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In this video we are going to discuss the preposition. The preposition is a part of speech that tells us where something is. So it describes the position of something. So the where, and the where of something, ah-ha. Thing means we're relating to a noun. So, we know it tells us the where about a noun.

Now, let's actually apply that knowledge to the following. The man, blank, the car. Remember, preposition talks about where and it relates to a noun. The noun in this case is car. Why? Well, when we think where is the man, he is in the car.

And so the in, which is the preposition relates to the car, which is the noun. There are many prepositions, you could have inside. I suppose you could have on the car, if the man is sitting on the car and you can even, other prepositions, such as the man next- To the car.

So I could go on and on here, but the main point is to let you know that these words that refer to the where of a certain noun are called prepositions. So we have next to, in, inside, and on. What about the second example? He lived, can you come up with any? Why don't you pause the video and see if you can come up with three different prepositions. Okay, we have he lived in the city just like in from in the car here. He lived near the city. He lived next to the city. He lived outside the city. Maybe the man lived besides the city, which really isn't too different from next to the city. You can see that these words, though, are all prepositions. So, make a note of those. And in fact there's many other prepositions that we're gonna encounter throughout the series, but for now as long as you understand that the function of these words, says a proposition, you've mastered this video. Now, let's actually take a look at a few sentences to see if you can identify the preposition. So with A, he ran down the street. Where?

Well, down. Down what? What's the noun? The street.

So preposition, and circle the preposition. It corresponds to the noun street. Then next we have the man ran away from the fire. Again, where? Away from, there's our two words here. Both are prepositions, not a problem.

Again, what is he running away from? Circle that, he's running away from the fire, so that's the noun that the preposition here relates to. Finally, C, he lived in the purple house next to the old church. So you can have multiple prepositions in the sentence. Where?

Well, in the preposition. In what? The purple house. So house is our noun. And then the house is where? Next, so that's our preposition, and what is it next to? The old church, and so that is our noun.

So you have many prepositions and nouns in one sentence. But as long as you remember that the preposition describes the where of a noun, you've mastered it.

Prepositions Preposiciones Prépositions Preposizioni 前置詞 Preposições Предлоги Edatlar Прийменники 介词 介詞

In this video we are going to discuss the preposition. V tomto videu budeme diskutovat o předložce. このビデオでは、前置詞について説明します。 The preposition is a part of speech that tells us where something is. Předložka je slovní druh, který nám říká, kde co je. 前置詞は、何かがどこにあるかを示す品詞である。 Edat, bize bir şeyin nerede olduğunu söyleyen konuşmanın bir parçasıdır. So it describes the position of something. Popisuje tedy pozici něčeho. つまり、何かの位置を表しているのだ。 So the where, and the where of something, ah-ha. Takže kde a kde něčeho, ach-ha. だから、どこが、どこの何かが、あはは。 Thing means we're relating to a noun. Věc znamená, že máme vztah k podstatnému jménu. Thingは名詞に関係するという意味だ。 So, we know it tells us the where about a noun. Takže víme, že nám to říká kde o podstatném jménu. つまり、名詞がどこにあるのかを教えてくれるのだ。

Now, let's actually apply that knowledge to the following. Aplikujme nyní tyto znalosti na následující. では、その知識を実際に応用してみよう。 The man, blank, the car. Muž, prázdno, auto. Der Mann, leer, das Auto. 男、ブランク、車。 Remember, preposition talks about where and it relates to a noun. 前置詞は名詞に関係し、「どこ」を意味する。 The noun in this case is car. Podstatné jméno je v tomto případě auto. この場合の名詞はcarである。 Why? Proč? なぜですか? Well, when we think where is the man, he is in the car. あの男はどこにいるのかと思ったら、車の中だった。

And so the in, which is the preposition relates to the car, which is the noun. 前置詞のinは名詞のcarに関係する。 There are many prepositions, you could have inside. Existuje mnoho předložek, které můžete mít uvnitř. 前置詞はたくさんある。 I suppose you could have on the car, if the man is sitting on the car and you can even, other prepositions, such as the man next- To the car. Předpokládám, že byste mohli mít na autě, pokud muž sedí na autě a můžete dokonce, další předložky, jako muž vedle- K autu. もしその男性が車の上に座っているのなら、on the carでもいいし、the man next- To the carのように他の前置詞を使うこともできる。

So I could go on and on here, but the main point is to let you know that these words that refer to the where of a certain noun are called prepositions. だから、私はここで何度も何度も説明することができるが、要点は、ある名詞がどこにあるのかを示すこれらの単語が前置詞と呼ばれることを知ってほしいということである。 So we have next to, in, inside, and on. だから、next to、in、inside、onがある。 What about the second example? 2つ目の例はどうだろう? He lived, can you come up with any? Žil, vymyslíte nějaké? 彼は生きていた。 Why don't you pause the video and see if you can come up with three different prepositions. Proč nezastavíš video a nezkusíš přijít na tři různé předložky. ビデオを一時停止して、3つの異なる前置詞を思いつくかどうか試してみてはどうだろう。 Okay, we have he lived in the city just like in from in the car here. Dobře, žil ve městě stejně jako tady v autě. Okay, we have he lived in the city just like in from in the car here. オーケー、彼は都会に住んでいるんだ。 He lived near the city. 彼は街の近くに住んでいた。 He lived next to the city. 彼は街の隣に住んでいた。 He lived outside the city. 彼は郊外に住んでいた。 Maybe the man lived besides the city, which really isn't too different from next to the city. Možná ten muž žil vedle města, které se opravdu příliš neliší od toho vedle města. もしかしたら、その男は街以外に住んでいたのかもしれない。 You can see that these words, though, are all prepositions. Můžete vidět, že všechna tato slova jsou předložky. Sie können jedoch sehen, dass diese Wörter alle Präpositionen sind. しかし、これらの単語はすべて前置詞であることがわかるだろう。 So, make a note of those. Tak si je poznamenejte. だから、それをメモしておいてくれ。 And in fact there's many other prepositions that we're gonna encounter throughout the series, but for now as long as you understand that the function of these words, says a proposition, you've mastered this video. A ve skutečnosti je tu mnoho dalších předložek, se kterými se budeme v seriálu setkávat, ale zatím, pokud chápete, že funkce těchto slov říká návrh, zvládli jste toto video. 実際には、このシリーズを通して他にも多くの前置詞に出会うことになるが、とりあえず、これらの単語が命題を語るという機能を理解していれば、このビデオはマスターしたことになる。 Now, let's actually take a look at a few sentences to see if you can identify the preposition. Nyní se vlastně podívejme na pár vět, abychom zjistili, zda dokážete identifikovat předložku. では、実際にいくつかの文章を見て、前置詞を特定できるかどうか試してみよう。 So with A, he ran down the street. Takže s A běžel po ulici. そうしてAとともに、彼は通りを走った。 Where?

Well, down. まあ、下だ。 Down what? Co dolů? 何を? What's the noun? co je to podstatné jméno? 名詞は何ですか? The street.

So preposition, and circle the preposition. Takže předložka a zakroužkujte předložku. 前置詞に○をつけてください。 It corresponds to the noun street. 名詞のstreetに相当する。 Then next we have the man ran away from the fire. Pak máme toho muže, který utekl před ohněm. 次に、男は火事から逃げ出した。 Again, where? Away from, there's our two words here. Pryč, tady jsou naše dvě slova. アウェイ、ここに2つの言葉がある。 Both are prepositions, not a problem. Obojí jsou předložky, není problém. どちらも前置詞であり、問題はない。

Again, what is he running away from? Znovu, před čím utíká? もう一度言うが、彼は何から逃げているのか? Circle that, he's running away from the fire, so that's the noun that the preposition here relates to. 円を描くと、彼は火事から逃げている。 Finally, C, he lived in the purple house next to the old church. 最後に、Cは古い教会の隣にある紫の家に住んでいた。 So you can have multiple prepositions in the sentence. だから、文中に複数の前置詞を置くことができる。 Where?

Well, in the preposition. In what? The purple house. So house is our noun. つまり、家が名詞なのだ。 And then the house is where? Next, so that's our preposition, and what is it next to? 次に、これが前置詞だ。 The old church, and so that is our noun. 古い教会、それが私たちの名詞だ。

So you have many prepositions and nouns in one sentence. つまり、ひとつの文の中にたくさんの前置詞と名詞があるわけだ。 But as long as you remember that the preposition describes the where of a noun, you've mastered it. しかし、前置詞が名詞のどこを表すかを覚えていれば、もうマスターしたも同然だ。