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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Do Adults Learn Languages the way Children Do?

Do Adults Learn Languages the way Children Do?

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here.

I got through my presentation for the conference in Moscow. If I can figure out how, I will try to make a video in Russian and also in other languages based on the slide presentation that I developed for this conference in Moscow. I was able to watch some of the other presenters, including our good friends Luca and Richard who were actually in Moscow making presentations. Luca was talking more generally about language learning and Richard was talking about how to bring up multilingual children.

Both presentations were very interesting.

I didn't sit through all of it because it was breakfast time here. I did see more of Luca's presentation than I did of Richard's and a lot of what Luca says I thoroughly agree with in terms of finding your own path, doing the things that you like to do, focusing on interesting content, staying motivated, all of the sort of aspects of attitude that are so important, making use of dead time, the advantage of modern technology and so forth and so on.

Of course, there are areas where Luca and I differ or Richard and I differ or Luca and Richard differ.

But, in essence, we don't differ because we all agree that each person has to find their own path and has to do things that they find enjoyable. One of the things Luca was pointing out or asking was whether or not we can learn the way children learn. I think he sort of implied that we can and that children have so many advantages over us in that they have more exposure to the language, they aren't inhibited, they're not afraid to make mistakes and so forth and that they are corrected all the time.

Everything that Luca said I agree with, except for one thing.

I don't believe children are corrected all the time. That's something I hear always, that children are constantly corrected by their mother or by their parents and that's why they speak their native language so well. I don't believe that. I do believe and I do agree with Luca that, essentially, the way we learn our second language is the same process as the way we learn our first language. In other words, we learn from exposure to the language. The brain starts to sort out how this language works. There are differences, of course. Some of the differences Luca pointed out. I'll go to my own experience.

I was born in Sweden.

For the first five years of my life, I only heard Swedish. Well, not only because my parents also spoke German at home, but I have no recollection of that. I do know that I arrived in Canada at the age of five only speaking Swedish. I have no recollection of moving from being a person who only spoke Swedish to a person who only spoke English. Within a year or two, I could no longer speak Swedish and I just spoke English as if it was natural.

I learned my English at school.

I learned it from my peers. I doubt if my mother ever corrected me. She might have corrected me. How much can she correct? Basically, we pick up language from exposure. I don't believe that children let's say in Canada or the U.S. whose parents are not native speakers of English will necessarily be poorer speakers of English because they'll pick it up in the school yard and in school and it won't be because they're corrected. If anything, we are corrected more often when we learn our second language at school. We're constantly corrected and we end up unable to speak that language. The difference is the amount of exposure and that's where I entirely agree with Luca.

We get so much exposure in our first language.

Some might be from our parents, some from our peers, but it's not that we're corrected it's that we get so much more exposure. Now, if we look at the differences between adults and children I can think of my own example. I was only interested in communicating. I was not interested in being corrected. I was not concerned about how I sounded. I didn't notice if I made mistakes. I gradually picked up on how things were supposed to be said.

So the children, from the point of view of attitude, the biggest advantage they have is they're not worried about how they sound, they only want to communicate.

So if we as adults were able to have a similar attitude, to just focus on communication and not worry about how we sound, we would do a lot better and we would probably become more attuned to how the language is used and naturally pick it up. So that's one difference. The children are only interested in communicating. They get a lot more exposure, they're only interested in communicating, but the process is the same.

Now, obviously, adults have certain advantages.

I should say before we move to advantages, adults have a disadvantage and that is that their brain has already kind of coalesced around one language. This now is sort of interference insofar as learning a second language, but that needn't be a big obstacle, as was the case with my moving from Swedish to English, if we get enough exposure. However, if we allow our first language to influence us then it will.

I'll use the example of my father.

My father spoke English very well. He lived in Canada for 30 years until he passed away and he was forever influenced by the way he felt English should be pronounced. As an example, there's a province in Canada called Nova Scotia. S-c-o-t-i-a, Nova Scotia, that's how it's said in English. To him, it was always Nova Scotia. To him, he felt it should be Nova Scotia. Because if he were at all interested in pronouncing it the way native speakers pronounce it, he would have said Nova Scotia.

We see all the time that we are influenced by how words are pronounced in our own language.

I've used this example that a Spanish speaker might saw or _ instead of ‘word' and kind of refuses to notice that ‘word', ‘bird', ‘heard', ‘third', the ‘o', ‘i' and ‘ea' vowel sound are all pronounced the same. So if we want to improve our pronunciation, if we pay attention to what we're listening to and if we get enough exposure, we can actually get quite close to native-like pronunciation. But very often in the case of the adult, there is that interference from his or her native language.

The other thing, if we now talk advantages, of course, is that the adult has a much larger vocabulary in his or her native language, has a broader life experience and, therefore, can learn a lot of vocabulary and can become capable of expressing quite sophisticated or complicated concepts in a new language faster than a child.

I'll use, again, my own example. Within a year of learning Czech, I can read books on history, I can understand political interviews. I don't think a four-year-old child after one year of Czech would.

So those are some of the differences, but the actual process of learning, I'm quite convinced, is very similar.

Now, again, with regard to grammar an adult may spend more time reading some grammar rules.

I'm not an extreme Krashenite. I think that reading grammar rules and studying grammar tables does help, to some extent. It helps us notice things in the language, just as being corrected, which Krashen has demonstrated in numerous research articles, has very little effect. I'm sure that's correct, but in my experience it has some effect. It's part of those little things that help us notice. Massive exposure helps us notice because, again, the first time through you don't notice a thing and by repeatedly listening and reading you start to notice more and more.

I still believe that the essential process of learning is the same.

In other words, it's largely through exposure, massive exposure, exposure to things of interest and that willingness to engage in meaningful communication. If we as adults had as much exposure as the child has and had the same attitude of not worrying about how we sound then I think probably adults can learn, maybe not quite as well when it comes to pronunciation because our brains are more sort of rigidly predetermined now to process the native language, whereas the child is more flexible in that regard. But we can learn, by and large. To different degrees we can be as successful, better on the vocabulary side, maybe less capable on the pronunciation side. Adults can learn, as well, but I do believe that, essentially, the process is the same.

If I can figure out how I can make an iMovie out of my PowerPoint keynote presentation I will do so, first in Russian and then in other languages.

Thank you for listening, bye for now.

Do Adults Learn Languages the way Children Do? Lernen Erwachsene Sprachen so wie Kinder? Do Adults Learn Languages the way Children Do? ¿Los adultos aprenden idiomas como los niños? Les adultes apprennent-ils les langues comme les enfants ? Gli adulti imparano le lingue come i bambini? 大人は子供と同じように言語を学びますか? 어른도 아이처럼 언어를 배울 수 있나요? Czy dorośli uczą się języków tak jak dzieci? Os adultos aprendem línguas como as crianças? Изучают ли взрослые языки так же, как дети? Lär sig vuxna språk på samma sätt som barn? Yetişkinler de Çocuklar Gibi Dil Öğreniyor mu? Чи вивчають дорослі мови так само, як діти? 成人学习语言的方式和儿童一样吗? 成人像孩子一樣學習語言嗎?

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Merhaba, ben Steve Kaufmann. 你好,我是史蒂夫-考夫曼。

I got through my presentation for the conference in Moscow. لقد أنهيت عرضي التقديمي للمؤتمر في موسكو. Mám za sebou prezentaci na konferenci v Moskvě. Terminé mi presentación para la conferencia en Moscú. من از طریق سخنرانی من برای کنفرانس در مسکو رفتم. 私はモスクワでの会議のプレゼンテーションをやり遂げました。 Eu fiz a minha apresentação para a conferência em Moscou. Moskova'daki konferans için sunumumu tamamladım. 我听完了在莫斯科举行的会议的演讲。 我完成了在莫斯科会议上的演讲。 If I can figure out how, I will try to make a video in Russian and also in other languages based on the slide presentation that I developed for this conference in Moscow. Wenn ich herausfinden kann, wie, werde ich versuchen, ein Video auf Russisch und auch in anderen Sprachen zu machen, basierend auf der Dia-Präsentation, die ich für diese Konferenz in Moskau entwickelt habe. Si puedo averiguar cómo, intentaré hacer un video en ruso y también en otros idiomas basado en la presentación de diapositivas que desarrollé para esta conferencia en Moscú. 方法がわかれば、モスクワでのこの会議のために作成したスライドプレゼンテーションに基づいて、ロシア語と他の言語でビデオを作成しようと思います。 Se conseguir descobrir como, tentarei fazer um vídeo em russo e também noutras línguas com base na apresentação de diapositivos que desenvolvi para esta conferência em Moscovo. Если я найду способ, то постараюсь сделать видео на русском, а также на других языках на основе слайдовой презентации, которую я разработал для этой конференции в Москве. Eğer nasıl yapacağımı bulabilirsem, Moskova'daki bu konferans için hazırladığım slayt sunumuna dayanarak Rusça ve diğer dillerde bir video hazırlamaya çalışacağım. 如果我能弄清楚如何做,我将尝试根据我为莫斯科会议制作的幻灯片演示文稿制作俄语和其他语言的视频。 如果我能想出办法,我将尝试根据我为这次莫斯科会议制作的幻灯片制作俄语和其他语言的视频。 I was able to watch some of the other presenters, including our good friends Luca and Richard who were actually in Moscow making presentations. Pude ver a algunos de los otros presentadores, incluidos nuestros buenos amigos Luca y Richard, que en realidad estaban en Moscú haciendo presentaciones. Pude assistir a alguns dos outros apresentadores, incluindo os nossos bons amigos Luca e Richard, que estiveram em Moscovo a fazer apresentações. Moskova'da sunum yapan yakın dostlarımız Luca ve Richard da dahil olmak üzere diğer sunum yapanlardan bazılarını izleyebildim. 我能够观看其他一些演讲者,包括我们的好朋友卢卡和理查德,他们实际上在莫斯科做演讲。 我还观看了其他一些演讲者的演讲,包括我们的好朋友卢卡和理查德,他们当时正在莫斯科做演讲。 Luca was talking more generally about language learning and Richard was talking about how to bring up multilingual children. Luca sprach allgemeiner über das Sprachenlernen und Richard sprach darüber, wie man mehrsprachige Kinder erzieht. Luca estava a falar de uma forma mais geral sobre a aprendizagem de línguas e Richard estava a falar sobre como educar crianças multilingues. Luca daha genel olarak dil öğrenimi hakkında, Richard ise çok dilli çocukların nasıl yetiştirileceği hakkında konuşuyordu. Luca đang nói tổng quát hơn về việc học ngôn ngữ và Richard đang nói về cách nuôi dạy những đứa trẻ đa ngôn ngữ. 卢卡(Luca)更广泛地谈论语言学习,理查德(Richard)谈论如何培养多语言的孩子。 卢卡谈的更多的是语言学习,而理查德谈的则是如何培养多语言儿童。

Both presentations were very interesting. Ambas as apresentações foram muito interessantes. Her iki sunum da çok ilginçti. 兩次演講都非常有趣。

I didn't sit through all of it because it was breakfast time here. Ich habe nicht alles durchgesessen, weil es hier Frühstückszeit war. No me senté a través de todo porque era la hora del desayuno aquí. Não assisti a todo o filme porque era hora do pequeno-almoço. Kahvaltı vakti olduğu için tamamını izleyemedim. 我没有坐下来,因为现在是这里的早餐时间。 因为是早餐时间,我没听完。 I did see more of Luca's presentation than I did of Richard's and a lot of what Luca says I thoroughly agree with in terms of finding your own path, doing the things that you like to do, focusing on interesting content, staying motivated, all of the sort of aspects of attitude that are so important, making use of dead time, the advantage of modern technology and so forth and so on. لقد رأيت عرض لوكا أكثر مما رأيته في عرض ريتشارد والكثير مما يقول لوكا إنني أتفق معه تمامًا فيما يتعلق بإيجاد المسار الخاص بك، والقيام بالأشياء التي تحب القيام بها، والتركيز على المحتوى المثير للاهتمام، والبقاء متحمسًا، كل ذلك نوع جوانب المواقف المهمة جدًا، الاستفادة من الوقت الضائع، ومزايا التكنولوجيا الحديثة وما إلى ذلك وما إلى ذلك. Ich habe mehr von Lucas Präsentation gesehen als von Richards und vieles von dem, was Luca sagt, stimme ich voll und ganz zu, wenn es darum geht, seinen eigenen Weg zu finden, die Dinge zu tun, die man gerne tut, sich auf interessante Inhalte zu konzentrieren, motiviert zu bleiben, all das die Art von Aspekten der Einstellung, die so wichtig sind, die Nutzung von Totzeiten, die Vorteile moderner Technologie und so weiter und so weiter. Vi más de la presentación de Luca que de la de Richard y estoy completamente de acuerdo con mucho de lo que dice Luca en términos de encontrar tu propio camino, hacer las cosas que te gusta hacer, enfocarte en contenido interesante, mantenerte motivado, todo el tipo de aspectos de la actitud que son tan importantes, haciendo uso del tiempo muerto, la ventaja de la tecnología moderna, etc., etc. リチャードのプレゼンテーションよりもルカのプレゼンテーションの方が多く、自分の道を見つけること、好きなことをすること、面白いコンテンツに焦点を当てること、やる気を維持することに関して、ルカが私が完全に同意していると言っていることの多くを目にしました。デッドタイムを利用したり、現代のテクノロジーの利点など、非常に重要な態度の側面。 Vi mais da apresentação do Luca do que da do Richard e concordo plenamente com muito do que o Luca diz em termos de encontrarmos o nosso próprio caminho, fazermos as coisas que gostamos de fazer, concentrarmo-nos em conteúdos interessantes, mantermo-nos motivados, todos os aspectos da atitude que são tão importantes, aproveitarmos os tempos mortos, as vantagens da tecnologia moderna, etc., etc. Luca'nın sunumunu Richard'ınkinden daha fazla izledim ve Luca'nın kendi yolunuzu bulma, yapmaktan hoşlandığınız şeyleri yapma, ilginç içeriğe odaklanma, motive olma, tutumun çok önemli olan tüm yönleri, ölü zamanı kullanma, modern teknolojinin avantajı ve benzeri konularda söylediklerinin çoğuna tamamen katılıyorum. Tôi đã xem bài thuyết trình của Luca nhiều hơn bài thuyết trình của Richard và rất nhiều điều Luca nói mà tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý về việc tìm ra con đường của riêng mình, làm những việc bạn thích, tập trung vào nội dung thú vị, duy trì động lực, tất cả những điều đó. các loại khía cạnh của thái độ rất quan trọng, tận dụng thời gian chết, lợi thế của công nghệ hiện đại, v.v. 我确实看到了更多 Luca 的演讲,而不是 Richard 的演讲,而且 Luca 所说的很多内容我完全同意,比如寻找自己的道路、做自己喜欢做的事情、专注于有趣的内容、保持积极性等等。态度的哪些方面非常重要,利用停滞时间、现代技术的优势等等。 我確實看到了更多Luca 的演講,而不是Richard 的演講,而且Luca 所說的很多內容我完全同意,例如尋找自己的道路、做自己喜歡做的事情、專注於有趣的內容、保持積極性等等。態度的哪些面向非常重要,利用停滯時間、現代科技的優勢等等。

Of course, there are areas where Luca and I differ or Richard and I differ or Luca and Richard differ. Natürlich gibt es Bereiche, in denen Luca und ich unterschiedlich sind oder Richard und ich unterschiedlich sind oder Luca und Richard unterschiedlich sind. Por supuesto, hay áreas en las que Luca y yo diferimos o Richard y yo diferimos o Luca y Richard difieren. Claro que há áreas em que eu e o Luca divergimos, ou eu e o Richard divergimos, ou o Luca e o Richard divergimos. Elbette Luca ile benim ya da Richard ile benim ya da Luca ile Richard'ın farklı düşündüğümüz alanlar var. 当然,卢卡和我或理查德和我或卢卡和理查德在某些方面存在分歧。

But, in essence, we don't differ because we all agree that each person has to find their own path and has to do things that they find enjoyable. Mas, no fundo, não divergimos porque todos concordamos que cada pessoa tem de encontrar o seu próprio caminho e tem de fazer coisas que lhe dêem prazer. Ancak özünde farklı düşünmüyoruz çünkü hepimiz her bireyin kendi yolunu bulması ve keyif aldığı şeyleri yapması gerektiği konusunda hemfikiriz. 但本質上,我們並沒有不同,因為我們都同意每個人都必須找到自己的道路,並且必須做他們覺得有趣的事情。 One of the things Luca was pointing out or asking was whether or not we can learn the way children learn. ルカが指摘したり尋ねたりしたことの1つは、子供たちが学ぶ方法を私たちが学ぶことができるかどうかでした。 Uma das coisas que Luca estava a apontar ou a perguntar era se podíamos ou não aprender da mesma forma que as crianças aprendem. Luca'nın işaret ettiği ya da sorduğu şeylerden biri de çocukların öğrendiği gibi öğrenip öğrenemeyeceğimizdi. 盧卡指出或詢問的一件事是我們是否可以像孩子一樣學習。 I think he sort of implied that we can and that children have so many advantages over us in that they have more exposure to the language, they aren't inhibited, they're not afraid to make mistakes and so forth and that they are corrected all the time. Ich denke, er hat irgendwie angedeutet, dass wir das können und dass Kinder uns gegenüber so viele Vorteile haben, indem sie der Sprache mehr ausgesetzt sind, nicht gehemmt sind, keine Angst haben, Fehler zu machen und so weiter, und dass sie korrigiert werden die ganze Zeit. Acho que ele deu a entender que podemos e que as crianças têm muitas vantagens em relação a nós, na medida em que estão mais expostas à língua, não são inibidas, não têm medo de cometer erros, etc., e são corrigidas a toda a hora. Мне кажется, он как бы намекал, что мы можем, и что у детей есть много преимуществ перед нами, поскольку они больше знакомы с языком, они не зажаты, не боятся делать ошибки и т.д., и что их постоянно поправляют. Sanırım bunu yapabileceğimizi ve çocukların dile daha fazla maruz kalmaları, çekingen olmamaları, hata yapmaktan korkmamaları ve her zaman düzeltilmeleri açısından bize göre pek çok avantaja sahip olduklarını ima etti. 我認為他有點暗示我們可以,而且孩子們比我們有很多優勢,因為他們有更多的語言接觸機會,他們不被束縛,他們不怕犯錯誤等等,而且他們會得到糾正每時每刻。

Everything that Luca said I agree with, except for one thing. Concordo com tudo o que o Luca disse, exceto uma coisa. Luca'nın söylediği her şeye katılıyorum, bir şey hariç. 盧卡所說的一切我都同意,除了一件事。

I don't believe children are corrected all the time. Ich glaube nicht, dass Kinder ständig korrigiert werden. Não acredito que as crianças sejam corrigidas a toda a hora. Çocukların her zaman düzeltildiğine inanmıyorum. 我不相信孩子總是被糾正。 That's something I hear always, that children are constantly corrected by their mother or by their parents and that's why they speak their native language so well. É algo que ouço sempre, que as crianças são constantemente corrigidas pela mãe ou pelos pais e é por isso que falam tão bem a sua língua materna. Bu hep duyduğum bir şey, çocuklar anneleri ya da ebeveynleri tarafından sürekli düzeltilirler ve bu yüzden ana dillerini çok iyi konuşurlar. 這是我經常聽到的,孩子們經常受到母親或父母的糾正,這就是為什麼他們的母語說得這麼好。 I don't believe that. Não acredito nisso. Ben buna inanmıyorum. 我不相信。 I do believe and I do agree with Luca that, essentially, the way we learn our second language is the same process as the way we learn our first language. Ich glaube und stimme Luca zu, dass die Art und Weise, wie wir unsere Zweitsprache lernen, im Wesentlichen derselbe Prozess ist wie die Art und Weise, wie wir unsere Erstsprache lernen. Creo y estoy de acuerdo con Luca en que, esencialmente, la forma en que aprendemos nuestra segunda lengua es el mismo proceso que la forma en que aprendemos nuestra primera lengua. Acredito e concordo com o Luca que, essencialmente, a forma como aprendemos a nossa segunda língua é o mesmo processo que a forma como aprendemos a nossa primeira língua. Luca'ya katılıyorum ve inanıyorum ki, ikinci dilimizi öğrenme şeklimiz, esasen ilk dilimizi öğrenme şeklimizle aynı süreçtir. 我確實相信並且同意盧卡的觀點,即從本質上講,我們學習第二語言的方式與我們學習第一語言的方式相同。 In other words, we learn from exposure to the language. Mit anderen Worten, wir lernen durch den Kontakt mit der Sprache. En otras palabras, aprendemos de la exposición a la lengua. Por outras palavras, aprendemos com a exposição à língua. Başka bir deyişle, dile maruz kalarak öğreniriz. 換句話說,我們透過接觸語言來學習。 The brain starts to sort out how this language works. Das Gehirn beginnt herauszufinden, wie diese Sprache funktioniert. O cérebro começa a perceber como é que esta linguagem funciona. Beyin bu dilin nasıl çalıştığını çözmeye başlar. Bộ não bắt đầu phân loại cách thức hoạt động của ngôn ngữ này. 大腦開始理清這種語言是如何運作的。 There are differences, of course. Há diferenças, evidentemente. Elbette farklılıklar var. 當然,也存在差異。 Some of the differences Luca pointed out. Luca'nın dikkat çektiği bazı farklılıklar. 盧卡指出了一些差異。 I'll go to my own experience. Vou recorrer à minha própria experiência. Ben kendi tecrübelerime başvuracağım. 我就來說說我自己的經驗吧。

I was born in Sweden. Nasci na Suécia. Ben İsveç'te doğdum. 我出生在瑞典。

For the first five years of my life, I only heard Swedish. In den ersten fünf Jahren meines Lebens habe ich nur Schwedisch gehört. Durante os primeiros cinco anos da minha vida, só ouvi sueco. Hayatımın ilk beş yılında sadece İsveççe duydum. Well, not only because my parents also spoke German at home, but I have no recollection of that. Nejen proto, že moji rodiče doma také mluvili německy, ale na to si nevzpomínám. Bem, não só porque os meus pais também falavam alemão em casa, mas não me lembro de nada disso. Sadece ailem de evde Almanca konuştuğu için değil, ama bunu hiç hatırlamıyorum. 这不仅是因为我父母在家也说德语,但我对此毫无印象。 I do know that I arrived in Canada at the age of five only speaking Swedish. Ich weiß, dass ich im Alter von fünf Jahren nach Kanada kam und nur Schwedisch sprach. Sei que cheguei ao Canadá com cinco anos de idade e que só falava sueco. Kanada'ya beş yaşında geldiğimde sadece İsveççe konuştuğumu biliyorum. I have no recollection of moving from being a person who only spoke Swedish to a person who only spoke English. Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, von einer Person, die nur Schwedisch sprach, zu einer Person zu wechseln, die nur Englisch sprach. Não me lembro de ter passado de uma pessoa que só falava sueco para uma pessoa que só falava inglês. Sadece İsveççe konuşan bir insanken, sadece İngilizce konuşan bir insana dönüştüğümü hiç hatırlamıyorum. 我不記得從一個只說瑞典語的人變成了一個只說英語的人。 Within a year or two, I could no longer speak Swedish and I just spoke English as if it was natural. Během jednoho nebo dvou let jsem už neuměl mluvit švédsky a mluvil jsem anglicky, jako by to bylo přirozené. No espaço de um ano ou dois, já não conseguia falar sueco e limitava-me a falar inglês como se fosse natural. Bir ya da iki yıl içinde artık İsveççe konuşamıyordum ve sanki doğalmış gibi İngilizce konuşuyordum. 一兩年之內,我再也不會說瑞典語了,我只說英語,就好像這是很自然的一樣。

I learned my English at school. İngilizcemi okulda öğrendim. 我在學校學了英文。

I learned it from my peers. Ich habe es von meinen Kollegen gelernt. Ik heb het van mijn collega's geleerd. Akranlarımdan öğrendim. 我從同行那裡學到的。 I doubt if my mother ever corrected me. Ich bezweifle, dass meine Mutter mich jemals korrigiert hat. Duvido que a minha mãe alguma vez me tenha corrigido. Annemin beni düzelttiğinden bile şüpheliyim. 我懷疑媽媽是否曾經糾正過我。 She might have corrected me. Vielleicht hat sie mich korrigiert. Podría haberme corregido. Ela podia ter-me corrigido. Beni düzeltmiş olabilir. How much can she correct? Wie viel kann sie korrigieren? Quanto é que ela pode corrigir? Ne kadarını düzeltebilir? 她能糾正多少? Basically, we pick up language from exposure. Grundsätzlich nehmen wir Sprache aus der Exposition auf. Básicamente, recogemos el lenguaje de la exposición. Basicamente, aprendemos a linguagem através da exposição. Temel olarak, maruz kaldığımız dili öğreniriz. 基本上,我們從接觸中獲取語言。 I don't believe that children let's say in Canada or the U.S. Ich glaube nicht, dass Kinder, sagen wir, in Kanada oder den USA Não acredito que as crianças, digamos, no Canadá ou nos EUA. Kanada ya da ABD'deki çocukların böyle bir şey yapabileceğine inanmıyorum. 我不相信加拿大或美國的孩子 whose parents are not native speakers of English will necessarily be poorer speakers of English because they'll pick it up in the school yard and in school and it won't be because they're corrected. deren Eltern keine englischen Muttersprachler sind, werden zwangsläufig schlechtere Englisch sprechen, weil sie es auf dem Schulhof und in der Schule aufschnappen, und es wird nicht sein, weil sie korrigiert werden. cuyos padres no son hablantes nativos de inglés necesariamente serán hablantes más pobres de inglés porque lo recogerán en el patio de la escuela y en la escuela y no será porque están corregidos. cujos pais não são falantes nativos de inglês serão necessariamente menos falantes de inglês, porque vão aprendê-lo no pátio da escola e na escola e não será por terem sido corrigidos. Ebeveynlerinin anadili İngilizce olmayan çocuklar, okul bahçesinde ve okulda öğrendikleri için İngilizceyi daha zayıf konuşacaklardır ve bu, düzeltildikleri için olmayacaktır. 父母不是英语母语的人,他们的英语水平肯定会较差,因为他们会在学校和学校里接英语,而不会因为他们得到了改正。 父母不是英語母語的人必然英語說得較差,因為他們會在校園和學校學會英語,而這不會是因為他們被糾正了。 If anything, we are corrected more often when we learn our second language at school. Wenn überhaupt, werden wir öfter korrigiert, wenn wir unsere Zweitsprache in der Schule lernen. En todo caso, somos corregidos más a menudo cuando aprendemos nuestro segundo idioma en la escuela. Na verdade, somos corrigidos com mais frequência quando aprendemos a nossa segunda língua na escola. Aksine, ikinci dilimizi okulda öğrendiğimizde daha sık düzeltiliriz. We're constantly corrected and we end up unable to speak that language. Constantemente nos corrigen y terminamos siendo incapaces de hablar ese idioma. Estamos constantemente a ser corrigidos e acabamos por não conseguir falar essa língua. Sürekli düzeltiliriz ve sonunda o dili konuşamaz hale geliriz. 我們不斷地被糾正,最終我們無法說那種語言。 The difference is the amount of exposure and that's where I entirely agree with Luca. La diferencia es la cantidad de exposición y ahí es donde estoy completamente de acuerdo con Luca. A diferença é a quantidade de exposição e é nesse ponto que concordo inteiramente com o Luca. Aradaki fark maruz kalma miktarı ve bu noktada Luca'ya tamamen katılıyorum. 差別在於曝光量,這就是我完全同意盧卡的觀點。

We get so much exposure in our first language. Temos tanta exposição na nossa língua materna. Ana dilimizde çok fazla maruz kalıyoruz. 我們接觸了很多母語。

Some might be from our parents, some from our peers, but it's not that we're corrected it's that we get so much more exposure. Algunos pueden ser de nuestros padres, algunos de nuestros compañeros, pero no es que nos corrijan, es que tenemos mucha más exposición. Niektóre mogą pochodzić od naszych rodziców, niektóre od naszych rówieśników, ale nie chodzi o to, że jesteśmy poprawiani, ale o to, że mamy o wiele większą ekspozycję. Algumas podem ser dos nossos pais, outras dos nossos pares, mas não é por sermos corrigidos, é por estarmos muito mais expostos. Bazıları ebeveynlerimizden, bazıları akranlarımızdan kaynaklanıyor olabilir, ancak bu bizim düzeltilmiş olmamızdan değil, çok daha fazla maruz kalmamızdan kaynaklanıyor. 有些可能來自我們的父母,有些可能來自我們的同齡人,但這不是我們被糾正了,而是我們獲得了更多的接觸機會。 Now, if we look at the differences between adults and children I can think of my own example. Agora, se olharmos para as diferenças entre adultos e crianças, posso pensar no meu próprio exemplo. Şimdi, yetişkinler ve çocuklar arasındaki farklara bakacak olursak, kendi örneğimi düşünebilirim. I was only interested in communicating. Solo me interesaba comunicarme. Eu só estava interessado em comunicar. Ben sadece iletişim kurmakla ilgileniyordum. 我只對交流有興趣。 I was not interested in being corrected. No estaba interesado en ser corregido. Não estava interessado em ser corrigido. Düzeltilmekle ilgilenmiyordum. 我對被糾正不感興趣。 I was not concerned about how I sounded. Ich war nicht besorgt darüber, wie ich klang. Não estava preocupado com a minha aparência. Sesimin nasıl çıktığı konusunda endişelenmiyordum. 我並不關心我的聲音如何。 I didn't notice if I made mistakes. Não reparei se cometi erros. Hata yapıp yapmadığımı fark etmedim. 我沒有註意到我是否犯了錯誤。 I gradually picked up on how things were supposed to be said. Ich habe allmählich verstanden, wie die Dinge gesagt werden sollten. Poco a poco me di cuenta de cómo se suponía que debían decirse las cosas. Aos poucos, fui percebendo como é que as coisas deviam ser ditas. Yavaş yavaş bazı şeylerin nasıl söylenmesi gerektiğini anladım. 我逐漸明白了該如何表達。

So the children, from the point of view of attitude, the biggest advantage they have is they're not worried about how they sound, they only want to communicate. Entonces los niños, desde el punto de vista de la actitud, la mayor ventaja que tienen es que no les preocupa cómo suenan, solo quieren comunicarse. Dolayısıyla çocuklar, tutum açısından bakıldığında, sahip oldukları en büyük avantaj, nasıl ses çıkardıkları konusunda endişelenmemeleri, sadece iletişim kurmak istemeleri. 所以孩子們,從態度來看,他們最大的優勢就是他們不擔心自己的聲音如何,只想溝通。

So if we as adults were able to have a similar attitude, to just focus on communication and not worry about how we sound, we would do a lot better and we would probably become more attuned to how the language is used and naturally pick it up. Wenn wir als Erwachsene in der Lage wären, eine ähnliche Einstellung zu haben, uns nur auf die Kommunikation zu konzentrieren und uns nicht darum zu kümmern, wie wir klingen, würden wir viel besser abschneiden und uns wahrscheinlich besser darauf einstellen, wie die Sprache verwendet wird, und sie natürlich aufnehmen . Así que si los adultos fuéramos capaces de tener una actitud similar, de centrarnos en la comunicación y no preocuparnos por cómo sonamos, nos iría mucho mejor y probablemente estaríamos más en sintonía con cómo se utiliza el idioma y lo captaríamos de forma natural. Dolayısıyla, yetişkinler olarak biz de benzer bir tutum sergileyebilseydik, sadece iletişime odaklanıp sesimizin nasıl çıktığı konusunda endişelenmeseydik, çok daha başarılı olurduk ve muhtemelen dilin nasıl kullanıldığına daha fazla uyum sağlar ve doğal olarak onu kapardık. 因此,如果我们作为成年人也能有类似的态度,只专注于交流,而不是担心自己的声音如何,我们就会做得更好,而且我们可能会更加适应语言的使用方式,自然而然地掌握它。 So that's one difference. Así que esa es una diferencia. Yani bu bir fark. 所以這是一個區別。 The children are only interested in communicating. As crianças só estão interessadas em comunicar. Çocuklar sadece iletişim kurmakla ilgileniyor. 孩子只對溝通感興趣。 They get a lot more exposure, they're only interested in communicating, but the process is the same. Têm muito mais exposição, só estão interessados em comunicar, mas o processo é o mesmo. Çok daha fazla görünürlük elde ediyorlar, sadece iletişim kurmakla ilgileniyorlar ama süreç aynı. 他們獲得了更多的曝光機會,他們只對交流感興趣,但過程是一樣的。

Now, obviously, adults have certain advantages. Nun, Erwachsene haben offensichtlich gewisse Vorteile. Ora, é evidente que os adultos têm certas vantagens. Şimdi, açıkçası, yetişkinlerin bazı avantajları var. 現在,顯然成年人有一定的優勢。

I should say before we move to advantages, adults have a disadvantage and that is that their brain has already kind of coalesced around one language. Ich sollte sagen, bevor wir zu den Vorteilen übergehen, Erwachsene haben einen Nachteil, und das ist, dass sich ihr Gehirn bereits um eine Sprache herum verschmolzen hat. Debo decir antes de pasar a las ventajas, los adultos tienen una desventaja y es que su cerebro ya se ha fusionado en torno a un idioma. Antes de passarmos às vantagens, devo dizer que os adultos têm uma desvantagem, que é o facto de o seu cérebro já estar mais ou menos organizado em torno de uma língua. Avantajlara geçmeden önce söylemeliyim ki, yetişkinlerin bir dezavantajı var ve bu da beyinlerinin zaten tek bir dil etrafında birleşmiş olması. 在谈优点之前,我想说的是,成年人有一个缺点,那就是他们的大脑已经形成了一种语言。 This now is sort of interference insofar as learning a second language, but that needn't be a big obstacle, as was the case with my moving from Swedish to English, if we get enough exposure. Das ist jetzt eine Art Beeinträchtigung in Bezug auf das Erlernen einer zweiten Sprache, aber das muss kein großes Hindernis sein, wie es bei meinem Wechsel vom Schwedischen zum Englischen der Fall war, wenn wir genug Kontakt bekommen. Esto ahora es una especie de interferencia en cuanto a aprender un segundo idioma, pero eso no tiene por qué ser un gran obstáculo, como fue el caso con mi cambio del sueco al inglés, si tenemos suficiente exposición. Hal ini sekarang menjadi semacam gangguan dalam mempelajari bahasa kedua, tetapi hal itu tidak perlu menjadi hambatan besar, seperti halnya ketika saya berpindah dari bahasa Swedia ke bahasa Inggris, jika kita mendapatkan paparan yang cukup. Isto agora é uma espécie de interferência no que diz respeito à aprendizagem de uma segunda língua, mas isso não precisa de ser um grande obstáculo, como foi o caso da minha passagem do sueco para o inglês, se tivermos exposição suficiente. Bu durum, ikinci bir dil öğrenmek açısından bir tür engel teşkil ediyor, ancak İsveççeden İngilizceye geçişimde olduğu gibi, yeterince maruz kaldığımız takdirde bu büyük bir engel teşkil etmek zorunda değil. 就学习第二语言而言,这现在是一种干扰,但这并不会成为一个大障碍,就像我从瑞典语转向英语一样,只要我们有足够的接触能力。 就學習第二語言而言,這現在是一種幹擾,但這不一定是一個大障礙,就像我從瑞典語轉向英語的情況一樣,如果我們有足夠的接觸機會。 However, if we allow our first language to influence us then it will. Sin embargo, si permitimos que nuestro primer idioma nos influya, lo hará. No entanto, se deixarmos que a nossa língua materna nos influencie, isso acontecerá. Ancak, ana dilimizin bizi etkilemesine izin verirsek, o zaman etkileyecektir. 然而,如果我們允許母語影響我們,那麼它就會影響我們。

I'll use the example of my father. Vou usar o exemplo do meu pai. Babamın örneğini kullanacağım.

My father spoke English very well. Babam çok iyi İngilizce konuşurdu. He lived in Canada for 30 years until he passed away and he was forever influenced by the way he felt English should be pronounced. Vivió en Canadá durante 30 años hasta que falleció y siempre estuvo influenciado por la forma en que sentía que se debía pronunciar el inglés. 彼は亡くなるまで30年間カナダに住んでおり、英語の発音の仕方に永遠に影響を受けていました。 Viveu no Canadá durante 30 anos até falecer e ficou para sempre influenciado pela forma como achava que o inglês devia ser pronunciado. Vefatına kadar 30 yıl boyunca Kanada'da yaşadı ve İngilizcenin telaffuz edilme şeklinden sonsuza dek etkilendi. 他在加拿大生活了 30 年,直到去世,他认为英语的发音方式永远影响着他。 As an example, there's a province in Canada called Nova Scotia. Örnek olarak, Kanada'da Nova Scotia adında bir eyalet var. 舉個例子,加拿大有一個省叫新斯科細亞省。 S-c-o-t-i-a, Nova Scotia, that's how it's said in English. Scotia, Nova Scotia, so heißt es auf Englisch. S-c-o-t-i-a, Nova Scotia, İngilizce'de böyle söyleniyor. 斯科細亞省,新斯科細亞省,英語就是這麼說的。 To him, it was always Nova Scotia. Para él, siempre fue Nueva Escocia. Onun için burası her zaman Nova Scotia'ydı. 對他來說,新斯科細亞省始終是新斯科細亞省。 To him, he felt it should be Nova Scotia. Ona göre burası Nova Scotia olmalıydı. 對他來說,他覺得應該是新斯科細亞省。 Because if he were at all interested in pronouncing it the way native speakers pronounce it, he would have said Nova Scotia. Denn wenn es ihn überhaupt interessiert hätte, es so auszusprechen, wie Muttersprachler es aussprechen, hätte er Nova Scotia gesagt. Porque si estuviera interesado en pronunciarlo como lo pronuncian los hablantes nativos, habría dicho Nueva Escocia. Çünkü bu kelimeyi anadilini konuşanların telaffuz ettiği gibi telaffuz etmek isteseydi Nova Scotia derdi. 因为如果他对以母语人士发音的方式发音很感兴趣,那么他会说新斯科舍省。 因為如果他對用母語人士的發音方式感興趣的話,他會說「新斯科細亞省」。

We see all the time that we are influenced by how words are pronounced in our own language. Vemos a toda a hora que somos influenciados pela forma como as palavras são pronunciadas na nossa própria língua. Kelimelerin kendi dilimizde nasıl telaffuz edildiğinden etkilendiğimizi her zaman görüyoruz. 我們一直看到我們受到自己語言中單字發音的影響。

I've used this example that a Spanish speaker might saw ____ or _____ instead of ‘word' and kind of refuses to notice that ‘word', ‘bird', ‘heard', ‘third', the ‘o', ‘i' and ‘ea' vowel sound are all pronounced the same. He usado este ejemplo de que un hablante de español podría ver o _ en lugar de 'palabra' y se niega a notar esa 'palabra', 'pájaro', 'oído', 'tercero', la 'o', 'i' y el sonido de la vocal 'ea' se pronuncian todos de la misma manera. Bu örneği, İspanyolca konuşan birinin 'kelime' yerine 'saw' ya da '_' diyebileceği ve 'kelime', 'kuş', 'duydum', 'üçüncü', 'o', 'i' ve 'ea' sesli harflerinin hepsinin aynı şekilde telaffuz edildiğini fark etmeyi reddedebileceği için kullandım. 我用過這個例子,說西班牙語的人可能會看到或_ 而不是“單字”,並且有點拒絕注意到“單字”、“鳥”、“聽到”、“第三”、“o”、 “i”和“ea”元音發音都相同。 So if we want to improve our pronunciation, if we pay attention to what we're listening to and if we get enough exposure, we can actually get quite close to native-like pronunciation. Entonces, si queremos mejorar nuestra pronunciación, si prestamos atención a lo que estamos escuchando y si tenemos suficiente exposición, en realidad podemos acercarnos bastante a la pronunciación nativa. Поэтому, если мы хотим улучшить свое произношение, если мы обращаем внимание на то, что мы слушаем, и если мы получаем достаточную нагрузку, мы можем довольно близко подойти к произношению, похожему на родной язык. Dolayısıyla telaffuzumuzu geliştirmek istiyorsak, dinlediğimiz şeye dikkat edersek ve yeterince maruz kalırsak, aslında anadilimizdeki telaffuza oldukça yaklaşabiliriz. But very often in the case of the adult, there is that interference from his or her native language. Pero muy a menudo, en el caso del adulto, existe esa interferencia de su lengua materna. しかし、大人の場合、彼または彼女の母国語からの干渉が非常に頻繁にあります。 Ancak yetişkinler söz konusu olduğunda, çoğu zaman kendi ana dillerinden kaynaklanan bir müdahale söz konusudur.

The other thing, if we now talk advantages, of course, is that the adult has a much larger vocabulary in his or her native language, has a broader life experience and, therefore, can learn a lot of vocabulary and can become capable of expressing quite sophisticated or complicated concepts in a new language faster than a child. Das andere, wenn wir jetzt von Vorteilen sprechen, ist natürlich, dass der Erwachsene in seiner Muttersprache einen viel größeren Wortschatz hat, eine breitere Lebenserfahrung hat und dadurch viele Vokabeln lernen und ausdrucksfähig werden kann ziemlich anspruchsvolle oder komplizierte Konzepte in einer neuen Sprache schneller als ein Kind. La otra cosa, si ahora hablamos de ventajas, claro, es que el adulto tiene un vocabulario mucho más amplio en su lengua materna, tiene una experiencia de vida más amplia y, por lo tanto, puede aprender mucho vocabulario y puede llegar a ser capaz de expresarse. conceptos bastante sofisticados o complicados en un nuevo idioma más rápido que un niño. もう1つは、もちろん、今私たちが利点について話す場合、大人は母国語ではるかに多くの語彙を持ち、より幅広い人生経験を持っているため、多くの語彙を学び、表現できるようになることができるということです子供よりも速い新しい言語での非常に洗練されたまたは複雑な概念。 Şimdi avantajlardan bahsedecek olursak, elbette bir yetişkinin kendi ana dilinde çok daha geniş bir kelime dağarcığına sahip olması, daha geniş bir yaşam deneyimine sahip olması ve bu nedenle çok fazla kelime öğrenebilmesi ve yeni bir dilde oldukça sofistike veya karmaşık kavramları bir çocuktan daha hızlı ifade edebilecek hale gelebilmesidir. 当然,如果我们现在谈论优点,另一件事是,成年人的母语使用的词汇量大得多,生活经验更广泛,因此可以学习很多词汇并且可以表达用一种新语言学习非常复杂或复杂的概念要比孩子快。 当然,如果我们现在谈优势,还有一点就是成人的母语词汇量要大得多,生活阅历也更丰富,因此可以比儿童更快地学习大量词汇,并能够用新语言表达相当复杂的概念。

I'll use, again, my own example. ここでも、私自身の例を使用します。 Yine kendi örneğimi kullanacağım. Within a year of learning Czech, I can read books on history, I can understand political interviews. Dentro de un año de aprender checo, puedo leer libros de historia, puedo entender entrevistas políticas. チェコ語を学んでから1年以内に、歴史に関する本を読むことができ、政治面接を理解することができます。 Um ano depois de ter aprendido checo, consigo ler livros de história, consigo compreender entrevistas políticas. Çekçe öğrendikten sonra bir yıl içinde tarih kitapları okuyabilir, siyasi röportajları anlayabilirim. 在学习捷克语的一年之内,我可以阅读历史书籍,也可以了解政治采访。 I don't think a four-year-old child after one year of Czech would. Nemyslím si, že by čtyřleté dítě po roce češtiny. No creo que un niño de cuatro años después de un año de checo lo haga. チェコで1年経った4歳の子供はそうは思わない。 Não creio que uma criança de quatro anos, após um ano de checa, o faça. Bir yıllık Çek eğitiminden sonra dört yaşındaki bir çocuğun bunu yapacağını sanmıyorum.

So those are some of the differences, but the actual process of learning, I'm quite convinced, is very similar. To jsou některé rozdíly, ale jsem přesvědčen, že samotný proces učení je velmi podobný. Das sind also einige der Unterschiede, aber der eigentliche Lernprozess, davon bin ich ziemlich überzeugt, ist sehr ähnlich. ですから、これらはいくつかの違いですが、実際の学習プロセスは非常に似ていると私は確信しています。 Yani bunlar bazı farklılıklar, ancak gerçek öğrenme sürecinin oldukça benzer olduğuna inanıyorum.

Now, again, with regard to grammar an adult may spend more time reading some grammar rules. Auch in Bezug auf die Grammatik kann ein Erwachsener mehr Zeit damit verbringen, einige Grammatikregeln zu lesen. Ahora, nuevamente, con respecto a la gramática, un adulto puede pasar más tiempo leyendo algunas reglas gramaticales. 繰り返しになりますが、文法に関しては、大人はいくつかの文法規則を読むのにより多くの時間を費やす可能性があります。 Nu, nogmaals, met betrekking tot grammatica kan een volwassene meer tijd besteden aan het lezen van enkele grammaticaregels. Şimdi, yine, dilbilgisi ile ilgili olarak, bir yetişkin bazı dilbilgisi kurallarını okumak için daha fazla zaman harcayabilir.

I'm not an extreme Krashenite. Ich bin kein extremer Krashenit. 私は極端なクラシェナイトではありません。 Ik ben geen extreme Krasheniet. Ben aşırı bir Krashenite değilim. 我不是一个极端的克拉申主义者。 I think that reading grammar rules and studying grammar tables does help, to some extent. Creo que leer reglas gramaticales y estudiar tablas gramaticales ayuda, hasta cierto punto. 文法規則を読んだり、文法表を勉強したりすることは、ある程度役立つと思います。 Penso que ler as regras gramaticais e estudar as tabelas gramaticais ajuda, até certo ponto. Dilbilgisi kurallarını okumanın ve dilbilgisi tablolarını çalışmanın bir dereceye kadar yardımcı olduğunu düşünüyorum. It helps us notice things in the language, just as being corrected, which Krashen has demonstrated in numerous research articles, has very little effect. Es hilft uns, Dinge in der Sprache zu bemerken, genauso wie eine Korrektur, die Krashen in zahlreichen Forschungsartikeln demonstriert hat, sehr wenig Wirkung hat. Nos ayuda a notar cosas en el idioma, al igual que corregirlo, lo que Krashen ha demostrado en numerosos artículos de investigación, tiene muy poco efecto. クラシェンが多くの研究記事で示した修正がほとんど効果がないのと同じように、それは私たちが言語で物事に気付くのを助けます。 Krashen'in çok sayıda araştırma makalesinde gösterdiği gibi, düzeltmenin çok az etkisi olduğu gibi, dildeki şeyleri fark etmemize yardımcı olur. 它可以使我们注意到该语言中的某些事物,就像被纠正一样,而Krashen在众多研究文章中已证明这一点几乎没有效果。 I'm sure that's correct, but in my experience it has some effect. Ich bin mir sicher, dass das richtig ist, aber meiner Erfahrung nach hat es eine gewisse Wirkung. Estoy seguro de que es correcto, pero en mi experiencia tiene algún efecto. それは正しいと確信していますが、私の経験では、ある程度の効果があります。 Estou certo de que isso é correto, mas, na minha experiência, tem algum efeito. Bunun doğru olduğuna eminim, ancak benim deneyimlerime göre bir etkisi var. It's part of those little things that help us notice. それは私たちが気付くのを助けるそれらのささいなことの一部です。 Faz parte daquelas pequenas coisas que nos ajudam a reparar. Bu, fark etmemize yardımcı olan küçük şeylerin bir parçası. Massive exposure helps us notice because, again, the first time through you don't notice a thing and by repeatedly listening and reading you start to notice more and more. La exposición masiva nos ayuda a notar porque, de nuevo, la primera vez que pasas no notas nada y al escuchar y leer repetidamente empiezas a notar más y más. 大規模な露出は私たちが気付くのを助けます。なぜなら、あなたが初めて物事に気づかず、繰り返し聞いたり読んだりすることによって、あなたはますます気づき始めるからです。 Kitlesel maruziyet fark etmemize yardımcı olur çünkü yine, ilk seferde hiçbir şey fark etmezsiniz ve tekrar tekrar dinleyerek ve okuyarak daha fazla fark etmeye başlarsınız. 大量的曝光可以帮助我们注意到,因为再次,您第一次没有注意到任何事情,而通过反复地听和读,您开始越来越注意到。

I still believe that the essential process of learning is the same. 私は今でも、学習の本質的なプロセスは同じだと信じています。 Continuo a acreditar que o processo essencial de aprendizagem é o mesmo. Ben hala öğrenmenin temel sürecinin aynı olduğuna inanıyorum.

In other words, it's largely through exposure, massive exposure, exposure to things of interest and that willingness to engage in meaningful communication. Mit anderen Worten, es ist größtenteils durch Exposition, massive Exposition, Exposition gegenüber interessanten Dingen und der Bereitschaft, sich auf sinnvolle Kommunikation einzulassen. 言い換えれば、それは主に露出、大規模な露出、興味のあるものへの露出、そして意味のあるコミュニケーションに従事する意欲を通してです。 Por outras palavras, é em grande parte através da exposição, da exposição maciça, da exposição a coisas de interesse e da vontade de se envolver numa comunicação significativa. Başka bir deyişle, bu büyük ölçüde maruz kalma, kitlesel maruz kalma, ilgi duyulan şeylere maruz kalma ve anlamlı bir iletişime girme isteği yoluyla gerçekleşir. If we as adults had as much exposure as the child has and had the same attitude of not worrying about how we sound then I think probably adults can learn, maybe not quite as well when it comes to pronunciation because our brains are more sort of rigidly predetermined now to process the native language, whereas the child is more flexible in that regard. Wenn wir als Erwachsene so viel ausgesetzt wären wie das Kind und die gleiche Einstellung hätten, uns keine Gedanken darüber zu machen, wie wir klingen, dann denke ich, dass Erwachsene wahrscheinlich lernen können, vielleicht nicht ganz so gut, wenn es um Aussprache geht, weil unser Gehirn irgendwie starrer ist vorbestimmt, die Muttersprache zu verarbeiten, während das Kind diesbezüglich flexibler ist. Si nosotros, como adultos, tuviéramos tanta exposición como el niño y tuviéramos la misma actitud de no preocuparnos por cómo sonamos, entonces creo que probablemente los adultos puedan aprender, tal vez no tan bien en lo que respecta a la pronunciación porque nuestros cerebros son más rígidos. predeterminado ahora para procesar la lengua materna, mientras que el niño es más flexible en ese sentido. 私たち大人が子供と同じくらい多くの露出を持ち、私たちの音を気にしないという同じ態度を持っていれば、おそらく大人は学ぶことができると思いますが、発音に関しては、私たちの脳はより厳格であるため、おそらくあまりよくありません子供はその点でより柔軟であるのに対し、今は母国語を処理するために事前に決定されています。 Se nós, adultos, tivéssemos tanta exposição como a criança tem e tivéssemos a mesma atitude de não nos preocuparmos com a forma como soamos, então penso que provavelmente os adultos podem aprender, talvez não tão bem no que diz respeito à pronúncia, porque os nossos cérebros estão agora mais rigidamente predeterminados para processar a língua nativa, enquanto a criança é mais flexível nesse aspeto. Eğer yetişkinler olarak bizler de bir çocuğun maruz kaldığı kadar maruz kalsaydık ve sesimizin nasıl çıktığı konusunda endişelenmeme konusunda aynı tutuma sahip olsaydık, telaffuz konusunda belki yetişkinler kadar iyi olmasa da öğrenebilirdik çünkü beyinlerimiz ana dili işlemek için daha katı bir şekilde önceden belirlenmiştir, oysa çocuk bu konuda daha esnektir. But we can learn, by and large. Aber wir können im Großen und Ganzen lernen. Pero podemos aprender, en general. しかし、私たちは概して学ぶことができます。 Mas, de um modo geral, podemos aprender. Ama genel olarak öğrenebiliriz. To different degrees we can be as successful, better on the vocabulary side, maybe less capable on the pronunciation side. In unterschiedlichem Maße können wir genauso erfolgreich sein, besser auf der Wortschatzseite, vielleicht weniger fähig auf der Ausspracheseite. 程度の差はあれ、語彙の面では成功する可能性があり、発音の面では能力が低下する可能性があります。 Em diferentes graus, podemos ser tão bem sucedidos, melhores no que respeita ao vocabulário, talvez menos capazes no que respeita à pronúncia. Farklı derecelerde başarılı olabiliriz, kelime tarafında daha iyi, telaffuz tarafında belki daha az yetenekli olabiliriz. Adults can learn, as well, but I do believe that, essentially, the process is the same. 大人も学ぶことができますが、基本的には同じプロセスだと思います。 Yetişkinler de öğrenebilir, ancak temelde sürecin aynı olduğuna inanıyorum.

If I can figure out how I can make an iMovie out of my PowerPoint keynote presentation I will do so, first in Russian and then in other languages. PowerPointの基調講演からiMovieを作成する方法がわかれば、最初はロシア語で、次に他の言語で作成します。 Als ik kan bedenken hoe ik een iMovie kan maken van mijn PowerPoint-keynote-presentatie, zal ik dat doen, eerst in het Russisch en daarna in andere talen. PowerPoint açılış sunumumdan nasıl bir iMovie yapabileceğimi bulabilirsem, bunu önce Rusça sonra da diğer dillerde yapacağım. 如果我能确定如何用PowerPoint主题演讲来制作iMovie,我将首先使用俄语,然后再使用其他语言。

Thank you for listening, bye for now. 聞いてくれてありがとう、さようなら。