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Steve's YouTube Videos, Get Motivated to Learn German with Dominik from Get Germanized

Get Motivated to Learn German with Dominik from Get Germanized

hello there today I have a special guest

Dominic from Germany who promotes the

German language calls it get germanized

so we're gonna get German eyes and we're

gonna find out a little bit more about

Dominic hello good evening dominate a

good evening good knob yeah my name is

good nom very good I mean I'm pretty

sure all right all right all right

so well my name is Dominic Honeycomb I

come from Germany as Steve was mentioned

from the state of Lower Saxony or

Anita's accent and I have been on

YouTube making videos about the German

language or learning languages and

German culture since basically 2006

professionally I've started it in 2013

after doing my bachelor's thesis at

university I noticed this could become

more than just a hobby and I've always

been passionate about helping people

learning and well empowering people to

better themselves and in any way

possible so that's what I'm trying to do

with my channel and to make it a little

bit entertaining as well because

language I mean for some people it looks

very well scary sometimes because of the

difficult grammar and all the processes

that are involved with learning a new

language and I just want to take away

that fear a little bit and make it fun

if possible and I told Steve this before

I don't see myself necessarily as a

grammar teacher or something like that

that can really go in depth but a

facilitator of language that keeps order

that gets people motivated to learn it

and keeps them interested in it

hopefully at least you know it's

interesting when it comes to grammar and

some people think of German you know

separated verbs and did them be des

whatever and they get intimidated sorry

that was my experience it was only when

I stopped doing yeah that I could learn

the language but if a person is

motivated you know I always think we had

a dog when

our kids were young and if he was

chasing whatever a cat but he would go

through the bramble bush he'd come out

the other side bleeding it didn't matter

if he wanted to get that cat you know

and if you can motivate people to learn

German or Chinese people will learn the

characters in Chinese people will learn

the grammar in German if they're

motivated so I think you're on the right

track if you can motivate people they'll

deal with these other issues now one

other thing so we're talking motivation

so I know a lot of people are motivated

by German rock music music Rammstein and

so forth I'm how to talk about oh yes

that way zero here I wouldn't know

Rammstein from Rumplestiltskin but when

you say Lower Saxony then I think I

don't know where that is except that is

that near Leipzig is that near Bach

country is that what has it anything to

do is that sort of north of Bohemia of

the Czech Republic where it tell us

where lower saxony is louis x knees in

the north of germany leipzig is about

five hours from where i love actually

i'm going there this Friday because I

was about to go to the Leipzig Book Fair

which was cancelled because of the

corona scare at the moment I'm still

just gonna go then to explore the city

but yeah in the north of Germany the

capital city here is hen overall you

know Germany north some North is upper

and huh but in fact this confusing is

the reverse so I guess it's lower saxony

is north of saxony yes second dresden

and so forth okay now how what this all

I mean I'm an old fuddy-duddy so I'm

more into other things don't say that

things and to me I can tell you what

what I found attractive with German and

German experience including my travels

there but let me ask you what are the

the kinds of things either that have

motivated people to learn German or that

you use to motivate people to learn

German well I have asked this question

actually a couple of times and my

viewers have said so far that many of

them have been influenced as you said by

Rammstein by music because gumption is

internationally famous and popular and

so I understand it it's kind of funny

because the first thing some people will

write is like du du hast you have like

the song by Tom Stein or some other

lyrics and I believe the band the German

been Tokyo hotel is internationally

famous as well and they were four-time

at least getting people to learn German

which i think is fantastic like to me it

doesn't really matter what motivates

someone to learn the language as long as

they have something that interests them

because I strongly believe that if you

don't learn about something in the

language that really interests you then

it is very much harder to keep yourself

motivated in that state learning and

other than that definitely German TV

shows people always tell me how they

like what was it dark this new Netflix

mystery show and people just started

learning or getting interested in the

German culture because of shows like

this give me some very interesting play

of sure Netflix okay

Netflix is a major source of language

learning content oh for sure I used it

for Turkish for a while Oh even found an

Arabic series there but it was an

Egyptian Arabic and I couldn't

understand a word but so there are a lot

of German series on Netflix and I think

there's even a think I'm learning

languages with Netflix where you can go

through frame by frame and and look at

the subtitles say in German and oh

really I didn't know it amazing port we

we can bring a Netflix movies into

and I did that and I brought you can

also import the dialogue as a lesson so

Netflix is part of this whole world of

content that's out there and if I were

learning German I'd be all over in that

place absolutely

hello you what is your opinion how good

can you start with Netflix or you have

to ramp up to where you can make use of

Netflix or TV series as a learning

material well well I mean mmm difficult

to say because I am mmm

I don't I just speak English in German

fluently so it's hard for me but when I

learned English I motivated myself also

with TV shows are actually to be precise

at Japanese animation and it had english

subtitles all the time and every time i

wanted to know a story plot or what was

going on and i didn't know a word and

the subtitles i just looked it up at a

dictionary or something like that so i

believe if people have like a basic

understanding at least then learning

vocabulary with stuff like this with

netflix and movies is very good at least

for me it was but but i believe there

should be a little bit of a basis maybe

otherwise you don't understand anything

but what do you think about that it's

slim curious yeah if i take my

experience with russian for example i'm

fairly early in my russian learning I

found our bookstore in Vancouver where

they so you know Russian movie DVDs so I

bought some of these but it was more

stimulus because like you know here wow

look at me I'm watching a Russian and

this is especially the old Soviet movies

that were better than the more recent

Russian movies and you know something

from the 19th century and I found this

stuff very motivating but I couldn't use

him as learning material because I

didn't understand I couldn't read the

Russian script I could read the English

subtitles and then enjoy the movie but

it wasn't that language learning

experience so I do believe you have to

get to a sort of an intermediate level

however you know depends I mean if

you're going you know English to French

or English to German there there's 30 40

% of the words there that you can

recognize so it may be easier but with

Russia and I found that I I had to ramp

up with

learning activities and then I could

start enjoying movies but it certainly

is motivating there's no question its

mode it's the romance it's the romance

of Germany so let's talk a bit about the

romance of Germany so okay we got it

truck music we got Netflix how about

what are some of the other reasons why

people learn German yeah talking about

romance well for romance for love many

people these days get to know their

their special someone through the

internet and it's becoming more and more

normal I think it is pretty normal by

now and that way this well getting to

know people from other countries has

become very easy because of the internet

and so many people have found someone

and want to learn their language as it

for example Germany or German in this

case and they come here they live here

and learn the language basically in the

motivation is their partner which makes

a lot of sense because that is one of

the actually now that you were saying

that and I won't name any names but I

think you might know this person as well

I have met another polyglot at at a

language event in Berlin last year and

he told me actually that he does that

sometimes he keeps around people that

speak certain language was basically

flatmates and I guess maybe girlfriends

as well I have not what ever said sure

but that was super interesting to me

like I was always wondering how how do

polyglots that speak a lot of languages

keep the language fresh and I guess that

is one of the ways you can do it so yeah

I mean I think a because I and with 20

languages you can't constantly be

looking for people who speak those

languages so it ends up being more a

matter of

freshing them occasionally through lots

of listening and reading and those kinds

of things I also wanted to say that you

know Germany a little bit about my

experience with German then Germany is a

wonderful place to visit and you

sometimes hear people say well I went to

Germany and I spoke in German and the

answered in English and it's very

discouraging and stuff and then it might

be better unsaid in a department store

in Berlin or Hamburg or in you know

Munich but one of the more I mean

charming places to visit in Germany is

the small towns and you stay in a small

i grin and I don't know what it is now

but it used to be very cheap the meals

were cheap I'm very opposed yeah I guess

depends on where but yeah you know

cheaper definite you stay in these towns

that are just like like they're so

beautiful like they're postcard perfect

little towns and I can't remember

I stayed many times I had business

dealings not too far from link to school

if you I think it's pure yeah I mean

it's a romantic town in there and

they're the people don't speak so much

in English and so there's no difficulty

in speaking German and so you're kind of

able to put yourself into this German

medieval German town and speak German

and there's even little bookstores there

and so I think there's ample opportunity

and people in Germany are very friendly

there's sometimes a thing that the

Germans are very strict and severe and

if you're driving around and the gas

stations and inns and stuff sorry it's

it's it's a very pleasant place to visit

and if you want to use your German in my

opinion be a little strategic don't go

into places where people are busy and

especially here you stumble in German

we're gonna answer in English because

but if you go to the smaller towns you

can have a very nice romantic German

experience at least that's been my

experience well I'm really happy that

you think that that's wonderful yeah I

mean I always hope that people have a

good time coming here and when when they

say that are they only speak to me in

English because they they want to help

me I also understand that I guess but

many Germans also are very keen on just

practicing their English

as you say as you said in bigger cities

and when it's a hectic situation it's

just faster for them then help the other

person necessarily but also yes in

smaller villages or talents you will

have all the opportunity you want even

though the younger folk there will speak

English as well so if you want to switch

to English that's most of the time no

problem right I feel at least yeah and

besides those people if you meet a

German person as a young person in a

small town they found someone to speak

to in English so yeah they want to speak

English so why does your right to speak

German Trump their right to speak

English you know neither one of you is a

teacher so are you you got to work those

things out that's one other one thing

I'm curious about too is like what are

some of the so what what are some of the

messaging that you give your followers

either when it comes to why they should

learn German or about how better to

learn German and what are some of the

tricks about dealing with German and you

know that the long convoluted sentences

with long phrases and relative clauses

and separated verbs and what sort of

advice do you give well first of all I

guess why they should learn German or

why they should learn any second

language is just because it makes you a

lot more empathetic how do you yeah

empathetic towards other cultures and it

gives you so many opportunities if you

learn another language you I mean that's

what I learned English because I didn't

just want to be confined to my own

country to the possibilities within my

own country I wouldn't be doing what I'm

doing right now if I didn't learn a

second language and I traveled and felt

comfortable in other countries because I

knew English because yeah I don't know

it's just super helpful in so many areas

of your life and well when it comes to

tips on how English

language no so what's the what's the

dynamic motivation for learning German

which really only person you know this

Germany Austria Switzerland area well

well and there's many job opportunities

for people who want to become for

example engineers as stereotypical as

that is it is true or just in other

areas of of jobs you can of course use

German as well here or if hmm well that

is a difficult question to answer now

that I'm thinking about it but I think

that it's definitely one of the areas

that helps people there are lots of

places where German is is a very

important language certainly naval yeah

it's not just Joe you sure Alicia Italy

and France it's a it's a major European

language so I didn't want to be

facetious right yeah no it's fine well

and it always depends on the person

maybe they have ancestors from Germany

and that's and they they're interested

in in their culture and maybe they visit

one day and then of course you can get

along with just speaking English but

speaking German will come across as

being interested in the culture and the

people and just as polite as well in a

way we don't necessarily it makes for

such a much more pleasant experience

visiting when you can tell yeah read the

newspaper you turn on the TV hopefully

you don't turn on CNN you turn on German

TV you get this whole feeling of being

in the country so yeah absolutely true I

definitely agree that's why I actually

you motivated me to pick up learning

Japanese again because they studied it a

tiny bit at university but just your

mere existence that you know so many

languages I felt very inadequate it's I

started learning Japanese and okay so

what do you how do you ensure the

difficulties of the German people

perceive German as having long

convoluted you know sentences separated

verbs case endings how do you deal with

these issues what do you tell people

well I mean most of the really scary

words that they see for example this

dono dump ship that's cause hf capitaine

this really long one

of those they never get used in actual

German everyday language and so people

don't need to be scared

for example when people are scared of

daddy does I always tell them just learn

the articles with the word that makes it

a lot easier and I don't know there's I

think people make it out scarier to be

scarier than it actually is in my mind

sometimes when you tell me that once

they start learning the language they

see patterns and they see that it's well

known as hard as I thought so yeah I

agree hundred percent and you know the

people scary say well German is a

subject-object-verb lang SVO and other

languages sov like people the brain

figures that out very quickly even the

lengthy can be lengthy lots of you know

subordinate clause type sentences the

brain gets used to it the brain will get

used to it with enough listening and

reading without lengthy complicated

explanations it's you start to get used

to this pattern and in fact I find it

very enjoyable as with every language so

I think the secret there as you say is

kind of summarize if you are motivated

enough to expose yourself enough to the

language the brain is gonna start

noticing these patterns and a little bit

of explanation might help but ultimately

the brain will kind of sort things out

that's been my experience

well oh I agree definitely so yeah an

advice for all your viewers don't be

scared just start learning and you will

see that it's not as scary okay thank

you so you're a motivator happy no I'll

go to you I'll leave a link to your

YouTube channel oh thank you yeah you

know get people motivated and you

provide you know hints to them on how to

overcome any difficulties they have in

German and hopefully we will increase

the number of people learning German so

thank you very much so thank you for

having me thank you so much thank you

donut bye thank you bye in truth


Get Motivated to Learn German with Dominik from Get Germanized Lassen Sie sich zum Deutschlernen motivieren mit Dominik von Get Germanized Get Motivated to Learn German with Dominik from Get Germanized Motívate para aprender alemán con Dominik de Get Germanized Motivez-vous à apprendre l'allemand avec Dominik de Get Germanized Motivati a imparare il tedesco con Dominik di Get Germanized Get GermanizedのDominikと一緒にドイツ語学習のモチベーションを上げましょう。 Get Germanized의 도미닉과 함께 독일어 학습 동기 부여하기 Raak gemotiveerd om Duits te leren met Dominik van Get Germanized Zmotywuj się do nauki niemieckiego z Dominikiem z Get Germanized Motivar-se para aprender alemão com Dominik da Get Germanized Получите мотивацию для изучения немецкого языка вместе с Домиником из Get Germanized Get Germanized'dan Dominik ile Almanca Öğrenmek İçin Motive Olun Отримайте мотивацію до вивчення німецької з Домініком з Get Germanized 与来自 Get Germanized 的 Dominik 一起激发学习德语的动力 從「德語化」獲得與多明尼克一起學習德語的動力

hello there today I have a special guest

Dominic from Germany who promotes the を促進するドイツのドミニク Домінік з Німеччини, який просуває

German language calls it get germanized ドイツ語でドイツ語化 У німецькій мові це називається германізацією

so we're gonna get German eyes and we're 私たちはドイツの目を見るつもりです。 por isso vamos ter olhos alemães e vamos

gonna find out a little bit more about もう少し詳しく調べます

Dominic hello good evening dominate a Доминик, здравствуйте, добрый вечер. Домінік привіт добрий вечір домінувати

good evening good knob yeah my name is Добрый вечер, добрый ноб, меня зовут

good nom very good I mean I'm pretty гарний ном дуже гарний я маю на увазі, що я гарненький

sure all right all right all right

so well my name is Dominic Honeycomb I так что хорошо, меня зовут Доминик Хонейкомб. так добре, що мене звуть Домінік Ханікомб І

come from Germany as Steve was mentioned приехали из Германии, как упоминал Стив.

from the state of Lower Saxony or

Anita's accent and I have been on

YouTube making videos about the German

language or learning languages and

German culture since basically 2006 Немецкая культура с 2006 года

professionally I've started it in 2013 Професійно я почав займатися цим у 2013 році

after doing my bachelor's thesis at після захисту бакалаврської роботи в

university I noticed this could become

more than just a hobby and I've always

been passionate about helping people

learning and well empowering people to aprender e capacitar bem as pessoas para обучение и расширение возможностей людей для

better themselves and in any way улучшать себя и всячески

possible so that's what I'm trying to do возможно, поэтому я и пытаюсь сделать это.

with my channel and to make it a little

bit entertaining as well because

language I mean for some people it looks

very well scary sometimes because of the

difficult grammar and all the processes

that are involved with learning a new

language and I just want to take away язык, и я просто хочу убрать

that fear a little bit and make it fun этот страх и сделать его веселым

if possible and I told Steve this before если это возможно, и я уже говорил об этом Стиву.

I don't see myself necessarily as a

grammar teacher or something like that

that can really go in depth but a

facilitator of language that keeps order фасилітатор мови, яка підтримує порядок

that gets people motivated to learn it

and keeps them interested in it

hopefully at least you know it's pelo menos sabe que é надеюсь, вы хотя бы знаете, что это

interesting when it comes to grammar and

some people think of German you know

separated verbs and did them be des

whatever and they get intimidated sorry o que quer que seja e ficam intimidados

that was my experience it was only when

I stopped doing yeah that I could learn

the language but if a person is

motivated you know I always think we had

a dog when

our kids were young and if he was

chasing whatever a cat but he would go За яким би котом не гнався, а він би пішов.

through the bramble bush he'd come out крізь кущі ожини він виходив.

the other side bleeding it didn't matter з іншого боку кровоточить, це не має значення.

if he wanted to get that cat you know

and if you can motivate people to learn

German or Chinese people will learn the

characters in Chinese people will learn

the grammar in German if they're

motivated so I think you're on the right

track if you can motivate people they'll

deal with these other issues now one これらの他の問題に対処する

other thing so we're talking motivation

so I know a lot of people are motivated

by German rock music music Rammstein and ドイツのロック音楽音楽ラムシュタインと

so forth I'm how to talk about oh yes だから私はああそう話す方法です

that way zero here I wouldn't know

Rammstein from Rumplestiltskin but when Rammstein из "Румпельштильцхена", но когда

you say Lower Saxony then I think I

don't know where that is except that is

that near Leipzig is that near Bach ライプツィヒの近くはバッハの近くです

country is that what has it anything to

do is that sort of north of Bohemia of それはボヘミアの北のようなものです

the Czech Republic where it tell us

where lower saxony is louis x knees in

the north of germany leipzig is about

five hours from where i love actually a cinco horas do local onde gosto de estar

i'm going there this Friday because I vou lá esta sexta-feira porque

was about to go to the Leipzig Book Fair

which was cancelled because of the

corona scare at the moment I'm still まだコロナ怖い переляк від корони на даний момент я все ще

just gonna go then to explore the city それから街を探索するつもりです

but yeah in the north of Germany the

capital city here is hen overall you ここの首都はあなた全体の編です

know Germany north some North is upper

and huh but in fact this confusing is そして、ハァッしかし、実際にはこれは混乱しています і ха, але насправді ця плутанина полягає в тому, що

the reverse so I guess it's lower saxony

is north of saxony yes second dresden ザクセンの北ですはい2番目のドレスデン

and so forth okay now how what this all

I mean I'm an old fuddy-duddy so I'm Je veux dire que je suis un vieux fuddy-duddy donc je suis 私は年老いただらしない男なので、 Quer dizer, eu sou um velho fuddy-duddy por isso estou Я имею в виду, что я старый чудак, так что я Я старий дідуган, тож я

more into other things don't say that 他のものへのより多くはそれを言わないでください mais para outras coisas não diga isso

things and to me I can tell you what 物事と私はあなたに何を伝えることができます

what I found attractive with German and ドイツ語で魅力的に感じたことと що мене приваблює в німецькій та

German experience including my travels 私の旅行を含むドイツの経験

there but let me ask you what are the

the kinds of things either that have 持っているものの種類

motivated people to learn German or that やる気のある人がドイツ語を学ぶ

you use to motivate people to learn あなたは人々が学ぶように動機づけるために使用します

German well I have asked this question ドイツ語もこの質問をしました

actually a couple of times and my 実際には数回と私の

viewers have said so far that many of 視聴者はこれまでのところ、

them have been influenced as you said by 彼らはあなたが言ったように影響を受けています

Rammstein by music because gumption is ガムプションがあるので音楽によるラムシュタイン Rammstein pela música porque a coragem é

internationally famous and popular and 国際的に有名で人気があり всесвітньо відомі та популярні та

so I understand it it's kind of funny

because the first thing some people will

write is like du du hast you have like 書き込みは、デュ・デュ・ヘイストのようなものです пишуть як du du маєш ти маєш як

the song by Tom Stein or some other

lyrics and I believe the band the German

been Tokyo hotel is internationally

famous as well and they were four-time 同様に有名で、彼らは4回でした

at least getting people to learn German

which i think is fantastic like to me it

doesn't really matter what motivates 動機は何でもかまいません

someone to learn the language as long as 言語を学ぶ人

they have something that interests them 彼らは彼らに興味がある何かを持っています

because I strongly believe that if you 私はあなたが

don't learn about something in the 何かについて学んではいけない

language that really interests you then そのときに本当に興味のある言語

it is very much harder to keep yourself 自分を保つのは非常に難しい

motivated in that state learning and その状態の学習に動機づけられ、

other than that definitely German TV それ以外は間違いなくドイツのテレビ

shows people always tell me how they 人々はいつも私に彼らに

like what was it dark this new Netflix この新しいNetflixは何が暗かったように

mystery show and people just started

learning or getting interested in the

German culture because of shows like のようなショーのためのドイツ文化

this give me some very interesting play これは私にいくつかの非常に興味深い遊びを与えます

of sure Netflix okay 確かにNetflixは大丈夫

Netflix is a major source of language Netflixは主要な言語ソースです

learning content oh for sure I used it 確かに私はそれを使用したコンテンツを学ぶ

for Turkish for a while Oh even found an しばらくの間トルコ語のために

Arabic series there but it was an アラビア語シリーズはありましたが、

Egyptian Arabic and I couldn't

understand a word but so there are a lot 言葉はわかるけどたくさんある

of German series on Netflix and I think ネットフリックスのドイツ語シリーズの

there's even a think I'm learning 私が学んでいると思うことさえあります

languages with Netflix where you can go あなたが行くことができるNetflixの言語

through frame by frame and and look at フレームごとに、そして見て

the subtitles say in German and oh

really I didn't know it amazing port we 本当に私はそれを驚くべきポートを知らなかった Я справді не знав, що це дивовижний порт.

we can bring a Netflix movies into Netflix映画を

and I did that and I brought you can そして私はそれをしましたそして私はあなたができることをもたらしました

also import the dialogue as a lesson so

Netflix is part of this whole world of

content that's out there and if I were

learning German I'd be all over in that

place absolutely

hello you what is your opinion how good

can you start with Netflix or you have

to ramp up to where you can make use of pour monter là où vous pouvez utiliser

Netflix or TV series as a learning

material well well I mean mmm difficult

to say because I am mmm 私はうーん

I don't I just speak English in German

fluently so it's hard for me but when I 流暢に話すのは難しいですが、 вільно, тому мені важко, але коли я

learned English I motivated myself also 英語を勉強しました вивчив англійську мову, я також мотивував себе

with TV shows are actually to be precise テレビ番組は実際には正確です з телевізійними шоу, якщо бути точним

at Japanese animation and it had english 日本のアニメと英語で

subtitles all the time and every time i いつでも、毎回字幕

wanted to know a story plot or what was 物語の筋書きや何かが知りたい

going on and i didn't know a word and 続けて、私は言葉を知りませんでした、そして

the subtitles i just looked it up at a 私が見上げた字幕

dictionary or something like that so i 辞書かそのようなものだから私は

believe if people have like a basic 人々が基本的なものを持っているかどうかを信じる

understanding at least then learning 少なくとも理解してから学ぶ

vocabulary with stuff like this with このようなもので語彙

netflix and movies is very good at least ネットフリックスと映画は少なくとも非常に良いです

for me it was but but i believe there 私にとってはそうでしたが、私はそこにいると信じています

should be a little bit of a basis maybe たぶん、基礎の少しであるべきです

otherwise you don't understand anything そうでなければあなたは何も理解していません

but what do you think about that it's でもそれについてどう思いますか

slim curious yeah if i take my スリムな好奇心そうそう Тонкий любопытный, да, если я возьму свой

experience with russian for example i'm たとえばロシア人との経験

fairly early in my russian learning I 私のロシア語学習のかなり早い段階で

found our bookstore in Vancouver where バンクーバーで本屋を見つけました

they so you know Russian movie DVDs so I 彼らはあなたがロシアの映画DVDを知っているので、私は

bought some of these but it was more これらのいくつかを買ったが、それはより多かった

stimulus because like you know here wow 刺激はあなたがここで知っているようにすごいから

look at me I'm watching a Russian and Подивіться на мене, я дивлюся на росіянина і

this is especially the old Soviet movies これは特に古いソビエト映画です особливо це стосується старих радянських фільмів

that were better than the more recent 最近のものより良かった які були кращими, ніж останні.

Russian movies and you know something ロシアの映画とあなたは何かを知っています Російські фільми, і ви щось знаєте

from the 19th century and I found this 19世紀から、私はこれを見つけました

stuff very motivating but I couldn't use

him as learning material because I

didn't understand I couldn't read the

Russian script I could read the English ロシア語のスクリプトで英語が読める Російський сценарій я можу прочитати англійський

subtitles and then enjoy the movie but 字幕を付けて映画をお楽しみください

it wasn't that language learning それはその言語学習ではなかった

experience so I do believe you have to 経験なので、私はあなたがする必要があると信じています

get to a sort of an intermediate level 中級レベルに到達する

however you know depends I mean if しかし、あなたが知っているかどうかは、 no entanto, sabe o que depende, quero dizer, se

you're going you know English to French 英語からフランス語へ

or English to German there there's 30 40 または英語からドイツ語へ30 40

% of the words there that you can できる単語の割合

recognize so it may be easier but with 認識しやすいので、

Russia and I found that I I had to ramp ロシアと私は、IIが増加しなければならないことを発見しました

up with と一緒に

learning activities and then I could 学習活動と私はできました

start enjoying movies but it certainly 映画を楽しみ始めますが、それは確かに

is motivating there's no question its 動機付けの質問はありません

mode it's the romance it's the romance モードそれはロマンスですそれはロマンスです режим це романтика це романтика це романтика

of Germany so let's talk a bit about the ドイツのので、について少し話しましょう

romance of Germany so okay we got it ドイツのロマンスなので大丈夫

truck music we got Netflix how about Netflixで入手したトラック音楽

what are some of the other reasons why なぜ他の理由のいくつかは何ですか

people learn German yeah talking about 人々はドイツ語を学ぶそうだ

romance well for romance for love many 多くの愛のロマンスのためのロマンス

people these days get to know their 最近の人々は彼らのことを知るようになります

their special someone through the を通じて彼らの特別な誰か

internet and it's becoming more and more インターネットとそれはますますなっています

normal I think it is pretty normal by 通常私はそれはかなり正常だと思います

now and that way this well getting to 今、そのように

know people from other countries has 他の国の人が知っている

become very easy because of the internet インターネットのために非常に簡単になります

and so many people have found someone 多くの人が誰かを見つけました

and want to learn their language as it 彼らの言語をそのまま学びたい

for example Germany or German in this

case and they come here they live here ケースと彼らはここに来て彼らはここに住んでいます

and learn the language basically in the そして基本的に言語を学びます

motivation is their partner which makes 動機は作るパートナーです

a lot of sense because that is one of それはので、多くの意味

the actually now that you were saying あなたが言っていた今

that and I won't name any names but I それと名前は付けませんが

think you might know this person as well この人も知っていると思う

I have met another polyglot at at a で別のポリグロットに会った

language event in Berlin last year and 昨年のベルリンでの語学イベント

he told me actually that he does that 彼は実際にそうすることを私に言った

sometimes he keeps around people that ときどき彼は

speak certain language was basically 特定の言語を話すことは基本的に

flatmates and I guess maybe girlfriends フラットメイトと私は多分ガールフレンドだと思います сусіди по квартирі і, можливо, подруги

as well I have not what ever said sure 同様に私は今までに言ったことは確かではありません

but that was super interesting to me でもそれは私にとってとても面白かった

like I was always wondering how how do

polyglots that speak a lot of languages 多くの言語を話すポリグロット

keep the language fresh and I guess that 言語を新鮮に保ち、私はそれを推測します

is one of the ways you can do it so yeah そうすることができる方法の一つです

I mean I think a because I and with 20 と思うのは私と20歳だから

languages you can't constantly be あなたが常にいることができない言語

looking for people who speak those それらを話す人を探しています

languages so it ends up being more a 言語なので、最終的には

matter of に関する

freshing them occasionally through lots 時々ロットを介してそれらをリフレッシュ

of listening and reading and those kinds

of things I also wanted to say that you あなたのことも言いたかった

know Germany a little bit about my 私についてドイツを少し知っている

experience with German then Germany is a ドイツ語の経験はドイツです

wonderful place to visit and you あなたと訪問する素晴らしい場所

sometimes hear people say well I went to 時々人々がよく言ったのを聞いた

Germany and I spoke in German and the

answered in English and it's very 英語で答えた、それは非常に

discouraging and stuff and then it might 落胆とか、それから знеохочуюче і все таке, а потім це може

be better unsaid in a department store デパートで口外しない краще не говорити в універмазі

in Berlin or Hamburg or in you know

Munich but one of the more I mean ミュンヘンですが、そのうちの1つは

charming places to visit in Germany is ドイツで訪問する魅力的な場所は

the small towns and you stay in a small

i grin and I don't know what it is now 私はニヤリと、今それが何であるかわかりません

but it used to be very cheap the meals 以前はとても安い食事でした

were cheap I'm very opposed yeah I guess

depends on where but yeah you know どこに依存しますが、ええ、あなたは知っています

cheaper definite you stay in these towns あなたがこれらの町に滞在するより安い明確な

that are just like like they're so それは彼らがそうであるようにちょうど同じです

beautiful like they're postcard perfect 彼らは完璧なはがきのように美しい

little towns and I can't remember 小さな町と思い出せない

I stayed many times I had business 私は仕事をして何回も滞在しました

dealings not too far from link to school 学校へのリンクからそれほど遠くない取引 не надто далеко від школи, щоб мати змогу відвідувати її

if you I think it's pure yeah I mean

it's a romantic town in there and そこはロマンチックな街で、

they're the people don't speak so much

in English and so there's no difficulty

in speaking German and so you're kind of

able to put yourself into this German このドイツ語に身を置くことができる

medieval German town and speak German 中世ドイツの町とドイツ語を話す

and there's even little bookstores there ほんの少しの本屋もあります

and so I think there's ample opportunity ですから、十分な機会があると思います

and people in Germany are very friendly

there's sometimes a thing that the

Germans are very strict and severe and ドイツ人は非常に厳しくて厳しいです

if you're driving around and the gas あなたが周りを運転しているなら、ガス

stations and inns and stuff sorry it's 駅や旅館などはごめんなさい вокзали, готелі і все таке, вибачте, що так вийшло.

it's it's a very pleasant place to visit とても楽しい場所です

and if you want to use your German in my そしてあなたが私の中であなたのドイツ語を使いたいなら

opinion be a little strategic don't go 意見は少し戦略的にならない

into places where people are busy and

especially here you stumble in German 特にここではドイツ語でつまずく

we're gonna answer in English because 英語で答えます

but if you go to the smaller towns you でも小さな町に行くと

can have a very nice romantic German とても素敵なロマンチックなドイツ語をすることができます

experience at least that's been my 少なくともそれは私の経験です

experience well I'm really happy that

you think that that's wonderful yeah I

mean I always hope that people have a 常に人々が

good time coming here and when when they ここに来る良い時間といつ

say that are they only speak to me in 彼らは私に話しかけるだけですか

English because they they want to help 彼らは助けたいので英語

me I also understand that I guess but 私も私が推測していることを理解していますが

many Germans also are very keen on just 多くのドイツ人もちょうどに非常に熱心です

practicing their English 英語を練習する

as you say as you said in bigger cities 大都市で言ったように

and when it's a hectic situation it's そしてそれが多忙な状況であるとき

just faster for them then help the other 彼らのためだけに速く、それから他を助ける

person necessarily but also yes in 人は必ずですが、はい

smaller villages or talents you will 小さな村や才能

have all the opportunity you want even あなたが望むすべての機会を持っています

though the younger folk there will speak そこにいる若い人たちは話すでしょう

English as well so if you want to switch 英語も切り替えたいなら

to English that's most of the time no ほとんどの場合英語に

problem right I feel at least yeah and 問題は少なくとも私はそう感じ、

besides those people if you meet a あなたが会ったらそれらの人々のほかに

German person as a young person in a 若者としてのドイツ人

small town they found someone to speak

to in English so yeah they want to speak 英語でそうそう彼らは話したいです

English so why does your right to speak 英語だからあなたの話す権利はなぜですか

German Trump their right to speak ドイツのトランプは話す権利

English you know neither one of you is a あなたはどちらも英語ではありません

teacher so are you you got to work those

things out that's one other one thing それはもう一つのことです

I'm curious about too is like what are 私も気になります

some of the so what what are some of the いくつかはので、いくつかは何ですか

messaging that you give your followers フォロワーに伝えるメッセージ

either when it comes to why they should 彼らがなぜすべきかということになると

learn German or about how better to ドイツ語を学ぶか、どのように良いかについて

learn German and what are some of the

tricks about dealing with German and you あなたとドイツ語の扱いに関するトリック

know that the long convoluted sentences 長い複雑な文章が

with long phrases and relative clauses 長いフレーズと関連句

and separated verbs and what sort of

advice do you give well first of all I まず第一に私はよくしますか

guess why they should learn German or

why they should learn any second なぜ彼らは少しずつ学ぶべきなのか

language is just because it makes you a 言語は、それがあなたを

lot more empathetic how do you yeah もっと共感的です

empathetic towards other cultures and it 他の文化とそれに対する共感

gives you so many opportunities if you

learn another language you I mean that's

what I learned English because I didn't

just want to be confined to my own 自分だけに閉じ込められたい

country to the possibilities within my 私の中の可能性に国

own country I wouldn't be doing what I'm

doing right now if I didn't learn a 私が学んでいないなら今やって

second language and I traveled and felt

comfortable in other countries because I

knew English because yeah I don't know

it's just super helpful in so many areas 非常に多くの分野で非常に役立ちます

of your life and well when it comes to

tips on how English 英語のヒント

language no so what's the what's the 言語ないので何ですか

dynamic motivation for learning German ドイツ語学習の動機

which really only person you know this 本当にこれだけ知っている人だけ

Germany Austria Switzerland area well

well and there's many job opportunities よく、多くの仕事の機会があります

for people who want to become for になりたい人のために

example engineers as stereotypical as サンプルエンジニアと同じくらいステレオタイプ

that is it is true or just in other それが真実か、それとも他の

areas of of jobs you can of course use もちろん使用できる仕事の分野

German as well here or if hmm well that ドイツ語もここにあります

is a difficult question to answer now 今答えるのは難しい質問です

that I'm thinking about it but I think 私はそれについて考えていますが、私は思う

that it's definitely one of the areas それは間違いなくエリアの一つであること

that helps people there are lots of それはたくさんの人々を助ける

places where German is is a very ドイツ人がいる場所は非常に

important language certainly naval yeah 重要な言語は確かに海軍です

it's not just Joe you sure Alicia Italy ジョーだけじゃないアリシアイタリア

and France it's a it's a major European そしてフランスはそれが主要なヨーロッパです

language so I didn't want to be 言語になりたいので

facetious right yeah no it's fine well 面白そうそうそうそう

and it always depends on the person そしてそれは常に人に依存します

maybe they have ancestors from Germany 多分彼らはドイツからの祖先を持っています

and that's and they they're interested そしてそれは彼らが興味を持っている

in in their culture and maybe they visit 彼らの文化の中でそして多分彼らは訪問します

one day and then of course you can get ある日、もちろんあなたは得ることができます

along with just speaking English but 英語を話すだけでなく

speaking German will come across as ドイツ語を話すと

being interested in the culture and the

people and just as polite as well in a 人と同様に丁寧に

way we don't necessarily it makes for 必ずしもそうではない方法

such a much more pleasant experience そのようなはるかに楽しい経験

visiting when you can tell yeah read the ええと読むことができると言うときに訪れる

newspaper you turn on the TV hopefully

you don't turn on CNN you turn on German CNNをオンにしないで、ドイツ語をオンにする

TV you get this whole feeling of being TVあなたはこの存在感全体を手に入れます

in the country so yeah absolutely true I

definitely agree that's why I actually それが私が実際に理由であることに間違いなく同意する

you motivated me to pick up learning あなたは私を学び始めるように動機を与えました

Japanese again because they studied it a

tiny bit at university but just your 大学ではほんの少しですが、あなたの

mere existence that you know so many あなたがとてもたくさん知っている単なる存在

languages I felt very inadequate it's I 私がとても不十分だと感じた言語

started learning Japanese and okay so

what do you how do you ensure the

difficulties of the German people

perceive German as having long

convoluted you know sentences separated

verbs case endings how do you deal with

these issues what do you tell people

well I mean most of the really scary

words that they see for example this

dono dump ship that's cause hf capitaine hf capitaineを引き起こすdonoダンプ船

this really long one これは本当に長いです

of those they never get used in actual 実際に使用されることのないものの

German everyday language and so people

don't need to be scared 怖がる必要はありません

for example when people are scared of

daddy does I always tell them just learn パパはいつも彼らにただ学ぶだけだと言いますか

the articles with the word that makes it

a lot easier and I don't know there's I ずっと簡単で、私がいることを知りません

think people make it out scarier to be 人が怖くなる

scarier than it actually is in my mind 実際よりも怖い

sometimes when you tell me that once 時には私に一度言ったとき

they start learning the language they 彼らは言語を学び始めます

see patterns and they see that it's well パターンを見て、彼らはそれがうまくいくことを見る

known as hard as I thought so yeah I 思ったより一生懸命知られているので

agree hundred percent and you know the

people scary say well German is a 怖い人はドイツ語は

subject-object-verb lang SVO and other

languages sov like people the brain 人々のような言語sov脳

figures that out very quickly even the さえ非常に迅速に

lengthy can be lengthy lots of you know

subordinate clause type sentences the 従属節型文

brain gets used to it the brain will get

used to it with enough listening and

reading without lengthy complicated

explanations it's you start to get used

to this pattern and in fact I find it

very enjoyable as with every language so

I think the secret there as you say is

kind of summarize if you are motivated

enough to expose yourself enough to the 十分に自分を公開するのに十分

language the brain is gonna start

noticing these patterns and a little bit これらのパターンに気づき、少し

of explanation might help but ultimately

the brain will kind of sort things out 脳は一種のものを整理します

that's been my experience

well oh I agree definitely so yeah an

advice for all your viewers don't be

scared just start learning and you will

see that it's not as scary okay thank

you so you're a motivator happy no I'll

go to you I'll leave a link to your

YouTube channel oh thank you yeah you

know get people motivated and you 人々にやる気を起こさせて

provide you know hints to them on how to

overcome any difficulties they have in 彼らが抱えている困難を克服する

German and hopefully we will increase

the number of people learning German so

thank you very much so thank you for

having me thank you so much thank you

donut bye thank you bye in truth
