Devenir riche : 10 PRINCIPES PSYCHOLOGIQUES pour réussir avec l’ARGENT
to become|rich|principles|psychological|to|to succeed|with|money
Reich werden: 10 PSYCHOLOGISCHE PRINZIPIEN für den Erfolg mit GELD
Hazte rico: 10 PRINCIPIOS PSICOLÓGICOS para triunfar con el DINERO
Ficando rico: 10 PRINCÍPIOS PSICOLÓGICOS para o sucesso com DINHEIRO
致富:金錢成功的 10 個心理原則
Becoming rich: 10 PSYCHOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES to succeed with MONEY
Dans le domaine de l'argent, il y a des erreurs que tout le monde fait et qui finissent
in|the|field|of|money|there|there|there is|some|mistakes|that|everyone|the|world|makes|and|that|they end
Quando se trata de dinheiro, há erros que todo mundo comete que acabam
In the realm of money, there are mistakes that everyone makes that ultimately
par impacter les résultats que l'on obtient.
by|to impact|the|results|that|we|we obtain
impactando os resultados que obtemos.
impact the results we achieve.
Bien gérer son argent n'a pas grand-chose à voir avec l'intelligence, avec les choses
well|to manage|his|money|it has not|not|||to|to see|with|intelligence|with|the|things
A boa gestão do dinheiro tem pouco a ver com inteligência, com coisas
Managing money well has little to do with intelligence or the things
que l'on connaît. Il a beaucoup plus à voir avec le comportement. Un génie qui n'arrive
that|we|he knows|it|has|much|more|to|see|with|the|behavior|a|genius|who|he does not arrive
que nós sabemos. Tem muito mais a ver com comportamento. Um gênio que não chega
we know. It has much more to do with behavior. A genius who cannot
pas à gérer ses émotions peut être un désastre dans le domaine des finances. Et
not|to|to manage|his/her|emotions|can|to be|a|disaster|in|the|field|some|finances|And
Deixar de administrar suas emoções pode ser um desastre financeiro. E
not managing one's emotions can be a disaster in the field of finance. And
à l'inverse, des personnes ordinaires sans formation particulières peuvent devenir riches
at|the opposite|some|people|ordinary|without|training|particular|they can|to become|rich
inversamente, pessoas comuns sem treinamento especial podem ficar ricas
on the contrary, ordinary people without special training can become rich
si elles maîtrisent certains comportements qui n'ont rien à voir avec l'intelligence.
if|they|they master|certain|behaviors|which|they have not|anything|to|see|with|intelligence
se dominarem certos comportamentos que nada têm a ver com inteligência.
if they master certain behaviors that have nothing to do with intelligence.
L'argent n'est pas une science exacte : le comportement est plus important que les
money|is not|not|a|science|exact|the|behavior|is|more|important|than|the
O dinheiro não é uma ciência exata: o comportamento é mais importante do que
Money is not an exact science: behavior is more important than
connaissances. Tout repose sur la psychologie de l'argent.
knowledge|everything|it rests|on|the|psychology|of|money
conhecimento. É tudo sobre a psicologia do dinheiro.
knowledge. Everything relies on the psychology of money.
Mind Parachutes, à chaque idée des nouveaux horizons
Mind Parachutes, com toda ideia de novos horizontes
Mind Parachutes, with each idea new horizons
La psychologie de l'argent de Morgan Housel Dans son livre « La psychologie de l'argent »,
The Psychology of Money por Morgan Housel Em seu livro "The Psychology of Money",
摩根·豪塞尔(Morgan Housel)的《金钱心理学》在他的著作《金钱心理学》中,
The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel In his book "The Psychology of Money,"
Morgan Housel expose les 20 principales erreurs et préjugés qui poussent les gens à prendre
Morgan|Housel|he exposes|the|main|mistakes|and|prejudices|that|they push|the|people|to|to take
Morgan Housel expõe os 20 principais erros e preconceitos que levam as pessoas a cometer
Morgan Housel 揭露了导致人们采取行动的 20 大错误和偏见
Morgan Housel outlines the 20 main mistakes and biases that lead people to make
des mauvaises décisions à propos de l'argent, et qui peuvent beaucoup impacter votre futur
some|bad|decisions|about|regarding|of|money|and|which|they can|a lot|to impact|your|future
más decisões sobre dinheiro, que podem ter um grande impacto no seu futuro
poor decisions about money, which can greatly impact your financial future.
Il y a quelques semaines, j'ai réalisé une vidéo concernant les 10 premiers principes
there|there|has|some|weeks|I have|made|a|video|concerning|the|first|principles
Algumas semanas atrás eu fiz um vídeo sobre os primeiros 10 princípios
几周前,我制作了一个关于前 10 条原则的视频
A few weeks ago, I made a video about the top 10 principles
qui règlent notre rapport avec l'argent. Dans les commentaires, beaucoup d'entre
who|they regulate|our|relationship|with|money|In|the|comments|many|of them
que regulam nossa relação com o dinheiro. Nos comentários, muitos
that govern our relationship with money. In the comments, many of you
vous ont demandé à connaître les 10 principes suivants. Nous voilà, je vous propose de
you|they have|asked|to|to know|the|principles|following|we|here we are|I|you|I propose|to
pediu que você conhecesse os 10 princípios a seguir. Aqui estamos nós, eu sugiro que você
asked to know the next 10 principles. Here we are, I suggest you
les découvrir aujourd'hui. Notez si vous-mêmes faites quelqu'un de
them|to discover|today|note|if|||you make|someone|of
descubra-os hoje. Observe se vocês mesmos fazem alguém
discover them today. Note if you yourself make any of
ces erreurs, et comment vous pouvez les éviter !
these|errors|and|how|you|you can|them|to avoid
esses erros e como você pode evitá-los!
these mistakes, and how you can avoid them!
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no site Siga o link que aparece no vídeo.
on the website Follow the link that appears in the video.
11ème principe : Être raisonnable est mieux qu'être rationnel
11th|principle|being|reasonable|is|better|than being|rational
11º princípio: Ser razoável é melhor do que ser racional
11th principle: Being reasonable is better than being rational
Nous ne sommes pas un tableaur excel, nous sommes des êtres humains, avec des émotions.
we|not|we are||a|spreadsheet|Excel|we|we are|some|beings|humans|with|some|emotions
Não somos uma planilha de excel, somos seres humanos, com emoções.
Мы не таблица Excel, мы люди с эмоциями.
We are not an Excel spreadsheet, we are human beings, with emotions.
C'est un des aspects le plus importants dans les finances personnelles. Dans vos décisions
it is|a|some|aspects|the|more|important|in|the|finances|personal|In|your|decisions
Este é um dos aspectos mais importantes nas finanças pessoais. Em suas decisões
It is one of the most important aspects of personal finance. In your financial decisions,
financières, ne comptez pas trop sur votre rationalité. Vous risquez de tout lâcher
financial|not|count||too much|on|your|rationality|You|you risk|to|everything|to let go
finanças, não confie muito na sua racionalidade. Você corre o risco de largar tudo
don't rely too much on your rationality. You risk giving up everything
dans les moments difficiles.
em tempos difíceis.
in difficult times.
Essayez juste d'être raisonnables. C'est plus réaliste, et vous avez plus de chances
try|just|to be|reasonable|it's|more|realistic|and|you|you have|more|of|chances
Apenas tente ser razoável. É mais realista e você tem mais chances
Just try to be reasonable. It's more realistic, and you have a better chance
d'y arriver sur le long terme. Parfois, nous sommes à la recherche de solutions qui,
to it|to arrive|on|the|long|term|Sometimes|we|we are|at|the|search|of|solutions|that
para conseguir isso a longo prazo. Por vezes procuramos soluções que,
of succeeding in the long term. Sometimes, we are looking for solutions that,
par des super équations mathématiques, permettent d'optimiser nos investissements.
by|some|super|equations|mathematical|they allow||our|investments
por super equações matemáticas, nos permitem otimizar nossos investimentos.
through super mathematical equations, allow us to optimize our investments.
Mais dans la vraie vie, ce n'est pas la stratégie mathématique optimale qui va nous
but|in|the|real|life|this|it is not|not|the|strategy|mathematical|optimal|which|it will|us
Mas na vida real, não é a estratégia matemática ideal que irá
But in real life, it is not the optimal mathematical strategy that will allow us
permettre de réussir dans la durée. C'est plutôt celle qui maximise notre capacité
to allow|to|to succeed|in|the|duration|It's|rather|that one|that|maximizes|our|capacity
permitem o sucesso a longo prazo. Em vez disso, é aquele que maximiza nossa capacidade
to succeed in the long run. It is rather the one that maximizes our ability
à dormir la nuit.
para dormir à noite.
to sleep at night.
Il y a peu de stratégies aussi financièrement rentables que de s'accrocher à la stratégie
there|there|there is|few|of|strategies|as|financially|profitable|than|to|to stick|to|the|strategy
|||||||||||trzymać się|||
Existem poucas estratégias tão lucrativas financeiramente quanto manter a estratégia
There are few strategies as financially profitable as sticking to the strategy
choisie pendant les périodes difficiles. Statistiquement, sur le marché financier
escolhido em tempos difíceis. Estatisticamente, no mercado financeiro
chosen during difficult times. Statistically, in the financial market
américain, on a 50% de chances de gagner de l'argent sur un jour, 68% sur un an,
Americano, temos 50% de chance de ganhar dinheiro em um dia, 68% em um ano,
in the United States, there is a 50% chance of making money in a day, 68% in a year,
88% sur 10 ans et 100% sur 20 ans. Si, au moment de votre investissement vous
88% acima de 10 anos e 100% acima de 20 anos. Se, no momento do seu investimento, você
88% in 10 years, and 100% in 20 years. If, at the time of your investment, you
êtes passionné par l'entreprise que vous avez choisi, sa mission, son produit ou son
you are|passionate|by|the company|that|you|you have|chosen|its|mission|its|product||
são apaixonados pela empresa que escolheram, sua missão, seu produto ou sua
are passionate about the company you have chosen, its mission, its product, or its
équipe, le sentiment de participer à un projet utile vous permettra de traverser plus
team|the|feeling|of|to participate|in|a|project|useful|you|it will allow|to|to go through|more
equipe, a sensação de participar de um projeto útil permitirá que você passe por mais
team, the feeling of participating in a useful project will help you get through more
facilement les périodes inévitables où vous perdez de l'argent ou l'entreprise
easily|the|periods||where|you|you lose|of|the money|or|the business
facilmente os períodos inevitáveis quando você perde dinheiro ou o negócio
easily the inevitable periods when you lose money or the business
ne va pas bien.
is not doing well.
12ème principe : L'histoire est l'étude du changement, pas une prédiction du futur
12th|principle|history|is|the study|of|change|not|a|prediction|of|future
Princípio 12: A história é o estudo da mudança, não uma previsão do futuro
12th principle: History is the study of change, not a prediction of the future
L'histoire aide à comprendre ce qui a tendance à fonctionner ou à échouer, mais n'est
history|helps|to|to understand|what|that|has|tendency|to|to work|or|to|to fail|but|it is not
||||||||||||nie udać się||
A história ajuda a entender o que tende a funcionar ou a falhar, mas não é
History helps to understand what tends to work or fail, but is
pas une prédiction fiable de ce qui va arriver. L'histoire est l'étude d'événements
not|a|prediction|reliable|of|what|who|is going|to happen|History|is|the study|of events
não é uma previsão confiável do que vai acontecer. A história é o estudo dos acontecimentos
not a reliable prediction of what will happen. History is the study of events
surprenants : des choses qui ne sont jamais arrivées auparavant arrivent tout le temps.
surprising|some|things|that|not|they are|ever|happened|before|they happen|all|the|time
surpreendente: coisas que nunca aconteceram antes acontecem o tempo todo.
surprising: things that have never happened before happen all the time.
Utiliser l'histoire pour des investissements comporte deux dangers :
to use|history|for|some|investments|it involves|two|dangers
Usar o histórico para investimentos tem dois perigos:
Using history for investments carries two dangers:
1\. Des événements qui représentent des exceptions statistiques ont une énorme influence
some|events|that|they represent|some|exceptions|statistical|they have|a|huge|influence
1\\. Eventos que representam exceções estatísticas têm grande influência
1. Events that represent statistical exceptions have a huge influence
sur le résultat final. Dans les données historiques, ce sont souvent les exceptions
on|the|result|final|In|the|data|historical|they|they are|often|the|exceptions
no resultado final. Em dados históricos, essas são frequentemente as exceções
on the final outcome. In historical data, it is often the exceptions
qui représentent les événements le plus importants. Et si on n'arrive pas à les
who|they represent|the|events|the|most|important|And|if|we|we do not manage|not|to|them
que representam os eventos mais importantes. E se não podemos
that represent the most important events. And if we fail to identify them
anticiper, ce ne pas à cause d'une mauvaise analyse : c'est juste un manque d'imagination.
to anticipate|it|not|not|at|because|of a|bad|analysis|it's|just|a|lack|of imagination
antecipar, não é por má análise: é apenas falta de imaginação.
Anticipating is not due to a poor analysis: it's just a lack of imagination.
La leçon à tirer des événements inattendus ce n'est pas que nous devrions les utiliser
the|lesson|to|to draw|some|events|unexpected|that|it is not|not|that|we|we should|them|to use
A lição de eventos inesperados não é que devemos usá-los
The lesson to be learned from unexpected events is not that we should use them
pour prédire l'avenir, mais que le monde aura toujours des surprises.
to|predict|the future|but|that|the|world|will have|always|some|surprises
prever o futuro, mas que o mundo sempre terá surpresas.
to predict the future, but that the world will always have surprises.
2\. L'histoire peut être trompeuse pour anticiper les évolutions de l'économie
history|can|to be|misleading|to|to anticipate|the|evolutions|of|the economy
2\\. A história pode ser enganosa ao prever desenvolvimentos econômicos
2. History can be misleading for anticipating changes in the economy
car des changements structurels qui n'existaient pas par le passé sont à l'œuvre aujourd'hui.
because|some|changes|structural|that|they did not exist|not|by|the|past|they are|at||today
||||||||||||w toku|
porque mudanças estruturais que não existiam no passado estão em operação hoje.
because structural changes that did not exist in the past are at work today.
Plus on remonte dans le temps, plus le monde du passé et le monde actuel sont différents. S'intéresser
more|we|we go back|in|the|time|more|the|world|of|past|and|the|world|current|||to be interested
Quanto mais voltamos no tempo, mais o mundo do passado e o mundo atual são diferentes. estar interessado
The further back in time we go, the more different the past world and the current world are.
à l'histoire n'aide pas à choisir des investissements spécifiques, mais pour des
to|the history|it does not help|not|to|to choose|some|investments|specific|but|for|some
com a história não ajuda na escolha de investimentos específicos, mas para
Being interested in history does not help in choosing specific investments, but for general
enseignements généraux, comme le comportement des gens face à la cupidité et à la peur,
teachings|general|like|the|behavior|of|people|in the face of|to|the|greed|and|to|the|fear
ensinamentos gerais, como o comportamento das pessoas diante da ganância e do medo,
lessons, such as people's behavior in the face of greed and fear,
au stress et aux opportunités.
to the|stress|and|to the|opportunities
ao estresse e oportunidade.
stress and opportunities.
13ème principe : Avoir droit à l'erreur La partie la plus importante de chaque planification
13th|principle|to have|right|to|the error|The|part|the|most|important|of|each|planning
Princípio 13: Permitir Erros A parte mais importante de todo planejamento
13th principle: Right to make mistakes The most important part of any planning
est de prévoir que le plan ne va pas se dérouler comme prévu. La sagesse de se donner le droit
is|to|to foresee|that|the|plan|not|it is going to|not|to|to unfold|as|planned|The|wisdom|to|to|to give|the|right
é antecipar que o plano não se desenrolará como planejado. A sabedoria de dar a si mesmo o direito
is to anticipate that the plan will not unfold as expected. The wisdom of allowing oneself the right
à l'erreur consiste à reconnaître que l'incertitude, le hasard et la chance - les "inconnus" - font
to|the error|it consists|to|recognize|that|the uncertainty|the|chance|and|the|luck|the|unknowns|they make
errar é reconhecer que a incerteza, o acaso e a sorte - as "incógnitas" - fazem
to make mistakes lies in recognizing that uncertainty, chance, and luck - the "unknowns" - are
partie intégrante de la vie. Dans vos choix d'investissement, il est
part|integral|of|the|life|In|your|choices|of investment|it|it is
an integral part of life. In your investment choices, it is
donc important de s'assurer que vous êtes en mesure de résister à des coups de malchance,
so|important|to|to ensure|that|you|you are|in|measure|to|to resist|to|some|blows|of|bad luck
therefore important to ensure that you are able to withstand strokes of bad luck,
ou tout simplement à des résultats différents de ce que vous espérez.
or|all|simply|to|some|results|different|from|what|that|you|you hope
or simply results different from what you hope for.
Les gains les plus importants sont des événements rares, soit parce qu'ils ne se produisent
the|gains|the|more|important|they are|some|events|rare|either|because|that they|not|they|they occur
The biggest gains are rare events, either because they do not happen
pas souvent, soit parce qu'ils nécessitent de temps pour profiter de l'effet cumulé.
not|often|either|because|that they|they require|of|time|to|to enjoy|of|the effect|cumulative
often, or because they require time to benefit from the cumulative effect.
Avoir une stratégie qui permet d'absorber des erreurs permet à l'investissement de
to have|a|strategy|that|allows|to absorb|some|errors|it allows|to|the investment|to
Having a strategy that allows for absorbing mistakes enables the investment to
durer assez longtemps pour augmenter les chances de bénéficier d'un résultat à faible probabilité.
to last|enough|a long time|to|to increase|the|chances|to|to benefit|from a|result|at|low|probability
last long enough to increase the chances of benefiting from a low-probability outcome.
L'erreur principale dans la gestion de l'argent est de dépendre exclusivement du salaire
the error|main|in|the|management|of|money|is|to|to depend|exclusively|on|salary
The main mistake in money management is to rely exclusively on salary.
pour les dépenses à court terme, sans avoir un épargne qui vous permet de faire face
for|the|expenses|at|short|term|without|having|a|savings|that|you|allows|to|to|to cope
for short-term expenses, without having savings that allow you to cope
à des imprévus. C'est bien d'épargner pour s'acheter une voiture, une maison,
to|some|unforeseen events|it's|good|to save|to|to buy oneself|a|car|a|house
with unforeseen events. It's good to save to buy a car, a house,
ou pour sa retraite. Mais c'est tout aussi important d'épargner pour des choses que
or|for|his|retirement|But|it's|all|also|important|to save|for|some|things|that
or for retirement. But it is just as important to save for things that
vous n'êtes pas en mesure d'anticiper.
you|you are not|not|in|measure|to anticipate
you are not able to anticipate.
14ème principe : Vous allez changer Planifier sur le long terme est plus difficile
14th|principle|you|you will|change|to plan|on|the|long|term|is|more|difficult
14th principle: You will change Planning for the long term is more difficult
de ce qu'il paraît parce que nos objectifs et envies changent avec le temps.
of|this|that it|it seems|||our|objectives|and|desires|they change|with|the|time
apparently because our goals and desires change over time.
Il y a un effet que les psychologues appellent « l'illusion de la fin de l'histoire ».
there|there|there is|a|effect|that|the|psychologists|they call|the illusion|of|the|end|of|the story
There is an effect that psychologists call 'the end of history illusion'.
Même si nous sommes parfaitement conscients de l'impact et de l'ampleur des changements
even|if|we|we are|perfectly|aware|of|the impact|and|of|the extent|of the|changes
Even though we are fully aware of the impact and extent of the changes
que nous avons déjà rencontrés dans notre vie, nous avons tendance à sous-estimer combien
that|we|we have|already|met|in|our|life|we|we have|tendency|to|||how much
we have already encountered in our lives, we tend to underestimate how much
notre personnalité, nos désirs et nos objectifs vont probablement changer à l'avenir. Et
our|personality|our|desires|and|our|goals|they will|probably|to change|in|the future|And
our personality, desires, and goals are likely to change in the future. And
ça que nous ayons 18 ans, ou 68.
it|that|we|we have|years|or
whether we are 18 years old or 68.
Cela peut avoir un impact très fort sur un plan financier à long terme. Charlie Munger,
it|it can|to have|a|impact|very|strong|on|a|plan|financial|at|long|term|Charlie|Munger
This can have a very strong impact on long-term financial planning. Charlie Munger,
l'associé d'investissements de Warren Buffet, affirme que la première règle pour
the partner|of investments|of|Warren|Buffet|he states|that|the|first|rule|for
Warren Buffet's investment partner, states that the first rule to
bénéficier de l'effet composé est de ne jamais l'interrompre inutilement. Une grande
to benefit from|of|the effect|compound|is|to|not|never|to interrupt it|unnecessarily|A|large
||||||||go przerywać|||
benefit from compound interest is to never interrupt it unnecessarily. A large
partie de leur succès financier est qu'ils ont continué à faire la même chose pendant
part|of|their|success|financial|is|that they|they have|continued|to|to do|the|same|thing|during
part of their financial success is that they continued to do the same thing for
des décennies. Mais difficilement nous avons envie de continuer à faire la même chose
some|decades|But|hardly|we|we have|desire|to|to continue|to|to do|the|same|thing
decades. But we hardly want to continue doing the same thing
pendant des décennies.
for decades.
Pour limiter les risques, c'est une bonne idée d'éviter les extrêmes. Par exemple,
to|limit|the|risks|it's|a|good|idea|to avoid|the|extremes|For|example
To limit risks, it's a good idea to avoid extremes. For example,
croire que nous serons toujours heureux avec un revenu très faible, ou décider de travailler
to believe|that|we|we will be|always|happy|with|a|income|very|low|or|to decide|to|to work
believing that we will always be happy with a very low income, or deciding to work
sans cesse afin d'obtenir un revenu très élevé, augmentent la probabilité de regretter
without|cease|in order to|to obtain|a|income|very|high|they increase|the|probability|of|to regret
constantly in order to achieve a very high income, increases the likelihood of regretting
nos choix.
our choices.
15ème principe : Rien n'est gratuit Tout a un prix, et pour décider si nous voulons
15th|principle|nothing|is not|free|everything|has|a|price|and|to|to decide|if|we|we want
15th principle: Nothing is free Everything has a price, and to decide if we want
quelque chose nous avons besoin de le connaître et décider si nous sommes prêts à le payer.
some|thing|we|we have|need|to|it|to know|and|to decide|if|we|we are|ready|to|it|to pay
something we need to know it and decide if we are willing to pay for it.
Le problème est que le prix de beaucoup de chose n'est pas évident tant que nous n'en
the|problem|is|that|the|price|of|many|of|things|it is not|not|obvious|as much|that|we|we don't
|||||||||||||tak długo|||
The problem is that the price of many things is not obvious until we
faisons pas l'expérience. D'ailleurs, il ne s'agit pas forcément d'un prix
let's make|not|the experience|Besides|it|not|it is about|not|necessarily|of a|price
experience it.
Même un investissement réussi a un prix, qui ne se compte pas en dollars ou en euros :
even|a|investment|successful|has|a|price|which|not|it|it is counted|not|in|dollars|or|in|euros
Even a successful investment has a price, which is not counted in dollars or euros:
il s'agit de la volatilité, du doute, du regret, de la peur. Des sentiments que nous
it|it is about|of|the|volatility|of the|doubt|of the|regret|of|the|fear|Some|feelings|that|we
it involves volatility, doubt, regret, fear. Feelings that we
allons très probablement rencontrer, et qu'il est facile d'ignorer jusqu'au moment ou
we go|very|probably|to meet|and|that it|it is|easy|to ignore|until|moment|or
are very likely to encounter, and that are easy to ignore until the moment when
nous y sommes confrontés. Ce prix émotif à payer n'est pas évident
we|there|we are|confronted|this|price|emotional|to|to pay|it is not|not|obvious
we are confronted with them. This emotional price to pay is not obvious.
dans l'immédiat, quand nous décidons d'investir. Ce qui explique pourquoi quand la facture
in|the immediate|when|we|we decide|to invest|This|which|explains|why|when|the|bill
immediately, when we decide to invest. This explains why when the bill
arrive, nous ne sommes pas toujours disposés à la payer. Et nous laissons tomber l'investissement,
it happens|we|not|we are|not|always|willing|to|it|to pay|And|we|we let|to drop|the investment
arrives, we are not always willing to pay it. And we abandon the investment,
même quand c'était une excellente idée sur le long terme.
even|when|it was|a|excellent|idea|on|the|long|term
even when it was an excellent idea in the long term.
Apprendre à considérer la volatilité du marché comme des frais émotifs à payer
to learn|to|to consider|the|volatility|of the|market|as|some|fees|emotional|to|to pay
Learning to view market volatility as emotional costs to pay
pour investir, plutôt qu'une amende à éviter, aide à développer l'état d'esprit
for|to invest|rather|than a|fine|to|to avoid|it helps|to|to develop|the state|of mind
for investing, rather than a penalty to avoid, helps to develop the mindset.
qui permet de garder l'investissement suffisamment longtemps pour que les bénéfices jouent
who|allows|to|to keep|the investment|sufficiently|long|for|that|the|profits|they play
which allows us to keep the investment long enough for the profits to work
à notre faveur. L'astuce consiste à se convaincre que ces
at|our|favor|The trick|consists|to|oneself|to convince|that|these
in our favor. The trick is to convince ourselves that these
frais en valent la peine.
costs|in|they are worth|the|effort
costs are worth it.
16ème principe : Vous et moi, des jeux différents Peu importe le type d'investissement, la
16th|principle|you|and|me|some|games|different|no|matter|the|type|of investment|the
16th principle: You and I, different games No matter the type of investment, whether it be
bourse, l'immobilier ou tout autre chose, il y a de temps en temps des bulles spéculatives
stock market|real estate|or|any|other|thing|there|there|there is|of|time|in|time|some|bubbles|speculative
the stock market, real estate, or anything else, there are occasionally speculative bubbles.
qui explosent, avec des conséquences extrêmement négatives pour les personnes impliquées.
who|they explode|with|some|consequences|extremely|negative|for|the|people|involved
that explode, with extremely negative consequences for the people involved.
Mais pourquoi ces événements continuent à se produire, sans qu'on arrive à apprendre
but|why|these|events|they continue|to|themselves|to happen|without|that we|we manage|to|to learn
But why do these events continue to happen, without us being able to learn
la leçon ?
the lesson?
La réponse la plus courante est qu'elles sont dues à l'avidité, une caractéristique
the|response|the|more|common|is|that they|they are|due|to|greed|a|characteristic
The most common answer is that they are due to greed, a characteristic
intrinsèque à la nature humaine. Mais si on se limite à ça on risque d'ignorer
intrinsic|to|the|nature|human|But|if|we|we|we limit|to|that|we|we risk|
intrinsic to human nature. But if we limit ourselves to that, we risk ignoring
que, au moment où ces décisions d'investissement ont été prises, elles semblaient rationnelles
that|at|moment|where|these||of investment|they have|been|taken|they|they seemed|rational
that, at the time these investment decisions were made, they seemed rational
à ceux qui les ont faites.
to|those|who|them|they have|made
to those who made them.
Les causes qui portent à des bulles sont nombreuses et controversées, et souvent on
the|causes|that|they lead to|to|some|bubbles|they are|numerous|and|controversial|and|often|we
The causes that lead to bubbles are numerous and controversial, and often one
ne les identifie qu'après coup. Mais il y a une raison souvent ignorée qui
not|them|identify|only after|blow|But|there|there|there is|a|reason|often|ignored|which
only identifies them in hindsight. But there is a reason often overlooked that
peut-être s'applique à vous personnellement : les investisseurs suivent l'exemple d'autres
||it applies|to|you|personally|the|investors|they follow|the example|others
may apply to you personally: investors follow the example of others.
investisseurs sans se rendre compte qu'ils jouent un jeu différent du leur.
investors|without|themselves|to realize|account|that they|they play|a|game|different|from|their
investors without realizing that they are playing a different game than theirs.
Lorsque des investisseurs ont des objectifs et des horizons temporels différents, des
when|some|investors|they have|some|objectives|and|some|horizons|temporal|different|some
When investors have different goals and time horizons, some
prix qui sont ridicules pour l'un peuvent avoir du sens pour un autre, tout simplement
price|that|they are|ridiculous|for|one|they can|to have|some|sense|for|one|another|simply|simply
prices that are ridiculous for one can make sense for another, simply
parce que les critères des décisions sont différents.
because|that|the|criteria|of|decisions|they are|different
because the criteria for decisions are different.
Les rendements à court terme qui caractérisent la création des bulles poussent beaucoup
the|yields|at|short|term|that|they characterize|the|creation|of|bubbles|they push|a lot
The short-term returns that characterize the creation of bubbles push many
d'investisseurs à long terme à suivre l'exemple des traders à court terme, sans
of investors|to|long|term|to|to follow|the example|of|traders|to|short|term|without
long-term investors to follow the example of short-term traders, without
se rendre compte que les règles du jeu sont totalement différentes.
to|to make|account|that|the|rules|of the|game|they are|totally|different
realizing that the rules of the game are completely different.
17ème principe : La séduction du pessimisme
17th principle: The seduction of pessimism
Un optimiste ne croit pas que tout sera toujours parfait. Ça, c'est de la complaisance.
a|optimist|not|he believes|not|that|everything|it will be|always|perfect|that|it is|of|the|complacency
An optimist does not believe that everything will always be perfect. That is complacency.
L'optimiste est convaincu que, même s'il y aura des problèmes en cours de route, s'il
the optimist|is|convinced|that|even|if there is|||some|problems|in|course|of|road|if he
The optimist is convinced that, even if there will be problems along the way, if he
essaie chaque jour d'améliorer les choses, la situation finale sera probablement meilleure
try|each|day|to improve|the|things|the|situation|final|will be|probably|better
try every day to improve things, the final situation will probably be better
que la situation initiale.
than the initial situation.
Mais le pessimisme a un charme particulier : il est plus courant que l'optimisme ; il
but|the|pessimism|has|a|charm|particular|it|it is|more|common|than||it
But pessimism has a particular charm: it is more common than optimism; it
paraît aussi plus malin, plus intelligent. Etre optimiste peut être perçu comme étant
it seems|also|more|clever|more|intelligent|being|optimistic|it can|to be|||
also seems smarter, more intelligent. Being optimistic can be perceived as being
naïfs, inconscients des risques. L'asymétrie entre positif et négatif a
naive|unaware|of the|risks|The asymmetry|between|positive|and|negative|has
naive, unaware of the risks. The asymmetry between positive and negative has
joué une place centrale dans l'histoire de l'évolution humaine.
played|a|place|central|in|the history|of|the evolution|human
played a central role in the history of human evolution.
Cette tendance est amplifiée par le fait que le progrès avance à un rythme trop lent
This trend is amplified by the fact that progress moves at a pace that is too slow
pour être remarqué, alors que les revers sont souvent instantanés. Beaucoup de tragédies
to|to be|noticed|while|that|the|setbacks|they are|often|instantaneous|Many|of|tragedies
to be noticed, while setbacks are often instantaneous. Many tragedies
arrivent du jour au lendemain, ce qui est rarement le cas des grandes réussites.
they arrive|from|day|to|next day|this|which|is|rarely|the|case|of|great|successes
happen overnight, which is rarely the case with great successes.
La croissance se base sur l'effet cumulé, qui nécessite toujours de beaucoup de temps.
the|growth|it|is based|on|the effect|cumulative|which|it requires|always|a lot of|a lot|of|time
Growth is based on cumulative effect, which always requires a lot of time.
Les pertes se concentrent par contre à des moments de rupture soudains, de quelques secondes.
the|losses|they|they concentrate|by|against|at|some|moments|of|rupture|sudden|of|a few|seconds
Losses, on the other hand, are concentrated at moments of sudden breaks, lasting a few seconds.
La perte de confiance peut être instantanée. Même si les récits optimistes sont construits
the|loss|of|trust|can|be|instantaneous|even|if|the|narratives|optimistic|they are|built
Loss of trust can be instantaneous. Even if optimistic narratives are built
sur de périodes plus longues, et demandent plus d'efforts, ils ne sont pas pour autant
on|of|periods|more|long|and|they require|more|efforts|they|not|they are|not|for|so much
over longer periods and require more effort, they are not any less
moins fréquents.
18ème principe : On croit plus aux histoires qu'aux statistiques
18th|principle|We|we believe|more|to the|stories||statistics
18th principle: We believe stories more than statistics.
Les histoires sont la force la plus puissante de l'économie : elles sont à la fois le
the|stories|they are|the|force|the|most|powerful|of|the economy|they|they are|at|||
Stories are the most powerful force in the economy: they are both the
carburant qui permet à l'économie de fonctionner, et le frein qui la retient. Dans la gestion
fuel|that|allows|to|the economy|to|to function|and|the|brake|that|it|it holds back|In|the|management
fuel that allows the economy to function, and the brake that holds it back. In managing
de ses finances, il y a deux aspects à garder à l'esprit :
of|his|finances|there|there|there is|two|aspects|to|to keep|at|the mind
your finances, there are two aspects to keep in mind:
1\. Plus vous avez envie que quelque chose soit vraie, plus vous aurez tendance à croire
more|you|you have|desire|that|something|thing|it is|true|more|you|you will have|tendency|to|to believe
1. The more you want something to be true, the more you will tend to believe
à une histoire qui surestime les chances qu'elle soit vraie.
to|a|story|that|overestimates|the|chances|that it|be|true
in a story that overestimates the chances of it being true.
2\. Tout le monde a une vision incomplète du monde. Afin de combler les lacunes, nous
all|the|world|has|a|vision|incomplete|of|world|in order to|to|fill|the|gaps|we
2. Everyone has an incomplete view of the world. In order to fill the gaps, we
créons un récit complet.
let's create|a|story|complete
create a complete narrative.
Quand nous construisons nos plans, nous concentrons sur ce que nous voulons faire, et ce que nous
when|we|we build|our|plans|we|we concentrate|on|what|that|we|we want|to do|and|what|that|we
When we build our plans, we focus on what we want to do, and what we
savons faire. Nous avons tendance à négliger les plans et les connaissances d'autres
we know how to|to do|we|we have|tendency|to|to neglect|the|plans|and|the|knowledge|of others
know how to do. We tend to overlook the plans and knowledge of other
personnes dont les décisions pourraient affecter nos résultats. Pour expliquer le passé et
people|whose|the|decisions|they could|to affect|our|results|To|to explain|the|past|and
people whose decisions could affect our outcomes. To explain the past and
pour prédire l'avenir, nous surlignons l'impact de nos compétences, et nous ignorons le rôle
to|predict|the future|we|we highlight|the impact|of|our|skills|and|we|we ignore|the|role
to predict the future, we highlight the impact of our skills, and we ignore the role
du hasard. Nous nous focalisons sur ce que nous savons,
of the|chance|we|we|we focus|on|what|that|we|we know
of chance. We focus on what we know,
et donnons moins d'importance à ce que nous ne savons pas, ce qui peut nous rendre
and|let's give|less|importance|to|what|that|we|not|we know|not|that|which|it can|us|to make
and give less importance to what we do not know, which can make us
excessivement confiants dans nos prévisions.
excessively confident in our predictions.
19ème principe : Tout ce que vous savez sur l'argent
19th|principle|everything|that|that|you|you know|on|money
19th principle: Everything you know about money
Voilà un mini-résumé de principes que vous pouvez appliquer dans la gestion de vos finances :
here is|a|||of|principles|that|you|you can|to apply|in|the|management|of|your|finances
Here is a mini-summary of principles that you can apply in managing your finances:
* Faites preuve d'humilité lorsque les choses vont bien, et de compassion quand elles vont
make|proof|of humility|when|the|things|they go|well|and|of|compassion|when|they|they go
* Show humility when things are going well, and compassion when they are not, towards yourself and others. Acknowledge the significant role of chance and risk. * Less ego, more wealth: wealth is created by renouncing what you can buy today, in order to have more.
mal, vis-à-vis de vous mêmes et des autres. Reconnaissez le rôle non négligeable du
hasard et du risque. * Moins d'ego, plus de richesse : la richesse
chance|and|of|risk|less|of ego|more|of|wealth|the|wealth
est créé en rénonçant à ce que vous pouvez acheter aujourd'hui, afin d'avoir plus
is|created|in|renouncing|to|what|that|you|you can|to buy|today|in order to|to have|more
de choses ou plus d'options dans le futur. * Gérez votre argent de manière à bien
of|things|or|more|options|in|the|future|Manage|your|money|in a|way|to|well
more things or more options in the future. * Manage your money in a way that allows you to sleep well at night,
dormir la nuit, ce qui est différent de chercher les meilleurs investissements ou épargner
to sleep|the|night|this|which|is|different|from|to search|the|best|investments|or|to save
which is different from seeking the best investments or saving
un pourcentage très précis de vos revenus. Chacun est différent, mais bien dormir est
a|percentage|very|precise|of|your|income|Each|is|different|but|well|to sleep|
a very precise percentage of your income. Everyone is different, but sleeping well is
un indicateur pertinent que vous êtes sur la bonne voie.
a|indicator|relevant|that|you|you are|on|the|good|way
a relevant indicator that you are on the right track.
* Si vous voulez réussir en tant qu'investisseur, le plus important est d'augmenter l'horizon
if|you|you want|to succeed|as|as|as an investor|the|the|important|is|to increase|the horizon
* If you want to succeed as an investor, the most important thing is to increase your horizon.
temporel. Le temps et les intérêts cumulés sont la force la plus puissante pour devenir
temporal|the|time|and|the|interests|accumulated|they are|the|force|the|most|powerful|to|to become
temporal. Time and compounded interests are the most powerful force to become
riches. * Acceptez que beaucoup de choses vont mal
riches|accept|that|many|of|things|they go|wrong
rich. * Accept that many things will go wrong
se passer. Vous pouvez faire fortune même si vous vous trompez la moitié du temps,
to|to happen|you|you can|to make|fortune|even|if|you|you|you make mistakes|the|half|of|time
You can make a fortune even if you are wrong half the time,
puisque la majorité des résultats vont venir d'une minorité de choses.
since|the|majority|of|results|they will|to come|from a|minority|of|things
since the majority of results will come from a minority of things.
* Utilisez l'argent pour avoir plus de contrôle sur votre temps : le bonheur de faire ce
use|the money|to|to have|more|of|control|on|your|time|the|happiness|to|to do|this
* Use money to have more control over your time: the happiness of doing this
que vous voulez, quand vous voulez, avec qui vous voulez, est le meilleur rendement qui
that|you|you want|when|you|you want|with|who|you|you want|is|the|best|yield|who
what you want, when you want, with whom you want, is the best return that
20ème principe : Confessions : ma propre psychologie de l'argent
20th principle: Confessions: my own psychology of money
Pour terminer son livre, l'auteur souhaite partager comment il a investi son argent.
to|to finish|his|book|the author|he wishes|to share|how|he|he has|invested|his|money
To conclude his book, the author wants to share how he invested his money.
Il fait ça parce qu'il souhaite montrer l'énorme écart qui peut exister entre
he|he does|that|because|that he|he wishes|to show|the huge|gap|that|it can|to exist|between
He does this because he wants to show the huge gap that can exist between
ce qui serait logique - ce que les gens peuvent conseiller de faire - et qu'ils font réellement.
what|that|it would be|logical|what|that|the|people|they can|to advise|to|to do|and|that they|they do|actually
what would be logical - what people can advise to do - and what they actually do.
Cela n'est pas forcément une mauvaise chose : cela est le signe que pour des questions complexes
it|it is not||necessarily|a|bad|thing|it|it is|the|sign|that|for|some|questions|complex
This is not necessarily a bad thing: it is a sign that for complex
et émotionnelles qui touchent vous-mêmes et votre famille, comme vos finances, il n'y
and|emotional|that|they touch|||and|your|family|like|your|finances|there|there is not
and emotional issues that affect you and your family, such as your finances, there is not
a pas une seule bonne réponse.
one single right answer.
Le but principal de l'auteur avec ses investissements n'est pas d'être riche, mais d'être
the|goal|main|of|the author|with|his|investments|is not|not|to be|rich|but|to be
The main goal of the author with their investments is not to be rich, but to be
indépendant. Et l'indépendance, peut importe quel est le niveau de revenu, dépend du taux
independent|And|independence|it can|it matters|what|is|the|level|of|income|it depends|on the|rate
independent. And independence, no matter what the income level is, depends on the savings rate.
d'épargne. Malgré une décennie de revenus croissants, Morgan et sa famille ont toujours
savings|despite|a|decade|of|revenues|growing|Morgan|and|his|family|they have|always
Despite a decade of rising income, Morgan and his family have always
maintenu le même niveau de vie, ce qui leur a permis d'épargner davantage.
maintained|the|same|level|of|life|this|which|them|has|allowed|to save|more
maintained the same standard of living, which has allowed them to save more.
Il a pris beaucoup de décisions financières qui ne sont pas rationnelle (comme acheter
he|he has|taken|many|of|decisions|financial|that|not|they are|not|rational|(like|to buy
He made many financial decisions that are not rational (like buying
sa résidence principale sans crédit), mais ces décisions lui ont donné de la paix d'esprit.
his|residence|main|without|credit|but|these|decisions|to him|they have|given|of|the|peace|of mind
his primary residence without credit), but these decisions have given him peace of mind.
Il garde beaucoup plus de liquidités de ce qui est conseillé par les experts : 20%
he|he keeps|much|more|of|liquidity|than|what|that|it is|advised|by|the|experts
He keeps much more cash than what is advised by experts: 20%.
de son patrimoine en excluant sa maison. Le reste est investi dans des fonds d'actions
of|his|heritage|in|excluding|his|house|The|the rest|is|invested|in|some|funds|of stocks
of his wealth excluding his house. The rest is invested in low-cost index funds
indiciels low cost (connus sous l'acronyme ETF), dans des actions américaines et internationales.
indices|low|coût|known|under|the acronym|ETF|in|some|stocks|American|and|international
(known by the acronym ETF), in American and international stocks.
Si pour atteindre vos objectifs financiers il vous suffit d'investir régulièrement,
if|to|to reach|your|goals|financial|it|you|it is enough|to invest|regularly
If to achieve your financial goals all you need to do is invest regularly,
pendant des décennies, sans besoin de faire mieux que le marché, pourquoi prendre des
for|some|decades|without|need|to|to make|better|than|the|market|why|to take|some
for decades, without needing to do better than the market, why take risks?
risques inutiles ?
unnecessary risks?
Voilà, vous connaissez maintenant les principes qui, d'après Morgan Housel, caractérisent
here is|you|you know|now|the|principles|that|according to|Morgan|Housel|they characterize
There you go, you now know the principles that, according to Morgan Housel, characterize
la psychologie de l'argent. Auxquels de ces principes vous êtes les plus sensibles ?
the|psychology|of|money|To which|of|these|principles|you|you are|the|more|sensitive
the psychology of money. Which of these principles are you most sensitive to?
et lesquels vous devriez intégrer à votre stratégie d'investissement pour éviter
and|which ones|you|you should|to integrate|to|your|strategy|of investment|to|to avoid
And which ones should you integrate into your investment strategy to avoid
les erreurs les plus communes ?
the most common mistakes?
Si ce sujet vous intéresse, je vous propose de voir la série des vidéos dédiées au
if|this|subject|you|interests|I|you|I propose|to|to see|the|series|of|videos|dedicated|to
If this topic interests you, I suggest you check out the series of videos dedicated to
livre « Devenez Riche », de Ramit Sethi, ou encore celle dédiée au livre « L'argent,
the book "Become Rich" by Ramit Sethi, or the one dedicated to the book "Money,
l'art de le maîtriser » de Tony Robbins.
the art|of|the|to master|of|Tony|Robbins
the art of mastering it" by Tony Robbins.
A très vite, pour de nouvelles idées !!
See you soon for new ideas!!
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