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Universa humanorum iurium declaratio

Universa humanorum iurium declaratio

Universalis de jure hominum declaratio

quae, decreto CCXVII A (III), a Communi Conventu probata et edicta est, Anno Domini MCMIIL, a.d.IV Idus Decembres.

10 decembris 1948

Vide etiam Declarationem hominis iurium universam


Cum dignitatis infixae omnibus humanae familiae partibus et eorum jurum aequalium, quae abalienari non possunt, agnitio constituat et in orbe terrarum libertatis et justitiae et pacis fundamentum,

Cum hominis jurum mala cognitio contemptioque barbariae facta, quae humanitatis conscientiam ad rebellionem incitant, adduxerint, cumque mundi initium in quo homines, liberati a terrore et miseria, loquendi credendique libertatem habebunt, renuntiatum sit ut hominis altissima affectatio,

Cum praecipuum sit hominum jura civitatis forma quae justa est tegi, ne homo cogatur, ultimo perfugio, ut rebellionem faciat in tyranniam oppressionemque,

Cum praecipuum sit progressionem amicitiarum inter nationes incitari,

Cum in Carta gentes Conjunctarum Nationum rursus pronuntiaverint suam fidem in juribus praecipuis hominum, in dignitate et virtute hominis, in aequabilitate jurum virorum et feminarum, et se dixerint prompti ad favendum progressui civili et ad gignendum meliores conditiones vitae in majore libertate,

Cum sociae civitates pollicitae sint se affirmaturas esse verecundiam universam veramque jurum hominis et libertatum praecipuarum, temperatione Nationum Conjunctarum adjuvante,

Cum quaedam communis conceptio horum jurum et libertatum gravissima sit, ut obligatio haec plane expleatur,

Communis Conventus jurum hominis praesentem universalem Declarationem pronuntiat ut communis perfectus qui petatur ab omnibus populis et omnibus nationibus, ut societatis singuli homines et omnes partes, habentes hanc declarationem constanter in mente, institutione et educatione conantur ut horum jurum libertatumque respectus evolvatur, et firmentur ordinis nationalis et internationalis consiliorum incessu gratia et universalis veraque admotio tam in ipsarum sociarum civitatum populationibus quam in finium populationibus quae eorum jurisdictioni subactae sunt.

Universalis de hominis juribus declaratio

I Omnes homines liberi aequique dignitate atque juribus nascuntur. Ratione conscientiaque praediti sunt et alii erga alios cum fraternitate se gerere debent.


Quisque potest sibi assumere libertates omnes omnesque jures in hac declaratione pronuntiatos, sine ulla distinctione gentis, coloris, sexus, linguae, religionis, politicae sententiae aut omnis generis sententiae, nationis originis aut civitatis, divitiarum aut ortus aut omnis generis situs.

Praeterea fietur nulla distinctio condita in civili decreto, juridico aut internationali gentis aut finium cujus est aliquis, sive gens aut fines liberi sunt, sive sub tutella, sive non suae potestatis sive subacti termino aliquo sui imperii.


Quisque jus habet vivere, liber esse et in tuto vivere.


Nemo servitudine tenebitur. Omnes servitudines omnibus modis prohibentur.

V Nullus cruciabitur neque poenis nec tractationibus, quae humanae sunt, objicietur. VI

Quisque jus habet suam juridicam personam in omnibus locis accipi.


Omnes ante legem aequi sunt et sine ulla distinctione jus habent aequum praesidium legis habere. Omnes jus habent praesidio aequo contra omnem discrimen qui hanc Declarationem violet et contra omnem incitationem ad talem discrimen.


Omnis jus habet recurrere pro idoneo judice gentis contra facta violantia jures suffundatos quae sibi recognescuntur a constitutione aut lege.


Nullus ex libidine apprehendi in vinculis esse, exsulari potest.

X Omnes jus habent in tota aequitate suam causam recte et publice a judicibus liberis aequabilibusque audiri, qui statuunt vel de juribus obligationibusque, vel de veritate omnis criminis contra se. XI

1. Quisquis accusatus delicto innocens est dum noxa sua jure statuata est publico judicio ubi obsides omnes necessariae ad se defendendum affirmatae erunt.

2. Nemo damnabitur propter acta vel praetermissiones quae, cum commitata sunt, non constituebant delictum ex jure suae gentis vel universarum gentium. Item nulla gravior culpa irrogabitur quam illa quae applicari potuit cum delictum factum est.


Nemo patibitur intercessiones ab arbitrio in rebus privatis, in familia, domo aut in epistularum consuetudine, nec ictus contra honorem famamque. Omnis jus habet lege protegi contra tales intercessiones aut talia vulnera.


1. Quisque jus habet libenter iter facere et in civitate suam domum eligere.

2. Omnis jus habet ex omni et sua patria abire et in suam patriam redire.


1. In vexatione omnis jus habet perfugium quaerere et perfugium ab aliis regionibus impetrare.

2. Hoc jus non invocari potest in casu actionum vere constitutarum in communis juris scelere aut in factis adversus metas principiaque Conjunctarum Nationum.


1. Omnis jus habet nationis esse.

2. Nemo ex libidine a sua gente privari potest neque gentis mutandae a jure privari.


1. Ex matrimonio se jugendi aetate, vir mulierque jus habent, nullo genere, nulla gente aut religione id nequaquam impediente, matrimonio se jungere et familiam constituere. Jura equalia habent pro matrimonio, per matrimonium et per divortium.

2. Matrimonium confici non potest sine conjugum pleno liberoque consensu.

3. Familia societatis naturale praecipuumque elementum est et jus habet a societate et rei publica muniri.


1. Omnis, vel solus vel conjucte, mancipii jus habet.

2. Nemo potest ab arbitrio a mancipio privatus esse.


Omnis jus sentientae, conscientiae religionisque libertati habet. Hoc jus religionem aut conscientiam mutandi libertatem atque libertatem religionem aut fidem solam aut communem manifestam faciendi implicat, tam publice quam private, doctrina, religionibus, sacris ritorum effectuque.


Omnis jus opinionis et verba dicendi libertati habet; quod jus non ob opiniones suas inquietari implicat, atque jus petendi, recipiendi divulgandique sine finium considerationibus percontationes cogitationesque quacumque elocutione


1. Omnis homo jus habet libertati pacificae consociationis conventusque

2. Nemo potest coagi ut consociationi intersit.


1. Omnis homo jus habet suae gentis rerum publicarum administrationi interesse, vel directo, vel per repraesentes libere lectos.

2. Omnis homo jus habet conditione aequa ad suae patriae officia publica accedere.

3. Populi voluntas publicorum imperiorum auctoritatis fundamentum est ; illa voluntas creatione honesta exprimi debet, quae statis diebus fieri debent, universali aequo suffragio secretaque tabella vel secundum aequalem judiciorum formulam suffragii libertatem in tuto collocantem.


Omnis homo, ut rei publicae socius, sociali securitati jus habet; hic homo jus habet satisfactionem impetrare jurum publicorum, sociorum humanorumque quae necessaria ad suam dignitatem et progressum liberum sui est, per laborem suae patriae et operam aliarum gentium, pro temperatione et divitiis omnis gentis.


1. Omnis homo, labori, liberae optioni laboris, conditionibus aequis idoneisque laboris et tutelae adversus inopiam laboris jus habet.

2. Universi, sine discrimine,aequo praemio aequo labore jus habent.

3. Quiscumque laborat, jus habet aequae remunerationi idoneaeque quae sibi familiaeque confirmat vitam consentaneam humanae dignitati et, si oportet, completae omnibus ceteribus rationibus sociae tutelae.

4. Omnis homo cum aliis hominibus consociationes condere et consociationibus socios sibi adjungere ad commoda defendenda jus habet.


Omnes jus habent cum quieti et otiis tum circumscriptioni modicae temporis laboris et commeatibus statis quae pecunia soluuntur


1. Omnes jus habent satis altae vitae ut suam valetudinem et suae familiae et suam voluptatem confirmet, praesertim quod pertinet ad cibum, vestem, domum, medicinales curas et beneficia socialia quae necesseria sunt. Omnes jus habent securitati in penuria laboris aut in morbo aut in infirmitate aut in viduitate aut in senectute aut in aliis casibus in quibus copia vivendi esse non potest, temporibus voluntatem non sequentibus.

2. Mater et infans jus habent auxilio et praesentiae propriae. Omnes pueri, sive in matrmonio sive extra matrimonium nati sunt, eodem sociali praesidio fruuntur.


1. Omnis jus habet educationi. Educatio debet gratuita esse, quod saltem pertinet ad primas praecipuasque litteras. Primae litterae sunt necessariae. Doctrinae ad scientiam et ad professionem pertinentes multis exponenda est; oportet aditum studiis superis in tota aequalitate omnibus secundum meritum patere.

2. Oportet educationem spectare ad totam hominum beatitudinem et ad respectus jurum hominis et libertatum primarum confirmationem.Oportet educationem favere cogitationi, patientiae amicitiaeque inter omnes gentes, omnia generum aut religionum globos; oportet educationem favere progressioni operarum nationum sociatarum ad pacis conservationem.

3. Parentes in primis jus habent eligere genus educationis quod interest dare liberis suis.


1. Omnis homo jus habet libere interesse culturae societatis, et frui artibus, et interesse profectibus scientiae et beneficiis quae id sequuntur.

2. Omnis jus habet tutelae beneficiorum moralium et materialium generatorum omni procreatione scientiae, litterarum aut artium quorum auctor est.


Omnis jus habet in socialibus et externis rebus ordinem regnari, ut jura et libertates enuntiatae in hac Declaratione fieri possint.


1. Cuique officia sunt erga societatem, in qua solum liberum plenumque incrementum ingenii fieri potest.

2. In usu jurium et fructu libertatum, quisque subjicitur solum finibus lege conditis, ut solum firmet gratiam et respectum jurium libertatumque alieni, et satisfaciat rectis expostulationibus honesti, reipublicae concordiae et universae in sociatate populari valetudinis.

3. Haec jura libertatesque nullo modo exerceri poterunt adversus proposita et principia Nationum Conjunctorum.


Nullum decretum hujus Declarationis interpretari potest quasi civitati, societati aut cuidam homini jus aliquid implicans se dedendi alicui facinori aut aliquid faciendi ad libertates et jura evertenda, quae hoc loco enuntiata sunt.

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Universa humanorum iurium declaratio |人權||人權宣言 Universal|of human|rights|declaration ||direitos| Універсальна||прав людини| Die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte La Declaracion Universal de Derechos Humanos La Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme La Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani 世界人権宣言 A declaração universal dos direitos humanos Всеобщая декларация прав человека 世界人权宣言 Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Universalis de jure hominum declaratio |||人權| Universal|of|rights|of men|declaration |про|||декларація Universal|||| Всеобщая декларация прав человека Universal Declaration of Human Rights

quae, decreto CCXVII A (III), a Communi Conventu probata et edicta est, Anno Domini MCMIIL, a.d.IV Idus Decembres. 該決議|法令|第217號||第三号|||大會|批准的||頒布||公元|主的年份|||拉丁文|四|十二月十日|十二月十三日 which|decree|217|of|(3)|by|Common|Assembly|approved|and|published|is|In the Year|of the Lord|2002||||Ides|of December |декретом|CCXVII|A|III|||Збори|||видана||в році|||по|д|IV||грудня который декретом XXVII A (III) был одобрен и обнародован Общим собранием в год Господень 1744, до 4-го числа декабря. which, by decree CCXVII A (III), was approved and proclaimed by the General Assembly, in the year of our Lord 1948, on the 10th day of December.

10 decembris 1948 十二月 December грудня 10 декабря 1948 г. December 10, 1948

Vide etiam Declarationem hominis iurium universam 參見|||人權宣言||普世的 See|also|Declaration|of man|of rights|universal бачити|також|декларацію|людини|прав людини|всесвітню См. также Всеобщую декларацию прав человека. See also the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

Praefatio 序言 Preface Преамбула Preface

Cum dignitatis infixae omnibus humanae familiae partibus et eorum jurum aequalium, quae abalienari non possunt, agnitio constituat et in orbe terrarum libertatis et justitiae et pacis fundamentum, |尊嚴|||人類的|人類家庭|部分||||平等的||不可剝奪|||認識|構成了|||世界上||自由權利||正義||和平的基础|基礎 ||||||Teilen||||der gleichen Rechte||abgeschafft||können abgetrennt werden|Anerkennung|konstituiert|||Welt|der Erde|der Freiheit||Gerechtigkeit||Frieden|Grund When|of dignity|affixed|to all|human|family|parts|and|their|rights|of equals|which|to be alienated|not|can|recognition|may establish|and|in|world|of the earth|of liberty|and|of justice|and|of peace|foundation |||для всіх|людської||||їхніх|прав (прав)|||відчужувати|не|||становить||в|світі||||||миру|основа Поскольку признание достоинства, присущего всем частям человеческой семьи, и их равных прав, которые не могут быть отчуждены, могут составлять основу свободы, справедливости и мира во всем мире, Since the recognition of the inherent dignity of all members of the human family and their equal and inalienable rights constitutes the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world,

Cum hominis jurum mala cognitio contemptioque barbariae facta, quae humanitatis conscientiam ad rebellionem incitant, adduxerint, cumque mundi initium in quo homines, liberati a terrore et miseria, loquendi credendique libertatem habebunt, renuntiatum sit ut hominis altissima affectatio, |||邪惡||鄙視|野蠻行為||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||schlechte||||||der Menschlichkeit|Bewusstsein||Rebellion|||und wenn||Anfang|||Menschen|||||Elend|Sprechen|glauben|||verkündet||||höchste| When|of man|right|bad|knowledge|and contempt|of barbarism|having been made|which|of humanity|consciousness|to|rebellion|incite|they will have led|and when|of the world|beginning|in|which|men|liberated|from|terror|and|misery|of speaking|and believing|freedom|they will have|it has been announced|may be|that|of man|highest|aspiration |люди|право||знання||варварства||які||свідомість|||підбурюють|додали||світу|початок|в||люди||від||||говоріння||||||||| Когда плохое знание прав человека и презрение к варварству, подстрекающие совесть человечества к восстанию, привели к созданию мира, в котором люди, освобожденные от террора и страданий, будут иметь свободу слова и веры, пусть от него следует отказаться как от глубочайшей привязанности человека, Since the disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of humanity and brought the world to rebellion, and since it is essential that human beings be freed from fear and want, and that they enjoy the right to speak and believe freely, it has been proclaimed that the highest aspiration of man is to be free,

Cum praecipuum sit hominum jura civitatis forma quae justa est tegi, ne homo cogatur, ultimo perfugio, ut rebellionem faciat in tyranniam oppressionemque, |主要的|||||||||||||||||||| ||||Rechte|Staat|||||gedeckt werden||Mensch|gezwungen wird||||Rebellion||||und Unterdrückung Since|principal|is|of men|rights|of the state|form|which|just|is|to be protected|lest|man|be compelled|ultimate|refuge|to|rebellion|make|against|tyranny| ||є|||держави|||||захищати|||||прихисток|||||тиранію| Поскольку самое главное — это право народа в форме государства, которое справедливо и нужно защищать, чтобы человек не был вынужден, как последнее прибежище, восстать против тирании и угнетения. Since it is essential for the rights of citizens to be protected by a just form, so that no person is compelled, as a last resort, to rebel against tyranny and oppression,

Cum praecipuum sit progressionem amicitiarum inter nationes incitari, ||es||Freundschaften||Nationen|angere fördern Since|principal|is|progress|of friendships|between|nations|to be encouraged Поскольку важно поощрять развитие дружбы между народами, Since it is essential to encourage the development of friendships among nations,

Cum in Carta gentes Conjunctarum Nationum rursus pronuntiaverint suam fidem in juribus praecipuis hominum, in dignitate et virtute hominis, in aequabilitate jurum virorum et feminarum, et se dixerint prompti ad favendum progressui civili et ad gignendum meliores conditiones vitae in majore libertate, |||||der Nationen|erneut||ihre|Vertrauen||Rechten||||Würde|||||||der Männer||||||prompti||||zivil|||zu gebären|||des Lebens||größeren|Freiheit When|in|Charter|peoples|United|Nations|again|shall have proclaimed|their|faith|in|rights|fundamental|of men|in|dignity|and|worth|of man|in|equality|rights|of men|and|of women|and|themselves|shall have declared|ready|to|favoring|progress|civil|and|to|generating|better|conditions|of life|in|greater|freedom Когда в Уставе нации Объединенных Наций еще раз заявили о своей вере в основные права человека, в достоинство и силу человека, в равенство прав мужчин и женщин и заявили о своей готовности поддерживать гражданское право прогресса и создать лучшие условия жизни при большей свободе, Since in the Charter the United Nations have again proclaimed their faith in the fundamental rights of man, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women, and have declared their readiness to promote social progress and to create better living conditions in greater freedom,

Cum sociae civitates pollicitae sint se affirmaturas esse verecundiam universam veramque jurum hominis et libertatum praecipuarum, temperatione Nationum Conjunctarum adjuvante, |verbundenen|||||||||||||||||| When|allied|states|promised|they are|themselves|to affirm|to be|respect|universal||rights|of man|and|of liberties|fundamental|governance|of Nations|United|assisting Принимая во внимание, что союзные государства пообещали, что они подтвердят полное и истинное соблюдение прав и основных свобод человека при дополнительном контроле со стороны Организации Объединенных Наций, Since the member states have pledged to uphold the universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, with the assistance of the United Nations.

Cum quaedam communis conceptio horum jurum et libertatum gravissima sit, ut obligatio haec plane expleatur, When|a certain|common|conception|of these|rights|and|liberties|very serious|is|so that|obligation|this|clearly|is fulfilled Поскольку очень важна определенная общая концепция этих прав и свобод, чтобы это обязательство четко выполнялось, Since a certain common conception of these rights and freedoms is very serious, this obligation must be fully fulfilled,

Communis Conventus jurum hominis praesentem universalem Declarationem pronuntiat ut communis perfectus qui petatur ab omnibus populis et omnibus nationibus, ut societatis singuli homines et omnes partes, habentes hanc declarationem constanter in mente, institutione et educatione conantur ut horum jurum libertatumque respectus evolvatur, et firmentur ordinis nationalis et internationalis consiliorum incessu gratia et universalis veraque admotio tam in ipsarum sociarum civitatum populationibus quam in finium populationibus quae eorum jurisdictioni subactae sunt. Common|Assembly|rights|of man|present|universal|Declaration|proclaims|as|common|perfect|which|be sought|by|all|peoples|and|all|nations|as|of society|individual|men|and|all|parts|having|this|declaration|constantly|in|mind|institutions|and|education|strive|to|of these|rights|and freedoms|respect|be developed|and|be strengthened|order|national|and|international|relations|progress|grace|and|universal|true|movement|both|in|their|associated|states|populations|as|in|border|populations|which|their|jurisdiction|subjected|are Генеральная Ассамблея провозглашает настоящую Всеобщую декларацию прав человека как общую и совершенную декларацию, требуемую всеми народами и всеми нациями, с тем чтобы отдельные лица и все части общества, постоянно помня об этой Декларации, в обучении и образовании старались развивать уважение к этим правам и свободам и укреплять национальный порядок и благодаря прогрессу международной политики и всеобщему и истинному движению как среди населения самих союзных государств, так и среди населения границ, подпадающих под их юрисдикцию. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims that it is a common ideal to be achieved by all peoples and all nations, so that every individual in society and all parts, having this declaration constantly in mind, strive through teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms, and to strengthen the order of national and international policies in the pursuit of grace and universal true motivation both in the populations of the member states themselves and in the populations of the territories that are subjected to their jurisdiction.

Universalis de hominis juribus declaratio Universal|of|man|rights|declaration Всеобщая декларация прав человека Universal Declaration of Human Rights

I Omnes homines liberi aequique dignitate atque juribus nascuntur. All|men|are|born|equal|in dignity|and|in rights|are born 1 Все люди рождаются свободными и равными в своем достоинстве и правах. I All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Ratione conscientiaque praediti sunt et alii erga alios cum fraternitate se gerere debent. Reason|and conscience|endowed|are|and|others|towards|each other|with|brotherhood|themselves|to behave|ought to Они наделены разумом и совестью, и другие должны относиться к другим по-братски. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.


Quisque potest sibi assumere libertates omnes omnesque jures in hac declaratione pronuntiatos, sine ulla distinctione gentis, coloris, sexus, linguae, religionis, politicae sententiae aut omnis generis sententiae, nationis originis aut civitatis, divitiarum aut ortus aut omnis generis situs. Everyone|can|to himself|assume|liberties|all|and all|rights|in|this|declaration|pronounced|without|any|distinction|of race|of color|of sex|of language|of religion|political|opinion|or|all|of every|opinion|of nationality|of origin|or|of citizenship|of wealth|or|of birth|or|all|of every|status Каждый может пользоваться всеми свободами и всеми правами, изложенными в настоящей декларации, без какого-либо различия расы, цвета кожи, пола, языка, религии, политических убеждений или каких-либо убеждений, национального происхождения или состояния, богатства или рождения или любого рода убеждений. расположение. Everyone can claim for themselves all the freedoms and rights proclaimed in this declaration, without any distinction of race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, national origin or citizenship, wealth or birth or any other status.

Praeterea fietur nulla distinctio condita in civili decreto, juridico aut internationali gentis aut finium cujus est aliquis, sive gens aut fines liberi sunt, sive sub tutella, sive non suae potestatis sive subacti termino aliquo sui imperii. Furthermore|will be made|no|distinction|established|in|civil|decree|legal|or|international|of nations|or|of territories|of whom|is|someone|whether|nation|or|territories|free|are|whether|under|guardianship|whether|not|their own|power|whether|subjected|term|some|of their own|empire Более того, в гражданском, юридическом или международном декрете не должно быть установлено никакого различия между нацией или территорией, к которой принадлежит человек, независимо от того, являются ли нация или территории свободными, находятся ли они под защитой или нет его власти, или подвергаются каким-либо срок его правления. Furthermore, there shall be no distinction established in civil, legal or international decrees based on the race or borders of any person, whether the race or borders are free, under guardianship, not under their own power, or subjected to any term of their own rule.


Quisque jus habet vivere, liber esse et in tuto vivere. Everyone|right|has|to live|free|to be|and|in|safety|to live Каждый имеет право жить, быть свободным и жить в безопасности. Everyone has the right to live, to be free, and to live in safety.


Nemo servitudine tenebitur. No one|to slavery|will be held Никто не может содержаться в рабстве. No one shall be held in slavery. Omnes servitudines omnibus modis prohibentur. All|servitudes|by all|means|are prohibited Все формы рабства запрещены. All forms of servitude are prohibited in every way.

V Nullus cruciabitur neque poenis nec tractationibus, quae humanae sunt, objicietur. 5|No|shall be tortured|nor|by punishments|nor|by treatments|which|human|are|shall be subjected 5 Никто не должен подвергаться пыткам или наказаниям или обращению, которое является гуманным. No one shall be tortured nor subjected to punishments or treatments that are inhumane. VI 6 VI

Quisque jus habet suam juridicam personam in omnibus locis accipi. Everyone|right|has||legal|person|in|all|places|receiving Каждый имеет право на признание в качестве юридического лица во всех сферах. Everyone has the right to have their legal person recognized in all places.


Omnes ante legem aequi sunt et sine ulla distinctione jus habent aequum praesidium legis habere. All|before|law|equal|are|and|without|any|distinction|right|have|equal|protection|of the law|to have Все равны перед законом и без всякого различия имеют право на равную защиту закона. All are equal before the law and have the right to equal protection of the law without any discrimination. Omnes jus habent praesidio aequo contra omnem discrimen qui hanc Declarationem violet et contra omnem incitationem ad talem discrimen. All|right|have|protection|equal|against|every|discrimination|who|this|Declaration|violates|and|against|every|incitement|to|such|discrimination Каждый имеет право на равную защиту от любой дискриминации, нарушающей настоящую Декларацию, и от любого подстрекательства к такой дискриминации. Everyone has the right to equal protection against any discrimination that violates this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.


Omnis jus habet recurrere pro idoneo judice gentis contra facta violantia jures suffundatos quae sibi recognescuntur a constitutione aut lege. Every|right|has|to appeal|for|competent|judge|of the nation|against|actions|violating|rights|founded|which|to it|are recognized|by|constitution|or|law Каждый имеет право подать апелляцию компетентному национальному судье в отношении действий, нарушающих основные права, признанные конституцией или законом. Everyone has the right to appeal to a competent judge of the nation against acts that violate the rights established by the constitution or law.


Nullus ex libidine apprehendi in vinculis esse, exsulari potest. No one|from|lust|to be seized|in|chains|to be|to be exiled|is able Никто, по своей воле закованный в оковы, не может быть сослан. No one can be seized and held in chains out of mere desire; they can be exiled.

X Omnes jus habent in tota aequitate suam causam recte et publice a judicibus liberis aequabilibusque audiri, qui statuunt vel de juribus obligationibusque, vel de veritate omnis criminis contra se. X|All|right|have|in|total|equity|their|case|rightly|and|publicly|by|judges|free|and impartial|to be heard|who|decide|either|about|rights|and obligations|or|about|truth|all|crime|against|themselves 10. Все имеют право на справедливое рассмотрение их дела должным образом и публично свободными и равными судьями, которые принимают решение либо о правах и обязанностях, либо об истинности каждого преступления против них. X Everyone has the right to have their case heard fairly and publicly by impartial judges, who decide on rights and obligations, or on the truth of any crime against them. XI 11 XI

1. 1. Quisquis accusatus delicto innocens est dum noxa sua jure statuata est publico judicio ubi obsides omnes necessariae ad se defendendum affirmatae erunt. Whoever|accused|of the crime|innocent|is|while|offense|his|by law|established|is|public|trial|where|witnesses|all|necessary|for|himself|defending|affirmed|will be Любой обвиняемый в преступлении невиновен до тех пор, пока его вина не будет установлена по закону в ходе открытого суда, на котором будут переданы все заложники, необходимые для его защиты. Whoever is accused of a crime is innocent as long as their guilt has been established by public judgment where all necessary guarantees for their defense will have been affirmed.

2. 2. Nemo damnabitur propter acta vel praetermissiones quae, cum commitata sunt, non constituebant delictum ex jure suae gentis vel universarum gentium. No one|shall be condemned|for|acts|or|omissions|which|when|committed|are|not|constituted|offense|from|law|of their|nation|or|of all|nations Никто не может быть осужден за действия или бездействие, которые в момент их совершения не представляли собой правонарушения по законам его страны или всех стран. No one shall be condemned for acts or omissions which, when committed, did not constitute an offense under the law of their own nation or of all nations. Item nulla gravior culpa irrogabitur quam illa quae applicari potuit cum delictum factum est. Moreover|no|more serious|fault|will be imposed|than|that|which|could be applied|could|when|offense|was committed|is Аналогично, не будет назначено более строгое наказание, чем то, которое могло быть применено при совершении правонарушения. Likewise, no greater fault shall be imposed than that which could be applied when the offense was committed.

XII twelve Twelve.

Nemo patibitur intercessiones ab arbitrio in rebus privatis, in familia, domo aut in epistularum consuetudine, nec ictus contra honorem famamque. No one|shall suffer|intercessions|from|judgment|in|matters|private|in|family|home|or|in|correspondence|custom|nor|blows|against|honor|and reputation Никому не будет позволено вмешиваться по своему усмотрению в частные дела, в семью, дома или в обычаи переписки, и не будет наноситься никакой удар по чести и репутации. No one shall suffer interferences at discretion in private matters, in family, home, or in the correspondence of letters, nor shall there be blows against honor and reputation. Omnis jus habet lege protegi contra tales intercessiones aut talia vulnera. Every|right|has|by law|protected|against|such|interferences|or|such|injuries Каждый имеет право на защиту закона от такого вмешательства или подобных травм. Every right has the law to be protected against such interferences or such injuries.


1. 1. Quisque jus habet libenter iter facere et in civitate suam domum eligere. Everyone|right|has|willingly|journey|to make|and|in|city|his own|home|to choose Каждый имеет право свободно путешествовать и выбирать себе жилье в государстве. Everyone has the right to freely travel and choose their home in the state.

2. 2. Omnis jus habet ex omni et sua patria abire et in suam patriam redire. Every|right|has|from|every|and|his|country|to leave|and|into|his|country|to return Каждый имеет право уехать и вернуться в свою страну. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including their own, and to return to their country.


1. 1. In vexatione omnis jus habet perfugium quaerere et perfugium ab aliis regionibus impetrare. In|vexation|every|right|has|refuge|to seek|and|refuge|from|other|regions|to obtain В случае преследования каждый имеет право искать убежища и получать убежище в других странах. In times of distress, everyone has the right to seek refuge and to obtain refuge from other regions.

2. 2. Hoc jus non invocari potest in casu actionum vere constitutarum in communis juris scelere aut in factis adversus metas principiaque Conjunctarum Nationum. This|law|not|invoked|can|in|case|actions|truly|established|in|common|law|crime|or|in|acts|against|goals|and principles|of the United|Nations На это право нельзя ссылаться в случае действий, которые на самом деле представляют собой преступления по общему праву, или действий, противоречащих целям и принципам Организации Объединенных Наций. This right cannot be invoked in cases of actions truly established in common law crimes or in acts against the goals and principles of the United Nations.

XV 15 XV

1. 1. Omnis jus habet nationis esse. Every|right|has|of the nation|to be Каждый имеет право быть нацией. Every law has the right to exist for the nation.

2. 2. Nemo ex libidine a sua gente privari potest neque gentis mutandae a jure privari. No one|from|desire|by|his own|people|to be deprived|can|nor|of his people|changing|by|law|to be deprived Никто не может быть лишен своего гражданства по желанию, а также лишен права изменить свое гражданство. No one can be deprived of their people out of desire, nor can they be deprived of the right to change their nation.


1. 1. Ex matrimonio se jugendi aetate, vir mulierque jus habent, nullo genere, nulla gente aut religione id nequaquam impediente, matrimonio se jungere et familiam constituere. From|marriage|themselves|of marrying|age|man|and woman|right|have|no|race|no|nation|or|religion|that|by no means|impeding|marriage|themselves|to join|and|family|to establish С брачного возраста мужчина и женщина имеют право, независимо от пола, расы или религии, каким-либо образом препятствующих этому, вступить в брак и создать семью. From the age of marriage, a man and a woman have the right to marry and establish a family, without any hindrance from any kind, people, or religion. Jura equalia habent pro matrimonio, per matrimonium et per divortium. rights|equal|have|for|marriage|through|marriage|and|through|divorce Они имеют равные права на вступление в брак, повторный брак и развод. They have equal rights regarding marriage, through marriage and through divorce.

2. 2. Matrimonium confici non potest sine conjugum pleno liberoque consensu. Marriage||not|can|without|of the spouses|full|and free|consent Брак не может быть заключен без полного и свободного согласия супругов. Marriage cannot be concluded without the full and free consent of the spouses.

3. 3. Familia societatis naturale praecipuumque elementum est et jus habet a societate et rei publica muniri. The family|of society|natural|and primary|element|is|and|right|has|by|society|and|of the state|public|to be protected Семья является естественным и основным элементом общества и имеет право на защиту со стороны общества и государства. The family is the primary element of society and has the right to be protected by society and the state.

XVII 17 Seventeen

1. 1. Omnis, vel solus vel conjucte, mancipii jus habet. Every|or|alone|or||of the property|right|has Каждый, как единолично, так и совместно, имеет право быть рабом. Everyone, whether alone or together, has the right of ownership.

2. 2. Nemo potest ab arbitrio a mancipio privatus esse. No one|can|from|free will|by|slave|deprived|to be Никто не может быть лишен своей воли рабом. No one can be deprived of their freedom by choice.

XVIII 18 Eighteen

Omnis jus sentientae, conscientiae religionisque libertati habet. Every|right|sentience|conscience|religion|liberty|has Каждый имеет право на свободу мысли, совести и религии. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. Hoc jus religionem aut conscientiam mutandi libertatem atque libertatem religionem aut fidem solam aut communem manifestam faciendi implicat, tam publice quam private, doctrina, religionibus, sacris ritorum effectuque. This|law|religion|or|conscience|changing|freedom|and|freedom|religion|or|faith|alone|or||manifest|doing|implies|as much|publicly|as|private|doctrine|religions|sacred|rites| Это право менять свою религию или совесть подразумевает свободу и свободу исповедовать свою религию или убеждения единолично или совместно, как публично, так и конфиденциально, в доктрине, религиях и совершении священных обрядов. This right includes the freedom to change one's religion or belief, and the freedom to manifest one's religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance, both publicly and privately.

XIX 19 19

Omnis jus opinionis et verba dicendi libertati habet; quod jus non ob opiniones suas inquietari implicat, atque jus petendi, recipiendi divulgandique sine finium considerationibus percontationes cogitationesque quacumque elocutione All|right|of opinion|and|words|of speaking|of liberty|has|which|right|not|for|opinions|their|to be disturbed|implies|and|right|of seeking|of receiving|of disseminating|without|limits|considerations|inquiries|and thoughts|by whatever|expression Каждый имеет право на свободу мнений и слова; что подразумевает право не быть обеспокоенным из-за своего мнения, а также право запрашивать, получать и распространять без учета ограничений на запросы и мысли любого рода. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes the freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers.

XX XX 20

1. 1. Omnis homo jus habet libertati pacificae consociationis conventusque Every|man|right|has|to liberty|peaceful|association|and assembly Каждый имеет право на свободу мирных ассоциаций и собраний. Every person has the right to peaceful association and assembly.

2. 2. Nemo potest coagi ut consociationi intersit. No one|can|be compelled|to|association|participate Никто не может быть принужден к участию в ассоциации. No one may be compelled to participate in an association.

XXI twenty-one XXI

1. 1. Omnis homo jus habet suae gentis rerum publicarum administrationi interesse, vel directo, vel per repraesentes libere lectos. Every|man|right|has|his|nation|affairs|public|administration|to participate|either|directly|or|through|representatives|freely|elected Каждый человек имеет право принимать участие в управлении общественными делами своей нации либо непосредственно, либо через свободно избранных представителей. Every person has the right to participate in the administration of public affairs of their nation, either directly or through freely elected representatives.

2. 2. Omnis homo jus habet conditione aequa ad suae patriae officia publica accedere. Every|man|right|has|condition|equal|to|his|country|duties|public|access Каждый человек имеет право на доступ к государственным услугам своей страны на равных условиях. Every person has the right to access public offices of their country under equal conditions.

3. 3. Populi voluntas publicorum imperiorum auctoritatis fundamentum est ; illa voluntas creatione honesta exprimi debet, quae statis diebus fieri debent, universali aequo suffragio secretaque tabella vel secundum aequalem judiciorum formulam suffragii libertatem in tuto collocantem. of the people|will|public|of governments|authority|foundation|is|that|will|creation|honest|expressed|must|which|regular|days|occur|must|universal|equal|suffrage|and secret|ballot|or|according to|equal|of judgments|formula|of suffrage|freedom|in|safe|placing Воля народа является основой власти государственных правительств; эта воля должна быть выражена почетным творением, которое должно быть сделано в определенные дни, путем всеобщего равного избирательного права и тайного голосования или в соответствии с равной формулой судей, гарантирующей свободу избирательного права. The will of the people is the foundation of the authority of public powers; this will must be expressed through honest creation, which must take place on fixed days, ensuring universal equal suffrage and secret ballots or according to an equal formula of judgments that secures the freedom of suffrage.


Omnis homo, ut rei publicae socius, sociali securitati jus habet; hic homo jus habet satisfactionem impetrare jurum publicorum, sociorum humanorumque quae necessaria ad suam dignitatem et progressum liberum sui est, per laborem suae patriae et operam aliarum gentium, pro temperatione et divitiis omnis gentis. Every|man|as|of the|public|citizen|social|security|right|has|this|man|right|has|satisfaction|to obtain|rights|of public|of fellow citizens||which|necessary|for|his|dignity|and|progress|free|of himself|is|through|labor|his|country|and|effort|of other|nations|for|governance|and|wealth|all|nations Каждый человек как член государства имеет право на социальное обеспечение; этот человек имеет право на труд своей страны и труд других наций, на умеренность и богатство каждая нация. Every person, as a member of the state, has the right to social security; this person has the right to obtain satisfaction of public rights, human rights, which are necessary for their dignity and free development, through the labor of their homeland and the efforts of other nations, for the regulation and wealth of all nations.


1. 1. Omnis homo, labori, liberae optioni laboris, conditionibus aequis idoneisque laboris et tutelae adversus inopiam laboris jus habet. Every|man|to work|free|choice|work|conditions|fair|suitable|work|and|protection|against|scarcity|work|right|has Каждый человек имеет право на труд, на свободный выбор работы, на справедливые и подходящие условия труда и на защиту от отсутствия работы. Every person has the right to work, to freely choose their work, to just and favorable conditions of work, and to protection against unemployment.

2. 2. Universi, sine discrimine,aequo praemio aequo labore jus habent. All|without|discrimination|equal|reward|equal|labor|right|have Все без какой-либо дискриминации имеют право на равное вознаграждение за равный труд. All, without distinction, have the right to equal reward for equal work.

3. 3. Quiscumque laborat, jus habet aequae remunerationi idoneaeque quae sibi familiaeque confirmat vitam consentaneam humanae dignitati et, si oportet, completae omnibus ceteribus rationibus sociae tutelae. Whoever|works|right|has|fair|remuneration|adequate|which|to himself|and to his family|secures|life|consistent|human|dignity|and|if|necessary|complete|all|other|means|social|protection Каждый работающий имеет право на справедливое и адекватное вознаграждение, которое поддерживает его и его семью в жизни, соответствующей человеческому достоинству и, при необходимости, дополненной всеми другими мерами социальной защиты. Whoever works has the right to an adequate remuneration that ensures a life consistent with human dignity for themselves and their family, and, if necessary, complete support from all other means of social protection.

4. 4. Omnis homo cum aliis hominibus consociationes condere et consociationibus socios sibi adjungere ad commoda defendenda jus habet. Every|man|with|other|men|associations|to establish|and|associations|allies|to himself|to join|for|advantages|to be defended|right|has Каждый человек имеет право образовывать ассоциации с другими людьми и присоединяться к этим ассоциациям для защиты своих интересов. Every person has the right to form associations with other people and to join with partners in those associations to defend their interests.


Omnes jus habent cum quieti et otiis tum circumscriptioni modicae temporis laboris et commeatibus statis quae pecunia soluuntur All|right|have|with|peace|and|leisure|then|limitation|moderate|time|work|and|supplies|regular|which|money|are paid Каждый имеет право на отдых и досуг, а также на ограниченное рабочее время и регулярные поставки, оплачиваемые деньгами. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, as well as to reasonable limitation of working hours and to periodic holidays with pay.


1. 1. Omnes jus habent satis altae vitae ut suam valetudinem et suae familiae et suam voluptatem confirmet, praesertim quod pertinet ad cibum, vestem, domum, medicinales curas et beneficia socialia quae necesseria sunt. All|right|have|sufficiently|high|life|to|his own|health|and|his own|family|and|his own|well-being|secure|especially|as far as|pertains|to|food|clothing|housing|medical|care|and|benefits|social|which|necessary|are Каждый имеет право на жизнь, достаточную для поддержания своего здоровья и здоровья своей семьи, а также собственного счастья, особенно в плане питания, одежды, жилья, медицинского обслуживания и необходимых социальных льгот. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for their health and well-being, including food, clothing, housing, medical care, and necessary social services. Omnes jus habent securitati in penuria laboris aut in morbo aut in infirmitate aut in viduitate aut in senectute aut in aliis casibus in quibus copia vivendi esse non potest, temporibus voluntatem non sequentibus. All|right|have|to security|in|scarcity|of labor|or|in|sickness|or|in|infirmity|or|in|widowhood|or|in|old age|or|in|other|cases|in|which|means|of living|to be|not|possible|times|will|not|following Каждый имеет право на обеспечение при отсутствии работы, или при болезни, или немощи, или при вдовстве, или при старости, или в других случаях, когда не хватает средств на жизнь, порой не подчиняясь воле. Everyone has the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond their control.

2. 2. Mater et infans jus habent auxilio et praesentiae propriae. The mother|and|infant|right|have|to assistance|and|presence|of their own Мать и ребенок имеют право на личную поддержку и присутствие. Mother and child have the right to assistance and their own presence. Omnes pueri, sive in matrmonio sive extra matrimonium nati sunt, eodem sociali praesidio fruuntur. All|boys|whether|in|marriage|whether|outside|marriage|born|are|the same|social|protection|enjoy Все дети, рожденные в браке или вне брака, пользуются одинаковой социальной защитой. All children, whether born in marriage or out of wedlock, enjoy the same social protection.


1. 1. Omnis jus habet educationi. Every|right|has|to education Каждый имеет право на образование. Everyone has the right to education. Educatio debet gratuita esse, quod saltem pertinet ad primas praecipuasque litteras. Education|should|free|be|because|at least|pertains|to|primary|and essential|literacy Образование должно быть бесплатным, по крайней мере, на первые и самые базовые буквы. Education should be free, at least with regard to primary and fundamental literacy. Primae litterae sunt necessariae. The first|letters|are|necessary Первые буквы необходимы. Primary literacy is necessary. Doctrinae ad scientiam et ad professionem pertinentes multis exponenda est; oportet aditum studiis superis in tota aequalitate omnibus secundum meritum patere. The teaching|to|knowledge|and|to|profession|pertaining|to many|to be explained|is|it is necessary|access|studies|higher|in|total|equality|to all|according to|merit|to be open Учения, относящиеся к науке и профессии, должны быть объяснены многим; доступ к высшему образованию должен быть открыт для всех в соответствии с заслугами и при полном равенстве. Education related to knowledge and profession must be made available to many; access to higher studies must be open to all on the basis of merit.

2. 2. Oportet educationem spectare ad totam hominum beatitudinem et ad respectus jurum hominis et libertatum primarum confirmationem.Oportet educationem favere cogitationi, patientiae amicitiaeque inter omnes gentes, omnia generum aut religionum globos; oportet educationem favere progressioni operarum nationum sociatarum ad pacis conservationem. It is necessary|education|to look|to|total|of humanity|happiness|and|to|respect|rights|of man|and|freedoms|primary|confirmation|It is necessary|education|to favor|thought|patience|and friendship|among|all|nations|all|of races|or|of religions|groups|it is necessary|education|to favor|progress|of work|of nations|united|for|peace|preservation В образовании необходимо стремиться к счастью всех людей и к утверждению уважения прав человека и его основных свобод. образование должно поддерживать развитие работы союзных наций по поддержанию мира. Education must look to the overall happiness of humanity and to the respect for human rights and the confirmation of fundamental freedoms. Education must promote thought, patience, and friendship among all peoples, regardless of their groups or religions; education must support the development of the work of nations united for the preservation of peace.

3. 3. Parentes in primis jus habent eligere genus educationis quod interest dare liberis suis. Parents|in|first|right|have|to choose|type|education|which|is important|to give|children|their Родители имеют первоочередное право выбирать тип образования, которое они хотят дать своим детям. Parents have the primary right to choose the type of education that is in the best interest of their children.


1. 1. Omnis homo jus habet libere interesse culturae societatis, et frui artibus, et interesse profectibus scientiae et beneficiis quae id sequuntur. Every|man|right|has|freely|to participate|culture|society|and|to enjoy|the arts|and|to participate|advancements|science|and|benefits|which|it|follow Каждый человек имеет право свободно участвовать в культуре общества, наслаждаться искусством, участвовать в прогрессе науки и вытекающих из него благах. Every person has the right to freely participate in the culture of society, to enjoy the arts, and to partake in the advancements of science and the benefits that follow.

2. 2. Omnis jus habet tutelae beneficiorum moralium et materialium generatorum omni procreatione scientiae, litterarum aut artium quorum auctor est. Every|right|has|of protection|benefits|moral|and|material|generated|by every|procreation|of science|of literature|or|of arts|of which|author|is Каждый имеет право на защиту моральных и материальных благ, созданных любым произведением науки, литературы или искусства, автором которого он является. Every right has the protection of moral and material benefits generated by all creation of knowledge, literature, or arts of which it is the author.


Omnis jus habet in socialibus et externis rebus ordinem regnari, ut jura et libertates enuntiatae in hac Declaratione fieri possint. Every|right|has|in|social|and|external|matters|order|to be governed|so that|rights|and|liberties|stated|in|this|Declaration|to be| Каждый имеет право на порядок в социальных и внешних делах, чтобы можно было реализовать права и свободы, изложенные в настоящей Декларации. Every right has in social and external matters the order to be governed, so that the rights and freedoms stated in this Declaration can be realized.


1. 1. Cuique officia sunt erga societatem, in qua solum liberum plenumque incrementum ingenii fieri potest. To each|duties|are|towards|society|in|which|only|free|and full|development|of genius|to happen|is possible Каждый несет ответственность перед обществом, в котором возможен только свободный и полный рост таланта. Everyone has duties towards the society in which only free and full growth of talent can take place.

2. 2. In usu jurium et fructu libertatum, quisque subjicitur solum finibus lege conditis, ut solum firmet gratiam et respectum jurium libertatumque alieni, et satisfaciat rectis expostulationibus honesti, reipublicae concordiae et universae in sociatate populari valetudinis. In|use|of rights|and|enjoyment|of liberties|each|is subject to|only|within the boundaries|law|established|so that|only|strengthens|grace|and|respect|of rights|and of liberties|of others|and|satisfies|rightful|claims|of the honest|of the republic|of harmony|and|universal|in|society|popular|health При осуществлении прав и осуществлении свобод каждый подчиняется только целям, установленным законом, чтобы он только укреплял милость и уважение прав и свобод других и удовлетворял правильные требования честности, гармонии республика и всеобщее здоровье в народном объединении. In the exercise of rights and the enjoyment of freedoms, each person is subject only to the limits established by law, so that they may uphold the grace and respect of the rights and freedoms of others, and satisfy the rightful demands of honesty, the harmony of the republic, and the overall health of the popular society.

3. 3. Haec jura libertatesque nullo modo exerceri poterunt adversus proposita et principia Nationum Conjunctorum. These|rights|and liberties||way|be exercised|will be able|against|proposals|and|principles|of Nations|United Эти права и свободы никоим образом не могут осуществляться вопреки целям и принципам Организации Объединенных Наций. These rights and freedoms cannot be exercised in any way against the proposals and principles of the United Nations.


Nullum decretum hujus Declarationis interpretari potest quasi civitati, societati aut cuidam homini jus aliquid implicans se dedendi alicui facinori aut aliquid faciendi ad libertates et jura evertenda, quae hoc loco enuntiata sunt. No|decree|of this|Declaration|can be interpreted|it is possible|as if|to the state|to society|or|to any|man|right|something|implying|oneself|surrendering|to someone|crime|or|something|doing|against|liberties|and|rights|to be overturned|which|this|place|stated|are Ничто в настоящей Декларации не может быть истолковано как подразумевающее право какого-либо государства, общества или отдельного человека сдаться любому преступнику или сделать что-либо для подрыва свобод и прав, изложенных в ней. No decree of this Declaration can be interpreted as implying any right for a state, society, or individual to commit any crime or to do anything that would undermine the freedoms and rights stated here.

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