[Intermediate Korean] EP. 23 배워 봅시다_~편이다
||||let's|it's about
[Coréen intermédiaire] EP. 23 Let's learn_~편이다
[Koreaans voor gevorderden] EP. 23 Laten we het leren_~편이다
[Intermediate Korean] EP. 23 Let's Learn_~It's a style
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5 안녕하세요 여러분 틴티드 대한의
5 Hello everyone, regarding Tinted
잡으셨습니다 5
you caught
You caught it 5
또 여러분 안녕하세요 1 셈입니다
again|everyone|hello|am Sem
Hello everyone, it's 1 Sem.
안녕하세요 맨 셈입니다 민 선생님 잘 지내셨어요 네 잘 지냈어 요 유
hello|man|I am Sem|Min|teacher|well|have you been|yes|well|have been||
Hello, it's Man Sem. How have you been, Teacher Min? Yes, I've been well.
선생님은요 저도 잘 지냈어 요
the teacher|I also|well|have been|
The teacher is saying that I have been doing well too.
오늘은 일상생활에서 자주 쓰는 표현 될 배워보는 시간이지요
today|in everyday life|often|used|expression|to|learn|time
Today is a time to learn expressions that are often used in daily life.
4 오늘도 여러분에게 도움이 되는 표현을 준비했습니다
today also|to you all|helpful|becoming|expression|prepared
I have prepared expressions that will help you today as well.
무슨 표현인지 소개해 주시겠어요 오늘은 편이다 라는 표현을 배워 보려고
what|expression|introduce|would you|today|is easy|that|expression|learn|trying to
Could you introduce what expression it is? Today, we are going to learn the expression 'it's convenient.'
I do.
아 우리가 흔하게 쓰는 표현이네요 4 u 선생님은 편 하면 어떤 생각이
Ah, that's a common expression we use. Teacher, what do you think about it?
드세요 저는 우리편 상대편 그런 말들이 먼저 떠오르는데요
|I|our side|opposing side|such|words|first|come to mind
I first think of terms like our side and the opposing side.
그렇죠 가재는 게 편이다
that's right|crayfish|crab|side
That's right, the crayfish is on the side of the crab.
엄마는 내 편이다 이런 말을 하잖아요
my mom|my|is on my side|this|words|you say
Mom is on my side, that's what they say.
맞아요 이럴때 편은 무슨 뜻이지요
that's right|in this case|편|what|does it mean
That's right, what does 'side' mean in this context?
여러 무리로 나누어 쓸 때 그 하나하나를 이르는 말이에요
many|groups|divided|to use|when|that|each one|referring to|word
It refers to each one when divided into several groups.
그렇군요 이렇게 편이다 라는 말이 명사 뒤에 오면 그쪽 사정을 지지한다는
I see|like this|is on my side|that|word|noun|after|comes|that side|circumstances|means supporting
I see, when the phrase 'on my side' comes after a noun, it means supporting that situation.
의미가 되어 우리 파티 스트는 늘 한국어 학습자 편이다
meaning|becomes|our|party|stress|always|Korean|learner|is easy
It means that our party stream is always in favor of Korean learners.
이런 말들 쓸 수 있겠네요 그럼요
these|words|use|able|to be|of course
You can use phrases like this, of course.
그런데 오늘 우리는 편이다 라는 표현이 동사나 형용사 뒤에 오는 경우를
but|today|we|is easy|that|expression|verb or|adjective|after|coming|case
However, today we will learn about the expression 'is in favor' when it comes after a verb or adjective.
배워 볼 거예요 예를 한번 들어 보실래요
learn|see|will|example|once|give|would you
Could you give an example?
음 지 오 씨는 아무거나 잘 먹는 편이다
um|Ji|Oh|is|anything|well|eating|tends to
Um, Mr. Ji-o tends to eat just about anything.
수영 씨는 키가 큰 편이다
Suyeong|is|height|tall|tends to be
Ms. Swimming is quite tall.
이런 거예요 그럴 때는 의미가 어떻게 달라지나요
This is how it is, how does the meaning change in that case?
대체로 어떤 쪽에 가깝다 거나 속한다는 의미가 되요 그럼 지우 씨는
Generally, it means to be closer to or to belong to a certain side, then what about Mr. Ji-woo?
아무거나 잘 먹는다
Eats anything well.
하고 지우 씨는 아무거나 잘 먹는 편이다 는 뜻이 조금 다른가요
and|||anything|well|eats|tends to||||
Does the phrase 'Hago Jiwon is the type to eat anything well' have a slightly different meaning?
4 첫 번째 문장은 단정적 이지만 두 번째 문장은 대체로 그렇다는
||sentence|definitive|but|||sentence|generally|means that
The first sentence is definitive, but the second sentence is more of a generalization.
it means
That's the meaning.
아 그럼 수영 씨는 티가 크다 라고 말하면 딱 잘라 말하는 것이고
ah|then|Suyeong|is|height|tall|(that) is|if you say|exactly|cut|saying|thing
Ah, so if I say that Suyeong has a big chest, that is a definitive statement.
수영 씨는 티가 큰 편이다 라고 하면 일반적으로 봤을때 수영 씨가 키가
Suyeong|is|height|tall|tends to be|(that) is|if you say|generally|when looking at|Suyeong|is|height
If I say that Suyeong is on the larger side, it means that generally speaking, Suyeong is considered tall.
큰 쪽에 속한다 는 뜻이 되는 거군요 그렇죠 그래서 누가 봐도 분명한
tall|side|belongs to|(topic marker)|meaning|becoming|it seems|right|so|anyone|looking at|clear
So it means that Suyeong belongs to the taller category, right? Therefore, for situations or facts that are clearly evident to anyone,
상황이나 사실에 대해서는 이 표현을 쓸 수 없어요
situation or|fact about|regarding|this|expression|use|possibility|not
this expression cannot be used.
아 그렇군요 예를 들면 요
ah|I see|for example|if|
Oh, I see. For example, yes.
그 사람은 한국 사람이니까 당연히 한국어를 잘하는 편이다 라고 하면
that|person|Korean|since he/she is Korean|naturally|Korean|good at|tends to be||
If I say, 'That person is Korean, so it's natural that they are good at Korean,'
이상한 문장이 되요
it becomes a strange sentence.
아 그 한국사람이 한국어를 잘하는 것은 누가 봐도 분명 하니까요
ah|that|Korean person|Korean|good at|thing|anyone|sees|clear|because
Oh, it's obvious that the Korean person is good at Korean, no matter who sees it.
맞아요 그러나 그 사람은 한국어를 배운지 1년 밖에 안되었는데 한국어를
that's right|but|that|person|Korean|learned|1 year|only|hasn't been|Korean
That's right, but that person has only been learning Korean for a year.
잘하는 편이다 라고 하면 자연스럽죠
good at|tends to|(that) is|if|natural right
It would be natural to say they are relatively good at it.
4 그럼 이 표현을 어떻게 활용하는 지 설명해 주시겠어요
then|this|expression|how|using|(question marker)|explain|would you
Then could you explain how to use this expression?
동사의 경우에는 기본형 에서 닿아 를 떼고 는 편이다 를 붙이면 되요
verb's|case|base form|from||(object marker)|removing|(topic marker)|tends to|(object marker)|attaching|is
In the case of verbs, you can take off the '다' from the basic form and attach '는 편이다'.
가다 가는 편이다
to go|going|tends to
I tend to go.
먹다 먹는 편이다
to eat|eating|tends to
I tend to eat.
문장으로 해볼게요 지우 씨는 서점에 자주 가는 편이에요
in a sentence|I will try|Jiwoo|Mr/Ms|to the bookstore|often|going|tends to
Let me try it in a sentence: Jiwoo tends to go to the bookstore often.
같이 따라 볼까요
together|follow|shall we
Shall we read along?
지 오 씨는 서점에 자주 가는 편이에요
Ji|Oh|ssi-neun|bookstore|often|going|tends to
Ms. Ji-o tends to go to the bookstore often.
수영 씨는 고기를 잘 먹는 편이에요
Suyeong|ssi-neun|meat|well|eating|tends to
Ms. Su-young tends to eat meat well.
따라해 볼까요 수영 씨는 고기를 잘 먹는 편이에요
let's follow|shall we|Suyeong|ssi-neun|meat|well|eating|tends to
Shall we try saying it? Ms. Su-young tends to eat meat well.
잘하셨어요 이제 형용사 의 경우를 볼까요
you did well|now|adjective|of|case|shall we see
Well done! Now, let's look at the case of adjectives.
형사의 경우는 기본형 에서 닿아 를 빼고
the detective|case|base form|from|da|(object particle)|excluding
In the case of the detective, remove 'da' from the basic form.
마지막 글자에 받침이 있는지 없는지 보세요
last|letter|final consonant|whether there is|whether there is not|look
Check if the last character has a final consonant or not.
받침이 있을 때와 없을 때 활용법이 다르군요
final consonant|there is|when|there is not|time|usage|is different
The usage differs when there is a final consonant and when there isn't.
4 받침이 있을 때는 은 편이다 를 붙여요
final consonant|there is|when|(subject particle)|tends to|(object particle)|attach
When there is a final consonant, you attach 'eun pyeonida'.
작다 작은 편이다
to be small|small|tends to be
It's small, on the smaller side.
눕다 높은 편이다
to lie down|high|tends to be
It's high, on the higher side.
문장으로 해볼게요 그 사람은 목소리가 작은 편이에요
in a sentence|I will try|that|person|voice|small|tends to be
I'll try it in a sentence: That person has a small voice.
같이 따라해 볼까요 그 사람은 목소리가 작은 편이에요
together|repeat|shall we|that|person|voice|small|tends to be
Shall we repeat together? That person has a small voice.
서울은 물가가 높은 편이에요
Seoul|prices|high|is a bit
Seoul has a high cost of living.
따라해 볼까요 서울엔 물가가 높은 편이에요
let's follow|shall we|in Seoul|prices|high|is a bit
Shall we try saying, 'Seoul has a high cost of living'?
5 그럼 기본형에 받침이 없는 형용사는 요
then|to the basic form|final consonant|not having|adjectives|polite ending
5 Then, for adjectives without a final consonant, we use 'yo'.
받침이 없을 때는 니은 편이다 를 붙여요
final consonant|not having|when|'n'|is added||
When there is no final consonant, we attach 'ni-eun pyeonida'.
받침이 없을 때는 니은 받침을 붙혀 준다고 생각하면 쉽겠네요
final consonant|not exist|when|'n'|final consonant|attach|you think|if you think|it would be easy
When there is no final consonant, it would be easy to think that you add the 'ni-eun' final consonant.
맞아요 동사나 형용사가 뒤에 오는 명사를 꾸밀 때 처럼요
that's right|verbs or|adjectives|after|coming|noun|modifying|when|like
That's right, just like when verbs or adjectives modify the nouns that come after them.
예를 들어볼까요
Shall we give an example?
멋지다 자 멋진 편이다
to be cool|well|cool|tends to be
It's cool, so it's a cool side.
행복하다 행복한 편이다
to be happy|happy|tends to be
I am happy, I tend to be happy.
문장으로 해볼게요 서울은 야경의 멋진 편이에요
in a sentence|I will try|Seoul|of the night view|wonderful|tends to be
Let me try it in a sentence: Seoul has a wonderful night view.
같이 따라해 볼까요 서울은
together|follow|shall we|Seoul
Shall we repeat it together? Seoul has...
야경이 멋진 편이에요
night view|wonderful|tends to be
a wonderful night view.
결혼생활이 행복한 편이에요
married life|happy|is a bit
Marriage life is generally happy.
따라해 볼까요 결혼생활이 행복한 편이에요
let's try|shall we|married life|happy|is a bit
Shall we try saying, 'Marriage life is generally happy'?
여러분도 문장을 만들어 보실 수 있겠지요
you all|sentence|make|you will|able|right
You all can create sentences too, right?
4 그럼 여기서 편이다 라는 말이 들어간 대화를 들어 볼까요
then|here|is a bit|that|word|included|conversation|listen|shall we
4 Then, shall we listen to a conversation that includes the phrase 'is generally happy'?
I like it
I like it
go 씩 휴대폰케이스 너무 귀여워요
that|like|phone case|very|cute
The phone case is so cute
이런건 어디서 사요
this kind of thing|where|do I buy
Where can I buy something like this?
온라인에서 샀어요 특별 할인을 하더라구요
online|I bought|special|discount|they were doing
I bought it online, they had a special discount.
지 오 씨는 온라인에서 물건을 많이 사는 편이에요
Ji|Oh|ssi (Mr/Ms)|online|items|a lot|buying|tends to be
Ji O is the type to buy a lot of things online.
내 그런 편이에요 여러모로 편리 해서요
I|that|tend to be|in many ways|convenient|because
I'm like that too, it's convenient in many ways.
수영 시간 지우 c 휴대폰 케이스를 보고 어디서 샀는지 문 는군요
swimming|time|Jiwoo|and|cellphone|case|seeing|where|bought|question|I see
I was wondering where Ji U C bought the phone case during swimming time.
지우 씨가 온라인에서 샀다고 하니까 수영 씨가 다시 묻습니다
When Jiwoo said she bought it online, Suyeong asked again.
온라인에서 물건을 많이 사는 편이 냐고 요
online|goods|a lot|buying|tendency|asked|polite ending
She asked if she tends to buy a lot of things online.
대체로 온라인에서 물건을 많이 사느냐 는 뜻이지요
generally|online|goods|a lot|buy|topic marker|means
It generally means whether she buys a lot of things online.
go 씨도 그런 편 이라고 대답한 해요
Go|said|that kind of|tendency|said|answered|does
Go also answered that she tends to do that.
온라인에서 물건을 많이 사는 쪽에 가깝다는 얘기지요
online|goods|a lot|buying|side|closer|means
It means that we are more inclined to buy things online.
여러분 오늘 우리는
Today, we learned about the expression.
편이다 라는 표현을 배워 봤어요
We learned the expression 'on the side of'.
어떤 사실을 단정적으로 말하기 보다
Rather than stating a fact definitively,
대체로 어느 쪽에 가깝다 거나 속한다고 말할 때 쓰는 표현이에요
generally|which|side|is close|or|considered to be|to say|when|used|expression
It is an expression used when saying that something is generally closer to one side or the other.
동사는 기본형 에서 닿아 를 빼고 는 편이다 를 붙여 요
verbs|base form|from|touching|(object marker)|excluding|(topic marker)|tends to be|(object marker)|attach|polite ending
For verbs, you take the basic form, remove '다', and add '는 편이다'.
형용사는 기본형에 서다 를 빼고
adjectives|in the base form|to stand|(object marker)|excluding
For adjectives, you remove '다' from the basic form.
마지막 글자에 받침이 있으면 은 편이다 를 붙이고
last|letter|final consonant|if there is|(topic marker)|tends to be|(object marker)|attach
If the last character has a batchim, you add '은 편이다'.
받침이 없으면 니은 편이다 를 붙여 요
final consonant|if there is not|'n' (the letter)|is easier|(object particle)|attach|polite ending
If there is no final consonant, attach it to the letter 'ni-eun'.
여러분 수고 많으셨어요 오늘 저희는 여기서 앤 사 드릴게요
everyone|effort|you did a lot|today|we|here|Ann|buy|will treat you
Thank you for your hard work today, everyone. We will see you here again.
들어주셔서 고맙습니다 다음 시간에도 유용한 표현을 들고 다시
for listening|thank you|next|time also|useful|expressions|bringing|again
Thank you for listening. We will come back with useful expressions next time.
I will visit you
We will meet again.
아니 계세요 안녕하세요
Hello, are you there?
4 문을 연 끝나고 아실거예요 주말인데
door|opened|after|you will know|it's the weekend
After the 4 doors open, you will know it's the weekend.
집에 가서 저녁 준비 해야죠 선생님은요
home|going|dinner|preparing|have to|what about the teacher
I have to go home and prepare dinner, what about you, teacher?
잘 가족들하고 외식하기 로 했어요
well|with family|to eat out|to|did
I decided to dine out with my family.
의식 자주 하세요 너 펼친 않은데요
consciousness|often|do|you|spread out|not
Do you often have rituals? You haven't spread them out.
주말에는 주로 외식을 하는 편인 것 같아요
on weekends|mostly|eating out|doing|tendency|thing|seems
I think we mostly dine out on weekends.
편이에요 아 아 아 그러시군요 아
I am comfortable|ah|ah|ah|I see|
That's right, I see.
겨울 시간 되세요 예 집이에요 4
winter|time|are you available|yes|it's my house
It's winter time, yes, this is home 4.
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