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Healthcare Org 1, 1.24 (G) [PREP] Lesson One Create Your Own Healthcare Organization

1.24 (G) [PREP] Lesson One Create Your Own Healthcare Organization

Practice Peer-graded Assignment: [PREP] Lesson One Create Your Own Healthcare Organization Ready for the assignment? You will find instructions below to submit.

Instructions My submission Review classmates Discussions

In Lesson Four, you will Design a Governance Structure for a Healthcare Organization. This task requires that you synthesize course content to create your own healthcare organization and governance structure. Your synthesized information will be presented to your learner colleagues as an electronic poster. The electronic poster file is an artifact of the course which you can circulate to colleagues or use for a talk or presentation event. For the poster project, you will need PowerPoint software or its equivalent. There are many software options other than PowerPoint. Some are available at no cost such as Impress which is part of LibreOffice. However, it is best not to wait until Lesson Four to begin to synthesize course content to create your own healthcare organization and governance structure. The earlier in the course that you begin this creation process, the better your healthcare organization and governance structure will be. So in each lesson prior to Lesson Four, there will be an opportunity to synthesize material – an opportunity to create your healthcare organization - via an ungraded peer review assessment. Any aspect of your healthcare organization and governance structure can be changed up until the moment you submit the poster. An ungraded peer review assessment is used to allow you to create aspects of your healthcare organization and governance structure as an iterative process throughout the course - should you so choose. An ungraded peer review assessment is used to allow you to provide constructive feedback on this iterative creation of your learner colleague's healthcare organization and governance structure - should you so choose. An ungraded peer review assessment is used to allow your learner colleagues to provide constructive feedback on your iterative creation of your healthcare organization and governance structure - should they so choose. Review criteria less This is an ungraded optional assignment. You can choose to create aspects of your healthcare organization and governance structure or you can choose not to do so. You can choose to provide constructive feedback to one of your learner colleagues or you can choose not to do so. Learner colleagues may choose to provide constructive feedback to you or they may choose not to do so. The feedback you provide should be your best and most sincere effort to help your learner colleague create the best healthcare organization possible. All feedback you receive should be evaluated in that light - your learner colleagues are sincerely trying to help. Having said that, you are free to disagree with any feedback and ignore it. Example Submissions less Here is an example for each prompt to help you understand what your assignment should look like. Use this example to understand the assignment guidelines more thoroughly. 1. What is the name of your healthcare organization? The name should be original and appealing to both employees of the healthcare organization as well as the public at-large. Example: Charles Harbor General Hospital 2. Provide a brief description of your healthcare organization. What does your healthcare organization do? The description should be a few sentences which concisely and clearly summarize the work and purpose of your healthcare organization. Example: Charles Harbor General Hospital is a general hospital with an emergency room. It offers a full range of clinical specialties (e.g., internal medicine, general surgery, oncology, cardiology, infectious disease) with a focus on adults although there is a pediatrics unit. Its purpose is to provide the very best health care and improve the health of all those in the local Charles Harbor General Hospital community. 3. Which of the healthcare occupations listed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) at the Healthcare Occupations website are employed by your organization? One healthcare occupation from the BLS website consistent with the healthcare organization's description should be listed. More can be listed, but only one is needed. There is no need to list other occupations employed by the organization (e.g., accountants) or the number of people employed. Example: Charles Harbor General Hospital employs Physicians and Surgeons (https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/physicians-and-surgeons.htm#tab-1). 4. What is the North American Classification System (NAICS) code for your healthcare organization? The listed code should be a valid NAICS code and appropriate for the organization's description. Example: Charles Harbor General Hospital has a NAICS code of 622110 - General Medical and Surgical Hospitals (https://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/sssd/naics/naicsrch?code=622110&search=2017%20NAICS%20Search). 5. In which U.S. state and in which county of that state is your healthcare organization located? The state should be a valid U.S. state (or the District of Columbia) and a valid county within that state. Example: Charles Harbor General Hospital is located in Massachusetts in Suffolk County (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffolk_County,_Massachusetts). 6. What is the county health ranking for the county from the County Health Rankings and Roadmap website? The health ranking information should be the valid information for that county from the County Health Rankings and Roadmap website. Example: Suffolk County ranks 11 in Health Outcomes out of the 14 ranked counties in Massachusetts (Length of Life = 7; Quality of Life = 13; Health Factors = 12; Health Behaviors = 9; Clinical Care = 6; Social and Economic Factors = 13; Physical Environment = 7) (http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/app/massachusetts/2018/rankings/suffolk/county/outcomes/overall/snapshot) 7. What is the name and web address (url) of the state licensing agency for healthcare organizations in your chosen state (e.g., Department of Health)? The state licensing agency and web address should be valid for the chosen state. Example: Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) (https://www.mass.gov/orgs/department-of-public-health) and the regulations are found at https://www.mass.gov/regulations/105-CMR-13000-hospital-licensure. Note: A list of all DPH licensed healthcare facilities can be found at https://www.mass.gov/service-details/find-information-about-licensed-or-certified-health-care-facilities, specifically https://www.mass.gov/doc/list-of-health-care-facilities-licensed-or-certified-by-the-division/download. Charles Harbor General Hospital must be licensed by DPH as an acute hospital to do business in Massachusetts. 8. Is there an accreditation association for your healthcare organization? If yes, name one accreditation association. Does this accreditation association have deeming authority from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) for your healthcare organization? The statement regarding the existence of an accreditation association must be valid. If an accreditation association is named, it must be a valid one for the healthcare organizations and its CMS deeming authority status must be valid. Example: The Joint Commission (https://www.jointcommission.org/) is an accreditation association which can accredit Charles Harbor General Hospital as a general hospital (https://www.jointcommission.org/accreditation/hospitals.aspx). The Joint Commission has deeming CMS-deeming authority for a general hospital such as Charles Harbor General Hospital.

1.24 (G) [PREP] Lesson One Create Your Own Healthcare Organization 1.24 (G) [PREP] Lección uno Cree su propia organización sanitaria 1.24 (G) [PREP] Lesson One 自分の医療組織を作ろう 1.24 (G) [PREP] Pirmoji pamoka Sukurti savo sveikatos priežiūros organizaciją 1.24 (G) [PREP] Lição Um Criar a sua própria organização de cuidados de saúde 1.24 (G) [PREP] Урок первый Создание собственной медицинской организации 1.24 (G) [HAZIRLIK] Birinci Ders Kendi Sağlık Kuruluşunuzu Oluşturun 1.24 (G) [准备] 第一课 创建您自己的医疗保健组织

Practice Peer-graded Assignment: [PREP] Lesson One Create Your Own Healthcare Organization Ready for the assignment? You will find instructions below to submit.

Instructions My submission Review classmates Discussions

In Lesson Four, you will Design a Governance Structure for a Healthcare Organization. This task requires that you synthesize course content to create your own healthcare organization and governance structure. Your synthesized information will be presented to your learner colleagues as an electronic poster. The electronic poster file is an artifact of the course which you can circulate to colleagues or use for a talk or presentation event. For the poster project, you will need PowerPoint software or its equivalent. There are many software options other than PowerPoint. Some are available at no cost such as Impress which is part of LibreOffice. However, it is best not to wait until Lesson Four to begin to synthesize course content to create your own healthcare organization and governance structure. The earlier in the course that you begin this creation process, the better your healthcare organization and governance structure will be. So in each lesson prior to Lesson Four, there will be an opportunity to synthesize material – an opportunity to create your healthcare organization - via an ungraded peer review assessment. Any aspect of your healthcare organization and governance structure can be changed up until the moment you submit the poster. An ungraded peer review assessment is used to allow you to create aspects of your healthcare organization and governance structure as an iterative process throughout the course - should you so choose. An ungraded peer review assessment is used to allow you to provide constructive feedback on this iterative creation of your learner colleague's healthcare organization and governance structure - should you so choose. An ungraded peer review assessment is used to allow your learner colleagues to provide constructive feedback on your iterative creation of your healthcare organization and governance structure - should they so choose. Review criteria less  This is an ungraded optional assignment. You can choose to create aspects of your healthcare organization and governance structure or you can choose not to do so. You can choose to provide constructive feedback to one of your learner colleagues or you can choose not to do so. Learner colleagues may choose to provide constructive feedback to you or they may choose not to do so. The feedback you provide should be your best and most sincere effort to help your learner colleague create the best healthcare organization possible. All feedback you receive should be evaluated in that light - your learner colleagues are sincerely trying to help. Having said that, you are free to disagree with any feedback and ignore it. Example Submissions less  Here is an example for each prompt to help you understand what your assignment should look like. Use this example to understand the assignment guidelines more thoroughly. 1. What is the name of your healthcare organization? The name should be original and appealing to both employees of the healthcare organization as well as the public at-large. Example: Charles Harbor General Hospital 2. Provide a brief description of your healthcare organization. What does your healthcare organization do? The description should be a few sentences which concisely and clearly summarize the work and purpose of your healthcare organization. Example: Charles Harbor General Hospital is a general hospital with an emergency room. It offers a full range of clinical specialties (e.g., internal medicine, general surgery, oncology, cardiology, infectious disease) with a focus on adults although there is a pediatrics unit. Its purpose is to provide the very best health care and improve the health of all those in the local Charles Harbor General Hospital community. 3. Which of the healthcare occupations listed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) at the Healthcare Occupations website are employed by your organization? One healthcare occupation from the BLS website consistent with the healthcare organization's description should be listed. More can be listed, but only one is needed. There is no need to list other occupations employed by the organization (e.g., accountants) or the number of people employed. Example: Charles Harbor General Hospital employs Physicians and Surgeons (https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/physicians-and-surgeons.htm#tab-1). 4. What is the North American Classification System (NAICS) code for your healthcare organization? The listed code should be a valid NAICS code and appropriate for the organization's description. Example: Charles Harbor General Hospital has a NAICS code of 622110 - General Medical and Surgical Hospitals (https://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/sssd/naics/naicsrch?code=622110&search=2017%20NAICS%20Search). 5. In which U.S. state and in which county of that state is your healthcare organization located? The state should be a valid U.S. state (or the District of Columbia) and a valid county within that state. Example: Charles Harbor General Hospital is located in Massachusetts in Suffolk County (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffolk_County,_Massachusetts). 6. What is the county health ranking for the county from the County Health Rankings and Roadmap website? The health ranking information should be the valid information for that county from the County Health Rankings and Roadmap website. Example: Suffolk County ranks 11 in Health Outcomes out of the 14 ranked counties in Massachusetts (Length of Life = 7; Quality of Life = 13; Health Factors = 12; Health Behaviors = 9; Clinical Care = 6; Social and Economic Factors = 13; Physical Environment = 7) (http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/app/massachusetts/2018/rankings/suffolk/county/outcomes/overall/snapshot) 7. What is the name and web address (url) of the state licensing agency for healthcare organizations in your chosen state (e.g., Department of Health)? The state licensing agency and web address should be valid for the chosen state. Example: Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) (https://www.mass.gov/orgs/department-of-public-health) and the regulations are found at https://www.mass.gov/regulations/105-CMR-13000-hospital-licensure. Note: A list of all DPH licensed healthcare facilities can be found at https://www.mass.gov/service-details/find-information-about-licensed-or-certified-health-care-facilities, specifically https://www.mass.gov/doc/list-of-health-care-facilities-licensed-or-certified-by-the-division/download. Charles Harbor General Hospital must be licensed by DPH as an acute hospital to do business in Massachusetts. 8. Is there an accreditation association for your healthcare organization? If yes, name one accreditation association. Does this accreditation association have deeming authority from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) for your healthcare organization? The statement regarding the existence of an accreditation association must be valid. If an accreditation association is named, it must be a valid one for the healthcare organizations and its CMS deeming authority status must be valid. Example: The Joint Commission (https://www.jointcommission.org/) is an accreditation association which can accredit Charles Harbor General Hospital as a general hospital (https://www.jointcommission.org/accreditation/hospitals.aspx). The Joint Commission has deeming CMS-deeming authority for a general hospital such as Charles Harbor General Hospital.