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Society and people, The Gift

The Gift

Todd: OK, Now, Anna, you were telling a cute story about a special gift you gave your husband. Anna: Yes. Well, our first Valentine's day, I wanted to give John a very unique gift, so I remembered that he used to have an iguana, so I thought he liked reptiles, and I found a cute Pac Man Frog at the pet store, and actually one of my students told me about Pac Man Frogs and I thought, "Oh, that's so cute!" and so I bought the frog for John and I surprised him with it, and I made him close his eyes and I brought the frog out and the look on John's face was so funny. He was so terrified because he didn't like reptiles. I was wrong. Todd: Oh, no! Anna: Yeah, so he had to keep the frog for maybe one year. And he didn't like it. He thought it smelled bad, and the worst thing was the frog had to eat baby mice, so once a week John had to go to the pet store and buy a baby mouse and feed it to the frog, so! Todd: Wow! The frog ate mice? Anna: Yeah, once a week, it ate a mouse. Todd: How much did it weigh? Anna: Maybe 8 ounces. I don't know. It was big. It could sit in your hand. It was the same size as your hand. Yeah, it was really big. Todd: Wow, that's a cool story. A Pac Man frog. Anna: Yeah, Pac Man, cause it looks like the Pac Man character.

The Gift Das Geschenk Le cadeau O presente Подарок Darilo Дар.

Todd: OK, Now, Anna, you were telling a cute story about a special gift you gave your husband. Anna: Yes. Well, our first Valentine’s day, I wanted to give John a very unique gift, so I remembered that he used to have an iguana, so I thought he liked reptiles, and I found a cute Pac Man Frog at the pet store, and actually one of my students told me about Pac Man Frogs and I thought, "Oh, that’s so cute!" An unserem ersten Valentinstag wollte ich John ein ganz besonderes Geschenk machen. Ich erinnerte mich daran, dass er früher einen Leguan hatte und dachte, dass er Reptilien mag, und in der Zoohandlung fand ich einen süßen Pac-Man-Frosch, und einer meiner Schüler hatte mir von Pac-Man-Fröschen erzählt, und ich dachte: "Oh, das ist so süß! No, za prvo valentinovo sem Johnu želela podariti zelo edinstveno darilo, zato sem se spomnila, da je nekoč imel legvana, zato sem mislila, da ima rad plazilce, in v trgovini z živalmi sem našla ljubko žabico Pac Man, pravzaprav mi je eden od učencev povedal o žabicah Pac Man in pomislila sem: "Oh, to je tako ljubko!" and so I bought the frog for John and I surprised him with it, and I made him close his eyes and I brought the frog out and the look on John’s face was so funny. zato sem Johnu kupila žabo in ga z njo presenetila, mu dala zapreti oči in izvlekla žabo, pogled na Johnov obraz pa je bil tako smešen. He was so terrified because he didn’t like reptiles. Bil je tako prestrašen, ker ni maral plazilcev. I was wrong. Zmotil sem se. Todd: Oh, no! Anna: Yeah, so he had to keep the frog for maybe one year. Anna: Ja, zato je moral žabo obdržati morda eno leto. And he didn’t like it. He thought it smelled bad, and the worst thing was the frog had to eat baby mice, so once a week John had to go to the pet store and buy a baby mouse and feed it to the frog, so! Zdelo se mu je, da grdo smrdi, najhuje pa je bilo, da je morala žaba jesti male miši, zato je moral John enkrat na teden iti v trgovino z živalmi, kupiti majhno miško in z njo nahraniti žabo, tako da! Kötü koktuğunu düşünüyordu ve en kötüsü de kurbağa yavru fare yemek zorundaydı, bu yüzden John haftada bir evcil hayvan dükkanına gidip yavru bir fare almak ve onu kurbağaya yedirmek zorundaydı, yani! Він думав, що вона погано пахне, а найгірше те, що жаба їла мишенят, тому раз на тиждень Джон ходив до зоомагазину, купував мишенят і згодовував їх жабі, і ось! Todd: Wow! The frog ate mice? Anna: Yeah, once a week, it ate a mouse. Todd: How much did it weigh? Anna: Maybe 8 ounces. Anna: Morda 8 unč. I don’t know. It was big. It could sit in your hand. Lahko ga držite v roki. It was the same size as your hand. Bil je enako velik kot tvoja roka. Yeah, it was really big. Todd: Wow, that’s a cool story. Todd: Vau, to je super zgodba. A Pac Man frog. Anna: Yeah, Pac Man, cause it looks like the Pac Man character.