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Britical Hit videos, Callathiforay - introduction - D&D 5e RPG epic campaign story

Callathiforay - introduction - D&D 5e RPG epic campaign story

The story begins on the Trove Islands, a sleepy place easily overlooked between the Blizzard Kingdoms to the north and the Kriegsring to the south. The island's main city, Port Sovereign, did well out of the coal and iron mining trades back in the day. It's been a few hundred years since those industries ran their course, though, so the city's looking a little threadbare in places. So what do we know about the wider world?

The drow, from their city, Oversable, have exiled the reviled drider caste across the sea to the north end of the Trove Islands.In a somewhat flagrant move, Queen Ariadne has used the presence of the exiled drider as proof that the north end of the Trove Islands is actually drow property. The drow queen's household, the Xiloscients, are the most powerful amongst the drow. In her tireless pursuit of power, the queen has taken the devil prince Dispater as a lover, and borne him three diabolical children.

The clannish, chaotic orcs and martial, disciplined hobgoblins are locked in endless war against one another for control of the Kriegsring. Raiding parties from both search for loot to fuel their war-efforts. On the south end of the Trove Islands, the town of Southward Head has already fallen to the hobgoblins under the command of Taichou Hiragana.

Giles Cartness has recently died, leaving the mayorship he left behind him in Port Sovereign open for election. Demon and devil worship are on the rise as the integrity of the church's inquisition is weakened. Is Port Sovereign's Arcane Academy involved? Claims have been made that adamantium is to be found in ready supply in the drider region on the north of the Trove Islands, sparking a second mining boom. The drow are leasing mining rights at great cost to prospectors. Rumours are coming back, though, that the promises of adamantium deposits are not leading to anything.

Into this world are thrown five characters of note, although we'll meet a great deal more. Auld Jenny

They say Auld Jenny always had a gift, though they couldn't honestly say she'd used it much. Never a woman of much ambition, Jenny eked out a living giving dubious relationship advice to naive newlyweds, and herbs of unknown provenance to much older husbands and lovers. She claims to have been married twice, and though there were no records of either union, there are certainly two children to prove at least one. Those children are grown now, and visit their mother exactly as often as can be expected.

They say Auld Jenny was wild in her youth. Tales abound of hair-brained schemes and wild adventures, of ill-advised liaisons and grand affairs. Jenny herself has been known to recant the tale of picking up a roguish man in a bar, who later disappeared into the night on scaly wings to return to his hoard, but Jenny, to quote her long-suffering elder son, is a mad old bat who's full of shit. However true that is, Jenny is a well-travelled woman who has seen many shores, eaten many strange dishes, and still would rather sit in her hovel in the woods and cook a pigeon over a campfire.

They say Auld Jenny can curse her enemies and that they should beware. Jenny wishes she could curse, but sadly this has always been beyond her. What she's discovered recently, to her surprise, is that she has a knack for making people like her for just as long as she needs to get her own way. Her sons are convinced that this is magic. Jenny thinks it's the twinkle in her eye and her personal charm. Now, putting people to sleep when they start to annoy her, she says, THAT'S magic. They say Auld Jenny had to leave her hovel in a hurry after one of her herbs went wrong for a rich man in the nearby village. Jenny, as she fled the area, was heard to mutter something about overuse and not being a real man, but beyond that, all that is known is that the man's wife is still getting her fill elsewhere, and there's a man out there who wants his gold back and revenge. Qadira Nix

Qadira hails from a country of vast, untamed, wild forests, where wolves roam freely and those that venture too deep might stumble across far worse. Long, dark autumns, harsh winters and short, weak springs and summers are the norm for the people who reside there. Perilous mountain passes surround her homeland and nestled high within them old ruins from long-forgotten dynasties overlook rustic villages and the occasional town. Rumours abound that not all of the ruins are uninhabited and on certain nights of the year the young and impressionable insist that they hear strange music and see flickering lights dancing in the night's air. Of course, any sensible person ignores these rumours, but they still lock their doors come nightfall, and they never talk about those that vanish in the night. At seven years of age, Qadira took her younger brother to play in the forest that overlooked her village.

As she played, Qadira realised she had lost her brother. Frantically, she tried to retrace her steps, which only served to disorientate her. Eventually, she stumbled across a wooded clearing, where a bestial, wolf-like form loomed over her brother's mutilated body. Screaming, she raced back to the village for help, but her brother's body was never found. Qadira's parents blamed her for her brother's death and she blamed herself. Throughout her childhood and into adulthood, Qadira became obsessed with bending time back to save her brother from his fate. In search of answers, she started to explore the ruins high in the mountain passes, eventually stumbling across an ancient tome of eldritch rites. Over time, she began to understand the arcane writings and started experimenting with her new-found powers. After being discovered and accused of witchcraft, she fled her village, disappearing into a raging storm. In desperation, she tried one of the rituals contained within her book and at its climax, lightning struck and the world exploded into incandescent, white light as her gemstone focus exploded.

When Qadira woke, she found herself in an unfamiliar land, with no idea how to return home. The mental and physical toil of performing the ritual has left Qadira somewhat unhinged and turned her hair a bright blue. Unbeknownst to her, Qadira has travelled back in time, but miscalculated and has end up adrift and out of sync with the natural world. As far as she's aware, she's still living in her present day, but every so often, she sees shadowy beings at the periphery of her vision, and strange, shimmering lights rippling across the sky. Qadira is still obsessed with trying to save her brother, but without the ritual's gemstone focus, she's stuck in her current predicament. Vaerlân Sirothian

In the great forest, it's not unusual to appreciate nature. Huge, ancient trees soar up to touch the sky, laden down with green leaves, birds, and dancing forest creatures. The sun streams down in bright rays, and when rain falls, it patters against the soft loam, raising a sweet petrichor. Vaerlân always had a special connection to the woods, even over that of other Wood Elves. When he sang, the trees seemed to lean closer to listen, and where he walked the wild beasts followed. When he came of age, he left the tree-houses of his kinsfolk, and went to study with the Druids of the Sacred Grove.

Eventually, to prove that he had a knowledge of the earth, sky, and sea, Vaerlân was sent off to travel the wide world, to gain some perspective away from the perfect splendour of the Elvenwood.


Not much is known about Ambrosé. He lost a business in a mysterious fire for which he blames a client. He also lost an arm during the same event. Ironic, because he was ambidextrous before that. Motivated by revenge, Ambrosé is nothing if not a wild card.


Me and my younger sister worked as hired killers, but we never killed innocent people. We'd scope out the people we were hired to kill, and if we found they were innocent we'd then investigate into the person who hired us. If they were shitty people we'd take them out instead. We tried to use this platform to do good, rather than shady work.

While we were stopping over in a smaller town outside of Port Sovereign, an older, noble gentleman by the name of Bryce Richter hired us to take out one of Slithey Tove's men who had beaten and murdered his youngest son. Once we'd caught up with Slithey and company in the city, my sister went to scope them out, but was noticed. She managed to lose them and when she got back to me, she tried to convince me that the gang was too dangerous and wasn't worth hunting. However, I pushed until she agreed, because it was for a pretty big reward.

We tried to ambush the gang, but they had been tipped off and had set their own trap. After torturing us for a few days, they brutally murdered my sister in front of me. A day later, I managed to escape. Since then, I've managed to track down one of the men involved and killed him, I've been hunting down the rest since. I heard rumour of a one-armed man laying low in a small town and went to find out if it was the same man who was involved with killing my sister. This way, I met the others.

Callathiforay - introduction - D&D 5e RPG epic campaign story Callathiforay - introduction - récit de campagne épique du jeu de rôle D&D 5e

The story begins on the Trove Islands, a sleepy place easily overlooked between the Blizzard Kingdoms to the north and the Kriegsring to the south. تبدأ القصة في جزر تروف ، La historia comienza en las Islas Trove, L'histoire commence sur les îles Trove, A história começa nas Ilhas Trove, The island's main city, Port Sovereign, did well out of the coal and iron mining trades back in the day. مكان نعسان يتم التغاضي عنه بسهولة بين ممالك العاصفة الثلجية في الشمال un lugar con sueño fácilmente pasado por alto entre los reinos de Blizzard al norte un endroit endormi facilement négligé entre les Royaumes Blizzard au nord um lugar sonolento facilmente esquecido entre os reinos da Blizzard ao norte It's been a few hundred years since those industries ran their course, though, so the city's looking a little threadbare in places. و Kriegsring إلى الجنوب. y el Kriegsring al sur. et le Kriegsring au sud. e o Kriegsring para o sul. So what do we know about the wider world? كانت المدينة الرئيسية للجزيرة ، بورت سوفرين ، جيدة للخروج من تجارة تعدين الفحم والحديد في اليوم. La ciudad principal de la isla, Port Sovereign, funcionó bien fuera de los intercambios de minería de carbón y hierro en el día. La principale ville de l'île, Port Sovereign, a bien fait sur les métiers de l'extraction de charbon et de fer dans la journée. A principal cidade da ilha, Port Sovereign, se saiu bem fora das operações de mineração de carvão e ferro.

The drow, from their city, Oversable, have exiled the reviled drider caste across the sea to the north end of the Trove Islands.In a somewhat flagrant move, Queen Ariadne has used the presence of the exiled drider as proof that the north end of the Trove Islands is actually drow property. لقد كانت بضع مئات من السنين بما أن تلك الصناعات أدارت مجراها ، Han pasado unos cientos de años sin embargo, dado que esas industrias siguieron su curso, Ça fait quelques centaines d'années puisque ces industries ont suivi leur cours, cependant, Faz algumas centenas de anos já que essas indústrias seguiram seu curso, The drow queen's household, the Xiloscients, are the most powerful amongst the drow. لذلك تبدو المدينة رثاء في بعض الأماكن. así que la ciudad se ve un poco raída en algunos lugares. donc la ville a l'air un peu usée par endroits. então a cidade parece um pouco esfarrapada em alguns lugares. In her tireless pursuit of power, the queen has taken the devil prince Dispater as a lover, and borne him three diabolical children. لذا ماذا نعرف عن العالم الأوسع؟ entonces que sabemos sobre el mundo en general? Alors, que savons-nous sur le monde plus large? Então, o que nós sabemos sobre o mundo em geral?

The clannish, chaotic orcs and martial, disciplined hobgoblins are locked in endless war against one another for control of the Kriegsring. الضربة ، من مدينتهم ، Oversable ، Los drow, de su ciudad, Oversable, Le drow, de leur ville, Oversable, Os drow, da cidade deles, Oversable, Raiding parties from both search for loot to fuel their war-efforts. قد نفى طبقة الدراجة المنبوذة عبر البحر إلى الطرف الشمالي من جزر تروف. he exiliado la casta de driled vilipendiados cruzando el mar hasta el extremo norte de las Islas Trove. ont exilé la caste des dragueurs injuriés à travers la mer à l'extrémité nord des îles Trove. exilaram a casta drider insultada do outro lado do mar até o extremo norte das Ilhas Trove. On the south end of the Trove Islands, the town of Southward Head has already fallen to the hobgoblins under the command of Taichou Hiragana. في خطوة صارخة إلى حد ما ، الملكة أريادن استخدم وجود الدراج المنفي En un movimiento algo flagrante, la reina Ariadna ha utilizado la presencia del drider exiliado Dans un mouvement quelque peu flagrant, la reine Ariane a utilisé la présence du drider exilé Em uma atitude um tanto flagrante, a rainha Ariadne usou a presença do drider exilado

Giles Cartness has recently died, leaving the mayorship he left behind him in Port Sovereign open for election. كدليل على أن الطرف الشمالي من جزر تروف هو في الواقع خاصية drow. como prueba de que el extremo norte de las Islas Trove es en realidad propiedad drow. comme preuve que l'extrémité nord des îles Trove est en fait une propriété drow. como prova de que o extremo norte das Ilhas Trove é realmente propriedade drow. Demon and devil worship are on the rise as the integrity of the church's inquisition is weakened. عائلة ملكة درو ، Xiloscients ، هي أقوى من بين drow. La casa de la reina drow, los Xiloscients, son los más poderosos entre los drow. La maison de la reine drow, les Xiloscients, sont les plus puissants parmi les drows. A casa da rainha drow, os Xiloscients, são os mais poderosos entre os drow. Is Port Sovereign's Arcane Academy involved? في سعيها الدؤوب للسلطة ، En su incansable búsqueda del poder, Dans sa quête infatigable du pouvoir, Em sua incansável busca pelo poder, Claims have been made that adamantium is to be found in ready supply in the drider region on the north of the Trove Islands, sparking a second mining boom. لقد اتخذت الملكة الأمير الشيطان ديسباتير كعشيق ، la reina ha tomado al príncipe demonio Dispater como amante, la reine a pris le prince diable Dispater comme un amant, a rainha tomou o príncipe demônio Dispater como amante, The drow are leasing mining rights at great cost to prospectors. وأنجبت له ثلاثة أطفال شيطانيين. y le dio tres hijos diabólicos. et lui a donné trois enfants diaboliques. e lhe deu três filhos diabólicos. Rumours are coming back, though, that the promises of adamantium deposits are not leading to anything. العفاريت العشائرية الفوضوية و العفاريت الانضباطية العسكرية Los orcos caóticos y clandestinos y duendes marciales y disciplinados Les orques claniques et chaotiques et hobgobelins martiaux et disciplinés Os orcs caóticos e clandestinos e duendes marciais e disciplinados

Into this world are thrown five characters of note, although we'll meet a great deal more. محاصرون في حرب لا نهاية لها ضد بعضهم البعض للسيطرة على Kriegsring. están encerrados en una guerra interminable uno contra el otro por el control del Kriegsring. sont enfermés dans une guerre sans fin les uns contre les autres pour le contrôle du Kriegsring. estão trancados em guerra sem fim um contra o outro pelo controle do Kriegsring. Auld Jenny اغارة على الطرفين البحث عن الغنائم لتغذية جهودهم الحربية. Partidas de asalto de ambos buscar botín para alimentar sus esfuerzos de guerra. Raids aux deux parties chercher du butin pour alimenter leurs efforts de guerre. Invadindo partes de ambos procure pilhagem para alimentar seus esforços de guerra.

They say Auld Jenny always had a gift, though they couldn't honestly say she'd used it much. على الطرف الجنوبي من جزر تروف ، En el extremo sur de las Islas Trove, À l'extrémité sud des îles Trove, No extremo sul das Ilhas Trove, Never a woman of much ambition, Jenny eked out a living giving dubious relationship advice to naive newlyweds, and herbs of unknown provenance to much older husbands and lovers. سقطت بلدة ساوثوارد هيد بالفعل في الهوبجولينز تحت قيادة تايشو هيراجانا. La ciudad de Southward Head ya cayó ante los duendes bajo el mando de Taichou Hiragana. la ville de Southward Head est déjà tombée aux mains des hobgobelins sous le commandement de Taichou Hiragana. a cidade de Southward Head já caiu para os duendes sob o comando de Taichou Hiragana. She claims to have been married twice, and though there were no records of either union, there are certainly two children to prove at least one. توفي جيلز كارتنيس مؤخرًا ، تاركًا العمدة الذي تركه خلفه في بورت سوفرين مفتوحًا للانتخابات. Giles Cartness murió recientemente, dejando abierta la elección para la alcaldía que dejó detrás de él en Port Sovereign. Giles Cartness est récemment décédé, laissant le maire qu'il a laissé derrière lui à Port Sovereign ouvert aux élections. Giles Cartness morreu recentemente, deixando a prefeitura que ele deixou para trás em Port Sovereign aberta para a eleição. Those children are grown now, and visit their mother exactly as often as can be expected. تتزايد عبادة الشياطين والشياطين مع إضعاف سلامة محاكم التفتيش في الكنيسة. El culto al demonio y al demonio está en aumento a medida que la integridad de la inquisición de la iglesia se debilita. Le culte des démons et des démons est en augmentation alors que l'intégrité de l'inquisition de l'église est affaiblie. A adoração ao demônio e ao diabo está aumentando à medida que a integridade da inquisição da igreja é enfraquecida.

They say Auld Jenny was wild in her youth. هل أكاديمية Arcane في Port Sovereign مشاركة؟ ¿Está involucrada la Academia Arcana de Port Sovereign? L'Académie Arcane de Port Sovereign est-elle impliquée? A Arcane Academy de Port Sovereign está envolvida? Tales abound of hair-brained schemes and wild adventures, of ill-advised liaisons and grand affairs. تم تقديم مطالبات يتم العثور على هذا adamantium في العرض الجاهز Se han realizado reclamaciones ese adamantium se encuentra en el suministro listo Des réclamations ont été faites que l'adamantium se trouve en stock Reivindicações foram feitas esse adamantium pode ser encontrado em estoque pronto Jenny herself has been known to recant the tale of picking up a roguish man in a bar, who later disappeared into the night on scaly wings to return to his hoard, but Jenny, to quote her long-suffering elder son, is a mad old bat who's full of shit. في منطقة الدردير في شمال جزر تروف ، en la región drider en el norte de las islas Trove, dans la région du drider au nord des îles Trove, na região drider no norte das Ilhas Trove, However true that is, Jenny is a well-travelled woman who has seen many shores, eaten many strange dishes, and still would rather sit in her hovel in the woods and cook a pigeon over a campfire. أثار طفرة التعدين الثانية. provocando un segundo boom minero. déclenchant un deuxième boom minier. provocando um segundo boom de mineração.

They say Auld Jenny can curse her enemies and that they should beware. التأجير يتم تأجير حقوق التعدين بتكلفة كبيرة للمنقبين. Los drow están alquilando derechos mineros a un gran costo para los prospectores. Le drow loue des droits miniers à grands frais pour les prospecteurs. Os drow estão arrendando direitos de mineração a um grande custo para os garimpeiros. Jenny wishes she could curse, but sadly this has always been beyond her. رغم ذلك ، عادت الشائعات Sin embargo, los rumores regresan, Les rumeurs reviennent, cependant, Os rumores estão voltando, no entanto, What she's discovered recently, to her surprise, is that she has a knack for making people like her for just as long as she needs to get her own way. أن وعود رواسب adamantium لا تؤدي إلى أي شيء. que las promesas de los depósitos de adamantium No conducen a nada. que les promesses de gisements d'adamantium ne mènent à rien. que as promessas de depósitos de adamantium não estão levando a nada. Her sons are convinced that this is magic. في هذا العالم ألقيت خمسة أحرف من المذكرة ، En este mundo son arrojados cinco caracteres de nota, Dans ce monde sont jetés cinq caractères remarquables, Neste mundo são jogados cinco caracteres de nota, Jenny thinks it's the twinkle in her eye and her personal charm. على الرغم من أننا سنلتقي أكثر بكثير. aunque nos encontraremos mucho más. bien que nous nous rencontrions beaucoup plus. apesar de nos encontrarmos muito mais. Now, putting people to sleep when they start to annoy her, she says, THAT'S magic. ولد جيني Auld Jenny Auld Jenny Auld Jenny They say Auld Jenny had to leave her hovel in a hurry after one of her herbs went wrong for a rich man in the nearby village. يقولون أن Auld Jenny كان لديه دائمًا هدية ، Dicen que Auld Jenny siempre tuvo un regalo, Ils disent qu'Auld Jenny a toujours eu un cadeau, Dizem que Auld Jenny sempre teve um presente, Jenny, as she fled the area, was heard to mutter something about overuse and not being a real man, but beyond that, all that is known is that the man's wife is still getting her fill elsewhere, and there's a man out there who wants his gold back and revenge. على الرغم من أنهم لا يستطيعون القول بصدق أنها استخدمت ذلك كثيرًا. aunque no podían decir honestamente que lo había usado mucho. mais ils ne pouvaient pas honnêtement dire qu'elle l'avait beaucoup utilisé. embora eles não pudessem dizer honestamente que ela usou muito. Qadira Nix لم تكن أبدًا امرأة ذات طموح كبير ، Nunca una mujer de mucha ambición, Jamais une femme de grande ambition, Nunca uma mulher de muita ambição,

Qadira hails from a country of vast, untamed, wild forests, where wolves roam freely and those that venture too deep might stumble across far worse. جيني تقاوم العيش إعطاء نصائح علاقة مشبوهة للعروسين الساذجين ، Jenny se ganó la vida dando consejos dudosos de relación a ingenuos recién casados, Jenny a gagné sa vie donner des conseils sur les relations douteuses aux jeunes mariés naïfs, Jenny ganhava a vida dando conselhos duvidosos de relacionamento a recém-casados ​​ingênuos, Long, dark autumns, harsh winters and short, weak springs and summers are the norm for the people who reside there. وأعشاب مجهولة المصدر للأزواج والعشاق الأكبر سنا. y hierbas de procedencia desconocida a esposos y amantes mucho mayores. et herbes de provenance inconnue aux maris et aux amants beaucoup plus âgés. e ervas de proveniência desconhecida para maridos e amantes muito mais velhos. Perilous mountain passes surround her homeland and nestled high within them old ruins from long-forgotten dynasties overlook rustic villages and the occasional town. تدعي أنها تزوجت مرتين ، Ella dice haber estado casada dos veces, Elle prétend avoir été mariée deux fois, Ela afirma ter sido casada duas vezes, Rumours abound that not all of the ruins are uninhabited and on certain nights of the year the young and impressionable insist that they hear strange music and see flickering lights dancing in the night's air. وعلى الرغم من عدم وجود سجلات في أي من الاتحادين ، y aunque no hubo registros de cualquier unión, et bien qu'il n'y ait pas de dossiers de l'une ou l'autre union, e embora não houvesse registros de qualquer união, Of course, any sensible person ignores these rumours, but they still lock their doors come nightfall, and they never talk about those that vanish in the night. هناك بالتأكيد طفلين لإثبات واحد على الأقل. ciertamente hay dos niños para probar al menos uno. il y a certainement deux enfants pour en prouver au moins un. certamente existem dois filhos para provar pelo menos um. At seven years of age, Qadira took her younger brother to play in the forest that overlooked her village. هؤلاء الأطفال يزرعون الآن ، Esos niños ya crecieron, Ces enfants ont grandi maintenant, Essas crianças são crescidas agora,

As she played, Qadira realised she had lost her brother. ويزورون أمهم تمامًا كما هو متوقع. y visitar a su madre exactamente con la misma frecuencia como se puede esperar et rendre visite à leur mère exactement comme souvent comme on peut s'y attendre. e visitar sua mãe exatamente com a mesma frequência como se pode esperar. Frantically, she tried to retrace her steps, which only served to disorientate her. يقولون Auld Jenny كانت متوحشة في شبابها. Dicen que Auld Jenny era salvaje en su juventud. Ils disent qu'Auld Jenny était sauvage dans sa jeunesse. Dizem que Auld Jenny era selvagem em sua juventude. Eventually, she stumbled across a wooded clearing, where a bestial, wolf-like form loomed over her brother's mutilated body. تكثر الحكايات عن مخططات الدماغ والمغامرات البرية ، Abundan los cuentos de esquemas cerebrales y aventuras salvajes, Les histoires regorgent de stratagèmes épineux et des aventures sauvages, Contos são abundantes em esquemas cerebrais e aventuras selvagens, Screaming, she raced back to the village for help, but her brother's body was never found. من سوء الاتصال والشؤون الكبرى. de enlaces mal aconsejados y grandes asuntos. de liaisons mal avisées et les grandes affaires. de ligações mal aconselhadas e grandes negócios. Qadira's parents blamed her for her brother's death and she blamed herself. من المعروف أن جيني نفسها تتراجع عن الحكاية من التقاط رجل فاسد في حانة ، Jenny misma es conocida por retractarse de la historia. de recoger a un hombre pícaro en un bar, Jenny elle-même est connue pour se rétracter de ramasser un homme coquin dans un bar, A própria Jenny é conhecida por retratar a história de pegar um homem malandro em um bar, Throughout her childhood and into adulthood, Qadira became obsessed with bending time back to save her brother from his fate. الذي اختفى في وقت لاحق في الليل على أجنحة متقشرة للعودة إلى كنزه ، quien luego desapareció en la noche con alas escamosas para volver a su tesoro, qui a disparu plus tard dans la nuit sur des ailes écailleuses pour retourner dans son trésor, que depois desapareceu na noite nas asas escamosas para voltar ao seu tesouro, In search of answers, she started to explore the ruins high in the mountain passes, eventually stumbling across an ancient tome of eldritch rites. لكن جيني ، على حد تعبير ابنها الأكبر الذي عانى طويلا ، pero Jenny, para citar su hijo mayor sufriente, mais Jenny, pour citer son fils aîné qui souffre depuis longtemps, mas Jenny, para citar seu filho mais velho sofredor, Over time, she began to understand the arcane writings and started experimenting with her new-found powers. هو خفاش عجوز مجنون مليء بالقذارة. es un viejo murciélago loco que está lleno de mierda. est une vieille chauve-souris folle qui est pleine de merde. é um velho morcego louco que está cheio de merda. After being discovered and accused of witchcraft, she fled her village, disappearing into a raging storm. مهما كان ذلك صحيحًا ، Por cierto que sea, Quelle que soit la vérité, Por mais verdadeiro que seja, In desperation, she tried one of the rituals contained within her book and at its climax, lightning struck and the world exploded into incandescent, white light as her gemstone focus exploded. جيني امرأة جيدة السفر الذي رأى العديد من الشواطئ ، Jenny es una mujer muy transitada. quien ha visto muchas costas, Jenny est une femme bien voyagée qui a vu beaucoup de rivages, Jenny é uma mulher bem viajada que já viu muitas praias,

When Qadira woke, she found herself in an unfamiliar land, with no idea how to return home. أكلت العديد من الأطباق الغريبة ، comido muchos platos extraños, mangé de nombreux plats étranges, comi muitos pratos estranhos, The mental and physical toil of performing the ritual has left Qadira somewhat unhinged and turned her hair a bright blue. وما زلت تفضل الجلوس في كوخها في الغابة y todavía preferiría sentarme en su casucha en el bosque et je préfère toujours m'asseoir dans son taudis dans les bois e ainda preferia sentar em seu casebre na floresta Unbeknownst to her, Qadira has travelled back in time, but miscalculated and has end up adrift and out of sync with the natural world. وطهي حمامة على نار المخيم. y cocinar una paloma sobre una fogata et faire cuire un pigeon sur un feu de camp. e cozinhe um pombo sobre uma fogueira. As far as she's aware, she's still living in her present day, but every so often, she sees shadowy beings at the periphery of her vision, and strange, shimmering lights rippling across the sky. يقولون Auld Jenny يمكن أن يلعن أعدائها Dicen que Auld Jenny puede maldecir a sus enemigos. Ils disent qu'Auld Jenny peut maudire ses ennemis Dizem que Auld Jenny pode amaldiçoar seus inimigos Qadira is still obsessed with trying to save her brother, but without the ritual's gemstone focus, she's stuck in her current predicament. وأن عليهم الحذر. y que deben tener cuidado. et qu'ils doivent se méfier. e que eles devem tomar cuidado. Vaerlân Sirothian تتمنى جيني أن تلعن ، ولكن للأسف كان هذا دائمًا وراءها. Jenny desearía poder maldecir, pero lamentablemente esto siempre ha estado más allá de ella. Jenny souhaite pouvoir maudire, mais malheureusement, cela l'a toujours dépassée. Jenny deseja poder amaldiçoar, mas infelizmente isso sempre foi além dela.

In the great forest, it's not unusual to appreciate nature. ما اكتشفته مؤخرًا ، لدهشتها ، Lo que ella descubrió recientemente, para su sorpresa, Ce qu'elle a découvert récemment, à sa grande surprise, O que ela descobriu recentemente, para sua surpresa, Huge, ancient trees soar up to touch the sky, laden down with green leaves, birds, and dancing forest creatures. هي أن لديها موهبة لجعل الناس مثلها es que ella tiene un don por hacer que a la gente le guste c'est qu'elle a du talent pour faire des gens comme elle é que ela tem um talento especial por fazer pessoas como ela The sun streams down in bright rays, and when rain falls, it patters against the soft loam, raising a sweet petrichor. لطالما كانت بحاجة إلى الحصول على طريقتها الخاصة. por el tiempo que ella necesite salirse con la suya. aussi longtemps qu'elle a besoin de trouver sa voie. pelo tempo que ela precisar seguir seu próprio caminho. Vaerlân always had a special connection to the woods, even over that of other Wood Elves. أبناؤها مقتنعون بأن هذا سحر. Sus hijos están convencidos de que esto es mágico. Ses fils sont convaincus que c'est magique. Seus filhos estão convencidos de que isso é mágico. When he sang, the trees seemed to lean closer to listen, and where he walked the wild beasts followed. تعتقد جيني أنه وميض في عينيها وسحرها الشخصي. Jenny piensa que es el brillo en sus ojos y su encanto personal. Jenny pense que c'est le scintillement dans ses yeux et son charme personnel. Jenny acha que é o brilho nos olhos e seu charme pessoal. When he came of age, he left the tree-houses of his kinsfolk, and went to study with the Druids of the Sacred Grove. الآن ، وضع الناس على النوم عندما يزعجونها ، تقول ، Ahora, durmiendo gente cuando comienzan a molestarla, ella dice: Maintenant, endormir les gens quand ils commencent à l'ennuyer, dit-elle, Agora, colocando as pessoas para dormir quando eles começam a incomodá-la, ela diz,

Eventually, to prove that he had a knowledge of the earth, sky, and sea, Vaerlân was sent off to travel the wide world, to gain some perspective away from the perfect splendour of the Elvenwood. هذا سحر. Eso es magia. C'EST magique. Isso é mágico.

Ambrosé. يقولون أن Auld Jenny اضطرت إلى ترك مجرافها على عجل Dicen que Auld Jenny tuvo que abandonar su casucha a toda prisa Ils disent qu'Auld Jenny a dû quitter son taudis pressé Dizem que Auld Jenny teve que deixar o casebre às pressas

Not much is known about Ambrosé. بعد أن أخطأ أحد أعشابها لرجل غني في القرية المجاورة. después de que una de sus hierbas salió mal para un hombre rico en el pueblo cercano. après qu'une de ses herbes ait mal tourné pour un homme riche dans le village voisin. depois que uma de suas ervas deu errado para um homem rico na aldeia vizinha. He lost a business in a mysterious fire for which he blames a client. جيني ، عندما فرت من المنطقة ، Jenny, mientras huía del área, Jenny, alors qu'elle fuyait la région, Jenny, quando ela fugiu da área, He also lost an arm during the same event. سمعت تمتم شيئا عن الإفراط في الاستخدام وليس كرجل حقيقي ، se escuchó murmurar algo sobre el uso excesivo y no ser un hombre de verdad, a été entendu pour marmonner quelque chose sur la surutilisation et ne pas être un vrai homme, foi ouvido murmurar algo sobre o uso excessivo e não ser um homem de verdade, Ironic, because he was ambidextrous before that. ولكن أبعد من ذلك ، كل ما هو معروف هو أن زوجة الرجل ما زالت تملأ مكانها ، pero más allá de eso, todo lo que se sabe es que la esposa del hombre todavía la está llenando en otro lado, mais au-delà, tout ce qui est connu c'est que la femme de l'homme est toujours en train de se faire remplir ailleurs, mas além disso, tudo o que se sabe é que a esposa do homem ainda está se satisfazendo em outro lugar, Motivated by revenge, Ambrosé is nothing if not a wild card. وهناك رجل هناك الذي يريد ظهره الذهبي y hay un hombre por ahí quien quiere recuperar su oro et il y a un homme là-bas qui veut récupérer son or e há um homem lá fora quem quer seu ouro de volta

Elora والانتقام. y venganza et la vengeance. e vingança.

Me and my younger sister worked as hired killers, but we never killed innocent people. قادرا نيكس Qadira Nix Qadira Nix Qadira Nix We'd scope out the people we were hired to kill, and if we found they were innocent we'd then investigate into the person who hired us. قديرة تنحدر من بلد من الغابات البرية الشاسعة Qadira proviene de un país de vastos, salvajes bosques salvajes, Qadira est originaire d'un pays de vastes forêts sauvages sauvages Qadira vem de um país de vastas florestas selvagens e selvagens, If they were shitty people we'd take them out instead. حيث تتجول الذئاب بحرية donde los lobos deambulan libremente où les loups errent librement onde lobos vagam livremente We tried to use this platform to do good, rather than shady work. وتلك التي تغامر بعمق قد تتعثر عبر أسوأ بكثير. y aquellos que se aventuran demasiado profundo podría tropezar mucho peor. et ceux qui s'aventurent trop profondément pourrait tomber sur bien pire. e aqueles que se aventuram muito fundo pode tropeçar muito pior.

While we were stopping over in a smaller town outside of Port Sovereign, an older, noble gentleman by the name of Bryce Richter hired us to take out one of Slithey Tove's men who had beaten and murdered his youngest son. الخريف الطويل المظلم والشتاء القاسي والينابيع والصيف القصيرة والضعيفة Otoños largos y oscuros, inviernos duros y manantiales y veranos cortos y débiles Automnes longs et sombres, hivers rigoureux et des printemps et des étés courts et faibles Outonos longos e escuros, invernos rigorosos e molas e verões curtos e fracos Once we'd caught up with Slithey and company in the city, my sister went to scope them out, but was noticed. هي القاعدة للأشخاص المقيمين هناك. son la norma para las personas que residen allí. sont la norme pour les personnes qui y résident. são a norma para as pessoas que residem lá. She managed to lose them and when she got back to me, she tried to convince me that the gang was too dangerous and wasn't worth hunting. ممرات جبل محفوفة بالمخاطر تحيط بوطنها وتقع في داخلها Pases de montaña peligrosos rodean su tierra natal y acurrucado dentro de ellos Des cols périlleux entourent sa patrie et niché haut en eux Passagens perigosas nas montanhas cercam sua terra natal e aninhado dentro deles However, I pushed until she agreed, because it was for a pretty big reward. أطلال قديمة من السلالات المنسية منذ فترة طويلة تطل على القرى الريفية والمدينة العرضية. ruinas antiguas de dinastías olvidadas Pasar por alto pueblos rústicos y la ciudad ocasional. vieilles ruines de dynasties oubliées depuis longtemps surplombent les villages rustiques et la ville occasionnelle. ruínas antigas de dinastias há muito esquecidas negligencie aldeias rústicas e a cidade ocasional.

We tried to ambush the gang, but they had been tipped off and had set their own trap. تكثر الشائعات بأن ليس كل الأنقاض غير مأهولة Abundan los rumores de que no todas las ruinas están deshabitados Les rumeurs abondent selon lesquelles toutes les ruines sont inhabités Existem muitos rumores de que nem todas as ruínas estão desabitados After torturing us for a few days, they brutally murdered my sister in front of me. وفي ليالي معينة من السنة الشباب و الانطباع y en ciertas noches del año el joven e impresionable et certains soirs de l'année les jeunes et impressionnables e em certas noites do ano os jovens e impressionáveis A day later, I managed to escape. يصرون على أنهم يسمعون موسيقى غريبة ورؤية الأضواء الوامضة ترقص في هواء الليل. insisten en que escuchen música extraña y ver luces parpadeantes bailando en el aire de la noche. insister pour entendre une musique étrange et voir des lumières vacillantes danser dans l'air de la nuit. insistem que eles ouvem música estranha e ver luzes piscando dançando no ar da noite. Since then, I've managed to track down one of the men involved and killed him, I've been hunting down the rest since. بالطبع ، أي شخص عاقل يتجاهل هذه الشائعات ، Por supuesto, cualquier persona sensata ignora estos rumores, Bien sûr, toute personne sensée ignore ces rumeurs, Claro, qualquer pessoa sensata ignora esses rumores, I heard rumour of a one-armed man laying low in a small town and went to find out if it was the same man who was involved with killing my sister. لكنهم ما زالوا يغلقون أبوابهم مع حلول الليل pero aún cierran sus puertas al anochecer, mais ils verrouillent toujours leurs portes à la tombée de la nuit, mas eles ainda trancam suas portas ao anoitecer, This way, I met the others. ولا يتحدثون أبداً عن تلك التي تختفي في الليل. y nunca hablan sobre aquellos que desaparecen en la noche. et ils ne parlent jamais à propos de ceux qui disparaissent dans la nuit. e eles nunca falam sobre aqueles que desaparecem na noite.