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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Mardy: The English We Speak - YouTube

Mardy: The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak. I'm Feifei.

Rob: And hi, I'm Rob. Hey, Feifei.

Why the long face?

Feifei: What's wrong with my face?

Rob: I mean, why are you looking so...


Feifei: Grumpy!?

Rob: Yes... moody.

Feifei: Moody! There is nothing wrong -

this is my normal face. Why are you

throwing so many insults at me?

Rob: Oh come on, you do look

a bit bad-tempered.

Feifei: I'm not bad-tempered.

But I'm getting angry now.

Rob: Oh great! Then I can describe you

as mardy.

Feifei: Mardy? I hope that's not

another insult.

Rob: It's not an insult - but 'mardy' does

describe someone who is in a bad mood,

moans a lot and gets annoyed easily.

So, thanks for demonstrating that, Feifei!

Feifei: My pleasure!

Let's hear some examples...

There are no desks for Pedro to work at

today so he has to sit on the sofa -

no wonder he is so mardy.

My boyfriend is always so mardy - nothing

seems to please him. Maybe I shouldn't

have come home drunk last night!

Steer clear of me today.

I only had four hours sleep last night

and I'm really mardy today.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and we're talking

about the word 'mardy', which describes

someone in a bad mood. As I was saying, Rob,

I am not mardy!

Rob: If you say so, Feifei.

Feifei: But I know something

to make you mardy.

Rob: Oh yes?

Feifei: You're going to have to record

this programme again.

Rob: What? Again? Why?

Feifei: You forgot to explain that 'mardy'

also describes someone who is

sulky or grumpy.

Rob: Hmm, you're just being awkward.

I'm not going to start this programme

again - I'm too busy.

Right, I'm off to get a coffee. Goodbye!

Feifei: Who's mardy now?

Or he is just acting? Bye!

Mardy: The English We Speak - YouTube Mardy: Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube Mardy: The English We Speak - YouTube Mardy: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Mardy : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube Mardy: L'inglese che parliamo - YouTube マーディ私たちが話す英語 - YouTube Mardy: 우리가 말하는 영어 - YouTube Mardy: The English We Speak - "YouTube Mardy: Het Engels dat wij spreken - YouTube Mardy: The English We Speak - YouTube Mardy: O inglês que falamos - YouTube Марди: Английский, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Mardy: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Марді: Англійська, якою ми говоримо - YouTube 马迪:我们说的英语 - YouTube 馬迪:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English Feifei: Olá e bem-vindos ao The English

We Speak. I'm Feifei. Nós falamos. Chamo-me Feifei.

Rob: And hi, I'm Rob. Hey, Feifei.

Why the long face? Warum das lange Gesicht? Porquê essa cara comprida? Neden yüzün asık? 为什么不开心?

Feifei: What's wrong with my face? Feifei: Yüzümün nesi var? 菲菲:我的脸怎么了?

Rob: I mean, why are you looking so... 罗布:我的意思是,你为什么看起来那么……

grumpy? mürrisch? 不機嫌?

Feifei: Grumpy!? 菲菲:脾气暴躁!?

Rob: Yes... moody. Rob: Ja... launisch. Rob:是的……喜怒无常。

Feifei: Moody! There is nothing wrong - 飞飞:喜怒无常!没有任何错误 -

this is my normal face. Why are you 这是我正常的脸。你为什么

throwing so many insults at me? mich mit so vielen Beleidigungen zu überhäufen?

Rob: Oh come on, you do look Роб: Та годі, ти справді виглядаєш Rob:哦拜托,你确实看起来

a bit bad-tempered. ein bisschen schlecht gelaunt. трохи не в гуморі. 脾气有点暴躁。

Feifei: I'm not bad-tempered. Feifei: Ich bin nicht schlecht gelaunt.

But I'm getting angry now. Aber jetzt werde ich sauer.

Rob: Oh great! Then I can describe you

as mardy. wie Mardy.

Feifei: Mardy? I hope that's not Фейфей: Марді? Сподіваюся, це не 菲菲:玛蒂?我希望那不是

another insult. eine weitere Beleidigung. ще одна образа.

Rob: It's not an insult - but 'mardy' does Роб: Это не оскорбление - но "mardy" - да.

describe someone who is in a bad mood,

moans a lot and gets annoyed easily. stöhnt viel und wird leicht ärgerlich. много стонет и легко раздражается. 经常呻吟,很容易生气。

So, thanks for demonstrating that, Feifei! 所以,感谢你证明这一点,飞飞!

Feifei: My pleasure!

Let's hear some examples... Let's hear some examples... 让我们听一些例子...

There are no desks for Pedro to work at Es gibt keine Schreibtische, an denen Pedro arbeiten könnte 佩德罗没有办公桌可以工作

today so he has to sit on the sofa - сьогодні, тому йому доводиться сидіти на дивані -

no wonder he is so mardy. Kein Wunder, dass er so mardy ist. не дивно, що він такий похмурий. 难怪他这么狂热。

My boyfriend is always so mardy - nothing Mein Freund ist immer so mürrisch - nichts Мій хлопець завжди такий похмурий - нічого

seems to please him. Maybe I shouldn't 彼は喜んでいるようだ。もしかしたら、私は здається, йому подобається. Може, мені не варто 似乎取悦他。也许我不应该

have come home drunk last night! 昨夜は酔っ払って帰ってきた! прийшли вчора додому п'яні! 昨晚喝醉了回家!

Steer clear of me today. Halten Sie sich heute von mir fern. 今天离我远点。

I only had four hours sleep last night 我昨晚只睡了四个小时

and I'm really mardy today.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from 飞飞:This is The English We Speak 来自

BBC Learning English and we're talking

about the word 'mardy', which describes

someone in a bad mood. As I was saying, Rob,

I am not mardy!

Rob: If you say so, Feifei.

Feifei: But I know something

to make you mardy.

Rob: Oh yes?

Feifei: You're going to have to record 菲菲:你得录

this programme again.

Rob: What? Again? Why?

Feifei: You forgot to explain that 'mardy' 飞飞:你忘了解释那个'mardy'

also describes someone who is 也形容某人是

sulky or grumpy.

Rob: Hmm, you're just being awkward. Rob: Hmm, du bist einfach nur ungeschickt.

I'm not going to start this programme 我不会开始这个程序

again - I'm too busy.

Right, I'm off to get a coffee. Goodbye! So, ich gehe jetzt einen Kaffee trinken. Auf Wiedersehen! 好吧,我要去喝杯咖啡了。再见!

Feifei: Who's mardy now? 飞飞:现在谁是mardy?

Or he is just acting? Bye! Oder schauspielert er nur? Auf Wiedersehen! 还是他只是在演戏?再见!