Verb Tenses / Verb Groups

MAG Verbs

MAG verbs are one of the most commonly used Tagalog verbs. They tend to be actor focussed and as you may guess by the name, they are called this as you take a root word and stick “mag” at the beginning of it.

Here is how to conjugate a MAG verb:

Infinitive: Mag + Root

Past: Nag + Root

Present: Nag + Ro + Root

Future: - Mag + Ro + Root


Aral – Study

Mag-aral – To Study

Nag-aral – Studied

Nag-aaral – Studying

Mag-aaral – Will study

MA Verbs

These verbs are also actor focussed and in the same way as the name implies. It is a root word + “MA”.

Here is how to conjugate a MA verb:

Infinitive: Ma + Root

Past: Na + Root

Present: Na + Ro + Root

Future: - Ma + Ro + Root


Kinig - Listen

Makinig – To Listen

Nakinig – Listened

Nakikinig – Listening

Makikinig – Will Listen

UM Verbs

UM verbs are a little tricker to form as you don't simply attach “um” to a root, it must be infixed between the first consonant and vowel.

Here is how to conjugate UM verbs

Infinitive: r + um + oot

Past – r + um + oot

Present – r + um + o + oot

Future – ro + root


Kain – Eat

Kumain – To Eat

Kumain – Ate

Kumakain – Eating

Kakain – Will Eat

IN Verbs

IN verbs are object focussed verbs which means when you see these in a sentence you know that the subject is about an object and not the actor.

Here is how to conjugate IN verbs

Infinitive: root + in/hin

Past: r + in = oot

Present: r + in + o + root

Future: ro + root + in/hin


kainin – eat

kinain – ate

kinakain – eating

kakainin – will eat