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Speak English Professionally, 1.07 (V) Key Pronunciation - Stress & Intonation

1.07 (V) Key Pronunciation - Stress & Intonation

[MUSIC] Welcome to lesson two. In this video, I'll review key pronunciation skills to help you improve your fluency when you speak English. I'll discuss word and sentence stress and intonation. By the end of this video, you'll know which syllable to stress in a word in which words to stress in a sentence. You'll also know when to use rising and falling intonation. First, what is word stress? In English we stress just one syllable in every word. We say that one syllable more loudly, we say it higher and we make it last longer. Let's look and listen to some words with two or more syllables. Chicago, grandmother, technology. Let's try some more. Strengthen, January, university. Which syllable gets the stress? Why is word stress so important? Word stress is like a magic key to clear English. As you talk to people, listen to the news, watch movies, you must listen for and practice word stress. It will help you to understand what you hear and it will let others understand you. In the resources for this lesson, you will find materials to practice word stress. Use an audio dictionary to listen to each of the words and mark which syllable gets the stress. Listen for the syllable that's a little louder and longer. Practice to get it right. Now let's look at the second key pronunciation skill, sentence stress. Sentence stress gives English its rhythm and its beat. It's that ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta you hear when you listen to English. How do we create it? When we say a sentence, some words are strong, and others are weak. The last word is the strongest and longest. This combination of strong and weak words creates rhythm in each sentence. Let's see if you can hear it. » He bought some jeans, ta, ta, ta, taa. He bought a pair of jeans, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, taa. John bought two pairs of jeans, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta taa. » Great listening, you heard correctly. So why were the verb, buy and the nouns, pair and jeans, stressed? To put it simply, those are the important words, the keywords in the sentence and we always stress the important words. We call them content words. They give us the meaning of a sentence. And what are the content words in every sentence? Action verbs. Nouns, adjectives, adverbs, WH Questions Words, and Negatives. 52 00:03:16,730 --> 00:03:18,180 Try and choose the content words in the next sentences. What about the words we don't stress? They're structure words. We use them to construct our sentences, but they don't carry a lot of meaning, and we don't stress them. We can leave them out, and our listeners will still be able to understand us. So what are they? 59 00:03:40,700 --> 00:03:42,390 They're the prepositions, the pronouns, the articles, the modals and the helping verbs. What do you need to remember about sentence stress? Content words are the key words. They are the words we stress. They are longer and louder. They always have a beat. If you take them out, the sentence will make no sense. On the other hand, we do not stress the structure words, often the little words in sentences. If you remove them, the sentence will still make sense. So by saying the content words loudly, and make them last longer and the structure words softly and shorter, we create the rhythm of English. Now, let's add intonation to what we've learned about word and sentence stress. What is it? It's the way your voice rises when you ask a question that gets yes or no for an answer. Questions like, do you have the letter? Did you make the call? Rising intonation tells your listener you're asking a question and want yes or no for an answer. Intonation is also the way your voice rises and falls when you make a statement or ask an information question. For example, summer weather in Atlanta is hot and humid. What's the weather like in your country? In rising and falling intonation, your voice rises and falls on the last important words of the sentence. 85 00:05:20,260 --> 00:05:23,040 Rising falling intonation tells your listener that you're finished. It's their time to say something or to answer your question. Let's do a quick review of what we've learned. First, word stress. We stressed one syllable in every word. We say that syllable louder, longer and higher. Second, we looked at sentence stress. In every sentence we stress the content words, but not the structure words. By saying the content words longer and louder and the structure words shorter and softer, we create the rhythm of English. And last, we discuss rising and falling intonation. Intonation lets your listener know what that you are finished with your statement or question. The best way to improve these skills is to listen and practice.

1.07 (V) Key Pronunciation - Stress & Intonation 1.07 (V) Pronunciación clave - Acentuación y entonación 1.07 (V) 発音のポイント - ストレスとイントネーション 1.07 (V) 重点发音 - 重音和语调

[MUSIC] Welcome to lesson two. In this video, I'll review key pronunciation skills to help you improve your fluency when you speak English. I'll discuss word and sentence stress and intonation. By the end of this video, you'll know which syllable to stress in a word in which words to stress in a sentence. A videó végére tudni fogod, hogy melyik szótagot kell hangsúlyozni egy szóban, melyik szavakat kell hangsúlyozni egy mondatban. You'll also know when to use rising and falling intonation. First, what is word stress? In English we stress just one syllable in every word. We say that one syllable more loudly, we say it higher and we make it last longer. Hangosabban mondjuk ki azt az egy szótagot, magasabbra mondjuk, és tovább tart. Let's look and listen to some words with two or more syllables. Chicago, grandmother, technology. Chicago, nagymama, technológia. Let's try some more. Strengthen, January, university. Erősítés, január, egyetem. Which syllable gets the stress? Melyik szótag kapja a hangsúlyt? Why is word stress so important? Miért olyan fontos a szóhangsúly? Word stress is like a magic key to clear English. A szóhangsúly olyan, mint a tiszta angol nyelv varázskulcsa. A ênfase da palavra é como uma chave mágica para limpar o inglês. As you talk to people, listen to the news, watch movies, you must listen for and practice word stress. Ahogy beszélgetsz az emberekkel, hallgatod a híreket, nézed a filmeket, figyelned kell a szóhangsúlyokra, és gyakorolnod kell azokat. Enquanto você conversa com as pessoas, ouve as notícias, assiste a filmes, você deve ouvir e praticar o estresse das palavras. It will help you to understand what you hear and it will let others understand you. Segít megérteni, amit hallasz, és lehetővé teszi, hogy mások is megértsenek téged. In the resources for this lesson, you will find materials to practice word stress. A lecke forrásai között találsz anyagokat a szóhangsúlyok gyakorlásához. Use an audio dictionary to listen to each of the words and mark which syllable gets the stress. Hallgassa meg egy hangszótár segítségével az egyes szavakat, és jelölje meg, melyik szótag kapja a hangsúlyt. Listen for the syllable that's a little louder and longer. Figyeljen arra a szótagra, amelyik kicsit hangosabb és hosszabb. Practice to get it right. Gyakorolj, hogy jól csináld. Now let's look at the second key pronunciation skill, sentence stress. Most nézzük meg a második kulcsfontosságú kiejtési készséget, a mondathangsúlyt. Sentence stress gives English its rhythm and its beat. A mondat hangsúlyozása adja az angol nyelv ritmusát és ritmusát. It's that ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta you hear when you listen to English. Ez az a ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, amit angolul hallasz. How do we create it? When we say a sentence, some words are strong, and others are weak. Amikor mondunk egy mondatot, egyes szavak erősek, mások gyengék. The last word is the strongest and longest. This combination of strong and weak words creates rhythm in each sentence. Az erős és gyenge szavaknak ez a kombinációja ritmust teremt az egyes mondatokban. Let's see if you can hear it. » He bought some jeans, ta, ta, ta, taa. He bought a pair of jeans, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, taa. John bought two pairs of jeans, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta taa. » Great listening, you heard correctly. " Nagyszerű hallgatás, jól hallottad. So why were the verb, buy and the nouns, pair and jeans, stressed? Akkor miért volt hangsúlyos az ige, a vásárolni, és a főnevek, a pár és a farmer? Então, por que o verbo, comprar e os substantivos, par e jeans, foram enfatizados? To put it simply, those are the important words, the keywords in the sentence and we always stress the important words. Egyszerűen fogalmazva, ezek a fontos szavak, a kulcsszavak a mondatban, és mindig a fontos szavakat hangsúlyozzuk. We call them content words. Ezeket tartalmi szavaknak nevezzük. Nós os chamamos de palavras de conteúdo. They give us the meaning of a sentence. And what are the content words in every sentence? Action verbs. Cselekvő igék. Verbos de ação. Nouns, adjectives, adverbs, WH Questions Words, and Negatives. Főnevek, melléknevek, határozószók, WH Questions Words és Negatives. Substantivos, adjetivos, advérbios, WH Questions Words e Negativos. 52 00:03:16,730 --> 00:03:18,180 Try and choose the content words in the next sentences. What about the words we don't stress? Mi a helyzet azokkal a szavakkal, amelyeket nem hangsúlyozunk? They're structure words. Ezek szerkezeti szavak. We use them to construct our sentences, but they don't carry a lot of meaning, and we don't stress them. We can leave them out, and our listeners will still be able to understand us. Kihagyhatjuk őket, és a hallgatóink akkor is meg fognak érteni minket. So what are they? 59 00:03:40,700 --> 00:03:42,390 They're the prepositions, the pronouns, the articles, the modals and the helping verbs. 59 00:03:40,700 --> 00:03:42,390 Ezek a prepozíciók, a névmások, a cikkek, a modálisok és a segédigék. What do you need to remember about sentence stress? Mit kell megjegyezned a mondat hangsúlyozásáról? Content words are the key words. They are the words we stress. Ezeket a szavakat hangsúlyozzuk. They are longer and louder. They always have a beat. Mindig van egy ütemük. If you take them out, the sentence will make no sense. Ha kiveszed őket, a mondat értelmét veszti. On the other hand, we do not stress the structure words, often the little words in sentences. If you remove them, the sentence will still make sense. So by saying the content words loudly, and make them last longer and the structure words softly and shorter, we create the rhythm of English. Tehát azzal, hogy a tartalmi szavakat hangosan mondjuk, és hosszabb ideig tartanak, a szerkezeti szavakat pedig halkan és rövidebben, megteremtjük az angol nyelv ritmusát. Now, let's add intonation to what we've learned about word and sentence stress. Most pedig adjuk hozzá az intonációt ahhoz, amit a szó- és mondathangsúlyról tanultunk. What is it? It's the way your voice rises when you ask a question that gets yes or no for an answer. Az, ahogyan a hangod felemelkedik, amikor felteszel egy kérdést, amire igennel vagy nemmel válaszolsz. É a maneira como sua voz se eleva quando você faz uma pergunta que recebe sim ou não como resposta. Questions like, do you have the letter? Kérdések, mint például: megvan a levél? Perguntas como, você tem a carta? Did you make the call? Te telefonáltál? Rising intonation tells your listener you're asking a question and want yes or no for an answer. Az emelkedő intonáció azt üzeni a hallgatónak, hogy kérdést tesz fel, és igent vagy nemet vár válaszként. A entonação crescente diz ao seu ouvinte que você está fazendo uma pergunta e quer sim ou não como resposta. Intonation is also the way your voice rises and falls when you make a statement or ask an information question. A hanglejtés az is, ahogyan a hangja emelkedik és süllyed, amikor kijelentést tesz vagy információt kérdez. A entonação também é a maneira como sua voz sobe e desce quando você faz uma declaração ou faz uma pergunta de informação. For example, summer weather in Atlanta is hot and humid. What's the weather like in your country? Milyen az időjárás az önök országában? Como é o clima no seu país? In rising and falling intonation, your voice rises and falls on the last important words of the sentence. Az emelkedő és süllyedő intonációban a hangja a mondat utolsó fontos szavainál emelkedik és süllyed. 85 00:05:20,260 --> 00:05:23,040 Rising falling intonation tells your listener that you're finished. 85 00:05:20,260 --> 00:05:23,040 Az emelkedő, csökkenő intonáció azt üzeni a hallgatónak, hogy befejezted. It's their time to say something or to answer your question. Itt az ideje, hogy mondjanak valamit, vagy válaszoljanak a kérdésére. É a hora deles dizerem algo ou responderem à sua pergunta. Let's do a quick review of what we've learned. First, word stress. We stressed one syllable in every word. We say that syllable louder, longer and higher. Second, we looked at sentence stress. In every sentence we stress the content words, but not the structure words. Em cada frase enfatizamos as palavras de conteúdo, mas não as palavras de estrutura. By saying the content words longer and louder and the structure words shorter and softer, we create the rhythm of English. Ao dizer as palavras de conteúdo mais longas e mais altas e as palavras de estrutura mais curtas e suaves, criamos o ritmo do inglês. And last, we discuss rising and falling intonation. Intonation lets your listener know what that you are finished with your statement or question. A entonação permite que seu ouvinte saiba o que você concluiu com sua declaração ou pergunta. The best way to improve these skills is to listen and practice.