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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Learn to talk about the limitations of technology in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Learn to talk about the limitations of technology in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Catherine: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute

English. I'm Catherine.

Rob: And hello, I'm Rob.

Catherine: Today we have another

technology topic.

Rob: Oh good! I love technology. It makes

things easier, it's fast and means I can

have gadgets.

Catherine: Do you think that technology

can actually do things better than humans?

Rob: For some things, yes. I think cars

that drive themselves will be safer than

humans but that will take away some of

the pleasure of driving. So I guess it

depends on what you mean by better.

Catherine: Good point, Rob. And that

actually ties in very closely with today's

topic which is technochauvinism.

Rob: What's that?

Catherine: We'll find out shortly, Rob, but

before we do, today's quiz question.

Artificial Intelligence, or A.I., is an area of

computer science that develops the

ability of computers to learn to do things

like solve problems or drive cars without

crashing. But in what decade was the

term 'Artificial Intelligence'

coined? Was it: a) the 1940s, b) the 1950s

or c) the 1960s?

Rob: I think it's quite a new expression so

I'll go for c) the 1960s.

Catherine: Good luck with that, Rob, and

we'll give you the answer later in the

programme. Now, let's get back to our

topic of technochauvinism.

Rob: I know what a chauvinist is. It's

someone who thinks that their country or

race or sex is better than others. But how

does this relate to technology?

Catherine: We're about to find out.

Meredith Broussard is Professor of

Journalism at New York University and

she's written a book called

Artificial Unintelligence. She appeared on

the BBC Radio 4 programme More or Less

to talk about it. Listen carefully and find

out her definition of technochauvinism.

Meredith Broussard: Technochauvinism is

the idea that technology is always the

highest and best solution. So somehow

over the past couple of decades we got

into the habit of

thinking that doing something with a

computer is always the best and most

objective way to do something and

that's simply not true.

Computers are not objective, they are

proxies for the people who make them.

Catherine: What is Meredith Broussard's

definition of technochauvinism?

Rob: It's this idea that using technology

is better than not using technology.

Catherine: She says that we have this idea

that a computer is objective. Something

that is objective is neutral, it doesn't have

an opinion, it's fair and it's unbiased - so

it's the opposite of being a chauvinist. But

Meredith Broussard says this is not true.

Rob: She argues that computers are not

objective. They are proxies for the people

that make them. You might know the

word proxy when you are using your

computer in one country and want to look

at something that is only available

in a different country. You can use a piece

of software called a proxy to do that.

Catherine: But a proxy is also a person or

a thing that carries out your wishes and

your instructions for you.

So computers are only as smart or as

objective as the people that

programme them. Computers are proxies

for their programmers. Broussard says

that believing too much in Artificial

Intelligence can make the world worse.

Let's hear a bit more. This time find out

what serious problems in society

does she think may be reflected in AI?

Meredith Broussard: It's a nuanced

problem. What we have is data on the

world as it is and we have serious

problems with racism, sexism, classism, ageism, in the world right now so there is

no such thing as perfect data. We also

have a problem inside the tech world

where the creators of algorithms do not

have sufficient awareness of social

issues such that they can make good

technology that gets us closer to a world

as it should be.

Rob: She said that society has problems

with racism, sexism, classism and ageism.

Catherine: And she says it's a nuanced

problem. A nuanced problem is not

simple, but it does have small and

important areas which may be

hard to spot, but they need to be considered.

Rob: And she also talked about

algorithms used to program these

technological systems.

An algorithm is a set of instructions that

computers use to perform their tasks.

Essentially it's the rules that they use

to come up with their answers and

Broussard believes that technology will

reflect the views of those who create the algorithms.

Catherine: Next time you're using a piece

of software or your favourite app, you

might find yourself wondering if it's a

useful tool or does it contain these little

nuances that

reflect the views of the developer.

Rob: Right, Catherine. How about the

answer to this week's question then?

Catherine: I asked in which decade was

the term 'Artificial Intelligence' coined.

Was it the 40s, the 50s or the 60s?

Rob: And I said the 60s.

Catherine: But it was actually the 1950s.

Never mind, Rob. Let's review today's vocabulary.

Rob: Well, we had a chauvinist - that's

someone who believes their country, race

or sex is better than any others.

Catherine: And this gives us


the belief that a technological solution is

always a better solution to a problem.

Rob: Next - someone or something that is

objective is neutral, fair and balanced.

Catherine: A proxy is a piece of software

but also someone who does something

for you, on your behalf.

A nuanced problem is a subtle

one, it's not a simple case of right or

wrong, in a nuanced problem there are

small but important things that you need

to consider.

Rob: And an algorithm is a set of software

instructions for a computer system.

Catherine: Well, that's all we have time for

today. Goodbye for now.

Rob: Bye bye!

Learn to talk about the limitations of technology in 6 minutes! - YouTube Lerne in 6 Minuten, über die Grenzen der Technologie zu sprechen! - YouTube Learn to talk about the limitations of technology in 6 minutes! - YouTube ¡Aprende a hablar de las limitaciones de la tecnología en 6 minutos! - YouTube Apprenez à parler des limites de la technologie en 6 minutes ! - YouTube 6分でテクノロジーの限界について話せるようになる- YouTube Naucz się mówić o ograniczeniach technologii w 6 minut! - YouTube Aprenda a falar sobre as limitações da tecnologia em 6 minutos! - YouTube Научитесь говорить об ограничениях технологий за 6 минут! - YouTube Teknolojinin sınırlamaları hakkında 6 dakikada konuşmayı öğrenin! - YouTube 6分钟学会谈论技术的局限性! - YouTube

Catherine: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute

English. I'm Catherine.

Rob: And hello, I'm Rob.

Catherine: Today we have another Catherine: Today we have another キャサリン今日はもうひとつ

technology topic.

Rob: Oh good! I love technology. It makes

things easier, it's fast and means I can

have gadgets. ガジェットがある。 가젯이 있습니다.

Catherine: Do you think that technology

can actually do things better than humans?

Rob: For some things, yes. I think cars

that drive themselves will be safer than

humans but that will take away some of humans but that will take away some of 하지만 그렇게 되면 seres humanos, mas isso vai tirar alguns dos

the pleasure of driving. So I guess it

depends on what you mean by better. 의 의미에 따라 달라집니다.

Catherine: Good point, Rob. And that

actually ties in very closely with today's 는 사실 오늘날의 na verdade, está intimamente ligado com o de hoje

topic which is technochauvinism.

Rob: What's that?

Catherine: We'll find out shortly, Rob, but 캐서린 곧 알게 되겠지만, Rob.

before we do, today's quiz question.

Artificial Intelligence, or A.I., is an area of

computer science that develops the

ability of computers to learn to do things 컴퓨터가 일을 배우는 능력

like solve problems or drive cars without

crashing. But in what decade was the

term 'Artificial Intelligence' '인공 지능' 용어

coined? Was it: a) the 1940s, b) the 1950s 만들어졌나요? 가) 1940년대, 나) 1950년대?

or c) the 1960s?

Rob: I think it's quite a new expression so

I'll go for c) the 1960s.

Catherine: Good luck with that, Rob, and 캐서린 행운을 빌어요, Rob.

we'll give you the answer later in the

programme. Now, let's get back to our

topic of technochauvinism.

Rob: I know what a chauvinist is. It's

someone who thinks that their country or

race or sex is better than others. But how

does this relate to technology?

Catherine: We're about to find out. Catherine: To se brzy dozvíme. 캐서린 곧 알게 되겠죠.

Meredith Broussard is Professor of

Journalism at New York University and

she's written a book called

Artificial Unintelligence. She appeared on 인공 지능. 그녀는 다음 방송에 출연했습니다.

the BBC Radio 4 programme More or Less

to talk about it. Listen carefully and find

out her definition of technochauvinism.

Meredith Broussard: Technochauvinism is

the idea that technology is always the

highest and best solution. So somehow

over the past couple of decades we got

into the habit of 의 습관으로

thinking that doing something with a

computer is always the best and most

objective way to do something and 무언가를 할 수 있는 객관적인 방법과

that's simply not true.

Computers are not objective, they are

proxies for the people who make them. 만드는 사람들을 위한 프록시입니다.

Catherine: What is Meredith Broussard's

definition of technochauvinism?

Rob: It's this idea that using technology

is better than not using technology.

Catherine: She says that we have this idea

that a computer is objective. Something

that is objective is neutral, it doesn't have která je objektivní, je neutrální, nemá

an opinion, it's fair and it's unbiased - so názor, je spravedlivý a nezaujatý - takže

it's the opposite of being a chauvinist. But 쇼비니스트가 되는 것과는 정반대입니다. 하지만

Meredith Broussard says this is not true.

Rob: She argues that computers are not

objective. They are proxies for the people

that make them. You might know the

word proxy when you are using your

computer in one country and want to look 한 국가에 있는 컴퓨터를

at something that is only available 오직 이용할 수 있는 것을

in a different country. You can use a piece 다른 나라에 있습니다. 조각을 사용할 수 있습니다.

of software called a proxy to do that.

Catherine: But a proxy is also a person or

a thing that carries out your wishes and 당신의 소원을 들어주는 것, 그리고

your instructions for you. 지시 사항을 확인합니다.

So computers are only as smart or as

objective as the people that

programme them. Computers are proxies

for their programmers. Broussard says

that believing too much in Artificial

Intelligence can make the world worse.

Let's hear a bit more. This time find out

what serious problems in society 사회의 심각한 문제

does she think may be reflected in AI? AI에 반영될 수 있다고 생각하시나요?

Meredith Broussard: It's a nuanced Meredith Broussardová: Je to diferencovaný

problem. What we have is data on the problém. Máme k dispozici údaje o 문제를 해결했습니다. 우리가 가지고 있는 데이터는

world as it is and we have serious svět jako takový a my máme vážné 우리는 심각한

problems with racism, sexism, classism, problémy s rasismem, sexismem a třídním chováním, ageism, in the world right now so there is ageismus, ve světě právě teď, takže existuje

no such thing as perfect data. We also dokonalá data neexistují. Také jsme

have a problem inside the tech world

where the creators of algorithms do not 알고리즘 제작자가

have sufficient awareness of social

issues such that they can make good

technology that gets us closer to a world 세상에 더 가까이 다가가는 기술

as it should be. 를 클릭합니다.

Rob: She said that society has problems

with racism, sexism, classism and ageism.

Catherine: And she says it's a nuanced

problem. A nuanced problem is not

simple, but it does have small and

important areas which may be

hard to spot, but they need to be considered. 발견하기는 어렵지만 고려할 필요가 있습니다.

Rob: And she also talked about

algorithms used to program these 알고리즘을 프로그래밍하는 데 사용되는

technological systems.

An algorithm is a set of instructions that

computers use to perform their tasks. 컴퓨터가 작업을 수행하는 데 사용합니다.

Essentially it's the rules that they use 기본적으로 그들이 사용하는 규칙은 다음과 같습니다.

to come up with their answers and 에 대한 답을 제시하고

Broussard believes that technology will

reflect the views of those who create the algorithms.

Catherine: Next time you're using a piece

of software or your favourite app, you

might find yourself wondering if it's a 에 대해 궁금해 할 수 있습니다.

useful tool or does it contain these little 유용한 도구입니까, 아니면 이러한 작은

nuances that

reflect the views of the developer. 개발자의 의견을 반영합니다.

Rob: Right, Catherine. How about the

answer to this week's question then?

Catherine: I asked in which decade was

the term 'Artificial Intelligence' coined.

Was it the 40s, the 50s or the 60s?

Rob: And I said the 60s.

Catherine: But it was actually the 1950s.

Never mind, Rob. Let's review today's vocabulary.

Rob: Well, we had a chauvinist - that's

someone who believes their country, race

or sex is better than any others. 또는 섹스가 다른 어떤 것보다 낫습니다.

Catherine: And this gives us


the belief that a technological solution is

always a better solution to a problem.

Rob: Next - someone or something that is

objective is neutral, fair and balanced.

Catherine: A proxy is a piece of software

but also someone who does something

for you, on your behalf. 여러분을 대신해서요.

A nuanced problem is a subtle

one, it's not a simple case of right or

wrong, in a nuanced problem there are

small but important things that you need

to consider.

Rob: And an algorithm is a set of software

instructions for a computer system.

Catherine: Well, that's all we have time for

today. Goodbye for now.

Rob: Bye bye!