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Audiobooks, James and the Giant Peach Chapter 7

James and the Giant Peach Chapter 7

The night was all around him now, and high overhead a wild white moon was riding in the sky.

There was not a sound, not a movement anywhere. Most people - and especially small children - are often quite scared of being out of doors alone in the moonlight.

Everything is so deadly quiet, and the shadows are so long and black, and they keep turning into strange shapes that seem to move as you look at them, and the slightest little snap of a twig makes you jump. James felt exactly like that now.

He stared straight ahead with large frightened eyes, hardly daring to breathe. Not far away, in the middle of the garden, he could see the giant peach towering over everything else. Surely it was even bigger tonight than ever before? And what a dazzling sight it was! The moonlight was shining and glinting on its great curving sides, turning them to crystal and silver. It looked like a tremendous silver ball lying there in the grass, silent, mysterious, and wonderful. And then all at once, little shivers of excitement started running over the skin on James's back.

Something else, he told himself, something stranger than ever this time, is about to happen to me again soon.

He was sure of it. He could feel it coming. He looked around him, wondering what on earth it was going to be.

The garden lay soft and silver in the moonlight. The grass was wet with dew and a million dewdrops were sparkling and twinkling like diamonds around his feet. And now suddenly, the whole place, the whole garden seemed to be alive with magic. Almost without knowing what he was doing, as though drawn by some powerful magnet, James Henry Trotter started walking slowly toward the giant peach.

He climbed over the fence that surrounded it, and stood directly beneath it, staring up at its great bulging sides. He put out a hand and touched it gently with the tip of one finger. It felt soft and warm and slightly furry, like the skin of a baby mouse. He moved a step closer and rubbed his cheek lightly against the soft skin. And then suddenly, while he was doing this, he happened to notice that right beside him and below him, close to the ground, there was a hole in the side of the peach. It was quite a large hole, the sort of thing an animal about the size of a fox might have made.

James knelt down in front of it and poked his head and shoulders inside.

He crawled in.

He kept on crawling.

This isn't just a hole, he thought excitedly.

It's a tunnel! The tunnel was damp and murky, and all around him there was the curious bittersweet smell of fresh peach.

The floor was soggy under his knees, the walls were wet and sticky, and peach juice was dripping from the ceiling. James opened his mouth and caught some of it on his tongue. It tasted delicious. He was crawling uphill now, as though the tunnel were leading straight toward the very center of the gigantic fruit.

Every few seconds he paused and took a bite out of the wall. The peach flesh was sweet and juicy, and marvelously refreshing. He crawled on for several more yards, and then suddenly - bang - - the top of his head bumped into something extremely hard blocking his way.

He glanced up. In front of him there was a solid wall that seemed at first as though it were made of wood. He touched it with his fingers. It certainly felt like wood, except that it was very jagged and full of deep grooves. "Good heavens!

he said. "I know what this is! I've come to the stone in the middle of the peach! Then he noticed that there was a small door cut into the face of the peach stone.

He gave a push. It swung open. He crawled through it, and before he had time to glance up and see where he was, he heard a voice saying, "Look who's here!" And another one said, "We've been waiting for you! James stopped and stared at the speakers, his face white with horror.

He started to stand up, but his knees were shaking so much he had to sit down again on the floor.

He glanced behind him, thinking he could bolt back into the tunnel the way he had come, but the doorway had disappeared. There was now only a solid brown wall behind him. James's large frightened eyes traveled slowly around the room.

The creatures, some sitting on chairs, others reclining on a sofa, were all watching him intently.


Or were they insects?

James and the Giant Peach Chapter 7 James und der Riesenpfirsich Kapitel 7 James and the Giant Peach Chapter 7 ジェームズと巨大な桃 第7章 Jakub i brzoskwinia olbrzymka Rozdział 7 James e o Pêssego Gigante Capítulo 7

The night was all around him now, and high overhead a wild white moon was riding in the sky. Теперь вокруг него была ночь, и высоко над головой в небе ехала дикая белая луна.

There was not a sound, not a movement anywhere. Ни звука, ни движения нигде. Ніде не було ні звуку, ні руху. Most people - and especially small children - are often quite scared of being out of doors alone in the moonlight. Большинство людей, особенно маленькие дети, часто очень боятся оставаться на улице в одиночестве при лунном свете. Більшість людей, а особливо маленькі діти, часто дуже бояться виходити на вулицю наодинці при місячному світлі.

Everything is so deadly quiet, and the shadows are so long and black, and they keep turning into strange shapes that seem to move as you look at them, and the slightest little snap of a twig makes you jump. Все так мертвотно тихо, а тіні такі довгі і чорні, і вони весь час перетворюються на дивні фігури, які, здається, рухаються, коли ти дивишся на них, і найменший тріск гілки змушує тебе підстрибнути. James felt exactly like that now.

He stared straight ahead with large frightened eyes, hardly daring to breathe. Він дивився прямо перед собою великими переляканими очима, ледве наважуючись дихати. Not far away, in the middle of the garden, he could see the giant peach towering over everything else. Неподалік, посеред саду, він побачив гігантський персик, що височів над усім іншим. Surely it was even bigger tonight than ever before? Напевно, сьогодні вона була ще більшою, ніж будь-коли раніше? And what a dazzling sight it was! The moonlight was shining and glinting on its great curving sides, turning them to crystal and silver. Місячне світло сяяло і виблискувало на його великих вигнутих гранях, перетворюючи їх на кришталь і срібло. It looked like a tremendous silver ball lying there in the grass, silent, mysterious, and wonderful. And then all at once, little shivers of excitement started running over the skin on James’s back. І враз по спині Джеймса побігли дрібні мурашки від хвилювання.

Something else,  he told himself,  something stranger than ever this time, is about to happen to me again soon. Щось інше, сказав він собі, щось дивніше, ніж будь-коли, цього разу, незабаром має статися зі мною знову.

He was sure of it. He could feel it coming. He looked around him, wondering what on earth it was going to be. Він озирнувся навколо, гадаючи, що ж це буде.

The garden lay soft and silver in the moonlight. Сад лежав м'який і сріблястий у місячному сяйві. The grass was wet with dew and a million dewdrops were sparkling and twinkling like diamonds around his feet. Трава була мокра від роси, і мільйон крапель роси виблискували і мерехтіли, як діаманти, навколо його ніг. And now suddenly, the whole place, the whole garden seemed to be  alive  with magic. І ось раптом все це місце, весь сад, здавалося, ожив, наповнився магією. Almost without knowing what he was doing, as though drawn by some powerful magnet, James Henry Trotter started walking slowly toward the giant peach. Майже не усвідомлюючи, що він робить, немов притягнутий якимось потужним магнітом, Джеймс Генрі Троттер почав повільно йти до гігантського персика.

He climbed over the fence that surrounded it, and stood directly beneath it, staring up at its great bulging sides. Він переліз через паркан, що оточував його, і став прямо під ним, дивлячись на його великі випуклі боки. He put out a hand and touched it gently with the tip of one finger. It felt soft and warm and slightly furry, like the skin of a baby mouse. He moved a step closer and rubbed his cheek lightly against the soft skin. And then suddenly, while he was doing this, he happened to notice that right beside him and below him, close to the ground, there was a hole in the side of the peach. It was quite a large hole, the sort of thing an animal about the size of a fox might have made. Це була досить велика нора, така, яку могла зробити тварина розміром з лисицю.

James knelt down in front of it and poked his head and shoulders inside.

He crawled in.

He kept on crawling.

This isn’t just a hole,  he thought excitedly.

It’s a tunnel! The tunnel was damp and murky, and all around him there was the curious bittersweet smell of fresh peach.

The floor was soggy under his knees, the walls were wet and sticky, and peach juice was dripping from the ceiling. Підлога під колінами була мокрою, стіни мокрими і липкими, а зі стелі капав персиковий сік. James opened his mouth and caught some of it on his tongue. It tasted delicious. Це було дуже смачно. He was crawling uphill now, as though the tunnel were leading straight toward the very center of the gigantic fruit. Тепер він повз угору, так, ніби тунель вів прямо до самого центру велетенського плоду.

Every few seconds he paused and took a bite out of the wall. Кожні кілька секунд він зупинявся і відкушував від стіни. The peach flesh was sweet and juicy, and marvelously refreshing. М'якоть персика була солодкою та соковитою, а також чудово освіжаючою. He crawled on for several more yards, and then suddenly -  bang -  - the top of his head bumped into something extremely hard blocking his way.

He glanced up. In front of him there was a solid wall that seemed at first as though it were made of wood. He touched it with his fingers. It certainly felt like wood, except that it was very jagged and full of deep grooves. "Good heavens!

he said. "I know what this is! I’ve come to the stone in the middle of the peach! Then he noticed that there was a small door cut into the face of the peach stone.

He gave a push. It swung open. He crawled through it, and before he had time to glance up and see where he was, he heard a voice saying,  "Look  who’s here!" And another one said, "We’ve been waiting  for you! James stopped and stared at the speakers, his face white with horror.

He started to stand up, but his knees were shaking so much he had to sit down again on the floor.

He glanced behind him, thinking he could bolt back into the tunnel the way he had come, but the doorway had disappeared. Він озирнувся назад, думаючи, що зможе повернутися в тунель тим же шляхом, яким прийшов, але дверний отвір зник. There was now only a solid brown wall behind him. James’s large frightened eyes traveled slowly around the room. Jamesovy velké vyděšené oči pomalu putovaly po místnosti.

The creatures, some sitting on chairs, others reclining on a sofa, were all watching him intently.


Or were they insects? Чи це були комахи?