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Zen Habits, Life as a Conscious Practice

Life as a Conscious Practice

Life as a Conscious Practice ‘Everything is practice.

' ~Pele Post written by Leo Babauta.

When we learn a martial art, or ballet, or gymnastics, or soccer … we consciously practice movements in a deliberate way, repeatedly.

By conscious, repeated practice, we become good at those movements. Our entire lives are like this, but we're often less conscious of the practice.

Each day, we repeat movements, thought patterns, ways of interacting with others … and in this repeated practice, we are becoming (or have already become) good at these things.

If you constantly check Facebook or Twitter, that is practice, and you are forming that habit, though it's usually not with too much awareness. When you smoke, or eat junk food, or speak rudely to others, or put yourself down internally, this is something you are practicing to be good at.

You may already be good at these things. What if, instead, we practiced consciously, deliberately, and became good at the things we really want to be good at?

What if you first, above all skills, learned to be more aware of what you are practicing?

What if constant conscious action is the skill you became good at? If you could learn to take conscious action, you could learn to practice other things you want to be good at, rather than the ones you don't.

What Are You Practicing? Ask yourself these things throughout the day, to practice conscious action:

Do I want to practice rushing through my morning, or can I wake a little earlier and simplify my morning routine so that I practice a slow, enjoyable morning ritual? Do I want to practice checking my inboxes when I first get to my computer, or can I do something better? Do I want to practice leaving dirty dishes out, or can I practice washing my bowl when I'm done with it? Do I want to practice leaving clothes strewn about, or papers lying on the counter, or can I take a few seconds to put them where they belong? Do I want to speak angrily to my kids or spouse, or can I speak to them with kindness and compassion? Do I want to practice complaining and self-pity, or can I practice gratitude? Do I want to practice rushing and being busy, or can I practice simplifying and going slowly? Do I want to practice eating fried foods, sugary foods, salty junk food snacks, fast foods … or can I practice eating whole foods, vegetables and fruits, nuts and beans and seeds? Do I want to practice surfing time-wasting sites, or can I practice clearing away distractions and creating? Do I want to practice watching mindless entertainment, or can I practice moving my body and exerting myself in activity? Do I want to practice smoking, or can I learn a healthier way to deal with stress? Do I want to practice shopping, or can I practice giving? These are only examples … your life will show you what you've been practicing, and you can decide what you might rather practice instead.

Or you might be completely happy with what you've been practicing. Some ideas for creative practice from Ali Edwards.

How to Practice The first step is always awareness.

When you are conscious of what you are doing, you can decide whether this is an action or thought pattern you want to practice, or if there's an alternative you'd rather be good at. As you go through your day, practice this awareness.

It's the first skill, and it's the most important one. Be aware, without feeling guilty or angry at yourself, of what you're doing and thinking. You will forget to to this, but remind yourself. You might wear a rubber band around your wrist, or carry a talisman, or make tally marks on a slip of paper each time you remember. As you get good at conscious action, start to practice those actions and thought patterns you want to be good at.

Start to notice the ones you'd really rather not be good at, and see if you can deliberately practice other actions and thought patterns. As you consciously, deliberately repeat these things, you'll get better at them.

It takes a lot of repetition to get good at a skill, but you've got time. Important Conclusions You won't be able to change all your habits at once, and I'm not implying that you should try.

The habit you're really changing is consciousness, and practice. Other habits will be difficult to change, especially if you're trying to change all of them, but it's OK if you mess up. Give yourself permission to make mistakes without guilt, and instead just deliberately practice again, and again. If something is too hard, and you can't get it right no matter how many times you practice, you can try it in smaller steps.

If you can't quit smoking, try not smoking once, and instead relieving stress through walking or doing some pushups or meditation or self-massage. If you can't quit junk food, just replace one snack with a fruit, or add a tasty veggie to your dinner. I'd like to emphasize that this isn't about perfection.

There is no perfect way of life, and you don't need to strive to be perfect every moment of the day. I believe you're already perfect. This is just about conscious action, which is a useful skill to have. Remember that we become good at what we repeatedly do, and what we do repeatedly can be done consciously.

It's when we're conscious that we are truly alive. ‘If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.

If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ' ~Dalai Lama ----

Want more?

Just open a collection. Enjoy these life-changing articles right now! This is an article from zenhabits.net.

You can find it here zenhabits.net/conscious/

Life as a Conscious Practice A vida como uma prática consciente Жизнь как осознанная практика

Life as a Conscious Practice Vida como uma prática consciente ‘Everything is practice.

'  ~Pele '~ Pelé Post written by Leo Babauta. Postagem escrita por Leo Babauta.

When we learn a martial art, or ballet, or gymnastics, or soccer … we consciously practice movements in a deliberate way, repeatedly. Quando aprendemos uma arte marcial, ou balé, ou ginástica, ou futebol ... praticamos movimentos conscientemente de forma deliberada, repetidamente.

By conscious, repeated practice, we become good at those movements. Por meio da prática consciente e repetida, tornamo-nos bons nesses movimentos. Our entire lives are like this, but we’re often less conscious of the practice. Nossas vidas inteiras são assim, mas geralmente estamos menos conscientes da prática.

Each day, we repeat movements, thought patterns, ways of interacting with others … and in this repeated practice, we are becoming (or have already become) good at these things. A cada dia, repetimos movimentos, padrões de pensamento, formas de interagir com os outros ... e nesta prática repetida, estamos nos tornando (ou já nos tornamos) bons nessas coisas.

If you constantly check Facebook or Twitter, that is practice, and you are forming that habit, though it’s usually not with too much awareness. Se você checa constantemente o Facebook ou o Twitter, isso é prática, e está formando esse hábito, embora geralmente não seja com muita consciência. When you smoke, or eat junk food, or speak rudely to others, or put yourself down internally, this is something you are practicing to be good at. Quando você fuma, come junk food, fala rudemente com os outros ou se põe para baixo internamente, isso é algo em que você está praticando para ser bom.

You may already be good at these things. Você já pode ser bom nessas coisas. What if, instead, we practiced consciously, deliberately, and became good at the things we really want to be good at? E se, em vez disso, praticássemos conscientemente, deliberadamente, e nos tornássemos bons nas coisas em que realmente queremos ser bons?

What if you first, above all skills, learned to be more aware of what you are practicing? E se você primeiro, acima de todas as habilidades, aprendesse a estar mais atento ao que está praticando?

What if constant conscious action is the skill you became good at? E se a ação consciente constante for a habilidade em que você se tornou bom? If you could learn to take conscious action, you could learn to practice other things you want to be good at, rather than the ones you don’t. Se você pudesse aprender a agir de forma consciente, poderia aprender a praticar outras coisas nas quais deseja ser bom, em vez daquelas em que não deseja.

What Are You Practicing? O que você está praticando? Ask yourself these things throughout the day, to practice conscious action: Pergunte a si mesmo ao longo do dia, para praticar a ação consciente:

Do I want to practice rushing through my morning, or can I wake a little earlier and simplify my morning routine so that I practice a slow, enjoyable morning ritual? Quero praticar apressar-se pela manhã ou posso acordar um pouco mais cedo e simplificar minha rotina matinal para praticar um ritual matinal lento e agradável? Do I want to practice checking my inboxes when I first get to my computer, or can I do something better? Desejo praticar a verificação de minhas caixas de entrada quando chegar ao meu computador pela primeira vez ou posso fazer algo melhor? Do I want to practice leaving dirty dishes out, or can I practice washing my bowl when I’m done with it? Eu quero praticar deixar pratos sujos fora, ou posso praticar lavar minha tigela quando terminar com ela? Do I want to practice leaving clothes strewn about, or papers lying on the counter, or can I take a few seconds to put them where they belong? Eu quero praticar deixando roupas espalhadas ou papéis jogados no balcão, ou posso levar alguns segundos para colocá-los no lugar certo? Do I want to speak angrily to my kids or spouse, or can I speak to them with kindness and compassion? Eu quero falar com raiva de meus filhos ou cônjuge, ou posso falar com eles com bondade e compaixão? Do I want to practice complaining and self-pity, or can I practice gratitude? Eu quero praticar reclamação e autopiedade, ou posso praticar a gratidão? Do I want to practice rushing and being busy, or can I practice simplifying and going slowly? Eu quero praticar correr e estar ocupado, ou posso praticar simplificar e ir devagar? Do I want to practice eating fried foods, sugary foods, salty junk food snacks, fast foods … or can I practice eating whole foods, vegetables and fruits, nuts and beans and seeds? Eu quero praticar comer alimentos fritos, alimentos açucarados, lanches de junk food salgados, fast foods ... ou posso praticar comer alimentos inteiros, vegetais e frutas, nozes, feijão e sementes? Do I want to practice surfing time-wasting sites, or can I practice clearing away distractions and creating? Eu quero praticar a navegação em sites que desperdiçam tempo ou posso praticar a eliminação das distrações e a criação? Do I want to practice watching mindless entertainment, or can I practice moving my body and exerting myself in activity? Eu quero praticar assistindo entretenimento estúpido, ou posso praticar mover meu corpo e me esforçar em atividades? Do I want to practice smoking, or can I learn a healthier way to deal with stress? Quero praticar o tabagismo ou posso aprender uma maneira mais saudável de lidar com o estresse? Do I want to practice shopping, or can I practice giving? Eu quero praticar compras ou posso praticar dar? These are only examples … your life will show you what you’ve been practicing, and you can decide what you might rather practice instead. Estes são apenas exemplos ... sua vida vai mostrar o que você tem praticado, e você pode decidir o que prefere praticar.

Or you might be completely happy with what you’ve been practicing. Ou você pode estar completamente feliz com o que está praticando. Some ideas for creative practice from Ali Edwards. Algumas ideias para prática criativa de Ali Edwards.

How to Practice The first step is always awareness. O primeiro passo é sempre a conscientização.

When you are conscious of what you are doing, you can decide whether this is an action or thought pattern you want to practice, or if there’s an alternative you’d rather be good at. Quando você está consciente do que está fazendo, pode decidir se esse é um padrão de ação ou pensamento que deseja praticar ou se há uma alternativa em que você prefere ser bom. As you go through your day, practice this awareness. Conforme você passa o dia, pratique essa consciência.

It’s the first skill, and it’s the most important one. É a primeira habilidade e a mais importante. Be aware, without feeling guilty or angry at yourself, of what you’re doing and thinking. Esteja ciente, sem se sentir culpado ou com raiva de si mesmo, do que você está fazendo e pensando. You will forget to to this, but remind yourself. Você vai se esquecer disso, mas lembre-se. You might wear a rubber band around your wrist, or carry a talisman, or make tally marks on a slip of paper each time you remember. Você pode usar um elástico em volta do pulso, carregar um talismã ou fazer marcações em um pedaço de papel sempre que se lembrar. As you get good at conscious action, start to practice those actions and thought patterns you want to be good at. À medida que você se torna bom em ações conscientes, comece a praticar aquelas ações e padrões de pensamento em que deseja ser bom.

Start to notice the ones you’d really rather not be good at, and see if you can deliberately practice other actions and thought patterns. Comece a notar aquelas nas quais você realmente prefere não ser bom e veja se pode praticar deliberadamente outras ações e padrões de pensamento. As you consciously, deliberately repeat these things, you’ll get better at them. Ao repetir essas coisas de forma consciente e deliberada, você se tornará melhor nelas.

It takes a lot of repetition to get good at a skill, but you’ve got time. É preciso muita repetição para se tornar bom em uma habilidade, mas você tem tempo. Important Conclusions Conclusões Importantes You won’t be able to change all your habits at once, and I’m not implying that you should try. Você não será capaz de mudar todos os seus hábitos de uma vez, e não estou sugerindo que você deva tentar.

The habit you’re really changing is consciousness, and practice. O hábito que você está realmente mudando é a consciência e a prática. Other habits will be difficult to change, especially if you’re trying to change all of them, but it’s OK if you mess up. Outros hábitos serão difíceis de mudar, especialmente se você estiver tentando mudar todos eles, mas está tudo bem se você errar. Give yourself permission to make mistakes without guilt, and instead just deliberately practice again, and again. Dê a si mesmo permissão para cometer erros sem culpa e, em vez disso, pratique deliberadamente de novo e de novo. If something is too hard, and you can’t get it right no matter how many times you practice, you can try it in smaller steps. Se algo é muito difícil e você não consegue acertar, não importa quantas vezes você pratique, você pode tentar em etapas menores.

If you can’t quit smoking, try not smoking once, and instead relieving stress through walking or doing some pushups or meditation or self-massage. Se você não consegue parar de fumar, tente não fumar uma vez e, em vez disso, alivie o estresse caminhando, fazendo flexões, meditação ou automassagem. If you can’t quit junk food, just replace one snack with a fruit, or add a tasty veggie to your dinner. Se você não consegue parar de comer junk food, apenas substitua um lanche por uma fruta ou adicione um saboroso vegetariano ao seu jantar. I’d like to emphasize that this isn’t about perfection. Gostaria de enfatizar que não se trata de perfeição.

There is no perfect way of life, and you don’t need to strive to be perfect every moment of the day. Não existe um estilo de vida perfeito e você não precisa se esforçar para ser perfeito a cada momento do dia. I believe you’re already perfect. This is just about conscious action, which is a useful skill to have. Remember that we become good at what we repeatedly do, and what we do repeatedly can be done consciously.

It’s when we’re conscious that we are truly alive. ‘If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.

If you want to be happy, practice compassion. '  ~Dalai Lama ----

Want more?

Just open a collection. Enjoy these life-changing articles right now! This is an article from zenhabits.net.

You can find it here zenhabits.net/conscious/