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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children by Daniel Defoe. Adapted by James Baldwin., CHAPTER 43. I MAKE A NEW BOAT


I MADE up my mind to begin the new boat at once.

So, the next day, I went with Friday to find a good tree.

There were trees enough on the island to build a fleet. But, I must find one that was close to the water, so that we could launch the boat when it was made.

At last Friday found one. He knew, better than I, what kind of wood was best for making a boat.

It was an odd-looking tree, and to this day I do not know its name.

Friday chopped it down. He cut off a part of it for the boat.

He wished to build a fire on the top of it and thus burn out the hollow part of the boat.

But I showed him a better way, to chop it out with hatchets and chisels.

In about a month it was finished. With our axes we cut and hewed the outside till it was in a very good shape.

Then we worked hard for two weeks to get the boat into the water.

But when she was in, how well she floated! She would have carried at least twenty men.

It was wonderful how well Friday could manage her. It was wonderful how fast he could paddle.

"Now, Friday," I said, "do you think she will carry us over the sea?" "Yes, master," he said, "she will carry us even in the worst wind." My next care was to make a mast and a sail, and to fit the boat with an anchor and a rudder.

It was easy enough to get the mast. I had Friday cut down a tall young cedar that grew near the place.

He shaped it and smoothed it, and made as pretty a mast as you would wish to see.

As for the sail, that was another thing. I had old sails, or pieces of old sails in plenty.

But they had been lying in this place and in that for six and twenty years. It would be a wonder if they were not all rotten.

After a long search I found two pieces which I thought would do. I set to work, patching and stitching.

It was slow work without needles, you may be sure.

At last I had a three-cornered, ugly thing like a shoulder-of-mutton sail to be put up with a boom at its bottom part.

I had also a little short sprit to run up at the top of the mast.

It took two months to make the sails and the rigging as I wished.

Then I put in a rudder to steer the boat. I was a poor carpenter, and I made a pretty rough job of it.

Friday knew how to paddle a canoe as well as any man.

But he knew nothing about a sail. He had never seen a boat steered by a rudder.

We made several little voyages near the island and I taught him how to manage everything about the boat.

Much as I wished to go back to my own people, I could not make up my mind to try the long voyage across to the mainland.

I had now been on the island twenty-seven years. My man Friday had been with me about two years, and these had been the happiest of my life. I had everything to make me comfortable and happy.

Why should I wish to go away?

I had a great longing to see my native land again, to talk with people of my own race, perhaps to visit my kindred once more. This longing I could not rid myself of, day or night.

But now new thoughts came into mind. I felt that in some way I would soon escape from the island. Indeed, I was quite sure that I would not stay there another year.

I cannot tell you what made me feel that way. But I seemed to know that some great change in my life was near at hand.

Yet I went on with my farming as before. I dug, I planted, I reaped, I gathered my grapes, I did everything just as though I had no such thoughts.

My man Friday was the truest of helpers. He did all the heavy labor. He would not let me lift my hand if he could help it.

The rainy season at last came upon us, and this put an end to most of our outdoor work.

We took our new boat to a safe place some distance up the little river, above the point where I had landed my rafts from the ship.

We hauled her up to the shore at high-water mark, and there Friday dug a little dock for her.

This dock was just big enough to hold her and it was just deep enough to give her water to float in.

When the tide was out we made a strong dam across the end of it, to keep the water out. Thus she lay high and dry on the bank of the river.

To keep the rain off we laid a great many branches of trees upon her till she was covered thickly with them. A thatched roof could not have protected her better.

Little did I think that I should never see our boat floating upon the water again. For all that I know, she is still lying high and dry in her little waterproof dock.

We were now kept indoors a great part of the time, but we kept ourselves occupied pleasantly, and the hours passed swiftly.

My first duty every morning was to read several chapters from the Bible. Then I instructed Friday in some of the truths of religion.

I was but an awkward teacher, but I did my best and was honest.

I began by asking him about the Creator.

I asked him who made the sea, the hills, the woods, the ground we walked on.

He told me it was one great being who lived beyond all.

I confess I could not have given a better answer.

He said that this great being was older than the sea or the land, the moon or the stars.

Then I said, "If this being has made all things, why do not all things worship him?" He looked very grave, and with eyes full of innocence, answered, "All things say O to him." Thus he taught me while I was trying to teach him.


I MADE up my mind to begin the new boat at once. Decidi começar o novo barco imediatamente.

So, the next day, I went with Friday to find a good tree. Por isso, no dia seguinte, fui com o Sexta-feira à procura de uma boa árvore.

There were trees enough on the island to build a fleet. Havia árvores suficientes na ilha para construir uma frota. На острові було достатньо дерев, щоб побудувати флот. But, I must find one that was close to the water, so that we could launch the boat when it was made. Mas tinha de encontrar um que estivesse perto da água, para podermos lançar o barco quando estivesse pronto.

At last Friday found one. Finalmente, Sexta-feira encontrou um. He knew, better than I, what kind of wood was best for making a boat. Ele sabia, melhor do que eu, que tipo de madeira era melhor para fazer um barco.

It was an odd-looking tree, and to this day I do not know its name. Era uma árvore de aspeto estranho, e até hoje não sei o seu nome.

Friday chopped it down. Sexta-feira cortou-o. He cut off a part of it for the boat. Ele cortou uma parte para o barco.

He wished to build a fire on the top of it and thus burn out the hollow part of the boat. Ele queria fazer uma fogueira em cima do barco e assim queimar a parte oca do barco.

But I showed him a better way, to chop it out with hatchets and chisels. Mas eu mostrei-lhe uma maneira melhor, cortá-la com machados e cinzéis.

In about a month it was finished. Em cerca de um mês estava terminado. With our axes we cut and hewed the outside till it was in a very good shape. Com os nossos machados, cortámos e desbastámos o exterior até ficar em muito bom estado.

Then we worked hard for two weeks to get the boat into the water. Depois, trabalhámos arduamente durante duas semanas para colocar o barco na água.

But when she was in, how well she floated! Mas quando ela estava lá dentro, como flutuava bem! She would have carried at least twenty men. Teria transportado pelo menos vinte homens. Вона могла б везти щонайменше двадцять чоловіків.

It was wonderful how well Friday could manage her. Era maravilhoso como o Sexta-feira conseguia controlá-la tão bem. Було чудово, наскільки добре П'ятниця впорався з нею. It was wonderful how fast he could paddle.

"Now, Friday," I said, "do you think she will carry us over the sea?" "Yes, master," he said, "she will carry us even in the worst wind." My next care was to make a mast and a sail, and to fit the boat with an anchor and a rudder. O meu próximo cuidado foi fazer um mastro e uma vela, e equipar o barco com uma âncora e um leme.

It was easy enough to get the mast. Foi bastante fácil conseguir o mastro. I had Friday cut down a tall young cedar that grew near the place. Na sexta-feira, cortei um cedro alto e jovem que crescia perto do local.

He shaped it and smoothed it, and made as pretty a mast as you would wish to see. Moldou-o e alisou-o, e fez um mastro tão bonito como se desejaria ver.

As for the sail, that was another thing. Quanto à vela, isso era outra coisa. I had old sails, or pieces of old sails in plenty. Eu tinha velas velhas, ou pedaços de velas velhas, em abundância. У мене було багато старих вітрил або шматків старих вітрил.

But they had been lying in this place and in that for six and twenty years. Mas eles estavam deitados neste sítio e naquele durante seis e vinte anos. Але вони пролежали на цьому місці і на тому шість і двадцять років. It would be a wonder if they were not all rotten. Seria uma maravilha se não estivessem todos podres. Було б дивно, якби вони не були всі гнилі.

After a long search I found two pieces which I thought would do. Após uma longa procura, encontrei duas peças que me pareceram adequadas. I set to work, patching and stitching. Pus-me a trabalhar, a fazer remendos e a coser.

It was slow work without needles, you may be sure. Era um trabalho lento sem agulhas, podeis ter a certeza.

At last I had a three-cornered, ugly thing like a shoulder-of-mutton sail to be put up with a boom at its bottom part. Schließlich hatte ich ein dreispitziges, hässliches Ding, das wie ein Hammelschultersegel aussah und an dessen unterem Teil ein Baum befestigt war. Por fim, tinha uma vela de três pontas, feia como um ombro de carneiro, para ser montada com uma retranca na parte inferior. Нарешті у мене з'явилася трикутна, потворна річ, схожа на вітрило з баранячої шкури, яку треба було прилаштувати до гика в нижній частині.

I had also a little short sprit to run up at the top of the mast. Tinha também um pequeno espigão curto para passar no topo do mastro. У мене також був невеликий короткий спріт, щоб піднятися на верхівку щогли.

It took two months to make the sails and the rigging as I wished. Foram precisos dois meses para fazer as velas e o cordame como eu queria.

Then I put in a rudder to steer the boat. Depois, coloquei um leme para orientar o barco. I was a poor carpenter, and I made a pretty rough job of it. Eu era um carpinteiro pobre e fiz um trabalho muito mau. Я був бідним теслею і робив досить грубу роботу.

Friday knew how to paddle a canoe as well as any man. Friday sabia remar uma canoa tão bem como qualquer outro homem.

But he knew nothing about a sail. Mas ele não sabia nada sobre uma vela. He had never seen a boat steered by a rudder.

We made several little voyages near the island and I taught him how to manage everything about the boat. Fizemos várias pequenas viagens perto da ilha e eu ensinei-o a gerir tudo no barco.

Much as I wished to go back to my own people, I could not make up my mind to try the long voyage across to the mainland. Por muito que desejasse regressar ao meu povo, não conseguia decidir-me a tentar a longa viagem até ao continente. Як би я не хотів повернутися до свого народу, я не міг наважитися на довгу подорож на материк.

I had now been on the island twenty-seven years. Já estava na ilha há vinte e sete anos. My man Friday had been with me about two years, and these had been the happiest of my life. O meu homem, Sexta-feira, estava comigo há cerca de dois anos, e tinham sido os mais felizes da minha vida. I had everything to make me comfortable and happy. Tinha tudo para me sentir confortável e feliz.

Why should I wish to go away? Porque é que eu haveria de querer ir embora?

I had a great longing to see my native land again, to talk with people of my own race, perhaps to visit my kindred once more. Tinha um grande desejo de voltar a ver a minha terra natal, de falar com pessoas da minha raça, talvez de voltar a visitar os meus parentes. This longing I could not rid myself of, day or night. Não me conseguia livrar desta saudade, nem de dia nem de noite. Цієї туги я не міг позбутися ні вдень, ні вночі.

But now new thoughts came into mind. Mas agora surgiram novos pensamentos. I felt that in some way I would soon escape from the island. Sentia que, de alguma forma, iria escapar em breve da ilha. Я відчував, що незабаром якимось чином втечу з острова. Indeed, I was quite sure that I would not stay there another year. De facto, tinha a certeza de que não ficaria lá mais um ano. Насправді, я був абсолютно впевнений, що не залишуся там ще на рік.

I cannot tell you what made me feel that way. Não sei dizer o que me fez sentir assim. But I seemed to know that some great change in my life was near at hand. Mas eu parecia saber que uma grande mudança na minha vida estava próxima. Але я, здавалося, знав, що якась велика зміна в моєму житті вже близько.

Yet I went on with my farming as before. No entanto, continuei a minha atividade agrícola como antes. Але я продовжував займатися сільським господарством, як і раніше. I dug, I planted, I reaped, I gathered my grapes, I did everything just as though I had no such thoughts. Cavei, plantei, colhi, vindimei, fiz tudo como se não tivesse tais pensamentos.

My man Friday was the truest of helpers. O meu homem, Sexta-feira, foi o mais verdadeiro dos ajudantes. Мій чоловік П'ятниця був найвірнішим помічником. He did all the heavy labor. Ele fazia todo o trabalho pesado. He would not let me lift my hand if he could help it. Ele não me deixava levantar a mão se pudesse evitar.

The rainy season at last came upon us, and this put an end to most of our outdoor work. A estação das chuvas chegou finalmente, o que pôs fim à maior parte do nosso trabalho ao ar livre. Нарешті настав сезон дощів, і це поклало край більшості наших робіт на свіжому повітрі.

We took our new boat to a safe place some distance up the little river, above the point where I had landed my rafts from the ship. Levámos o nosso novo barco para um local seguro a alguma distância acima do pequeno rio, acima do ponto onde eu tinha desembarcado as minhas jangadas do navio.

We hauled her up to the shore at high-water mark, and there Friday dug a little dock for her. Levámo-lo até à margem da água alta, e aí o Sexta-feira cavou um pequeno cais para ele. Ми витягли її на берег під час повені, і там П'ятниця викопав для неї невеличкий док.

This dock was just big enough to hold her and it was just deep enough to give her water to float in. Esta doca era suficientemente grande para a segurar e era suficientemente funda para lhe dar água para flutuar.

When the tide was out we made a strong dam across the end of it, to keep the water out. Quando a maré estava baixa, fazíamos um forte dique na extremidade do rio, para impedir a entrada de água. Thus she lay high and dry on the bank of the river. Assim, ela ficou deitada na margem do rio. Так вона і лежала на березі річки, високо і сухо.

To keep the rain off we laid a great many branches of trees upon her till she was covered thickly with them. Para evitar que a chuva caísse, colocámos muitos ramos de árvores em cima do barco até ficar coberto de ramos. Щоб захистити її від дощу, ми поклали на неї багато гілок дерев, так що вона була щільно ними вкрита. A thatched roof could not have protected her better. Um telhado de colmo não a poderia ter protegido melhor. Солом'яний дах не міг захистити її краще.

Little did I think that I should never see our boat floating upon the water again. Mal pensava eu que não voltaria a ver o nosso barco a flutuar na água. Я не думав, що більше ніколи не побачу, як наш човен пливе по воді. For all that I know, she is still lying high and dry in her little waterproof dock. Tanto quanto sei, ela ainda está deitada e seca na sua pequena doca impermeável.

We were now kept indoors a great part of the time, but we kept ourselves occupied pleasantly, and the hours passed swiftly. Passámos a estar dentro de casa grande parte do tempo, mas mantivemo-nos agradavelmente ocupados e as horas passaram rapidamente. Тепер ми проводили більшу частину часу в приміщенні, але нам було приємно займати себе, і години минали швидко.

My first duty every morning was to read several chapters from the Bible. O meu primeiro dever todas as manhãs era ler vários capítulos da Bíblia. Then I instructed Friday in some of the truths of religion. Depois, ensinei a Sexta-Feira algumas das verdades da religião.

I was but an awkward teacher, but I did my best and was honest. Eu não passava de um professor desajeitado, mas dava o meu melhor e era honesto. Я був незручним учителем, але робив усе, що міг, і був чесним.

I began by asking him about the Creator. Comecei por lhe perguntar sobre o Criador.

I asked him who made the sea, the hills, the woods, the ground we walked on. Perguntei-lhe quem tinha feito o mar, as colinas, os bosques, o chão que pisávamos.

He told me it was one great being who lived beyond all. Ele disse-me que era um grande ser que vivia para além de tudo.

I confess I could not have given a better answer. Confesso que não poderia ter dado uma resposta melhor. Зізнаюся, я не міг дати кращої відповіді.

He said that this great being was older than the sea or the land, the moon or the stars. Disse que esse grande ser era mais antigo do que o mar ou a terra, a lua ou as estrelas.

Then I said, "If this being has made all things, why do not all things worship him?" Então eu disse: "Se este ser fez todas as coisas, porque é que todas as coisas não o adoram?" Тоді я сказав: "Якщо ця істота створила все, то чому все не поклоняється їй?" He looked very grave, and with eyes full of innocence, answered, "All things say O to him." Ele tinha um ar muito grave e, com os olhos cheios de inocência, respondeu: "Tudo lhe diz O". Він виглядав дуже серйозно і з очима, повними невинності, відповів: "Все говорить Йому". Thus he taught me while I was trying to teach him. Assim, ele ensinou-me enquanto eu tentava ensiná-lo.