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Learn English through Listening & Reading, I don't need it

I don't need it

This figure of a knight on a horse was given to me when I was a kid.

I recently found it again while looking through some boxes in my home.

I considered selling the figure in a garage sale as I didn't need it anymore.

But on the day of the garage sale, I decided I wasn't going to sell it.

I hadn't thought about the figure for years, but all of a sudden I wanted to keep it.

This is something I feel like many people have gone through.

I wonder why we hold onto things we don't need?

Why do we seem to get so attached to things?

This figure is a good example of something I really don't need.

Like I said, I haven't even thought about it in a really long time.

But, for some reason, I just couldn't get rid of it.

Some things are just harder to get rid of than others, I guess.

Well, back into the box it goes.

Maybe I'll see it again in a few years.

I don't need it Ich brauche es nicht No lo necesito. Je n'en ai pas besoin 必要ない 필요 없음 Nie potrzebuję tego Não preciso dele Мне это не нужно Ona ihtiyacım yok. Мені це не потрібно. 我不需要它

This figure of a knight on a horse was given to me when I was a kid. Diese Figur eines Ritters auf einem Pferd wurde mir geschenkt, als ich ein Kind war. Esta figura de un caballero a caballo me la regalaron cuando era niño. Esta figura de um cavaleiro montado num cavalo foi-me oferecida quando eu era criança.

I recently found it again while looking through some boxes in my home. 私は最近、私の家のいくつかの箱を調べているときにそれを再び見つけました。 Recentemente, reencontrei-o enquanto procurava nalgumas caixas em minha casa. Gần đây tôi đã tìm thấy nó một lần nữa khi lục lọi một số chiếc hộp trong nhà.

I considered selling the figure in a garage sale as I didn't need it anymore. Ich überlegte, die Figur auf einem Flohmarkt zu verkaufen, da ich sie nicht mehr brauchte. I considered selling the figure in a garage sale as I didn't need it anymore. もう必要なくなったので、ガレージセールでフィギュアを売ることを考えました。 Pensei em vender a figura numa venda de garagem porque já não precisava dela. Tôi đã cân nhắc việc bán bức tượng này trong một cuộc bán đồ trong gara vì tôi không cần nó nữa.

But on the day of the garage sale, I decided I wasn't going to sell it. Aber am Tag des Flohmarkts beschloss ich, es nicht zu verkaufen. でもガレージセール当日、売らないことにしました。 Але в день гаражного розпродажу я вирішила, що не буду його продавати. 但是在车库出售的那天,我决定不出售它。

I hadn't thought about the figure for years, but all of a sudden I wanted to keep it. Ich hatte jahrelang nicht mehr an die Figur gedacht, aber plötzlich wollte ich sie behalten. Há anos que não pensava na figura, mas, de repente, quis ficar com ela. Я не думала про цю фігуру роками, але раптом захотіла її зберегти.

This is something I feel like many people have gone through. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass viele Menschen diese Erfahrung gemacht haben. This is something I feel like many people have gone through. Esto es algo por lo que creo que ha pasado mucha gente. これは多くの人が経験したような気がします。 Isto é algo por que sinto que muitas pessoas já passaram. Мені здається, через це пройшло багато людей. 这是我觉得很多人都经历过的事情。

I wonder why we hold onto things we don't need? Ich frage mich, warum wir an Dingen festhalten, die wir nicht brauchen? なぜ私たちは必要のないものを握っているのだろうか? Pergunto-me porque é que nos agarramos a coisas de que não precisamos? Tôi tự hỏi tại sao chúng ta lại giữ những thứ chúng ta không cần? 我想知道为什么我们坚持我们不需要的东西?

Why do we seem to get so attached to things? Warum hängen wir anscheinend so sehr an Dingen? なぜ私たちは物事にとても執着しているように見えるのですか? Porque é que nos apegamos tanto às coisas? Чому ми так прив'язуємося до речей? 为什么我们似乎对事物如此执着?

This figure is a good example of something I really don't need. Diese Figur ist ein gutes Beispiel für etwas, das ich wirklich nicht brauche. Esta figura é um bom exemplo de algo de que não preciso mesmo.

Like I said, I haven't even thought about it in a really long time. Wie ich schon sagte, habe ich schon sehr lange nicht mehr darüber nachgedacht. Como já disse, há muito tempo que não penso nisso.

But, for some reason, I just couldn't get rid of it. Aber aus irgendeinem Grund konnte ich es einfach nicht loswerden. Nhưng vì lý do nào đó, tôi không thể thoát khỏi nó.

Some things are just harder to get rid of than others, I guess. Manche Dinge sind einfach schwieriger loszuwerden als andere, denke ich. Some things are just harder to get rid of than others, I guess. いくつかのものは他のものよりも取り除くのが難しいと思います。 Algumas coisas são mais difíceis de eliminar do que outras, acho eu.

Well, back into the box it goes. Also, zurück in die Kiste damit. Well, back into the box it goes. Bueno, vuelve a la caja. さて、ボックスに戻ります。 Bem, de volta para a caixa. Vâng, trở lại hộp nó đi. 好吧,回到盒子里。

Maybe I'll see it again in a few years. Vielleicht sehe ich es in ein paar Jahren wieder. Talvez o volte a ver daqui a uns anos.