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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), Is Meat Bad for You? Is Meat Unhealthy?

Is Meat Bad for You? Is Meat Unhealthy?

When our vegetarian ancestors started eating meat around two million years ago,

it wasn't just because animals taste great,

it was pure necessity.

Climate change made many of the plants our ancestors relied on less available and meat bridged that gap.

From the discovery of fire at the latest, meat became a staple of the human diet.

But over the last few years eating meat has increasingly been associated with health risks like:

heart disease, certain cancers, and an early death.

So how unhealthy is meat, really?

In this video we'll only talk about meat.

Dairy products deserve a video of their own.

Biologically, we need to eat for three reasons:

for energy, to acquire materials to fabricate our cells,

and to get special molecules that our bodies can't make themselves.

The energy and most of the materials come from the three macronutrients: fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Proteins are the most important resource for repairing and replenishing our cell structures.

The special molecules are a large variety of vitamins and minerals we need to drive metabolic processes.

Meat provides us with most of these things.

It contains all essential amino acids our body needs and a lot of minerals like:

iron, zinc and essential vitamins, some of which are barely found in plants like Vitamin B12.

Only one essential nutrient is missing in most of the meat we consume: vitamin C.

It appears in almost all plants and supports our immune system

as well as the development of connective tissues.

After a few months without it you'd get scurvy.

But meat has another big advantage, it's high bioavailability.

Some of the nutrients in meat are broken down faster and available quicker than those from plants.

Spinach for example, contains more iron than meat, but it's absorbed much slower

and the body needs more energy to digest it.

Several health benefits have also been observed in communities that rely solely on meat.

The Inuit for example, are able to survive in extreme climate conditions thanks to a purely meat-based diet.

Since they consume the whole animal including the organs, they get every single nutrient they need

including vitamin C.

So meat itself is definitely not dangerous for us.

But its health effects vary, depending on how its prepared and what animal it comes from.

When talking about meat in the Western world,

we generally mean muscle tissues that have a high nutrient density,

but also lack some of the vitamins that make it possible to survive on meat alone.

The most healthy animals to eat are probably fish.

Fish contains polyunsaturated fatty acids like omega-3,

which may lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases and support anti-inflammatory immune functions.

As part of a balanced diet, fish can be eaten regularly without worries.

Eating fish comes with its own bag of complications though,

like overfishing and the destruction of the oceans.

We'll talk about that in another video.

A close second is the most popular meat, chicken.

It's regarded as the meat with the fewest health risks.

The only negative health effect of poultry is a bit controversial:


It's high content of saturated fats is associated with a higher cholesterol level and cardiovascular disease.

But this idea has also been criticized by a large number of scientists

arguing high cholesterol levels might be inherited and not caused by nutrition.

So in general, if you want meat and are concerned about your health, go for chicken.

Things start to get problematic with high intakes of red meats like beef, veal, pork, lamb, horse and goat.

A recently published study recommends for example a maximum of 23 grams of red meat per day

which is a very small steak per week.

However, large-scale meta-analysis studies have shown that eating 100 grams of red meat every day

increases the risk of diabetes by 19%, of strokes by 11% and of colorectal cancer by 17%.

This sounds alarming. But before we panic, let's have a look at how these studies were conducted.

Because this brings us to the second big problem when trying to answer the question of

whether meat is unhealthy or not.

Most studies that linked health risks to eating red meat were case-control studies.

Which means taking a group of people with a disease and classifying them by their eating habits.

The more red meat they consume, the more likely they were to contract certain diseases.

The problem is that it's very hard to eliminate other factors.

People who eat less meat tend to live a healthier lifestyle in general.

They tend to eat more vegetables and fruit and are less likely to smoke and drink alcohol.

Most studies try to eliminate these factors, but it's extremely hard to make definitive statements.

Things get worse when we look at processed meat though.

Processing meat means adding certain chemicals by

curing, smoking, sorting or fermenting

or in other words making it delicious.

Bacon, ham, salami, sausages and hot dogs contain chemicals that are harmful for us

like nitrates and nitrites that can damage the DNA in our digestive system and lead to cancer.

The w-h-o reviewed 800 studies over 20 years,

and concluded that processed wheat is strongly linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer.

Each extra 50 grams of processed meat per day increases your risk of cancer by 18 percent.

When it comes to cancer risk, processed meat is now in the same category as plutonium,

asbestos and smoking.

The w-h-o highlights that it's research is only about the question of whether or not something

causes cancer and not to what extent.

But processed meat may also significantly increase the chance of suffering from

diabetes, strokes and coronary heart diseases.

It also makes a difference what sort of life our meat lived when it was still part of a living being.

It's common to feed large amounts of antibiotics to livestock

in order to prevent diseases which can spread antibiotic resistance.

Combined, a high consumption of both red and processed meat

could increase your chance of premature death by up to 29%.

This means if your chance of dying is at 3% this year, it's now 4%.

This might not sound like a lot but tiny percentages have a huge impact on societies of millions.

They also seem harmless until they affect you.

To blame meat alone for bad health would be wrong though.

There is no evidence that the very essence of meat has any negative effect beyond it's high fat content.

And even this point is highly contentious.

Just like with many other pleasures in life, sometimes too much of a good thing is harmful.

Most public health agencies suggest cutting meat consumption to 500 grams a week

while studies suggest cutting down processed meat as much as possible.

So if you feast on meat no more than once or twice a week, you should be good.

For most people this already means a drastic change in their diets though,

The average American consumes around almost 1600 grams of meat a week.

The average German 1100 grams a week.

And many of us needs much much more.

If you're not really sure, make a small note whenever you eat meat for a week or two.

You'll be surprised how much it really is.

So most people watching this video would benefit from cutting down on meat.

Aside from health concerns,

there's still the fact that the meat industry is one of the largest contributors to climate change

and has reached a scale where it's impossible to deliver millions of tons of meat

and still treat animals with dignity.

We've already discussed that in detail in another video.

All in all, in moderation, meat is not unhealthy and you don't need to become vegetarian overnight

to have a real impact on your health and the planet.

But your lifestyle choices do matter.

For yourself and for others.

The key is being open to trying something new once in a while.

Maybe you'll discover your new favourite dish.

Until you try you'll never know what you'll enjoy or what you're capable of.

Maybe after watching hours of Kurzgesagt videos, you've decided you'd like to learn how to animate.

Now you might not know this, but most of our team actually has a graphic design background.

Learning about design principles first before we got into animation was really key to where we are today.

There's a really great new Skillshare class on using Adobe Illustrator,

The software we use to create artwork by graphic designer Aaron Draplin

and we can personally recommend it.

It's full of great tips to help understand and simplify a very complicated program.

If you want to do more afterwards, we have three animation courses of our own on Skillshare too.

Skillshare offers over 25,000 classes on topics

like film and video editing, writing, design and technology from an array of skilled experts.

With the Premium Membership, you can access all of them for only $10 a month.

And as a bonus, the first 1000 Kurzgesagt viewers to use the link in the description,

will get their first two months of Skillshare for free.

Is Meat Bad for You? Is Meat Unhealthy? Ist Fleisch ungesund? Ist Fleisch ungesund? Is Meat Bad for You? Is Meat Unhealthy? ¿Es mala la carne? ¿Es mala la carne? La viande est-elle mauvaise pour la santé ? 肉は体に悪いのか?肉は不健康か? Ar mėsa jums kenkia? Ar mėsa nesveika? Is vlees slecht voor je? Is vlees ongezond? Czy mięso jest niezdrowe? A carne é má para si? A carne não é saudável? Мясо вредно для здоровья? Вредно ли мясо для здоровья? Et Sizin İçin Kötü mü? Et Sağlıksız mı? Чи шкідливе м'ясо для вас? Чи шкідливе м'ясо для здоров'я? 肉对你有害吗?肉不健康吗? 肉對你有害嗎?肉不健康嗎?

When our vegetarian ancestors started eating meat around two million years ago,

it wasn't just because animals taste great, no era sólo porque los animales saben muy bien,

it was pure necessity. era pura necesidad.

Climate change made many of the plants our ancestors relied on less available and meat bridged that gap. V důsledku klimatických změn se snížila dostupnost mnoha rostlin, na které se naši předkové spoléhali, a tuto mezeru překlenulo maso. El cambio climático redujo la disponibilidad de muchas de las plantas de las que dependían nuestros antepasados y la carne cubrió ese vacío. Le changement climatique a rendu moins disponibles de nombreuses plantes dont nos ancêtres dépendaient, et la viande a comblé cette lacune. Из-за изменения климата многие растения, на которых полагались наши предки, стали менее доступными, и мясо восполнило этот пробел.

From the discovery of fire at the latest, meat became a staple of the human diet. Nejpozději od objevu ohně se maso stalo základem lidského jídelníčku. A más tardar desde el descubrimiento del fuego, la carne se convirtió en un alimento básico de la dieta humana. Depuis la découverte du feu au plus tard, la viande est devenue un élément essentiel de l'alimentation humaine. Самое позднее, с момента открытия огня, мясо стало основным продуктом питания человека.

But over the last few years eating meat has increasingly been associated with health risks like: V posledních letech je však konzumace masa stále častěji spojována se zdravotními riziky, jako jsou: Pero en los últimos años comer carne se ha asociado cada vez más a riesgos para la salud como: Однако в последние несколько лет употребление мяса все чаще связывают с риском для здоровья, например:

heart disease, certain cancers, and an early death. srdeční choroby, některé druhy rakoviny a předčasnou smrt. enfermedades cardiacas, ciertos tipos de cáncer y una muerte prematura.

So how unhealthy is meat, really?

In this video we'll only talk about meat.

Dairy products deserve a video of their own. Mléčné výrobky si zaslouží vlastní video. Los productos lácteos merecen un vídeo propio. 乳製品は、独自のビデオに値します。 Молочные продукты заслуживают отдельного видеоролика.

Biologically, we need to eat for three reasons: Z biologického hlediska potřebujeme jíst ze tří důvodů:

for energy, to acquire materials to fabricate our cells, pro energii, získávání materiálů pro výrobu našich buněk, para obtener energía, adquirir materiales para fabricar nuestras células,

and to get special molecules that our bodies can't make themselves. a získat speciální molekuly, které si naše tělo nedokáže vyrobit samo. y para obtener moléculas especiales que nuestro cuerpo no puede fabricar por sí mismo.

The energy and most of the materials come from the three macronutrients: fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Энергия и большая часть материалов поступают из трех макронутриентов: жиров, углеводов и белков.

Proteins are the most important resource for repairing and replenishing our cell structures. Bílkoviny jsou nejdůležitějším zdrojem pro obnovu a doplňování buněčných struktur. Las proteínas son el recurso más importante para reparar y reponer nuestras estructuras celulares. Белки - важнейший ресурс для восстановления и пополнения клеточных структур.

The special molecules are a large variety of vitamins and minerals we need to drive metabolic processes. Speciální molekuly jsou nejrůznější vitaminy a minerály, které potřebujeme k řízení metabolických procesů. Las moléculas especiales son una gran variedad de vitaminas y minerales que necesitamos para impulsar los procesos metabólicos. Les molécules spéciales sont une grande variété de vitamines et de minéraux dont nous avons besoin pour conduire les processus métaboliques. Особые молекулы - это множество витаминов и минералов, необходимых нам для обеспечения обменных процессов.

Meat provides us with most of these things. Většinu z nich nám poskytuje maso. La carne nos proporciona la mayoría de estas cosas. La viande nous fournit la plupart de ces éléments. Большинство из этих вещей дает нам мясо.

It contains all essential amino acids our body needs and a lot of minerals like: Contiene todos los aminoácidos esenciales que nuestro cuerpo necesita y una gran cantidad de minerales como: Он содержит все необходимые организму незаменимые аминокислоты и большое количество минералов, таких как:

iron, zinc and essential vitamins, some of which are barely found in plants like Vitamin B12. železo, zinek a základní vitaminy, z nichž některé se v rostlinách téměř nevyskytují, jako například vitamin B12. железо, цинк и необходимые витамины, некоторые из которых почти не встречаются в растениях, например, витамин B12.

Only one essential nutrient is missing in most of the meat we consume: vitamin C. Sólo falta un nutriente esencial en la mayor parte de la carne que consumimos: la vitamina C. Un seul nutriment essentiel manque dans la plupart des viandes que nous consommons : la vitamine C.

It appears in almost all plants and supports our immune system Aparece en casi todas las plantas y favorece nuestro sistema inmunitario Il est présent dans presque toutes les plantes et soutient notre système immunitaire. Он присутствует почти во всех растениях и поддерживает нашу иммунную систему.

as well as the development of connective tissues. sowie die Entwicklung des Bindegewebes. ainsi que le développement des tissus conjonctifs.

After a few months without it you'd get scurvy. Nach ein paar Monaten ohne sie würde man Skorbut bekommen. Después de unos meses sin ella te daría escorbuto. Au bout de quelques mois, on attrape le scorbut. Через несколько месяцев без него у вас начнется цинга.

But meat has another big advantage, it's high bioavailability.

Some of the nutrients in meat are broken down faster and available quicker than those from plants. Algunos de los nutrientes de la carne se descomponen más rápido y están disponibles antes que los de las plantas. Certains des nutriments contenus dans la viande sont décomposés plus rapidement et disponibles plus vite que ceux des plantes. Некоторые питательные вещества, содержащиеся в мясе, расщепляются быстрее и доступны быстрее, чем питательные вещества из растений.

Spinach for example, contains more iron than meat, but it's absorbed much slower Las espinacas, por ejemplo, contienen más hierro que la carne, pero su absorción es mucho más lenta.

and the body needs more energy to digest it.

Several health benefits have also been observed in communities that rely solely on meat. También se han observado varios beneficios para la salud en las comunidades que dependen exclusivamente de la carne. Plusieurs avantages pour la santé ont également été observés dans les communautés qui dépendent uniquement de la viande. Некоторые преимущества для здоровья также наблюдались в сообществах, которые полагаются исключительно на мясо.

The Inuit for example, are able to survive in extreme climate conditions thanks to a purely meat-based diet. Los inuit, por ejemplo, son capaces de sobrevivir en condiciones climáticas extremas gracias a una dieta basada exclusivamente en la carne. Например, инуиты способны выживать в экстремальных климатических условиях благодаря исключительно мясному рациону.

Since they consume the whole animal including the organs, they get every single nutrient they need Como consumen el animal entero, incluidos los órganos, obtienen todos los nutrientes que necesitan. Comme ils consomment l'animal entier, y compris les organes, ils obtiennent tous les nutriments dont ils ont besoin.

including vitamin C.

So meat itself is definitely not dangerous for us. Así que la carne en sí no es peligrosa para nosotros. Так что само мясо для нас точно не опасно.

But its health effects vary, depending on how its prepared and what animal it comes from. Pero sus efectos sobre la salud varían según cómo se prepare y de qué animal proceda.

When talking about meat in the Western world, Cuando se habla de carne en el mundo occidental, Lorsque l'on parle de viande dans le monde occidental,

we generally mean muscle tissues that have a high nutrient density, generalmente nos referimos a tejidos musculares que tienen una alta densidad de nutrientes, мы обычно имеем в виду мышечные ткани с высокой плотностью питательных веществ,

but also lack some of the vitamins that make it possible to survive on meat alone. pero también carecen de algunas de las vitaminas que permiten sobrevivir sólo a base de carne. mais manquent également de certaines vitamines qui permettent de survivre grâce à la viande seule. но также не хватает некоторых витаминов, которые позволяют выжить только на мясе.

The most healthy animals to eat are probably fish. Los animales más sanos para comer son probablemente los peces. 最健康的食用动物可能是鱼。

Fish contains polyunsaturated fatty acids like omega-3, El pescado contiene ácidos grasos poliinsaturados como el omega-3,

which may lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases and support anti-inflammatory immune functions.

As part of a balanced diet, fish can be eaten regularly without worries. Como parte de una dieta equilibrada, el pescado puede consumirse regularmente sin preocupaciones.

Eating fish comes with its own bag of complications though, Sin embargo, comer pescado conlleva sus propias complicaciones, La consommation de poisson s'accompagne toutefois de son lot de complications, 魚を食べるということは、それなりに複雑な袋を伴う、 Однако употребление рыбы в пищу сопряжено с целым рядом сложностей,

like overfishing and the destruction of the oceans.

We'll talk about that in another video.

A close second is the most popular meat, chicken. На втором месте - самое популярное мясо - курица.

It's regarded as the meat with the fewest health risks. Se considera la carne con menos riesgos para la salud. Elle est considérée comme la viande présentant le moins de risques pour la santé. Считается, что это мясо с наименьшим риском для здоровья.

The only negative health effect of poultry is a bit controversial: El único efecto negativo para la salud de las aves de corral es un poco controvertido: Le seul effet négatif de la volaille sur la santé est quelque peu controversé : Единственное отрицательное воздействие птицы на здоровье человека несколько спорно:

fat. gorda. graisse.

It's high content of saturated fats is associated with a higher cholesterol level and cardiovascular disease. Высокое содержание насыщенных жиров связано с повышением уровня холестерина и развитием сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний.

But this idea has also been criticized by a large number of scientists Pero esta idea también ha sido criticada por un gran número de científicos

arguing high cholesterol levels might be inherited and not caused by nutrition. argumentar que los niveles altos de colesterol podrían ser hereditarios y no estar causados por la alimentación.

So in general, if you want meat and are concerned about your health, go for chicken. Así que, en general, si quieres carne y te preocupa tu salud, opta por el pollo.

Things start to get problematic with high intakes of red meats like beef, veal, pork, lamb, horse and goat. Las cosas empiezan a ponerse problemáticas con un consumo elevado de carnes rojas como la ternera, el cerdo, el cordero, el caballo y la cabra. Les choses commencent à devenir problématiques en cas de consommation élevée de viandes rouges comme le bœuf, le veau, le porc, l'agneau, le cheval et la chèvre.

A recently published study recommends for example a maximum of 23 grams of red meat per day

which is a very small steak per week.

However, large-scale meta-analysis studies have shown that eating 100 grams of red meat every day

increases the risk of diabetes by 19%, of strokes by 11% and of colorectal cancer by 17%.

This sounds alarming. But before we panic, let's have a look at how these studies were conducted. Parece alarmante. Pero antes de que cunda el pánico, veamos cómo se realizaron estos estudios.

Because this brings us to the second big problem when trying to answer the question of Porque esto nos lleva al segundo gran problema a la hora de intentar responder a la pregunta de

whether meat is unhealthy or not.

Most studies that linked health risks to eating red meat were case-control studies. La mayoría de los estudios que relacionaban los riesgos para la salud con el consumo de carne roja eran estudios de casos y controles. La plupart des études établissant un lien entre les risques pour la santé et la consommation de viande rouge étaient des études cas-témoins.

Which means taking a group of people with a disease and classifying them by their eating habits. Lo que significa tomar un grupo de personas con una enfermedad y clasificarlas por sus hábitos alimentarios. Cela signifie que l'on prend un groupe de personnes atteintes d'une maladie et qu'on les classe en fonction de leurs habitudes alimentaires.

The more red meat they consume, the more likely they were to contract certain diseases. Je mehr rotes Fleisch sie konsumieren, desto eher erkranken sie an bestimmten Krankheiten. Cuanta más carne roja consumían, más probabilidades tenían de contraer ciertas enfermedades. Чем больше красного мяса они потребляли, тем выше была вероятность заболеть определенными заболеваниями.

The problem is that it's very hard to eliminate other factors. El problema es que es muy difícil eliminar otros factores.

People who eat less meat tend to live a healthier lifestyle in general. Las personas que comen menos carne suelen llevar un estilo de vida más sano en general.

They tend to eat more vegetables and fruit and are less likely to smoke and drink alcohol. Они, как правило, едят больше овощей и фруктов, реже курят и употребляют алкоголь.

Most studies try to eliminate these factors, but it's extremely hard to make definitive statements. La mayoría de los estudios intentan eliminar estos factores, pero es muy difícil hacer afirmaciones definitivas. В большинстве исследований делается попытка исключить эти факторы, но однозначно утверждать это крайне сложно.

Things get worse when we look at processed meat though. Sin embargo, las cosas empeoran cuando nos fijamos en la carne procesada. Les choses se gâtent toutefois lorsque l'on considère la viande transformée. Однако ситуация ухудшается, когда речь заходит о переработанном мясе.

Processing meat means adding certain chemicals by Procesar la carne significa añadir determinadas sustancias químicas mediante

curing, smoking, sorting or fermenting curado, ahumado, selección o fermentación la salaison, le fumage, le triage ou la fermentation вяление, копчение, сортировка или ферментация

or in other words making it delicious. o, en otras palabras, hacerla deliciosa.

Bacon, ham, salami, sausages and hot dogs contain chemicals that are harmful for us El beicon, el jamón, el salami, las salchichas y los perritos calientes contienen sustancias químicas nocivas para la salud.

like nitrates and nitrites that can damage the DNA in our digestive system and lead to cancer. como los nitratos y nitritos, que pueden dañar el ADN de nuestro sistema digestivo y provocar cáncer.

The w-h-o reviewed 800 studies over 20 years, La OMS revisó 800 estudios a lo largo de 20 años,

and concluded that processed wheat is strongly linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer. y concluyó que el trigo procesado está estrechamente relacionado con un mayor riesgo de cáncer colorrectal. et a conclu que le blé transformé est fortement lié à un risque accru de cancer colorectal. и пришли к выводу, что переработанная пшеница тесно связана с повышенным риском развития колоректального рака.

Each extra 50 grams of processed meat per day increases your risk of cancer by 18 percent. Cada 50 gramos extra de carne procesada al día aumenta el riesgo de cáncer en un 18%. Chaque fois que vous consommez 50 grammes supplémentaires de viande transformée par jour, vous augmentez votre risque de cancer de 18 %.

When it comes to cancer risk, processed meat is now in the same category as plutonium, Was das Krebsrisiko angeht, so ist verarbeitetes Fleisch jetzt in der gleichen Kategorie wie Plutonium, En lo que respecta al riesgo de cáncer, la carne procesada se encuentra ahora en la misma categoría que el plutonio, En ce qui concerne le risque de cancer, la viande transformée est désormais dans la même catégorie que le plutonium, Что касается риска рака, переработанное мясо теперь относится к той же категории, что и плутоний.

asbestos and smoking. amianto y tabaquismo. l'amiante et le tabagisme.

The w-h-o highlights that it's research is only about the question of whether or not something La w-h-o subraya que su investigación sólo trata de la cuestión de si algo Le w-h-o souligne que sa recherche ne porte que sur la question de savoir si une chose est ou n'est pas

causes cancer and not to what extent. Krebs verursacht und nicht in welchem Ausmaß. causa cáncer y no en qué medida. provoque le cancer, mais pas dans quelle mesure. вызывает рак, а не в какой степени.

But processed meat may also significantly increase the chance of suffering from Pero la carne procesada también puede aumentar significativamente las probabilidades de padecer

diabetes, strokes and coronary heart diseases. diabetes, accidentes cerebrovasculares y enfermedades coronarias.

It also makes a difference what sort of life our meat lived when it was still part of a living being. También influye el tipo de vida que tuvo nuestra carne cuando aún formaba parte de un ser vivo. La vie que notre viande a menée lorsqu'elle faisait encore partie d'un être vivant est également importante. Имеет значение и то, какой жизнью жило наше мясо, когда оно было частью живого существа.

It's common to feed large amounts of antibiotics to livestock Обычно скармливают большое количество антибиотиков.

in order to prevent diseases which can spread antibiotic resistance. para prevenir enfermedades que pueden propagar la resistencia a los antibióticos. для предотвращения заболеваний, которые могут привести к распространению устойчивости к антибиотикам.

Combined, a high consumption of both red and processed meat Combinée, une consommation élevée de viande rouge et de viande transformée

could increase your chance of premature death by up to 29%. puede aumentar hasta un 29% las probabilidades de muerte prematura.

This means if your chance of dying is at 3% this year, it's now 4%. Cela signifie que si votre risque de décès était de 3 % cette année, il est désormais de 4 %.

This might not sound like a lot but tiny percentages have a huge impact on societies of millions. Cela peut sembler peu, mais de minuscules pourcentages ont un impact énorme sur des sociétés de millions de personnes. Может показаться, что это не так уж много, но крошечные проценты имеют огромное влияние на общества миллионов.

They also seem harmless until they affect you. También parecen inofensivos hasta que te afectan.

To blame meat alone for bad health would be wrong though. Es wäre jedoch falsch, Fleisch allein für die schlechte Gesundheit verantwortlich zu machen. Sin embargo, culpar únicamente a la carne de la mala salud sería un error. Но винить только мясо в плохом здоровье было бы неправильно.

There is no evidence that the very essence of meat has any negative effect beyond it's high fat content. Es gibt keinen Beweis dafür, dass das Wesen des Fleisches über seinen hohen Fettgehalt hinaus negative Auswirkungen hat. Il n'existe aucune preuve que l'essence même de la viande ait un quelconque effet négatif au-delà de sa teneur élevée en graisses. Нет никаких доказательств того, что сама сущность мяса имеет какой-либо отрицательный эффект, кроме высокого содержания жира.

And even this point is highly contentious. Und selbst dieser Punkt ist höchst umstritten. И даже этот момент вызывает большие споры.

Just like with many other pleasures in life, sometimes too much of a good thing is harmful. Como ocurre con muchos otros placeres de la vida, a veces demasiado de algo bueno es perjudicial.

Most public health agencies suggest cutting meat consumption to 500 grams a week Die meisten Gesundheitsbehörden empfehlen, den Fleischkonsum auf 500 Gramm pro Woche zu beschränken. La mayoría de los organismos de salud pública sugieren reducir el consumo de carne a 500 gramos semanales

while studies suggest cutting down processed meat as much as possible. mientras que los estudios sugieren reducir al máximo la carne procesada.

So if you feast on meat no more than once or twice a week, you should be good. Wenn Sie also nicht mehr als ein- oder zweimal pro Woche Fleisch essen, sollte das kein Problem sein. Así que si no comes carne más de una o dos veces por semana, no tendrás problemas. Si vous ne mangez pas de viande plus d'une ou deux fois par semaine, tout devrait bien se passer. Так что если вы едите мясо не чаще одного-двух раз в неделю, то все в порядке.

For most people this already means a drastic change in their diets though, Sin embargo, para la mayoría de la gente esto ya supone un cambio drástico en su dieta, Для большинства людей это уже означает кардинальное изменение рациона питания,

The average American consumes around almost 1600 grams of meat a week.

The average German 1100 grams a week.

And many of us needs much much more. Y muchos de nosotros necesitamos mucho más. Et beaucoup d'entre nous ont besoin de beaucoup plus.

If you're not really sure, make a small note whenever you eat meat for a week or two. Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, machen Sie sich eine kleine Notiz, wann immer Sie eine oder zwei Wochen lang Fleisch essen. Si no estás muy seguro, toma nota cada vez que comas carne durante una o dos semanas.

You'll be surprised how much it really is. Te sorprenderá lo mucho que cuesta.

So most people watching this video would benefit from cutting down on meat. Así que a la mayoría de las personas que ven este vídeo les convendría reducir el consumo de carne. Поэтому большинству людей, просматривающих этот ролик, полезно сократить потребление мяса.

Aside from health concerns, Aparte de los problemas de salud, En dehors des questions de santé,

there's still the fact that the meat industry is one of the largest contributors to climate change

and has reached a scale where it's impossible to deliver millions of tons of meat y ha alcanzado una escala en la que es imposible entregar millones de toneladas de carne et a atteint une échelle telle qu'il est impossible de livrer des millions de tonnes de viande. и достигла таких масштабов, когда невозможно доставить миллионы тонн мяса

and still treat animals with dignity. y seguir tratando a los animales con dignidad. и при этом достойно относиться к животным.

We've already discussed that in detail in another video. Об этом мы уже подробно рассказывали в другом видео.

All in all, in moderation, meat is not unhealthy and you don't need to become vegetarian overnight En definitiva, con moderación, la carne no es insana y no es necesario hacerse vegetariano de la noche a la mañana. В общем, в умеренных количествах мясо не вредно, и вам не нужно становиться вегетарианцем в одночасье.

to have a real impact on your health and the planet. para tener un impacto real en tu salud y en el planeta. чтобы оказать реальное влияние на ваше здоровье и планету.

But your lifestyle choices do matter. Aber die Wahl Ihres Lebensstils ist wichtig. Pero tu estilo de vida sí importa. Но ваш образ жизни имеет значение.

For yourself and for others. Для себя и для других.

The key is being open to trying something new once in a while. La clé est d'être ouvert à l'idée d'essayer quelque chose de nouveau de temps en temps. Главное - быть открытым для того, чтобы время от времени пробовать что-то новое.

Maybe you'll discover your new favourite dish.

Until you try you'll never know what you'll enjoy or what you're capable of. Hasta que no lo intentes nunca sabrás lo que disfrutarás o de lo que eres capaz. Tant que vous n'aurez pas essayé, vous ne saurez jamais ce qui vous plaira ou ce dont vous êtes capable. Пока вы не попробуете, вы никогда не узнаете, что вам понравится и на что вы способны.

Maybe after watching hours of Kurzgesagt videos, you've decided you'd like to learn how to animate. Puede que después de ver horas de vídeos de Kurzgesagt, hayas decidido que te gustaría aprender a animar. Peut-être qu'après avoir regardé des heures de vidéos de Kurzgesagt, vous avez décidé d'apprendre à animer.

Now you might not know this, but most of our team actually has a graphic design background. Sie wissen es vielleicht nicht, aber die meisten unserer Mitarbeiter haben einen Hintergrund im Bereich Grafikdesign. Puede que no lo sepas, pero la mayor parte de nuestro equipo tiene formación en diseño gráfico. Vous ne le savez peut-être pas, mais la plupart des membres de notre équipe ont une formation en graphisme.

Learning about design principles first before we got into animation was really key to where we are today. Das Erlernen von Designprinzipien, bevor wir uns mit Animation beschäftigten, war der Schlüssel zu dem, was wir heute sind. L'apprentissage des principes de conception avant de se lancer dans l'animation a été déterminant pour notre situation actuelle.

There's a really great new Skillshare class on using Adobe Illustrator, Es gibt einen wirklich tollen neuen Skillshare-Kurs über die Verwendung von Adobe Illustrator, Hay una nueva clase de Skillshare muy buena sobre el uso de Adobe Illustrator, Il existe un nouveau cours Skillshare très intéressant sur l'utilisation d'Adobe Illustrator,

The software we use to create artwork by graphic designer Aaron Draplin El software que utilizamos para crear obras de arte por el diseñador gráfico Aaron Draplin

and we can personally recommend it.

It's full of great tips to help understand and simplify a very complicated program. Está lleno de grandes consejos para ayudar a entender y simplificar un programa muy complicado.

If you want to do more afterwards, we have three animation courses of our own on Skillshare too. Si después quieres hacer más, también tenemos tres cursos de animación propios en Skillshare.

Skillshare offers over 25,000 classes on topics Skillshare ofrece más de 25.000 clases sobre temas Skillshare propose plus de 25 000 cours sur les thèmes suivants

like film and video editing, writing, design and technology from an array of skilled experts. como la edición de películas y vídeos, la redacción, el diseño y la tecnología, de la mano de una serie de expertos cualificados.

With the Premium Membership, you can access all of them for only $10 a month.

And as a bonus, the first 1000 Kurzgesagt viewers to use the link in the description,

will get their first two months of Skillshare for free.