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The Running Channel, What Makes You A Better Runner - Speed Or Distance?

What Makes You A Better Runner - Speed Or Distance?

Hi and welcome to The Running Channel monthly show for September brought to you

by our friends at Wiggle.

We have another jam packed show coming up,

including all of the brand new product launches for this month.

Like some new TRC gear.

Running news for September and.

Stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled throughout the show,

because we have got a chance for you to win vouchers,

to spend our show sponsors, wiggle too.

September. It was a busy month for races.

As things start to get back to being a bit more normal.

Thousands of you lined up on the start line of the great north run in new


The route was slightly different this year with an out and back from the city

center to allow for more space for runners at the start and finish areas.

So if you run it,

you are part of what was possibly a once in a lifetime race,

plus a big well done to all of you who took part on Brighton marathon.

This month.

We understand there was a bit of an issue with the course, but a big well done.

If you manage to complete it.

We also saw the first of the marathon majors in Berlin ahead of a packed

schedule going into October next weekend.

It's London marathon followed by Chicago, Boston, New York,

still a few weeks off in November. So big,

good luck to all of you who are running these prestigious races.

Well, have you been racing this month?

Tell us in the comments below and let us know what races you're currently

training for too. Next up it's running use.

Over 12 action packed days, the Tokyo 20,

20 Paralympics or more countries than ever winning medals at a single games with

86 out of the 162 participating committees making the

podium. That's more than the 83 from Rio in 2016,

Ethiopia won their first gold 21 year old Tiggers gazer Han men get to one,

the women's 1500 meters at T3 and a first major championships.

Other countries winning their first metals at a Paralympic games include

Pakistan, Ecuador, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, and United Arab Emirates.

China top the table for a fifth successive games with 270.

Sticking with the elites and Britains Keely Hodgkinson has capped off an

extraordinary year of running, winning the diamond league.

800 meters in Zurich in a time of one minute

57.98 seconds.

The 19 year old started 2021 at the European junior championships and went on to

win European indoor gold, the British title and Olympics.

Elsewhere, and the Cape town marathon has officially been confirmed as an Abbott world

marathon majors candidate race,

the first marathon in Africa to be nominated over the next few years.

Albert world's major Morrison officials will be evaluating a number of races to

see if they meet the criteria to be added to the current lineup of the six

majors, London, Tokyo, Boston, Berlin, Chicago,

and New York with a seventh added in 2025.

It would be so great to see an African marathon added to this prestigious list.

A strong memory, and finally,

everyone in the Strava community will now be able to make use of the safety

tracking feature beacon for free from their mobile phone.

It lets you add safety contacts who will be automatically notified every time

you record in the app or manually text the link to anyone you like an added

peace of mind,

especially as we head into the darker mornings and evenings in the Northern


beacon sharing from connected devices like Garmin bike computers

or apple watch will continue to be.

Now it's time for the treadmill challenge with swift this month,

we've roped in our cameraman, Freddy to take it on now Fridays,

a brilliant runner. He runs 10 miles most mornings,

but how many fare on the treadmill and answering some tricky questions about

running at the same time. That's why now.

Okay. You ready?

I am ready. Let's go.

The last day. They're starting in 3, 2, 1.

Let's go.

What is the longest hurdle event at the Olympics in terms of

distance 400 meters eight, correct?

Is the steeplechase put the speed up. Well,

how many men finished the Boston marathon in

2018 to the nearest thousand?

Uh, 20.

No incorrect 14,000. Put the speed up.

How many consecutive gold medals did you say bolt when in the

hundred meter race.

Free? Correct.

Next question.

In what year were women first allowed to participate in running

events at the Olympic games?

Uh, 1920.

Incorrect, 1928, put the speed up,

run like hell is a song by which artist.

MC hammer.


But the speed up next question at the TV series

run was first broadcast. In what year?

The TV series.

TV series run.

Oh, monsoon 17.

It was 2020. Next question who won this?

Year's Val Duran by UTM being.

Uh, Courtney Daleville tied in I.

And correct, but the speed up now,

a study once found that by doing a short run while at work,

it can increase your productivity by up to what percentage to the nearest


Uh, 60.

20%. But this speed up.

So what is reported as being the ideal temperature for a running

race in Fahrenheit?

Oh God, um, uh, sorry.

No, 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Put the speed up.

So to the nearest minute,

what is the current 5,000 meter world record held by Joshua

chapter guy?

Uh, 13 minutes, correct?

Next door.

And how many laps of a truck do you need to do to run 10,000


Oh my God. My math.

Running out of time. 100.

I don't know.

No it's 25,

but this freed up in what year was the documentary?

The Barkley marathons, the race that eats its young first released.

A 2008.

No incorrect. 2014. Put the speed up.

How old is Usain Bolt?

Uh, he is 37.

Incorrect, but the speed up.

What is the current men's marathon world record.

A one minute.

So you have this one minute and 30 seconds.

39 Seconds. But the speed up next question.

The documentary I am bolt was first released in which year?


Correct? Who was the first male to cross the line out?

The Western states 100 this year?

Uh, I dunno, pass.

Put the speed up. Where did the steeplechase originate?


Anchor went the speed up. Well, yeah,

it was Elliot Kip Jogi board.

Uh, 1982.

This speed up. I can't.

I'm not the highest speed.

And he's Mike, stop the treadmill. Stop the clock.

I think we have a winner.

I don't think that's ever happened before I run out of questions.

We run out of treadmill.

Ah, yeah. Well, I reckon I could've gone on for a little while ago. Um, yeah,

making a cup, another couple of levels in, I might've been in trouble.

You know the saying don't judge a runner by his trainers.

That really goes for Freddy. That was.

Real Freddy completed the treadmill. He ran.

Out of questions and speed on the treadmill.

My mind is blown. What a performance.

That's incredible. Now don't go anywhere. We still have loads more coming up,

including your chance to win a voucher, to spend at show sponsor. Wiggle.

Now let's have a look at the running launches for September.

So autumn or fall for our friends across the pond brings with it.

Lots of new launches, including one from us.

So we've got a whole new set of running channel tech T's vast and a really nice

quarters app. You've got a few days left to sign up for the pre-order.

So check the link in the description to get your hands on one of the Heath.


Oh, nice. Very nice.

Soft on the skin now onto shoes and starting with under armor who have launched

the hopper mega clone two,

there are a couple of really cool features to their shoe. The upper,

which is made of something called UA clone moves and stretches to each

individual runners, unique foot shape.

This is something that was originally debuted in boxing champion,

Anthony Joshua's boxing boots.

There's also a sensor fitted inside the shoe that connects my Bluetooth to map

my run,

which gives you loads of extra stats about your run to give you ways to improve

your performance. That's not.

It is nuts next up.

And our sex have launched a new women's collection that focuses on being both

comfortable and supportive. The two things that we like the most.

So each shoe in the new Nagel collection has been designed to take into

account the female running style.

The gel numbers 23 and the gel Kiano 28 models have been fitted with agenda

specific trust stick,

an extra three millimeter he'll drop as well as a lower mid-sole density.

The gel pulse that teen shoe includes additional reinforcement around the heel

and color for a more comfortable fit and better ankle supports.

And finally, another shoe launch this month, this time from Brooks.

So they've added a whopping four models to the levitate five range,

the brands they're going through a whole re categorization of their shoe lines,

make it easier for us to find the best shoe.

So there were two different fit options to the levitate, neutral and support.

There's also the GTS version, which comes with Brooks guide rail technology.

Good for those of us who maybe need that extra bit of support.

And then there's the stealth fit version two, which is made from a stretchy,

but compressive fit upper and also includes the GuideWell tack.

That's aimed at runners who wants a performance shoe,

but with the supports included.

Next up it's over to the running channels. Resident physiotherapists,

Manny in the physio room to answer your questions.

Welcome back to the physio room with me,

Manni Ovola where I answer your questions and help you get stronger with your

running speed has been coming up a lot recently and people would like to know

how do they get faster and break their PBS.

So look no further than these three simple exercises to increase your speed

exercise. Number one is a glute hip thrust.

What you need for this is a chair at home and all you're going to do.

You're going to put your shoulders back of your shoulders onto that chair.

From there, you're going to lower your hips

and then bring those hips back up,

squeezing your gluteal muscles as you come up to the


if you starting off with this and you've never done it before,

the key thing to do is do six to eight repetitions and

you can do two to three sets of this.

If you have done this before and you feel comfortable,

you might want to do them to failure, squeezing at the top,

holding for one to two seconds,

making sure your head is lifted away from the chair and looking down

your torso. That's the glute hip thrust, and that will help propel you,

uh, move your pelvis and hips forward. When you run a size. Number two,

we call heightens this exercise allows you to

leave the ground,

pushing off each leg and working on your ground reaction

force. This is going to be important for your running.

So what we're looking to do is move in the nice lateral


Start off really simply working on that balance.

Making sure you jump shorter distances side to side.

As you get more confident,

you can jump further and further

really trying to ensure that you keep your balance and get nice and low.

Start off with 12 repetitions of this exercise.

This should be done on your strength day.

I really use those arms to propel you

and that's exercise. Number two, Haydn's exercise.

Number three are the Bulgarian split squats with this exercise.

It's all about keeping your stability and making sure that

you move in a nice vertical direction. So again,

you're going to need your chair. You're going to stand on one leg,

What Makes You A Better Runner - Speed Or Distance? ¿Qué te hace mejor corredor: la velocidad o la distancia? Qu'est-ce qui fait de vous un meilleur coureur - la vitesse ou la distance ? スピードか距離か? 속도와 거리 중 무엇이 더 나은 러너를 만들까요? O que é que o torna um melhor corredor - a velocidade ou a distância? 是什麼讓你成為更好的跑者 - 速度還是距離?

Hi and welcome to The Running Channel monthly show for September brought to you

by our friends at Wiggle.

We have another jam packed show coming up,

including all of the brand new product launches for this month.

Like some new TRC gear.

Running news for September and.

Stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled throughout the show,

because we have got a chance for you to win vouchers,

to spend our show sponsors, wiggle too.

September. It was a busy month for races.

As things start to get back to being a bit more normal.

Thousands of you lined up on the start line of the great north run in new


The route was slightly different this year with an out and back from the city

center to allow for more space for runners at the start and finish areas.

So if you run it,

you are part of what was possibly a once in a lifetime race,

plus a big well done to all of you who took part on Brighton marathon.

This month.

We understand there was a bit of an issue with the course, but a big well done.

If you manage to complete it.

We also saw the first of the marathon majors in Berlin ahead of a packed

schedule going into October next weekend.

It's London marathon followed by Chicago, Boston, New York,

still a few weeks off in November. So big,

good luck to all of you who are running these prestigious races.

Well, have you been racing this month?

Tell us in the comments below and let us know what races you're currently

training for too. Next up it's running use.

Over 12 action packed days, the Tokyo 20,

20 Paralympics or more countries than ever winning medals at a single games with

86 out of the 162 participating committees making the

podium. That's more than the 83 from Rio in 2016,

Ethiopia won their first gold 21 year old Tiggers gazer Han men get to one,

the women's 1500 meters at T3 and a first major championships.

Other countries winning their first metals at a Paralympic games include

Pakistan, Ecuador, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, and United Arab Emirates.

China top the table for a fifth successive games with 270.

Sticking with the elites and Britains Keely Hodgkinson has capped off an

extraordinary year of running, winning the diamond league.

800 meters in Zurich in a time of one minute

57.98 seconds.

The 19 year old started 2021 at the European junior championships and went on to

win European indoor gold, the British title and Olympics.

Elsewhere, and the Cape town marathon has officially been confirmed as an Abbott world 在其他地方,開普敦馬拉松已被正式確認為雅培世界

marathon majors candidate race,

the first marathon in Africa to be nominated over the next few years.

Albert world's major Morrison officials will be evaluating a number of races to

see if they meet the criteria to be added to the current lineup of the six

majors, London, Tokyo, Boston, Berlin, Chicago,

and New York with a seventh added in 2025.

It would be so great to see an African marathon added to this prestigious list.

A strong memory, and finally,

everyone in the Strava community will now be able to make use of the safety

tracking feature beacon for free from their mobile phone.

It lets you add safety contacts who will be automatically notified every time

you record in the app or manually text the link to anyone you like an added

peace of mind,

especially as we head into the darker mornings and evenings in the Northern


beacon sharing from connected devices like Garmin bike computers

or apple watch will continue to be.

Now it's time for the treadmill challenge with swift this month,

we've roped in our cameraman, Freddy to take it on now Fridays,

a brilliant runner. He runs 10 miles most mornings,

but how many fare on the treadmill and answering some tricky questions about

running at the same time. That's why now.

Okay. You ready?

I am ready. Let's go.

The last day. They're starting in 3, 2, 1.

Let's go.

What is the longest hurdle event at the Olympics in terms of 奧運會上最長的跨欄項目是哪一項

distance 400 meters eight, correct?

Is the steeplechase put the speed up. Well,

how many men finished the Boston marathon in

2018 to the nearest thousand?

Uh, 20.

No incorrect 14,000. Put the speed up.

How many consecutive gold medals did you say bolt when in the

hundred meter race.

Free? Correct.

Next question.

In what year were women first allowed to participate in running

events at the Olympic games?

Uh, 1920.

Incorrect, 1928, put the speed up,

run like hell is a song by which artist.

MC hammer.


But the speed up next question at the TV series

run was first broadcast. In what year?

The TV series.

TV series run.

Oh, monsoon 17.

It was 2020. Next question who won this?

Year's Val Duran by UTM being.

Uh, Courtney Daleville tied in I.

And correct, but the speed up now,

a study once found that by doing a short run while at work,

it can increase your productivity by up to what percentage to the nearest 它可以將您的生產力提高到最接近的百分比


Uh, 60.

20%. But this speed up.

So what is reported as being the ideal temperature for a running

race in Fahrenheit?

Oh God, um, uh, sorry.

No, 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Put the speed up.

So to the nearest minute,

what is the current 5,000 meter world record held by Joshua

chapter guy?

Uh, 13 minutes, correct?

Next door.

And how many laps of a truck do you need to do to run 10,000


Oh my God. My math.

Running out of time. 100.

I don't know.

No it's 25,

but this freed up in what year was the documentary?

The Barkley marathons, the race that eats its young first released.

A 2008.

No incorrect. 2014. Put the speed up.

How old is Usain Bolt?

Uh, he is 37.

Incorrect, but the speed up.

What is the current men's marathon world record.

A one minute.

So you have this one minute and 30 seconds.

39 Seconds. But the speed up next question.

The documentary I am bolt was first released in which year?


Correct? Who was the first male to cross the line out?

The Western states 100 this year?

Uh, I dunno, pass.

Put the speed up. Where did the steeplechase originate?


Anchor went the speed up. Well, yeah,

it was Elliot Kip Jogi board.

Uh, 1982.

This speed up. I can't.

I'm not the highest speed.

And he's Mike, stop the treadmill. Stop the clock.

I think we have a winner.

I don't think that's ever happened before I run out of questions.

We run out of treadmill.

Ah, yeah. Well, I reckon I could've gone on for a little while ago. Um, yeah,

making a cup, another couple of levels in, I might've been in trouble.

You know the saying don't judge a runner by his trainers.

That really goes for Freddy. That was.

Real Freddy completed the treadmill. He ran.

Out of questions and speed on the treadmill.

My mind is blown. What a performance.

That's incredible. Now don't go anywhere. We still have loads more coming up,

including your chance to win a voucher, to spend at show sponsor. Wiggle.

Now let's have a look at the running launches for September.

So autumn or fall for our friends across the pond brings with it.

Lots of new launches, including one from us.

So we've got a whole new set of running channel tech T's vast and a really nice

quarters app. You've got a few days left to sign up for the pre-order.

So check the link in the description to get your hands on one of the Heath.


Oh, nice. Very nice.

Soft on the skin now onto shoes and starting with under armor who have launched

the hopper mega clone two,

there are a couple of really cool features to their shoe. The upper,

which is made of something called UA clone moves and stretches to each

individual runners, unique foot shape.

This is something that was originally debuted in boxing champion,

Anthony Joshua's boxing boots.

There's also a sensor fitted inside the shoe that connects my Bluetooth to map

my run,

which gives you loads of extra stats about your run to give you ways to improve

your performance. That's not.

It is nuts next up.

And our sex have launched a new women's collection that focuses on being both

comfortable and supportive. The two things that we like the most.

So each shoe in the new Nagel collection has been designed to take into

account the female running style.

The gel numbers 23 and the gel Kiano 28 models have been fitted with agenda

specific trust stick,

an extra three millimeter he'll drop as well as a lower mid-sole density.

The gel pulse that teen shoe includes additional reinforcement around the heel

and color for a more comfortable fit and better ankle supports.

And finally, another shoe launch this month, this time from Brooks.

So they've added a whopping four models to the levitate five range,

the brands they're going through a whole re categorization of their shoe lines,

make it easier for us to find the best shoe.

So there were two different fit options to the levitate, neutral and support.

There's also the GTS version, which comes with Brooks guide rail technology.

Good for those of us who maybe need that extra bit of support.

And then there's the stealth fit version two, which is made from a stretchy,

but compressive fit upper and also includes the GuideWell tack.

That's aimed at runners who wants a performance shoe,

but with the supports included.

Next up it's over to the running channels. Resident physiotherapists,

Manny in the physio room to answer your questions.

Welcome back to the physio room with me,

Manni Ovola where I answer your questions and help you get stronger with your

running speed has been coming up a lot recently and people would like to know

how do they get faster and break their PBS.

So look no further than these three simple exercises to increase your speed

exercise. Number one is a glute hip thrust.

What you need for this is a chair at home and all you're going to do.

You're going to put your shoulders back of your shoulders onto that chair.

From there, you're going to lower your hips

and then bring those hips back up,

squeezing your gluteal muscles as you come up to the


if you starting off with this and you've never done it before,

the key thing to do is do six to eight repetitions and

you can do two to three sets of this.

If you have done this before and you feel comfortable,

you might want to do them to failure, squeezing at the top,

holding for one to two seconds,

making sure your head is lifted away from the chair and looking down

your torso. That's the glute hip thrust, and that will help propel you,

uh, move your pelvis and hips forward. When you run a size. Number two,

we call heightens this exercise allows you to

leave the ground,

pushing off each leg and working on your ground reaction

force. This is going to be important for your running.

So what we're looking to do is move in the nice lateral


Start off really simply working on that balance.

Making sure you jump shorter distances side to side.

As you get more confident,

you can jump further and further

really trying to ensure that you keep your balance and get nice and low.

Start off with 12 repetitions of this exercise.

This should be done on your strength day.

I really use those arms to propel you

and that's exercise. Number two, Haydn's exercise.

Number three are the Bulgarian split squats with this exercise.

It's all about keeping your stability and making sure that

you move in a nice vertical direction. So again,

you're going to need your chair. You're going to stand on one leg,