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Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, Chapter 10.

Chapter 10.

Everybody knows that the great reversed triangle of land, with its base in the north and its apex in the south, which is called India, embraces fourteen hundred thousand square miles, upon which is spread unequally a population of one hundred and eighty millions of souls.

The British Crown exercises a real and despotic dominion over the larger portion of this vast country, and has a governor-general stationed at Calcutta, governors at Madras, Bombay, and in Bengal, and a lieutenant-governor at Agra. But British India, properly so called, only embraces seven hundred thousand square miles, and a population of from one hundred to one hundred and ten millions of inhabitants.

A considerable portion of India is still free from British authority; and there are certain ferocious rajahs in the interior who are absolutely independent. The celebrated East India Company was all-powerful from 1756, when the English first gained a foothold on the spot where now stands the city of Madras, down to the time of the great Sepoy insurrection. It gradually annexed province after province, purchasing them of the native chiefs, whom it seldom paid, and appointed the governor-general and his subordinates, civil and military. But the East India Company has now passed away, leaving the British possessions in India directly under the control of the Crown. The aspect of the country, as well as the manners and distinctions of race, is daily changing. Formerly one was obliged to travel in India by the old cumbrous methods of going on foot or on horseback, in palanquins or unwieldy coaches; now, fast steamboats ply on the Indus and the Ganges, and a great railway, with branch lines joining the main line at many points on its route, traverses the peninsula from Bombay to Calcutta in three days.

This railway does not run in a direct line across India. The distance between Bombay and Calcutta, as the bird flies, is only from one thousand to eleven hundred miles; but the deflections of the road increase this distance by more than a third. The general route of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway is as follows:--Leaving Bombay, it passes through Salcette, crossing to the continent opposite Tannah, goes over the chain of the Western Ghauts, runs thence north-east as far as Burhampoor, skirts the nearly independent territory of Bundelcund, ascends to Allahabad, turns thence eastwardly, meeting the Ganges at Benares, then departs from the river a little, and, descending south-eastward by Burdivan and the French town of Chandernagor, has its terminus at Calcutta.

The passengers of the Mongolia went ashore at half-past four p.m. ; at exactly eight the train would start for Calcutta. Mr.

Fogg, after bidding good-bye to his whist partners, left the steamer, gave his servant several errands to do, urged it upon him to be at the station promptly at eight, and, with his regular step, which beat to the second, like an astronomical clock, directed his steps to the passport office. As for the wonders of Bombay--its famous city hall, its splendid library, its forts and docks, its bazaars, mosques, synagogues, its Armenian churches, and the noble pagoda on Malabar Hill, with its two polygonal towers--he cared not a straw to see them. He would not deign to examine even the masterpieces of Elephanta, or the mysterious hypogea, concealed south-east from the docks, or those fine remains of Buddhist architecture, the Kanherian grottoes of the island of Salcette. Having transacted his business at the passport office, Phileas Fogg repaired quietly to the railway station, where he ordered dinner.

Among the dishes served up to him, the landlord especially recommended a certain giblet of "native rabbit," on which he prided himself. Mr.

Fogg accordingly tasted the dish, but, despite its spiced sauce, found it far from palatable. He rang for the landlord, and, on his appearance, said, fixing his clear eyes upon him, "Is this rabbit, sir? "Yes, my lord," the rogue boldly replied, "rabbit from the jungles.

"And this rabbit did not mew when he was killed?

"Mew, my lord!

What, a rabbit mew! I swear to you--" "Be so good, landlord, as not to swear, but remember this: cats were formerly considered, in India, as sacred animals.

That was a good time. "For the cats, my lord?

"Perhaps for the travellers as well!

After which Mr. Fogg quietly continued his dinner.

Fix had gone on shore shortly after Mr. Fogg, and his first destination was the headquarters of the Bombay police.

He made himself known as a London detective, told his business at Bombay, and the position of affairs relative to the supposed robber, and nervously asked if a warrant had arrived from London. It had not reached the office; indeed, there had not yet been time for it to arrive. Fix was sorely disappointed, and tried to obtain an order of arrest from the director of the Bombay police. This the director refused, as the matter concerned the London office, which alone could legally deliver the warrant. Fix did not insist, and was fain to resign himself to await the arrival of the important document; but he was determined not to lose sight of the mysterious rogue as long as he stayed in Bombay. He did not doubt for a moment, any more than Passepartout, that Phileas Fogg would remain there, at least until it was time for the warrant to arrive. Passepartout, however, had no sooner heard his master's orders on leaving the Mongolia than he saw at once that they were to leave Bombay as they had done Suez and Paris, and that the journey would be extended at least as far as Calcutta, and perhaps beyond that place. He began to ask himself if this bet that Mr. Fogg talked about was not really in good earnest, and whether his fate was not in truth forcing him, despite his love of repose, around the world in eighty days! Having purchased the usual quota of shirts and shoes, he took a leisurely promenade about the streets, where crowds of people of many nationalities--Europeans, Persians with pointed caps, Banyas with round turbans, Sindes with square bonnets, Parsees with black mitres, and long-robed Armenians--were collected.

It happened to be the day of a Parsee festival. These descendants of the sect of Zoroaster--the most thrifty, civilised, intelligent, and austere of the East Indians, among whom are counted the richest native merchants of Bombay--were celebrating a sort of religious carnival, with processions and shows, in the midst of which Indian dancing-girls, clothed in rose-coloured gauze, looped up with gold and silver, danced airily, but with perfect modesty, to the sound of viols and the clanging of tambourines. It is needless to say that Passepartout watched these curious ceremonies with staring eyes and gaping mouth, and that his countenance was that of the greenest booby imaginable. Unhappily for his master, as well as himself, his curiosity drew him unconsciously farther off than he intended to go.

At last, having seen the Parsee carnival wind away in the distance, he was turning his steps towards the station, when he happened to espy the splendid pagoda on Malabar Hill, and was seized with an irresistible desire to see its interior. He was quite ignorant that it is forbidden to Christians to enter certain Indian temples, and that even the faithful must not go in without first leaving their shoes outside the door. It may be said here that the wise policy of the British Government severely punishes a disregard of the practices of the native religions. Passepartout, however, thinking no harm, went in like a simple tourist, and was soon lost in admiration of the splendid Brahmin ornamentation which everywhere met his eyes, when of a sudden he found himself sprawling on the sacred flagging.

He looked up to behold three enraged priests, who forthwith fell upon him; tore off his shoes, and began to beat him with loud, savage exclamations. The agile Frenchman was soon upon his feet again, and lost no time in knocking down two of his long-gowned adversaries with his fists and a vigorous application of his toes; then, rushing out of the pagoda as fast as his legs could carry him, he soon escaped the third priest by mingling with the crowd in the streets. At five minutes before eight, Passepartout, hatless, shoeless, and having in the squabble lost his package of shirts and shoes, rushed breathlessly into the station.

Fix, who had followed Mr. Fogg to the station, and saw that he was really going to leave Bombay, was there, upon the platform.

He had resolved to follow the supposed robber to Calcutta, and farther, if necessary. Passepartout did not observe the detective, who stood in an obscure corner; but Fix heard him relate his adventures in a few words to Mr. Fogg. "I hope that this will not happen again," said Phileas Fogg coldly, as he got into the train.

Poor Passepartout, quite crestfallen, followed his master without a word. Fix was on the point of entering another carriage, when an idea struck him which induced him to alter his plan. "No, I'll stay," muttered he.

"An offence has been committed on Indian soil. I've got my man. Just then the locomotive gave a sharp screech, and the train passed out into the darkness of the night.

Chapter 10. Kapitel 10. Chapter 10. Capítulo 10. Chapitre 10. Capitolo 10. 第10章 10장. Hoofdstuk 10. Rozdział 10. Capítulo 10. Глава 10. Bölüm 10. Розділ 10. 第 10 章 第10章。

Everybody knows that the great reversed triangle of land, with its base in the north and its apex in the south, which is called India, embraces fourteen hundred thousand square miles, upon which is spread unequally a population of one hundred and eighty millions of souls. インドと呼ばれる、北を底辺、南を頂点とする逆三角形の大きな陸地は、1400,000平方マイルに及び、そこに1億8,000万人の人口が不平等に広がっていることは誰もが知っている。 Toda a gente sabe que o grande triângulo invertido de terra, com a sua base no norte e o seu vértice no sul, que se chama Índia, abrange 1400 mil milhas quadradas, sobre as quais se espalha desigualmente uma população de cento e oitenta milhões de almas. Всем известно, что большой перевернутый треугольник земли с основанием на севере и вершиной на юге, который называется Индией, охватывает четырнадцать сотен тысяч квадратных миль, на которых неравномерно распределено население в сто восемьдесят миллионов душ. . Tabanı kuzeyde, tepesi güneyde olan ve Hindistan olarak adlandırılan büyük ters üçgenin bin dört yüz bin mil karelik bir alanı kapsadığını ve bu alan üzerinde yüz seksen milyonluk bir nüfusun eşit olmayan bir şekilde yayıldığını herkes bilir. Всім відомо, що великий перевернутий трикутник землі з основою на півночі і вершиною на півдні, який називається Індією, охоплює чотириста тисяч квадратних миль, на яких нерівномірно розкинулося населення в сто вісімдесят мільйонів душ.

The British Crown exercises a real and despotic dominion over the larger portion of this vast country, and has a governor-general stationed at Calcutta, governors at Madras, Bombay, and in Bengal, and a lieutenant-governor at Agra. 英国王室は、この広大な国土の大部分を実質的かつ専制的に支配しており、カルカッタに総督、マドラス、ボンベイ、ベンガルに知事、アグラに副知事を置いている。 A Coroa britânica exerce um domínio real e despótico sobre a maior parte deste vasto país e tem um governador-geral em Calcutá, governadores em Madras, Bombaim e Bengala, e um tenente-governador em Agra. Британская корона осуществляет реальное и деспотическое владычество над большей частью этой обширной страны и имеет генерал-губернатора в Калькутте, губернаторов в Мадрасе, Бомбее и Бенгалии и лейтенант-губернатора в Агре. İngiliz Krallığı bu geniş ülkenin büyük bölümü üzerinde gerçek ve despotik bir egemenlik kurmuştur ve Kalküta'da bir genel valisi, Madras, Bombay ve Bengal'de valileri ve Agra'da bir vali yardımcısı vardır. Британська корона здійснює реальне і деспотичне панування над більшою частиною цієї величезної країни і має генерал-губернатора в Калькутті, губернаторів у Мадрасі, Бомбеї та Бенгалії, а також лейтенант-губернатора в Агрі. But British India, properly so called, only embraces seven hundred thousand square miles, and a population of from one hundred to one hundred and ten millions of inhabitants. Но Британская Индия, как ее правильно называть, охватывает всего семьсот тысяч квадратных миль, а ее население составляет от ста до ста десяти миллионов жителей. Ancak Britanya Hindistanı, doğru adıyla, sadece yedi yüz bin mil karelik bir alanı ve yüz ila yüz on milyon arasında bir nüfusu kapsamaktadır.

A considerable portion of India is still free from British authority; and there are certain ferocious rajahs in the interior who are absolutely independent. A considerable portion of India is still free from British authority; and there are certain ferocious rajahs in the interior who are absolutely independent. インドのかなりの部分はまだ英国の権威から自由であり、内陸部には絶対的に独立したある種の凶暴なラジャがいる。 Значительная часть Индии все еще свободна от британской власти; а внутри страны есть несколько свирепых раджей, которые абсолютно независимы. Hindistan'ın önemli bir bölümü hala İngiliz otoritesinden bağımsızdır; ve iç kesimlerde tamamen bağımsız olan bazı vahşi racalar vardır. Значна частина Індії все ще вільна від британської влади, а у внутрішніх районах країни є кілька жорстоких раджів, які є абсолютно незалежними. 相当一部分印度仍然不受英国管辖;内地有一些凶猛的王公,他们绝对独立。 The celebrated East India Company was all-powerful from 1756, when the English first gained a foothold on the spot where now stands the city of Madras, down to the time of the great Sepoy insurrection. The celebrated East India Company was all-powerful from 1756, when the English first gained a foothold on the spot where now stands the city of Madras, down to the time of the great Sepoy insurrection. 有名な東インド会社は、1756年に英国が現在のマドラス市のある場所に初めて足場を築いた時から、セポイの大反乱の時まで、全権を握っていた。 A célebre Companhia das Índias Orientais foi todo-poderosa desde 1756, quando os ingleses se estabeleceram no local onde hoje se situa a cidade de Madras, até à altura da grande insurreição dos Sepoy. Знаменитая Ост-Индская компания была всемогущей с 1756 года, когда англичане впервые закрепились на том месте, где сейчас стоит город Мадрас, и вплоть до времени великого восстания сипаев. Ünlü Doğu Hindistan Şirketi, İngilizlerin şu anda Madras kentinin bulunduğu yerde ilk kez yer edindiği 1756 yılından büyük Sepoy ayaklanmasının yaşandığı zamana kadar tüm gücüyle varlığını sürdürmüştür. 著名的东印度公司从 1756 年起一直是无所不能的,当时英国人首次在现在的马德拉斯市立足,一直到大印度兵起义时期。 著名的東印度公司從 1756 年起一直是無所不能的,當時英國人首次在現在的馬德拉斯市立足,一直到大印度兵起義時期。 It gradually annexed province after province, purchasing them of the native chiefs, whom it seldom paid, and appointed the governor-general and his subordinates, civil and military. It gradually annexed province after province, purchasing them of the native chiefs, whom it seldom paid, and appointed the governor-general and his subordinates, civil and military. 次第に地方を次々と併合し、ほとんど報酬を支払わない土着の酋長から地方を買い取り、総督とその部下の文民・軍人を任命した。 Aos poucos, foi anexando província após província, comprando-as aos chefes nativos, a quem raramente pagava, e nomeou o governador-geral e os seus subordinados, civis e militares. Он постепенно присоединял провинцию за провинцией, покупая их у местных вождей, которым редко платил, и назначал генерал-губернатора и его подчиненных, гражданских и военных. Nadiren ödeme yaptığı yerli şeflerden satın alarak eyalet üstüne eyalet ilhak etti ve genel vali ile sivil ve askeri astlarını atadı. 它逐漸吞併了一個又一個省,從當地酋長那裡購買他們,很少支付報酬,並任命總督及其下屬文武。 But the East India Company has now passed away, leaving the British possessions in India directly under the control of the Crown. しかし、東インド会社は今や消滅し、インドのイギリス領は王室直轄となった。 Но теперь Ост-Индская компания прекратила свое существование, оставив британские владения в Индии под непосредственным контролем короны. Ancak Doğu Hindistan Şirketi artık ortadan kalkmış ve Hindistan'daki İngiliz mülklerini doğrudan Kraliyetin kontrolüne bırakmıştır. The aspect of the country, as well as the manners and distinctions of race, is daily changing. 国の風土、マナー、人種の違いは日々変化しています。 Внешний вид страны, а также нравы и различия рас ежедневно меняются. Ülkenin çehresi ile ırkların tavırları ve ayrımları her geçen gün değişmektedir. Вигляд країни, а також звичаї та расові відмінності щодня змінюються. 這個國家的面貌,以及種族的風俗和區別,每天都在變化。 Formerly one was obliged to travel in India by the old cumbrous methods of going on foot or on horseback, in palanquins or unwieldy coaches; now, fast steamboats ply on the Indus and the Ganges, and a great railway, with branch lines joining the main line at many points on its route, traverses the peninsula from Bombay to Calcutta in three days. Autrefois, on était obligé de voyager en Inde par les vieilles méthodes encombrantes de se rendre à pied ou à cheval, dans des palanquins ou des voitures lourdes; maintenant, des bateaux à vapeur rapides sillonnent l'Indus et le Gange, et un grand chemin de fer, avec des embranchements rejoignant la ligne principale en de nombreux points de sa route, traverse la péninsule de Bombay à Calcutta en trois jours. 以前は、徒歩や馬に乗ったり、駕籠や扱いにくい馬車に乗ったりする、昔ながらの面倒な方法でインドを旅しなければなりませんでした。現在、高速の蒸気船がインダス川とガンジス川を定期的に行き来しており、支線がルート上の多くの地点で本線と合流している偉大な鉄道は、ボンベイからカルカッタまで半島を 3 日で横断しています。 Antigamente, era-se obrigado a viajar na Índia pelos velhos métodos penosos de ir a pé ou a cavalo, em palanquins ou carruagens pesadas; agora, barcos a vapor rápidos navegam no Indo e no Ganges, e um grande caminho de ferro, com ramais que se juntam à linha principal em muitos pontos do seu percurso, atravessa a península de Bombaim a Calcutá em três dias. Прежде приходилось путешествовать по Индии старыми громоздкими способами: пешком или верхом, в паланкинах или громоздких каретах; теперь быстрые пароходы курсируют по Инду и Гангу, и большая железная дорога с ответвлениями, присоединяющимися к главной линии во многих точках на ее пути, пересекает полуостров от Бомбея до Калькутты за три дня. Eskiden Hindistan'da seyahat etmek için eski hantal yöntemlerle yaya ya da at sırtında, tahtırevanlarla ya da hantal arabalarla gitmek gerekirdi; şimdi ise hızlı buharlı gemiler İndus ve Ganj nehirleri üzerinde sefer yapıyor ve güzergahı üzerindeki birçok noktada ana hatta katılan şube hatlarıyla büyük bir demiryolu yarımadayı Bombay'dan Kalküta'ya üç günde kat ediyor. Раніше подорожувати Індією доводилося старими громіздкими методами - пішки або верхи, в паланках або громіздких каретах; тепер же Індом і Гангом курсують швидкі пароплави, а чудова залізниця з відгалуженнями, що з'єднуються з основною лінією в багатьох точках маршруту, перетинає півострів від Бомбея до Калькутти за три дні. 從前,人們不得不通過步行或騎馬、乘坐轎子或笨重的馬車等古老笨拙的方式在印度旅行;現在,快速的輪船在印度河和恒河上穿梭,一條大鐵路在三天內從孟買橫穿半島到加爾各答,在其路線的許多地方都有支線與主線相連。

This railway does not run in a direct line across India. This railway does not run in a direct line across India. この鉄道はインドを直通で走っているわけではない。 Эта железная дорога проходит не по прямой линии через всю Индию. Bu demiryolu Hindistan boyunca doğrudan bir hat üzerinde ilerlemiyor. Ця залізниця не проходить по прямій лінії через Індію. 這條鐵路並沒有直接穿越印度。 The distance between Bombay and Calcutta, as the bird flies, is only from one thousand to eleven hundred miles; but the deflections of the road increase this distance by more than a third. ボンベイとカルカッタの間の距離は、鳥が飛ぶように飛ぶと、1000マイルから1100マイルしかない。 Расстояние между Бомбеем и Калькуттой, по прямой, всего от тысячи до одиннадцати сотен миль; но изгибы дороги увеличивают это расстояние более чем на треть. Bombay ile Kalküta arasındaki mesafe kuş uçuşu sadece bin ila on bir yüz mil arasındadır; ancak yoldaki sapmalar bu mesafeyi üçte birinden fazla artırmaktadır. Відстань між Бомбеєм і Калькуттою, якщо летіти птахом, становить лише від тисячі до одинадцятисот миль; але вигини дороги збільшують цю відстань більш ніж на третину. 孟買和加爾各答之間的距離,從鳥兒的角度來看,只有一千到一千一百英里;但是道路的偏轉使這個距離增加了三分之一以上。 The general route of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway is as follows:--Leaving Bombay, it passes through Salcette, crossing to the continent opposite Tannah, goes over the chain of the Western Ghauts, runs thence north-east as far as Burhampoor, skirts the nearly independent territory of Bundelcund, ascends to Allahabad, turns thence eastwardly, meeting the Ganges at Benares, then departs from the river a little, and, descending south-eastward by Burdivan and the French town of Chandernagor, has its terminus at Calcutta. Общий маршрут железной дороги Великого Индийского полуострова таков: - Выйдя из Бомбея, она проходит через Сальсетт, пересекает континент напротив Танны, проходит через цепь Западных Гаутов, оттуда идет на северо-восток до Бурхампура, огибает почти независимая территория Бунделькунда поднимается к Аллахабаду, оттуда поворачивает на восток, встречается с Гангом в Бенаресе, затем немного отходит от реки и, спускаясь на юго-восток через Бурдиван и французский город Чандернагор, имеет конечную точку в Калькутте. Büyük Hint Yarımadası Demiryolunun genel güzergahı aşağıdaki gibidir:--Bombay'dan ayrılarak Salcette'den geçer, Tannah'ın karşısındaki kıtaya geçer, Batı Ghauts zincirini aşar, oradan kuzeydoğuya Burhampoor'a kadar uzanır, neredeyse bağımsız olan Bundelcund bölgesini geçer, Allahabad'a çıkar, oradan doğuya döner, Benares'te Ganj'la buluşur, sonra nehirden biraz ayrılır ve Burdivan ve Fransız kasabası Chandernagor tarafından güneydoğuya doğru inerek Kalküta'da son bulur.

The passengers of the  Mongolia went ashore at half-past four p.m. Les passagers du Mongolia ont débarqué à 16 h 30 モンゴル号の乗客は午後4時半に上陸した。 Moğolistan'ın yolcuları saat dört buçukta karaya çıktı. ; at exactly eight the train would start for Calcutta. 8時ちょうどに列車はカルカッタに向けて出発する。 Mr.

Fogg, after bidding good-bye to his whist partners, left the steamer, gave his servant several errands to do, urged it upon him to be at the station promptly at eight, and, with his regular step, which beat to the second, like an astronomical clock, directed his steps to the passport office. Fogg, après avoir dit au revoir à ses partenaires whist, quitta le paquebot, donna à son serviteur plusieurs courses à faire, le pressa d'être à la gare promptement à huit heures, et, avec son pas régulier, qui battait à la seconde, comme une horloge astronomique, dirigea ses pas vers le bureau des passeports. Фогг, попрощавшись со своими партнерами по висту, вышел из парохода, дал своему слуге несколько поручений, убедил его быть на станции ровно в восемь и своим ровным шагом, который бил с точностью до секунды, как астрономические часы, направил свои шаги к паспортному столу. Fogg vist ortaklarıyla vedalaştıktan sonra vapurdan ayrıldı, uşağına yapması gereken birkaç iş verdi, saat sekizde istasyonda olması için ısrar etti ve astronomik bir saat gibi saniyeyi vuran düzenli adımlarıyla pasaport bürosuna doğru ilerledi. As for the wonders of Bombay--its famous city hall, its splendid library, its forts and docks, its bazaars, mosques, synagogues, its Armenian churches, and the noble pagoda on Malabar Hill, with its two polygonal towers--he cared not a straw to see them. Quant aux merveilles de Bombay - son célèbre hôtel de ville, sa splendide bibliothèque, ses forts et quais, ses bazars, ses mosquées, ses synagogues, ses églises arméniennes, et la noble pagode sur la colline de Malabar, avec ses deux tours polygonales - il se souciait pas une paille pour les voir. Что касается чудес Бомбея — его знаменитой ратуши, великолепной библиотеки, его фортов и доков, его базаров, мечетей, синагог, армянских церквей и благородной пагоды на Малабарском холме с двумя многоугольными башнями, — он заботился о нем. не соломинка, чтобы увидеть их. Bombay'ın harikalarına gelince -ünlü belediye binası, görkemli kütüphanesi, kaleleri ve rıhtımları, çarşıları, camileri, sinagogları, Ermeni kiliseleri ve Malabar Tepesi'ndeki iki çokgen kuleli asil pagodası- onları görmek zerre kadar umurunda değildi. He would not deign to examine even the masterpieces of Elephanta, or the mysterious hypogea, concealed south-east from the docks, or those fine remains of Buddhist architecture, the Kanherian grottoes of the island of Salcette. He would not deign to examine even the masterpieces of Elephanta, or the mysterious hypogea, concealed south-east from the docks, or those fine remains of Buddhist architecture, the Kanherian grottoes of the island of Salcette. Он не соизволил бы рассмотреть ни шедевры Элефанты, ни таинственную гипогею, скрытую к юго-востоку от доков, ни эти прекрасные остатки буддийской архитектуры, канхерианские гроты острова Сальсетте. Elephanta'nın şaheserlerini ya da rıhtımın güneydoğusunda gizlenen gizemli Hypogea'yı veya Budist mimarisinin o güzel kalıntılarını, Salcette adasındaki Kanherian mağaralarını bile incelemeye tenezzül etmedi. 他甚至不會屈尊檢查 Elephanta 的傑作,或隱藏在碼頭東南方的神秘地下水,或那些精美的佛教建築遺跡,即薩爾塞特島的 Kanherian 石窟。 Having transacted his business at the passport office, Phileas Fogg repaired quietly to the railway station, where he ordered dinner. Après avoir traité ses affaires au bureau des passeports, Phileas Fogg se rendit tranquillement à la gare, où il commanda le dîner. Оформив свои дела в паспортном столе, Филеас Фогг спокойно отправился на вокзал, где заказал ужин. Phileas Fogg pasaport bürosundaki işlerini hallettikten sonra sessizce tren istasyonuna gitti ve orada akşam yemeği sipariş etti.

Among the dishes served up to him, the landlord especially recommended a certain giblet of "native rabbit," on which he prided himself. Среди подаваемых ему блюд хозяин особенно рекомендовал некий потрох «туземного кролика», которым он гордился. Ev sahibi, kendisine sunulan yemekler arasında, gurur duyduğu "yerli tavşan" sakatatını özellikle tavsiye etti. Mr.

Fogg accordingly tasted the dish, but, despite its spiced sauce, found it far from palatable. Fogg goûta donc le plat, mais, malgré sa sauce épicée, le trouva loin d'être savoureux. フォッグはその料理を試食したが、スパイスの効いたソースにもかかわらず、とても口に合うものではなかった。 Соответственно, Фогг попробовал блюдо, но, несмотря на его пряный соус, нашел его далеко не вкусным. Fogg buna uygun olarak yemeğin tadına baktı, ancak baharatlı sosuna rağmen onu lezzetli bulmaktan uzaktı. He rang for the landlord, and, on his appearance, said, fixing his clear eyes upon him, "Is this rabbit, sir? Он позвал хозяина дома и, когда тот появился, сказал, глядя на него ясными глазами: "Это кролик, сэр? Ev sahibini çağırdı ve geldiğinde berrak gözlerini ona dikerek şöyle dedi: "Bu tavşan mı efendim? "Yes, my lord," the rogue boldly replied, "rabbit from the jungles. — Да, милорд, — смело ответил разбойник, — кролик из джунглей. "Evet lordum," diye yanıtladı haydut cesurca, "ormanlardan gelen tavşan.

"And this rabbit did not mew when he was killed? "И этот кролик не мяукнул, когда его убили? "Peki bu tavşan öldürüldüğünde miyavlamadı mı? “这只兔子被杀的时候没有喵喵叫吗?

"Mew, my lord! «Мяу, мой господин! "Mew, lordum!

What, a rabbit mew! Что, кроличье мяуканье! Ne, bir tavşan miyavlaması mı! I swear to you--" Sana yemin ederim--" "Be so good, landlord, as not to swear, but remember this: cats were formerly considered, in India, as sacred animals. "Be so good, landlord, as not to swear, but remember this: cats were formerly considered, in India, as sacred animals. 「大家さん、悪態をつかないように気をつけなさい。 "Будь так добр, хозяин, не ругайся, но помни следующее: раньше в Индии кошки считались священными животными. "Küfür etmeyecek kadar nazik olun ev sahibi, ama şunu unutmayın: Kediler eskiden Hindistan'da kutsal hayvanlar olarak kabul edilirdi. “客氣點,房東,不要發誓,但要記住這一點:貓以前在印度被認為是神聖的動物。

That was a good time. それは良い時間でした。 Это было хорошее время. 那是一段美好的時光。 "For the cats, my lord? "For the cats, my lord? “為了貓,大人?

"Perhaps for the travellers as well! “也許對於旅行者也是如此!

After which Mr. Fogg quietly continued his dinner. Daha sonra Bay Fogg sessizce yemeğine devam etti.

Fix had gone on shore shortly after Mr. Fogg, and his first destination was the headquarters of the Bombay police. Fix, Bay Fogg'dan kısa bir süre sonra kıyıya çıkmıştı ve ilk hedefi Bombay polisinin karargâhıydı.

He made himself known as a London detective, told his business at Bombay, and the position of affairs relative to the supposed robber, and nervously asked if a warrant had arrived from London. Он представился лондонским детективом, рассказал о своих делах в Бомбее, о положении дел с предполагаемым грабителем и нервно спросил, прибыл ли ордер из Лондона. Kendisini Londralı bir dedektif olarak tanıttı, Bombay'daki işlerini ve sözde soyguncuyla ilgili durumları anlattı ve endişeyle Londra'dan bir arama emri gelip gelmediğini sordu. It had not reached the office; indeed, there had not yet been time for it to arrive. It had not reached the office; indeed, there had not yet been time for it to arrive. オフィスにはまだ届いていなかった。 Он еще не дошел до офиса; более того, еще не было времени, чтобы он дошел. Ofise ulaşmamıştı; aslında ulaşması için henüz zaman da yoktu. 它還沒有到達辦公室;事實上,它還沒有到。 Fix was sorely disappointed, and tried to obtain an order of arrest from the director of the Bombay police. Fix was sorely disappointed, and tried to obtain an order of arrest from the director of the Bombay police. Фикс был сильно разочарован и попытался получить ордер на арест от директора бомбейской полиции. Fix büyük bir hayal kırıklığına uğradı ve Bombay polis müdüründen bir tutuklama emri almaya çalıştı. 菲克斯非常失望,並試圖從孟買警察局局長那裡獲得逮捕令。 This the director refused, as the matter concerned the London office, which alone could legally deliver the warrant. Директор отказался, так как дело касалось лондонского офиса, который только и мог на законных основаниях выдать ордер. 主任拒絕了,因為此事涉及倫敦辦事處,只有倫敦辦事處才能合法地交付逮捕令。 Fix did not insist, and was fain to resign himself to await the arrival of the important document; but he was determined not to lose sight of the mysterious rogue as long as he stayed in Bombay. Фикс не настаивал и был вынужден смириться с тем, чтобы дождаться прибытия важного документа; но он был полон решимости не упускать из виду таинственного мошенника, пока тот оставался в Бомбее. Fix ısrar etmedi ve önemli belgenin gelmesini beklemekten vazgeçti; ama Bombay'da kaldığı sürece gizemli haydutu gözden kaçırmamaya kararlıydı. 菲克斯也沒有堅持,只好辭職等待重要文件的到來。但他決心只要留在孟買,就不會忽視這個神秘的流氓。 He did not doubt for a moment, any more than Passepartout, that Phileas Fogg would remain there, at least until it was time for the warrant to arrive. Он ни на секунду не сомневался, как и Пассепарту, что Филеас Фогг останется там, по крайней мере до тех пор, пока не придет время для получения ордера. Phileas Fogg'un en azından arama emri gelene kadar orada kalacağından Passepartout kadar o da bir an bile şüphe duymamıştı. Passepartout, however, had no sooner heard his master’s orders on leaving the  Mongolia than he saw at once that they were to leave Bombay as they had done Suez and Paris, and that the journey would be extended at least as far as Calcutta, and perhaps beyond that place. Пассепарту, однако, не успел выслушать приказ своего хозяина о выходе из Монголии, как сразу же увидел, что им предстоит покинуть Бомбей, как Суэц и Париж, и что путешествие продлится по меньшей мере до Калькутты, а возможно, и дальше. Ancak Passepartout, efendisinin Moğolistan'dan ayrılma emrini duyar duymaz, Süveyş ve Paris'te olduğu gibi Bombay'dan da ayrılacaklarını ve yolculuğun en azından Kalküta'ya, belki de daha ötesine kadar uzayacağını anladı. He began to ask himself if this bet that Mr. Fogg talked about was not really in good earnest, and whether his fate was not in truth forcing him, despite his love of repose, around the world in eighty days! He began to ask himself if this bet that Mr. Fogg talked about was not really in good earnest, and whether his fate was not in truth forcing him, despite his love of repose, around the world in eighty days! 彼は、フォッグ氏が話していたこの賭けは本当に本気なのだろうか、そして彼の運命は、彼の安息への愛とは裏腹に、80日間で世界を一周することを強要しているのではないだろうか、と自問し始めた! Começou a se perguntar se aquela aposta de que Mr. Fogg falava não era realmente verdadeira e se seu destino não o estava forçando, apesar de seu amor pelo repouso, ao redor do mundo em oitenta dias! Он начал спрашивать себя, не было ли это пари, о котором говорил мистер Фогг, несерьезным, и не была ли на самом деле его судьба вынуждала его, несмотря на его любовь к покою, вокруг света за восемьдесят дней! Bay Fogg'un bahsettiği bu iddianın gerçekten ciddi olup olmadığını ve kaderinin onu, dinlenmeyi sevmesine rağmen, seksen günde dünyayı dolaşmaya zorlayıp zorlamadığını kendi kendine sormaya başladı! 他開始問自己,福格先生所說的這個賭注是不是真的不是認真的,他的命運是不是真的逼著他,儘管他喜歡休息,卻要在八十天內環遊世界! Having purchased the usual quota of shirts and shoes, he took a leisurely promenade about the streets, where crowds of people of many nationalities--Europeans, Persians with pointed caps, Banyas with round turbans, Sindes with square bonnets, Parsees with black mitres, and long-robed Armenians--were collected. Купив обычную норму рубах и башмаков, он неторопливо прогулялся по улицам, где толпились люди самых разных национальностей — европейцы, персы в остроконечных шапках, бани в круглых тюрбанах, синды в квадратных чепцах, парсы в черных митрах, и армян в длинных одеждах - были собраны. Her zamanki gömlek ve ayakkabı kotasını satın aldıktan sonra, birçok milletten insan kalabalığının -Avrupalılar, sivri şapkalı İranlılar, yuvarlak sarıklı Banyalar, kare boneli Sindler, siyah takkeli Parsiler ve uzun cüppeli Ermeniler- toplandığı sokaklarda yavaşça dolaşmaya başladı.

It happened to be the day of a Parsee festival. O gün bir Parsee festivalinin olduğu gündü. These descendants of the sect of Zoroaster--the most thrifty, civilised, intelligent, and austere of the East Indians, among whom are counted the richest native merchants of Bombay--were celebrating a sort of religious carnival, with processions and shows, in the midst of which Indian dancing-girls, clothed in rose-coloured gauze, looped up with gold and silver, danced airily, but with perfect modesty, to the sound of viols and the clanging of tambourines. These descendants of the sect of Zoroaster--the most thrifty, civilised, intelligent, and austere of the East Indians, among whom are counted the richest native merchants of Bombay--were celebrating a sort of religious carnival, with processions and shows, in the midst of which Indian dancing-girls, clothed in rose-coloured gauze, looped up with gold and silver, danced airily, but with perfect modesty, to the sound of viols and the clanging of tambourines. Эти потомки секты Зороастра — самые бережливые, цивилизованные, интеллигентные и строгие жители Ост-Индии, среди которых числятся богатейшие туземные купцы Бомбея, — устраивали своего рода религиозный карнавал с процессиями и представлениями в среди которых индийские танцовщицы, одетые в розовую марлю, обвитую золотом и серебром, танцевали легко, но с совершенной скромностью, под звуки виол и звон бубнов. Aralarında Bombay'ın en zengin yerli tüccarlarının da bulunduğu Doğu Hintlilerinin en tutumlu, en uygar, en zeki ve en sade olanları olan Zerdüşt mezhebinin bu torunları, alaylar ve gösterilerle bir tür dini karnaval kutluyorlardı; bu kutlamaların ortasında, altın ve gümüşle ilmeklenmiş gül rengi tüller giymiş Hintli dansçı kızlar, keman sesleri ve tef şakırtıları eşliğinde havalı ama mükemmel bir alçakgönüllülükle dans ediyorlardı. 這些瑣羅亞斯德教派的後裔——東印度人中最節儉、最文明、最聰明、最樸素的人,其中包括孟買最富有的本地商人——正在慶祝一種宗教狂歡節,有遊行和表演,在印度舞女身著玫瑰色紗衣,頭戴金銀飾圈,在中提琴和手鼓的叮噹聲中輕快地跳舞,但又非常端莊。 It is needless to say that Passepartout watched these curious ceremonies with staring eyes and gaping mouth, and that his countenance was that of the greenest booby imaginable. Inutile de dire que Passepartout regardait ces curieuses cérémonies avec des yeux fixes et une bouche béante, et que sa physionomie était celle du fou le plus vert qu'on puisse imaginer. Само собой разумеется, что Паспарту наблюдал за этими любопытными церемониями с вытаращенными глазами и разинутым ртом, и что его лицо было самым зеленым олухом, какое только можно вообразить. Passepartout'nun bu tuhaf törenleri dik dik bakan gözlerle ve ağzı açık bir şekilde izlediğini ve yüzünün hayal edilebilecek en yeşil sümsüğe benzediğini söylemeye gerek yok. 不用說,路路通瞪著眼睛,張著嘴看著這些奇怪的儀式,他的臉是可以想像到的最綠的笨蛋。 Unhappily for his master, as well as himself, his curiosity drew him unconsciously farther off than he intended to go. 主人にとっても彼自身にとっても不幸なことに、好奇心が無意識のうちに彼の意図したところよりも遠くまで行ってしまったのだ。 К несчастью для своего хозяина, как и для него самого, любопытство бессознательно увлекло его дальше, чем он намеревался. Kendisi için olduğu kadar efendisi için de ne yazık ki, merakı onu bilinçsizce gitmek istediğinden daha uzağa çekti.

At last, having seen the Parsee carnival wind away in the distance, he was turning his steps towards the station, when he happened to espy the splendid pagoda on Malabar Hill, and was seized with an irresistible desire to see its interior. パルシー族のカーニバルが遠ざかるのを見送り、駅に向かおうとしたとき、偶然マラバルの丘に立派なパゴダを見つけた。 Наконец, увидев вдалеке карнавал парсов, он уже поворачивал к вокзалу, когда случайно увидел великолепную пагоду на Малабарском холме, и его охватило непреодолимое желание увидеть ее внутренности. Sonunda, Parsee karnavalının uzaklarda kaybolduğunu gördükten sonra, adımlarını istasyona doğru çeviriyordu ki, Malabar Tepesi'ndeki görkemli pagodayı gördü ve içini görmek için dayanılmaz bir arzuya kapıldı. He was quite ignorant that it is forbidden to Christians to enter certain Indian temples, and that even the faithful must not go in without first leaving their shoes outside the door. Он совершенно не знал, что христианам запрещено входить в некоторые индийские храмы и что даже правоверные не должны входить, не оставив предварительно свою обувь за дверью. Hıristiyanların bazı Hint tapınaklarına girmelerinin yasak olduğunu ve inananların bile ayakkabılarını kapının dışında bırakmadan içeri girmemeleri gerektiğini bilmiyordu. It may be said here that the wise policy of the British Government severely punishes a disregard of the practices of the native religions. ここで、英国政府の賢明な政策が、土着の宗教の慣習を無視することを厳しく罰していることを述べておきたい。 Здесь можно сказать, что мудрая политика британского правительства сурово наказывает пренебрежение обрядами местных религий. Burada, İngiliz Hükümetinin akıllıca politikasının, yerli dinlerin uygulamalarının göz ardı edilmesini ciddi bir şekilde cezalandırdığı söylenebilir. Passepartout, however, thinking no harm, went in like a simple tourist, and was soon lost in admiration of the splendid Brahmin ornamentation which everywhere met his eyes, when of a sudden he found himself sprawling on the sacred flagging. Passepartout, however, thinking no harm, went in like a simple tourist, and was soon lost in admiration of the splendid Brahmin ornamentation which everywhere met his eyes, when of a sudden he found himself sprawling on the sacred flagging. しかし、パスパルトゥは害はないと思い、単なる観光客のように中に入り、いたるところで目に飛び込んでくるバラモンの華麗な装飾に感嘆の声を上げていた。 Паспарту, однако, не думая ничего дурного, вошел, как простой турист, и вскоре полностью погрузился в восхищение роскошным браминским убранством, которое повсюду встречало его взор, как вдруг обнаружил, что растянулся на священном каменном полотне. Ancak Passepartout bir zarar gelmeyeceğini düşünerek basit bir turist gibi içeri girdi ve kısa bir süre sonra her yerde gözüne çarpan görkemli Brahman süslemelerinin hayranlığı içinde kaybolmuştu ki, birden kendini kutsal bayrağın üzerine yığılmış buldu. 然而,路路通並不覺得有什麼害處,像一個普通的遊客一樣進去了,很快就沉浸在到處映入眼簾的華麗婆羅門裝飾中,突然間,他發現自己趴在神聖的旗幟上。

He looked up to behold three enraged priests, who forthwith fell upon him; tore off his shoes, and began to beat him with loud, savage exclamations. He looked up to behold three enraged priests, who forthwith fell upon him; tore off his shoes, and began to beat him with loud, savage exclamations. Он поднял глаза и увидел трех разгневанных священников, которые тут же набросились на него; сорвал с него ботинки и стал бить его с громкими, свирепыми возгласами. Başını kaldırıp baktığında üç öfkeli rahibin hemen üzerine çullandığını, ayakkabılarını yırttığını ve yüksek sesle, vahşice bağırarak onu dövmeye başladığını gördü. 他抬頭看到三個憤怒的祭司,他們立即撲向他。扯掉他的鞋子,開始大聲、野蠻地叫喊著打他。 The agile Frenchman was soon upon his feet again, and lost no time in knocking down two of his long-gowned adversaries with his fists and a vigorous application of his toes; then, rushing out of the pagoda as fast as his legs could carry him, he soon escaped the third priest by mingling with the crowd in the streets. The agile Frenchman was soon upon his feet again, and lost no time in knocking down two of his long-gowned adversaries with his fists and a vigorous application of his toes; then, rushing out of the pagoda as fast as his legs could carry him, he soon escaped the third priest by mingling with the crowd in the streets. Проворный француз вскоре снова вскочил на ноги и, не теряя времени, сбил двух своих противников в длинных плащах кулаками и энергичным движением пальцев ног; затем, выскочив из пагоды так быстро, как только могли нести его ноги, он вскоре избежал третьего священника, смешавшись с толпой на улицах. Çevik Fransız çok geçmeden tekrar ayağa kalktı ve uzun elbiseli düşmanlarından ikisini yumrukları ve ayak parmaklarının kuvvetli bir şekilde uygulanmasıyla yere sermek için zaman kaybetmedi; sonra bacaklarının onu taşıyabileceği kadar hızlı bir şekilde pagodadan dışarı fırladı ve kısa süre sonra sokaklardaki kalabalığın arasına karışarak üçüncü rahipten kaçtı. 敏捷的法國人很快又站了起來,不失時機地用拳頭和腳趾用力地擊倒了兩個身穿長袍的對手。然後,他以最快的速度衝出寶塔,混入街上的人群中,很快就躲過了第三位僧人。 At five minutes before eight, Passepartout, hatless, shoeless, and having in the squabble lost his package of shirts and shoes, rushed breathlessly into the station. Без пяти минут восемь Паспарту, без шапки, босой и потерявший в склоке свой сверток с рубашками и туфлями, запыхавшись, вбежал на вокзал. Sekize beş kala, Passepartout şapkasız, ayakkabısız ve kavga sırasında gömlek ve ayakkabı paketini kaybetmiş bir halde nefes nefese istasyona koştu. 八點前五分鐘,路路通沒戴帽子,沒穿鞋,在爭吵中弄丟了他的襯衫和鞋子,氣喘吁籲地衝進了車站。

Fix, who had followed Mr. Fogg to the station, and saw that he was really going to leave Bombay, was there, upon the platform. Фикс, который последовал за мистером Фоггом на станцию и увидел, что он действительно собирается покинуть Бомбей, был там, на перроне.

He had resolved to follow the supposed robber to Calcutta, and farther, if necessary. Он решил следовать за предполагаемым грабителем в Калькутту и, если потребуется, дальше. Sözde soyguncuyu Kalküta'ya kadar, gerekirse daha da uzağa kadar takip etmeye karar vermişti. Passepartout did not observe the detective, who stood in an obscure corner; but Fix heard him relate his adventures in a few words to Mr. Fogg. Пассепарту не заметил сыщика, который стоял в укромном уголке, но Фикс слышал, как тот в нескольких словах рассказал мистеру Фоггу о своих приключениях. Passepartout gözden uzak bir köşede duran dedektifi görmedi; ama Fix onun Bay Fogg'a başından geçenleri birkaç kelimeyle anlattığını duydu. "I hope that this will not happen again," said Phileas Fogg coldly, as he got into the train. Phileas Fogg trene binerken soğuk bir sesle, "Umarım bu bir daha olmaz," dedi.

Poor Passepartout, quite crestfallen, followed his master without a word. Бедняга Паспарту, совершенно удрученный, молча последовал за своим господином. Zavallı Passepartout, oldukça üzgün bir halde, tek kelime etmeden efendisini takip etti. Fix was on the point of entering another carriage, when an idea struck him which induced him to alter his plan. Фикс уже собирался сесть в другой вагон, когда ему пришла в голову мысль, побудившая его изменить свой план. Fix başka bir arabaya binmek üzereydi ki aklına gelen bir fikir planını değiştirmesine neden oldu. "No, I’ll stay," muttered he. "Нет, я останусь," пробормотал он. "Hayır, kalacağım," diye mırıldandı.

"An offence has been committed on Indian soil. «Преступление было совершено на территории Индии. "Hindistan topraklarında bir suç işlenmiştir. “在印度領土上犯下了罪行。 I’ve got my man. Adamımı buldum. Just then the locomotive gave a sharp screech, and the train passed out into the darkness of the night. В этот момент локомотив дал резкий визг, и поезд исчез в темноте ночи. Tam o sırada lokomotif keskin bir çığlık attı ve tren gecenin karanlığına gömüldü.