Četvorosatna Radna Nedelja od Tim Ferisa 1
Die Vier-Stunden-Woche von Tim Ferriss 1
The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss 1
La semana laboral de cuatro horas por Tim Ferriss 1
La semaine de travail de quatre heures par Tim Ferriss 1
La settimana lavorativa di quattro ore di Tim Ferriss 1
週 4 時間労働 ティム・フェリス著 1
Четырехчасовая рабочая неделя Тима Ферриса 1
Dok je odrastao Tim Ferisu su govorili: "Mozda ces jednog dana nauciti da cenis naporan rad..."
||growing up||||||you|||||||
Growing up, Tim Ferriss was told, "Maybe one day you'll learn to appreciate hard work..."
Tim Feris je dobro zapamtio te reci i sada ceni naporan rad...
Tim Ferriss remembered those words well and now appreciates hard work…
Ne, ali slobodno vreme da i govori ono sto je vec kao klinac mislio: "Raditi manje nije oznaka lenjosti."
No, but free time to say what he already thought as a kid: "Working less is not a sign of laziness."
Raditi manje nije oznaka lenjosti – Bil Gejts bi se slozio a tim.
Working less is not a sign of laziness - Bill Gates would agree.
労働時間を減らすことは怠惰の兆候ではありません - ビル・ゲイツもそれに同意するでしょう。
Poznata je izjava najbogatijeg coveka na planeti
The statement of the richest man on the planet is well known
da bi za tezak posao unajmio "lenju" osobu jer ce on ili ona pronaci lak nacin da taj posao obavi.
that he would hire a "lazy" person for a difficult job because he or she will find an easy way to do that job.
Prvi deo – Definisi
First part - Definitions
最初の部分 – 定義
Ljudski mozak radije bira nezadovoljstvo nego neizvesnost.
The human brain prefers dissatisfaction to uncertainty.
Ako definisete najgori moguci ishod uklonicete neizvesnost.
Defining the worst possible outcome will remove uncertainty.
Isto tako mozete definisati i najbolji ishod da bi stvari postale jos jasnije.
You can also define the best outcome to make things even clearer.
Tim Feris je predlozio da skala negativnih iskustava izgleda ovako:
Tim Ferris suggested that the scale of negative experiences looks like this:
Jedinica je uvreda, dok je petica teza telesna povreda.
One is insult, while five is physical injury.
Od petice navise se prostiru teske povrede, pa sve do desetke to jest smrti.
From five, there are serious injuries, all the way up to ten, that is, death.
5 人から 10 人までの重傷、つまり死亡が発生します。
Dok pozitivna skala izgledala ovako:
While the positive scale looked like this:
Jedinica predstavlja nesto sto vam je izaziva osmeh, dok je petica sticanje novog prijatelja
One represents something that makes you smile, while five represents making a new friend
1 はあなたを笑顔にするものを表し、5 は新しい友達を作ることを表します
A od petice pa nadalje se nalazi sticanje dobrog prijatelja, do ostvarivanje snova.
And from the fifth onwards there is the acquisition of a good friend, to the realization of dreams.
Kada vidite osobu koja vam se dopada i pridjete joj da se upoznate, najgori moguci ishod je da ce vam se smejati ili ce misliti da ste cudni i psovace vas.
When you see a person you like and approach them to meet, the worst possible outcome is that they'll laugh at you or think you're weird and swear at you.
Sto je otprilike 2 na negativnoj skali.
A hundred is about a 2 on the negative scale.
100 はマイナススケールの約 2 です。
Dok je najbolji moguci ishod da cete upoznati dobrog prijatelja ili buducu ljubav, sto je na pozitivnoj skali 8 ako ne i vise.
While the best possible outcome is that you will meet a good friend or future love, which is on a positive scale of 8 if not more.
考えられる最良の結果は、良い友人や将来の恋人に出会うことですが、これはプラスのスケールで 8、それ以上ではありません。
Cak iako sada znate da je 8 - nagrada, cetiri puta vece 2 – rizik, ne znaci da cete to uraditi ali ste makar jedan korak blize.
Even if you now know that 8 - the reward is four times greater than 2 - the risk, it does not mean that you will do it, but you are at least one step closer.
報酬である 8 がリスクである 2 の 4 倍であることがわかったとしても、それを実行するという意味ではありませんが、少なくとも一歩近づいています。
Kod inteligentnih ljudi strah ce se obicno pretvoriti u poricanje.
In intelligent people, fear will usually turn into denial.
"Moj posao je mucenje, ne zelim time da se bavim u zivotu. Koja je svrha ovoga?
"My job is torture, I don't want to deal with that in my life. What is the purpose of this?
Tacno je da mi je i plata mala ali ima i gorih poslova zar ne? Mora od necega da se zivi. Neki ljudi ni nemaju posao...
It's true that my salary is low, but there are worse jobs, right? He has to live on something. Some people don't even have jobs...
Stisnucu zube jos par godina, istrpecu i ovog napornog sefa. Posle ce biti bolje."
I'll grit my teeth for a few more years, I'll put up with this hard-working boss. It will be better later."
Imamo samo jedan zivot, zar ne zasluzujemo nesto bolje od ovoga?
We only have one life, don't we deserve better than this?
Svako zasluzuje da ima odredjenu slobodu, da uci i napreduje, da to sto radim ima neku svrhu.
Everyone deserves to have a certain freedom, to learn and progress, to have a purpose in what I do.
Ono cega se najvise plasimo je ono sto nam zapravo najvise treba.
What we fear the most is what we actually need the most.
Da li ste se nekada nervirali zbog prosute kafe ili propustenog autobusa, zato sto je nestalo struje ili nema tople vode,
Have you ever been annoyed because of spilled coffee or a missed bus, because the electricity went out or there is no hot water,
zato sto ste propustili epizodu serije, niste procitali novine, izgubili ste u igrici ili zato sto imate jako puno za ucenje.
because you missed an episode of the series, you didn't read the newspaper, you lost in the game or because you have a lot to learn.
To je veoma stresno zar ne, to vas cini nervoznim i ljutim, zbog toga ste neraspolozeni i napeti.
It's very stressful isn't it, it makes you nervous and angry, it makes you moody and tense.
To je distres, onaj klasican los stres koji moze da naskodi ljudima oko vas i vama.
It is distress, that classic bad stress that can harm the people around you and you.
S druge strane postoji trema i nervoza koju osecamo pre nego sto treba da odrzimo govor pred vecim brojem ljudi,
On the other hand, there is the trepidation and nervousness that we feel before we have to give a speech in front of a large number of people,
pred nastupom, na takmicenju ili dok pricamo sa osobom koja nam se svidja taj osecaj je veoma slican distresu ali postoji veika razlika i to nije samo ime.
before a performance, at a competition or while talking to a person we like, that feeling is very similar to distress, but there is a big difference and it's not just a name.
Pozitivan stres ili eustres je osecaj rasta i licnog razvoja.
Positive stress or eustress is a feeling of growth and personal development.
Cesto ga se plasimo, izbegavamo, smisljamo izgovore. Lakse je da kazemo sebi i drugima:
We are often afraid of it, avoid it, come up with excuses. It is easier to say to ourselves and others:
Govor koji sam pripremao jos nije spreman za izvodjenje.
The speech I was preparing is not yet ready to be delivered.
Ne osecam se dobro, ne mogu da idem na nastup.
I don't feel well, I can't go to the performance.
Nisam imao vremena, nije bio pravi trenutak pa zato nisam pricao sa njom...
I didn't have time, it wasn't the right moment, so I didn't talk to her...
Svi smo se nekada nasli u takvoj situaciji, ali problem je ako ostanemo u mestu, ako nas strah paralise i onemoguci nam da napredujemo.
We have all found ourselves in such a situation, but the problem is if we stay in place, if fear paralyzes us and prevents us from moving forward.
Nervoza i anksioznost nije pomogla ni osobi ciji je autobus kasnio a ni sampionu koji je trebao da da odlucujuci kos u finalu, ali stres je idalje tu.
Nervousness and anxiety did not help either the person whose bus was late or the champion who had to give the deciding blow in the final, but the stress is still there.
Cemu verujete da ce vas dovesti do resenja, haoticno nerviranje i vikanju ili smirenom racionalnom razmisljanju?
What do you believe will lead you to a solution, chaotic irritation and shouting or calm rational thinking?
Zasto se onda prepustamo stresu, mnogo je bolje da se distanciramo od toga.
Then why do we give in to stress, it is much better to distance ourselves from it.
Distanciranje je kljucna tehnika. Meni je pomoglo da kazem sebi:
Distancing is a key technique. It helped me to say to myself:
"Sada osecas nervozu zbog toga i toga i to je normalno. Najbolje sto mogu da uradim je da se opustim i ostanem smiren, udahnem duboko i nastavim dalje.
"Now you feel nervous about this and that and that's normal. The best thing I can do is relax and stay calm, take a deep breath and move on.
Tim Feris govori da se neciji uspeh u zivotu ogleda u spremnosti te osobe da prodje kroz neprijatne konverzacije i situacije.
Tim Ferriss says that one's success in life is reflected in that person's willingness to go through unpleasant conversations and situations.
"Da osetim stres i prebrodi ga". To je teze reci nego uraditi ali drugi put je lakse nego prvi put, treci put je lakse nego drugi put...
"To feel the stress and overcome it". It's harder said than done, but the second time is easier than the first time, the third time is easier than the second time...
Postajemo sve bolji i bolji.
We keep getting better and better.
Ukoliko ne radite ka ostvarenju vasih zelja i ambicija gde ce te biti za godinu dana ili za 10 godina.
If you do not work towards the realization of your wishes and ambitions, where will you be in a year or in 10 years.
Vidite osobu koja stalno nesto ceka, koja nikad nije zadovoljna i uvek joj fali nesto...
You see a person who is always waiting for something, who is never satisfied and always lacks something...
Da li je to osoba koja zelite da budete?
Is that the person you want to be?
"Postoji vreme kada ce se sve kockice sklopiti i kada ce sve biti optimalno."
"There is a time when all the dice will fit together and everything will be optimal."
To je govorio glas u meni kada sam bio suocen sa eustresom...
That's what the voice inside me said when I was faced with eustress...
Sta mislite da li je nekada doslo to pravo, optimlano vreme?
What do you think, has the right, optimal time ever come?
Mozda jednom u milion puta a ni tad nije sve bilo po mojoj volji.
Maybe once in a million times, and even then everything was not to my liking.
Tajming nikada nije savrsen.
Timing is never perfect.
Sad je trentak da pitas osobu koja ti se svidja da izadjete.
Now is the time to ask the person you like out.
Sad je trenutak da prestanes da razmisljas o treniranju i pocnes da treniras.
Now is the moment to stop thinking about training and start training.
Da kazes ne osobi koja ti smeta i iskoriscava te.
To say no to a person who bothers you and takes advantage of you.
Sta je bolje, da izgubis dane ili mesece zaleci za necim,
What's better, to waste days or months searching for something,
ili tih nekoliko minuta ili sekundi eustresa koje nas dele od onoga sto zelimo?
or those few minutes or seconds of eustress that separate us from what we want?
Nastavlja se...
It continues...