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Tim's pronounciation workshop, 29- The twinning of /t/

29- The twinning of /t/

Hi. I'm Tim and this is my Pronunciation workshop.

Here I'm gonna show you how English is really spoken. Come on, let's go inside.

This week, I'm going to need some help from my favourite twin. Please welcome back Tom, who's going to help me present. Hi Tom! Hi Tim! Now, are you a lover?

Or a fighter? Do you prefer to dance?

Or would you rather have an argument?

There's an expression we have in English that contains the name of a dance...and means when two people get involved in a fight or argument, then in most cases both have to take some of the responsibility. Do you know the expression?

Well, let's ask the people of London.

It takes two to tango.

It takes two to tango. It takes two to tango.

It takes two to tango.

It takes two to tango.

Lot of 't's in that, Tim.

Lot of 't's indeed, Tom. Five in fact. It takes two to Tango. But are all of these usually pronounced? Can you hear all of them? Listen again.

It takes two to tango.

It takes two to tango. It takes two to tango.

It takes two to tango.

You might remember from a previous video that when the sound /t/ comes in between two consonants, we don't usually pronounce it. But what happens if there's a vowel sound before the /t/? and the next word also begins with /t/? Well, in this case the two /t/ sounds join together to create one slightly stronger /t/. So 'it takes two' becomes 'it takes two'. This is an example of twinning or gemination. Here are some more examples.

It took him twenty years to get to the top.

You don't have to cheat to pass the test.

You were right to be upset.

We took the overnight train to Venice.

Right, so you've heard the examples, and now it's your turn. You know the drill. Listen and repeat. It took him twenty years to get to the top.

You don't have to cheat to pass the test.

You were right to be upset.

We took the overnight train to Venice.

Well done. Now remember, if you want to learn more about pronunciation, then please visit our website, bbclearningenglish.com. And that is about it from the pronunciation workshop for this week. We'll see you soon. Bye bye! Ah, thank you for all your hard work, Tom.

Ah. No problem, you're the best Tim.

Hey, thanks, you're great too.

Ah! That was weird! What was that all about?

Hey, you started it.

No I didn't.

Yes you did.

Well, maybe a little bit. I guess that just goes to prove it takes two to tango.

29- The twinning of /t/ |Doubling of /t/|| |Gemación de /t/|| 29- توأمة /ر/ 29- Die Zwillingsbildung von /t/ 29- The twinning of /t/ 29- El hermanamiento de /t/ 29- La gémellité de /t/ 29- Il gemellaggio di /t/ 29- /t/の双子化 29- /티/의 쌍둥이 29- De verbroedering van /t/ 29- Bliźniacze /t/ 29- A geminação do /t/ 29- Сдвоение /t/ 29- /t/'nin ikizleşmesi 29- Подвоєння /t/ 29-/t/的孪生 29- /t/ 的孪生

Hi. I'm Tim and this is my Pronunciation workshop. こんにちは。私はティムです。これが私の発音ワークショップです。 你好。我是蒂姆,这是我的发音工作坊。

Here I'm gonna show you how English is really spoken. Come on, let's go inside. aqui|||||||||||||| ここでは、英語が実際にどのように話されているかをお見せします。さあ、中に入りましょう。 Čia parodysiu, kaip iš tikrųjų kalbama angliškai. Nagi, eime į vidų.

This week, I'm going to need some help from my favourite twin. Please welcome back Tom, who's going to help me present. Hi Tom! Questa settimana avrò bisogno dell'aiuto del mio gemello preferito. Per favore, bentornato Tom, che mi aiuterà nella presentazione. Ciao Tom! 今週は、お気に入りの双子の助けが必要になります。トムを歓迎してください。トムは私がプレゼンテーションをするのを手伝ってくれます。こんにちはトム! Šią savaitę man prireiks mano mėgstamiausio dvynio pagalbos. Prašom pasveikinti sugrįžusį Tomą, kuris padės man pristatyti. Sveiki, Tomai! Hi Tim! Now, are you a lover? ||||||amante Ciao Tim! Ora, sei un amante?

Or a fighter? Do you prefer to dance? O un combattente? Preferisci ballare? Ar kovotojas? Ar jums labiau patinka šokti?

Or would you rather have an argument? |||preferir|||discussão O preferisci litigare? O gal verčiau norėtumėte ginčytis?

There's an expression we have in English that contains the name of a dance...and means when two people get involved in a fight or argument, then in most cases both have to take some of the responsibility. Anglų kalboje turime tokį posakį, kuriame yra šokio pavadinimas... ir kuris reiškia, kad kai du žmonės susipyksta ar susiginčija, dažniausiai abu turi prisiimti dalį atsakomybės. Do you know the expression? Ar žinote šį posakį?

Well, let's ask the people of London. さて、ロンドンの人々に聞いてみましょう。 Paklauskime Londono gyventojų.

It takes two to tango. Bisogna essere in due per ballare il tango. Tango reikia dviejų.

It takes two to tango. It takes two to tango. Tango reikia dviejų. Tango reikia dviejų.

It takes two to tango. Tango reikia dviejų.

It takes two to tango. Tango reikia dviejų.

Lot of 't's in that, Tim. Timas, čia daug "t".

Lot of 't's indeed, Tom. Five in fact. It takes two to Tango. But are all of these usually pronounced? Can you hear all of them? Listen again. Iš tiesų daug "t", Tomai. Iš tikrųjų penki. Tango reikia dviejų. Bet ar visi jie paprastai tariami? Ar galite juos visus išgirsti? Paklausykite dar kartą.

It takes two to tango.

It takes two to tango. It takes two to tango.

It takes two to tango.

You might remember from a previous video that when the sound /t/ comes in between two consonants, we don't usually pronounce it. Iš ankstesnio vaizdo įrašo galite prisiminti, kad kai garsas /t/ yra tarp dviejų sąskambių, paprastai jo netariame. But what happens if there's a vowel sound before the /t/? and the next word also begins with /t/? Well, in this case the two /t/ sounds join together to create one slightly stronger /t/. So 'it takes two' becomes 'it takes two'. This is an example of twinning or gemination. Here are some more examples.

It took him twenty years to get to the top.

You don't have to cheat to pass the test.

You were right to be upset. Avevi ragione ad essere arrabbiato.

We took the overnight train to Venice. Abbiamo preso il treno notturno per Venezia. Naktiniu traukiniu važiavome į Veneciją.

Right, so you've heard the examples, and now it's your turn. You know the drill. Listen and repeat. Gerai, taigi pavyzdžius jau girdėjote, o dabar jūsų eilė. Jūs žinote, kaip elgtis. Klausykite ir pakartokite. It took him twenty years to get to the top. Jam prireikė dvidešimties metų, kad pasiektų viršūnę.

You don't have to cheat to pass the test. Non devi imbrogliare per superare il test. Norint išlaikyti testą, nereikia sukčiauti.

You were right to be upset. Buvote teisus būdamas nusiminęs.

We took the overnight train to Venice. Naktiniu traukiniu važiavome į Veneciją.

Well done. Now remember, if you want to learn more about pronunciation, then please visit our website, bbclearningenglish.com. And that is about it from the pronunciation workshop for this week. We'll see you soon. Bye bye! Puikiai atlikta. Jei norite daugiau sužinoti apie tarimą, apsilankykite mūsų svetainėje bbclearningenglish.com. Štai ir viskas iš šios savaitės tarimo dirbtuvių. Netrukus pasimatysime. Iki pasimatymo! Ah, thank you for all your hard work, Tom. Ačiū tau už sunkų darbą, Tomai.

Ah. No problem, you're the best Tim. Ah. Jokių problemų, tu esi geriausias Timas.

Hey, thanks, you're great too. Ei, ačiū, tu taip pat esi puikus.

Ah! That was weird! What was that all about? Ak! Tai buvo keista! Kas tai buvo?

Hey, you started it. Ei, jūs pradėjote.

No I didn't. Ne, neskaičiau.

Yes you did. Taip, tai padarėte.

Well, maybe a little bit. I guess that just goes to prove it takes two to tango. حسنا، ربما قليلا. أعتقد أن هذا يثبت أن رقصة التانغو تحتاج إلى شخصين. Na, gal šiek tiek. Manau, tai tik įrodo, kad tango reikia dviejų.