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BBC - English In A Minute (YouTube), As ... as comparatives - English In A Minute - YouTube

As ... as comparatives - English In A Minute - YouTube

Hi! I'm Roy, and today I'm going all about

making comparatives using the words 'as' and 'as'.

Look at this sentence: James is as tall as me.

That means James and I are the same

height. We use 'as' with an adjective

and another 'as' to say that something

is the same or equal.

You can also use the words 'much' or 'many'

between the two 'as's'.

I have as many video games as James.

If you want to say that something is not the same

or not equal, you can use the word 'not'.

We put the word 'not' in front of the first 'as'.

The film is not as good as the book.

This means I think the book is better than the film.

Anyway, I've got to go,

but I hope you're as happy as I am.


As ... as comparatives - English In A Minute - YouTube Als ... als Komparativ - English In A Minute - YouTube As ... as comparatives - English In A Minute - YouTube Comme ... comme les comparatifs - English In A Minute - YouTube Come ... come comparativi - Inglese in un minuto - YouTube 比較級として - English In A Minute - YouTube As ... as comparatives - English In A Minute - YouTube As ... as comparatives - Inglês Num Minuto - YouTube As ... as comparatives - English In A Minute - YouTube As ... as comparatives - English In A Minute - YouTube As ... as comparatives - English In A Minute - YouTube As ... as comparatives - English In A Minute - YouTube

Hi! I'm Roy, and today I'm going all about

making comparatives using the words 'as' and 'as'.

Look at this sentence: James is as tall as me.

That means James and I are the same

height. We use 'as' with an adjective

and another 'as' to say that something

is the same or equal.

You can also use the words 'much' or 'many'

between the two 'as's'.

I have as many video games as James.

If you want to say that something is not the same

or not equal, you can use the word 'not'.

We put the word 'not' in front of the first 'as'.

The film is not as good as the book.

This means I think the book is better than the film.

Anyway, I've got to go,

but I hope you're as happy as I am.
