Ti ne moras da skidas gace
You don't have to take off your panties
Tu n'es pas obligé d'enlever ta culotte
Samo ih skloni sa strane
Just put them aside
Ti ne moras da skidas gace
I neka tako ostane
And let it stay that way
Ti ne moras da skidas gace
Samo ih skloni sa strane
Just put them aside
Skloni sa strane
Put it aside
Skloni skloni sa strane
Lean to the side
Ti ne moras da skidas gace
Samo ih skloni sa strane
Ti ne moras da skidas gace
I neka tako ostane
And let it stay that way
Ti ne moras da skidas gace Samo ih skloni sa strane
You don't have to take off your panties. Just move them to the side
Skloni sa strane
Skloni skloni sa strane
Ja ima da te napijem
I'm going to get you drunk
Ima da te jebem
I'm going to fuck you
Ima decku da te odrukam i vezu da ti sjebem
He has a boyfriend to fuck you and a relationship to fuck you
I onako si mi slala svoju cupi preko fejsa
And you sent me your cupi via Facebook anyway
Dzaram te za stolom u kafani pici semsa
I'm waiting for you at the table in the Pizza Semsa Tavern
Mala hoce sexa
Mala wants sex
Pa mala gde cemo
Well, little one, where are we going?
Vuce me za tuki
They are pulling me by the neck
Ka klozetu krecemo
We are heading for the toilet
Sve je tako prljavo bas kao i ona
Everything is as dirty as she is
Navikla je da se kara u veceu bez kondoma
She is used to fighting in the hall without a condom
U veceu bez kondoma sada pomera u stranu
In the evening without a condom, he now moves to the side
Nazhuljao sam kitu i napravio sam ranu
I kicked the dick and made a wound
Mene chipke peku A ona prska reku
My hair is burning and she is splashing the river
U veceu od kluba napravili smo stetu
In the larger than the club, we did damage
Napravili smo stetuuuuu
We did a lot of damage
i sada bezimo u taxiiiii
and now we run to taxiiiiiii
Ostalo joj malo sperme
She had some sperm left
Sto sam joj svrsio po faci
I cum all over her face
Fascinantno mi je to sto nisam hepatitis abecedu dobio do sad
It is fascinating to me that I have not received the hepatitis alphabet until now
A i dalje sam mlad
And I'm still young
Jebem u vazduhu i to je taj rad
I fuck in the air and that's the work
Ne pipam plocice ni vece solju
I don't even touch the tiles with salt
Radim to iskusno u svom fazonu
I do it expertly in my style
Treniram uradno da ne ispustim drolju
I'm training officially not to drop a bitch
A kada zavrsim sa njom u istom klubu trazim bolju
And when I'm done with her in the same club, I'm looking for a better one
Ja im ne skidam gace
I don't take their panties off
Samo ih skloonim u stranu
I just put them aside
Skoro nikada ne koiristim kurtone
I almost never use kurtons
Al za svaki slucaj onjushim joj djanu
But just in case, I'll give her a kiss
Znas !
You know !
Ja sam izaso iz jedne vrlo vrlo duge duge veze
I got out of a very very long long relationship
I da odvedem kuci bilo koju ravu sada stvarno bi mi bilo bezveze
And if I were to take any rava home now, it would really be pointless
Ja sam totalno poremecen
I am totally deranged
Pa stvaram pogane pesme
So I create pagan songs
Jer sam od strane zena povredjen
Because I was hurt by women
Pa pevam ono sto se ne sme
So I sing what is not allowed
Zato molim te bejbe
So please baby
Skloni te bubregare sa strane
Put those scumbags out of the way
Nikako da se napijem
No way to get drunk
Pa da ti ne vidim mane..
So that I don't see your flaws..