは今から何年も話しているかもしれませんが、頻繁な医師の訪問、入院、薬剤師に行くこと、治療を受けること、手術をすること、インスリン注射をすることを想像してみてください。 Poderíamos estar conversando daqui a anos, mas imagine consultas frequentes ao médico, internação, ir ao farmacêutico, fazer terapia, fazer cirurgia, tomar injeções de insulina ... você entendeu. Being unhealthy is complicated. 不健康であることは複雑です。 Não ser saudável é complicado. Eating healthy simplifies all of that greatly, over the long term. 健康的な食事は、長期的にはこれらすべてを大幅に簡素化します。 Uma alimentação saudável simplifica muito tudo isso, a longo prazo. Exercise . This goes along the same lines as eating healthy, as it simplifies your life in the long run, but it goes even further: exercise helps burn off stress and makes you feel better. これは健康的な食事と同じ道筋をたどります。長期的には人生を単純化するからです。運動はストレスをやわらげ、気分を良くします。 Isso vai no mesmo sentido de uma alimentação saudável, pois simplifica sua vida no longo prazo, mas vai ainda mais longe: os exercícios ajudam a eliminar o estresse e fazem você se sentir melhor. It’s great. É ótimo. Declutter before organizing . 整理する前に整理しましょう。 Organize antes de organizar. Many people make the mistake of taking a cluttered desk or filing cabinet or closet or drawer, and trying to organize it. 多くの人々は、雑然とした机やファイリングキャビネット、クローゼットや引き出しを取り、それを整理しようとする間違いを犯します。 Unfortunately, that’s not only hard to do, it keeps things complicated. 残念ながら、それを行うのは難しいだけでなく、事態を複雑にしています。 Simplify the process by getting rid of as much of the junk as possible, and then organizing. できるだけ多くのがらくたを取り除き、そして次に整理することによってプロセスを単純化する。 If you declutter enough, you won’t need to organize at all. 整理整頓が十分であれば、整理する必要はまったくありません。 Have a place for everything . Age-old advice, but it’s the best advice on keeping things organized. 古くからのアドバイスですが、物事を整理するための最善のアドバイスです。 After you declutter. Find inner simplicity . I’m not much of a spiritual person, but I have found that spending a little time with my inner self creates a peaceful simplicity rather than a chaotic confusion. 私は精神的な人ではありませんが、内なる自分と少しの時間を過ごすことで、無秩序な混乱ではなく平和なシンプルさが生まれます。 This could be time praying or communing with God, or time spent meditating or journaling or getting to know yourself, or time spent in nature. これは、祈りや神との交わりの時間、瞑想や日記の書き方、自分を知るために費やした時間、あるいは自然の中で過ごした時間などです。 However you do it, working on your inner self is worth the time. Learn to decompress from stress . Every life is filled with stress — no matter how much you simplify your life, you’ll still have stress (except in the case of the ultimate simplifier, death). すべての人生はストレスに満ちています。人生をどれほど簡素化しても、ストレスは残ります(究極の単純化の場合を除いて、死)。 So after you go through stress, find ways to decompress. Try living without a car . OK, this isn’t something I’ve done, but many others have. OK、これは私がやったことではありませんが、他の多くは持っています。 It’s something I would do if I didn’t have kids. 子供がいなかったら、そうするでしょう。 Walk, bike, or take public transportation. It reduces expenses and gives you time to think. A car is also very complicating, needing not only car payments, but insurance, registration, safety inspections, maintenance, repairs, gas and more. また、自動車は非常に複雑で、自動車の支払いだけでなく、保険、登録、安全検査、保守、修理、ガソリンなども必要です。 Find a creative outlet for self-expression . 自己表現のための創造的な出口を見つけます。 Whether that’s writing, poetry, painting, drawing, creating movies, designing websites, dance, skateboarding, whatever. それが執筆、詩、絵画、描画、映画の作成、ウェブサイトのデザイン、ダンス、スケートボードなど、何でも。 We have a need for self-expression, and finding a way to do that makes your life much more fulfilling. 私たちは自己表現が必要であり、あなたの人生をより充実させる方法を見つけることが必要です。 Allow this to replace much of the busy-work you’re eliminating from your life. これがあなたがあなたの人生から排除している忙しい仕事の大部分を置き換えるのを許してください。 Simplify your goals . Instead of having half a dozen goals or more, simplify it to one goal. 6ダース以上の目標を持つ代わりに、1つの目標に単純化します。 Not only will this make you less stressed, it will make you more successful. これにより、ストレスが軽減されるだけでなく、成功も促進されます。 You’ll be able to focus on that One Goal, and give it all of your energy. That gives you much better chances for success. Single-task . Multi-tasking is more complicated, more stressful, and generally less productive. Instead, do one task at a time. Simplify your filing system . Stacking a bunch of papers just doesn’t work. But a filing system doesn’t have to be complicated to be useful. しかし、出願システムは、有用であるために複雑である必要はありません。 Create a simple system. Develop equanimity . If every little thing that happens to you sends you into anger or stress, your life might never be simple. あなたに起こるすべての小さなことがあなたを怒りやストレスに駆り立てるなら、あなたの人生は決して単純ではないかもしれません。 Learn to detach yourself, and be more at peace. Reduce your consumption of advertising . 広告の消費を減らしなさい。 Advertising makes us want things. That’s what it’s designed to do, and it works. Find ways to reduce your exposure of advertising, whether that’s in print, online, broadcast, or elsewhere. 印刷物、オンライン、放送、その他の場所にかかわらず、広告の露出を減らす方法を見つけます。 You’ll want much less. あなたははるかに少なくしたいでしょう。 Live life more deliberately . Do every task slowly, with ease, paying full attention to what you’re doing. すべてのタスクをゆっくりと、簡単に実行し、実行していることに完全に注意を払います。 For more, see Peaceful Simplicity: How to Live a Life of Contentment. 詳細については、「平和のシンプルさ:満足の生活を送る方法」を参照してください。 Make a Most Important Tasks (MITs) list each day . Set just 3 very important things you want to accomplish each day. Don’t start with a long list of things you probably won’t get done by the end of the day. A simple list of 3 things, ones that would make you feel like you accomplished something. 3つのことの単純なリスト、あなたが何かを成し遂げたように感じさせるもの。 Create morning and evening routines . A great way to simplify your life is to create routines at the start and end of your day. Create a morning writing ritual . 朝の執筆儀式を作成します。 If you enjoy writing, like I do, make it a peaceful, productive ritual. 私と同じように書くことを楽しむなら、平和で生産的な儀式にしてください。 Learn to do nothing . 何もしないことを学ぶ。 Doing nothing can be an art form, and it should be a part of every life. 何もしないことは芸術の形になり得、それはすべての生活の一部であるべきです。 Read the Art of Doing Nothing. 何もしないという芸術を読んでください。 Read Walden, by Thoreau . The quintessential text on simplifying. 単純化に関する典型的なテキスト。 Available on Wikisources for free. ウィキソースで無料で入手できます。 Go for quality, not quantity . 量ではなく質を追求してください。 Try not to have a ton of stuff in your life … instead, have just a few possessions, but ones that you really love, and that will last for a long time. あなたの人生にたくさんのものを持たないようにしてください…代わりに、ほんの少しの所有物を持っていますが、あなたが本当に愛しているものは、それが長期間続きます。 Read Simplify Your Life, by Elaine St. James . One of my favorite all-time authors on simplicity. Один из моих любимых авторов о простоте на все времена. Fill your day with simple pleasures . Make a list of your favorite simple pleasures, and sprinkle them throughout your day. Simplify your RSS feeds . If you’ve got dozens of feeds, or more than a hundred (as I once did), you probably have a lot of stress in trying to keep up with them all. フィードが数十、または100を超えている場合(私がかつてそうでしたように)、それらすべてに対応しようとすることに多くのストレスがかかるでしょう。 Simplify your feed reading. フィードの読みを簡素化します。 But subscribe to Unclutterer . しかしUncluttererを購読する。 Probably the best blog on simplifying your stuff and routines (along with Zen Habits, of course! Create an easy-to-maintain yard . メンテナンスが容易な庭を作成します。 If you spend too much time on your yard, here are some good tips. あなたの庭にあまりにも多くの時間を費やしているなら、ここにいくつかの良いヒントがあります。 Carry less stuff . 持ち物が少ない。 Are your pockets bulging. Consider carrying only the essentials. 必需品だけを持ち歩くことを検討してください。 Simplify your online life . If you have too much going on online, here are a few ways to simplify it all. あなたがオンラインであまりにも多くのことをしているならば、ここでそれをすべて単純化するためのいくつかの方法があります。 Strive to automate your income . あなたの収入を自動化するよう努めてください。 Стремитесь автоматизировать свой доход. This isn’t the easiest task, but it can (and has) been done. これは最も簡単な作業ではありませんが、実行することができます(そして実行されました)。 I’ve been working towards it myself. Simplify your budget . Many people skip budgeting (which is very important) because it’s too hard or too complicated. Simplify your financial life . Learn to pack light . Who wants to lug a bunch of luggage around on a trip? 誰が旅行でたくさんの荷物を持ち歩きたいですか? Кто захочет тащить с собой в поездку кучу багажа? Use a minimalist productivity system . ミニマリストの生産性システムを使用してください。 The minimal Zen To Done is all you need. Everything else is icing. 他のすべては氷結しています。 Leave space around things in your day . 一日の物事の周りにスペースを残してください。 Whether they’re appointments, or things you need to do, don’t stack them back-to-back. それらが予定であるかどうか、またはあなたがする必要があることであるかどうか、それらを背中合わせに積み重ねないでください。 Leave a little space between things you need to do, so you will have room for contingencies, and you’ll go through your day much more relaxed. やらなければならないことの間に少しスペースを空けてください。そうすれば、不測の事態に対応できる余地が生まれ、リラックスした1日を過ごせます。 Live closer to work . 仕事の近くに住んでください。 This might mean getting a job closer to your home, or moving to a home closer to your work. これは、仕事をあなたの家に近づけるか、仕事に近い家に移動することを意味するかもしれません。 Either will do much to simplify your life. Always ask: Will this simplify my life? 常に尋ねる:これは私の人生を簡素化しますか? If the answer is no, reconsider. ----

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Just open a collection. コレクションを開くだけです。 Enjoy these life-changing articles right now! This is an article from zenhabits.net.

You can find it here zenhabits.net/simple-living-manifesto-72-ideas-to-simplify-your-life/