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Storici Subito, La verità STORICA sulle condizioni igieniche nel MEDIOEVO

La verità STORICA sulle condizioni igieniche nel MEDIOEVO

Quanto erano pulite le persone nel medioevo? - L'igiene medievale -

L'immagine che abbiamo delle persone nel medioevo è avevano mani e viso sempre sporchi, i vestiti

a brandelli e puzzolenti. Ma non era esattamente così.

L'igiene personale dipendeva della classe sociale.

I nobili si lavavano grazie ai lussi e alle comodità che avevano a disposizione e anche

perché contava avere un aspetto pulito - altrimenti potevano disonorare il regno.

ma anche per gran parte della gente comune nell'Europa medievale, c'era l'interesse di

mantenere un buon livello di igiene. - Come ci si lavava -

La maggior parte delle persone medievali si lavava mani, faccia e piedi ogni giorno, poiché

erano parti del corpo visibili in pubblico. Ma avere un bagno privato con una vasca da

bagno in legno era un lusso riservato agli aristocratici e ai nobili.

I bagni pubblici erano molto popolari durante i tempi degli antichi romani e greci, ma anche

nel medioevo, e venivano frequentati dai cittadini appartenenti al ceto basso.

Tuttavia il loro impiego subì un forte calo, all'inizio del XVI secolo, per via della peste

nera, e perché immorali secondo la Chiesa Cattolica.

Da quel momento in poi si era prudenti nel condividere l'acqua con gli estranei, per

la minaccia della pestilenza, e le classi meno agiate preferivano non lavarsi per settimane

o mesi. - La pulizia dei denti -

Il desiderio di avere denti puliti era lo stesso che abbiamo oggi.

Lo zucchero era costoso e raro all'epoca, e i contadini seguivano una dieta prevalentemente

a base di latticini e verdure, la quale assicurava denti forti e una bassa probabilità di sviluppare

carie, rispetto ai secoli successivi. Se fosse stato necessario estrarre un dente,

il tutto sarebbe stato naturalmente eseguito senza anestetici o antidolorifici.

Gli europei del Medioevo praticavano la loro igiene orale quotidiana togliendo il cibo

dai loro denti e sfregandoli. Queste indicazioni provengono da numerosi

manuali scritti - i più sofisticati avrebbero seguito le

direttive sulla salute che raccomandavano di sciacquare la bocca con vino o aceto dopo

aver mangiato, e di strofinare i denti e gengive con della biancheria ruvida.

Essi masticavano anche foglie di menta ed erbe varie per rinfrescare l'alito.

- il water - Per l'élite erano servizi igienici privati.

situati all'interno delle proprie stanze nei castelli o monasteri.

Il water assomigliava a una sedia in legno o pietra con un foro.

Questo collegava lo scarico fino in fondo al fossato.

Per la maggior parte delle persone, i vasi da notte erano una forma comune di water domestico,

adottati come soluzione portatile per trasportare i liquami all'esterno.

I gabinetti esterni e le sedie forate sopra un avvallamento, esistevano già in epoca

medievale. Come carta igienica, nel medioevo si impiegavano

fieno o paglia o, per chi se lo poteva permettere, delle pezze di stoffa o lino.

Ruscelli e fiumi che scorrevano nei pressi delle città fungevano da fogne per portare

via gli scarichi, o, per i più fortunati, la città poteva sfruttare vecchi

sistemi di drenaggio romani. Ma come si smaltivano i liquami nelle città

dove non vi erano corsi d'acqua? L'idea diffusa delle persone che gettano il

contenuto dei vasi da notte dalle finestre nelle strade sottostanti, non era così comune

come si pensa. I motivi potevano essere diversi: il pericolo

di andare fuori la notte, o per pigrizia. Tuttavia questa pratica era illegale e sanzionabile,

per salvaguardare la salute pubblica. Venivano persino impiegati degli informatori

per beccare chi infrangeva tale legge. La soluzione legale per le città era rappresentata

dai pozzi neri, e alcuni contadini venivano assunti per eseguire l'indesiderabile compito

di ripulire questi pozzi neri dai liquami.

how clean were medieval people? medieval hygiene

were medieval faces and hands always dirty clothes tattered and smelly.

this may be an unfair image. hygiene vary between positions in society.

Nobles at the top kept clean because of their luxuries and expectations too - if they didn't

it could bring disgrace to the kingdom but even amongst the majority of common people

in medieval Europe, there was an interest in maintaining hygiene and sanitation.

bathing. most medieval people wash their hands face

and feet every day, as these were visible to the public.

but unless you were aristocracy or nobility, having a private bath in a wooden tub at home,

was not an option. public baths were extremely popular during

the times of the ancient Romans and Greeks, and even into the medieval times which the

lower-class citizens would use. however they started to decline dramatically,

during the start of the 16th century, because of the black death, in the Catholic Church,

or against the bathhouses immorality. from then on people became cautious of sharing

water with strangers, after the threat of the plague, and lower-class citizens preferred

to go without baths for weeks or months. teeth-cleaning.

there was a desire to keep teeth clean like today.

sugar was rare and costly at the time, and peasants ate a diet of mainly dairy and vegetables,

ensuring strong teeth and slow tooth decay, compared to later centuries.

if a tooth needed to be pulled out however it would of course be done without any anesthetic

or painkillers. medieval Europeans practise their daily dental

hygiene by picking food out of their teeth and rubbing them.

this minimal dental hygiene came from numerous written manuals-

the more refined would follow health manuals which recommended to wash the mouth with wine

or vinegar after eating, and to rubteeth and gums with rough linen.

they also chewed on leaves of mint and herbes to freshen the breath-

toilets. for the elite. garter robes were private toilets.

within their own rooms found in castles or monasteries.

the toilet resembled a hole in a wooden or stone seat.

this would be connected to a shaft leading all the way down into the moat or cess pit

which the waste would travel down. for most people. chamber pots were a common

form of household toilet as a portable solution for carrying waste outside.

outhouses and seats with holes above a trough, also existed in medieval times

for toilet paper, medieval people used hay or straw, or if they could afford it cloth

or linen scraps. streams and rivers that flowed near the towns acted as sewers to carry away

the waste, or more fortunate, the town may have had old Roman drainage systems.

but how did people dispose of waste in towns where there were no streams or rivers?

the famous image of people throwing filled chamber pots directly out of their windows

onto the streets below, may not have been as common as it seems.

such motivations may have been the dangers of going outside at night time, or just laziness.

nevertheless throwing waste outside windows was illegal, and there were fines against

it, in the interest of sanitation. informers were even employed to catch out

people breaking this law. the legal solution for such towns was cesspits

and gong farmers were employed to do the undesirable job of cleaning out these cesspits of waste.

La verità STORICA sulle condizioni igieniche nel MEDIOEVO الحقيقة التاريخية حول الظروف الصحية في العصور الوسطى Die GESCHICHTLICHE Wahrheit über die hygienischen Verhältnisse im MITTELALTER The HISTORICAL truth about hygienic conditions in the MIDDLE AGES. La verdad HISTÓRICA sobre las condiciones higiénicas en la EDAD MEDIA La vérité HISTORIQUE sur les conditions d'hygiène au MOYEN-ÂGE De HISTORISCHE waarheid over hygiënische omstandigheden in de Middeleeuwen HISTORYCZNA prawda o warunkach higienicznych w ŚREDNIOWIECZU A verdade HISTÓRICA sobre as condições de higiene na IDADE MÉDIA Den HISTORISKA sanningen om hygieniska förhållanden under medeltiden ORTA ÇAĞ'da hijyenik koşullar hakkında TARİHİ gerçek

Quanto erano pulite le persone nel medioevo? - L'igiene medievale - ما مدى نظافة الناس في العصور الوسطى؟ - النظافة في العصور الوسطى - Wie sauber waren die Menschen im Mittelalter? - Mittelalterliche Hygiene - How clean were people in the Middle Ages? - Medieval hygiene - Orta Çağ'da insanlar ne kadar temizdi? - Ortaçağ hijyeni -

L'immagine che abbiamo delle persone nel medioevo è avevano mani e viso sempre sporchi, i vestiti |||||||||||||dirty|| الصورة التي لدينا عن الناس في العصور الوسطى هي أن أيديهم ووجوههم كانت دائمًا متسخة، وكذلك ملابسهم The image we have of people in the Middle Ages is that their hands and faces were always dirty, their clothes Orta Çağ'daki insanların sahip olduğumuz imajı, ellerinin ve yüzlerinin her zaman kirli olduğu, kıyafetlerinin her zaman kirli olduğudur.

a brandelli e puzzolenti. Ma non era esattamente così. |in tatters||smelly||||| ممزقة ورائحة كريهة. لكن هذا لم يكن هو الحال بالضبط. zerfleddert und stinkend. Aber genau so war es nicht. tattered and smelly. But that wasn't exactly the case. yıpranmış ve kokulu. Ama durum tam olarak böyle değildi.

L'igiene personale dipendeva della classe sociale. النظافة الشخصية تعتمد على الطبقة الاجتماعية. Die Körperpflege hing von der sozialen Schicht ab. Personal hygiene depended on social class. Kişisel hijyen sosyal sınıfa bağlıydı.

I nobili si lavavano grazie ai lussi e alle comodità che avevano a disposizione e anche كان النبلاء يغتسلون بفضل الكماليات ووسائل الراحة المتوفرة لديهم أيضًا Der Adel wusch sich in dem Luxus und den Annehmlichkeiten, über die er verfügte, und auch The nobles washed themselves thanks to the luxuries and comforts they had at their disposal and also Soylular, ellerindeki lüks ve konfor sayesinde yıkandıkları gibi,

perché contava avere un aspetto pulito - altrimenti potevano disonorare il regno. ||||||||dishonor|| لأنه كان من المهم أن يكون المظهر نظيفًا، وإلا فقد يهينوا المملكة. denn es war wichtig, sauber auszusehen - sonst könnten sie das Königreich entehren. because it was important to look clean - otherwise they could dishonor the kingdom. çünkü temiz görünmek önemliydi - aksi takdirde krallığın onurunu lekeleyebilirlerdi.

ma anche per gran parte della gente comune nell'Europa medievale, c'era l'interesse di ولكن أيضًا بالنسبة لمعظم الناس العاديين في أوروبا في العصور الوسطى، كان هناك اهتمام بها aber auch für die meisten einfachen Menschen im mittelalterlichen Europa gab es ein Interesse an but also for most of the common people in medieval Europe, there was the interest of ama aynı zamanda ortaçağ Avrupa'sındaki sıradan insanların çoğu için,

mantenere un buon livello di igiene. - Come ci si lavava - الحفاظ على مستوى جيد من النظافة. - كيف تغتسل - ein gutes Hygieneniveau aufrechtzuerhalten. - Wie man sich wäscht - maintain a good level of hygiene. - How we washed - iyi bir hijyen seviyesini koruyun. - Nasıl yıkadık -

La maggior parte delle persone medievali si lavava mani, faccia e piedi ogni giorno, poiché منذ ذلك الحين، كان معظم الناس في العصور الوسطى يغسلون أيديهم ووجوههم وأقدامهم يوميًا Die meisten mittelalterlichen Menschen wuschen ihre Hände, ihr Gesicht und ihre Füße jeden Tag, weil Most medieval people washed their hands, faces and feet every day since Ortaçağ insanlarının çoğu, o zamandan beri her gün ellerini, yüzlerini ve ayaklarını yıkadı.

erano parti del corpo visibili in pubblico. Ma avere un bagno privato con una vasca da كانت أجزاء من الجسم مرئية في الأماكن العامة. ولكن تحتوي على حمام خاص مع حوض استحمام waren Körperteile in der Öffentlichkeit sichtbar. Aber ein privates Badezimmer mit einer they were parts of the body visible in public. But have a private bathroom with a bathtub bunlar vücudun herkesin içinde görülebilen parçalarıydı. Ama küvetli bir özel banyoya sahip olun.

bagno in legno era un lusso riservato agli aristocratici e ai nobili. كان الحمام الخشبي رفاهية مخصصة للأرستقراطيين والنبلاء. Ein Bad aus Holz war ein Luxus, der den Aristokraten und Adligen vorbehalten war. wooden bathroom was a luxury reserved for aristocrats and nobles. ahşap banyo, aristokratlar ve soylular için ayrılmış bir lükstü.

I bagni pubblici erano molto popolari durante i tempi degli antichi romani e greci, ma anche كانت الحمامات العامة تحظى بشعبية كبيرة في زمن الرومان واليونانيين القدماء، ولكن أيضًا Public baths were very popular during the time of the ancient Romans and Greeks, but also Hamamlar antik Romalılar ve Yunanlılar zamanında çok popülerdi, ama aynı zamanda

nel medioevo, e venivano frequentati dai cittadini appartenenti al ceto basso. |||||||belonging to||social class| في العصور الوسطى، وكان يرتادها مواطنون ينتمون إلى الطبقة الدنيا. im Mittelalter und wurden von den Bürgern der Unterschicht frequentiert. in the Middle Ages, and were frequented by citizens belonging to the lower class. Orta Çağ'da ve alt sınıfa mensup vatandaşlar tarafından sıkça ziyaret edildi.

Tuttavia il loro impiego subì un forte calo, all'inizio del XVI secolo, per via della peste ||||||strong|decline|||||||| Ihre Verwendung ging jedoch zu Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts aufgrund der Pest stark zurück. However, their use suffered a sharp decline, at the beginning of the sixteenth century, due to the plague Ancak, on altıncı yüzyılın başında veba salgını nedeniyle kullanımları keskin bir düşüş yaşadı.

nera, e perché immorali secondo la Chiesa Cattolica. schwarz, und weil sie nach Ansicht der katholischen Kirche unmoralisch sind. black, and because they are immoral according to the Catholic Church. siyah ve Katolik Kilisesi'ne göre ahlaksız oldukları için.

Da quel momento in poi si era prudenti nel condividere l'acqua con gli estranei, per |||||||prudent||||||strangers| Von da an war man vorsichtig, wenn man Wasser mit Fremden teilte, denn From then on, it was prudent to share water with strangers, however O andan itibaren, suyu yabancılarla paylaşmak akıllıcaydı, ancak

la minaccia della pestilenza, e le classi meno agiate preferivano non lavarsi per settimane |threat||plague|||||less affluent|preferred|||| die Pest drohte, und die weniger wohlhabenden Schichten zogen es vor, sich wochenlang nicht zu waschen the threat of pestilence, and the less well-to-do classes preferred not to wash for weeks veba tehdidi ve hali vakti yerinde olmayan sınıflar haftalarca yıkanmamayı tercih etti

o mesi. - La pulizia dei denti - veya aylar. - Diş temizliği -

Il desiderio di avere denti puliti era lo stesso che abbiamo oggi. Der Wunsch, saubere Zähne zu haben, war derselbe wie heute. The desire to have clean teeth was the same as we have today. Temiz dişlere sahip olma arzusu bugün sahip olduğumuzla aynıydı.

Lo zucchero era costoso e raro all'epoca, e i contadini seguivano una dieta prevalentemente Sugar was expensive and rare at the time, and farmers ate a predominantly diet Şeker o zamanlar pahalı ve nadirdi ve çiftçiler ağırlıklı olarak diyetle besleniyorlardı.

a base di latticini e verdure, la quale assicurava denti forti e una bassa probabilità di sviluppare |||dairy||||||||||||| auf der Basis von Milchprodukten und Gemüse, was für starke Zähne und eine geringe Wahrscheinlichkeit der Entwicklung von based on dairy products and vegetables, which ensured strong teeth and a low probability of developing à base de produits laitiers et de légumes, ce qui assurait des dents solides et une faible probabilité de développer güçlü dişler ve düşük gelişme olasılığı sağlayan süt ürünleri ve sebzelere dayalı

carie, rispetto ai secoli successivi. Se fosse stato necessario estrarre un dente, |||||||||extract|| caries, compared to the following centuries. If a tooth had to be extracted, çürük, sonraki yüzyıllara kıyasla. Bir dişin çekilmesi gerekiyorsa,

il tutto sarebbe stato naturalmente eseguito senza anestetici o antidolorifici. all of this would naturally have been done without anesthetics or painkillers. tüm bunlar doğal olarak anestezik veya ağrı kesici olmadan yapılabilirdi.

Gli europei del Medioevo praticavano la loro igiene orale quotidiana togliendo il cibo Die Europäer des Mittelalters praktizierten ihre tägliche Mundhygiene, indem sie die Nahrung Europeans of the Middle Ages practiced their daily oral hygiene by removing food Orta Çağ Avrupalıları günlük ağız hijyenlerini yiyecekleri çıkararak uyguluyorlardı.

dai loro denti e sfregandoli. Queste indicazioni provengono da numerosi an ihren Zähnen und reiben sie. Diese Hinweise stammen von zahlreichen By their teeth and rubbing them. These indications come from numerous dişlerinden ve ovuşturarak. Bu belirtiler sayısız

manuali scritti - i più sofisticati avrebbero seguito le geschriebene Handbücher - die anspruchsvolleren würden den written manuals - the more sophisticated would follow the yazılı kılavuzlar - daha karmaşık olanlar

direttive sulla salute che raccomandavano di sciacquare la bocca con vino o aceto dopo ||||||rinse||||||vinegar| Gesundheitsrichtlinien, die empfahlen, den Mund mit Wein oder Essig zu spülen, nachdem Health guidelines that recommended rinsing the mouth with wine or vinegar after directives sanitaires recommandant de se rincer la bouche avec du vin ou du vinaigre par la suite sonrasında ağzın şarap veya sirke ile çalkalanmasını tavsiye eden sağlık direktifleri

aver mangiato, e di strofinare i denti e gengive con della biancheria ruvida. ||||rub||||gums|||linen|rough having eaten, and to rub and gums with rough linen. yemek yedikten sonra ve kaba keten ile ovmak ve diş etleri.

Essi masticavano anche foglie di menta ed erbe varie per rinfrescare l'alito. |||||||||||breath They also chewed mint leaves and various herbs to freshen their breath. Ayrıca nefeslerini tazelemek için nane yaprakları ve çeşitli otlar çiğnediler.

- il water - Per l'élite erano servizi igienici privati. |toilet|||||| - die Toilette - Für die Elite waren dies private Toiletten. - the toilet - For the elite. were private toilets. - tuvalet - Seçkinler için. özel tuvaletlerdi.

situati all'interno delle proprie stanze nei castelli o monasteri. located within their own rooms in castles or monasteries. kalelerde veya manastırlarda kendi odalarında bulunurlar.

Il water assomigliava a una sedia in legno o pietra con un foro. The toilet resembled a wooden or stone chair with a hole in it. Tuvalet, içinde delik olan ahşap veya taş bir sandalyeye benziyordu.

Questo collegava lo scarico fino in fondo al fossato. ||||||||ditch Dadurch wurde der Abfluss mit dem Boden des Grabens verbunden. This connected the drain to the bottom of the moat. Cela reliait le drain au fond du fossé. Bu, drenajı hendeğin dibine bağladı.

Per la maggior parte delle persone, i vasi da notte erano una forma comune di water domestico, For most people, chamber pots were a common form of household toilet, Çoğu insan için lazımlık, ev tipi klozetin yaygın bir şekliydi.

adottati come soluzione portatile per trasportare i liquami all'esterno. als tragbare Lösung für den Transport von Abwässern im Freien angenommen. Adopted as a portable solution to transport sewage outdoors. adopté comme solution portable pour transporter les eaux usées à l'extérieur. kanalizasyonun dışarıya taşınması için taşınabilir bir çözüm olarak benimsenmiştir.

I gabinetti esterni e le sedie forate sopra un avvallamento, esistevano già in epoca |outhouses|||||with holes|||depression|||| Outdoor-Toiletten und perforierte Stühle über einer Senke, gab es bereits in der Ära External toilets and perforated chairs over a hollow already existed in the epoch Les toilettes extérieures et les chaises ajourées au-dessus d'un creux existaient déjà à l'époque Bir oyuk üzerinde dış tuvaletler ve delikli sandalyeler çağda zaten mevcuttu

medievale. Come carta igienica, nel medioevo si impiegavano |||||||used mittelalterlich. Als Toilettenpapier verwendete man im Mittelalter medieval. As toilet paper, the following were used in the Middle Ages. Ortaçağa ait. Tuvalet kağıdı olarak Orta Çağ'da kullanılıyorlardı.

fieno o paglia o, per chi se lo poteva permettere, delle pezze di stoffa o lino. hay||straw|||||||||pieces||fabric||linen Heu oder Stroh oder, für diejenigen, die es sich leisten konnten, Stücke von Stoff oder Leinen. hay or straw or, for those who could afford it, pieces of cloth or linen. saman veya saman veya parası olanlar için kumaş veya keten parçaları.

Ruscelli e fiumi che scorrevano nei pressi delle città fungevano da fogne per portare streams||rivers||flowed||near|||served||sewers|| Bäche und Flüsse, die in der Nähe von Städten fließen, dienten als Abwasserkanäle, um die Streams and rivers that flowed near the cities served as sewers to carry Les ruisseaux et les rivières qui coulaient près des villes servaient d'égouts pour transporter Şehirlerin yakınında akan dereler ve nehirler, şehirlerin taşınması için lağım görevi gördü.

via gli scarichi, o, per i più fortunati, la città poteva sfruttare vecchi ||drainpipes|||||||||| die Abwasserkanäle zu beseitigen, oder, für die Glücklichen, konnte die Stadt alte Systeme ausnutzen off the drains, or, for the lucky ones, the city could exploit old systems kanalizasyondan, ya da şanslı olanlar için şehir eski sistemlerden faydalanabilir

sistemi di drenaggio romani. Ma come si smaltivano i liquami nelle città Römische Abwassersysteme. Aber wie wurden die Abwässer in den Städten entsorgt? of Roman drainage. But how the sewage was disposed of in the cities Roma drenajı. Ancak şehirlerde kanalizasyon nasıl bertaraf edildi?

dove non vi erano corsi d'acqua? L'idea diffusa delle persone che gettano il wo es keine Wasserwege gab? Die weit verbreitete Vorstellung, dass die Menschen die Where there were no waterways? The widespread idea of people throwing the nerede akarsu yoktu? İnsanların fırlattığı yaygın fikir

contenuto dei vasi da notte dalle finestre nelle strade sottostanti, non era così comune |||||||||underlying|||| Inhalt von Nachttöpfen aus den Fenstern in den Straßen darunter, war es nicht so üblich content of the chamber pots from the windows in the streets below was not so common Aşağıdaki sokaklardaki pencerelerden lazımlıkların içeriği o kadar yaygın değildi

come si pensa. I motivi potevano essere diversi: il pericolo wie man meinen könnte. Die Gründe könnten unterschiedlich sein: die Gefahr as one would think. The reasons could have been different: the danger Nasıl düşünüyorsun. Sebepler farklı olabilir: tehlike

di andare fuori la notte, o per pigrizia. Tuttavia questa pratica era illegale e sanzionabile, |||||||laziness|||||||punishable to go out at night, or out of laziness. However this practice was illegal and punishable, gece dışarı çıkmak ya da tembellikten. Ancak bu uygulama yasadışı ve cezalandırılabilirdi,

per salvaguardare la salute pubblica. Venivano persino impiegati degli informatori |protect|||||||| zum Schutz der öffentlichen Gesundheit. Es wurden sogar Informanten eingesetzt to safeguard public health. Informants were even employed halk sağlığını korumak için. Muhbirler bile işe alındı

per beccare chi infrangeva tale legge. La soluzione legale per le città era rappresentata |catch||break|||||||||| um diejenigen zu erwischen, die gegen dieses Gesetz verstoßen haben. Die rechtliche Lösung für die Städte war to catch those who broke this law. The legal solution for the cities was represented bu kanunu çiğneyenleri yakalamak için. Kentler için yasal çözüm temsil edildi

dai pozzi neri, e alcuni contadini venivano assunti per eseguire l'indesiderabile compito |the wells|||||||||| from cesspools, and some peasants were hired to perform the undesirable task

di ripulire questi pozzi neri dai liquami. |||wells||| To clean these cesspools of sewage. bu pis su birikintilerini temizlemek için.

how clean were medieval people? medieval hygiene Ortaçağ insanları ne kadar temizdi? ortaçağ hijyeni

were medieval faces and hands always dirty clothes tattered and smelly. were medieval faces and hands always dirty clothes tattered and smelly. orta çağdan kalma yüzler ve eller her zaman kirli giysilerdi, püskü ve kokuyordu.

this may be an unfair image. hygiene vary between positions in society.

Nobles at the top kept clean because of their luxuries and expectations too - if they didn't

it could bring disgrace to the kingdom but even amongst the majority of common people

in medieval Europe, there was an interest in maintaining hygiene and sanitation.

bathing. most medieval people wash their hands face

and feet every day, as these were visible to the public.

but unless you were aristocracy or nobility, having a private bath in a wooden tub at home,

was not an option. public baths were extremely popular during

the times of the ancient Romans and Greeks, and even into the medieval times which the

lower-class citizens would use. however they started to decline dramatically,

during the start of the 16th century, because of the black death, in the Catholic Church,

or against the bathhouses immorality. from then on people became cautious of sharing

water with strangers, after the threat of the plague, and lower-class citizens preferred

to go without baths for weeks or months. teeth-cleaning.

there was a desire to keep teeth clean like today.

sugar was rare and costly at the time, and peasants ate a diet of mainly dairy and vegetables,

ensuring strong teeth and slow tooth decay, compared to later centuries.

if a tooth needed to be pulled out however it would of course be done without any anesthetic

or painkillers. medieval Europeans practise their daily dental

hygiene by picking food out of their teeth and rubbing them.

this minimal dental hygiene came from numerous written manuals-

the more refined would follow health manuals which recommended to wash the mouth with wine

or vinegar after eating, and to rubteeth and gums with rough linen.

they also chewed on leaves of mint and herbes to freshen the breath-

toilets. for the elite. garter robes were private toilets. ||||garter||||

within their own rooms found in castles or monasteries.

the toilet resembled a hole in a wooden or stone seat.

this would be connected to a shaft leading all the way down into the moat or cess pit

which the waste would travel down. for most people. chamber pots were a common

form of household toilet as a portable solution for carrying waste outside.

outhouses and seats with holes above a trough, also existed in medieval times

for toilet paper, medieval people used hay or straw, or if they could afford it cloth

or linen scraps. streams and rivers that flowed near the towns acted as sewers to carry away

the waste, or more fortunate, the town may have had old Roman drainage systems.

but how did people dispose of waste in towns where there were no streams or rivers?

the famous image of people throwing filled chamber pots directly out of their windows

onto the streets below, may not have been as common as it seems.

such motivations may have been the dangers of going outside at night time, or just laziness.

nevertheless throwing waste outside windows was illegal, and there were fines against

it, in the interest of sanitation. informers were even employed to catch out

people breaking this law. the legal solution for such towns was cesspits

and gong farmers were employed to do the undesirable job of cleaning out these cesspits of waste.