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Thousand Character Classic - 千字文 (Qiānzì Wén), Chapter 3

Chapter 3

蓋 此身 髮 , 四大 五常 。 恭惟 鞠養 , 豈敢 毀傷 。 女慕貞 絜 , 男效 才 良 。 知過必改 , 得 能 莫忘 。 罔 談彼短 , 靡恃己 長 。 信使 可覆 , 器欲 難量 。 墨悲 絲染 , 詩 讚 羔羊 。 景行 維賢 , 克 念作 聖 。 德建 名立 , 形端 表正 。 空谷傳聲 , 虛堂習 聽 。 禍因惡積 , 福緣 善慶 。 尺 璧 非 寶 , 寸陰 是 競 。 資父 事君 , 曰 嚴與敬 。 孝當 竭力 , 忠則 盡命 。 臨深履薄 , 夙興 溫凊 。 似 蘭斯 馨 , 如松 之盛 。 川流不息 , 淵澄 取映 。 容止 若思 , 言辭 安定 。 篤 初誠美 , 慎終 宜令 。 榮業 所基 , 藉 甚無竟 。 學優 登仕 , 攝職 從政 。 存以 甘棠 , 去 而益 詠 。 樂殊 貴賤 , 禮別 尊卑 。 上和下睦 , 夫唱婦隨 。 外受 傅訓 , 入奉 母儀 。 諸姑 伯叔 , 猶子 比兒 。 孔懷兄弟 , 同氣連枝 。 交友 投分 , 切磨 箴規 。 仁慈 隱惻 , 造次 弗離 。 節義 廉退 , 顛沛 匪虧 。 性靜 情逸 , 心動 神疲 。 守真志滿 , 逐物 意移 。 堅持 雅操 , 好爵 自縻 。

Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3

蓋 此身 髮 , 四大 五常 。 These bodies and this hair of ours; Four Great Things, Five Principles. 恭惟 鞠養 , 豈敢 毀傷 。 Do honor to your upbringing; how dare one inflict a wound! 女慕貞 絜 , 男效 才 良 。 Girls admire the chaste and pure; boys, the talented and good. 知過必改 , 得 能 莫忘 。 Aware of wrong, you must then change; mind the limits of your strength. 罔 談彼短 , 靡恃己 長 。 Refrain from talk of others' faults; don't rest upon your strengths. 信使 可覆 , 器欲 難量 。 Words must stand the test of proof; good deeds are hard to weigh. 墨悲 絲染 , 詩 讚 羔羊 。 Mozi wept that the silk was dyed; in the Poems the lamb was glorified. 景行 維賢 , 克 念作 聖 。 Exalted go only the wise and good; control desire, achieve sagehood. 德建 名立 , 形端 表正 。 Virtue built, good name made; figure upright, bearing straight. 空谷傳聲 , 虛堂習 聽 。 The empty valleys broadly resonate; in hollow halls wisely officiate. 禍因惡積 , 福緣 善慶 。 Calamity's caused by evil stored; blessings result as good's reward. 尺 璧 非 寶 , 寸陰 是 競 。 A foot of jade is no treasure; an inch of time is to fight for. 資父 事君 , 曰 嚴與敬 。 Nourish your father and serve your king; known as reverence and respect. 孝當 竭力 , 忠則 盡命 。 Devoted to parents with all your strength; loyal to throne with your very life. 臨深履薄 , 夙興 溫凊 。 Like facing the deep, like treading thin ice; early to rise, warm and cool. 似 蘭斯 馨 , 如松 之盛 。 Like an orchid is this fragrance; like fresh pines, abundant, dense. 川流不息 , 淵澄 取映 。 The river flows at endless pace; in deepest pool behold the face. 容止 若思 , 言辭 安定 。 Stand solemly and thoughtfully; speak with calm and dignity. 篤 初誠美 , 慎終 宜令 。 Diligence at start indeed is fine; completeness at ending, duly grand. 榮業 所基 , 藉 甚無竟 。 Glorious works as the foundation, no limit to one's reputation. 學優 登仕 , 攝職 從政 。 Studies superior, step up to serve; be given your duties, join government's work. 存以 甘棠 , 去 而益 詠 。 Alive, under a sweet pear tree; gone, in song of eulogy. 樂殊 貴賤 , 禮別 尊卑 。 Music distinct by social rank, rites according to prestige. 上和下睦 , 夫唱婦隨 。 The higher is pleasing, the lower harmonious; the husband leads and the wife accompanies. 外受 傅訓 , 入奉 母儀 。 Outside, as teacher said you ought; at home, the rules your mother taught! 諸姑 伯叔 , 猶子 比兒 。 To each uncle and every aunt; as if you'd been their own infant. 孔懷兄弟 , 同氣連枝 。 Brothers cherish each other; united in the blood they share. 交友 投分 , 切磨 箴規 。 In friendship each must do their share; "Qie mo!" the warning to beware. 仁慈 隱惻 , 造次 弗離 。 Kindness, mercy, sympathy; Don't leave these in emergency. 節義 廉退 , 顛沛 匪虧 。 Righteous, just, honest, retiring; though in failure, never lacking. 性靜 情逸 , 心動 神疲 。 Nature settled, feelings mild; heart aroused, the spirit tired. 守真志滿 , 逐物 意移 。 Keeping pure brings satisfaction; chasing things, the mind's distraction. 堅持 雅操 , 好爵 自縻 。 Hold fast to your high sentiments; a fine position will come from this.